vnr. 4. PLATTSMOlJTn S1CMI-WEEKLY JOtTRNAC. THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 191'. Cbe plattsmouth journal Published Sml-Weokly at Plattemouth. N e b r. Entered fct the rostoiHce at riattsmoutb. Nebraska, as soeoud-class mail matur. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Proes S1.50 Per Year In Advenoe March! March away! Sc. Patrick's the 17th. day next in order- to :- f THOUGHT TOR TODAY. Yea, Lord! yet some must do Life's daily task work; some i Who fain would sinpr, must toil Amid caith's dust and moil, v - While are dumb. Julia C. B. Dorr. :-x-::-w-w-2-x-:-w--:-:-S' Society's Debt to Motherhood. Mo.-t of those who have gone the Iajc are goi'.e. :o: On- of the cheapest things of rc:d alue is politeness. :o: The price of wheat went tumbling1 Monday in Chicago. :o: War is what? There is a shortage f Leans in Do.-ton. - :o: If you .should ever he so foolish as to v.iite a letter you want burned, bum it yourself. : : Perhaps those five sneezing1 sensa tions are merely trying to talk about Ilus.-iun battles. The ciosinr- of the exchanges on Washington's birthday deprived th j gm.blers of an opportunity to ma':e rrcJiing out of the Evelyn episode. :o: If you avciage to be right more ' f.t than you are wiong you are pr.-ba'dy doing as wcl! as your neigh bor. :o : In to rr.cit the hij.h cost or When it came to a question that touched the heart the senators ware found amenable to wholly human im pulses. They refused to provide by law that children who have been separated from their parents through the tragedies of fate that throw them as charges upon the public generosity may be hiden away from their par ents in such a way that there may never be any sort of a reunion. This biil sought to provide that af ter a child has been removed from the "... . . . i custody of its parents, ana turneu over to a society or a court that has given it away into a new home, the court or society which so gives it iray not be required to tell where it is placed. The idea of the measure was that a child thus separated from it parents and put into a good home should be protected from the neces sity of ever again encountering those: who gave it birth. Undoubtedly this measure was in spired by some organization that makes a specialty of separation chil dren from erring or impecunious par ents. Generally such societies are made up largely of those who have no children of their own. As an r.hstract proposition, the purpose of the bill was good, but in perhaps so many cases as otherwise its opera tions would be cruel. Ca.-es have been known in this state wherein widowed or deserted mothers have been compelled through stress of poverty to relinquish their children to strangers, and when better circum stances enabled them to care for the fi. i.r in Chicago bakers have not on'y Uhiidren, have been unable to learn i .creased the mice of doughnuts, but j where they might be found. Those co are making the holes larger. TJ e climate that bei'ige: ants aro H t r.dii.g .10,nX.000,C:00 a year rn the European war staggers even th? oM-fa -hior.ed populist accustomed to the use of big figures. ::- The young man who has discovered th:-.t the mock marriage in which he was the 1 lideyroom, is binding, doubt -le.-s wishes that he lived in some other state than Xew York. :o: Up to dale there has been forty-five carloads of provisions sent from Ne braska to scraving Belgians, when t !ca.-t half of this should have remain ed at home to case some of our own sufferers. rr: - Here's hoping the Old Missouri will rot get too boisterous this spring. You know she gets on her high horse t very once in a while, and the time for one of her treacherous leaps and bounds is about here. :o : Republican clubs of Ohio have pre sented the names of four of the state.: sons as candidates for the republican romination for president: Senator elect Harding, Governor Willis, Myron T. Here-irk, former ambassador to Frarre, and Senator Rurton. Nothing like presenting a full bill of fare. :o: The Canadians' fear of aeroplane raids is absurd fur two reasons. In the f;rst place, an aeroplane raid is not dangerous, and in the second tl '.-re is n3 likelihood of any enemy f.i. iiig an opportunity to make one. :o: Wisconsin republicans p'opose to .-tar l by President Wilson. This i. the text of a resolution introduced in the senate of that state by a re.u'-lit-nn member: "Resolved by the sen ai", the assembly concurring, that th? Ivg'slature of the state of Wisconsin, rd:r.g the sentiments of the people of Wisconsin, extends its heartfelt . ymjathy to President Wilson and rxprorre its entire confidence in hii ;rgrity, his patriotism, his single r.s;s of purpose at d his zeal." whom they had been entrusted re fused to give the mothers any in formation whatever that would lead to the establishment of their where abouts. To those who have borne children an understanding of the heartlessness of such a course is easily manifest, and many a parent has not hesitated to say that if any one were to attempt to accord him or her that sort of treatment it would lead to derperate measures. Hatred of immorality on the part of others often leads wholly well meaning people into brutal intoler ance. Repugnance for shiftlessness operates in the same way with many. It is no unusual thing for the public tc detect cases in which over-zealous humanitarians are found crushing the hearts of the poor and vicious. It was not very long ago that the public prints rescued a babe from the clutches of an over-officious chil 1 saver and returned it to the arms of a foster mother who had learned t- love it as her own. The tie between the natural mother and her child is one that man has no right to consider lightly. Even the undeserving mother has a higher claim upon her child than has any-man-made law. It is a claim that nature has not endowed her with either the right or the power to re linquish forever. It is doubtful if the .-tate is doing humanity a real service when it finds a home for these chil dren and debars parents, especially mothers, of the right to ever see them again, to look inta their eyes and hearts with the tenderness that is a.i essential of motherhood and to kno.v that they are not being subjected to neglect and cruelty from strangers. Society is sufficiently at fault when it provide3 conditions that neces sitate the estrangement, even tem porarily, of the mother and her bah. It does not cure its laches when it at tempts through summary proceedings to make such estrangement inexor ably perpetual. No foster-parent is good enough, and no natural parent bad enough, to justify cruelties that are palpable outrages upon human affection. Lincoln Star. Let's plan a clean-up day as early as possible this-spring. :o; Very few men seem to have (observed the expression on September Morn's face. :o: Economy masquerades so much that some of us spend a dollar trying to save a dime. :o: Apparently the income tax law is hitting the ball players a good deal harder than the ministers. Not all the money in the world is invested in base ball player. A Hol stein bull was sold the other day fo. $20,000. :o: So far as we know, while some cf them proceed leisurely, no section hand was ever accused of not earning his stipend. :o: Our industries may be teriibly up set by the war, but as long as the base ball season will open soon the country is safe. :o: The great trouble is if one does turn over a new leaf, some nosey per son will come along ever so often and turn back to the old pages. : : The only thing that prevents many people from visiting the Panama-Pacific exposition is the selfish refusal of their friends to loan them tho money. :r: Years ago you could make the aver age riattsmoutb boy happy by slan ':ig him out in tho spring with a vhecibarrow, but now he has to have a motorcycle. :o: Congress is liable to adjourn with the Nebraska patronage deadlock cs ever. And then the apopintments. no doubt, will be made in vacation, as usual in deadlock cases. :o: Twenty days more and the legis lature will have to adjourn or wori: for nothing thereafter. It's marble-; to chaik that they won't stay long in Lincoln after their pay stops. :o : The high price of flour may not lead any more housewives to learn to make bread, but no doubt they will write several fine essays on the sub ject to be read at the woman's clubs. :o: Teddy Roosevelt has been suggested as an official adviser to Mexico. Cut Ilexico doesn't need advice as much as it needs a big stick which he ha handled heretofore with considerable dexterity. :o: Jim Dahlman is warming up for commisioner this spring. But he may be paving the way for some of his friends in case he should receive the 5'ppointment of collector of internal revenues. :o: . Buttermakers have influenced the I TIGHT AGAINST WAREHOUSES market reporters to say "firm" in-! , stead of "strong." :o: Arguments against fulfilling the j ri:biic warehouse pledge of the demo- Another way would be to mahe jcl'atie and Populist platform take the Europe come after foodstuffs, instead of running delivery wagons. " .r; The man who hanged and shot him self because of his poor luck took no risk of his hoodoo causing another failure :o: Even if the president provided a farm in Arizona for the hoboes, they would not stay on it in the good old summer time. :o:- The Russians attribute their recent defeat to poor railway facilities. This was the explanation of the result of the Russo-Japanese war. :o: The threatening clouds and mild atmosphere make the entry of March more like the growling of the lamb than the roaring of the lion. :rr- That was a cruel court at Alton, Illinois, which imposed a fine of ?3 on Nicholas Spircioyanichlas. A name like that is punishment enough. :o: An Iowa senator would appoint Mr. Taft and Mr. Roosevelt on a commis sion to bring about peace in Europe. But will not a preliminary commis sion have to be named ? :i : fcrm of special pleading from the very nature of the case. The special pleading may be advanced in behalf of a very worthy special interest, as for example, the co-operative elevator concerns, but it is none the less spec ial pleading. Its effect is to advance the interest of a. part as against the interest of the whole. If the situation be looked squarely in the face, and fairly considered from the point of view of the welfare of the whole people, it is difficult to see what argument can be effectively presented against warehouse legisla tion. The outline is simplicity itself. Why, in the first place, should any one object to allowing individuals, partnerships or corporations from j establishing public warehouses if they wish, such warehouses to be under the proper control and regulation of the state? Why, in the second place, should anyone object to the right being ac corded any citizen to store wheat, or r.ny other commodity, in such a ware house, paying the charge therefor and taking his warehouse receipt? Why, in the third place, should any one object to his offering that ware house receipt as collateral for a loan, if he wants to do that? And why, in the fourth place, should anyone object to the bank accepting the warehouse receipt as collateral E; V u vm,4J ' ' IJi" ""'!, -' Children Cry for Fletcher's sp3 vAjy TIio Kind "SToa Have Always BotisM and vliicii has been in use for over SO years, lias bomotuo signafuro vZ and lias been made under Ixia per-- yZ-Vf- sonal supervision since its infancy 'X yccUtC, Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good " are- bu Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho honlth cf Infants iind CliHdren Experience uijuin&t Experiment What Is CASTOR? A Castor! a is r. harmless snbstitute for Car.for Oil, lare poric. Drop?? and Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. 15 contains neither Opium, Morphine iu:r otlier .Nareol'o substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fcv .risliness. l'or more than thirty 3 ears it has been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation, STatalcncj-, V.'ind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and liarrlH:a. It regulates tho Stomach and bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural fclcep The Children's I'anaccar Tho 3Iother's Friend. AST ir Bears the Signature of It is safe to bet for a little while anyway that the farmer who let his wheat go at $1.50 was the wise or?. ?nd making the loan, if it thinks the And, happy to relate, there arc sev-: collateral good and is willing to make the loan? Yet this is about all there is to the eral of them in this section. :o: Another attempt is to be made by i public warehouse plan, which such a the fashion fans to give Tnen feathers j tremendous effort is being made to in their hats, which news will be re ceived with gratitude by the sort of men likely to care for that sort of thing. You know the kind. -:o:- And there are a number of Ameri cans trying to steal the southern half of Mexico. The Mexicans are making enough trouble for the United State.3 without Americana going in there to create more. :o:- Xow that four young women have been admitted to practice before tho United States supreme court, it is hoped that the revered justices will see the importance of having their gowns hang straight. :o: Many men in this old town are re gretfully compelled to give up gard ening this spring on account of tho selfish and indolent refusal of their wives to cultivate it. It will be worse 1han that if they ever get suffrage. t :: Lincoln Star: When the republicans again secure a majority of the Ne braska legislature, if such a thing should, ever happen, will they recall tho fine precedent of non-partisanism set by the current session in the turn ing down of three contests by demo crats for seats occupied by republicans? ilanana flour is said to be a health ful and satisfactory substitute for grain flour and the United Fruit, com pany is said to be shipping thousands of tons of it to the armies of Europe. One stem of bananas will make eight pounds of flour. :o: Why Attorney General Reed wants to butt into the railway commission ers' business is more than we are able to conceive. If it is to gain popularity, he is simply slipping ofT Kis nut. We can't see where there is any call for his actions. Willis had bettor draw in his horns while the drawing is good. Judson Harmon, who was elected governor twice in Ohio, may be prj vaiied upon to run again in 191. But what would he get from the pres ent administration if he did succeed in being elected and carry the nation al ticket through with him? Today he is the most popular democrat in the Buckeye state. :o: Nobody proposes to compel men to open warehouses. Xobody proposes to compel a single farmer to store a single bushel of his grain in any one of them. Nobody proposes to compel a singio farmer to borrow money on his ware house receipt. It is all left entirely optional. Farmers and others who already hnvc all the faciiit thev need to Of course Plattsmouth is the best city of its inches in the state. You have known this for several years, but did you ever think what made it so? By every good citizen boosting. There are so many reasons for begin ning the early spring by another genuine boosting spnrit that has made Plattsmouth famous. Then don yo".r hustling clothes early and boost as you never have boosted before. :o: Only once since the lormation of Uhe United States of America have Iwo states been made out of one; that was the case of West Virginia, which was created out of Virginia when the western part of that state refused to secede. West Virginia be came a state of the Union June 10, 1803. Now it is proposed to. make two states of Texas and another state of parts of Washington and Idaho. Western Texas and that part known as tbe Tanhandle wish to be alone. The people of that section claim they arc not given proper attention by tho state government and that the east ern portion of the state dominates legislation. Moreover, Eastern Texas io "wet" and Western Texas is 'dry." In area Texas is the largest state in the Union and in population it is I fifth. hold grain, and to borrow money, will not be affected. They can go right along doing as they are doing now. But men who want to open ware houses, subject to public regulation, will be allowed to do it. Farmers who want to use them will be allow ed to use them. Farmers who, while storing their grain, want to borrow money to tide them over till they are ready to sell, will be afforded a means for doing so. WTiy, we repeat, should anyone object? Isn't it to the public interest that means be provided to make it easj.' and convenient for farmers to hold their crops till they are ready to sell till the market is favorable? Why should speculators and grain dealers be given a practical monopoly of the benefits of high prices? Why isn't the farmer, who does the work and produces the crop, as much entitled to the top market as is the speculator? But, it is objected, if the farmers store their grain it will increase "the visible suppiy" and facilitate gambling. Is the visible supply any more "visible" if the farmer owns part of it than it is when the gamblers con trol practically all of it? Can the speculators gamble more successfully in grain owned and con ii oiled by the farmers than in grain controlled by themselves? The World-Herald would be the last newspaper to suggest that a special interest be denied a hearing and fair consideration of its argu ments to a legislative body. It would be the last to urge that the legiti mate rights of any special interest be trampled under foot. But it doe:; respectfully suggest to the legi -lature of Nebraska that the legitimate rights and interests of all the people have a prior claim over special privileges demanded for a few of the powers. World-Herald. The Kind Yoa Have Always BoiigM In Use Fcp Over 30 Years Senaior Mattes is very insistent in the passage of his insurance measure, to the effect thut the maximum for which insurance policies can be col lected is the assessed value of the propei ty so insured. This is what is t'.rmed tho "valued policy" law. Whether it be the real purpose cf Senator Mattes to reform business men so they will not over-insure their rroperty or whether it is intended by him to be a tax-reform method, we are unable to intelligently conjecture. It would appear to provide a remedy for both. No business man would v.iih to insure for more than he could collect in case of fire. If he wished to carry a full line of insurance he j full of easy time boarders, but whn would have to give in his property to j a man draws a fine it means that he Lhe assessor for a like amount. Ttjgets just that many days on the pub- Most people who have never been in Texas have the impression that about every other man in that state carries a six-shooter, when the real facts are that there is less "gun toting" in Texas than in almost any other stale. In tho first place every dealer who sells a revolver must pay to the statj a tax equivalent to the price of tho gun, in otherwords if a revolver is regularly priced at $19, the dealer must get n-0 for it in order to meet this tax. It is the rule almost with out exception that when a man i.T found carrying a gun who has no right to it he gets a $100 fine and f'.d clays on the road. The jails are not may be that there would be an oc casional temptation to arson by giv ing in property at a high valuation for the purpose of insuring it to burn, since the tax would be much less than the value of the property. Cn the whole, however. Senator Mattes idea that the tax value of property ought to be its burning value is a good one. :o: Toor Italy, having experienced death-dealing earthquakes and floods which have threatened the very pil lars of Borne, is now being urged to join the war. However, Italy had better take the other advice of Ger many: "Enough is plenty." :o : The trial of the Barnes-Roosevelt libel suit has been set for April 19. It is a mere coincidence that this will be the anniversary of the first blood shed of our two greatest wars. lie roads. These two laws have very nearly eliminated promiscuous gun plays in that state. The meeting tonight of the Cop merical club is one you canot afford to miss, so be on hand early. mm AUCTIONEER -Weeping Water, Hcb.- will take charge of your public sale business. Farm sales a specialty. Owners' interests are always guarded with the best ability, and satisfaction guaranteed. For open dates telephone at my expense to Weeping Water. VM. DUNN. Sell your property by an ad in The l office. A. ' '- . (; Eggs hatch better if the hens are m H perfect condition. life's ISsPTPfsifoT it. Kir lak ajr fc 3 !i - A. 4a ft. J L s 5,3 pays bip; the-year 'round. It prevents dis-V'-xVi ea30, sharpens tho anpetrto, improves Xjyv-, dio.3tion. lo'i if fro? more live' eggs more and stronger chick:;. t t piclSl Poulry Reguhtor pushes the ,V-- young ones a!ong no that they are fully (S-fy-y matured, redely for budncss, their finst if-' -'j.7 Winter, f ig-. 2Se, S0e, CI.C?; 23 I, pail $2.50. C. JvJTW FeaiSl Animal Regulator and r.ll Pratt -, vP stcck and poultry remedies are aruararjtced .1 X to give satisfaction cr n-.cney back. -3 Get Prcf3 100 page Po7;tirj Bonk. J. V. EGENBERGER tr ,- 4.. --m