The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 05, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    1 -i
Murray Department
Prei-ared in the Interest of the People
KEEP out cf danger! When you feel the GTJNS of your CON
SCIENCE pointed squarely at ycu TAKE CARE! Your con
science is the fleet that is warrirg with your CARELESS HABITS,
vrith your EXTRAVAGANCE with your NEGLECT of the FUTURE.
The guns warn you. Heed them.
Four per rent interest on time deposit?.
Ojr deposits are protected by th State Guaranty Law.
Mr. ard Mrs. A. P. linker were in
Plattr-mouth Tiif.-day evening.
Mrs. 1.. M. McVey has been nunib
t rrd with the sick for the past few
da s.
Joe Burton was after some
bus:nes matters in the county sent
Tue.-day evt-nii i-g.
Peter, the sn of Mr. and Mrs.
las. " -ell, has been quite sick
f"V the past few days.
Mis. fo'..! r.f Plattsmouth.
was it Murri.y Wednesday visiting at
the r.orre of Mrs. W. E. Dull.
Wm. Puis. Ed. Tutt. Dr. -I. F. Brcn
ilc :.nd W. W. Hamilton were Platts
nu uth visitors Wednesday afternoon.
Dr. -Like Brcndel and wife ar.d I..
D. Iliatt and wife were attending the
lay in I'lottsomnth Monday evening.
Mrs. Jameson, of Weeping Watir,
lias been vi-iting at the home of her
daughter. .Airs. J. F. Brendel in Mur
ray. Mrs. M. Hiatt went to Plattsmouth
Wedr.e.-tlay evening where she will
make a few days visit with her son
t'has. Hiatt.
The tv.d children of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Lewis, who have been quite sick
for the past few flays, are some better
iit tliis time.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. W. Holmes anr Mr.
and Mrs. .1. D. Shrader were Omaha
vi.-itors Monday, making the trip in
the auto of Mr. Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hiatt returned
home from Weeping Water, and
Haveioek this week, where they have
been visiting for the past live weeks
with lelatives and friends.
The Ladies Aid of the Christian
church, who served dinner at the
church on election day, were very
successful in their undertaking, ser
ving a great many dinners and sup
pers, and considerably increasing the
the bank account of their societv.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Auto Hoods and
Hocky Caps !
Baby Blankets 60c to $1.00 and a big line of
Bed Blankcs prices ranging from
90c to $6.00
Murray, - - - Nebraska
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Ed. Shoemaker was a Plaltsmouth
visitor Tuesday evening.
j M in ford .v. Creamer shipped a car
'of stock to South Omaha Monday.
Oliver Lloyd and Miss Pearl Kniss
attended the play in Piatt smouth last
Morday evening.
F. L. Uhoden and wife attended
-The Calling of Dan Matthews' at
the Parmele in Plattsmouth Mon
day evening.
W. J. Phi'pot shipped two cars of
feeders down from South Omaha this
week. They were unloaded at Mur
ray Wednesday.
Mrs. E. T. Tutt was visiting in
Plattsmouth last Friday evening and
Satuiday. Mr. Tutt came up Sunday
morning, and alter spending the day
with friend-; and relatives they re
turned home Monday morning.
Th.eie will be a temperance pro
gram given at the Christian church
on next Sunday evening. There will
b? a special program of music and
talks, in which Mrs. McDonald, K. L.
Knis, Dr. Biendel P.ev. Robb and
Prof. Hull will take part. Every
body is cordially invited to attend.
II. L. Oldham attended a large sale
of Duroc-.Je; ey l ogs over at Clar
ijida. Iowa, last Satuiday and pur
shascd one of the fine The new
individual that will now be found in
M' Oldham's herd s a line type f
the Durc-.Jei sey, la rye bone, and will
j greatly improve the h'-rd.
j When a good man inns for the
election to an ollice. and is defeated,
.there is a great deal of comfort and
cansolation in the fact that they made
a good race at home, such as was
given Wm. Puis at home Tuesday.
Itoth East ami Wc.-t Pock Blutftfs
gave him hand-ome majorities.
There were no better men on the tick
et than Hilly Puis, and his friends in
Cass county regret very much the
fact that he was defeated.
I'll II 'tl'JIMU I I'jJJjjjxLLLWHJ
November 3. 1911. '
Election day at all the polls,
For Woman Suffrage, to save some
The question is, Will it do any good?
If you think it will, keep sawing wood.
If there's a chance at all to better the
Let us keep on working without a
Tor politics is rotten, as we all know
And if there isn't a change, it will go
lo . M. C. C
Porn to Mr. and Mrs. Cronk, a
girl, on Xov. ."d.
Mrs. Jno. Hostettler is listed among
the sick this week.
Pearl Dugay spent Sunday with
Miss Etta Nickels.
Ciuy Stokes was calling on friends
in Plattsmouth Saturday evening.
II. C. Creamer had a car of hogs
on the South Omaha market Wednes
day. Mrs. H. C. Temant, of Iowa, was
a guest of Mrs. Chas. Creamer over
Chas Tigner and family made a
business thip to Plattsmouth Satur
day afternoon.
November L'Uh, l'Mi, Annual
Thanksgiving Dinner at Lewiston.
Plan to come.
Porn to Mr. and Mrs. Kudolph
S. homaker, south of Murray, on elec
tion day, a fine baby girl.
W. R. Good and wife, Cuss Pullen
and wife were Plattsmouth visitors
last Saturday afternoon.
Lee Nickels and Al. Partlett were
looking after business matters in the
county seat last Saturday evening.
C. S. Pay and wife entertained at
dinned last Sunday, W. It. Cood and
wife, Miss Ida Cood and Miss Bertha
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Crunk are the
proud parents of a tine new daughter
which arrived at their home on the
riJUii of October.
The lumber van! of Mr. Kikendall
is being treated to a new coat of paint
this week, that greatly improves the
appearance of the same.
II. II. Nickels and wife returned
Monday from Woodriver, Nebr., at
which place they were visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Crosser.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Churchill and
Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Baker drove over
to Clenwood, Iowa Sunday, the trip
being made in the car of Mr. Church
ill. The road running west from Mur
ray, has been receiving some attention
from the grader the past week. The
road is being placed in good shape for
Mrs. Ib;!;t. Burr had a small exper
ience with a runaway horse Monday
evening. Mrs. Burr was consider
ably shaken up but no bones were
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman, Misses
Pauline Oldham, Certrude Long, anil
Messrs Albeit Young and 'Ceorge
Nickels combined squirrel hunting
and picnicing one day last week.
The hog sale held by II. L. Old
ham last Thursday, was not very well
attended, and the pigs were sold en
tirely too low, and Mr. Oldham stop
ped the sale, owing to poor bidding.
The gilts sold well, and brought the
best price.
Col. Lloyd and Wayne Lewis
returned home from Kansas City, last
Friday, where they have been taking
instructions in auctioneering. The
boys were successful in securing high
grades, and are ready to take care of
your public sales.
Among the buyers that were pre
sent at the Oldham hog sale last
Thursday was Ceorge Snyder, of
My nurd, who purchased the entire of
fering of gilts, eleven head. Elbert
Wiles bought the herd boar. Other
buyers were, J. T. Reynolds of Union,
Arthur Troop and Oscar Capen, of
Plattsmouth, while quite a few were
sold in and near Murray.
There was possibly no candidate in
the great state of Nebraska, either
county or state, that was nearly so
happy as our excellent young friend,
Vance Pitman, on election day. The
cause for the happiness of Mr. and
Mrs. Pitman was the arrival a fine
baby boy at their home on election
morning. Both mother and the little
one are getting along nicely. May
the litle fellow live to enjoy all fu
ture election days, and cast his first
vote twenty-one years from the "Jd
day of November, 1014.
Stove Wood for Sale
at the Villa Asch farm. Hard wood,
$1.50 per load; and cottonwood at
1 per load. MRS. A. D. ASCII.
If any of the readers of the
.IouiiihI know of any social
fvent or ii-m of 1ii!t'M in
this viiinitv. si ml will mail
same to tlii ot1i-e. it will ai
lfar under t hU hemline We
want all news iteajs- Kiutok
New School House Nearly Finished.
Murray's new school house is al
most completed, and it is the present
plan to open school in the new rooms
next Monday morning. The new
school building is certainly a valua
ble addition to Murray, and will be
pointed to with great pride by all her
people. It will be a joy for the young
folks and a pleasure to the older
ones. The building committee which
was composed of the three directors
W. C. Boedeker, Dr. C II. Cilmore
and C. D. Spangler w ith the addition
of (). A. Davis ami John Edmunds,
certainly deserve a great ileal of cred
it for the manner in which the erec
tion of the new building has been
looked after. Theie i.s no doubt that
the taxpayers have saved money by
their close attention to the work, and
in the selection of the contractor. The
building complete with heating plant
will cost in the neighborhood of .-?.", "00,
and is certainly cheap- for structure
and the workmanship received. There
will be amide room to accommodate
the schools for future ears, as there
are live large rooms, well ventilated,
ar.d excellent light, three of which
will be used at the present, with two
in reserve for increased enrollment.
The holies of the vicinity are ar
ranging for a dedication service and
dinner on next Friday, November 13.
A n excellent program is being pr e
pared and a dinner will be served by
them, the proceeds of which will go
to a fund for the purchasing of school
equipment. At H:3 a. m. Miss Lath
rop will deliver an address, which will
be followed by others. There are
sports of various kinds, including a
bail game on the program for the
young people. It will be a gala day
for Murray and Murray people, and
evrybody in this locality should be
in attendance. Come, aid bring your
families and stay all day.
The new books will be purchased
'his week.
The library will be open Wednes
day afternoon, Saturday afternoon,
and Saturday evening.
New members are being added
each day. Under the leadership of
Mr. Kniss the library workers feel
that his will be the most successful
year ot. ,
The following is the list of librar
ians for the month of November:
Paulino Oldhr.m. Nov. 7th.
Mrs. M. McDonald, Nov. 11th.
Mrs. S. O. Pitman, Nov 1 1th.
Mrs. Kate Capen, Nov. 1 St h.
Mrs. D. C. Rhoden, Nov. 21.
Hannah Hansen, Nov. 2"th.
Mrs. .1. D. Shrader, Nov. L'Uh.
While in Weeping Water the past
week Mr. and Mrs. M. Iliatt attended
a family reunion at the home of their
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cole.
The affair was held last Saturday
evening, and here were thirty-five
grandchildren in attendance. Re-
I freshmcnts were served, and an ad
dress was made by Mr. Hiatt to all
the relatives present. Mr. Iliatt was
prerented with a handsome present in
way of a line $30.00 ear trumpet
that will be a great relief to the old
gentleman, as his healing has been
very poorly for some time.
There will be another social dance
given at the Jenkins Hall, Given by
Elmer Boedeker, on Saturday eve
ning, Nov. 1 -1th. Music by the Ja
cobs orchestra, and a good time in
store for all.
Two full-blood Buff Orpington
cockrels, at $1.50 each. Ralph
Holmes, Murray, Neb.
All members of the Ladies Mission
ary society are urged to be present
at the all day meeting at the home of
Mrs. C D. Spangler on next Wednes
day afternoon, November 11.
The Ladies' Aid society will meet
with Mrs. Thomasen next Wednes
day, November 11. All day quilting.
All members, try and be present. Din
ner, 10 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Iver Standish and
daughters, Gladys and Mildred, of
Almena, Kas., have been here visiting
their sister, Mrs. A. J. Hansell. They
came through in th.eir car.
The Ladies' Missionary society will
hold an all day meeting at the home
of Mrs. C. D. Spangler on Wednes
day, November 11. All members are
urged to come out and bring their
Cone from Murray, but living stii!
He and his family Missouri Bill.
He was a street entertainer, when it
was light,
And a target for rocks after night.
We will miss him, 'tis true; I will tell
you why:
We will miss the loud talk and a
woman's cry.
Now there's a chance for sleep, and a
little rest,
And I thfnk the move is sure for the
Mr. Hansell and Eva and Mrs. Han
sell's sister, Myrtle, accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Standish to Nebraska City
Monday on the way to Carnett, Kas.,
to visit Miles Standish.
A number of Buff Orpington Cock-i-els
and Pullets, also a number of
White Orpington Rose Comb Cock
rels. Mrs. J. II. Brown,
Murray, Nebraska.
Hard coal heater for sale cheap if
taken soon. Telephone 4-N, Murray,
Nebraska, or call on R. M. Shrader.
Grant Did Not Forget the Man Who
Did Him a Good Turn.
"(leneral Grant's most pronounced
characteristic, perhaps, was his re
ward of ttie friends who had stood i
him in his early d.ivs." said Colonel S
A. Holmes of St. I.oni. "While Grant
was doing the best lie could after he
had quit the army and was down am',
out fie wanted to get the Job ot cotint
surveyor of St. Louis county Thi
Job was in the keeping of the thre
eonnty ) utiles, and Grant could get
only one of them to vole for tiiin. s.
he did'i't Ket the place.
"After the war. when Grant was
serving his lirst term as president. ;
di-l 'gatioi) of M issouri.-uis visited tli
White House to ur::e the appointment
of a St. Louis man for collector ot in
tenia I revenue, j tie most lucrative po
sitioti in the state. Grant listened te
the arguments and looked over tin
petition presciitd. Then he scratched
his Head and rcmarki-d:
1 s;ii i tiere an old fellow out there
of the n.iiue ot Umg. who used to l
a Jude of the county court?'
"Nobody in the delegation could re
call IiOiig. Init Grant told them to g
buck and lind out Some time late
he was told licit .lode Lens was sfil
living in the county, tint was not con
"Get up a petition for him.' aiviseo
the president, -and I will appoint nin
internal revenue collector
- "The friends of Long lost no time in
nrosciit in the reuuesicd petition, and
the o!tl judge vvas appointed.
"Grant had never forgotten the favoi
done him when he was less prosper
ous." Washington Post
Their Fall From te Giddy Height o
Ambition and Povwer.
History records that Alexander lb
Great, who was the pupil ot Arisioti.
lit fourteen, and who reigned ovei in
Macedonians at sixteen while i.i
father was hs-iiL and who oic eed-
Philip hIii-i! he wns, nineteen, afp
climbing H e heights ot his mini en.
fell from his lofty eminence. A.e
amler. with his temples hound m chap
lets dl'p''lJ III lil IllOod ot COlllltlCS.-
nations, looked down upon ?i eouqaerec
world and wept that there was ice
another one for him to conquer, thei.
set h city on lire and died amid scene.
of debauch:
Hannibal, one ol th greatest soldiers
who ever lived, alter having passed tin
Alps, to (lu- a ma.eiiinit of lioiiie. ami
having success! ully fought ami con
quercd the armies of the mistress of
the world, stripping three bushels of
gold rings from the ringers of hei
slaughtered warriors, tied from his
country. He died by poison admin
istered by his ov n hand, unlameiited.
in a foreign land.
Caesar, considered ns a general, a
statesman and a ruler, has had few
equals and probably no superiors. Aft
er conquering SOU cities aud dye
ing his hands in the blood of mil
lions of his enemies, after having pur
sued to death the only rival he bad.
was assassinated by those whom he
considered to lie his best friends.
Bonaparte, the greatest general of
modem times, after having filled the
earth witn the terror of bis name del
uged It with tears and blood and
clothed the world, ns it were, in sack
cloth, ended Ids days in banishment
upon a lonely island In the South At
Women Suffer Vernbly From Kidney
Around on her feet all day no
wonder a woman has backache,
headache, stiff, swollen joints, weari
ness, poor sleep and kidney trouble.
Folev Kidney Pills give quick relief
for these troubles. They strengthen
the kidneys take away the aches,
pain and weariness. Make life worth
living again. Try Foley Kidney
Pills and see how much better you
feel. For sale by all druggists.
Blank books of all kinds at the
Journal office.
Tyewriter ribbons at the Jour
nal office.
The Time Will Soon Be Here
when you will need that new Heater. We want to
call your attention to the Favorite
Round Oak Heaters,
Room Heaters
There are no better Steves and heating plants on the
market than the Round Oak.
Murray, - Nebraska
We are adding to our harness line as rapidly as the
demand permits.
Aga Kahn Says Sultan Has Lost Job
as Trustee For Islam.
London, Nov. 5. Aga Khan, who is
known as the spiritual head of the Mo
hammedans in India, east Africa au'J
central Asia, has sent a cablegram
from London, . addressed to the Mos
lems in India and other British donii
ions, in which he expresses his dec
sorrow that Turkey has jcined hand;
with Germany in the war.
In tliis message Asa Khan says:
"This is not the free will of the sid
tan, bat the will of the Get man oT.
eers and other non-.Mos ems. who hav
forced him to do lln-ir biddins."
He declares further that Turkey has
now lo.-t its position as the trustee o
Islam. It has drawn its sword in it
unholy cans and the duty r.f the M is
lem today is to remain loyal and faith
ful to their temporal and secular alle
Presence of Five Gerrr;n Warships
In Pacific Dominion.
Ottawa, Out., Nov. 5. The presence
of live German warships in the Pacific
off" the coast of Chile, and the proba
bilitr that two more, the Dresden am
Pind ii. are on their way to join them
created considerable apprehension
here for the s.ifety of Canadian citi?
on the Pacific coast. To meet the sit
uation the naval authorities at Ottawa
were in conference all forenoon
Measures of some sort, it is said, wil
lihelv Ik' taken.
The fact that the German warships
bad been gathered into one fleet was
taken here as a clear indication that
Germany had perfected arrangements
lor coaling the Heel, and it was felt
that little could be done to round up
this fleet until British and Ja panes'
varhits now at Tsint tau are rclieviv
It is feared that the German fleet
may steam north and under threat of
Ions distance bombardment attempt
to levy tribute on the city of Victoria.
The only danger to which the fleet
would be subjec t in carrying out such
an enterprise, it is pointed oat, would
he an attack from the two submarines
which Canada brought from Chile at
the opening of the war and which are
stationed in the waters about an
couvrr island.
The pipefish rake care of then young
in a manner that is entirely peculiar.
The newly laid eggs are taken care of
by the male, which has a sort of fold
on each side of its body. Beneath
the "flaps" he keeps the eggs until the
young are hatched and siilliciently
grown to take care f themselves
While in the "flap"" they are fed by the
mother, iqion whom falls I he duty of
foraging around for food.
No Postmortem Touch.
"Loan me until Thursday, old
man. If 1 live till then I'll surely pay
"All right. But if you succumb don't
fend anybody around to tonch me for
ihe funeral expenses." Seattle Post-Intel
I igencer.
One For the Witness.
Lawyer lier-elyi Are you telling
the truth? Badgered Witness (wearily i
As much of it as you will let me.
Detroit Free Press.
This Is the note the cook left: Dear
Madam-1 nin leaving, but beg to re
main, yours, Sarah Briggs." Lippln
Smoke "Cut Heir Cigars.
Thomsen, Dentist, Gund Bldg.
All xvectai
operat ion.
III i... - i
To Gladden
the Heart
of a girl who deserves the
best there is, be sure and
get a package of Lowney'
Great Chocolates. They
make an exquisite gift fit
for a princess. The box it
se'f, the packing in lace pa
per, lin foil and paper cups
and the convenient trays,
are artistic and appetizing.
The bonbons are coated with
an expensive chocolate that
has never been equalled for
quality. The centers are
mostly surprises, novelties
and exquisitely delicious
harmonies of flavor. We
recommend Lowney 's Crest
Chocolates at a Jafar a
fijun d as the most refined,
delicious bonbons that it is
possible to make or buy.
; Weyrich & Hadraba
1 Prescription Druggists
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office or Murray
State Bank for
17 m. R. Young
Careful attention to Public Sales
Rates are Reasonable.
Call at my expense
Murray, ... Nebraska
Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture
Framing. Frank Gobelman.
Evening Journal delivered, 10c.
.Diseases cured without a surgical
No Chloroform, Ether or other gen-
eral aceasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED
to last a LIFE-TIME, examination free.
Omaha. Nebraska