The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 25, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
Cbe plattsmouth journal
Published Som l-W eakly at Plettemouth. Nebr.
Ettered fct the I'osioffice at Ilatttmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Bubaorlption Prloe: S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
A constant struggle, a cease
as battle to bring success
from inhospitable suroundings !
V is the price of all great 4.
! achievements. Morse. m
It is easy to become polished after
ou get the money.
:o :
Farmers, generally, this year are
complaining less than for many years.
:o :
The more snow
the more wheat
the more wheat,
the higher the
You shouldn't spend all your time
s-eeking encouragement if you hope to
f:r.d it.
Those who are talking two-dollar
.heat certainly have but little regard
for the hungry.
Fighting for one's rights is so
strenuous that many people prefer to
t e imposed upon.
tiy to please everybody;!
there is such a thing as undertaking
too danged much.
U;i'"le Sam should understand tha'.
the i.'ifume of every man of family is
taxed to the limit.
We a!! occasionally get a vacation,
I -ut Old Father Time sticks to his
knitting all the time.
While it ii deplorable that there are
men flirts, en the other hand the men
t;irt because they get encouragement.
It will prove a pretty serious joke
tc Uncle Joe Cannon if, after he has
"come back," they prove fraud in his
The roads are still blockaded to
Mich an extent that it is impossible to
get through with vehicles in many
Some of the senators and congress
men will persist in listening to de
t ates on public questions, when they
uuht to be settling the patronage
rows between rival factions.
Governor Blea.-e of South Caro
lina, after pardoning all the convicts
c ut of the state penitentiary, pardon
cJ himself out of the executive chair
five days before his term expired.
If "Billy"' Sunday can do any good
vith the senators and congressmen
in Washington, he may have some
hope of the grafter;
around Omaha, if he ever gets there.
The great success attending the
work of the German submarines adds
interest to the item that the United
f-'tates navy is now having construct
ed the jrrcatcst leviathan of the deep.
If is declared to have several improve
ments over any other submarines thus
far, among these being her ability to
lemain submerged for a day at a time
snd to have dircctable torpedo tubes.
Good for Uncle Sam; he is entitled to
the best.
And now all the talk is of when
the allies' advance will begin to sweep
forward toward Berlin. The French
capital is back in Paris, and the be
lief that the Marne represented Ger
many's farthest south is becoming
fixed. Now even the Germans are
le'ling of what a great defensiv?
fight that nation can put up. And
they can, beyond question. It's a long
toad either way, as the lad from Tip
perary intimated.
One of the Nebraska agricultura
school professors asked us ior our
c pinion, as the parent of a student,
en the idea of extending the school
ear two weeks. The matter was not
a life or death proposition to us, but
i this was our opinion: "I dislike very
much to see the heads of the school
constantly looking for some new
wrinkle that will add still another
burden on father; To increase the
year two weeks will add not less than
$(50 as a burden on fathers who con
template sending their boys to the
agricultural school. Do you know that
the expense of maintaining a boy in
the agricultural school is now prac
tically prohibitive, so far as a city
v.orkingman's son is concerned? I
protest against the cost of the agri
cultural school being so high that it
Lars workingmen's sons. I protest
against you professors forgetting
father and the sacrifices the whole
family of a workingman must make
to put a son through the agricultural
school. Look for a way to make it
tasy, not hard, for the farmer and
city man's son to get through the
agricultural school."
The science of farming, we believe,
offers the best opportunities in the
,., ,-: .
Nebraska is an agricultural state and
the sons of city workingmen, once
they get the dope in their blood,
would make contented, systematic,
industrious, successful farmers. "The
lure of the city lights" would have no
charm for them. They have heard
their fathers and mothers tell of the
struggle it is to answer the whistle,
the years of dread of losing their
jobs, and the best of them get out of
it is to give the kids a good education
something they don't get. They
cannot afford to give them a profes
sional education, and they know
many of the professional men of
Omaha earn less than skilled me
chanics. Today the agricultural
rchool education offers the best op
portunities for a workingman's son,
but the expense of maintaining a boy
down there is more than he can stand.
We would like to see the authorities
in charge of the agricultural school
given the power to establish dormi
tories on the grounds, to use the
products of the state farm to feed the
students, cut out the initiation fee,
furnish the books free, fill the school
with the sons of workingmen and
turn loose into the state 500 am
bitious, educated boys every year of
a generation. It would be worth ten
thousand time3 more to the state and
to Omaha than the making of as
many lawyers, doctors or dentists
professions already overcrowded.
Let's raise our own farmers in
stead of importing them. Let's make
it easy for our own boys to get on the
farms of Nebraska and then when
father is a "down and outer" he can
toaf-t his shin3 and smoke hi3 pipe in
the boys' home somewhere on the
glorious prairies of Nebraska. Frank
A. Kennedy in Omaha Western La
borer. :o:-
Are corsets going out of style?
The young men of Plattsmouth who
(lance say very few of the ladies wear
any corset.
Non-partizanship in the election of
judges and members of the board of
education depends more on the frame
of mind of the voters than on separ
ate elections.
Great Britain has always been
strong in the matter of diplomacy.
There is hardly any violation of the
so-called comity of nations that can
not be evaded or explained by some
technical provision of international
A bill has been introduced in the
legislature to abolish the office of pre
cinct assessor.
A friend at our elbow says that
when the woman gets out of breath,
it is from walking, not from talking,
The high-priced wheat is the best
thing we know of to make higher
priced land in Nebraska this year, al
though it is pretty high right now.
:o :
You have probably noticed that the
genus homo is not generally so con
cerned about saving his own goat as
he is to capture some other person's
It is not economy to allow state in
stitutions to go to the bad for want
of money, but it is poor economy al
ways to listen to what the managers
cf these institutions claim that they
need in the way of appropriations.
Out of the one hundred members of
the lower house of the Nebraska legis
lature, forty-five are either farmers
or stock raisers, and thirty-four of
the sixty democrats of that body that
makes up the majority are directly
engaged in agriculture.
If it is the intention that non-ex
portation of war material is to bring
about peace in Europe, as well as to
maintain ourselves at peace, then the
non-exportation of food supplies can
be argued with the same logic, and
tt the same time feed the starving
and distressed at home.
It is said that Richmond was one
of a committee to conduct Congressman-elect
Reavis, who was asked to
uldress the legislature Wednesday, to
the speaker's stand. Reavis and Rich-
nond were arm in arm, which un-
loubtedly made "a pretty pair to
draw to!" Don t you think?
The Journal regrets to chronicle
the death of Chief Justice Conrad
lollenbeck, who passed away some
ime Wednesday night at the hospital
in Lincoln. Judge Hollenbeck was
e'ected at the late election as a demo-
rat, and was one of the best known
district judges in the state, having
served as such for many years. He
was the lirst democratic judge
of the supreme court ever elect
ed in the state, and while he pos
sessed one of the greatest legal
minds of any man in the state at the
time he was nominated, we thought
his advanced age was against him,
although Judge Reece, whom he suc
ceeded, was several years older than
the deceased, and had served twelve
years on the supreme bench. He was
a good man and very popular
throughout the state. Governor
Morehead will appoint his successor,
and of course it will be some com
petent democrat. Peace to the noble
man's ashes!
: o :
The legislature of two years ago
voted down an appropriation for a
Nebraska building and exhibit at the
San Francisco exhibition. Later the
promoters of the exhibition decided
that they would "get Nebraska"
through non-official means and Lieu
tenant Governor McKelvie and sev
eral others took up the cause that had
been rejected and, by various means,
endeavored to raise enough money to
do that which the legislature had de
cided not to do. After a special trip
to San Francisco they even went so
far as to make collections through
(he schools and now it appears that
the end of their resources have been
reached and the project has been
abandoned, much, if not all of the
money, no doubt having been honest
ly spent in promotion of the scheme.
The Hastings Tribune comments a
bit sharply perhaps, but correctly,
in viewing the effort as follows:
"The trouble with Lieutenant Gov
ernor McKelvie and his vain hope of
constructing a Nebraska building at
San Francisco's exposition is that he
would not believe anybody who - de
clared that there was no substantial
sentiment in this state for such a
building. He wanted to be shown. It
took a humilating experience to con
vince him that the legislature of two
years ago did the right thing."
Young Mr. Cutright of Lincoln, who
leaves the consular service of his
country after a brief but somewhat
exciting experience, has nothing to be
ashamed of and nothing to regret
That he fractured a rule may be ad
mitted. It will also be admitted that
there are times when the fracturing
of a rule, while not a tribute to 1
man's sense of discretion and persona
advantage, is a very great tribute to
his manliness. s
Mr. Cutright, stationed as a con
sular representative of his country
among the German people, permitted
himself, shortly after the outbreak of
war, to express sentiments ap
preciative of the Germans, and won-
dorinfr why the people of his own
country had allowed themselves to
become, seemingly so prejudiced
against them. This is the sum of his
offending. And it was an oifense of
which any man with a warm heart
and red blood and a sense of justice
migkt, under the circumstances, b
equally guilty, especially if lucking
in diplomatic experience.
It was the most natural thing in
the world for Mr. Cutright to sym
pathize with the Germans. He was
iing among them. He numbered
many oi them among his mends, no
doubt. He was familiar with their
homes, their daily lives, their ideals.
He had learned to esteem them as
good people. When he found a world
of opprobrium breaking over their
heads he came, like a fair and manly
young American, to their defense.
Had he been stationed in France
we have little doubt but that Mr.
Cutright, with a similar understand
ing of the French people and their
excellent qualities, would have spoken
up as readily to defend them against
what he would regard as unfounded
and unjust criticism. So if he had
been living among the English, or
any other of the peoples now at war,
for that matter. They are all gcoJ
people, taken as a whole. They have
al! been working peacefully, in
dustriously, with the love of God and
their fellow-man in their hearts, to
lift civilization, material and spirit
ual, to a higher plane. Take an in
telligent and clean young man from
the United States, and place him
among them anywhere, and he will
come to admire them, to love them, to
sympathize with them.
The fact is evidenced by the news
paper men from America who are re
porting the war. A notable instance
James O'Donnell Bennett, a "star"
reporter of the Chicago Tribune, who
was sent to Germany. Not even
Germany itself has produced a warm
er champion of German civilization,
German ideals, the German people,
the German soldiers, than this Chi
cago reporter has proved himself to
be. And the Tribune's correspondents
at London seem to sympathize with
the English, those at St. Petersburg
with the Russians, and those at Paris
with the French. So with the special
writers sent to Europe by the Chicago
Daily News, another American news
paper that has given all sides a "fair
shake" in its war reports. There is
every evidence that of its correspond
ents at the European capitals, each of
them has come to sympathize with the
people among whom he is living.
It is, we repeat, the most natural
thing in the world. These people are
all real people. They all believe,
fervently and honestly, in their re
spective causes, and their devotion
must naturally impress the "chiel
amang them takin' notes."
From this simple fact the thought
ful man, giving it due weight, will
gain a new understanding of th-j
wickedness and folly that has set the
good poeple of all these lands, like
the beasts they emphatically are not,
to tearing at each other's throats and
carrying desolation to each other's
homes. World-Herald.
A Plattsmouth lady is using an
electric ' flashlight to locate her baby's
first tooth.
We think the abolishment of the
county assessor would be better than
the abolishment of the precinct asses
The Nebraska legislature would
please the people of the state if they
would exercise economy in the mat
ter of arranging their own expenses,
and also in appropriations.
Something will happen that you
may never witness again. 11)15 came
in on Friday and will end on Friday.
It's a mighty good thing it didn't
happen on the 13th, isn't it?
If congress remains in session until
a Tural credits bill is passed it will
Le greatly to the credit of congress.
Farmers have the best security
cbtainable, and they ought to be able
to realize on that advantage.
:o :
It is said there are 10,000 vacant
houses in Washington, which is a
good democratic campaign argument.
No doubt the houses were occupied
during republican days by useless
government clerks.
There are several very prominent
lawyers spoken of for chief justice of
the supreme court, since the declina
tion of Judge Sullivan, but there
seems to be still a hope among the
friends, of which they are legion
throughout the stale, that he may
recon.siuer the matter and accept me
position he so ably filled for a term
of six years.
: :
Among the indictments returned oy
a special grand jury in the city 01"
Chicago a few (lays ago was one
.gainst Julius Roenwald, the many
times millionaire president of the firm
of Sears, Roebuck & Co. The grand
jury was investigating tax frauds and
found Rosenwald guilty of failure to
return personal tax schedules to the
imount of $25,000,000. To the sur
prise of many he admitted his gui'.t
tnd said that the did not
come under the criminal statutes cf
t:ie state. He also gave voice to
criticism of the tax laws. This is the
.ead of the concern which has for
years been deluding people into the
belief that they were selling mev-
handise at wholesale prices, and yet
his man can "forget" a little matter
of twenty-five million dollars of
wealth when the assessor calls!
January and February are a period
when the public looks through the
i ewspaper advertising with keen at
tention. A great many people have
formed a regular habit of delaying
purchases until this time of year.
They know ihat most merchants will
give unusually good bargains in mid
winter to save carrying goods over
until another year. A merchant that
does not get into line and tell the
public through the newspapers what
he is doing at this time of the year
will find his trade very slack. But a
simple statement of the good values
that can now be found in almost any
enterprising store will be read with
eager interest. The store will find
that it is doing an excellent business
even at a dull period. Goods can't be
moved unless the public is told about
them. A customer may go by the
.-tore every day in the week. Ilut if
she does not know that inside, back
on the shelves is just the bargains
that would appeal to her, the goods
might just as well be in Jericho. She
goes home, picks up the newspaper,
reads about the special value olfered
in some other store, and on her next
trip hunts out the place that had the
enterprise to seek her patronage. The
merchant who does not advertise
pays a high price for the money
saved. Goods grow more unseason
able the longer they stay in a store.
The proprietor is getting no profit
on them to pay his fixed charges.
Rent, interest, taxes, light and heat,
and clerk hire expenses are running
along every day, and must be paid.
The only way to pay them is to keep
the goods moving. Goods held over
until another season are apt to be
come so shop-worn or out' of style
that they have to be sold for a song.
Goods well advertised and sold dur
ing the season for which they are
bought go at a fairly good price,
and help the merchant close his sea
son without loss.
SB !
.'. a. : .
ANelabtePrrpsraiionEir s.
lui Ihc Siaaatis a; $
1 :i"f&7ttTZVp.
Promotes DisfanJCIteeifid
ness na.'l Rzsf.Cor.fuLn 3 rciiirr
Opiimi.MorpIu.iB nori'liumL
Not Nak cotic.
I . .'-
4 .Ui'fg.u
la Lu.-ttHu.'e SjJa
Apcrfect Remedy for Consfljtt
V.on . Sour Stomach .Dlarrluia
"Wcrnis .Com-ulsioiiSatvci u
Tit Shute Signature of j
The Centaur Compasi;
Exact Copy of Vrarpcr.
Public Auction!
The undersigned will sell at Public
Auction at hid farm, four and one-half
mile. west of Muray, seven and one
half miles east of Manley, and six
r:iles north and one mile west of
Xehuwka, on
commencing at 10:00 o'clock sharp,
the following property, to-wit:
Eleen Head of Horses.
Or.e team of mares, coming nin
rears old, weight 2.C00.
One black driving team, smooth
One black mare, smooth mouth.
One iron gray horse, four years old,
weight 1,200.
One brown horse, ten years old,
weight 1,500.
One brown
weight 1,050.
mare, smooth mouth,
One bay
mare, live years old,
weight 1,100.
One yearling horse colt.
One mule, foyr years old, weight
Thirteen Head of Cattle.
Five Milk cows.
One bull.
Three heifers, coming two years
Four calves.
Forty-Three Head of Hogs.
Farm Implements.
One corn elevator complete with 1G
foot spout, one Deering binder, one
nearly new McCormick mower, one
Deering mower, one hay rake, one
John Deere corn planter, one John
Deere two-row machine, one new
Var.Brunt press drill, one new Corn
King l-hor?e drill, one stalk cutter,
one disc, one riding lister, one walk
ing lister, one nearly new J. I. Case
gang plow, one Moline sulky plow,
one 18-inch walking plow, one 12-inch
nalking plow, one Bradley sulky plow,
two Badger cultivators, one Avery
walking cultivator, one New Depart
ure walking cultivator, one Tip Top
walking cultivator, one field roller,
one 11-foot Broadcast seeder with
t,oar attachment, one 4-section har
row, two harrow carts, one Great
Western manure spreader, one new
Bowser feed grinder, one 10-horse
Samson horse power in good shape,
one 2-horse International gasoline en
gine, three wagons, one low truck
watron, one new low truck wagon
with hay rack, one spring wagon, one
carriage, one nearly new top buggy,
one bob-sled, one light sled, one road
dratr, one road scraper, three sets
heavy harness, two sets light harness,
one single harness, one collar, one
DcLaval cream separator, one new
.1 -11 i - . i 1 1
cider press, one i-nuie cum ssneiier,
one circular wood saw, one pump
jack, one garden disc, one 1 -horse
rrill, one iron kettle, one lard press,
three grindstones, one ice saw, some
acrpenter tools, complete set black
smith tools consisting of 150-pound
anvil, forge, drill, etc., two gasoline
barrels, one gasoline tank, one coal
cil tank, and numerous other small
r rticles.
All sums of $10 and under, cash in
hand. On sums over $10 a credit of
one year will be given, purchaser giv
ing note with approved security bear
ing eight per cent interest from date.
f IfTiPll
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
hirty Years
ri fix ra r t j i : -i
5 L4
TMC CI NT ALT II eoniMnr. "t o CITY
Xo property to be removed until set
tied for. Lunch will be served on the
grounds at noon.
W. If. FL'LS, Owner.
WM. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
Public Sale!
The undersigned will sell at l'ublic
Auction at his home, 5 1-2 miles west
and 1 mile south of Mynard, on
Sale will commence at 12:30 sharp,
the following described property,
to-wit :
Nine Head of Horses.
Two dark bay mares, 3 and 4 year
old, weight 2,500.
One bay maie 11 years old, with
foal, weight 1,300.
One sorrel gelding, 5 years old,
weight 1,200.
One bay marc, 10 years old, with
foal, weight 1,150.
One bay gelding, 9 years old, weight
One bay colt, 1 year old.
One bay suckling colt.
One black suckling colt.
Nine Head of Cattle.
Five cows.
One steer, coming 3 years old.
One bull, coming 3 years old.
Two heifer calves, 6 months old.
Farm Implements.
Two farm wagons.
One steel truck and hayrack, new.
One spring wagon.
One bob-sled.
One manure spreader.
One Hoosier drill.
One broadcast seeder.
One new Deere hay loader.
One corn planter.
One Marseilles corn elevator and
power lift.
One 16-inch sulky plow.
One 14-inch walking plow.
Two 18-inch walking plows.
One Western Belle riding lister.
One McCormick hay rake.
, One Deering binder.
One two-row machine.
One disc; one stalk rake.
One two-row stalk cutter.
One three-section harrow.
150 hedge posts.
And other articles too numerous to
All sums of $10 and under, ca.-l in
hand; on sums over $10, a credit of
six months will be given, purchaser
giving note with approved security,
bearing 8 per cent interest from date.
Sale must commence at 12:30 p. m.
sharp, and every article on this bill
must be sold to the highest bidder. No
by-bidding. All property must be set
tled for before being removed from
the premises.
WM. DUNN, Auctioneer.
E. G. DOVEY, Clerk.
Overhaul Your Cars Now.
The auto business is rather piiet
now,-but this is the time to have your
cars overhauled, while I have men
hired for the busy season, and wish to
keep them employed during the dull
months. Your cars will be overhaul
ed now at about one-half the price for
the labor. See me.
Sam G. Smith, Garage.