The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 26, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1914.
Newsy Notes from Cedar Creek
Personal Points of Interest Picked
of the Cedar Creek Readers by Our
i.::si Literary lifi-pniivr 11.
1 he i'.!!'virir ji:i .;.!.- arid ma.era-'
zim-s -ra-f our reading table for this
mouth: S;.turuav Evcninir Post.
Lame- Home Journal, Christian Her-
a::. O.nahti Pailv N nvs, the pift of
Lfota Hacltevher; Florence Gauer
p. need u-.n-v. the tabie The Ilouseho'd;
Twentieth Centurv farmer: "H:.l-
Ian !V 7h.-nk3irivii.c- number; Mr. i
Ltamts .-ent the Denver Pot; Mi--son '.ave: i uoso.ay.
lie idri- ks. Current Opinion an i Cur- i N'-.-ah Wait. -maker of Cu'.lom wa
reiit Events, an.i knima Warren In Ce iar Cr?ek Ti e-day.
!::; ei ! opu'ar ruechinics tin : ?. l
. i 'live tei.s us sr.'- nvt a lauv
ami wn?:i
oiv -he
I-. away h
dive iea
I . T ".! ' l.t
; -he com:J. Mrs
lady had been a !
bip New Yrk
for v.
yea rs
' - T.
d !;-
s !t v
or the
vi;l o: p ,e-.-
.-o to make ro n.
Fe a IJ'xi-ttr. t'" :! yu
r :' y -r iV"l"-v rr.-i:
y.ur i-our.try. b . yvrr
'.vi. at an rate:
it a.- : piece to live.
;e-y boost you rive
the town a better town;
i. tti . doti'i knock it tio-.v
Ik- a ;
F .o -t
i'- o -
1 T.l
Pe a 1 o-t-':
you can;
I.v-i'-tintr is a utt:e
Looste: .- al'.v; ys .vhi acclaim;
P '.,-t th.-i; v.i-ou they need you:
Make them veil h: stead of velp
l i .e : . .
i i oo -1
!.. to
i it. o-1 ;
?d:s. V.
m Keii was vr. Omaha
calk- 1 on ( ur merchants
V. e-ii e-day.
'. V.. Me: Ter t.f r '
vi;!a--e Y.'e i:
S. J. F.,T.nte made
was in tne
nu:ness trip
to I.nuiv:'i.' Friday eveu.nt;.
Mr.-. S. J. cMle.l at the
h iv e of Mrs. ham Kik'.e Thursday.
rt ot
Ctd'om visited her
trrau.'.m-""': r (
Sr.ylcs. Saturday.
fir- K ii !
Thitfoo arc! wife ch
i-it Pic.ttsmeu'.h.
M-s. !!;:; Siii-o
wert to r,::.:t.-rr.o"
e and Henry
.-e Thur.-da v to
:er and children
m Saturdav to
visit home oh;
.-. ; . a no ...-. ( . i .
f. Sji"ir!t:!e!'!. Wed:
th; it- da:: .fitter f t a t
Life is too -low f i
.-Isinrer went
:.;y to vi-it
r vor.e to .-e-
cure a ;:r:n f ip on. all tne Knowledge .j.
t.ut the - ye, ea h town has
particularly wi-c r..a:i.
Sa.v what vou
woi, fi.-rcure it
you may. tla :? is only one life worth '
... ..- i r I-- r
.n::t; tr.a i- a :ro.: i: e. a n.e oi
ertod fet tr.-o.! ii..s. !f oo i
v rd..". tfoo.i deed-. Whether tiitie be
a fut ure e:.-f-. nr wre'her th'?: e h
a r.c
av r: or r.
it - nr.
ii. t. -t'cr live the cle m
.. ( :tly of ma:i to live
1 Th Strongest m
b22 iS2 W KgS
' lj ff tfff A7 34.NCH
r; t. -r" Cr - -
' , V i r. -J i ... 't- -' 'j ! U V-.'
' f ' ' 5 - - : ' l I ' t- ' '.J T
. . ! . ; . . . , . t . . . r , . , r .'. r-;i rrTr.n -vr'. t , r "-"-i uie.ini.. is iu mum
Heavy steel cables lapped about -.nd
Ts.Yi -harv for ttrPTlrnp in rnr rinrt-
are not hard to find. This company
rir.ri 151.V Iaro-e fence fartnries fittifT
. rI
These facts should be convincing.
Cedar Creek Lumber Company,
E cedar creek,
Up end Penciled for the Persual
Regular Reporter of that Vil'ag-e
! Claude Sievers v
: o ....... !
ii. i l v. 1 1 ill U !
I day.
r. Tin ..r VT,-,,.-.,.. .. v
ii. ilia ii .uvnani was nere vveu-
:ie.-i; y.
j.hri (,au?r wa; a Omaha visitor
Th,; - i -
Peter Co-f visited home fo
' I.ouisvide Saturday.
John Gaue- was an Omaha visitor
ast weei:. :'oKi!.;r i.rie.
frank :x
:nd fami'v called
j. Rcame- has in a hue line o
i !K. !:i.s ''I',
-(die and i:
dv attend-
ed a Phut-mouih .diow Friday ni-ht. .
v a!
ba. tz
in tip f0(.r '
h the other!
' Y'o-.i cr.n:.o
der ur hs h
t!e himse'r".
Mr. Jud 1
rr:uth came
fi iend-" over
v. n. mi si !,:.- I
: 1 i
in- to climb a Ht- j
r and wife of P
i-'ay r.iyr.t and v:
nia v.
Messrs. Martin I
h an.
John i
Alberts t f I
on !o. ii'.)
tt. -mouth Monday ;
atten. 1 the Farmers' i
Fleator m
and Mrs. Jake Schneider re-
red Mn.iav
f:om P'.ai-
Me! .. where they
lelatives for th.e p
James Ilerst-nr.o
fieen visitir.
few da vs.
ill vacation-!
:r.c. Hans
hroder miv his is ai
Treat trip, lot v.k! g:;vc dim a broad j vember -J. school at '.':": !
.-mile when he go back to carry mail::., m. Church service at lii;:M a. m. '
r.g-a'n. 'and lit 7 o'clock in the evening-. At:
V0 .,r v-. .. .t.M-:.-rr wro - II. II. i Jthe latter service Messrs. Gauer, !
!oost!!at P'.attsmouth ? We so
: p'Tn, "X'ebraska Is ti
,.,. ) t'-if !
Tst .ve :
t(;ok occasion to tend it at th
social a a part r. the literary paper.
n imnrovement ir.
the uaon road oetv.een Cedar Creek
and Louisvide whe;-- the 'Trading
tra n ir i
cuttirtz down the old ouarryt,
Iri'i. makinjr this rieee of road much
liave you
ci: cr.mferen-e
Reatnes' po-t
tne er.ttr;
card c:
J. j
ial'y pretty just now decorated '
: es; 'ei
i with
! h im
inurir:si-iv;;:c care.
And ask j
v h
if vou care to
.-ee sometni!"r handsome.
Johnnie Thierolf and G. P. Meisin--
(; we-e in I.tnocin Tuesda
ha.- been suffering with a felon.
had it lance,! and hojnis to soon tre'
-, i.-uai right's sleep. Too iunh for
Jihr. i- a rt.n.i husker and that's
what'.- beer, needed in these parts o"
When he hati careluiiv examined i
ihe td:c.-ician had brourh:
in fo-
pairs the Get man cobbler j ed tnem
.......i. i.s.. .
ain't worth mend in jr. .
'"Dent shoe
cry w
ians. said tne
: I w or.'t have
doctor, '"then t.f c
any thin-r dor:
I ckaree you
to them." '-Yell, but
" cen.s alreadv, vet."
Wr.v. vl'.i'.t for"" "Vv. ven I came
o :e you de v. '.-' r--.y you cha-ered
rtV t'ee dtdlars for t. '.::: :- me dot der
ain't noiklin-rs tier matter mit me."
Science proves that the stronrrest fence, because
constructed throughout on scientific lines, is the
. 58 INCH
ti A
-J ! "J J U V k V V veur iinc
t: ' n. n A A T. A 13 INCH W:re '.n
sv . v
held together by steel wire, formincr uniform meshes. Simple, isn't it?
tintfnrmk- ctrnnrr t'h rnnnc f.ii- th c-nprinriti- , . n- t t irr- rri-rf
owns and operates its own iron mines
nnc rf the civ hninir lnrcrpr thnn anv
- - - - " ' " - - . - - - "
. J.
' Juke Meisintrer of I'lattsmouth was
here Monday
Elnier Chafer visited S. J. Eeanies
ar.d wife Sunday.
Tom Cable- of Louisville came to
Cedar Creek Mondav.
Mr. Wurl, the citrar man, called on
jour merchants Monday.
Mrs. Sales has
'light put in the postofl'.ce.
Jerry Frey of Omaha was here for
an over Sunday at home.
Miss Ltd; a Dun came home mr an
iivi r Sunday here this week.
Forrest liaug-kman and sister were
I Mir.uay visitor.., at John Lohnes .
1 He has a right to criticize who has
a heart to help. Abraham Lincoln.
Have you noticed the fine picture
S. J. Kearres has of the I. O.
Home at York, Xebra ka?
O. F.
We regrret that .Mrs. Olive will sr.y
rood-bve tc he: brother and wife Wed
j :u .-m.y niornin
I idan. Iowit.
i.nd depart for Sher-
Fait:: Meisinic-r is helping Henry
Lil. e wi,t. i;,li:.h lUskin- corn this
.veei.. Mo;-t of our farmers have, or
a' e hnisbimr.
Ir:n Meisincrer ale dinner
sciiool with Oier.ii the other day
v:tose in
an over niht. been
i t i n ir f.
."eiii.!' Creek
'a e' en ine a
:d Tdi.-se
T re- .
roan's and Hendricks left for th
1 c Ii. w-i..r? lll.'V V!W-..t ifiTX
.-mes to ;end their vacations. j
At the home of II. L. Meisinorer on ',
ist Sunday the foilowiriff young- peo-
; nle ensoved a jrrand dinner ar.w a i
mo.-t pleasant time:
Lloyd i
lrven Rud-dj-h, Ralph and r
j. - i
! Harry Horn. John (iauer. jr.; Mis-e!
Geitruoe .Meisintrer. cula Schnenie",
Pora llauer anci Heien Horn. J
Service? ntrnjnr and evenimr. Xo - ! Meis'.n.ire-,
Salrberp, M; i-ineer, P.usche and Mei
Loui.-e Gauer.
i We Plow, row when some folks the school room was too small
a place to have a Thanksgiving pro-f-vom
:M;d iif .-octal in tb.a.t thov
, ..,n- c ,.'
;.oe .::v w u; t: l.;imi:. a;--.u..
W'v know. too. when some .said the
halis and stair:
would he a sitrht to
lean uj for tobacco spit. etc.. that
they didn't know what t'ney were
talking about.
Do not keep the alabaster be:: of
love and tenderness sealeu up
ir.-.til oar friends rue dead. Fill
their lives with sweetness. Speak ap
f fovir ir, eheerinjr words while the'r
ears cm hear them and while their
hearts can be thrilled and made hap
nier. The thiners cu mean to sav
when they are irone say before they ;
2. The flowers ou mean to send i
ft -r their cooin. send to briehten and j
I sweeten
their homes before they leave i
i .vi rs. viive iecue'i i ne vou oei
I tier's Storv" as second number on the
n . . g 1 : -... .1 ..TU . t i 1 C . .
Thanksfivincr proirram Saturday t"f-
nimr. i ne stor-y is a lemrrny one. out ;-pe c
hv dr.-.n;-1 h- skill he'd the audience... c-..
in pertect attention iii.m start to fin- .
i-h. ar.d when she had done we wt re
made to feel more than ever "Hoys,
t'yin.-r kites haul in their white winred
, or-ds unuttered fab
dcr.d. but God Himself can't kill I
them when they're said.'
I't Karh exttrnsion of the CLL
WOOD i a stei l rj6Ie, cunsi&tinu of two heavy
wires imcrtwiiicil.
Itacli of these cables is t;ed to each other
bv a conuiiuorcs heavy wire lupped tiyhtly
iMiUi .vcry c.i.iie tint tied in a cniukt-u knut
2 S IN CM or twist to W'-akcn the s'rernrtli o: tne tie wire
- r aa.I t!, ivire i ; r..t weakoneil: tit- a
in a h:rtl k not a::d vou cannot untie
and furnaces; its own wire mills
n - V.r f.r--u f-,, r.y-- .,..rr if"
.' - - . . V- . L. V. .I'l J AL klib . . U11U
KJ8 1
'jmf.-:r.:Z - .- . I
r -
reading with a comic selection in fer-i
man dialect, which was heartily ap
preciated. Mrs. Horn says she has
el joyed her visit at Cedar Creek.
I'lattsmouth and Elmwourt very much
and has staved loinrer than she ex
pected to he pone when she arrived.
With Miss Marie she returned home
When you ask bo;, s to do anything
ar.d they do ii just riirht better than
you could hae accomplished it your-
.-! ! it is: it vou watu a tnme uor.e
r:cht. asU if. in aiui tiienn to do i:
To all who helped in any way to make I
(Saturday evening a success, we wish
jto express ovr thank-. The highest
c. :. soiu wi n. 10 one m out nonic uo .-.
Isi! t that so, Dora. Jo .Mr. I'oherts. i
especially, our thank- is due. for the
lumber we used I'eliUi.-ip.jr to
If the people fed ;
sat is "d with
: th
prerm. and tht
oys as s.i
iied witli their sup;H :s as wt-'i as
do :n having
in our posse -.-
atur-u; v
Xoveir.her 21.
sucress. We
!lPt ,
o arranw for an r. to
Linco!ii". oirihd.r.. Mabe
. i occu r aoo.i .
I the boys will be hungry avain by th
'time. As promised by him. Mr. Sie
,ti broucrlit a crov. d from I
( u : .-
; We had tile rler-.sure of meetit! ti:o
! ladies ar.d trent'enteri as the hrst re:
our s;-ter city,
mnre--eu. The
: avorab
) V
. .-...
eir parts nob'y in s
, . 1 . : 1 1 v . t
our collars (.etit- co.umn. .cw
v-t.-, have the opportunity is
.,:,me wry to r-t t!i- fe- lircr that "i
is more pleasant to five tia.n to re
ce:e Send us won! when
v. .
us. f,
is roof
1 for both.
ens neiithborhoo
to ll-;p
eacn o-. r.
'turn about j. ;.'-.,;-s
hid: iuidi.-l; lattr )-k.y.
we spin.
the more;
- ' i'-T& ant, ir.e .a.mase i atrn
if u have read "Mrs. Y.'iuin- of
the Cul br.e 1'atcli" y ou ki.o .v sior
had a lai-jre :am:iy. ir.-i :t
citar.ced to come a stn.nuei- or
. net e
:p - :;:' - -rs- u '-!,'--: !:;-':"'
tner.) in. lor. as -be s-nl. no '
vn wouid i.r a wa
n-:l ntt-i
irai:;. in; autoricr strange1 s net.
1 Wi:
! far:
; h -.-.
' came
to tht i r
(.eatn ;
e it
e.ided wi,ter to
e-o r -urd and
e sol: p to
quests a-:d
i!y enj-.yed it together, no matter
thin, becau.-c al! was hospital it,.
: within. It char.ced a i
' to our town Mondav
nes- lady came
:-nin.r. She ha .i
been lo'.d tltt re were t wo hotels here.
Somtone ic Id her. upon inquiry, th: t
i trey didn't know where to direct h r .
for the hotel was closed at I'-cent.
Vvh- f(,und her a welcome for the nie'tt
a I tht
Schroe.h r.
.1 conversation with
I;. a
thourht of Mrs. Wiccir.s
bed Ckdar Creek had a bote!
n with a he..rt like that of
Strrk's Deliciiuis.
t. S-iTiircays li-itlv.
ail the armies we hav
i.- ince we haive landed in Xebr ake.
Stark's Delicious takes th
:ous taKes the p"r:
'.vavs did furnish the b-
tms part.
u'ar frr
ha 1 its ori
nn m ..ji-souri. or cou:
tate (if scr.'c.-; srme creut
's I'eliciour, as the ceh
p,-..ted Star k's nurseries, of I.ouisi
ti n :
located in Mis-ouri
rat produced this excel
fruit were r"own in Ca-s coitntv. X
!:ras :a.
It i
,u. . i .. , .,-.!
f- ;
vouhl like to see
jmore ( f this kind of fruit frrown hce.
The Str.'-k Tl
nu"serie.- are am: rrr
the bet in
can alwav-
the world.
1 their trees
i.' oeoormec. ujrou
E. P.
r.i'fTner and C. C. Pespain th?
lociri ajrent.s, and they are terrihlv
eiiited that nil the trees they sev
"hrinrrs forth trood fruits." Fee these
trentlemen when you want fruit tree ,
or other shrulIcrv.
Pies at Home Near Union.
From Sat::r.!av's I;;ily.
The news of the death of Mrs. John
harp, at her home near Fuctoryvil!
southwest of Union, wa? received
here this mernintr. Mrs. Sharp clieJ
quite stuideniy yesterday ntternoon
from an attack of liver troulve. She
"eaves a hu-hand and three children,
as well as a number of brothers an 1
sisters, to mourn her untimely death.
At the time of her death Mrs. Sharp
was :V, years of apre. She was for
merly Miss Xiday, a member of on?
of the prominent families of Liberty
Issues License to Wed.
rrm Satuniav's Pn'lv.
County Judpfe Allen J. Eeeson i
sued a marriacre licenre to "Mr. Err.:!
fl. Kc.senow of Eimwood and Mi.-s
Hattie Thiel of Murdoch today. Thee
younr people will be married tomor
row at the home of the bride's par
ents. They ae members of two cf
the prominent families of the western
T - art of the count v.
After a hearty m-?al, take Poan's
Tretulets and assist your stomacri.
liver and bowels. Re-ru'ets are a mild
laxative. 2'c at all rtores.
PainT and Oils.
Phone 36.
Cering- & Co.
Mrs. Horn followed Mrs. Oiive
Stars and Stripes Gome Down
by President's Order.
J Acti-u In Quitting Mexico Believed
j v,,j Be Proof to Latin. America of
Attitude of United States Customs
r.oney Retained.
Y.';:i:gtcn. Nov. 3, Brigadier
Gi inial 1- uustoii .s imaiitry and nia-
'i.i.. io:iiiii r.!:y juuut t,.eou, unuer
orcein ::oiii I'le.-iuent Wnsen, today
t:a.:.v .1 down the Stars and Stripes
v. ..:;. l.uve iie'-ii ilying over Yera t ruz hear Auiaii-4il l"i etetier i-elzt J
taut port lat April as an act of re
pi .s.t; in retaliation lor anronts to tlie
Aan rh at. Ul at Tain; ho, alter tJeli
t:: .1 ii;ui;a had retiusd to comp'y
v:iii ti ueaaiiid by hear Admiral Mayo
lor a balut" of tv t nty-one jiuns. Ad
: '.i s :ru.ji .'.! i o tontinr.e to he con
ins i,..; .b me d-ierniiiiaiio:i
t..'- 1 i.ited states go e: n:i: lit to with-1
..:.,w rs lures and tin re by retuo e a, eaue of international irictio
at v. t-I! a;- a potential factor that miylit
cefoi..e a u- ur .-.-tic issue as betwt ei;
tl. -. two Lotions, in Mexico.
T: e Ar.e rn an marines wilV Le takon
l i lae lvalue l-!and na'.y yard, Pnil-au-
; kia. and the troops to their camp
ut Texas City.
Exarrpie to Latins.
Pre:-idem Y.' ilson is hopeful the
wn ioira'.val will be :.n enduiing tiem-j
o , ; i : U-.-.-i in Central ;:nd South Am-T-
icati countries of the tim eritv of the
!(..,. v , f the riiit. d States to seek no
let roorial as.'.-:
: b. Itio C ande.
iudiz ui' :ul soatli of
ikiins have been taken that in ihei
, .... ..i.., u i...
v. ....' .;i i:u ii:; uuii si.a.i lr..'-. i ....
i. i-ei. All eieinents in Mexico uniteJ ! t-mpt to curtail the consumption o.
ii. ashin-r the Am. rican forces to evac-1 l:n aor. It means that a vast population
uate and pledged guarant- es ake:l by'bich consumed $l.o-J worth
General Funston k?s in
st: actions bimi jy to per 1. up ami w th
draw his ): - i "ir.zir'.t " x-
b :.!.- who ft. a . to ittiuiiu. :s - ! us
;::! cus'oms money callected durins
tne An.e.
rit an c: cu;mt:on. with copies.'
.1... ..n . i t i . I iinl .ccnrik
"t'u. $1 onoi or' more collected will'
,!.r,,tit' ..,,vpn,m..,t U t.r-imdlv:
- .......
rc oc.nized.
Carranza's Motives.
(iuvtrrnnii Lt olLtials are inclined to.n;rjnn
rec-rrl the evac ration of -Mexico Citvj F, om tno dnv tj is Fte,, was taken
by Carrariza's lories as an evidence I orunier-nc.s vanished in Russia. Th
tk.;t the Carranza fat tu n wishes to
avoid limhc-r b.oodshed. Re; oris here'
.-late that both Generals Obiegon
d :
Ik.' had asrreed to leave sufficient ,'
l'-irce to preserve order.
Some ofi'.cia'.s take the view that
M '- Cr.i;r.nza v.iiadr. w his lort-es to On-1 rvamTl?i Fon of p. per.jamins of
in or"e to (onttnue tneir parleys ; rrooklvn has heon mins from his
, for a compromise provisional l'rp-; home sinne Jan. 7. He was a cohese
' (1 .mr. He is understood to be hope-, n,ent and lelt homo in the mornm-
ful that wh. n the convention of Ron- j OJTfinsil)U. to n to pch!0. Ui par
... 1 reassembles in the cap.tal some hayp aiiriChpd a nation-wide
! o nil rr than (lota rrP7 mav he cno.
I cn
' ! General Pdanco, it is believed, will
t i remain in Mexito City as a mediator
t j t.. rv.-een the various factious. A view j
. of the situation held in Mexican quar-j
i tors is tbat there are large torces -still
ro the north and east of the capital,
which will menace Yilla's advante.
EerPm Filled With Many Rumors of
Great Victory Won In East.
P.erlin. Nov. 1". Apparently no
cish n has been reached in the sreat
; er.-tt rn pause w-nicn is wm? iousci
' n tin. n"rimrr lu.tirnon thp Warn
and the Vistula rivers, although Berlin
is tiled with rumors of a great victory.
Tho oll'cial reports continue to re:rj5
ter a succession of tactical successes.
v. ro.- ft inr fnrm tli linci; I'ttr a
' isive victory.
Cienerr.l von Hintlenberir and Arch
duho Cliarles Francis of Austr ia seem
to have accepted battle along a lino
highly favorable strategically to press
irg home a central attack against tne
cnomy. The reads in the Russians
roir are in a wretched state, the Ger
mr.ns having accomplished a thorough
io'.) of destruction on their retirement.
Tho Itussinns are jammed together on
three sides and ar.-- hampered greatly
in bringing up supplies.
Famous Merr.ber of Robber Band
Years Aoo In Critical Condition.
E.xrelsior Springs. Mo., Nov.
Frank James, famous as a member of
the band known as "the James gang,"
t- rrorizing the southwest during a
period immediately following the civil
war was stricken with heart disease
and is
in a Titical condition at th'
James homestead, nine miles from
hi.s city. James is seventy-three year
old. Turks Bombard Taupse.
Petrograd. Nov. ;. An official com
munkrtirn issned by tho heaJquarters
staff of the Russian army in the Ca'r
casus says:
' The Turkish cruiser H;.:n:d:eh. ac
compMiied by a fioi l'.a i.r t
boats, bor.ihr.rdcd Taupse, killir.:
tn:: i
tyfive soldiers and one civilian ami
wounding several soldiers ar.d civil
runs, but inflicting only insist ificar.t
damage rn the place. The r dy oi
the Russian artillery was very effective."
Slav and Teuton Hosts Fight
With Desperate Fur.
Paris. Nov. 10. A dispatih received
here from Petroaiad by the Huvas
ajpmcy is as K lieu ; :
"A terrific battle of unexampled vio
h hp' has been proceeding for four
diijs around Soldau. The cannonad
ing: has been maintained, niuht ano
day. The Russians are endeavoring
at any cost to avenge th'ir c;ie K iJ.
Soidau and are throwing tlo-nise! v-s
at the G rmans with inde.-crihable
fury. Tht y have carried position after
position by assault, in splu of ilie ln
lernal fire of the Germans.
"The Germans are efTrrine- a mo.-t
energetic resistance and tln-ir fmhtinc
is alternately offensive and d'Pn-ie.
"In spire of the ti.rr ntial tains,
vhich have turned th ground into a
quacniire. the Russians are advam-i
ing" toward the interior of Germany.
'"They have captured t n big can
non, none of them damaged."
Area Covering
Sixth of Habitable!
j Globe Under Absolute Prohibition, j
I Petrosrrac. Nov. if. There is pro
hibition in Russia today prohibition
which means that not a drop of odka.
whisky, brandy, pin or any other
ftroiiEt liquor H obtainable from on:
end to the other in a territory popu
lated by lr.o.niio.nrn people and cover
ins: one sixth of the habitable plobe.
The story of how strong drink ha
been utterly banished from the Ruc
H'un empire was related ly .Michael
i Demitrovitch Tchelisheff. the man di
' rectly responsible for pmtn
.ri end
ro Russia's vice, the vodka habit.
The word "prohibition" in Russip
hp ta5;cn literally.
Its use dos
i T.ot imidv a partially suc
essflll at-
o'"'-" yeo; in?, oe -u m n-u .i..o -
in one day trora a amnion lnonncss
. the dnv when the mobilization
oi the Russian army liesran. special
visited every public place
iVllf'e ouki l.- MJi'i. loii.e., n.c
fjpnJv of liquor and placed on th
phoi u hiU'orial seal.
Since th"
i manufacture and sale of vodka is a
j prm errmer.t monoiioiy in Russia, it is
! ro a difficult thinsr to enforce prohi-
rc?i:its are seen at once in the peas-
nnrry; already they are becinnins: to
look like a different race.
Seek Son Lost Ten Months.
Xow York- Nov. pi.Heprv C. F.
saarch for him.
British Navy Losses 6.C23.
London. Nov. fn Winston Sponcer
Churchill stated in the house of com
mons, in reply to a question, that the.
total BritiPh r.aval casualties to date
were: Officers hilled. 222: wounded,
"7: missinsr. o. Men killed. .".43.";
wounded. C2s; missiiisf. 1.
German Steamship Interred by Chile.
Santiago, Chile. Nov. lfi The Ger
man steamer Karnao was declared bv
the Chilean authorities to be an auxil-
i -ry transport, lt was at once noti
Med that it must remain anchored in
the harbor of Autofagasta until the
end of the war.
Large Warehouse and Fifteen Automo
biles Destroyed by Fire.
Omaha. Nov. IS .--Fire complete!)
de str-oyed the Sherman A: MeC'i nrt 1."
warehouse at Thirty-third and Spauld
ing streets, together with the contents
Tlie fire originated in the ollice ami in
a few minutes had swept through tin
entiie five story structure. The build
ina: covered a complete city block and
was the largest warehouse in the city
The loss is estimated at around $.
000. Fifteen automobiles were burned
Twelve Fatalities Attributed to Fobt
ba!l Curing Season.
Chicago. Nov. 23. Twelve deaths
were attributed to football in the Unit
ed States during the season just end
ed. according to a record kept by a
statistician here. Only two were col
lege men. One of these died of heart
disease and the other from injuries
received during a class contest. Th?
others were members of high school,
preparatory or free lance learns. None
was more than twenty years of arre
ml tackling was responsible for the
greatest number of the fntik'tles. The
fatalities registered fall below thos
of all years since lfimi, except 19 1,
IPS and 1011.
Germans Feed Belgians.
j ' .sterdam, Nov. 21. Several resi
cents or I'ruges nave Iieen arrested
for alleged expressions of dispieasur;
at the police of Germany. The greater
part of the inhabitants are now fed by
the Germans.
Aivo Motes
A. I. Ihrd went to Murd-xk
Miss Emily Strong wa- i-i Lincoln
Ed. Parcel I, of Lincoln, was in Aivo
Sam Cashner wa- in the capital city
Tuesda v.
Mis- Emi'y Strop,;? wa
Monda v.
at I.
l!!COi Ii
Will Stewart wa
day on business.
Alfred Stroemer
(i Lincoln Tu--tad
b.isiti'-.-s in
Li:"oln Mon iay.
Mrs. Chris Eichnianr. v
in Lincoln Tue.-day.
Larry Par-ell had bu-i-cd:
i Ihidav. la -t week.
- in
r.o. Murtv shipped a caidoad of
to South Omaha Momiav.
Mr-;. Dell Tyson and Mr--. William
Kitzel were trading in Lir .coin Tue
da .
Mi-s Sarah Sudors wer to Cia-f-r:ia
to vi- it with her parent a f w
day -.
Mrs. C. C. Putkre!! and b -other.
r:e rpre Erce!ich, autoed to I.mco't:
G"enr;irl Hart and Jack Grove, of
Ha- elock. were on frienil- here
C. H. Jordan. Jonathan McDowell
Jordan autoed to Omaha
i uesoay.
Jacob Kan.m,
sr.. ami son. Than,
went to Wood River
tivi Tuesd:rv.
Tiie Ladies' Aid so;
visit ie!a-
c-ate of chickens to the M. E. ho--
i v-ji-ii.t i ui ...u ,
M or can McCurdy came in Mon 'ay
nfteriiOf.n from Iowa to spend Thank.--iriv-'mr
with the home fo'ks.
Dtll Tyson and Will Kitr.e! took a
loa.' of dre .-ed turkeys and duck
to Lincoln customers Tue.-day.
Mr. and M'-s. Georze Curyea sptrd
r.-.- I.. it m -... u-iti. t-i-.t-
. t-a and fa. . in eastern Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Evans left for
: Ped Oak. Iowa, by ai:o to -peril
Th.- nl:sfri'in.r with the icme fdk-.
Mrs. John l'rirrrr (.f Yate- City.
Iliinoi-, came in Friday for an -temied
vi-it with lier danchter, Mr.-.
Joe Parsell.
Mrs. John Murty returned home
Monday from Clay Cento-, N'e':...
where she had been, visit ins? re'ative .
for two week
Mrs. Pan-MC'--N'e'lie
Ouinn, wtnt to
'id i". iece. Mi
Mar. lev Ti
day r.itrht via Earfle to spend Wednes
day with relative.-.
Mrs. Chas. Prir cl"
ul children
r. :n.! Mrs.
ame to Aivo Frid.av.
Trir t'le will live in the R. A. Stor.:
re-!dence in the future.
Pr. Jones and family of Murd-k
and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer were
royally erwertained at dinner Tues
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Casey.
Mrs. R. A Stone and children left
Friday evening' for a few day.- vi-it
with relatives in Perver. Coin., be
fore jroing- o the!- new home, near
La Junta, CVuo.
Miss N'elhe Quinn of Iirchwoo.l,
Iowa, came in Monday evening- to
visit her aunt, Mrs. Pan McCurdy, an 1
other relatives at this place and at
Mrmley during her Thanksgiving va
cation. Triends and neighbors of Mr. an !
Mrs. F. M. Grove tendered them a
farewell party at theii home last I i i
dav evening Oyster so;ip w;i serve !.
which was enjoyed by all. Mr. an 1
Mrs. Grove will move to Aivo in tin
near future.
Chas. Stout ami Mi-s Irene Mc
Kirney went to Central City last wee!,
and were married, thi'
mary friend here, who wish them all
happiness and prosperity. ?dr. at. i
Mrs. Stout will make their home on
the home place east of town. h:(h
Charley has rented for the cominr
About twenty-eight young friends
of Miss Emily Strong met at her
home Monday evening to celebrate
her eighteenth birthday rnniversnry.
A delicious Thank jriving dinner was
served at 7 o'clock. Mi-s Emily wa-
rre-itly surprised aiiu
time wa? enjoyed by all.
Two full-blood Luff Orpirirton
cockrels, at Sl-Ml each. P.alph
Holmes, Murray, Neb.
Stove Wood for Sale
at the Villa Asch farm. Hard wood.
?l.r0 per load; and Cottonwood at
SI per load. MRS. A. P. ASCII.
Tor Infants and Children.
Tfc8 Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Sigziattire of