PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOUKNAE. IWC.E 3. I" LOUISVILLE. 1 Courier. Our young friend, John Sass, r ports the killing: of a large wolf south cf town this week. George Bowlsby of York visited his sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Wheel er, and family this week. Will Rauth hud the misfortune last week to fall from a straw stack, sprainin.2: his r.nkle rather severely. He is able to be about, with the aid of crutches. I rorn tne Springfield Monitor we barn of the birth of a son to Mr. rnu Mrs. IZllsworth Munforel, a former oLuisville boy, now residing in Mem- phi.-?, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ruby of Forest Grove, Oregon, have written to their elaughter, Mrs. William Ossenkop, tr:'.t they expect to return to Ne braska as soon as they can dispose of their Oregon property. Evr.est Ahl was in town Saturday, closing up a deal whereby he pur chased eicrhty aces of the Ahl farm from his father, Henry Ahl. This is the eighty upon which the home is built and where PJrnest and family have lived for several years. Mr. and Mrs. George Hedges of Central City, who have been visiting the letter's grandmother, Mrs. M. A!:eon, near Manlc-y, visited old friends in Louisville Wednesday. They left for Lincoln on the afternoon fair., where they will visit relatives. Mrs. Walter Johnson, who recently vnderwent an operation at St. Jos eph's hospital in Omaha, was able to return home last Saturday. Her Mstcr, Mrs. Roy Murphy, of Sterling, Colorado, v. ho came to stay during Mrs. Johnson's illness, returned to 1 ei home on Monday. We sorry to report the serious i:!ress of Mrs. Rebecca Jackman at the home of her ron, J. M. Jackman. She is suffering from a cancerous growth in the stomach a.nd no hopes for her recovery are entertained. Her daughter, Mis. Etta Harrison, of Colorado Springs, and a brother, Cap tain Lot Abraham, of Mt. Fleasant. Iowa, are here, and it is expected; t I'.iixi other members of the family will arrive in the r.ear future. ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. Mrs. Lemuel Parish, who is sick, v ill be taken to Omaha, where he will undergo treatment at a hospital. Mrs. William I.anghorst and little daughter have returned from a visit with her sifter, Mrs. William renter man, at Manilla. Iowa. Julius Langhorst, vvho has been v; siting at home for several weeks, icturned to Surprise to look after the leal estate business there. Marie Parmele of Plattsmouth was a victor Thursday of la.t week with I.Imwood relatives. He is a nephew c f L. A. and M. II. Tyson. Oscar Wohlgemuth of Milford is visiting at the home of Emil liorne-r-eier and David Kunz. He is a cousin of Mrs. Bcrnemeier and a nephew of Mrs. Kunz. J. D. Brittcll was unfortunate ( nough to slip a-d fall last Saturday . praining his right arm and shoulder. He was laved up for several days as a result thereof. Carl Eader and family returned on Tuesday from Peru, where they had een on account of the sickness of Mr. Radcr's father. Mr. Radcr re ports that his father is no better and that he has been taken to a sanitarium in Lincoln for treatment. M. L. Throne has gone to Louisiana to make his future home, accompany ing the car of goods belonging to Fred Schnormeier, who will also emi grate with his family to that state. They will reside on a farm near Der i ed Jr. We understand that Henry Van Akern has also gone to Louis ana. W. E. Cassel of Torrington, Wyo., r.rrive I in the city Sunday evening to isit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cassel, having crossed to this end i.f the state with a load of stock icstined for the South Omaha nar i ct. He t ck his parents by surprise, th'-y not knowing that he was com i.,g. He departed Tuesday on the re turn trip home. vvfW 7 WEEPING WATER. Republican. Born To 'Mr. and Mrs Moulds n, on January 8, d:iurhter. William 1915, a I.-aic Wiles left Friday morning f r Savannah. Missouri, where he is t ikir.g treatment for a cancer. Howard Johnson moved his family into town this week. They will oc cupy.the Frank Stander house in the south part of town. Mrs. G. II. Olive and her mother, Mrs. Defibaugh, were visiting in Oma ha Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Defi baugh went on to Plattsmouth for a isit. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Grosser of Sut ton Cay, Michigan, who have been visiting with the latter's parents, Mr rnd Mrs. To-n Wiles, and other rela tives for some time, left for their home Wednesday. Mrs. Oscar Compton and Mrs. Alex Hopkins, who have been visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr end Mrs. Cart Hopkins, since before Chiistmas. returned to their homes r.t Lyons, Neb., Monday morning.. D. O. Barrett of St. Louis was in ever Sunday visitor with his uncle, Charles Philpot, and-his cousins, the Philpot boys. Mr. Barrett is the son of B. F. Barrett of Chicago, who was one of Weeping Water's business men a number of years ago. Ude Eokelman and family left on Wednesday night for their new home nc Pryor, Okla., where Ude will try his hand at farming. Mr. Bokelman ind family are the kind of people wp hate to see move away from town, as they have made nfany warm friends during their residence here, who will :sh them happiness and prosperity in their new southern home. Guy McGill, who works for M. C. Walker on the farm, northeast of town, accidentally shot himself through the palni of the hand last Thursday evening. lie was cleaning 3S-caliber automatic revolver and had the chamber of the gun out and supposed that all cartridges were re moved before it was put back. One cartridge, however, escaped notice and resulted in the injury, which might have proved more disastrous than it was. Fortunately Mr. McGiil was alone in his room upstairs -md no one else was endangered by tho shot. The bullet passed directly through the hand. UNION. Ledger. Mr.rvin Balfour Jf Fremont was isiting a few days with his father r.nd other relatives southwest of town, returning home Wednesday. Ed L. Shoemaker went to Lincoln Wednesday morning to attend the state convention of Nebraska farm ers, he being the delegate to rep resent this district. John M. Hoback and wife h-ive re corded a r.ew name in the faml'v register, a fine new son born Saiur eay, December 2, and thi? reporter was rather slow in "catching on. ' Mrs. Mose McCarrcll departed Sun day evening for Magnet, Neb., to .'pond several days isking with rela tives and attend the wedding of Miss Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jones, .which occurred Tuesday evening. Miss Mary Foster, who recently completed six years service as the superintendent of schools, departed last Saturday for Chicago, where she will spend about six months taking a special course of study in the Chicago university. Mrs. Syl Hathaway arrived home Monday evening from Savannah, Mo., where she spent about four weeks in a hospital, and her many friends arc, pleased to learn that a permanent cure is the result and her health will be fully restored. L. R. Upton had a paper circulat ing on Wednesday taking contribu tions for the purpose of buying a large bell for the High school build ing. It was a popular move and there was no trouble in securing enough cash for a bell and perhaps to build the tower. Harvey Miller and wife, who re cently came from Arapahoe, ColoradoJ and have been visiting here, have de cided to make their home in this vicinity, and Tuesday Mr. Miller re turned to Colorado to arrange to ship their personal property to this place. Mrs. Miller has gone to Humbolt, Neb., to visit until a home is estab lished here. Charles Edmisten loaded his car Tuesday and left with it Wednesday for Cedar county, and his family will follow in a few days, their new home to be .on l farm near the town of St. Helena. They have been residents of tnis town and vicinity for many years, and leave a host of friends here who wish them well in their itew location. FOR SALE Good milk cow cheap, Telephone or inquire of Adam Kaf fenberger, Tel. No. 3320. l-9-d&w Farm Loans at Lowest Rates. T. II. TOLLOCK. 12-14-tfw i i i iVi V NEIIAWKA. News. Ed Chappel, who had been taking treatment at a Lincoln sanitarium, returned home Monday. J. F. Paul, deputy state surveyor, was here Friday locating some points in the Heebner quarry for the Stone company. Mrs. Win. Chandler went to Lincoln Wednesday to be with her little son, who is in a hospital up there. The little fellow is getting along nicely. Word comes to us in a round about way from Minnesota that Rob ert Viall is married. If it is true, the News joins his many friends here in congratulations. Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick was a pas senger to Omaha yesterday to see her sister, Mrs. W. B. Reed, who is very sick in a hospital there. Mrs. Reed lives in Council Bluffs. L. C. Todd has lost two valuable horses recently, and has several more ick. The two that died were af flicted with the same disease that killed so many horses a few years i rrn M. B. Cramer, a brother-in-law of Wm. Balfour, died in Omaha last week and was buried in the old Van Wyck cemetery at Wyoming. Mr. Cramer spent part of the summer with Mr. Balfour. Henry Heebner returned to Murray Monday afternoon, after several days spent here. He has resigned as man- i'ger of the elevator over there and will rest a couple of months before accepting a position elsewhere. M. D. Pcllard left Tuesday for Hot Springs, Arkansas, where he will try the eiT.cacy cf the treatment there for an especially troublesome case of rheumatism. His friends hope he may come back feeling like a two-year-old. WW EAGLE. Beacon. Mrs. Oscar Keil left the first of ihe week for Moberly, Missouri, for a couple of weeks' visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hardy of Gables, Neb., are visiting at the home of their son, John Hardy and family, and other relatives here. Mrs. E. J. McAllister came in from Panama, Neb., Saturday evening and visited over Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. J. Reiter. Jack Lyell left for Summcrvilic, New York, the latter part o last week for a ten days business trip. He expects to visit New York City be fore returning home. H. L. Svvanson returned to Wyom ing, Neb.. Wecinesday morning to re Fume his duties as agent for th- Mis souri Pacific at that place, after hav ing enjoyed a vacation of six weeks. Ed Williams was able to be up town the first of the week, after hav ing been confined to the house for several weeks. Miss Grace Shupe, who has been visiting the past few weeks with her sister, Mrs. II. E. Brumbaugh, return ed Wednesday to her home at Mary- ville, Missouri. Emil Oberle lias torn out the parti tion at the re-ir end cf his pool hall ?nd remodeled the building to make room for more pool tables, which ar lived today (Friday.) This will add much to the appearance of his place of business. W. G. Jack is the recipient of a weather barometer which he just re cently received from his daughter, Maude, who lives in Washington, I). C. As soon as Mr. Jack learns how to read the barometer the Beacon will have weather reports for Eagle and icinity. FOUND In front of court house, a door key. Owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for this advertisement. 1-15-tfd For Sale. A lot of one-half-inch sofe cable, frood for hay forks and all kinds of farm work, at 1 V2 cents per foot. Richardson & Doty, Missouri River Ferry. AUCTIONEER -Weeping Water, Neb-- vvill take charge of your public sale business. Farm sales a specialty. Owners' interests are always guarded with the best ability, and satisfaction guaranteed. For open dates telephone at my expense to Weeping Water. WM. DUNN. 4 mm esss CASS Treasurer's Semi State General Fund State School Fund State University Fund State University Special Fund State Normal Fund State Redemption Fund State Aid Bridge Fund State School Land Principal . . . State School Land Interest .... State School Land Lease County General Fund County Bridge Fund County Soldiers' Relief Fund .. County Road Fund County Road Drag Fund District Road Fund District School Fund District School Bond Fund .... Plattsmouth Precinct Fund .... Louisviile Precinct. Fund County Jail Teachers' School Fund Individual Redemption Fund ... City of Plattsmouth City of Weeping Water Village of Louisville Village of Greenwood Village of South Bend Village of Elmwood Village of Eagle Village of Union Village of Avoca Village of M unlock Village of Alvo Free High School Miscellaneous Motor Vehicles Interest on Deposit Taxes Under Protest Fee Account Special Taxes Permanent Boat! Advertising Registered Bridge Warrants, M. Tritsch, IV PL TTSMOUTII FORTY YEARS AGO. Ge.ieral John R. Clerk returned home to Plattsmouth on Tuesday. Hon. E. Barnum of Union Mills called on us yesterday. We h?.d an assault and battery case last week. One fellow sent to to the Murphy hotel for ten days. Doc. Jones, the livery man, keeps goid. smooth traveling teams; and has one of the easiest riding buggies we ever got into. One of Sam Chapman's thorough bred short-horn, Chester white Per cheron, full blooded hunter pups has been poisoned, and, oh, Sam's mad. Dr. Lntta, formerly of Rock Bluffs, this county, is about to erect bath houses at Lincoln, in order to test the virtue cf the mineral water in the artesian well. The school apportionment for this county is larger than it has been for t,cme years and is over $9,000. This comes partly from the many licenses Judge Ellison has executed these two years. Alex Sihlagel came home Friday looking as brown and as hairy as a Texan Ranger. He has wondertul stories to tell of the great west, and says he never was so glad to see the little Herald before. Alex returns this week to finish up his work. Nothing like going away from home to hear the news. We find by sev eral papers published further east, that our townswoman, Mrs. Spurlock, is a sister of the confederate expresi eent, Jeff Davis; something we never knew before, and we think the lady didn't either. Liggett-Minard On the 18th inst., at the residenc-e of Mr. J. J. Rob erts in Greenwood, Cass county, by the Rev. Mr. Farwell, Mr. J. H. Liggett to Miss Frankie Minard. That's what's ' the matter, we wasn't "eggsactly" aware when this Ihing was to come off; but knew it was hovering in the atmosphere. Now that Leggett's gone and done it, and Alex Schlegel and the boys are happy, we give our consent, and wish the new landlord and landlady all the good luck possible, both matrimonial ly and hotelly. Our temperance friends gave us a very pleasant evening's entertainment the other evening. The tableaus were From July 1st, 1914 Transfer red from Other Funds Er.lance luiy 1, 1914' GUI .()t: . . 1.81... 173. ltj... 123. GG . . , 140.85 ... 3.49 . .. 23.70 . . . 55. G9 . 19,519.2; 14,:21.07j 182.81 16.93G.08 4,210. G8 7,000.00 500.00 3,796.01 7,82.) . 8") 40,o:j2.45 2,799.01 6,455.08 6,568.48: 87.97 , 1,439.19; 21.59j. 7G.44i . 184.43, . .39 . 1,255.80 . 86.46, . 69.01 . 37.53 . .17. 99.28!. 143.85! .1 . 2,687.25,. 1,172.GG: '3,031.30, 2,729.78! 935.00; :$125,107.07!? 28,879.20,$ $18,887.94. Deputy fine, especially the shoemaker one and Po the Boys Hall. e think Smike could make his fortune on any stage with that face on. The boy that was swallowing the sulphur hasn't got his mouth together yet, and his mother .ays that Mrs. Squeers stretched it an inch or more. Old Mother Squeers was horrid. The singing was good rnd Mrs. Spurlock's address was ii-tened to with profound attention. The financial results were also pleas ing, we are informed. The entertain ment was rendered more effective by the use of the fine piano kindly loan ed for the occasion by Mr. Mueller cf Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Nellie M. Parmele to M. M. Alien, part of SW quarter, SE quarter, 13-12-13. Con sideration $1,200.00 Lucy Zaar to Mary Duerr, lots 420 and 421, Louis ville. Consideration J. O. Adams to T. E. Cr&b tree, lot 1, block 20, Eagle. Consideration .... A. W. Cloidt to J. M. Mei singer, sr., lot 3 and part lot 4 block 37, city. Con sideration 1.00 750.00 2,500.00 Henry Ahl to E. N. Ahl, north half SE quarter, 18-12-12. Consideration. ..10,000.00 John Fight to W. A. Fight, east half, NE quarter, 2-11-13. Consideration... John Fight to Tressie F. Horn, part SW quarter, 26-12-12; east half NV quarter, 35-12-12. Con sideration John Fight to Frank Fight, west half NW ejuarter; west half SW quarter, 35-12-12. Consideration 1.00 1.00 1.00 H. L. Kruger to Joseph Skala, part south half SW quarter, 18-12-14. Con sideration 2,300.00 Samuel Johnson to H. II. Marquardt, quit claim eleed north half lots 1 and 2, block 12. Avoca. Con sideration Samuel Johnson to H. H. Marquardt, south half lots 1 and 2, block 12, Avoca. Consideration C. F. Raasch to H. F. Raasch, part NE quarter, NE quarter, SE quarter 1G-12-10. Consideration.. 400.00 1,900.00 1.00 Registered Jersey Bull for service, mouth. C. E. Babbitt, Platts-l'-2-2mos-wkly COUNTY - Annual Statement to January th, 1915. Transferred Transferred' Disburse- Overdrawn Receipts to General to Fund $ 15,732.93! 10.31! , 3,146.81 2,335.76 , 2,647.20' 5.94 626.12! 567.00' 277. 20j 91.20 16,413.89! 12.589.26i .91 1.01 14,165.34 46,742.5(1, 2,901.77! 2.59! . 55; 1.89; 942.67 4,269. 73 j. 14,733.01. 1,267.49;. 1,030.891 . , 315.72;., 574.11L 118.21;. 355 . 54 i . , 2.27j.. 173.13!. 77.18,. , 1,383.49; 935.0 S3S.3G! 540.911, 85.75; 421:55 . 424.36 142.60! 1.239.64 838.36 1 . 'i,98V.19,! 1 j , 142.60!. 1.01. $146,890.40 $ 4,210.68 $ 21,938.74 $190,524.70 $ 84,201.51 W. K. FOX, County Treasurer. u mmnp A mild system of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac cepted for treatment, and no money to bo paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR. TARRY Bee Building Omaha. WESLEY PARKER SEVERE ALLY INJURED BY BEING THROWN FROM A BUGGY From Tuesdays Daily. Wesley Parker, who was injured so severely a few days ago, is reported this morning as being slightly im proved, although still in quite senous condition. Mr. Parker received a very severe shaking up as the result of being thrown from his buggy on the Louisville road near Chicago ave nue last Fridaj and since that time has been laid up at his home, as ha received several injured ribs, and it is thought was badly injured intei He was driving down from Ins home to the city and as his hjvri turned into Chicago avenue the ani mal became frightened at the form of another horse which was lying Yieai the side of the road. Mr. Parker did not notice the animal and the first n" knew of the matter was when his horse became frightened and reared up and started to break away to run off, and in doing so tipped the buggy in such a manner that he was thrown out, alighting on his head and sho ild ers. He was then taken to his hovn? and medical assistance summoned io care fof him. It was feared at first that he might have sustained even more severe injuries than was appar ent, but examination failed to reveal any, although Mr. Parker, who is quite well advanced in years, suffer ed very much pain. WANTED! of live poultry, for which we will pay in cash, delivered at C. B. & Q. freight depot, Plattsmouth, Ke'o., on Monday, January 25th, one day only: Hens 12c All Young Roosters 10c Ducks He Geese He Old Cocks 7c Remember the date. We will be on hand rain or shine and take all mar ketable poultry offered. Yours very truly, W. E. KEENEY. i Other Balance Funds ments $ 11,796.79 $ ! 3.10; I 2,337.46 1,735.35, l,977.47j 4,537.20 9.02 92. 70 724.07 810. :.s 4.28 183.51 260.-2 55: 10,291 .20 k::s. io 311 . .1 3,557.21 ' 7.K20. H 3:.2.-: 3,211.30 5.15 460.311 567. ooj , 9.37! 91 .00! 22.3S2.6-; 33,071.87! 372.03 12,474. 8 1.8'.5.90 , 16,830. 0 : 41,799.07' 2,486 12 .05 . .01: . 3.357.87 6,078.32! 4,186.92, ll,0i):.3D 532.17! 714.71! -108.03 .03 1,270. 40' 2.951 8.91 .05! 3.96: 1.92; 2,087.25! . r ,500. 00; 4.700.00: 1,753.92; 3,796.01 j 2,G87.25 .65 .51 2.13S. l i 631.01 170. 1 4.08 1.4 1 750. ill 392. 2 92 . 1 2 1.51 559.4 2 201.72 415.M 39.75 169.:: 1 174.51 143.85! J35.0O 540.91 2,000.00 I 4,359.82 421.53' .81 FBSTULA Pay After You Are Cured ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL Mi filQOERN IN EVERY PARTICULAR From Tuesday's Dai:y- The school belonging to St. John's Catholic church of this city has just been provided with a strictly nrx'.'-rn system of plumbing and fittings, which adds greatly to the value t-f the building. The building through out has been provided with toilet rooms, which are strictly up-to-date, nd will le found very much better rnd far more convenient than hereto fore. The work of installing the plumbing was carried out by the firm of Warga & Schuldice and is one that ir very complete in every v.y. This work has long been needed and the members of the parish are to be c-ni-mende on their enterprise in looking after it. FOR SALE THREE BARGAINS. No. 1 Well improved P'0-acrc farm, one-half mile lrom Eagle, Ca ! COLnty, Nebraska. $115 per acre. No. 2 Two quarter sections of rich level lanel in Hamilton county, Nebraska. $80 per acre. All ca.-h, $75 per acre. No. "3 Lincoln, near enpiiol, fo ir apartment fiat, modern, rents $1,920 per year (some time given). Price, $10,001). For information, write or phone FEF.D R. ADAMS, Eagle, Neb. M Car Load Z7S J i.