The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 12, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of tlie readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
tills vicinity, and will mail
same to t liis office, it will ai
jiear under this heading. We
want all news items Eiiitok
ARTIJIE is scare time. It is better for a nation to AVU1D wait.
The United States took this stand at the start of the general Eu
ropean conflict. Result is that banking: conditions were NEVER
LETTER. With cur country financially SOUND and STRONG this is
a good tine to
Four per rent interest on time deposit?.
(hir deposits are protected by th State Guaranty Law.
1 ? it !
:t .
Ch.-.s. C-:.rr. !! ami Mrs. A. J.
v.. re Omaha visitors Monday.
s. Y. E. Dull returned home
ilnu.ka Mm.'l.i.v, where she had
!:'akii!',r a few day.- visit with her
e I
.dies Aid Society
Mi-. Thomasnn
. There wa.s a h;
nu !
I C. A. R.-.wIs was after some
l.::sii t-s matters in this loealitv Wed
j nesda.
! W. D. Wheeler returned home from
j Lincoln W ednesday morning, where
jhe had been looking after some bus
! ire-s matters.
vis- atter.d-
Mrs. Ed. Mutz returned home from
the western part of the state Monday
1 a very pleasant time was en-i where she was- tailed owing to the
1 :
.I 'jn ;
. t;i!i
iilian. of Fremont, was iti
y da !a.-t week for a ftw
: - it j !.ir'i his friend A. L.
!'.-: to going to Fremont
t erv
n. :
roil i.
au was employed in the tin U,.u.-r in Plattsmouth. f ! ;., mm of Silas Pat
fo:mi!y of South Bend, hut
ost l:!Vnr;;l)!V KflD
another one of the I
ar the !("( nt fleet ion. He
representative fi m II a r-
j serious illness of her father.
.Mr. and .Mrs. William niiver, jr.,
have returned from their wedding
trip and have taken up their home at
the old Oliver homestead east of Mur
ray. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Wm. Oliver, sr.,
have novtd to Plattsmouth where
they will make their future home.
The Ladies .I issionery Society met
at the home of Mrs. C. D. Spangler
ifternoon. There were a
reat mr.r.y ladies in attendance, le-
uckv : Wednesda;.
1 i
ir:. :,r
.:'. Firm
.e--e;y eveiiiny
C V elL. .-li'.i-C i
: i -. were he
of Mr. and Mrs.
d at their home
:ifur an illness of
ts birth. The funeral
Id :t the home Wed-
maiaing at the Spangler home
! i!
. A most enjoyable and busy day
the ladies. At i.oon Mrs. S pano
se rvid then an excellent dinner.
!i:..:e in tr.e
r tiie sympathy
.. 'i.'.'.ni : t . : l y in their
low ai d beieavenieii
n. and interment
rmng cemetery near
i: .Man.s. o!
'as in Murray and
days the pa-t week
trends and relatives
:. the l:'.!;,e of !,js
i.r.d family near Nehauka.
resided at Imperial for the
e:i!s. ; v.eil pleased with t! V. i peels of a
part of the country. He is doing nice-j The whole held have
ly, ami under -ich circumstances any with the hone of
D'-. 15. F. Brendel and son Jeff
were in Avotu last Friday, where Jeff
was paying o;!' seeral claims for ac
cidental insurance in the National Fi-
jdeiity company for which he it; the
young parents ! agent. Anions: the claims paid was
of the entire one to Torrence Fknimitifr, who has
hour of sor-! been siitterintr from an accident re-t-
! saltinvr in blood poisoninr.
Imjerial. N')., i There are a number of farmers in
vicinity a fe v ' this locality loosing a jireat many of
visitir.'jr anions 'their boirs from chi!eia, and whole
, beinv; a truest ! herds are from the disease.
brother, deoive ! Frank Rhoden has 17.", heati of fine
Edtrar lia j ones that are sick, and lie lias lost
past ten about a dozen of them, with pros-
teat many more to follow.
been vaccinated
savins' as manv as
i -..n sno.nd be well pieased. lie will j possible. Homer Shrader's are also
return home the lat'er part of the ! suffering from it, also a trreat manv
more in the neighborhood.
Is 5
1 ''''''
f Pi
I Ladies, Misses' and Children's
Auto Hoods and
Hocky Caps !
Baby Blankets 60c to $1.00 and a big line of
Bed Blankcs prices ranging from
90c to $6.00
Murray, - - - Nebraska
Mrs. Chas. Wolfe is on the sick list
this week.
Roy Hull was a riattsmouth vis
itor last Saturday.
Henry Ost and wife spent Sunday
with Miss Ktta Nickels.
J. D. Lewis anil wife were Platts
mouth visitors last Saturday.
C. F.. Harris was transacting busi
ness in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Peter Campbell was calling on the
Plattsmouth merchants Tuesday.
Miss Ktta Nickels was looking af
ter business in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Miss Vera Yardley and Miss Anna
Kist were guesU of Mrs. Frank
Will C'linkenbeard and family
spent Sunday with 11. K. Nickels and
Ilex Young and sister, Mrs. Lawton
made a business trip to Sioux City
Lee Nickels has been enjoying a
fine pet on his right hand for the
past week.
Miss Olga Minford ami Miss Clara
Young visited with home folks over
last Sunday.
Wm. Bice was looking after some
business matters in the county seat
last Saturday.
Mrs. E. B. Queen attended the
teachers' meeting in Omaha a few
days last week.
John Hobscheidt was trading with
the Plattsmouth merchants Wednes
day of this week.
Frank (lood who has been visiting
friends in Hartington, arrived here
f5r a few iLiys visit.
J. W. M unlock, from near Nehaw
ka, was in Murray for a few hours
Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Helen Yost, of Brewster, Neb.,
arrived here last Friday for an ex
tended visit with relatives.
Chas. Sans and sister Miss Beu
lah were looking after business in the
county seat last Saturday.
There was a large attendance at
the temperance meeting at the Chris
tian church last Sundav evening.
.Mr. and Mrs. Bay Young, of La
Porte, Colo., are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hansen.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Adams came in
from (iresham. Neb., Wednesday to
be present at the funeral of the little
son of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Pitman.
Mrs. Anna Miller and son Virgil,
of Manley, were Saturday and Sun
day visitors in Murray, guests at the
home of Mrs. Miller's mother, Mrs.
S. A. Long.
Mrs. J. A. Walker, who has been
very ill for the past few weeks, has
been improving for the past few days.
I. C. Bhoden has been laying new
cement driveways in his livery barn
in Murray. ,
. The Lehman Bros. large grading
outfit passed through Murray Wed
nesday afternoon for the west where
they are doing some county work.
This is the crew of workmen that
have been doing the vast amount of
grading just east Union.
Wm. Nickels is making another ef
fort to locate a good vein of water on
his farm east of Murray, near the
one that Carnet Hartley lost his life
in a well a few months ago. This
time the work is being done by Loren
Irwin from near Union, with a steam
well outfit.
There were two young ladies in
Murray last Sunday evening who
seemed to be almost lost, although
they live only a few miles from here.
Later on it was evident that they
had simply lost sight of a certain
young man, and when the three met
everything was lovely.
The friends of Kate Nye, daughter
of Wm. Nye,, will be pleased to learn
that she was elected at the recent
election on the democratic ticket for
county clerk, at her home in Bickel
ton, Wash. Miss Nye left here when
she was a mere child, and her election
wm oe pleasing news to ner many
Uncle Ben Becknian was in Murray
Wednesday afternoon of this week,
taking some measurements prepara
tory to the commencing of some bad
ly needed grading on the main street
in Murray. There is no one that will
complain when the work is started
or as to how soon it can be completed,
for it is certainly badly needed.
Murray' new school house is com
pleted, and the contractors have turn
ed the new structure over to the board
and everything and everybody seems
to be well d! eased, at least. tW
Ir. John T. Brendel, of Dunbar, an
elder brother of Dr. B. F. Brendel,
of Murray, completely lost the sight
of one of his eyes Monday night. The
unfortunate man has not been in good
health for some time, suffering from
paralysis, and came west from his
home in Zionsville, Ind., with a hope
of regaining his healtli and located at
Dunbar about three months ago. On
Monday evening he retired feeling in
as good health as usual, but awoke in
the morning found that the sight of
one eye had been completely destroyed
during the night. Dr. B. F. Brendel
accompanied him to. Omaha where a
specialist was consulted on Thursday.
Dr. John Brendel was an old resident
of Cas. cou.ity a number of years ago
and lias a host of friends who will
deeply regret to hear of his sad mis
fort une.
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner.
The ladies of the K. N. K met at
the home of Miss Etta Nickels last
Saturday afternoon, where a very
pleasant time was enjoyed by all, and
the final arrangements were complet
ed for the Annual Thanksgiving Din
ner, to be held at Lewiston. It is use
less to try to tell what the arrange
ments are, come out and enjoy your
self, will be the only proof we can
offer. Miss Nickels served a two
course lunch, which added very much
to the pleasure of the occasion. The
next regular meeting will be with
Mrs. Will Oliver.
The annual thank offering of the
Women's Missionary society was held
Sunday, October Ja, and about SJ"
received on that day, but contribu
tions will still be received by the
treasurer until about the middle of
December, when the total amount
must lie sent away.
The two union"services recently held
were both well attended. It is en
couraging to both speaker and audi
ence when the pews are well filled.
The Senior Mission Study class met
at the home of Mrs. Eliza Young for
their first meeting Monday afternoon.
There were idiout twelve present. The
interest shown by the Senior class
should be an encouragement to the
Junior class.
Tlie young people held an enjoya
ble social at the Wm. Rice home last
Saturday evening.
Mr. Vance Pitman and Mrs. Pit
man have the sympathy of all the
congregation in this, their sail be
i pavement.
I take this method of returning my
sincere thanks to the numerous
friends of the district for their sup
port in mv candidacy for the office of
float representative. Although de
feated I wish mv friends to know that
I appreciate their support.
snouid be with the new building. It
is a beauty, and is a credit to towns
many times the size of Murray. All
preparations were being made to open
school in the new building Wednesday
morn in p.
Mrs. L. I). Iliatt was visiting in
Omaha last Saturday.
Mrs. Banker is visiting in Omaha
this week at the home of her brother
Miss Hazel Forbes of Plattsmouth
visited over Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt.
Miss Margie Walker was visiting
in Plattsmouth Tuesday evening.
James Loughridge was visitin
with Plattsmouth friends Wednesday
.Mr. and .Mrs. l. i). matt were
visiting with their sister, Mrs. Cole
of Weeping Water, over Sunday.
Miss Myrtle Standish of Audubon
Iowa, is here on her vacation visiting
her sister, .Mrs. A. J. Hansel!. .Mrs.
Standish went to Lyons, Neb., last
Thursday to visit with an old school
friend, returning to Audubon Friday
of last week.
Murray State Bank
of Murray, Nebraska
Charter No. .77
IiicorjHirateil in tlie State of Nebraska, at the
close of nsines! October .11. l'.M4.
Loans aixl discounts O-.O'-'O 47
Overdrafts 4V' 74
HaiiUin:r house, furniture and fixtures r.'.x'U on
Curieni eienses, tae ami interest
paid J.-'4 I'!'
Iue from national and state
hanks H.:ti: 4.'
Currency l.ITI W
tiold coin 44."i
Silver, nickels and cents..
ii 17.:hi2 7i
. '.Hi -.'411 l'4
Capital stock paid in 10.rtxi CO
Surplus fund "'!K' w
I " mil v idi'd profits :!.:i'.'4 12
Individual (leiHisils subject to
check 45.s'.ifi 71
I temand cert iticates of leHisil L's4 7l
Time certificates of lemsil . .iM-lo.'! )'
Cashier's checks outstanding. t':i4 7.V71."T Y1
lieposiuusVuarainy fund G:t7 '
Total T W.::iO 04
Statu or Nkhhaska.
fouiuy of t ass. N 1 . V. t i. Hi iedi,
Casliier of t he. almve named bank, do hereby
swear that the atve statement is a col lect
ami t rue copy of the reiMirt made to the State
banking board. W. i. Komo.kkk. f ashler.
n i ' ' " I'AllMtl.K. hi rector.
Attest. ( .-,.;,, , Mtt.wan. hinvtor
Subscrilicd and sworn to I lore me t Ids 1 .'I h
ilav of .Nov inb t. 1'.'14 Vkicna Matt.
Iskai.I Notary Public.
Card of Thanks.
Editors Plattsmouth Journal,
Plattsmouth, Neb. - Dear Sirs. Kind
ly grant me space in your paper to
thank my friends lor thei.' loyal sap
port. Notwithstanding 7ne turning of
the tide, I feel richer because of
added friendships. Am not yet, de
feated nor daunted merely takivg
"the count." Shall come back foi a
finish fight. It mighi lolevesl the
people to know that the Nebraska
City News and the Staals Zeitung re
fused to sell me advertising space
than my political announce
when, on the other hand, my
paper granted my opponent
courtesy. Yours truly,
Card of Thanks.
To the Voters of Cass County:
1 take this method of extending my
sincere thanks to my friends through
out Cass county for their support
during the recent political cimp.ign
and at the polls November J. I as
sure the people that I shall continue
to impartially exercise the iut'ior!ty
and perform the duties connected
with the office of commissioner of the
Second commissioner district of this
county. Yours truly,
C oinniisicner.
The Time Will Soon Be Here
when yon will need that new Heater. We want to
call your attention to the Favorite
.oimd Oak Heaters,
f ernaces
andKoom Heaters
There are no better stcves and heating plants on the
market than the Round Oak.
Murray, - Nebraska
We are adding to our harness line as rapidly as the
demand permits.
TURNS FROM fl0!0il
There will be another social dance
given at the Jenkins Hall, Civen by
Elmer Boedcker on Saturday eve
ning, Nov. 14th. Music by the Ja
cobs orchestra, and a good time in
store for all. '
Two full-blood Buff Orpington
cockrcls, at $1.50 each. Ralph
Holmes, Murray, Neb.
Stove Wood for Sale
at the Villa Asch farm. Hard wood,
$l.iV) per load; and cottonwood at
$1 per load. MRS. A. D. ASCII.
A mi in be r of Buff Orpington Cock-
rels and Pullets, also a number of
White Orpington Rose Comb Cock-
rels. Mrs. J. H. Brown,
Murray, Nebraska.
Hard coal heater for sale cheap if
taken soon. Telephone 4-N, Murray,
Nebraska, or call on R. M. Shrader.
iTrom Wednesday's Daily.
Sheriff Quinton returned home yes
terday from Albion, Neb., bringing
with him Frank Swoboda, whom h-?
found at Cedar Rapids, Neu., where
he was working at his trade of black
smith. Tlie man was formerly lo-
a ed at Mynard, where ho operated
ihe blacksmith shop there for a time,
in while theie got irio considerable
t; n,h!e through the fact that he wa ;
acc;s.'l of having forged the nam.!
u' R. L. Propst to a note, but the:
was nothing ever realized on the pa
per. He left Mynard at once be for-:
the officers could secure him and his
. ence has just been revealed after
two yra's' search through the state.
Owing 'o the fact that the man di i
not secure any result from his efforts
with the check it is not thought that
Make Your Vants Known
Advertisements tinier this Ji-ai:nif
five cents per line each insert hm.
Six words will he count.. as a line
and r,o advertisement taken for less
than ten cents.
For Sale A number of Poland China
male pigs. J. M. Wiles, 1 1-1 miles
northwest of Mvnard.
A Good Yearling Mule For
Call on or address C. R.
Murray, Neb., Tel. C-Q.
FOR SALE 20 tons of good prairie
hay. T. II. Pollock. Tel L'lo.
be a very heavy penr.h;
FOR SALE Splendid improved h'
acre farm near Plattsmouth. Price
and terms right. C::ll for particu
lars. T. II. Pollock Tel. L'1-"..
F 0 R SALE Howe scale, S .(;!
pound capacity. Used one seas..n.
Mrs. Walter J. White. 'Phone
IFOR SALE good fr-aere imnroved
farm, 7 miles south of Plattsmouth.
T. II. Pollock. Tel. riir..
FOR SALE Seven-year-old mare,
weight over 1,500 pounds. Also :
head of spring shoats. C. E. Bab
bitt, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Household (ioods at Auction..
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at his home, four and one
half miles northwest of Murray, on
corner south of J. R. Vallery's, on
Saturday, November '21, at 1 o'clock,
some household goods, consisting of
cook stove, organ, bedroom furniture,
etc. Also ten dozen chickens, Brown
and White Leghorns.
W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
9 9 W 9 W 9 ff i'ii'ii'ii'
iti i i i i i i i i'
(Special Correspondent.)
Quite a number of farmers in this
community are finishing up husking
corn this week.
Quite a number of friends and rel
atives snent Sundav at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. August Engelkemeir, jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ixtuie Puis and Mr
and Mrs. Adam Hild were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. George Stoehr bun-
The dance at the home of Mr. ami
Mrs. Harve Gregg was largely at
tended Saturday night.
Mt. Pleasant precinct, the home of
W. II. Puis, did surely pay its respect
to its candidate last Tuesday,' giving
him "a maioritv of 82 votes. Out of
:( votes he received 10!). He ap
preciates with many thanks the sup
port he received at home.
R. C. Bailey is doing some road
work in this community this week.
Miss Mary Foster visited our
schools Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis spent Sat
urday night with Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Wolf at Plattsmouth.
Schaefer Bros, have engaged Bax
ter Smith to rebuild the house known
is the Spriegel property, which they
purchased last spring.
Jack and Tom West left Tuesday
for the northern part of the state
to husk corn.
Frm Wednesdays Daily.
Yesterday afternoon Bull Biggs
was brought before Judge Archer to
answer to the charge of having be?n
in a state of intoxication, and in re
ply to the charge the gentleman en
tered a plea of guilty to having fallen
for the allurements of John Barley
corn, although he expressed his regret
mat he had become entangled in the
net of the law. The judge, who has
passed on Mr. Biggs before on the
same offense, decided that $5 and
costs, amounting to .S, would be nec
essary before the feelings of outraged
justice could be healed, but agreed to
.s.i spend the sentence until the 2Sth.
v. Men ne agreed to appear and liqui
date the amount of the fins and costs,
The man was accordingly released t
go forth and earn the necessary
amount of his delinquency.
ANYONE wanting apples can get
them at the Lasch orchard, located
one mlie north and one and one
half mile east of Weeping Water.
Very nice Winesaps and Ben Davis
apples at reasonable prices and
plenty of them. A. A. Lasch.
FARMS FOR SALE Home farm of
CIO acres in Cass county. Also 1,00
a?res in Chase county, adjoining
Imperial, the county seat. All said
land can be divided into quarters.
L. C. Todd, owner, Nehawka, Neb.
Commissioners Hold Session.
Frmn Wednesday's Pally.
The board of county commissioners
have been engaged in the past two
days in their regular monthly meet
ing at the court house and have had
their hnads full of the routine mat
ters that have come up to demand
their attention. There is an unus
nnliy heavy list of claims to come
before the board due to the fact of the
election which necessitates the expen-
litiire of quite a large sum of money
FOR SALE 1 dozen April hatch pure
bred White Rock cockerels at $1.00
each. Call 'phone No. 22.31. Mrs.
C. R. Eengen. 1 1-o-tfw kly
FOR SALE A good dray wagon,
cheap for cash. T. II. Pollock. Tel.
FOR SALE Two-seated, leather-upholstered,
rubber-tire surrey, cost
$200 and as good as new; will sell
at a bargain for cash or will take a
good horse or anything worth the
money. T. II. Pollock. Tel. 21."..
FOR SALE Fresh cow and two
calves. Inquire of James Lough
ridge, Murray.
.Airs. P. E. Buirncr Beffer.
Reports received here by the rela-
H'.-ef and friends of Mrs. 1. 1. Kuft-
ner, who is in Omaha receiving treat
ment for a nervous attack, are of a
very pleasing nature, as iney convey
the news that this lady is now getting
along nicely and feels a great deal
better than she has for the past few
i.o.eths. This news will be received
v.ith the greatest of pleasure by the
friends here.
Second-lisnd International, in
good condition, throe horse-pow-
r, for sale cheap, at the Journal
Sell your properly
Journal Want Ads.
through the
and we want to inform yon
that dates' can be made
at this office or Murray
. State Bank for
Wm. 0. Young
Careful attention to Public Sales
Kates are I Seasonable.
Call at my expense
Murray, - - - Nebraska
Uo nlonoyjili Cured
Fistula and All Rectal Dlsass cured with
out the knife. Permanent cures itu&ranteed.
Write fur Free Illustrated bock on Kectal
Disease and testimonials of hundreds of
cured patients In Nebraska and Iowa.
DR. E. R. TARRY - 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.