MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1914. PAGE 6. 4 4 4 4 4 4 hi lit' 3 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. i ( i ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Rugs, Carpets M attings Linoleums, Wizzard Mop s Floor Oilcloths, m VACUUM SWEEPERS EAGLE. Beacon. U n Silk Waists! White Silk Fmbroldered waists; long sleeves, flare collar-sizes 34 to 44 price $2.50 White Crepe cle Chene, accordeon plete price $5.00 Our Winter Stock bf Night Robes for Men, Women and Children regular and JO This Smart forest Fine Weave -Knit Underwear!- Fine in fabric, perfect in workmanship. The cold win ter days are drawing fast upon Have you your win t e r under wear. Protect yourself from colds and sick ness by wear ing 9 forest Mills f .c .-.,; K- :t irregular are now ready Ladies' Jumper DrCSS Underwear for your inspection. Go ing at $1.25, $1.00, 75c is included with many other and 58c Fur Trimmings and Marabon in all Shades and Colcrf. stunning chic styles in the INiW I I w I -. new December Butterick SnaPs Wizner Ties, Stiff Collars c, v. and Cuffs and Fancy Lace Ones; hashion bheet. You may Fancy RIbbons and Baby's Knit call at our Butterick Pattern Hoods. Department and get a copy FREE. Blankets all sizes, all kinds end all prices. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Root, Thursday, November 'Ah, a even-pound girl. Jim Rivett, of Springfield, Ore., and Mrs. Charles Rivett, of Bethany, are visiting at tne A. M. T rumble home. Mrs. J. W. Horn returned home Tuesday morning from an extended visit with relatives in Illinois and ! Missouri. I-reernan Stites of Brock, Neb., and Clem Stites of Julian, Neb., visited over Tuesday night with their uncle, iNcble Taylor. S. E. Short loaded his household goods ami personal effects into a ear the fore part of the week and with his family departed for Sioux Citv. Iowa, to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lehmann k-ft for Dodge, Neb., the latter part of last week, at which place they will make their home. The best wishes of their many friends here go with them. Mrs. Alfina Rakestraw arrived here from Arkansas, Sunday, for an ex tended visit with her niece, Mrs. N. J. Vinson, and other lelatives rear Eagle and Palmyra. Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mann of Chadron. Neb., announcing the arrival of n fin J baby boy at their home October inth. Mr. Mann is a former principal of the Kagle school. George Oberle purchased the old harness shop building and lot o.u which it stands from Oscar Lehmann last week. W i:ndm:t" r..l tb:it i'.cwr is contemplating tearing down the old building and erecting a fine two story cement stor.e build iiiir in its place early in the spring. Jerome Bt:rdi k loaded two carloads of personal effects Wednesday, and accompanied by his eldest son tie pa; ted for South Pakoia. where they v.-ill make their future home. Mrs. Eurdick and children will follow in a few days. We are rry to lose this family from this community, but widi them unbounded success in their r.-w home. LOUISVILLE. Courier. -J. H. Donnelly departed yesterday aftr-rnoon for Lincoln to resume his duties as bank examiner after an over Hjnday visit here with his family. '"Don't Lie to Your Wife." It pleases the classes and the masses. It has the punch and proves it. At Parmele theatre one night, Friday, November 13. after some matters in connection with business. of business there his piano tuning Mrs. W. G. Matthews and son, George, ,returned home last evening from Omaha, jvhere they have be?n visiting for a few days with relatives and friends. Ed. Schulhof departed this morning for Glenwood, where he goes to look Henry R. Gering of Omaha was in the city over Sjnd.iy i-jilirg at Viz home of his mother and family here. Fell your property by an ad in The Journal. This E! m i"S l Akmh -g-krxtjsr, n. .r T 4. iTTi Tt iff r- egant degerstrom Absolutely FREE io the Party having most Certificates to their credit on May 1 1915 3 ( ( ( ( iae Given How It Is Done ! ( ( ( ( This Piano will be given to the person or society securing the greatest value in certificates given with all money paid at our store. These certificates range from 5 cents to $10, and are given in amounts equal to money paid. We are going to make the contest in teresting to everybody, and want all regular customers to bring their friends to the store and com mence now and save certificates. , ". , , " - .:... -tj -:'. i: Az --1 Nominate Someone!.,.. In order that everyone may have a chance to express his or her de j.ire as to who should have tha Ti ano (regardless of whether or not they trade here), it is our desire that everybody make use of the nominating coupon to nominate the one of his or her choice, and send it to the store as soon as possible. mS Cut lii? out (Fill Cut, Cut Cat and Mail, or Bring to Our Store) Sig n Nam Bring to Store Today HcHiinailon Coupon wish to Hoin'ua.'t' as a candidate in your piano contest I understand tliis is merely a nomination , not a vote, and does not oldioale me in any 7,'ay. Name Dale Address S-Ts &fn e Plattsmouth, tf MUU ILi "If " NebrcSka y ) Ed McNealy left this week for the south, where he s-pendo every winter because of ill health. Chap. Hoover was home fiom Lin coln this week visiting old friends and registering his ote on th.e side of the iown-trodden v, Pearl Mayfield is home from the Wayne normal school spending a week s vacation dunng the htate Teachers association meeting at Omuha, all of the teachers being in attendance. James Masters and family returned Tuesday evening from a ten days' visit with relatives in Atchison. Ed Eager took charge of the semaphore .'r.iing Mr. Master':; absence. Andy Lutkins of the Lincoln Omaha Railway and Electric Light company, is back to town and rumor has it that there will be .'omtthing doing in the extension of their lines before snow flies. Mrs. William Trembly left Satur day for Denver, where she will spend fcveial weeks with Mr. Tremb'.ey's mother, for the benefit of her health. ope she Do Your Christmas Shopping sNOW!eei ONLY SEVEN WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS ! On Thursday, November 12th, we will have regular ?I.2" kirnonas on sale for Ukc. These kimonas mule lovely and practical Ch ri.-trnas presents and are unusual values for the pf i :.. We have just received an excellent assortment of ladies ar.d rr. bath i(bes. Tiit-'e ball' j obes are except o:..ti!y nice ones, and we cvp'ic them to go rajtidij-. Do not hesitate too Jong before coming in to U -i. We also liiive a ftw sampie sere skirls and dres.-fS left which v- vdl ',-.-l)0-:e of at reduced prices. l'V. returning to Omaha on the afternoon Euilington train. TJEHAWKA. News. ilt-r friends in this vicinity h '.ill return niudi improved. The many Louisville friends of T. C Amid: will learn with surprise and regret that he is in a hospital at Te kamah, Neb., where he underwent a very critical surgical operation for 'he removal of a tumorous growth o.i his neck. L. F. II:vldon underwent a second operation Wednesday morning at his home on Cherry stieet. this time hav ing his appendix removed. At tine of going to p"css h1 was reported rc-i'ivr well and t;io aliening pnysi- ian has eve.-y hope that his tho.igh his case was a most '.bourn his case wa ;-a n:o:- t ous i'i;e. Claude Scivers is carrying his port -ide in a sli;ig and all because his mo :orcyc"e going at forty mile-; an ho;;r ran irio a oricK ana me ar'm-u 'unu.e ! tne ti ac.i. v lauiie ascci E--n Davis Apples at UOc per bushel while they la. t. Wii.c Saj) Apples at Z1.2 per bushel. A car of New Voik Raid a ins has just arrived ar.d are of excellent e j -Telephone for prices on barrel lots. POTATOES! White Potatoes at CZc per bushel. e VJ ra am mi Pfccr.e 53 and 54! The Daylight Sfcre WEEPING VATER. Repub'.iian. UNION. Ledger. recovery ng2r- Mrs. M. A. Harmc:" enjoyed a visit Saturday until Monday from her sis ter, Mis. (captain) Wiles and hihmd of Plattsmouth. ' P.iley Pector left today for a visit with his son, Frank, and his daugh te", Mrs. Frank Fitzpatrick, and their , , j ! far--ilie- at Stockton, Kan. n the 1 ut th ,-. r,. I J.,h'i Schneider ana little son, Carl, of Murdoch were in the city Satur day for a few hours looking after some matter- of business, having hiven over in the auto from their heme. Mrs. Holmes and the two children left on th.e early train for their homo in Rawlins after a short visit to heme folks here. Mrs. Humphrey, Mrs.' Panning, no. v. uni:ii!:;iiuiii, iisj .iu ViiUflJ were entertained at dinner vestcrdav at the E. A. Kirkpatrick home. Milton, the little son of Mrs. Wil liam Chandler, was taken to Lincoln this week for surgical attention on account of an affection of his ear. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Hillborn were here this week from Lincoln. They have just recently returned from South Dakota, where they spent the summer. Corn husking is in full swing and the musical thump of the cars in the hush of a frosty morning sound irood -chart we sleep by an open win dow. W. I. Smoot, the contractor who is erecting the auditorium, smashed one front wheel and sprung the axle on his car Saturday in a successful effort to avoid running into a buggy on the bridge south of town. The apple crop at the big Pollard orchard was only about one-half what it was last year, many of the trees that bore so heavily last season hav ing none at an. 1'rices were a little better this year, and quality was our standard. John Griffith of Mexico, who has been in Lincoln since the. Mexican war broke out, is here visiting his cousins, the Griffith boys. He has worked in Mexico for many years, but because of the unsettled condi tions came back to Nebraska in May. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Pollard and son, George, came in Sunday morning from Vermont, where they have been visiting for the past six weeks. George Switzer pecompanied them back from Ohio, where he spent the time while they were farther east. They all re port a good visit, except that Mr. Switzer was quite sick for a time. air as gracefully as Peachey, 1 ; '"hit" he made on r.'dghtingj '!v rs g-eat. and that became! .iltogether is a miracle. His r Mrs. Joy Sipple and her two chil- -time was damage;! considerably hey will both be on the sick :-ome time. i?t smd for CLKVVOCO. Leader-F.chK. 4- Try This for Your Cough. Thousands of people keep coughing because unable to get the right rem edy. Coughs are caused by Inflamma tion of Throat and Bronchial Tubes. What you need is to soothe this in flammation. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, it penetrates the delicate mucous lining, raises the phlegm and quickly relieves the congested mem branes. Get a 50c bottle from your druggist. "Dr. King's New Dis covery quickly and completely stop ped my cough," writes J. II. Watts, Floydale, Texas. Money back if not satisfied, but it nearly alawys helps. Pearl Woodard, who ha-:? been on ihe sick list for a we:k or so, is able o oe r. rot' mi again. Mrs. Miilizan of San Pardino, Cal former resident of this community is here visiting Mrs. Mollie Poyer an. her many other friends. Pay Kidenmiller and family of Holt count v came in Friday and will spend a week or so visiting with their rela fives here. Dr. G. W. Todd and family c Omaha were in the city Sunday visit mg with friends. i i.e uoetor was "ormerly an Elmwood dentist. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Baldwin of near Pes Moines, la., returned Sat urday to their home after a ten days visit at the home of the latter' brother, John Turner, and wife. , Mrs. M. A. Gollaher was taken to Luicoln Monday and was operated on for nppendic'tis. She has been suf ferir.g for a long time with this af fliction. She is getting along nicely. Otis Neely, who has been farming on his brother's place, Dr. J. M. Neely, and who left for Texas a short time ago, is now located at Fairwell, Texas. He had his goods, which were stored back of the American Ex change bank, shipped to tnat piace on Tuesday. William Vogt, who has been work ing for Marian McCrory, shucking corn, was taken seriously ill last week. He was found to be suffering with a very severe case of appendi cltis. On Monday he was taken to Lincoln and an operation was per formed to relieve him from his af fliction. At last report he was get finer along all right. He is a brother of Henry Vogt of this place. On Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. W. II. H. Cassel received the news that their son, Earl Cassel, who lives at Valparaiso, Neb., was dangerously sick with a complication of diseases, and was in the Clarkson hospital at Omaha, where he was undergoing an operation and treatment for the same. His condition was considered so seri ous that Mr. and Mrs. Cassel we re quested to come to his bedside imme diately. They left for Omaha Wed nesday morning. Just received A car of Early Ohio potatoes, 70c a bushel. A. G. Bach & Co. dren of Ord came in Wednesday forjfifc.l1jj i,.(':c r.i;i!i. rr. o;h?y re at.ves. James McNamee and nephew, Glen Biggs, went to Falls City Tuesdaj- to spend a few days visiting the for mer's sons, Arthur and Clyde, and wives. Francis Baldwin, who is working in the Missouri Pacific round house at Omaha, was at home Sunday. "Dutch" expects to go cn the road as a fireman soon. Mrs. W. D. Ambler returned last Thvn-?day from a month's stay in Illi nois, whore she was called by the ill nei! of her niece, who had a long siege of typhoid fever. She left her some better. Harry Leffler, who has been work ing in the Burgess-Nash store in Omaha, resigned his position last week and after a week's visit at home returned to Omaha Tuesday to attend r. business college. Isaac Wiles purchased the splendid ?4.000 home of Dr. J. B. Hungate on the south sMe last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wiles have made a good selec tion of a home and are the kind of people we like to sec locate in our town. They get possession Decem ber 1st. County Commissioners Heebner, Jordan and Pitz were ui town Wed nesday looking over the proposition of putting in a new bridge across the creek in the southeast part of town. A bridge here is very much needed by the traveling public, especially tne school children. Just received A car of Early Ohio potatoes, 70c a bushel. A. G. Bach Bl Co. Mrs. James W. Taj lor has been at V, oi.row, Mor.t., the past two weeks, visiting her son, Alva Stites, and wife. Mrs. Ida Applegate went to Platt s mouth on the Wednesday evening train to visit her daughter, Mrs. Wayne Dickson. Mrs. Myron Lynde departed on the f.ycr yesterday afternoon for Snrimr- Mo., where she will visit her son. Dee Lynde, and wife. Miss Hallie Daniel has arrived home from a six weeks' visit with rel atives at Marion, Va., and Bristol, Tenn. Miss paniel had a delightful visit, but is ym-y happy to be at home again. Mrs. George Eaton and daughter, Mrs. James Niday, arrived home Sat urday evening from St. Joseph, where they had been called a few days pre viously by the death of a relative. Miss Mary Veale of DeWitt, Ark., who was here visiting the Hoback families, departed Sunday evening for Omaha to make a visit there be fore returning to her home in Ar kansas. J. D. Graves of Peru, a brother of the editor, stopped here yesterday morning and made us a short visit while making an auto trip to Murray and Rock Bluffs to visit and look after some business affffairs. Mrs. Atha Delaney departed Sun day for an extended visit with rela tives in the east and expects to be gone several months. She will go first to Ohio and from there to sev eral points in Pennsylvania, thence go to Hall City, Florida, to visit her son, Hallie Delaney, and family and Amos McNamee. At St. Mark's Lutheran church, Omaha, on Thursday, October 29, 1014, occurred the happy marriage of Miss Lula Garrens, a well known and pop ular Union girl, to Mr. Robert. II Brewer, jr., of Omaha. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Groh, pas tor of St. Mark's, in the presence of numerous friends and relatives of the contracting parties. Wedding office. stationery at the Journal r PLATTSMOUTH S is ket Store! OPPOSITE JOURNAL OFFICE tafoes 65c bu. (MINNESOTA BURBANKS) Will Deliver all Potatoes Ordered. Best potatoes for Winter. Lay in your sup ply HOW and SAVE money. Bananas 15c per dozen always Oranges 1&'c per dozen and up Grape Fruit 5c each Cocoa Nuts 2 for 15c Nehawka Cidar Always remember we save you money on everything. See us first. OPEN EVENINGS. PHONE save J