The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 25, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, OCTOEER 23. 1914.
J The Mark of Quality
S Cn Rubber Footwear this Trade Mark
if' means Honest Value, Service
:-' and Satisfaction
Our Fall stock is now in.
All new fresh goods,5rst
quality and hand made over
shoemakers' lasts. Come in
Slid get yours while the stock
is complete. Remember that
dry feet save doctors' bills,
and when it is a case of there
being only a teyer of rubber
between you and a sick spell,
it pays to buy DUCK BRAND
RUBBERS that are built for
bard service.
Electric Shoe
Flatlsmouth, Nebraska
Samuel C. Haw kenberg the Loser.
In the subscription list appearing1
a few days in the Journal it was stat
ed that the funds were for the use
of Grant Hawker; berg-, when it should
have been Samuel C. Ilackenberg-, who
had sufTeed the loss of his farm
house am: household g.'.xls. Mr. Hatk-er.berg-
feels very deeply the sympa
thy and ai 1 of his friends in this
Have a Very Enjoyable Dance.
The T. J. Soke! society gave a very
pk-.-ing- racial dance on Saturday
evening- s:t their ha!! on west Pearl
street that was attended by a very
large c: owu of men y dancers who
tripped to the music of the Holly or
chestra until a late hot:- when all de
parted for their homes feeling: that
the occasion had been one if the
greatest pleasure to all.
D. ('. Howard of 0-n;.hu. L-me down
this morn'r.g- from his home to spend
a few t.o.irs I ' .v with l i" old friends
as well a- to look after some matters
of business. Mr. Hovvavi
-:k! wife
e:pect to leave shortly for the south
to :-per.d the winter.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Avoid Sedative Couch Medicines.
If you want to contribute directly
to the occurrence of capillary
bronchitis and peneumonia use couph
medicines that contain codine, morp
hine. heroin and other sedatives when
you have a coug-h or cold. An ex
pectorant like Chamberlain's Coug;h
Kemedy is what is needed. That
cleans out the culture beds or breeding-
places for the perms of pneum
onia and other perm diseases. That is
why pneumonia never lesults from a
cold when Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is used. It has a world's wide
reputation for its cures. It contains
no morphine or other sedative. For
sale by all dealers.
. i J
Loca! Wews
I From Friday's Daily,
j Bert Kitchell of Alvo and Roy Cole
'of Mvnard were in the city last even
ing to visit with their friends for a
jfew hours.
Ed. Tritsch, from west of the city,
was here yesterday for a few hours
looking: after some trading: with the
W. A. Fight, the Mynard stockman,
was in the city yesterday looking: af
ter some matters of b-.isiness with the
merchants. '
Dr. B. F. Brenule of Murray was in
ithe city yesterday af'ernoon for a
ifew hours looking; after some matters
of business.
j Adr.m Hild of the vicinity of ily
j nard was in the city yesterday for a
I f aw hmirz !n(i!;inc a frer some m;i t -
ters of business.
I Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick came up
yesterday afternoon frrm her home at
! N'ehawka to attend the ufTrajre meet
ing- at the Parmeie.
Don C. Ilhoden of Murray was in
the city this afternoon for a few
hours looking: after some matters of
business with the merchants.
Miss Mathilde Peter-, of Weeping;
'Water, who has been here for a short
time visiting- at the William Hunter
j home, departed this mornrngr for her
W. S. Wetenkamp motored in yes
terday afternoon from his farm home
near Mynard to spend a few hours
here attending; to some trading; with
the merchants.
Misses Pauline Oldham, Truda Long;
and Mrs. James Lauphrhlge of Mur
ray came up last evening; from their
homes to attend the suffrag-e meeting-
at the Parmeie theatre.
Bert Lamphere returned home to
Chicago yesterday afternoon or: No.
2 after being- called here by the ar
rival of a new daughter, which was
born to Mrs. Lamph-'-e Wednesday
Brute Miller of Peoria. 111., ar
rived th's morning- on No. 15 for a
visit with his wife, wno is spending;
a few weeks at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. I red Ileinrich, and
other relatives.
Mrs. W. L. Pickett, who has been
here for the patt few weeks visiting;
with friends in this city, departed
this morning- for Evansville, Ind., her
home. Mrs. A. E. Gass accompanied
her as far as Omaha on her jour
nev. From Saturday's Duilv.
Fred, Jake and Philip Ilild and
Georg-e II. Mei.-ing-er of the vicinity
of Mynard motored in last evening; to
attend the democratic meeting; at the
Ben Beckman was in the city today
from his home near Murray looking;
after some matters of business with
the merchants.
W. II. Ileil and Jess Brown drove
in this morning; from their homes
near Cedar Creek to attend to some
maters ef business.
P. E Becker was in the city this
afternoon from his farm home west
of the city looking- after some trading-
with the merchants.
Attorney William Deles Dernier of
Elmwood came in last evening- from
his home to look aftei some leg-al
matters at the court house.
Alf Nickels of near Murray was
among- the passeng-ers this morning;
for Omaha, where he will take treat
ment for rheumatism in that city.
Ea!an Stanley arrived in the city
this morning- from his home at To
peka. Kas., and will make a short
visit here with his friends in this
Fred Haffke, wife and children
drove in this afternoon from their
home west of the city to spend a few
hours looking; after the week-end
Mrs. Luke Wiles was among; those
journeying; to the metropolis this
morning-, where she was called to
iook after some matters of business
for the day.
Miss May Vallery of Mynard was
among; the passeng-ers this morning;
ior Omaha, where she poes to visit
for the day there looking; after some
matters of business.
Georpe M. Parks, wife and children
and Mrs. W. M. Wiley, mother of Mrs.
Parks, were amonp the passenpers
this morninp for Omaha, where they
will visit for the day lookinp after
some matters of business.
W. II. Puis and Alfied Gansmer of
near Murray were in the city last
cveninp lookinp after some matters
of business and attendinp the meet
inp at the Tarmele theatre.
Fred Kehnes and wife came in this
morninp from their farm home west
of the city and were passenpers for
Omaha on the afternoon train where
they will spend a few hours.
Ratio Taylor and wife of Havelock
came in this morninp on No. 4 for an
over Sunday visit in this city with
W j
Hyannis, Nebr.
For Secretary of State.
.Born in Henry county, Illinois. A resi
dent of Nebraska 49 years; 35 years in
Tecumseh, serving as newspaper editor
and publisher. President of Nebraska
Press Association. 1913-1914. Member
Nebraska Legislature and Speaker of the
House, session 1909. But once before a
candidate for State office in Nebraska.
Lacked E2 votes of being ejected Secre
tary of State in 1910. Your support will
be appreciated.
their relatives and friends. They are
enjoyinp a short honeymoon, having
just been married on Thursday.
Henry Snoke of Eaple, candidate
for county commissioner from the
third district, was here for a few
hours this morninp, joininp Governor
More-head and party on their trip
throuph the southern part of the
Mrs. Harry Johnson returned
home this afternoon from Missouri
Valley, Iowa, where she has been vis
it inp for a few days at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Edward Grybsky
in that city. She reports the newly
wed as pettinp alonp nicely.
From Monday's Pally.
M. C. Walker of Manley was in the
city today for a few hours lookinp
after some matters at the court
Charles Troop was amonp the bus
iness visitors in South Omaha today,
poinp to that city on the early Bur
linpton train.
Adam Hild of near Mynard was
here Saturday afternoon for a few
hours lookinp after some tradinp with
the merchants.
Frank Cook and wife of Havelock
arrived in the city Saturday eveninp
to make an over Sunday visit with
their relatives here.
Philip Hild of near Murray was
here yesterday for a few hours visit
inp with his friends and lookinp after
some matters of business.
Call Smith came down Saturday
eveninp on No. 2 from Omaha and
spent Sunday here with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith, and friends.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weepinp
Water came in this afternoon on No.
24 to visit here for a few hours look
inp after some business matters at the
court houe for a few hours.
Simon Clark and wife and little
pranddauphter, Fern Stivers, were
amonp the visitors in the metropolis
yesterday, poinp to that city on the
early Burlinpton trai'i.
A New Shoe!
Here's one of our smartest
models in women's Fall shoes.
Patent colt Itather low toe
the new opera heel. Cra
venetted cloth top.
If s a Kpaufv I
$3.00 to $4.50
This handsome shoe will be
worn by women who appreci
ate and desire a shoe that's
distinctive and different from
the ordinary.
Fetzer's Shoe Store
Hermia E. Windham. Plaintiff,
Siimtif-l Cast-v Kt Al.. Defendants.
To Snmnel Casey, the rnknown heirs
ami (lev is-ets of Samuel Casey: Robert
J. I.ackev. tlie unknown heirs ami dev
isees of Robert .1. LaUey: W. H. Slia
fei , the unknown heirs and devisees oi
W. H Shal'er: Ira A. Meyers, Sherwin
T. l;unnells, Thomas H. (ioriloii. the un
known heirs and devistes of Thomas
U. ttordon:
You and each of you will take nntieo
that on the l':!rl day of eutolier. A. 1 .
lull. Hermia K. Windham tiled her pe
tition in the Ii.-irict Court of Cass
Countv. Nebraska, nirainst you a no
each of you. the object and prayer oi
which is that she may ad.imlKed the
owner in fee simple of Lot 2, in Block
1: Lot 1. in F.look 2: Lots 1. '2. " ami
4, in Rlock ."i : Lots 1. - " ami ;. in Kiock
C: Lots .". ami in Block 12: Lots 1. 2.
:: and -1. in Block .": Lots 1. -2. and 0.
in Block ! : Lots ami in Block 1 -:
Lots 1 and 2. in Block 1 :: : anil Lois 1,
2. '' ami J. in Rlock IT. in Townsend's
Addition to Flat tsrmmt h. Nebraska,
freed from all claims ol an estate 01
interest therein of said defendants, and
each of them, and all persons claimiiii;
by. through or under them, and thai
von be perpetual enjoined from claim
ins any rijrht. title, interest or risrht
of possession in and 10 the same, ad
verse to the title of this plaintiff, hei
heirs or assiirns, and from i 11! erl'erini;
with the iiiiiri and peaceable enjoy
ment of said premises by said plain
tin: and that a certain bond for a deed
runninsr from Alfred II. Townsend tc
the defendant. Robert J. Lackev. dateo
November 2. I v'.s. to the undivided one
ientli of thirty :' ai res off the soutl
side of the west one-halt of southwest
one-fourth of Sec. 7. Twp. 12. Ranee
14. in Cass Con tit v. Nebraska, and re
corded in Book " A," on pa ire l:-.:: of t he
Mortiraire Records of Ca.-s Countv. Ne
braska, be cam-elied a:ol satisfied o!
record: and that all clouds cast upon
plaintiffs title be removed, and for
such oilier and further relief as equity
mav require.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 14tli day "f December, 1!'14,
or' your defaults vi!i be entered there
in and a 1 lesat ions of said petition tak
en as true.
R. I!. WINDHAM. Attorney.
L. I). Iliatt and wife of near Hur
ray were over Sunday visitors in this
rity at the homes of their relatives
Ur. J. F. Brendle, democratic candi
date for county coroner, was here Sat
urday eveninp visitinp with his
friends, havinp driven vp from his
home at Murray.
Thayer Propst of Palston, Neb.,
was down yesterday for the visitinp
at the home of his parents, near My
nard, where he assisted in celebratinp
his father's birthday.
Frank Beeson, wife and family
came down from Omaha Saturday
eveninp for an over Sunday visit at
the heme of Mr. Beeson's uncle, Judpe
A. J. Beeson, and family.
Mrs. Martha Baumeister and dauph
ter, Mrs. John Rutherford, were pas
senpers this monrnp for Omaha,
where they will spend the day lookinp
after some matters of business.
J. E. Gravitt arrived in the city
Saturday eveninp from Omaha for a
visit here at the home of his brother,
William Gravitt, and family and may
decide to locate here crmanently in
the future.
Otto Lutz, who has been here for
the past few tlays visitinp with his
parents and friends, departed on the
afternoon Burlinpton train yesterday
for Omaha, where he poes to Iowa to
take up railroad work there.
Ireland to Maintain Place as a Fight
ing Nation, Says Leader.
Belfast. Ireland, Oct. 2G. That lie
land would maintain its place as a
fighting nation was the declaration of
John F. Redmond, Nationalist leader,
in addressing a meeting of volunteers
'Ireland's rights," vpid Mr. Red
mond, "are not to be defended merely
within the Irish shores. If the man
hood of Ireland refused to strike a
blow where real fighting is going 0:1
the country would be covered with dis
grace. Ireland would be humiliated
if after the war it had to be admitted
that the safety and liberties of Ireland
had been guarded by the sacrifices of
other men, while Irishmen remained
at home and took none of the risks."
Thirty-five thousand men from all
parts of Ireland have joined the army
since the beginning of the war, Mr.
Redmond added.
Huge Fund to Go to Cotton Growers.
Washington. Oct. 2o. After weeks
of negotiations between bankers and
members of the federal reserve board,
a tentative agreement was reached,
which the board practically approved,
by which a fund of llo.'Hio.OhO will be
raised to take care of the surplus cot
ton crop and extend aid to the cotton
Servian Retreat Not Decisive Defeat.
Nish, Servia. 0 t. 20. An official
communication says that a battle was
fought all along the Bosnian front.
The Scrvia and Montenegrin allies re
pulsed all attacks, but in view of the
Austrians' severe assaults the Monte
negrins were compelled to fal! back a
little behind their positions.
Britain Won't Halt U. S. Cotton Cargo
Washington, Oct. 26. Sir Edward
Grey, British minister for foreign af
fairs, has assured the United States,
through Ambassador Page at London,
that England will not interfere with
American cotton shipments as "contra
band of war." This was announced at
the state department.
Night Riders Threaten Cotton Buyers.
Dangerfield, Tox., Oct. 2I. Night
riders posted notices on the doors o?
merchants here who have been known
to buy cotton for less thau 10 cents
per pound The notices gave warning
that the store would be burned if any
more cotton is purchased under 10
ifSEi OflFML
Admitted by Paris
Kaiser Rushes Forward Ml Rein
forcements Against Allies.
Downpour Following Fine Weath
er Adds to Men's Trials.
Fierce fighting between the allies and
the Germans continues in the west
ern theater of the war, especially in
the district near the North sea coast
in Belgium, around Nieuport and
southeasterly, toward the river Lys.
The Germans claim that they have
thrown additional forces westward
across the river Yser, between Nieu
port and Dixmude, and that they
have advanced at several points
northeast of Ypres and taken over
5C0 British prisoners, several of
them officers.
The latest French report admits the
Germans have crossed the Yser.
South of Lille, the French claim re
pulses to the Germans and advances
by the allies near Soissons and
Artillery engagements are proceeding
on the heights of the Meuse and in
the Woevre district. In the Argonne
a German infantry regiment is said
to have been annihilated.
In the east, heavy engagements con.
tinue between the Russian and Aus-tro-Hungarian
forces in the vicinity
of Radom and Ivangorod in Poland,
and between the Austrians and the
Russians south of Przemysl, in Ga
licia. The Austrians have driven the Monte
r.egrins from positions on the Bos
nian frontier.
London. Oct. "G. Forced back from
th coast by th fire of the French
and British warships, the German
troops, after a week of the most vio
lent fighting, have turned inland and
iorc d their way across the Yser canal
wot of Dixmude.
Pressing their advantage, the Ger
mans, in a mighty effort to gain a vic
tory, continue rushing forward all the
reinforcements that can be spared
and. in their official report, claim to
be slowly but definitely pushing the al
lies back.
Of the gains claimed by the Ger
mans, the French reports confirm the
crossing of the Yser canal, but declare
a very violent battle still is raging be
tween Nieuport and the river Lys. At
this point the Germans claim to have
taken rn British prisoners.
Destroy German Batteries.
Of the battles on the center and lef:
wing, the German report does not
speak, but the French declare they
are maintaining their positions in
the Argonne and on the heights of the
Meuse and have destroyed three more
German batteries. From official
sources it is learned that the French
have made some advance in the moun
tains along the Alsace border.
To add to the trials of the troops
engaged in the northwest, a short
Bpell of fine weather lias given plact"
to another downpour of rain, which
will convert the lowlands of Flanders
into great lakes.
Many of the German soldiers at Dix
mude have come from Berlin within
the last few days. Arriving at the
scene of battle they have at once been
sent into the trenches which were
waist deep in water.
Casualty Lists Large.
The Belgians, under cover of a fog,
approached the trenches and at the
point of the bayonet made prisoners of
a large cumber of the invaders. At
the same time the contest was re
r.umcd at numerous other points, but
the result was different and the cas
unity lists were large.
The strategic consequences of this
battle of the north, it is felt in some
quarters, will be greater to the Ger
mans than to the allies. If it should
be necessary for the former to with
draw it would be upon the normal
lines of the allies without risk, it is de
clared, and the bending of the left
wing would not compromise the situa
tion in general.
Submarine Which Sunk Hawke Is U-9
Berlin. Oct. 2b It is learned that
it was the German submarine U-
which sank the British cruiser Hawke
in the North sea by a torpedo attack
The following proiosed amendment t
the constlrution of tUe State of Nebraska
as hereinafter set forrn in full, la submit
ted to the electors of the State of lras
ka, to be voted ujou at the peueral eleetior
to be held Tuesday, November I!rd, A. D
Toil a Joint resolution to amend settlor
1 of Article 9 of the Constitution of tbi
State of Nebraska, relating to revenue
Be It Kesolved and Knacred by the l'eoplt
o the State of Nebraska:
Section I. That Section 1 of Article I
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be amended to read as follows:
see. 1. The rules of taxation shall b
uniform aa to any given class and taxe
Ktiall be levied upon sncli property as tin
Legislature shall prescribe. Taxes may
also be imposed on income, privileges am!
occupations, which raxes may be graduated
and progressive and reasonable exemptions
mav tie provided, in addition to those here
inafter specifically mentioned in aectiou i
of this article.
Sec. 2. That at the pneral election !n
November, 1:H. there shall be submitted
to the electors of the state for their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment To the Constitution in the fol
lowing form: "For amendment to tlx
Constitution providing for uniform and
progressive taxation" nnd "against aid
proposed amendment to the e'otistitutior
providing for uniform and proyressivi
Approved. Mnrh 27. 1013.
1. Addison Wait. Secretary of State. 01
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed ain-'lidTiietil
to the Constitution f the State of Ne
braska is a true and correct copy of th
original enrolled and engrossed bill, lis
passed by the Thirty-third session of tbf
Legislature of the State of Nebraska, nt
appears from said original bill on file ir
this office, and that said proposed amend
mcnt is submitted to the qualified votert
of t :. State of Nebraska for their adoptior
or rejection at the general fleet Ion to b
he'd on Tuesday, the Srd day of November.
A. D. 1014.
In Testimony 'Whereof. I have hereunto
net my hand and ntfixed the Great Seal ol
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, tnis 2rtrd day of March
In the year of our Lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of th
In dependence of the United States the One
Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of thii
State the Forty-seventh.
Seal Secretary of State.
A 51 EN I) yriC N T NO. TWO.
The following proposed amendment te
the constitution of the State of Nebraska
as hereinafter set forth in full, is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general election
to be held Tuesday, November 3rd, A. D
"A Joint Resolution to amend Section all
(6) of Article one (l of the Constitution
of the State of Nebraska.
Be it Knacted by the I'eople of the Stat
of Nebraska :
Section 1- That Section six (fl) of Artiel
ore (1) of the Constitution of the Sfat
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows :
Section 6. The right of trial by Jury
sfall remain inviolate; but in all civil cascj
and in criminal cases less than felonies
five-sixths of the jury may render a ver
diet and the Legislature may a nt tioriz
trial by a jury of a less number than
twelve men in courts inferior to the dis
' ri.-t court.
ec. 'i. That nt the general cleefion for
state and !-gi a t i ve ofh.ors to be held in
the State of Nebraska on the tirst Tuesdat
tv the first Monday in November in 1M14
here shall be printed upon the ballot ol
: Hi elector for his approval or rejection
'l.e above ami forego) p g amendment in thf
"How ing form: "For proposed amendmeni
th constitution providing that in al
ivi; cases and in criminal cases less than
VI. .t ie-, five-sixths of the Jury may rendei
1 verdi. t." arid "Against the proposed
mien. Iiii'-nt to the Constitution provided
I1.1t in all civil cases and in criminal case
ess than felonies, five-sixths of the Jurj
nay render a verdict."
Approve, J, Aoril 1. l!?f?.
1, Addison Wait, Seerefarv of State, ot
he State of Nebraska, do hereby cortlf
aat the fi.regoinjr proposed amendment
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
a true nnd correct coin- of the original
rolled nnd engrossed bill, as passed In
o- 1 Mrry-third session of the Legislature
; the state ef Nebraska, as appears from
:.d origiial HI! on file in this o If ice. anc
i.if .:id proposed amendment is submitted
the qualified voters of tl0 State of Ne
r .sl..i for their adoption or rejection at
:e genernl election t ,e held on Tuesday
ie .ird day of November A 11 iiu
In Testi.-nonv Whereof, I have hereunto
my ,;;,,,; .,n1 lltt)K.-d the Great Seal ol
.-uie in .MTirasKii.
I 'tie at Lincoln, this "P.rrt di M.v.
1 the ve,r of our Lord. One Thousand
-i'.e Ci.o'rcd and Fourteen, and of tin
,-um.,.,. or trie 1 uited State the Om
. . i.' 1 't-! v-seventh. and of tlii.
n r 1 Mr r i, 1 y - VfI) T M.
1 -ail ifrotitn nf
In tlie County Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
In lie Kstatc of Hannah Pechrist, de
ceased. Tr All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that a peti
tion was filed in the above court on the
Sth day of ectober, A. I. 1914. alleg
ing the death testate of Hannah Se
ehrist, a resident of said county on Oc
tober 1. 1 Vt 3 4 . and requesting' that an
instrument presented therewith pur
porting; to be the last will and testa
ment of said deceased, lie allowed and
admitted to probate as sncli. and W. !"
Dosencrans. be a preintod executor
thereof. Thr.t a hearing will be had
on said petition at the office of tlie
County Judge, Court House, I'latts
rnoiitli. Cass County, Nebraska, on tlie
4tti day of November, A. 1 . 1914, at
nine o'clock A. M.. at which time or
ders will be entered in scconlaiicf with
the findings of the court thereon. All
objections thereto must be filed before
.said hour on said day of hearing.
I'.v the Court
Countv Judge.
State of Nebraska. Cass County, fs.
In County Court, in the matter of the
estate of (leorge 11. I'oisall. deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the cred
itors of said deceased that hearing
will be bail upon claims tiled against
said estate, before me, CV-unty Judge ol
i'ass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in I'lattsmouth, in said
County, on tlie ll.-.rd day of November,
1914, and on the 24th day of May, 1915,
nt 9 o'clock a. m., each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must lit filed in said Court
011 or bfore said last hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of saio
Countv Court, at I'lattsmouth, Nebras
ka, this j:!rd (lav of October, 1914.
(Seal) .LLKN .1. l.KKSoN,
County Judge.
M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at
Gerinff & Co.'s Wednesday and Sat
urday evenings. Examination free.
Modern Woodman Dance,
men of America, will give a social
dance at their hall on Saturday even
ing, Ocober 31. The public is cordial
ly invited to be present to enjoy a
good social time.
"To laugh once is better than to
take medicine three times," is an old
German saying. After you have seen
"Alma, Where Do You Live?" once
you will not need to take medicine
for a good long time, as Alma is said
to be one long laugh. At Parmeie
Tuesday night.
The following proposed amendment t
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set fortb in ful. 1 submit
ted to the electors of the Stat of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general Wctioss
to be beld Tuesday, November Srd, A. 1.
"FOR a joint resolution proponing amend
tuents to Bent ion 1, of Artici V. and
Section 24. of Article V. of tbt Constitu
tion of Nebraska, relating: to term of
office and salary of Governor and otbai
executive officers.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by tbt Pcopl
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general election
for state and legislative offices, to be held
on the Tuesday aucceeding the first Mon
day in November. 1114. the following b
submitted as amendments to Sections 1 and
24. of Article V. of the Constitution ol
Nebraska :
See. 1. Toe executive department shall
consist of a Governor, who shall hold bit
office for a term of two years from tb
first Thursday offer the first Tuesday lu
January, nest after his election, and until
his successor is elected and Qualified. In
addition to the Governor, the eiecutlve de
partment shall Include the following offi
cers: Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of
State, Auditor of Public Accounts. Treas
urer, Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Atttrney General, and Commissioner ol
Public Lands and Buildings, each of wboin
hall bold his office for the term of two
years from the first Thursday after tb
first Tuesday in January, next after his
election, atid until his successor ts elected
and qualified; Provided, however, that ths
first election of said officers tftiall he held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday
in November, 1916. and euch succeeding
election shall be hdd at the same relative,
time in each even year thereafter. The
Governor, Secretary ef State. Auditor of
Public Acer. nuts, ami Treasurer .hall re
side at the seat eT government during theit
e-Tns of oil! -(' i;c-ji tlie public records,
books and pa per m 1 lure, and hhall perform
sii'-h duties us may be required by law.
See. 24- The salary of the Governor shall
be five thousand $."i,(nki.(ni i dellars per ate
num. The salaries of Auditor of Publle
Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin
tendent of Public Instruction and Commis
sioner of Public Lands and IluilJInjTK ktini
be two thousand five hundred ttz.7i.iu)
dollars each per annum, ami of the Attor
ney General. four thousand dd)a-
$1.0O0.(Hi) per annum, the salary of the
State Treasurer shall be three thousand
(S.'i.OOO.nOi dollars per nnniim, and the Lieu
tenant Governor shall receive one and one
half the compensation of a senator, and
after the adoption of this constitution they
shall not receive to their own Use any fees,
costs, interests upon public moneys in their
hands, or under their control, perquisites
of office or other compensation, and nil fees
that may hereafter be payable by law for
services performed by uu officer provided
for in this article of tlie constitution Khali
be paid In advance into the state treasury.
There shall be no allowance for e lerk hire
In the offices of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction and Attorney General.
Sec. 2. That at said election e.n the Tues
day succeeding the first Monday In Ne.vern
ber. 1914. on the ballot of each elector
voting thereat, there shall be printed or
written the words: "For proposed amend
ments to the constitution, fixing the term
of office and salary for governor, and other
executive, officers." and "Against proposed
amendments to the constlrutlon. fixing trie
term of office and salary for governor, and
other executive officers."
Approved. April in. 1013.
I, Addison Wait. Secretary of State of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the forepolns- proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
is a true and correct copv of the original
enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by
the Fhlrty-thlrd session of the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska, aa appears from
said orislnal bill on file in this office. nd
that said proposed amendment Is submitte d
to the qualified .voters of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection at
the general election to be held on Tuesday,
the ord day of November. A. I. 1914
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunt
!k ,hanl .n(J affill the Great Seal of
the btate of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 2T!rd day of March.
KIthTTyea.r ?' our Lord- u Thou.auei
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the
Independence of the United State the One
R?f rthd nd. Tulrt-T-venth. .nd of tMa
8tate the I orty-aeventh.
Secretary of State.
CO I' X TV, M'.llltASKA.
T. H. Tollock. Plaintiff.
Cassandra K. Stone, and the unknown
Heirs and Ievises of Cussandra K.
Stone, Deceased.
To Cassandra E. Ptone, and the un
known Heirs and Devisees of Cas
sandra E. Stone, deceased. Defendants
in the above entitled action.
You and each of you ure hereby
notified tha Plaintiff has commenced a
suit against you in the IMstrict Court
of Cass County, Nebraska, for the pur
pose of quieting1 th title of the
Plaintiff in and to the following; ele
soribed real estate in Cass Countv.
Nebraska, to-wit: Lot S in Block 'JC
in the city of Plattsmouth. and for the
purpose of establishing adverse posses
sion, and to exclude each of you and
all persons claiming: by, through or
under you from havinir or claiming
any interest, right, estate lien or title
thereon, either lepral or equitable in
said premises and to forever e-njoin
yeu nnd each of you from In any man
ner Interfering; with the title and pos
session of this Plaintiff and those
claiming or holding through or under
him and for equitable relief.
You are required to answer sabl
petition on or before the IGth. elay of
November, A. D. 1914. and in failing so
to elo your default will be duly entered
T. II. Pollock. Plaintiff.
By A. L. Tidd. His Attorney.
Ellen C. Windham, Plaintiff,
John Schniter Et Al., Defendants.
To John Schniter, the unknown heirs
and devisees of John Schniter: Shake
speare Boyes, the unknown heirs and
elevisees of Shakespeare Boyes; Wil
liam Sneider, the unknown heirs and
devisees of William Sneider; D'evid
Beebe. the unknown heirs and devisees
ef David Bee-be; H. L. Levi, the un
known heirs and devisee;; if H. L. Levi:
Anion Jozetick. the unknown heirs and
de-visees ef Anton Jo.efiek; Jame M.
Jamison, S. Byers. J. F. Iiuuil, the un
known heirs and elevisees eif J. F.
Doud; Mie-hael E. Bannin. Elixubeth K.
Hesser. Frank 1. Van Kuril, Eva I
Harris, defenelants:
You and each of you will take notice
t hat on the day of October. A. D.
1914, Ellen C Windham filed her peti
tion in the District Court ef Cass Coun
tv. Nebraska, against you and each of
vou, the object and prayer ef which Is
that nhe be adjudge! tlie eiwner In fee
simple ef Lots ", 4, ' and . in Bloek
SC., In Plattsniouth. Nebraska: and let
1. in Block : lot 10. in Block L"3 : Lot
3. in Block 2: all In South Park Addi
tion to said City ef Plattsmouth. freed
from all e laims of an estate or interest
therein of the defendants, and eacli of
them, anil eif all p-rson claiming by.
through, under them, and that you ami
each of you he perpetually en.iined
from elaimlng any right, title, interest
or right of possession In the same ad
verse to tlie title of this plaintiff, her
heirs or assigns; and from interfering
with tlie eiuiet and peace-able enjov
ment eif said premises by said plaintiff;
and that a certain mortgage dated Feb-
ruarv the 3rd. INKS, given by Albert N.
Sullivan to Defenelant Eva L. Harris em
Lot 1. in Block 22. in South Park Addi
tion to I'lattsmouth. Nebraska. rw can
celled, the savie having bee-n paid. The
nlaintiff alleges open, actual and ad
verse possession of said lots for a per
iod of more than ten yeara. Plaintiff
prays for such other and further relief
as may n equitable.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 21st dav of
December, 1914, or your default will l.e
dulv entered therein.
H. B. WINDHAM. Plaintiff.