The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 17, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, laii.
p :l o
Murray Department
! In:
cri-t o
f the People of Murray ami Surrounding Vicinity E.-pecially for the Journal Headers
1 f any of tlie readers of tbe
.Journal know of any social
evi-in oriu'in of iiiii-et in
this vii'inity. :tnl will mail
same to i his oltiee. it will aii
jwar iimler l liis heading. W e
want all news iteiris Kimtok
1RST !
Your J t Sae vXp
VEOTECTION FIRST! That's a fine slogan in these days. In WAR
L HZZ as well as in time of PEACE you ought to keep ycur money
, -:e KiNOW it will be SAFE. Hiding it in an old storking
In the attic is ZIOT safe : neither is it GOOD BUSINESS nor PATRI
OTIC. Ti-i Lank is conducted under close government regulation.
Four per cent interest on time deposit?. l-iosiis are protected by tha State Guaranty Law.
--.'"" Your personal taxes are now due.
Bert Root was shopping in Platts
niouth Thursday.
Mi.--. 1'. L. Rhoden was transacting
liu-.ines.-j in Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs. K. R. Queen was an Omaha
visitor last Friday and Saturday.
Miss Hannah Hansen was a Piatts
nioiith visitor Thursday of this week.
Miss Pauline Oldham was visiting
with friends in Plattsmouth Thurs
day. Wayne Lewis was seriously injured
last Wednesday while trying a sale
at Union.
Mis; Jes.-ie Todd and Mrs. L. G.
Ti dd were shopping 1:1 Omaha Wed-ne.-dny.
Piank Dugay and Guy Stokes were
calling :i friends in Plattsmouth last
i vt :iing.
Buy vour Red Cross seals at Hiatt
your cakes Saturday at the
an Omaha visitor
& Tint's store and help wipe out Ur
beivulosis. Tony Glenn killed a iarge gray wolf
ne;r the home of F. L. Rhoden one
day last week.
Mrs. V. A. Kennedy and Mrs. O. V.
Virgin were Plattsnioiith visitors
Tuesday evening of this week.
R. C. Railey. the Eight Mile Grove
lilacksmith. has disposed of his black
smith .-took to .James Loughridge.
J Walter Winner, who has been
;i. Ik
!v sick
vi-itin friends near Murray, left for
his home in Ventura, Washington.
Mrs. Chas. Snaitgler and Miss
The Same Call be paid at this bank. ! Stan;:ler, who is visiting here
Iowa, were Omaha visitors Thursday.
Albert Young and Pauline Oldham
attended the second number of the Ly
ceum in Plattsmouth Thursday even-
At ti
-pedal nueting of the di-
a Platts-
Mira McDonald wa:
visitor W e d n e s d a y .
vour.g son of Mr. and Mrs.
Rhoden has been on the sick list
is v..Te
disnose of the old
Mr. .la!
T-.- dar
it iii !a'e is a very
at !iis .-Lop those day-,
anil then some.
u'iv n by Elmer Baedeker Saturday was well at-
te t lie et -i me cold.
Wal'.. r b i-chered a
.!T:....n. Philip Lei!.
io:!ig the work.
j f-r the past few days,
i Boy Hurton and family were visiting
jlast week with Mr. Burton's parents.
j.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Puvton.
! Mis. J. D. Shrader returned home
jk'.-t week from her visit with rela
tives down in Kansas.
' Pitman P. rot hers. O. A. Davis and
The Library Association at Murray
regrets cery much that they are soon
to lose Mrs. Hugate, of Weeping
Guy Stokes and Arthur Copenhaver
S. O. Pitman w;
A few yearling steers for sale. In
quire of II. L. Oldham.
Prof Asch has been confined to his
bed for a few days this week.
George Nickels was looking after
some business in Oniaha Tuesday.
Walter Sans and wife were looking
after business in Omaha Tuesday.
j Miss Etta M. Nickels was looking
after business in Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs. A. J. Stokes and Mrs. Arthur
C'opeahaver were transacting business
in Omaha Thursday.
Lee Nickels ami sister, Miss F.tta,
and ?diss Ida Good spent Sunday with
A. D. Crunk ar.d family.
'Everyone should attend the box so
cial and Chiisima.-. entertainment at
the Lewiston church Friday evening,
December IS.
Remember that you can pay your
personal taxes at the Murray State
Dank. The same are now due and
can be paid at the bank.
The sale of Charles Rover last
Montlay was largely attended and
was in the hands of Ilex Young,
which always means a successful
The new farm residence of John
Stone was completed Tuesday of this
Ettie I week, and Mr. and Mr s. Stone moved
from i into the new home Thursday. This is
one of the finest farm homes in this
Murray will soon have a new tele
phone system, which will be glad
r.ews to the many patrons on the
present exchange. The farmers are
getting together on the farm line or
ganisation, and it will only be a mat
ter of time before the new system
will be in operation.
f Glen Perry have put in a big ice pond
jven-year-old son of
J. Pl.ilpot. has been
past f.jw cays.
on the Walker- place jouth of Murray.
! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myers, living
in Mt. Pleasant precinct, are rejoicing
over tlie arrival of a new son at their
t week.
went to Plattsmouth Tuesday, where
they purchased a fine new Keystone
corn slieller.
Jay Oldham of Denver, Colorado,
stopped off at Murray Tuesday for a
! few hours' visit with II. L. Oldham
land familv.
! h
loot nnloadet
ded a
.f 1
hi- fet d pen here T'je.-
.t m
1 1 it;...
- dd :
!.: '1 1
. .1
savs :
wa h
'vi'. -.iii'.
w'iil be
of the
sale at the library Saturday
;, Decenber l'.'th. The cakes
cut in halves or fourths. Some
best cakemakers in Murray
( 1
.la!'. 1.
J- fl i.
1 Mrs
- pen
-ion 1
'J .- !
1. as oei-n :
!' -oi'-a- tin:
C. P.r-
ays that
ei; ir.g
v. hi-i
oung spoitsmn
arl wt-rt into
t b.-y s laugh terel
. They had the
to vemv thei
' rung
w iili
It -
t ln-re Wclii.
his ati'o for Greeley
li rely takes nerve to go
, aLra;n-t zi-ro weather and rough
!;..:.- in an aa'.-mobiit' on such a long
trip. Well, kerr- i hoping he has no
e eonirio ;-.e : to u'.e .-a.e.
Th.e feeding of tramps' in Murray
is almost become a burden. From
if.- to eight or ten call daily at
nit and back doors. A man with
it ra.'.'iey- food or clothing is in a
spcrate tix and will do desperate
The athletic yoong bucks of Mur
ray ar.d the surrounding country have
organized for th.e purpose of becoming
expert in the manly art of boding and
wrestling. There is no better sport
for the oung men than that which
them strong bodies.
j The Athenians met in the arena
1 Tuesday night. A few gladiators from
Union met in conclave with us to try
their skill in the wrestling stunt.
Some of the new holds discovered are
the door-lock, the five-sixteenths Nel
son an I the crochet work. This as
sociation meets on Tuesday and
j Thursday evenings and an invitation
j is given anyone to join them.
sev- j will give
-Better than
is our line of Fancy China. Everybody likes pretty
Dishes and we sure have them, in medium priced ware.
Don't overlook our Jewelry. Every article of the
highest grade and fully guaranteed.
Watches "
Mesh Bags
Tie Pins
Cuff Buttons, Etc. Etc.
You can find a present for all at this store.
Murray, - - - Nebraska
Mrs. Myra McDonald drove
Plattsmouth Wednesday to attend
.Mime business matters, and was
pleasant caller at this oflxe.
Mrs. E. S. Tutt and Mrs. J. D. I'
man and Mis. W. E. Dull entertained
the Missionary society at the home of
the latter last Friday. The attend
ance was quite large.
Ice cream will be sold at and 10
cents per dish at the library Saturday
afternoon and evening. The weather
is so warm that ice cream will be
tiuite a treat, so come out and try
The Christian Sunday school will
give a Christmas tree and entertain
ment on Christmas eve. Everyone is
invited to assist and help make the
occasion a success, by attending and
placing your presents on the tree.
Each member- of the Library Asso
ciation is supposed to receive the De
cember Bulletin for Woman's Clubs.
You will find valuable information for
both men and women in this issue,
regarding the state laws. Keep the
The M. W. A. elected officers at
their regular meeting last Saturday
evening as follows: I). A. Young, V.
C.; W. W. Hamilton, W. A.; Lee
Kniss, Clerk; Alva Long, Sentry; O.
V. Virgin, Escort; Drs. Gilmore and
Iirendel, Physicians.
The Ladies Aid society of Kenoshia
and Murray were delightfully enter
tained by Mesdames W. F. Moore and
Frank Rhoden last Wednesday after
noon at the pleasant country home of
Mrs. Moore. There was a large num
ber in attendance and a fine time is
J. J. Oldham, one of the buyers for
the Denver stock yards, spent Tues
day with his uncle, II. L. Oldham and
family, going on to Plattsmouth to
spend a few hours with his uncle and
aunt, Mr. George Oldham and Mrs.
Dora Moore and Mrs. Baker.
James Loughridge has opened up a
new blacksmith shop at the old stand
in the brick building on Main street.
It seems like old times, and mighty
good at that to see Jimmie's smiling
face back at his old post, where he
has so faithfully served his patrons
for so many years. lie has always
given perfect satisfaction in his work
Mrs. W. F. Moore and Mrs. F. L.
Rhoden entertained the Indies' Aid
society of Murray and the ladies of
the K. N. K. last Wednesday. A" very
pleasant and enjoyable afternoon was
spent by the society. Mrs. Moore and
Mrs. Rhoden served a delightful two
course luncheon, which added very
much to the pleasure of the company.
Sale of School House.
District No. "; will sell at auction
to the highest bidder the unoccupied
school building January '2nd, 11)1"), at
the old school house. Murray, Neb.
Bids will be received from 1 o'clock
until 2 o'clock.
Bv order of the School Board.
1 .
Help the Belgians.
Every day or so someone makes the
remark that they would like to donate
something to the relief of the surfer-
Belgians. If someone, with time
and inclination, could be found, a car
of flour could be raised in eastern
(.'ass county and no one injured by the
offering. This is a worthy cause of
a people that could not help the pre
dicament into which they have been
cast. Plattsmouth. Mynard, Union.
Nehawka and Murray can raise this
if some one of these towns will only
start the ball rolling. We are voting
on someone in the county seat doing
this and let us hear from them at
Presented With a Gold Lavaliere.
The teacher and pupils of district
No. presented Miss Ellie Smith
with a gold Lavaliere as a token of
the high esteem in which she is held
by her teacher and schoolmates. Miss
Efile was sick at the time the present
was given and her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Smith, responded by invit
ing the school over to dinner on Fri
day. A bountiful repast was served,
to which everyone did ample' justice.
At 1 o'clock, when the children
started back to school- they voted Mrs.
Smith "second to none" when it comes
to serving good dinners. This means
the removal from our community of
another excellent family in the near
future as they contemplate moving to
Minnesota in January. This little
event will long be remembered by the
school children, who certainly appre
ciate the many kindnesses shown them
bv Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Pay your personal
Murray State Bank.
taxes at the
For Sale.
A number of . pure bred Plymouth
Rock hens. Mrs. R. M. Shrader, Mur
ray, Neb. Telephone 4-N.
Piano at a Bargain.
We have a used piano in good con
dition that one of our customers was
unable to finish paying for. We will
place it free of charge in the home
of any satisfactory party in the
vicinity of Plattsmouth who will pay
the balance in cash or payments as
low as $G.OO per month. Address
OIney Music Co., St. Joseph, Mo.
Genuine Fletcher's Castoria this
week only at 19c. Gering & Co., the
Spot Cash Family Druggists. Phone
(Special Correspondent.)
t- r
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis and chil
dren and Mrs. W. II. Puis made a
business trip to Oniaha Friday.
Miss Holly spent Sunday with home
folks at Plattsmouth.
Herman Gansemer of Ilartrngton is
visiting with relatives and old-time
friends in this community this week.
Adam Schafer and Herman Ganse
mer made a ba.dnrss trip to Lincoln
Harmond Beck was a Plattsmouth
visitor Saturda.'.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. arid Mrs.
Adam Hild.
Jake Mannier, who spent this fall
with home folks, left Wednesday for
his home at Hartington, Neb.
A club dance was given at the hoire
of Mr. tind Mrs. Alfred Gansemer
Tuesday night in honor of Herman
Gansemer of Hartington. Neii.
Quite a number of this county at
tended the public sale of Henry
Pwartz Tue-dav.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz
business trip to Omaha
Harmon Beck mad
Lu:. made a
Wed:iesda V.
a business
trip to Elmwood Monday.
Dancing Party Draws Well.
The regular weekly dancing party
at the Elks club last evening was
enjoyed by quite a large number of
the members of the lodge and their
ladies and a most delightful time was
had until a late hour. Miss Tate of
Omaha, who is teaching a number of
the late dances here, comes each Wed
nesday afternoon and teaches the new
dances at the Elk's club for children
and the adult class in the evening pre
ceding the assembly, and the members
of the order are delighted with the
new dances that are shown by this
talented ladv.
From Tuesday's I'allv.
The Methodist Sunday school in this
city is arranging for an entertainment
in-honor of Christmas at the church
on Christmas eve, Thursday, Decem
ber 24th, and as the enter tainments of
'he school are always a splendid suc
cess, this one is being looked forward
to with the greatest of pleasure by
the little folks of the school. Santa
Claus will be present at the entertain
ment and distribute to the little folks
all manner of treats, and in this it
may be remarked that any children
not attending Sunday school in other
churches are invited to lie present to
take part in the entertainment of the
evening and to re.eive their remem
brance of the blessed Christmas day.
The entertainment of the evening,
aside from the welcome visit of Santa,
will be a short, Christmas cantatta,
for which the little ones have been
training for some time, and which
gives the promise of being one of the
most pleasing that has been given
there for year s. This Sunday school
has a very large membership and the
work of arranging for the Christmas
festivities is quite a task, but the
teachers ami pupils have taken up
their work in good shape and a most
enjoyable time is anticipated, and the
parents and friends are invited to be
present and take part in the pleas
ures of the evening. The entertain
ment will be held in the main audit
orium of the church.
K. S. Mask Ball.
Now is the time to prepare for the
big K. S. mask ball, that will be given
next, month. Watch for further particulars.
M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at
Gering & Cos Wednesday and Sat
urday evenings. Examination free.
From "Wednesday's
There has been
plaint of late from several quarters of
the number of cases of wife and child
desertion in the city, where the head
of the household has "lit out" and
neglected to make provision for the
care of his wife and children, and
making it necessary for the county to
come to their assistance in ord?r to
prevent them from suffering for the
wrongs of another. There is certainly
nothing more heartless than the man
who leaves his children and his wife,
to whom he has taken an oath to love
and cherish, to get along as best they
can, while he goes on his way regard
less of the condition they may be in,
without the real necessities of life,
while he goes on well satisfied with
himself, his offspring are without
proper clothing or food to keep them
more than alive in this cold winter
weather, and they are without any
heat or provisions to give warmth
from the elements.
The laws of Nebraska are very
stringent in their ounishment of the
wife and child deser ter, and those who
attempt to run away from their sworn
luty as the protectors of their house
hold will find that they are inviting a
prison sentence as a reward for their
conduct, and the county attorney will
soon take some steps to see what can
be done along the line of bringing
some of these cases to the bar of
justice to see whether or not there
cannot be something done with this
.lass of offenders whose greatest
wrong is to those that should be the
nearest and dearest to them in every
There has been several cases of this
kind and it is time that some check
was placed upon the practice, which
is certain to result not only in added
burden to the taxpayers of the coun
ty, but in the ruining of homes and
the blasting of lives of those who are
innocent of any wrong-dcing, but are
maue the victims of the misconduct of
others. A move in this direction cer
airdy ought to have the cordial sup
port and approval of every law abid
ing citizen in the county who in any
way believes in having the statutes of
Nebraska enforced and the wives and
?hildren of these men given some
means of protection.
From Wednesday's Daily.
In speaking cf the places where the
Christmas spirit seems to be the pre
vailing note, a trip to the store of E.
A. Wurl reveals many splendid ar
ticles that would come in very handy
as remembrances for the loved ones
in the line of useful as veil as hand
some gifts. This store has a very
complete line of many dainty articles
In fancy needlework, as well as other
features that appeal especially to the
feminine heart, and in searching for
a seasonable gift for mother, wife,
sister or sweetheart there could be
found no more suitable place than
here. The show windows have been
fitted up in a beautiful manner that
gives a hint of the many handsome
articles in stock on the inside and the
shopper will miss something gooi:
who fails to drop in at this store on
their rounds of the business houses in
search of Christmas gifts.
Christmas Stationery.
Sell your property by an ad in The
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office or Murray
State Bank for
17m. R. Voiing
Careful attention to Public Sales
Iates are Reasonable.
Call at my expense
Murray, - Nebraska
At the Journal office you will find
one of the finest lines of stationery on
the market, all of which will make
excellent Christmas presents. We
fcfill h.nve n number of boxes of the
Initial Stationery, that we have been
selling at 75 cents, but in order to
close out the entire line, we are going
to cut the price to 50 cents, which is
a trifle below cost of this fine line of
paper, but we want to close out every
box. Some of the letters have already
been sold out, and while they last the
balance will be sold at 50 cents. Call
early for they will not last long at
this price. The Journal Office.
Notice to Pay Up.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to the store of M. Fanger will
please call and settle same at the
earliest possible moment. We must
make a demand at this time that all
accounts be paid before the first of
January, as the dissolution of the
partnership between M. Fanger and
V. Zucker makes it necessary that all
collections be made. All accounts not
settled by the first of January will be
placed in other hands for collection.
Fanger's Department Store.
Greater Show Than Ever, With Bigger
Company and Newer Song Hits
and More Pretty Girls.
With a sensation melodramatic
.-:to- under the title of "Mutt &
Jeff in Mexico," Gus Hill's perennial
su'-eiq of that name, reappears
'".-pir: and span," everything new but
the buttons, to clean up the coin
again, a-; it has done for the past two
yeais. The irrepressible "Gus" has
evidently kept "tab" on every line,
thrill, laugh, song and situation dur
ing his entire "nearly a century" of
theatrical experience.
It seems that this season's "Mutt
& Jeff in Mexico" contains nothing
but the real essanee of true amuse
ment without a hitch or a line that
does not go over in great shape.
There's coatchy, whisteable music, a
laugh to every breath, a song hit or
an entrancing dance ntmber when
ever your sides begin to ache from
excessive laughter, and a bunch of
exceedingly pretty girls to give the
whole thing zest. There you have
"In Mexico." To say it is a hit is put
ting it altogether too mildly. It's a
riot! With gorgeous scenic and light
effects and a magnificent change of
costumes for every one of the twenty
or more song and dance numbers. Af
ter all, it resolves itself into a "rip
roaring" side-spliting comedy such as
you would expect after seeing the
daily cartoons by Bud Fisher, which
are still as popular with the readers
of the thousand or more daily and
Sunday papers as they were three
years ago.
"Mutt & Jeff in Mexico," wi.h the
big fifty-thousand-dollar production,
comes to the Parmele theater on
Wednesday night, December U4. Voir
wouldn't wish your worst enemy such
luck as to miss "Mutt & Jeff." Gets
seats as soon as the advance sale is
announced, if you want a good seat.
That's good advice.
Farms For Sale
100 acres, 5 miles from postoffice,
good house, several barns, graneries,
corn cribs and outbuildings, two good
springs and never failing running
water. Not a foot of waste land,
and all land gently rolling.
Not an acre of land adjoin
ing this quarter can be bought for
$150 per acre, and $200 per acre
would not buy the majority of it.
$125 per acre, or $20,000, with reason
able payment down, balance on long
time to suit purchaser
This is positively the biggest snap
in Cass county, and the lucky pur
chaser can make from $;l,000 to $5,000
on the increase in value in one year.
170 acres, 5 miles from Platts
mouth, miles from Murray, ;0
acres in fall wheat, splendid house,
good barn, graneries, corn cribs and
outbuildings, running water, school on
land near dwelling; land adjoining
sold a month ago for $150 per acre.
Price, $140 per acre; terms to suit
100 acres, 6 miles from Platts
mouth, 2 miles from Murray, splendid
new land, 45 acres in fall wheat, good
buildings of all descriptions, all in
first-class repair; entire 100 acres in
closed with new woven wire hog-tight
fencing. A bargain. Price, $125 per
acre; terms to suit purchaser.
80 acres, 7 miles solrth of Platts
mouth, 3 miles from Murray, good
land, usual improvements, land rolling.
Price, $125 per acre.
Several good residences in Platts
mouth at prices much less than re
placement value, most of them strict
ly modern. Farmers expecting to re
tire and move to Plattsmouth should
investigate these bargains in City
40 acres of good hay land for sale
For full particulars on any of the
above tracts, call at my office.
Tel. No. 1.
Real Estate, Farm Loans and
Coates' Block, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Wall Paper. Gering & Co. Phone