The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 15, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1913.
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Published 8ml-Wekly at P I a 1 1 m o u t h. Nbr.
Entered at the Tostoffice at Flattsmoutb. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Bubsorlptlon Prloei S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
1va that, nnnnrtiinitv would make I Nobodv ever saw an officeholder A LUAr Or lilib.AU.
men of a very larere proportion of I with a retiring1 disposition.
those convicts. The world owes every :o: " "There is a shortage of food in the
- I mi m . i i . . I ii-vi-ll - rr TViof c Vi ArtQ (fO will ho
moh nnAFiiinv Tha urnviH oif i ne Drice oi meat nas oeen iosl .vWtow
the released convict with denial of sight of in the price of bread. - more serious a few months from nov
opportunity. One of the , tremendous - :o; , ww. t aaxjr
things in Ford's statement is that he It would appear that the pure food we plant a great deal more. It .s
t... ntfe w,n nprnittPd f law is not beinir enforced in many necessary that our land should yieM
i. j : . . ujn Inlapps. more per acre than it docs. It is
CVVHy - 0 X I
5 There is only one way to get J
V ready for immortality, and that
-I- is to love this life and live it as
bravely and faithfully and &
4 cherrfully as we can. Henry
Van Dyke.
You are entitled to the benefit of
the doubt, but you may not get it.
:o :
There are several new residence
under contract for the coming spring.
Does your favorite theory accord
with common sense?
portant test.
That's an im-
Who's-the most useful man in town,
From preacher, lawyer, doctor, down,
shops. It is a glorious demonstra
tion of opportunity, a splendid object
lesson in sound philanthropy, a
greater success than even his profit
sharing scheme. In the presence of
justice and honorable helpfulness,
how insignificant the millions piled up
ji- ii ii . i
;q; i necessary mat mere snouia nui ue i
If you really and truly know thy- plow or a spade idle in this country
self you know just how selfish other if the world is to be fed." It was
people are. natural that President Wilson should
:o: in his address to the chamber of corn-
Evidently peace between the powers merce of the United States refer to a
that be at Washington has reached subject that is engrossing the worl.l
Who neither smiles or wears a frown? I for pure charity's sake by rich men the vanishing point.
The Editor.
who hardly let their right hand know
what their left does, ' and who im-
It is also possible to start an argu-
loday. Everywhere bread is the sub
ject of discussion and action. Ger
many a,nd Austria are conserving
T 1 1 ii. ... u t v. i. : ,l
Slighted de that the mere giving is dis- -ent with a woman, but you'll have their supplies by governmental power.
CF I. ! 1j..i Tl ! !! l ll --.--.
a ,-.f v fl ; .. i-, of ohHo-atinn tn srviptv nnil ro let ner nmsn it. ureat uruain IS lOOKing lo me pre
4-iiu jvm tuv nets o iiv w -l vra.w I - o " --o -. .-. ...-. .
Children Cry for Fletcher's
To the Lusitania: That's not what
the stars and stripes are for. So cut
it out p. d. q.!
Get a hustle on you only five
more weeks of winter, according to
Mr. Groundhog.
From present indications Platts-
mouth will do her usual amount ox
improving this year.
Some of those who still hope for
universal peace are married men.
Tis a strange world.
:o: .
The bread-line is long and hungry
in many places considerably longer
than the wood-pile line.
:o :
Valentine day is close at hand.
Send your enemy the ugliest one you
can find. Cowards' day, you know.
Some people are prudently prepar
ing for Lent by eating and drinking a
quantity sufficient to last over the
penitential season.
The man who says the neck of a
chicken is the best part of the fowl
is a standpatter, unless it is the
other kind of chicken.
: o :
Tm Majors is not down and out
yet, as the senate is liable to go back
on the scalping bill passed by the
house removing the genial Tom from
the state university board.
The hoof and mouth disease
again? Oh, Lord! Perhaps we had
better plan to eat a few more vegeta
bles this spring and summer. Do
your early gardening scheming now.
Neither W. II. Taft nor Theodore
Roosevelt has been seen buying any
valentines this season. Neither has
anyone seen either Champ Clark or
W. J. Bryan investing in valentines.
The president of the Sears-Roebuck
company is said to receive a salary
of 50,000 annually. He is entitted
to it, for h.s has to handle the biggest
lot of suckers of any establishment
in the world.
The government has just issued a
rewspaper which is to aid in the dis
tribution of farm products to con
sumer by arcels post. It lists near
ly 200 farmtrs and small dealers who
will sell and ship their "products via
parcels pot. Illinois, Indiana, Michi
gan and Wisconsin are the first states
to be liste.l. Eggs are more general
ly offered than any other product,
with home-made jams, vegetables
and canned fruits. Some of the farm
trs ofTer walnuts, butternuts,1 cheese,
freh sausages, honey and porK as
veil. Onie communication is estab
lished between a thrifty farm and a
thinking housewife the rest is easy.
Postal cards are cheap and the week
ly orders ere promptly filled within
twenty-four hours.
The Editor.
Who fights the battle none dare fight,
For what is clearly just and right
And drives the foe plum out of sight?
The Editor.
And yet who even hides his name
Unmindful of the scroll of fame
Or of the public's loud acclaim?
The Editor.
Who lights the torch for other men
To honor, gain and wealth, and then,
Who hears them say, "Do it again?"
The Editor.
Who works most like a gaily slave
And stems the tide of wind and wave
With faith and hope and courage
The Editor.
... ... . , i
satisfaction of duty to humanity! :o: scrvauon oi ner communicauons wiui
11- i ,1 til Ti -
.Tnst.iVA flnrf nnnnrfiim'tv enmnriw nil a depressing war rumor nas been me worms great granaries. ita-y
I - c ; ki' v.-q I leported. The Germans have nol and other neutral nations are stock
'all men are created equal." That's
all. Our "industrial relations are
being established on foolish, fradulent
substitutes. Henry Ford is getting
back to the sound principles. He'll
make men by making opportunity for
men, and, heaven be praised! He'll
evacuated Milwaukee yet
mg themselves with food against
lay of possible shortage. Not many
Billy Sunday feels he is the one! months ago bread was a dry and un
man qualified to clean up New York; interesting subject, of importance
a violet by a mossy stone is Billy! chiefly to the trade. Bread and
:o: plenty of it was taken as a matter of
Mr. Groundhog was able to see his course. Today it is different. Amonr;
likely show that it's highly profitable! 6hadow in some localities, but east the matters that engage men's minds
:o. of us where he is more conspicuous, bread stands out as a problem
Cnn wo ronp-ratnlatP mii-spU-P that the weather was cloudy. So there giant proportions. We now see it in
winter is nearly over? Or will we
wait until the groundhog's tim.
you have it.
is up .
all its naked majesty and vast
:o: sijrnificance. The loaf of bread, hum
department of ble object as it seems, is big with
We see that it is the prop of
Whose heavy task is never done,
But meets him with each rising sunan(j out 0f style.
As big as when twas hrst begun:
The Editor.
The government
animal industry estimates that the I Fate.
1 - ll. V L I 1 I - -
Occasionally you see a woman IOJ,s OI noSs m ims country annuany empires, the support of .great tiynas
wearing something that really looks 1S i.ouu,uuu. Now you see where ties. It is the strength of march
ike a hat. But she's old-fashioned a11 the grease goes to. and countermarch, and all the opera-
:o: tions of contending armies. It is an
o: i "jr i- vi.v-.n-fe " engine oi war more powenui man
Formerly when you brought home warehouse proposition. Do you know any Gf the gigantic instruments that
! j 1 i a m i i i 1 I ' .
Who in this world shall know no resta baS of dried prunes your wife ine reason wny: oimpiy uecause mey men nave yeW perfected for their de-
Nor peace within his troubled breast thought it quite a luxury, but it have many elevators of their own, ruction. It is the life of great
To come a moment as his guest?
The Editor.
Who'll go to heaven when he dies,
And sing with angels in the skies,
So much to other's surprise?
The Editor.
takes a box of fresh strawberries to an(1 are right, perhaps, in their op- peoples. It is the condition precedent
produce the same thrill now. position. 0r civilization, arts and all the re-
:o: - I .o. hnements oi human lite. A loat oi
Prti-ident Carranza is again in pos- It is estimated that the average h-rcad; how antique and venerable a
session of the Mexican capital, while Ie m the war zone of an artillery hhing! But it antedates the pyrimids
General Villa is headed for the north, horse is four days and that of a and f rom the summit of uncounted
Somehow the environments of the I cavalry horse ten days. If one were centuries looks down on those monu-
capital city was not suited to his a horse he would prefer to join the ments or regal pride. A loaf of
infantry. bread: how poetical a thine: it is! All
:o: .he tender beautv of Ruth, the erlean-
jtr, standing "in tears amid the alien
Among other things, Henry Ford, I testes
the Detroit profit-sharer, told the
Lnited States investigators of in- iivc bilki providing for a con- Members of the I. W. W. howled
uustriai relations mis. My idea is j stitutional amendment have been in- Miss Jane Addam down when shj COrn;" all the forgotten songs of all
justice and not charity. I have little I troduced in the house and four in the wis speaking at Hull House the other foi-p-ottn harvesters in the
use for philanthropies as such. My J senate, bat two of them are prac- day. The chief purpose of this or- L.vorld's bright youth; the huge con
mea is to am men to neip tnemseives. tically duplicates of each other, -he ganization seems to be to stamp out tent of the old heroes resting after
Nearly all are willing to work for duplicates will possibly get through, whatever sympathy decent people Ljie vast toils of an epic day; all the
j i - I . l
auequate rewaru. vve nave all Kinds ;o: may have had for it. long unrecognized process by which
of cripples in our employ, and they Senator La Follette has introduced :o: made homes of what were merely
are making good. We have a great a resolution authorizing the president That man Hall, railway commis- habitations; all the bright worship of
many who have been in prison, who I to call a meeting of the represent- sioner, should be bucked and gagged, v,e rr0(js of ancient Greece and all the
are outcasts from society. Every latives of neutral nations with a view or something should be done with him jeep pathos of the slave-driven la
one of them is making a good show- of taking some joint action to bring to keep him off the floor of the senate ijor Gf the Italian latifunda all thes
The Kind You Have Always Bought and whlcli has been
in uso for over uO years, lias bornotho Mgnatnre oi
and has been made unacr ins per
1 ' sonal supervision since its infancy.
'-C&ccLcZ Allow no one to deceive yon in this.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
.experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless snbstitute for Castor OH, Iare
goric, JJrops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other .Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays fev -rishness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
IMarrha'a. It regulates the Stomach and Uovrels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural felcep
The Children's lanacea The 3Iother's Friend
Bears the Signature of
Tlie Kind Yoh Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
L. Tl i J -rtlt.f-Mftfc
ing and is gaining in self-respect and about peace, if possible. It s worth and house. Old men become erratic
strength of character. We will guar- the effort, even though it fails. from age, but Hall becomes erratic
antee to take every convict out of :o: for the want of a few more brains in
Sing Sing and make a man out of I The advocates of a state printing! his upper story.
V, : . -vr ii i a . - . i . I
nun. xou coum run a government, a piant at tne Degmning oi tne legis- , :o:
religion, a family, or a business onjlature seem to have lost all their en-j If the weather man has any kinJ
such a formula, and make an un-Jthusiasm in that direction. Well, wejof winter weather that hasn't been FO-Cy
heard-of success of it. Fact is, it is 1 presume it is just as well unless the served vet. we want to see it. We
a loaf of bread comprises. Yet even
more! A loaf of bread typifies the
vast simplicity of the fundamental
facti. of human life. The unessential
is always complicated wlifther it be
a question of morals, conduct or state
But beneath the cumbrous
.uperstructure of men's lives be
neath the unimportant considerations
which short-sightedness finds su
Christianity, or a bible, expressed in boys in the house can get a leader have had everything from a blizzard
condensed form. If we should trade I who will lead in the fight. Of course to a drizzle, and from 60 above to 2 j
off ninety-five per cent of our charity the Old State Journal don't want a below, and yet we have heard leos rrpmiv ;mT)0rtant suDDortinjr and
i i 1 1 .
for the conviction that aiding our state printing plant, and this is crumbling about the weather than
brothers to help themselves is the simply the reason why the papers when we have a real open winter.
true philanthropy, it would be a dif-lout in the state do want one.
ferent, a much better world, because
justice would prevail. Much of our
charity is really pure sin, and that
part of charity which is offered as
restitution, a substitute for justice, is
the most degrading of sins, in that it
corrupts both giver and receiver. Can
you imagine a condition with all kinds
of cripples "making good," all sorts
of outcasts making a crood showine
and gaining a self-respect and
strength of character? This would
simply mean the giving of opportunity
to the unfortunates instead of crowd
ing them away from it. We know
that, with very few exceptions, com
paratively, all cripples and all those
who have tasted criminal life are
willing to work, but we deny them
opportunity and then, through one
process or another, support them
ourselves by our own labors. The
plan is debasing and fooliah. Un
doubtedly Ford, with all his millions,
would fail in making a man . out of
every convict in Sing Sing. There
are men who honestly believe that the
world owes them a living. Such are
the product of generations of breed
ing to such conviction. Injustice has
been working a long time to produce
such, and we have them. But we be-
giving me ana purpose to it an, re
vealed to the seeing eye and the feel
ing heart, still lie the high simplici
ties of duty, reverence, work and love
and law.
. ' :
ViUa is on the throne.- That is he
was when this item was written.
President Wilson possesses the
backbone no question about that.
Holland has about concluded that a
neutralized country in Europe is an
international goat.
:o :- '
Wc doubt whether the plumber is
always square, but he is generally
'round in'this kind of weather.
The pure food law should be en
forced or repealed, and let stale eggs
be sold with impunity, as is being
done right along.
The girls will receive kindly gifts
of those popular artificial flowers,
provided you can show that they cost
as much as the real thing.
The New York food commissioners
asked Secretary of State Pool for an the duties of the office to which he would have dealing in futures pro-
itemized statement covering the has been elected. And then he will .hibited, in order to lower the price
points mentioned. have enough to do. of food. Hints lor opposition.
If you would know who are goo 1
Testing seed corn is but one of the I citizens, you have but to walk along
many little things being done by the the streets. The good citizens are
progressive farmer to insure better those whose- front walks are free of
crops. With an entire crop of corn s-now. The man who cares nothing
depending largely on the seed, it be- for the comfort of his neighbor and
hooves every farmer to make sure who while enjoying the advantages
thati he is not throwinir awav his of civilization, refuses to do his
time and soil by planting unproductive thare, is the man whose walk is still
seeds. The matter of testing the unswept.
seed is so simple, and there are so :o:
many different ways in which the It is always something of a shock
test can be made, that there is no ex- for a man to return to his old home
cuse for the lazy farmer to take town to find that no one missed him
chances on his corn crop. greatly. That fully demonstrates that
:o: I when a man picks up and departs for
Senator Mattes proposes to in- other localities, thinking that he had
vestigate taxes collected by the sec-1 spited someone or perhaps many peo-
retary of state from corporations un-jple, finds that his place is taken by
der the law requiring all corpora- just as good a man,, and perhaps a
tions to pay an annual occupation fee better citizen.
to the state. He has a bill before the
senate to repeal this tax and he de- Tom Majors has not been removed
sires information as to the amount of yet from the state university board,
tax collected, the cost of collecting it thanks to the level-headed members
and how much has been' paid by pub- of the state senate, and despite the
lie service corporations and how much particular advice of theat man.
by small corporations of this state. Thomas, who would better serve the
At his request the state senate has people by attending particularly to
For the first time in sixty-eight
years a month will elapse without the
moon rounding into a full circle. Dur
ing the entire month of February the
moon will not be full at any time.
Prof. G. D. Sweezey of the university
department of astronomy says that
the phenomenon is comparatively rare.
For nearly 1 three-quarters of a cen
tury every month has had at least one
full moon. The fact that one month
can escape the full moon is due to the
fact that the full moons follow one
another at intervals of approximately
twenty-nine and a half days. The
intervals are irregular because the
calendar was based on the solar in
stead of the lunar system. February
breaks the sixty-eight-year-long rec
ord by a very narrow margin. The
last full moon came at 10:41 p. m. on
January 20 and the next one will come
on March 1 at 12:33 p. m. The last
time that a month passed Avithout a
full moon in America was in 1847. The
fact that February contains so few
days is the only thing that enables it
to get by. There were two full moons
last month and there will be two dur
ing March. After' that each month
will have one full moon for some
Hides Take.
My specialty is removing the hides
from dead animals, horses and cattle,
allowing a small fee for the hides re
moved. Arthur Jacobi,
, Mynard, Neb.
On One Gallon of Oi! -
One hilling ot lank! I
KAYO Incubators tro!
Iiitrher average hatclif-s be
c:uiu center heat insure;
even t eniieriiUne. llintrci
iflasstop puts eyves. tlioi
mometor ami all in plair
sii-'lit. sii vimr lalw.r. Oil tank
needs but one hllm$r for en i
tire hatch. Flame rotrulatoi
uvin A In t irals. oil everv
hatch. Ilatchnitf chart ana money maKinu
iHiok on renuest. Write for them and new
catalog. Call on or address
OSCAR WILSON, .lattsmoulli, Neb.
The lecture course numbers that
are being given nere under tne
auspices oi tne Doard oi education
and the International Bureau of Music
and Dramatic Art, will next be given
on Thursday evening, February 18th,
at the High school auditorium, when
Prof. Nathan Bernstein will lecture
on "The Restless Jew." Itvhad been
announced that a musical namber
would be given on this date, but owing
to t conflict in the booking dates the
musical number will appear later,
and this eminent Hebrew lecturer will
offer his splendid intellectual treat for
the public of this city, and it is one
that will be thoroughly appreciated by
everyone, as it covers a discussion of
the Hebrew race in a frank and in
teresting manner.
n n
-Weeping Water, Neb.-
will take charge of your public
sale business. Farm sales a
specialty. Owners' interests
are always guarded with the
best ability, and satisfaction
guaranteed. For open dates
telephone at my expense to
Weeping Water.
51 Choice Government Irrigated Farms
Now Ready in the Big Horn Basin
Government Experts after an examination of soil and water
snnplv have put their strong approval upon 51 farms in the Sho
shone Project near Powell, Wyo. The Government has put $52.00
-er acre in a permanent water right for these lands and asks only a
return of the money in 2o"years without interest, no payment for 5
rears after the first payment ; no drawing, you can secure one of these
farms, from 40 to 80 acres, if you act early.
IX THE .NORTH PLATTE VALLEY of Nebraska another
Government Project provides irrigated homesteads on the same pay
lent plan. Owners offer improved and new lands at attractive prices
md most favorable terms. Scottsblutf has one of the, largest beet
sugar factories in the United States.
Toin our homeseekers' excursion 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of anv
month and see what these favored sections offer you.
Do you realize the worth of an irrigated
farm which Government Soil Experts class as
"choice?" Write me. j
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
I w
1 r