PAGE 4. PLATT8M01JTH SKMI-WEESfcY SOURNAE. MONDAY, MAttCJT 1, 1MB. 0)e plattsmoutb 3ournal Published Semi-Weekly at Platttmouth, Nebr. Kntprrd at the Tostofflce at Plattsmoutb. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, ' Publisher Subscription Prloej S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe goods, trimmings -ami "buttons. For The arly maid catches the -bridal the boys he had knives and hair oil, j train. and the latest cut of cbllar. and the :o:- newest things in neckties. He knew I TO KEEP OUT OF THE WAR. Though America's latest note to the British and German governments has Gossip is orie kind of as that is L treated as an abvsmal secret fl everything that was to "be nown, par- always tatai to friendship. f. A Mn5fjtla nanoi. ticuiariy about the doings and goings of the whole neighborhood and the 3 VU - lit .:; . . ' ' j'-K::::::':iLi;:i.!:::i:Ij::i.",!illn 1 1 newspaper patches from London, Berlin and Keep wit of the war" should De Washington atrree as to its nature. ..uw.uwua -xuuuu. iN.unr.wiui uc siogan oi tne unitea say that the United States has were ailing, who were courting and :o; suggested that the British covern . . .......... i i " wnat success xney were mamng At it, Some young people attend the big ment accept the offer of Germany, to and when the -Wedding was likely to university simply for a social whirl. discontinue its submarine attacks on WVVU1. , . I ., .. - , I 1 A T7" 1 J -u 1 u. mercnanunen n Xingianu win on ner The only Indian raids at all alarm- part allow foodstuffs designed ex- THOUGHT FOR TODAY Endurance is the crowning quality, And patience all the passion of great hearts. Lowell. 4 :o: lie pood happy. and maybe you'll be A homely foolish lie. truth is better than a :o :- The appetite for political plums is nonpartisan. :o: Wheat has advanced as a result of foreign buying. :o: Now is the time to inaugurate the pood roads movement. :o: An old "safety first" idea "Think twice before you speak!" :o: Entertaining Angels Unawares. Roosevelt still insists the Colombia claim is pure and simple blackmail. :o: If you are anxious to learn some thing, just try to learn an old dog rcw tricks. -:o:- Busincss has not been very brisk in the cuv for some time on account of the bad roads. ; ; . The European war may go on until debating societv settles it one way or another. :o: Congress is almost sure to have i jrn-at amount of work unfinished when it a ljourns next week. Old Sol can do wonders with the ro;;is if he will let his countenance MTiile upon us for a few days. :o: One day it appears that the ground hir actually did see his shadow, and th.n a week hence it appears a cinch that he didn't. :o: t -1 : i- r i i i . i.iiu-ii iorce, li is saici, nas ;:pturcd the Garden of Eden. If so, it i not. the first time the "spot has I ctn the scene of serious trouble. -:o:- In the early spring, as soon as the loads dry sufficiently, is the proper time to get out that road drag, and keep it .moving every spare moment you have. -:o: There are several appointments due to Nel.rr.5ka that should be made and confirmed before this congress ad journs, for the good of the demo cratic party of the state. But will this be done? :o:- This European war which began six ronths ago has already lasted longer Ihi;ny any war on the continent in more than a century. It has cost millions of lives and billions of dollar.-. Hundreds of cities have been laid in ruins; hundreds of thousands of homes have been destroyed and priceless art treasures that have been im inspiration to the world for cen- turies have been obliterated. And no man can prophesy when the end will come. :o: .Senator Hitchcock's bill to place an cmtiargo on arms and ammunition las been defeated. The question of itutrality itself, however, will not be tfttled until there is neutrality or an tnd to the war. No man, with one h.park of patriotism, should want to ice his country involved on the one :,ide or the other. There arc differ ences of opinion as to how best to ke-p out of it. and a discussion may prove whoierome, but there is no oc casion for any "gag" business. Our most vivid recollection, how ever, is that of -German soldier .'in Over forty years ago, it was our the army -of General Blucher, who treasury. duty to provide entertainment for a was m tne battle of Waterloo. When bunch of preachers. The congregation father asked him to tell about that' was small, but other folks kindly of- battle, the old man's eyes flashed, he fered to help us entertain, and among arose from his seat, and grasped the them came a nice old widow lady of Poker as an improvised -sword. fHe the old school, who lived with a hurled out German words that we daughter, also a widow. She told us cculd not understand, until we fairly that she would like to entertain one of saw the hlaze out of Blucher's xnrfon, our preachers, but she was somewhat I an imagined that sword was flam particular. She didn't want an elder; inSt that it was red With blood, and she din't want a married man, but -a I tnat we could hear the thunder of nice, good-looking and well dressed, I the cannon, the charge of the artil- polite and pleasant bachelor or widow-1 'ery the shouts of the victors, and er! We were fortunately able to com- the groans of the wounded and tlyhrg. ply with the requirements. A day or I These times have long passed. 'Chfl- two later, the younger widow came to dren are now sated with books and us and said she had read in the Good with stories, most of which -are hot Book about entertaining angels un- worth telling or reading, and never awares, but that they had entertained I were. But we believe that if a person an angel and knew it! It grieves us could travel over the countryside, to have to state that no wedding while he might not be received as are cards followed. "angels unawares," he would prob In thinking over this old incident, ab,y find "angels unawares" in unex we are reminded of that arly time Pected places. He might find where when the latchstring was always out, he least expected it some old farmer when visitors, if not exactly angels, with a truly scientific spirit, who has were channels through which infor- 6pent his life in observation, and who matioh new and strange poured into could correct scientists in their state the young mind. Do our younger ments leaders know what the latchstring JI would find in many a Country was? The primitive door in the old home with furnace and hot and cold log house was rudely made, home- ater an every comfort, old people made. It was fastened on the inside who if they 0uia "be persuaded to with a large wooden latch, which tak about the past, could tell 'of C- r'M ' 'i.'t'l 1 " J fi : ling are those made on the federal Iclusiv el y for civilians to pass undis turbed into German ports. :or j it is a rational suggestion on tne EocPresident Taft says that Presi- face of it. Both governments are tent Wilson should "be upheld on his making of international law only "a neutralitv-nolirv- scrap of paper" by their maritime . . .p. I policies. If Germany's offense in I Tl 1 T 1 1 1-1 1 French soldiers are to be allowed to Peisiuni was Krea'" nBianu marry by proxy, although the dis- offended when, as long ago as last patches fail to state the reason. October, she declared, by an order m .0. j council, that foodstuffs bound for a Two American ships already de- neutral Port consigned "to order," or stroyed from mines in supposedly consigned "to territory belonging to I ' 1 1 ?F 1 .1 I ODen seas is the beemnimr of some- or cupieu oy an enemy, wou.u ue thing serious for somebody. subject to seizure. Germany's re- ... - Itahatory policy, carried on by sub- I Jl i 1 Perhaps if the speculators could marme a"acKS anu uy mmes l"il,re I l i ' 1 1 i i. j a. : I run Un'lh' r,r,W -tit rrfl?n ttA flnnr no' oniY imperilling out amuoyuig some tiistance further they might be heatral vessels and tekine the lives able to contribute something to the of citizens of neutral countries, is yet I A 1 hungry. lanotner oirense. It is not so important, from the I -11 . 1 of the State I viewpoint oi tne neutral governments, who "started it" as how and when it -:o:- c?43 VJ : :i: I'm . Cl mm ALCOHOL 3 PEKCknt Acgc(al)cPrcparaiionIbrAs strailaiing (lieFocdan(lR;ma. ting Uic Siomaclis andUoveti of Promctes Digestfonfocri ncss and RratXontalnsnctlter Opiuni-Morphine norrlincraL Not N ah c o tic. ceyeifOMDrSMl.Tirmmt jUx.Serwa JkMttScttS" jtoiseSnd 1 J), CarieaakUa HimSffd- Aperfcct Remedy for Consfy tion,SourStomach.Dlarrtoa Worras.CovuIsioiisJ:evmsn Xiess and LOSS OF SLEEP. racSiwilc Signarare of The Centaur Compakp NEW YOK. mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' Bears the Signature of 7W W ' 3n Use For Over Thirty Years Guaranteed uncterthe i-oodoij Exact Copy of Wrapper. Dean 'C. E. Bessey University died Thursday morning at his home in Lincoln. His death was s oinS to De stoppeu quite sudden, and from heart Germany, in its reply to the Ameri trouble. can note Prtest, pointed the way :o Put To speak in plain Enish. Ger- that such a course, drastic as it might Oh, don't worry. The song of the many promised to be good if England seenit WOuld be a great deal more lawn mower will soon be heard in your would be good. If England would rearly proper and statesmanlike than neighbor's yard, when you ought to abandon the attempt to starve Ger- for Uncie Sam to paint his face bjack be up in the early morning doing the man women, children and non-com- emit a war wnoop, and jump into the same thing. ' batants generally, Germany would no fight. World-Herald. .n . I longer imperil neutral merchant ves mm TKionntan mwm. mcw ona crrr. dropped down into a catch,and which hardships and privations in securing could not easily be broken through, this home, such as our young folks Just above the latch there was a hole have 'never dreamed of, and which, let bored through the door. A string us ope. they vill Tiever be called on was attached to the latch, and when to endure There we find a strength this -was put through the hole and and heauty of character developed hung on the outside, it said to all from their life and circumstances, comers and goers: Just null the wh,ch we will seek in Vain else- string, and this house is yours. J where. Farmers in those days were greatly Here and there he wil1 find some in the majority. There were no tramps oId lady whose lover was kiIled in the or thieves prowlinir about. There was war' and who has.perhaps in her holi- little in the house worth stealing, and est p!ace a faded flower or a button the stranger was welcome to come in from his 'um"forn, or perhaps his last at his own sweet will, warm himself letter or maybe a Jetter from a friend li-ii . . . and help himself to whatever was in iemn& 01 nis deatn on the . battlefield, the cupboard. This was in the genera- or SivinS his last message as he lay in tion before our day. Even in our the hosPital- They may be surprised own early life, there were no magna-10 nna xnat tn,s oid ,ady 15 sweet and zines, and few dailv DaDers. Our in- wholesome and content, because she struction came from the weekly, Hot J has been nKa&ed through all these ce Greeley's Tribune, and the county years ,n "elpmg other people. It is If -1 ... ... paper. The minds of the young people j nara 10 te" what Jovely things one were not sated then, as thev are now. I mint find traveling 'from farm to Education wa3 very simple, and our arm nd house to house, if possessed What we desire to find out, what sels engaged in the orderly pursuit of hiwntn! t Ko ww y,a 1 inn their Jawtul business, mere was a kr V. A lit V VllUb A1VIJ IT CAM. lilIU A A V 1 1 I Sultan of turkey requested Islam to hit of impertinence in this sugges- start When the sablirae porte edged tion it; must be admitted, made as it j into the frav7 Iwas, not to England directly, but to :o: i Where a chaperon is wanted where she is needed. iS :o:- Administration officials declare thai the United States. The United States 11 win De years alter tne war closes Every speaker described a Wash- is in no wise responsible for Eng- """ ""' " v- I lon'c D.f;r, TV.0 ri-o-,t f th win assume its normal condition, ine ingion oi ins own in commemuraiinj; --- 1 the life work of the Father of Our United States cannot be made to de- u""'u"u' Country, but none sought to discredit Fend on England's observance, or any his character or ability. :o : Someone is always worrying about the "perpetuity of our institutions," are important. but in spite of that the country has been rolling along toward progress that no other administration has ever other country's observance, of inter- held to Put the merchant marine of national law tnis country upon its feet, but it has But here, again, it is results that so far failed to meet the emergency When madmen are I ts attempts have been defeated by its ene-ae-ed in crazv conflict, imoervious own Pariy memoers in congress, anu to reason and blind to neutral rights, should remember that lost oppor I . V 1 1 Ml ever since George Washington took it is no time for the neutral to stand unities, line canquo s gnost, win rise the reigns of government. on strict formality. It appears mat ". - . 1 1 . . . . 0: the government at Washington has self-same lost golden opportunities Now -an . extra session of congress very wisely taken this view, and so :o seems probable, but there are other has transmitted the German proposal The United States' government can expenses you will feel more, so don't to London. very quietly settle all trouble between let that cause insomnia; let the con- It is possible that the plan will this country on the one hand and gressmen stew, as some of them are work that the British government Germany and Great Britain on two 1 apt to in one Way and another. I will consent to it. 'If it does, the other hands. Uncle Sam can put an ;p I problem will have been most satis- embargo on all shipments of all kinds -Neutralitv. let us noint out acrain. factorilv solved, so far as the Unite J either to Great Britain or Germany minds were not lumber houses of in- of that rare faculty of drawing out of J ,egt ym forgetf is limited to acts of States is concerned. We will then be and let it go at that. Sell everything formation, but little of which is usable peopie tneir """oat experiences, their war and iaoesn inCluJe talk, which free to carry on our proper and law- that is being shipped away to our or will ever be used. Hence a visit " histories. I. "wut-i, w;iM,pin von to 7in- ful commerce with both Eneland and home Deonle and keep our war muni TT ... u H I , r I I c nu men wno naa had aerstand that this is still a neutral Germany, undisturbed by the war ves- tions at home to use against the dountrv. vou micht not infer from sels of either power except to stop other fellows if they make any trouble always welcome. cast down, but never discouraged, who h. nvr,n whon it turns to the transit of contraband. for us. Thimrs couldn't be much The preachers came, but we young- M11 raet advrsfty with a brave and jriike topics. But the impression seems to pre- worse in America if we' cut off our sters were a little afraid of preachers, LUUIC1eou5 sPir, and Had grown, as I ;0. vaii that the proposal will not be ac- shipments to Europe, and maybe and stood in awe of them. Most of we a11 must Srow, by overcoming dif-J Bread is now bringing fifty cents a cepted. In that event, more than one home folks could buy necessities of them were very severe and stern, were ficultes and enduring adversity. loaT in Mexico, which is sufficient rea- gloomy forecaster is prophesying that life at reasonable prices. What's the rtrong on rebuke, and had little un- He ght find some of the other; son for not being a Mexican. But a the United States will be drawn into use of getting into trouble trying to derstanding of child nature. Once in!sort' who cannot forget their past af-; continuation of shipping foodstuffs the war." But the rumor comes per- cell goods to both sides.when it means a while there came one with a charm nations, who take comfort in dwell-i out n the broad sea to have them sistenly from Washington that Presi- trouble? - that won us all." He could talk to the K on them, who are soured and seetn 51own up and wasted, instead of giv- dent Wilson has another card up his little girls about their dolls. The old- to resent the success of others, and ine. to our OWTl hunerv people, it will sleeve er girls thought they were young WOTUer wny n is that fortune has not n0t be Tong till Americans will be . It is Embargo, irneither Germany ladies in his presence, and received all Javored them also. We will not dwell paying fifty cents a loaf, and the nor England will permit us to carry the deference, respect and kind and on these because the impression we poor of the iand doing without. on our commerce with Europe .except gentle affections which was the due of want to leave on our young folks is . ;o; in deadly peril of becoming involved the girl just coming iAto womanhood. one of the brighter and happier and tt seems that the Hindoos invented in war. why not say: "Very well, He talked to us boys about our games, better things of life. ' Anyone who flatJdoodle.- At least they have a then. Rather than go crazy ourselves, and what we expected to do end be in will keep bis yes open, and who is In legend that God made woman of the and join with other crazy nations in me; and wnen he went away, he car- sympauieuc toucn with the best .that roundness of the moon, the undulating wrecking civilization, we will stop ried our hearts with him. We were s in humanity, will often find that curVes of the serpent, the velvety trading with both and all of you. We nis inends forevermore. . ne nas "entertained aneels un-l.-nf,D r n? ,-n Wr, n1,r fnostiiffs and other I . 1 UUi. bllUOO bllC HUnClOi VtlV V w. I 11111 vwa. Then came the turn of the, teacher awares." Wallace's Farnrer. So far as records show, no farmer was ever listed with the unemployed. 1 :o: The first day's attendance at the San Francisco exposition does not in dicate that world fairs have played out, after all. :o: Some men's idea of promoting the resumption of business is to sit around the office discussing when the war is likely to end. : :o: Yes, the legislature is grinding away without creating any particular excitement or the old-time interest in the making or defeating of proposed laws. :o: The banks apparently need no stat utory help in keeping down over drafts. The mystery is how any leg islator got the idea that such help was necessary. :o: It is strange how diffci-cnily you estimate your probable inenne, when your wife wants her new spring uit and when you are figuring on buying a 1915 automobile. from a stranger meant a red-letter day on our calendar, and thev were na struggles, who had often been IX!, DU, AUCTIONEER - Weeping Water, Neb. - will take charge of your public sale business. Farm sales a specialty. Owners' interests Are always guarded with the best ability, and satisfaction guaranteed. For fcpen dates telephone at my expense to Weeping Water. WM.DUNN. to board at our house; and that was a great week. He knew all our disnosi- 1 :o:- Circle Tours of the Pacific Coast fa planning "The Perfect Coast Tour" or the "See America Tour " Scenic Colorado is of the first importance. No coast tourist mnlri nfTnrH to. sav rhftt he had not included '55rrn?rfw:ilnrrTr" irkr .' the cTouds. th timid itv of the hare, necessities for our own people, pre- . ...... . J 1 , , , otner in ine-yvono sgreaiest ran journey, uo one way via Seattle. Port i tne neat 01 tne tire, tne enm ot tne serve tne peace, ana wm. uu and durind the season visit either GlnnVr Y1aw.. m-ii uemOfnsrs l!n ro t ha Aoi4h I 1 . - . .... 1 r 1 . :n l 0 Wl,kl wviw BnoWi the -vanitVrOf ,the peacocK. tne had enoufirn oi ngnung we win iin t iv fnfh : i. "v tions and failings. He could open up hundred million years old. and yet tf U-klW r 't tL cooin, of Uv to do business with you again v": Vast Voyage . . ii,. j ... . . . . M 0 x " " " " . oeiweeuoduuauuswj nuu ruumuu. to us a wnoie wonderland ot knowi- ""5'" na irew every sunsniny, the turtle dove, , the cruelty of the It is only a rumor, of course. Presi- edge, for he was not under the re- morning. tiger, the .gentle gaze of the doe, the dent Wilson may not be considering strains of the schoolroom. :o: ; lio-litnpaa of h fovthr fht bflrdness ihat: course at all. It may not be Then came the peddler with his Talking about small Calibre menj Lf the diamond, the inconstancy of the proper. It may not be statesman- wagon, who was the delight of the rays me iseatnee Express, the man wid, the frolicsomeness of the dan- ship. It may be against precedent- whole countryside. We remember one wno tendered the minister $1 for unit-Jcinir sunbeam. th Graceful twist of thoue-h it represents what Thomas ef them. His name was Best, and we inS him with the girl of his dreams, J the creeping plant, and the light shiv- Jefferson did more than a hundred called him "the best ever." He had deserves the persimmon. There wasLin- Af tbo crra blade and the vears am.- But there are. out this all kinds of things ' that delight a fl ime when this -service was consid-j sierideTness of tiie willow. Some more way, a good many corn-fed and crude- woman's eyes; new fashions, dress ered to be Worth, at feast $1.25. ' mush.' nlease! lv amateur diplomatists who believe Through the season, various publications. SDedarfoTders Anrf th like will be available, descriptive tof the Burlington circuit rates and khrough service routes. , - . R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. L. V. AVAKELEV, General Passenger Agent. 1004 Farnani Street, Onialia, Neb.