THURSDAY. JANUARY 21. 1S1! PLATTSMOtTH SOTI WFXELT JOURNAL. page s. ! i Local News i:. r or was a v.s.tor this a p!(acr.: at f K I. R jrrry.fc!'. was t.Tsonj the fa- r vi-:vi jn the city t-!ay for t. ' i:uJ" 1- '"-'! r:rr i.:tf r ,tr. tht- trervh ants. A:t'.: r Ftar. irr :" th I;-- ,.- V..-.. -.- v a - 3V cvt i ... i iitii g wur. if er.J-. de- his home. J-.-' ?t Kriere- dr-ve ir. f : om his horr.e r.ear tlis rr.orr.- ; Murrav to : 'er-i a fw hou-s here looking afte- R. Wil'Iam Hijrj'in - was a y.-;c-.;.iy ror a fe.v P"--. f Fa-h-r A A. thi- r:. Z'.'.i.j - hi- r.. drove in this r;or: favm tri ?rvr. i h-. at --la m h f'.v rour r" a " i- :-s . z c h a r. t s . arter -p. . v the- th: :y to-tuy. t. -..c- : th ' y. ve in to mo.ijrati 1 1-., " ir v. r.r. tr.e mercnants. the Cedar Creek lum v a in the city t' day to r-.-me I u-ine-s matters. ? v;-:t wi:h his father. J. M. ! fam.'- r tr dav. Pau! E ; o": r.fier - as to : Ka ::er.'-erirt r was aten i in i :m'or'art matters Wh "e here he t"o : this ornoe and hr-.v hfs to ca -. to the Dailv Journal e - : - 1 - another yea-. f M-. . 1. II. A'. -; '. ..." --irt w t;. -.- iv :. few -s Inst Friday visiting an t :;.'!. : e. u- ty fr;en ;s an.i rr.t ts. Whll- he-e Mr. Ahbert cai- t.e -Jo'irr.a! mee anu en-o. .it-.. : tr.e tap- r a r . a ! .. Ti o.-nv ?. t -"" ' n to nrne -ir.ess matters with the merchants, j '. Va:!-ry i- feeiir.r? much improve j ; health rr ! his treatment for can- I - o r. ; - .ir ."i:s r r(',T.'t-n n:"-t G.-.r-: tr..ter drr-ve in f t c rr. h's h'T.e look after some i'l Hii'ter of Vi'eepinz Water was e city fxlay for a few hours look- ' tc: i n r a : h "" -. (ha: vi -itor matters at the court .co" v.a- amon te."dav 1". thl- city. 2 ! ir t' Ic---k after some tnadinir r-'.e; c u ! Peter Halmes 'c- in th's :ho'.-.t.: from his heme near this -r-ft v. hours Tckir. u t'u iirr- v'h the merchan" y r r, ' j P. A. horn was amor? the farmer - - ..5 r iT ' V c- ? tors ',r- tr.e c:iy t..;a lor a :t i h'.urs to -k after sme ma :h the merchants. Fitzgerald was :ter O i Edward am on ? o ?a" aha this mor to lo.-.k after - Your 1 California Exposition Trip will probably be the most impcrtaiit trip of your life. And it need not ba costly if ycu simply plan ahead. If you go at it haphazard it will cost you probably double what you expect. Let the Union Pacific assist you in fining your trip. This great railroad system has published a booklet which contains invaluable data on hotels and rates, the most desirable places to visit, and the expense of these side trips. ft All this information is We will welcome the plan your itinerary. fill out and mail the ki : Str4t Address Ci'y StaU . ; rr.a te of business for a few hours. i i Miss Jesie Eobertos.n was a nas- ! -er.ger this afterrrxn for Omaha to ; it her cousin., ?!iss CI race Has-e-! r.eier. vr.o i is appearing there in "Peg1 - v ' I.. I), ri-ntt. 11 the Murrav rr.e; C'tv tor few - mst :" eveninsr, :eriXo. 2. in.: with relati . ; v.i:ru.m ! Oklahoma. in from Orr. t-na ' n sren-img tne ever .!. a hce ves arl frie-'ids. Kul.-chuh of Pocassett, ' arrived here last, ! eal!-.i to this citv tv the ii-. a '.a of his rrothe-. Mrs. Ar.r.a Cather.. e Holschuh. wkos funeral wil- be '.. -i e tomorrow arte: r.o-j-. Irs. J. V. ver. jr.. of Sa'; . o tan. arrived tr.ts m hr-r home, called here Lv ?ne if. r :f I-.- ATh- ?r-c 11,-1. mo; ne; er. j : . l.' -'r '..' he'd t i '''-on. ; .ieo-ce Albert, who -r- has be:-n x ' -z his parent-. M-. an i Mr-. .;-j"ri ;rt tor t p:, departed j.-i-'r.'-y. Montana. i or Mis ror this afterr. fore h;s d Aibe- -id:ed ; t..:.--;rln;i. r.--vv-d h! t'. the r.attsmouth .1 a!. ' : 'vt"-.,.r.-;"uay's Dp. !. v. M. Starl :eparteu last even.r. :r No. 2 fcr I.terc -t- there Arkan- tj . ' .-I after his land r i - .!n-v ovorr.av was am-.r r?.ser.irers this mornir. j- on No. -cr.d the dav there lookinir af- I r: ter some matters or ousine-s. Julius Per per: err came ;n last .r to spenu a snrr i m e n ? r e " - - to attend to looKin-r atter r te - e?t of his ciear bu-ire-s. Mrs. Frank Johnson and little sen. V.'a'ker. came up f. -m Wa- iu.- .' tor a "T- I home of J. w. !cr.r : son. i Wi'l Wartra and wife were amonr 'he pa;ser.rers this morning for Oma- j ha. w: ,ere s o: they will looK. ater some for a m that city. Franl: Mock and wife of Galesburjr T"l;r.o:s. who have been here isltlr.c j :t tne v. i.iian n?a non? to :ay-. departed this morninr for the etropo'i- to visit fo- a sh-rt time. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harrir.trtor. of 'juthrie Cer.te-. Iowa, who have beer. viit;r..r at the home of Dr. and Mrs. i G. R. Davis in this city, returned i r.ome afternoon. Mrs. Harrir.z- is a sister oi Mrs. Davis. wife a , vame last on No. 2 fro: "heir home at Have'ock for a vis - iv - e at the home ot Mr. a..erv par- .' : ' ' .he.r ; i ?rt?. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Va.ier fvw- cays, as veil as with relatives and friends. When vou are looking for the vert ht - st articles in the line cf fancy bos i . .. ii . 1 - i rr- I siaiioner. can si tne jcurnai oiuce : whare you will find an excellent ' arietv to select fr;rn. nr. i Regular 7-c values in Initial Starr..- tior.erv at the Journal office for c2. j . ' itfJ 5.-- c- fr". t 3-ours, free for the asking. opportunity cf helping you Write for booklet No. 113 cr coupon below. OEKRIT FORT. P.T.M. I Dion K. la Omaha. 'rt- Please send me booklet Ka 113 -California and the Expositions." e ! . ITHE "LARK1N CLUB" ii DAViES SO AND SO Frnm M'T: J:, y's Ia. ! Recently a daily paper in a N.1 I i raska city pave a considerable review if or.e of the La: kin club events. In pnrt the article follows : The Larkir.'s club was entertain- i ed yesterday afternoon by Mrs. ''.uc the r.arr.e of the wife cf a rn-irchar.i sat her heme. The ladies trough; j their fancv work and whiled r.-.vay I some very p:easar.t moments se'.v.ri r, i , v hi'e sociability reipned supn'ia;. Iu:i.-p the af;ernocn Miss (dau.rt r j of the hostess) furnished some exc.'-j Icnt piano selections, which -.v..e .-reailv enjoved 1 y the lac At i luTitt.eon hou r ut.ic.ou us refreshrr.f .ere server, whicn materially s i the pleasures of the afternoon. Those attendance were .-,- v-of. ri o. rpfrain from ro- ! :5r as the list included the r.arr.e of the wives of some of the m.3.- j ir.ts o: Is it j - the wive? anj daughters of har.ts. who are ooaoivd to the rr. -til. crder hou-e to buy -TO"Jsj ; from th j Larkin concern ? What km rrr.-( hant C the hardware nan i -cr.t araan :ne mail oruer busiae.:. hen through his he is vir.? i;:e food products of the Larkm '-ot:i .v? Rusiness of the Larkin le.n is more than '0.000 a ye:-.-. orn p?crvets of pr-."p:e -hou'.i t e patrt-r.? of horr.e nser-; .r.t--. Omaha Trs THOUGHT BURGLARS HAD BEEN THERE BUT THEY WERE MISTAKEN lesteruay morning-a discovery -as made at one of the leading stores of i the ctt few minutes .. . i ' i .1 : . . it an attempted burclary had taken ice. but later developments caused .I,e ur-r'.ar theory to be abandoned. It seems that some parties rot con nected with the store came a'or.z an ! .-aw the door of a store room in con- j r.ectlon with the store cp-en, and they tuea on to investigate the floor a r.ur further, an 1 i iber ot ! matches, which looked suspicious, an.l . (r 'rx-ikin? further it could be seen ; from the marks left on the floor where ! r-arty had been enjojing them-1 selve. but apparently there had 2'othir.rr bothered in anv wav , , . . , " d been a:-! mouarn is sa.e to surmise irai on j : mother occasion the parties will seo ; j to it tney con t foru'et to ioc: i i ir.f (or verv careful. v on croir out - , : cleaning ur. Alvo Notes Giandma Foreman is on the fia'i j this weeK.. Georre Foreman, sr.. .-pent ! i riuay in Lincoln. - jtime. i I-r-uc Ilolienbeck returned Friday! Quite a number came down from f-cm a visit in Kansas. Mrs. S. C. Eoyles returned fro:-i j Lincoln Tuesdav cn Nc. 14. 1 Mrs. David Setler is steadily erow g weaker the pas; few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatric: j vcre Lincoln visitors Monday. 1 i he Mothers Council met witn Mr-s. 1 I Ella Proutv Tuesdav afternoon. I j Robert Hamilton is entertaining hs -other from Omaha this week. j Mrs. George Curyea entertained j Mrs. Floyd Carr of Lincoln iast Fri day. Fred Weaver of South Bend came up Thursday evening to visit with J. A. Shaffer. John Murtey went to Sterling Tues day to look after business interests . ir. that p!ace. j Wolfe was stricken with paralysis Sunday. His condition re t r ains about the same. John Wolfe and Mrs. Schuvler Wolfe came down from Havelock last i Wednesday to visit relatives. j Arthur Prouty came Wednesday f.-cm Falls City, Neb., to visit his j mother, Mrs. Ella Prouty. for a fe-v j cays. John Simmons and family came in j Thursday from Misouri and will make their home west of on the old Farrett farm. .el. mi.... 1 s. Clyde Eoyles of Lincoln came j Saturday to visit relatives, re- Mr : c'.own I turning home Monday evening, ac- jcompanied by her father, Paul Froh- j lich. I ! A household remedy in America for '2t ye-rs Dr. Thomas Eclectic Oil. I I cr cut. sprains, bums, scalds, ; bruises. 2-"c and 50c at all drug stores. Subscribe for the JcumaL Cedar Creek! Fred Solsburg shelled corn Friday, j John Gauer was in Louisville Fri- I cay. I. H. Robe its wen to Omaha Wed- r.esday. Rev. Swartz was in Cedar Creek Friday. P. II. Roberts was ir. Plattsmcuth Monday. John Lohr.e? was a L er Friday. C. A. Gower was tradi 1-ouis- vu;e i rtu- . William Kell and wife were in Cul- l,rn Wednesday. Tora Meisineer was in Platts- ,t,th Saturdav. Llovd Schneider went to I'lattJ- mouth Wednesday. John Scheurer vi.-ited Mrs. Wagner. Friday. his si-ter. friends in er!a cnneider visited I'lattsrcouth Saturday. hopping in Harry Meisinper was Piattsmouth Saturday Gtrorre FornrdT wa- a Piattsmouth! business caller .uesuay. G. L. Meisinper called on Platts - mouth friends Saturday. Tuesday. Ralph At wood and wife went to Lin-.-olr. on No. 7 Saturday ana wire were; shopping in Louisville Friday. Her.rv FornorT was tradin; with the local merchants Art Stander tcjk dinner at the Met7Per heme Wednesday S. J- Reames went to Louisville Fri- iy to attend the Henninir's trial. John Ilennincs. nd Geo rye were in Piatt -'mouth Mor.-I i ,'a- Arthur Stander and Rev. Norntar. took dinner Thursdav at the Metzeer i heme. ) Eva Dasher went to Louisville Sat-; urdav on Xo. S3 to work for Mrs. j IT ) r-p t-p Henry Inhelder cf Moref.eld, Neb.. came m Tuesday on No. or a time. i ... V-. . C . T ... . . a . -, -T -."a,. - !r - nd. done some rtove repairint: fc Mrs. Sayles. Jake Schneider tocrt auvantaire o: ti:e ? weatMer and butchered his :mer suptv of meat i-aturdav -.. Ivan and Ralph Meisir.cer took ad-; vantage of the fine weather Friday, t nd went 'nnnjri.t.d on a visit. Miss Eookmever came out from i'lattsmcuth to tak -cho-jl here until : i-Ie to return. . u , iar?e or Miss i rerr.a; James Hessenflow went to Platts- mouth Saturday. H:-rn Schtader took care of the rural route while: . vit 1 Miss Stella Warren, who has been . siting vuth her s.ster. Mrs. .Mable ; for the last week, return-! , , 4 j r.ome iuesay. v i!I Gobelman came out Saturday , on No. S-"J and spent Sunday with 1 friends, returning Monday on No. 34. 1 'EiHie is looking fine. . 1 J Allie Meisinger says it is hard on ' a single man when the roads are like r.ov i-ai-o CT.-T--1-. T?-- t-a A-.l rr.- I lose the runner orf his cutter this i dlle to take a hand in the wolf j hunt. Those in attendance from that ! c"tr w?-e: Messrs. Fe-erson. Stander. ; Faster, Keep, Roy Core, Walt Con fers, Merriman. Pete Nelson. Ed, Ed Bromco. Jim Masters. A. Sherman. F. Masters. F. Cox and F.ev. Norman. Owine to the por ; !. .e-un no covotes were seen. MURDOCH. v (Speciil Correspondence.) I. G. Hombeck was a Lincoln visit er Saturday. Miss Tressa Tigh of Manley was in town Tuesday. Harold Tool was a Lincoln visitor Miss Rose Bauer returned from Omaha Monday on No. 17. Charles Schafer was an Omaha . isitor Friday and Saturday, Miss E. V. Everett of Lincoln was horr.e over Sunday visiting friends. j A number from here attended the 'basket tall game at Elmwood Friday night. Miss Ida Wieshiet spent the past week with her sisters, east of Elm ween win wood. Miss M linnie Guthmann of Platts- mouth came Tuesday for a visit with relatives. Little Irene McDonald has been on the sick lirt the past week, but is 'Letter now. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Guthmann i r ere Omaha visitors Tuesday and ; We 'r.esday. Harry GiLespie of Lincoln spent 's-tu'-day and Sunday with relatives jand friends in this vicinity. BRITISH SLEEP IN CELLARS German Airships Return Homs Sale! After Rail FOUR KILLED BY THE BOMBS. Eeriin Anncuncss y Flotilla Was Srellea. tut Is Eack Unharmed Aftr Coirg Mjch Ca-raj; Russians Re port Repose cf German Attacks. Perl.a, Jn. 21. The fcliowing cf3 ial stjterr.-iit was issue! here; "Ja:i Z'j ;i a Citrraun air-h'd.s Lorn-La:dt-. the fortin-J plact- of Vuriuoati ur.d otht-r places on tte English ea: (.Oa-L. The attack was suoiessiul. Cot:?i ierab'f damage was don-. Tbe iirhi were shelled, t'lt rt gained tt-ir fcen-e port un -L-.maed." London. Jan. 21. The German air- s:.:;s for they are thus cescri'Lt-d hy ; the crf.f ial re;ort which paid la four-hours visit to the coast towns or .V rro.r:. crt ! r i or more On. V - I't-rs" rr, I; !'-(. j !0-;: i erson?, injured un or more oth- ' -rs ar d d.d ccnsideralle datU3e to lariaouth and King's Lynn, the Iar est tov.r.s i!tej. suffrei the h-avies-t uan.j-e. LiLt 1-orahs were d-opred in the former t)c. or.e cf them kill- ins an old mar. and an o'.J woman, in jurin? three others and smashing win dows within a radius of several hun dred yards. In Kir.a- s Lynn a woman and a bc wer killed by bombs, which d-mol-:s":.-d a row cf c-o: tastes. T l . : .-. : : . . .1 t- I i ac airiia:L a.;-o ;m.-u Lroait'i, i hi h. ho-evt-r. was not attacked: ih-r:r. churn, four bombs wet c dror r ed: I-ersir.sham. Glmstcn. Snet f tishani and Kraf Lam. -ar h of wh:- h ' rf !WJ,J rutssae. nettrsuam arc la-aans are wttatn ir.ree m::es c: tne tins s tsundr'neham rest l'to;ia in e towns raiuea are sdee; t'r.g !n th-dr cellars. Russians Repuise Germans. j Russians report repulses of GermPE ! attacks north of Raw a and on the : F.zura river and assert thiry defeated th- Germans with heavy losses near t-- . tt r l v t :rio T V - V.oVa I Th- French ohacial statement an the recapture by the French (: or.e or tr.e tncaes taKen tne c?. i previous y Ly tne Germans, nortn oi .Notre t ame ae Lor-tte. s'o many men perished during th e:?h: days' struggle for heights ac-ross the river from Soissors that four days . . t -k f -r. p.- te battte trie deed lay ap a'thoush thousands o' rt-n had t-etn ensaeed without cessa- t;cn in U- ar us up ARMENIANS IN SAD PLIGHT Refugees In Caucasas Are Dying Frerr Co!d and Hunger. Fcston. Jan. 21. The condition -' - - - :rt':u lu,KtJ. 1 ranscaucas.a :s Cfcr.c-ea :c aep.ora tl. ta a cahlegram from the centra' ccn,.itIee for Armenian relief at Tihis received by Miran Sevasly. chairman of the Armenian national de fense committee. The message was autLcrizei by Catholieos Souranian J--rs - the Armenian church, and L'-'-';" ire of Bishop Mesrop L .f. T " M.,- tV T,-i-r about 1 ?...: Armenians have migrat ed to the Caucasus to save themselves. The situation is extremely deplorable Many are dying from cold and nun Sr. In crCer to save our people from rum ereat assistance is necessary. 11 the name of these martyrs, we be ou to organize for collections of mon ey. Address contributions to Tcouri n iff. director of the Back Of Conv merce. TiSis ARMIES LIVING IN CAVES Fighting Forces In Europe PracticaMj AH Underground. Berlin. Jan. "1. Not since th Pleistocene age has cave-dwelling been so universal a mode of life i Europe as today. Altogether there ar? hundreds of thousands of men. on and eff the firine line, who burrow for she! tr from the enemy's fire and th weather's inclemency this winter. Vast underground cities have been built. In Galicia a correspondent saw t hill which had five tiers of caves, ir rows of forty each. The entire estab lishment sheltered 2.500 men. And life in the earth dwellings i fereeable. according to all accounts The men in their letters, at least speak of their caves with as much feeling as they do of home. ' Cutch Patrol Eoat Sunk by Mine. Th HMeue. Jan. 21 The Dutct naval patrcl boat Toitan. while search inz for mines off Nieuwsluis, struck i mine and sack. One officer and fom men were lost and only fragments 0 their corpses were recovered. A large number of fresh floating mines are re ported frcm all coast places. Germans Are on Defensive. Fetrograd. Jan. 21. Along a sixty mile front from Cieehanow to Dcbrzyr cn the Vistula, the Germans are on tht d'fer?ive psa'inst the Russian ad vanre towards East Prussia. Durins the last three days heavy artillery en patrements have occurred at variou: points along this line. SOUTH BEND. It was some snow storm we had all day Saturday. Mrs. Elmer Greer, is still seriously ill at her home. John Kittrell made a business trip to Lincoln last Saturday. Lloyd Richardson was the Louisville merchants Friday. Clarissa Streipht and mother were passengers for Louisville Wednesday. Ed Fir.ton, John and Frank Faum were shopping1 ir. Omaha Fri day. Frank Kephart spent the day last Thursday with his son, Ross and famiiy fnmilv. Mr. John Kittrell had the misfor tune to lose his purse at Louisville last week. Virgil Kittreil spent a few- days lust week at Memphis with his uncle, .id KittrelL Sterling: McDonald and Everett Giilen were passengers for Lincoln I riday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mervill are spending a couple of weeks at Meadow with Mr. MerviTs parents. Charley Fosberg and family were visiting in Louisville Sunday at the home of Albert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Thiele of Louisville came up Monday evening to see Mr. ?nd Mrs. J. D. Kittrell. Charley Atkinson returned home Sunday evening, after spending a rouple of days in Omaha. Oscar Dili and father were pas sengers for Springfield Friday, where they attended the sale of the late Bert Dill. The R- N. A. lodge met Wednesday ; fternoon to make some new lodge drapes, at the home of Mrs. Archie Towle. Eggleston returned to her home at Memphis, after spending sev eral weeks with the W. S. Kittrell famiiy. Albert Fidelir.e and wife were pas sengers for Lincoln Friday, where they took their baby to one of the hospital for treatment. Ross Kephart and family were pas sengers for Ashland Saturday even- in? to spend a short time with Mr. frank Kephart and wife. t- r.,, n ti,v '- , f -Vf,,l- usMr-1 vuurv. vi make his canv calls here on his many patients, and is very highly recom mended by all the people of South Eend. Railroads Are Giving Lessons Apple Cookery. Idaho. Oregon and Washington have bng ago been recognized as the lead ing states in the apple-growing in dustry and because of its superior grade and pack, this Pacific North west territory has always found a ready market for its production. The Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation, one of the Union Pacific System lines, has now interested it self in making the Pacific Northwest apple still more popular by engaging the services of a nationally known demonstrator in apple cookery. Mrs. Elinor Meacham-Redir.gtora Mrs. Redington gave several dem onstrations daily at the National Ap ple Show in Spokane last summer, and the great interest manifest in these demonstrations lead the O.-W. R. & N. Co. to publish a book of K0 receipts for the preparation of apple dishes. The railroad has also carried on numerous apple-cooking contests throughout the states mentioned bove, with a result that this educa tion has increased the consumption of apples locally; they now appear upon the daily menu of thousands of homes where before they were practically unknown. I THE TTITKin COVRT K THE (t)lTV OK ... NEBKUKA. ORORR TO MIOW C.lE. !n Tte Guardianship of Juanita Clem ens, a Minor. Now. on th;s th day of January, A. r.. 191.. this cau.e came on for h-ar-ir. upon the petition of Christina Burr, of Juanita Clemens, minor, for a Iicen!-e to sell the foj ;iwir.e dt-scrid real estate, to-wit: Tr.e undivided one-ninth (1-9) Interest in ar.d to Bioc-k thirty four S4 in Yo'ins and Hay's Ad dition to the City of I'iattsrnouth. Ca.-s County. Nebraska, fr the purpose of usinst the funds de--ivel tlierefrom for tr.e support, edu cation and maintenance of said minor, md alleirsr that the sale of said land . for the best interests of said minor: And it asptarinz that an order should -m entered re'tuinne al! persons inter ested in sail estate to appear and show -ause. if any. there be. why a license -houTd not issue to said guardian to sell the interest of taid minor in said ie--rriteo real estate. It Is Therefore trdered that all per- nn interested in said estate appear efore me at the office of the Clerk of tie Pistrict Court at Piattsmouth. Ne braska, at nine o'clock A M. on the Cth Jay of February. A. !.. and how ?aue why a license should rot issue ro said truardian to sell the Interest of aid minor in the above described real state for the purposes set forth In said application. JAMES T. BHOLET. Jiioi or tr.e Tatr;''t Court. It is ordered that a codv of this order served utxtn all :erons interested in sai l estate bv publication of said i jruer lor trree successive weeics prior to said date set for showing cause in trie i'iattsmoutn Journal a newspaper I put;;sr.ed semi-wefkiv ani of trene-al circulation in the County of Ca. Ne- Drasjta. JAMES T. beglet. Jud District Court. RAWLS i EODEETtON. Attorneys i-ii-3w2-"kir,kouschold i tiif: cnrTY rot rt r nir. cn tv or m:hiik. !S1 It It. t,Tn F. Itstat of Fram-- K : .r. k y. To Alt Ivrson Tnter'. You are lr:rtv rwt.n-l - t r-aric Kuchir,kv haf f.'.ri r.,r i.rt:r.v.- n t at'ove court f t!-ir.jr tt. ii:. .-.--ife on November 1"M. of Frjr.. - Ki ttiin-ky. a r-.vJ-r.? nr. i ir.-ai z.' t saiJ cc.v.r.iy: a&J a:f.:.i f ; Kv.sct.inky I t.trr j.f aral : ". r -.- at law, sz.i rt"iu".:ir.: t'; t ;.; -tLon t hail upon ....! 'j. a: 1 Frank i;-j.r.ifl aU-r..-,-trator tt.rt-of. A lat.t .'.! t- :al uton .aiJ petition at crT.. vf t - County Judjtt, Court Ko . I'.'" moatt.. Ca L'our.'y. N' ir, .!:.' uary iZ. A. r , lvlj. at T-. o v. '.. k a M . at w.w.icr. tinir orJ-r wa. tt- -'.:---; n accordrjr.c' witt. tt t.rii'es f : -coart tt.ereon. AU cLit.'r. f-r-t. if ar.y. mut I I1 tfor- -.l t vr l r. sa'-i diir of '.-ar:r.r Pv tn" Co-rp AI.T-T..V J. PK.SOV. F:aWUS r;QLn:TjS.Atar-.r. - IV THR IITHICT tOIKT or TIIK iotTV of m:hrki. NOTIir. OF tlT TO Ull'T TITIF- Ftc-Iph na-I-Jwia, Pt.-r:-si f. . O ar I liuv O f'ljiir.tlrr. v T:. Ktown Kir ar.l t.- of N -..-. K. Iiots. fu. -t : . .'.-I-r..U t Tu Tt efrriUar4t tt.- i ir - ar.j (".fviviri of Xjuf: Ii Uot'o. U-f-a-.-i. tr. .iTtknown t.-l' &r.J U-'-of. i'i-crf r V. Irwin. ii-.-asj. ou.-f S. Fimp-1. Marpar-t F.rr.j.. t - i-.-knowc f.lrs anU 0-v:s--s of r,rv,r s;, drar.-i tt.- unknown anil deviser cf Marjrrn, Yoj r.rt hereby r.ittfiJ or. t -"tOtn rtjy of I e-emt-r. A. I'. I4'., t '.air.rirlB f.d t'.nr int tn t. I'.-tr..t ("ci'irt of v'.T" i'uur.!y. N-trr.-ka. to qait tt.eir t.l !u f.e fv .j.r.R rrrt-J lar.J in tt.e Cujr.Ty tf (.a1--. -tiraska, to-w,t: Th south t.aif '- "' c f tt. r.orth Ht quartrr tN. Y. of -cr,or. tr. r-ty-ix tiSt, towat.i3 t'.l. r.v-tn tt.lrt-ra 13. .t of ttii TV M . t-eraue cf tr.:r v 1 . -r- "s.r-r. by ti.err.yelv'. tt.e.r j:rar.t:r aa.J ar.ot(r for trir t:." t-n .r prior tu tr.e rotr.rr.ei.t er:.r.t c f '---i ait. and to er.jviii eari. ar.U a. I of oi from t.avlt.r or .a.rr..r.ff ar.y r.p-t. tir'.e, tlana l9 or .n t-r--' if.r-.n. r..l to riiu;r. you tu -t forta va r.t.'.r. titte, tiaira, !:en or ir.terf tr.-r;ri. .f ar.y. !fial or ea.tut-. or to ar.v pnit thereof. anJ to have tt nc aU;uUvl ir.fer.or to tt. of .:r. ar.d for Ker.eral q.i:I rei.ef Tt.t" not.c i raaUe ;.ria:.t to tt order t'f tt.e court. Yuj ar repaired to aer a:i pe tition on or lefor Movlav. tt. It-.n aav of Feruarv-. A. I. I?t". or )j.r J-fa'j.t it(.tv er.'ere.j t'ere..-. ItAl.l'H BAI.mvIS. SHK.l'.MA N W. coi.: r:'Y c i :-..r.:.rr. HAV.'I.c c T.OHF.riTSON. Att .rr.-. 1-4-4 k-.wk'.r i thf; nioTirr cot nr or Tiin T1 OK 4. KIIRK. xitick ir in to m u:i Tiri.r. L-rer: Tr:t-ty et a!. I'la : r. t : " . . I, E l;iol-. ai-o knun a. I-or.arJ I? !.!. t.. et" al.. r!-r. jtitf To ti;- Jefeti'iact I. H !t:r"- a'.o known as Loonar'1 P. Kicn. Fa'.rv I::cv. tt nrknowrt teiri ! Jfvi.n of I.e.narJ U. Itith ar l Far.r.v eac-. i)ifif-1. A K -V .xar. :-r. frt real riariie ur.knowri. Mr. A. K A' ar.Jer f.rst real rarr. jr.known. w f of A. It. Aiesar.'ler. t'.e irkr.-jwn l:r an-1 Jv:s of A. Fa Aiexar. 1-r. r.rt real tame tmknown. Mr A. i'.. A;an ier. f.-st ral r m"wr.. ecti ft--i -a.ed. Jo'.n Kretrt.ek. Ami Kretct-ek. first r-al narre unknown, wife of Jot;n Kretcr.en. tte iikt;"wn t.e:rs tii ,'viie cf Jctn Kret'-ie an-i At.r.a Krettt.ek. frsx real rain unknown, each deiea,i. tt 'irhr,"n f ir an-l de ie of J i'.n Krn '.k. tler-a:e.;. t h unknown r.e;r tf. om- ot What Ml k;U. .ler-ai. v .s T-t. r;rt ri. r.r..- .r.n-or.. .Mr v.. t r.r-t r-i known, uift- of W S V!. at..' tt i'j ri J .rn an J c-f IV S V."-t. flrt ra! r.p?r. i r.kronr. m-.i Vm V. S. 'U'-t. fi'"t real tarr. tin- You are rr-ty n:-t.f.J that on titl day of !eeemter. A ISi't ln i t. air.f i;T f.':-A at in t ' '.-tri.t "';rt r f t'asn t'ourrv Sl rai. to Tii-t tiir tit. t it - f:i.wmr ..-rik4-i !ar.1 ir. tl.e Court- of 'a. trRWa. to-w'f L.t -iei:t in Mo' k on 1 - r. !r1 !Xt)--fiv ilCSi in tt of i'.atra rno'jth. h.ciu -f th.;r BJvrw p rssi&n tv Ihfmwlti" fcr.d tr-ir rrr! rs for roor than t-n -ar t-ri.r tv t!'- i-umfr.i-mT! of i;t. rf f -r.join -arh nl il of voj fr"T-i hvLrc or claiming any riicl.t. titi. c'.;m. or ir.t-ret tK-r-in. ar.J to r-f.'-:r .u to .-t forth your rftl-.t. tit. r a.m l!r. or ir.t-rest if a.ny. etr !fri or -qi;itBt'.e. ir. or to riy rrt tr.r.f, and to have the atti aJJjJ'1 in ferior to tt: tltie cf 1 lair.t.ff ir i for e--rral fgc:UUf reTief This r.otic is rrJ pursuant to tae order of tl.e court You are rj a; r-i to itr iJ p titon on or l-for ifur.dar. tr 2.ti d.v of FrVrtarv, A. I. 1 S I . o- u.: dlaa.t wiil du'.y rite--1 ttr;r.. LOP.n.N'7. T1.U HTT A N Z MAliT J. BVHV.KK. I'.a:rt.'!T. r.A'VL? Se P.OEFtnTSON". A!torai-v l-4-4wk- kiy I. THE niSTRlCT COVRT OF THE COIMV P CA. NRRRAtM. MOT1CE tL(i. In P. K?tate cf Diiiah Schwab. Notice I hereby pv-n t! in r'-aan- of an order of Hon. Jam T Ker. Jii-iire of the Iistr.ct Coi.rt of the Crnistv of C?. Nerraaa rr.aJ en the 14th .ay of Novnr.Wr. a! l . 141. for th.e rale of the re.: astute herein after J-tcrlel. t?:-re wi'.l ! ao'.i at the 5iouth Front toor of the Court House, ut Piattsmouth County. Xehraska. on the Cvtr. dav of A. D. ISIS, at eieven ociock A M. at public vendue to the bidder for cash, the following described real es tate, to-wit: Lots th.irteefi (13) and fourteen U4 in the Ka-t Half Ft of the N t? -west Quarter i.V. W. ) of -c!:?n Twfnty.fight ;. TowBh.p K' en 11 North. F.anee Fourteen 14i r.t of the Cth P. M. in the County of Ca. Nebraska. Said sii'e to remain open cne hotr Iated this Slnd day of LwcUr A. P.. 1S14 CHARLES K SCHWAB. Executor of t"-e tat will and testa ment of Ie!:'ah Srrah. T-4. IiAWLS ROBERTSON. Attorr s NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. All persons interested in the estate of Agatha Stull, deceased, uill take notice that a petition has been tiled in the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, for administration of her estate and that a hearing will be ha i upon said petition cn the ith day of February, 1915. at 10 o'clock a. before the Judge of the said Court. nd letters of administration of 5aiJ estate granted at said time. Witness my hand tnd seal of said Court at Piattsmouth. Nebraska, thi l&th day of January. 1915. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge. D. O. DWYER. Attorney. Mrs. W. E. Brir.kley departed last evpr.irt for Monticello. ArVinsi where she goes to make her home in the future, as her son, W. E. Drir.k ky, jr., and family departed for that place S4rvral days ro with their