TlQfa Z. FLATTSMOUXH JOURNAC. am ; r r? n m Eft n 0 ceriHBPtfouy sraifa b&Eits h6i?.7 1 m a 3 u ttu pa xi fni Hk n Fii u ruj & w rt5 e a its a r bsj a a a wbct m'-'WfBri GECssssiM eaa&i'aniWiimga For our usual Saturday and Pay Day Bargains, wo have listed the following items, among which you are sure to find something you will need. These prices are good only for a limited period of time: Grocery Specials! 1 0 bars Laundry Queen soap '. 25c 7 bars Electric Spark soap 25c 2 cans large No. 3 Monarch Tomatoes 25c 3 cans Wisconsin Early June Peas " 25c 3 bottles catsup 25c 4 packages of Corn Flakes for 25c California table peaches, in syrup, larpe can 1 5c 12 pounds of dried peaches for $1 .00 Mouse cleaning time is now hero and you will no doubt need some Liquid Veneer to polish up your furniture. For a limited time only, you receive a 25c dust cloth with a 50c bottle of Liquid Veneer. This is a special offer to you, and well worth taking. 23E53 ' Dry Ooods SpsoiaSsi Kitchen Aprons', extra good bargain, at 1 7c Mexican Straw Mats, (indestructible), just the thing you want for your garden hat. outing hat, school hat, cooler than sunbonnets, at lDc, 23c, end 35c. 1! Kinds of Frosfc VsgefaLlss and Frails ai all times! THE PRINCE OF TONIGHT" IS THE SHOW OF THE AGE The Finest Music, Best Dancers and Cutest Lot of Girls That Eer Came to I'lattsntouth. Returns From the Hospital. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. II. A. Bates, who has been at the Immannel hospital in , Omaha for the past few weeks, returned home to this city, feel ing very much improved as the result of her treatment there. She has had very poor health for several months, and it was thought necessary to per form an operation, and its success hus been most pleasing to her family and friends. Mr. Bates was a visitor at the hospital yesterday morning and accompanied his wife home. 1 no aCALL PHONE 53 AND 54 Suffering From the (rrippe. iicturns From Hospital. Miss Vesta Douglass, one of the teachers in the Columbian school building, is suifering from a very sexore attack of the grip; e and her illness is so severe that she was unable to carry on her school work today i.nd v ill be compelled to remain at home : ovor .-xeial days. Mrs. C. L. Carlson i-; i aching the loom of Miss Douglass during her illness. This afternoon Mrs. Ben Dill of near Murray, who has been in Omaha for the past few weeks recovering from an operation for gall stones, was ab'e to return to this city, in company with her husband, and they will visit Dance Draws Mil!. nirht here at the home of Mr. Dili's jarentr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Diil. and tomorrow proceed via automobile to thoir home near Murrav. GETS WM. FOSTER INTO TROUBLE There was a large number present Saturday evening at the German Home to attend the dance given there bv the Fiattsmouth Turn-Verein, and V.'illiam Foster, whose appearance attested the fact that he had suffered from an engagement with old John Barleycorn, was present this morning in the court of Judge M. Archer to i answer to that authority for his hav- That There Vas Xo Cere for . ir.g been in a state of intoxication, and Him. ' I entered a plea of guilty to the charge 'preferred against him. The court, after "After suiTe' ing lor ox er twenty j hearing: the statement of William, de years w ith indigestion and having cided to place a fine of $J and costs When "The Prince of Tonight" makes his bow before local playgoers at the Parmele theater Saturday night, April 21, the reason for the great suc cess of this popular musical fantasy will impress itself upon the auditor at once. There is action, both in music and in dialogue, from rise to fall of the curtain. Scenic beauty and gorgeous costumes delight the eye, and tuneful melodies are abundant. Tom Arnold, appearing in the title role, is better suited for the part than anything that he has ever attempted. Adams, Hough and Howard, favorably known to the public as authors of "The Goddess of Liberty," "The Stub born Cinderella," "The Time, the Place and the Girl," and a score of other successes, are also proud to as sume the responsibility for "The Prince of Tonight," since it is regard ed by many as the best musical com edy of the decade. LeComte and Flesher have provided this attraction with one of the most elaborate pro ductions ever seen on tour. The cos tumes, the settings and the light ef fects are beautiful and striking and the harmony of tints, colors and t hades are enchanting. It requires more than money and hard work or experience to prepare such a production as is to be seen in "The Prince of Tonight." Such a lavishly furnished environment is es sential in the proper creation of atmosphere of magic mystery required FRIENDS ASSIST MRS. HOMER M'KAY IN CELE BRATING HER BIRTHDAY m mm Serins will he shown on special display at our store during the week beginning Monday, April 5th. If you are interested in any of these goods, call and we will show you our com plete line. These are nil beautiful patterns and we olfer them at popular prices. Saturday afternoon a most delight ful gathering was held at the home of Mrs. Homer McKay in the north part of the city, when some twenty of her friends gathered to assist her in cele brating her birthday anniversary in proper form, and the occasion was one filled with the greatest of pleasure to all those present- Mrs. McKay has just returned home from the Panama canal zone and brought with her a splendid collection of different articles from that locality, and these were of the greatest interest to the party and it xvas with great pleasure that they viewed the many handsome articles and wished the hostess many more happy birthdays and that they might all be able to join in the happy oc casion. As one of the features of the afternoon's amusement the guests were requested to each write a few i lines on a letter that will le sent to Mrs. W. E. Maxon, a daughter of Mrs. McKay, residing in the canal zone, and each one penned a greeting from the old home for this lady that she will enjoy in her far-off home. In honor of the occasion Mrs. McKay received a large number of very handsome re membrances that will be treasured by Tom Arnold is i her in the years to come. The Mc- FOR SALE. FOP. SALE Assorted eggs fr Fe ting, $2.00 per 100; also duck eggs. Inquire of Mrs. Tied Spangler or call 'phone 2101. 3-lC-d&w-tf Splendid for Rheumatism. "I think Chamberlain's Liniment is jjst splendid for rheumatism," xvrites Mrs. Dunburgh, Eldridge. X. Y. "It has been used by myself and other members of my family time and time again during the past six years and has always given the bet of satis faction." The quick relief from pain xvliich Chamberlain's Liniment affords ;s alone worth many times the cost. Obtainable everywhere. FOR SALE Good Early Ohio seed potatoes, 75c a bushel. Inquire of Ralph Haynie. 4-7-tf-d&w Letter files at the Journal office. Piattsmoutti's BASKET - STORE Pay attention and cash and save money by taking advantage of our cut prices on goods advertised and also on a lot we haven't space to advertise. Hershey's Cocoa, per pound. .20c Gold Medal Cord Flakes. 2 pks. . 15c Grape Fruit, per dozen 30c McLaren's Peanut Butter, per lb 15c Full line of Candies COFFEE r i "Star Peaberry" and "Our Pride." both splendid coffee at 25c per lb. Cottage and Carnation milk small size ( for 25c; large size 3 for 25c Call or phone 434- We deliver Fresh Fruits and Vegetables by the fanciful story seen as a stranded college youth at Kay home was very prettily decorated ; 3 "The Breakers," Palm Beach, where J with red carnations and ferns, w hich Told some of the best doctors here tell me there was rn cure for me, I think it a genuine good time was enjoyed for j only right to te'd you. for the sake of several hours in the tripping of the J ether sufferers as well j-.s your own mazes of the dance to the music f ur- ! satisfaction, thj.t a 'Jo-cent bottle of ni.-hed by the Plattsrr.oulh orchestra j Chamberlain's Tablets not cn'.y re- ui.uer the leauersh-.p of Tom Svoboda, ; lie-.xd me, but cured me within two 'the judge accordingly allowed him to and the event was one of the most: months, althoich I am a man of 05 go his way to take up his work, with pieasant that has been held there for iycrrs," vrnte Jul. Crobien, Houston, j a warning to William to avoid the pit ? time. , Texas. Obtainable falls that nnVht. l.pspt hi wav. for the violation of the peace and dignity of the community, and was able to disgorge from the prisoner the sum of $2, which was accepted, as the man stated he desired to take up work on a farm which he had in sight, and he is employed as a life saver. Re- cause ot his lack ot position an l xvealth, he is jilted by a beautiful heiress. Under the spell of the magic hour of the blooming of a century plant, he becomes Prince of Lunitania for the r.ight. and unless he is kissed by the right girl before the night passes, he is to die at dawn. Some of Joseph E. Howard's catchiest songs are heard, among them: "Tonight Will Ne-er Come Again," "I Can't Re True So Far Away," "Mean Moon Man," "I Fell in Lox-e on Monday," "You're a Dear Old World, After All," "Her Eyes Are Rlue for Yale," "The Rest Thing That a Waiter Does Is Wait." We Are i Hi IHtKL VULlMt ' while this warm beautiful Spring weather is prcvailiug, is just the time to do that house cleaning. And we want to let you know that we arc in the best position to help you do it, especially the Vaccuum Sweeper, having the splendid brush attachment, Rugs, Car pets, Linoleums, Matting, and Floor Oil Cloths. We are also making a SPECIAL OFFER on the s MS 2W issard Mop Yours" for 1.50, withone quart can Window Shades 30, 40, 45, BO and 60c the only mop wliit li ts in the rornr of oil absolutely VRVAl. Curtain Sniins, plain and fancy colored, bordered stM Silk Handkerchiefs, in all shades, at each ' Our Summer line of Underwear and Hosiery are the most complete line ever shown in this city, and are now ready for your inspection. We have on display our Summer Wash (Joods and Crepes, especially ood for the cool Summer Underwear. EMBROIDERIES! Special values 4 to l.r-m wide, fast edged, at 10 and 15c 27-in Embroidered Flouncing at 45c per yard. at . . 10 to 50c 10c i win BV 101 1" V"! WL -J BEN HORNING HOME FROM . HOSPITAL OVER SUNDAY lent a most artistic touch to the happy j p-ntherinjr. At a suitable hour a very delicious luncheon was served by the j w hostess, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. ! 3 W. If. Bunch and Mrs. Minnie Pickard and Miss Bunch. As a remembrance of the happy eovent Mrs. McKay pre sented each fruest present with a hand some hand-painted fan, which had been brought from Panama and which were beautiful souvenirs of the occasion. AT Ne THE Wow in Our Building LD STAND! LOW WITH AN ATTACK OF PEROTIfllTIS Yesterday afternoon Ben Horning came down from Omaha to spend Sun day with his family at the farm south of this city. Mr. Ilorninj? has just been able to leave the hospital, where he underwent an operation for a growth cn t,he right cheek, and which de- eloped quite rapidly and was regard ed as very dangerous, but the opera tion, which was performed at the Wise Memorial hospital, seems to have re moved the growth, and Mr. Horning is feeling much better. lie returned last evening to the hospital for further treatment. That he is recovering so nicely will be most pleasing news to his host of friends throughout the county. THOSE AT THE HOSPITALS DOING WELL Mrs. L. II. Ileil, who has been in Omaha for the past week recovering from a slight operation, has so far recovered that she was able yesterday to leave the Immanuel hospital, where she has been taking treatment and will spend a few days in Omaha with relatives before returning home to this city. Mrs. Andrew Kroehler, who is also at the Immanuel hospital, is getting along nicely and every prospect for her recovery is now held by her physi cians and family. Mrs. Arthur KefHer, at the Wise Memorial hospital,' is also reported as doing very nicely, and although her operation has been a very severe one, he is getting along as well as could possibly be expected and is progress ing in fine shape, which will be very pleasing news to her friends here. FOR SALE A set of light double harness. Or will trade for a good set of single harness. Inquire of J. M. Young, on Chicago avenue. 4-12-tfd Tom Svoboda, one of the employes of the Burlington blacksmith shop in this citly, is quite seriously ill at his home in the west part of town, suffer ing from an attack of perotinitis, and his condition for the past few clays has been quite serious. Tom has just re covered from a very tedious sick spell as a result of an attack of the measles, which confined him to his home for five weeks, and had only been at work a few days when taken with per otinitis, and the attack has been very severe. His parents have been sum moned from Lawrence, Neb., owing to his critical condition. Our line of goods both groceries and dry goods, will be in place, and ready for your inspection any time that you may call. Every article on our shelves is absolutely new and fresh from the mar Jvets. We believe that we now have one of the very choicest lines of merchandise that lias ever been on display in tlu city. By giving you the best the market affords at juices that are most reasonable we believe that we are entitled to a share of your patronage. (live usacallat the new room at the old stand. OR. DAVIS, OF THIS CITY, IS PLACING OSTEOPATHY I am placing osteopathy on a com mercial basis. I have done so much good by this method of treatment that I propose to guarantee results to everyone who takes treatment from me. I do not mean that I will cure all who take treatment, but I will guar antee benefits in each case undertaken by me. , I can tell, on examination, whether can benefit you or not, and I am simply giving you assurance that I will tell you the truth about yourself. I am a graduate of the oldest osteopathic school in existence. My prices are cheaper than you can get in Omaha, and my treatment the same. DOXT PAY ME IK YOU AKE NOT BENEFITED. Consultation free. DR. DAVIS. 'Phone 484 for Appointment. CASTORS A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho L la ISIlliiiEl II u U".yBUIK) i n: 1 u Nearly everyone who really understands gaso line motors boosts the overhead valve type. The reason is plain. This type uses less gasoline, less oil, develops more power, keeps cooler, has less car bon, is more accessible, has no "pockets," the explo sion is direct, exhausts the gases completely, motor picks up quickly, throttles down evenly and is con ceded to be the most reliable and dependable type. Not only is this the best type of motor, but the Buick is the best motor of this type, because the Buick Motor Company is one of the pioneer builders of the overhead valve motor. The rest of the Buick car is equally as good. Let us show you. Ask for Our New Buick Catalog and Get Our Buick Prices. i jpff 11 H o p OFFICE Telephone Building. IOGkt Telephone Mo. I Plattsmoulh fl lie ocLl tssasBssasma LvRii! Signature of 3C