pace e. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. OCTOPER 13, 1911. Union Schools Recognized. 32 E "1'LTltll" Murray Department for i Pr. t ared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially the Journal Headers I f any of tlie readers of the Journal kiiow of any social event or item of interest in this vicinity, ami will mail san.e to 1 liis nfiiee. it will ::'-l-ai- ui'.iier t liis lieaiiini.'. We want all in Ws iteuis KitlTolt Mi I DAVID OF GOOD SENSE Baiile IPs Never Ends I-fe, GOLIATH OF EXTRAVAGANCE, AVID slew Goliath. Hany ot us r.unan3 are iviuo m vu.-x- MON SENSE and GOLIATKS of EXTRAVAGANCE rolled into c-e. Our dual natures are constantly Cgiiting. Ia the end some tines D'.vid wins: sometimes he doesn't. This banking institution v.'ishes ths ARMY of DAVIDS would win EVERY time. It would bring mcr real HAPPINESS all around. Four per cent interest on time deposits. deposits are protected by th State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATS BAKK Mrs. W. .5tle i. on the sick list t "'-is w.-. k. Elm-:-:- I'ro.JiH'i' is si'tferinjr from 'evert ia e f t-.n.-il't is. (Irard;):! C:.ker is makinir his .-on Ar'hur V. kt. r ;.:;d family a vi-it. Mrs. Wn;. Hendricks returned fri-'M Plainvivw .Moudav evn- Mis. Muray pa.-t f; Mr, rr.d M. Mr ! V M : V.', tK- I .-. "e--d; IV. O r: Mi.ikirf. iivii h.i..- Im-l-.m inite poo v.- v.-cki-s. southeast of !;". tor ;(. h i Krer.del ertertaintd Mr. Ftcd U. mitre and fainilv and ;r. 1 Mrs. Warren Wiley and fain t i:t.:ic'- Wih-y wi'.! t-nteflain Aid Society all day Wed .o!;cr L'lst, at her home. e-! tiiei).'.r'l to quilt. Mrs. Miles Standi.-h and (ivnndma MoXiuiiii arrived he'e from, K-i-., Ia. wtrl; to vi-it a short time wi'.!i relative:; arid old neighbors. The 'a lies of the K. X. K. will rr.cet. at tho Lewiston churcch Thurs day. October for "i; all day's q,ui!t: in'.;, ('nme and 1 i iritr your dinner. Everyone i welcome. The .-ie.-re j"ins of th" county politician-; were turned upon Murray the nYst f'f the week. W v.i!l not count dead ducks with them r.ntil after the tir-t Tuesday in Xovmber.' Mi-- Eertha Nickel-, entertained at C o'clock lum-heon Sunday eveninjr M:s. V.'. J. C rosier of Wausn, Xeh.; Mr. and Mr. F. L. T:ho!en, Miss bia Good. Mr. A nl one Eh. mm and Miss E:t:-. Xickels. Mr--. ( has. Treani'-r and father, O. V. Sina i:-:-, motored to Piatt.-.-month Tu' vijy. where they met Homer and Pierce Shader of Otaham. Va., t.epiu-v.s of Mr. Shii-.ier, who will sj e: ! a few weeks feeMirjr acquainted with Xebraka. Duck hunters are r.umercus, hut the ducks are few and far between. Mrs. Xkk Kl lurens ar.d Miss Vera Yard ley were P'attsm. t:th visito:s. Get ready for the 1 hanksj.'ivinir feed at I.ewi.-ton N'ovember -', 1'.'14. Grandma Jenkiiis has been suffer ing from a bilious attack this weok. Miss Etta M. Nickels was after Hiiie!'..i business in Union Sat- j in day. j For Hale A food second-hand base ' burner, cheap. Inouire of George Xickels. Earl .lei.kit s came in from Rosalie, Neb.. Monday and spent the evening with his relatives. I have a few samples left at a dis count. Call . write. Etta M. Xick- !c:s, Spirellr. coi-.-etier.-. j Ed. Gansemer, who h-. s been takintr j treatment at the Sanitarium at Dur i li'if ton Junction. Mo.. ;eturned Mon j day. Ach! Sour-l!e;i is what most au ' toists thouirht who hied to return jfrom Omaha last week in their ma j chine:-. 1 Mrs. W. J. Grosser of Wau-a, Xeb., rrtut iied to her horn.'! Monday after a lew o.ays visit witr. ner tamer, v. m. Nickels. ?drs. Jno. Hendricks entertained' at .nipper Friday eve nine: Mrs. W. J. Crosser of Wausa ai d Miss Etta Nickels. Ghas. Dill came in from Eoiran county last Saturday for a few days' visit with his parent?. Mr. and Mrs. ! I'.en Dill. The dance at Jenkins' hall Saturday eveninjr and driven by 31 r. Elmer Eoe deker, was well attended, considerinj? the character of the weather. Mr. E. J. Parriot, deputy jrrand master for the Workmen, came in from Lincoln Tuesday to assist in th. initiation of new members taken into the order. He was accompanied by J. R. Barton, who will have charge of Cass county in a campaign for new members. The ladies of the K. N. K. were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Ghas. Wolfe and Mrs. Frank Khodcn Thursday afternoon. The ladies also pave u kitchen shower for Miss Winnie Hutcbeson. A re hearsal of the ceremony was jriven for Miss llutcheson's benefit. The contractinir parties were Mr. Jerk Diddles Skudsplinter ami Mss Sally Slonover Sluefoot Sliver. The best man was Mr. Evert True, and the bridesmaid was Miss Sissy Satahbella Katensjammer. The Mnp hearer was utile Miss Diana Di'lypickles. The sad and impressive ceremony was performed by the Few Cynthia Adolph Grey of Rock ibiiffs. Mrs. i Wolfe and Mrs. Rhoden served a de Iic'ous two-course l.mcheon, which was hifhly appreciated by those pres ent. Those present were Mr-s. Joseph j. (i FRENCH WOMEN SPiT ON GERMAN CAPTIVES Teutons Charge Prisoners Are Abused In France. Herlin. 0 t. !.". Kins Albert of Bel gium, in order to avoid useless blood shed, i said here to have intended to sm render Antwerp, lntt was prevented by the iSritish. who led the dt tense be fore the :irrison witb.drew. The British, it is said, destroyed thirty tvi me; ( steamers and twentv tuo Gorman Bhine river issels i:i tin li arbor. Tliis act is desciibed h'ie as a wanton de.-t ruction jisstifieil by no military in:' of defense. It is n u, ie.l from Basel that Ger man ambuJ.'iM o tioo;s ti'Kon pristmers in France am! r 11:11111-- by way of B.ast I complain tiny were jat upon by women ia Fiench towns, their Isel mets lviioi off and tint ti.ey v. re latr- Sans, Mrs. W. I. llutcb.tson. Mrs. Al ec Khoden. Mrs. Kay. Mrs. Mary Wi ley, Mrs. W. J. Grosser. Miss Flossie Hutcheson, Miss Wmnie Hutcheson, Miss Esther Ray, Miss Marie Klemm. Miss Ida Good, Miss Eertha Nickels and Mrs. Homer Shiader. CIIGKCH NOTES. lTnitol Presbyterian Church Owiny to the lack of needful liter ature, the Thank OTerinjr Seivicc--he's been potponed one we-'k, arrd will be held on October 2"th. The Contrrcputioiiul Ti-tasuvr ! e-po'-ts that the special otferitip 011 Oct. -tli. for the widows ami orphans fund amounted to $"."! t. and the special offering on Oct. 11th for religion; work at the Panama E Position to ikTo. The first half of the church year is past. It is l ot hard to figure just bv mi ; robbed of their ga-:e and all bin starved it) death. Tile Xiruw.-- Roii rdanieoho Cotir ant's 1 opreso'a; at i . sho visited East Pms.-ia. st -ties that he estidi'dshe.l !y witnesses tint the Russians eouimit ted :!:; most inl'aii.ous t rinif s. They biiimtl without cause t'areo iu:i! t-. : 01" the hot. .-os in many owt;s. Ti e Russians .-m I. lined tt-riible losse the last f: c nt it c lU hts. 111 what part of our missions is due. annual pledge to Desires to Be Remembered on Birth day Annivesary. All friends and com'rdes are cor dially invited to remember us by card or otherwise with name and ad dress on the 24th of October, DM1, as it is the S2id bi ihdav anniver- GWAM DEALERS IN SESSION of Crr.:n Way Be Raised When It !s Given Cleaning. Ka:;-..s City. Oct. K.. Tii:tt it is I ' iriu:a;: to i.ii.M- the j;ralo of Kiain Ly i . : : 1 ; - i 1 . u; it alter it lias lie. n cou-si-jim d to a:;, 1 I. .valor oa an infei iar Ki:.fii.s wa.r ti.e deri-ion f;:ven tin. Giain i'.ci.ii t ' Nation:-! i-s-si.ciiuiiai in iJi.Vt i.i V:! bete I y )r. J. W. T. D.ival. ,; !. 1 i Ko'o-.'ist t!:o Fi:i!ed Stales l ; a. 1 au nt i f a::: it nltr.i e. Dr. Duval ;a:d theit- ran bo no gro;.:;d lor thar.niii fraud against t!io.e dea;er.s wiio bay !1 I , ;r;-.t:. etv e : it. G. W. GREEN, W'j W. F!irhteenth St., Univer Place, Neb. utv FOR SAFE. Hard coal lieater for sale cheap if taken soon. Telephone 1-N, Murray, Ne;aras!;a, tr call on 11. M. Shrader. Here From Kansas on Visit. rT'9 TT T TT-x ine very jDest Th Fall and Winter Taps for Men and Boysare liere, in the very latest patterns and shapes. (nr as sortment is complete and the prices riht. Mrs. Miles Standish of Garnet. Ka.,, is enjoyinpr a rhort visit with her relatives in this eeunty, arrivinj: at Murray Sunday, where she spent a few days with relatives, and last even in jr came to Plnttsmouth to visit at the home of her biother, John MeNurlin. ami wife, before returning home. Mrs. Standish expects to leave here Saturday evening for her home, and will be ticcorr.nam d by her mother, Mrs. J. J. MeNurlin, who will spend the winter in Kanras with her dattfhter, as has been her custom for several years past. She has been spendinir the summer here with her son, jonti, and other telatives. a i 1 h: j;i aie. This tensi . dirty yrain. ;o,- t:i;.i nasoa hail been i;ivc:i b ,.nv tiiat it wtiiiiti; ! and wi.o. iiv jiropeily clean- ii ,;Kr it eliuihle tor a lusher pi act too has !v Vs v '!e ih rs i O' 11 loilow ea ex- :.nd bits been si: j: -t to iau h critic i: m. Gasoline Engine for Sale. Stcoinl-lt -.itd Diteriiat ii.ual, in xl condition, three Iiurse-pow- ab c!n :ii, :it Iho Journal er. for otlice. 'oii will need Mittens and Gloves this week to start husking that corn $1.00 per dozon HIATT & TUTT Murray, - - - Nebraska Prevention. The best physicians of the world airree that we should always try to prevent sickness before it fains a stronjr hold on our body, than to treat it afterwards. The firrt step wc should make, in ease of some indis position, is to take Trivet's American Elixir of Bitter Wine and use it ac cording to directions until the indis position is relieved. In constipation and disorders caused by the same, in pains and fases in the bowels, in sudden weaknes, this remedy should be used as first ad. It will clean out the body and strengthen it and thus brinjr usually a quick relief. At drus stores. Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, ?. Z-?;.V.) S. Ashland ave., Chicago. Rubbing the body, in pains and stiffness of the muscles and joints, in exhaustion after hard work, with Timer's Liniment will be satisfactory to you. Price of Triner's Liniment oOc, by mail COc. MAPLE GROVE. i f Special Correspondent.) ....,.?. .....? JJc Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Lutz spent Sun day with relatives in Piattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I tild and Jake Hild spend last week ri.itinf old time friends in the western part of the state. The tnp was made with Fred's automobile. Ed. Gansemer left Saturday for Burliuefton Junction, Mo., to take treatment for rhcumatis.v.. A fine club dance was fiven at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I ten Xowell Saturday n'trht, which was largely at tended. Qcite a number of friends and rel atives were the jriie.-D- of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Fredrick Sunday. Tlr. and Mrs. Aufust Enfelkemeir sjtcnt Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Join Albert at Piattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis were the r:i;e.3ts of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Dose at PVttsmouth Sunday. W. II. l'uls democratic candidate for renre.icntat've of Otoe and Cass made a bu.-iness trip to Louisville Monday. Billy is mnkinyr friends every day. Herman Enftlkemier spent Sunday a.T the home of Philip Meisinjrer. Gasparri Papal Secretary of State. Rome, Oct. 14. Cardinal -Pietrtj Gasparri has been selected by tin pope to fill the position of secretary ol state, made vacant by the death o! Cardinal Ferrata. Cardinal Gasparri was born just outside of Rome in 182 and was proclaimed a cardinal in 1907. YOU MAY NEED AN- and wc want to inform you that dates can be made at this olfice or Murray State Bank for Wm. H. Young THE MURRAY AUCTIONEER Careful attention to Public Sale.-r Kates are Reasonable. Call ut 1113- expense TELEPHONE NO. 5-N.. Murray, - Nebraska The enterprise shown by the otTi cers and patrons of the Union schools is bearing fruit, and it is evident that all the effort and expense has not been in vain and that the peo ple of Union and vicinity are to be more than repaid for their part in upbuilding of our schools. The lo cal board a few days ago received from the state superintendent the following notice which is self ex planatory : State Superintendent's Ofrice Lincoln, Neb. September :30th, 1914 To the County Superintendent, Sec retary Board of Education, and Principal of School?: You are hereby notified that the Union High School has my official approval under the free high school law of 11)07 (Sec. 114-115), Art. 8), as a four year high school of the sec end class for the year 1514-15lo, and is entitled to collect tuition under the provisions of said law at the rate of Toe per week for each wee!: ol at tendance of each qualified non-resident pupil in the high school. This approval is given hut one year at a time, and remains in force only long as the school maintains the con ditions 011 which tliis approval is giv en. As a matter of protecting busi ness interest.-?, see that every non resident pupil holds the proper free hich school certificate from the coun ty saperinteiider.t and that the prop er tax has been b vied for each and every non-resident pupil in attend ance at the above named high school. Wry truly yours, JAMES E. DELZELL, State Superintendent Union Ledger. The Time Will Soon Be Here when you will need that new Heater. We want to call your attention to the Favorite Round Oak Heaters, Furnaces and Room Heaters There are no better Steves and heating plants on the market than the Round Oak. Looking For Coons. Tuesday afternoon a large cover ed wagon followed by eleven hour.ds passed through town going east, Sind attracted much attention, as nobody seomed to know what it meant. The reporter got busy and interviewed the colored travelers, and learned that BAKER & NICKELS, Murray, - . Nebraska We are adding to our harness line as rapidly as the demand permits. I If! am Line Thro' Central Wyoming On October 18th the Burlington will inaugurate through passenger train service between Denver and Billings over the new main line through the Big Horn Basin through Cheyenne, Orin Junction, Casper and Ther mopolis. The establishment of through train service over this new main line of railroad is historic. It closes one of the last great breaks in the transportation system of the country, and offers for the first time to the social, commercial and agricultural activities of Wyoming and of the Middle West, direct means for intercourse and the exchange of com modities between Northern and Southern Wyoming between the rich lhat fanning, live stock, coal and oil regions of the Big Horn Basin, in the I North, and Cheyenne, the State Capital, and Denver, the Metropolis of the Rockies, on the South. The opening of this new line should prove a great stimulus to every farmer, stockraiser and business man in Central and Northern Wyoming. NORTHBOUND, the new train will leave Denver at 4:00 P. M. and arrive Billings, 6:20 the next afternoon; SOUTHBOUND, leave Billings 7:30 A. M. and arrive Denver, 12:05 the next noon. It will carry a cafe- 1 . t, j: i c m. 1 1 i?jti 1 a. . T?ii 1 ,1 m i,f-if"jT- ill u'.ii 'i 1 1 1 1 el 'i 11 111 wtr 1 iiu iniriinnr tt-i r3T iif vti - 1 m n n itiii i go into camp on the l.evy larm over I H"11"1 v- v uituajnsui ucmccn uiuiu&a mm v,uo- near the river, and informed us that ! per, and standard sleepers for the night trip between Casper and Denver. tnere were their mis-d, four of them and 11 was to capture all the coons that could be found in the hills east of here or anywhere else Tin hunters were 11. E. Edwards, Allen Chrisman, John Garriger, Carl Chris man, ail of whom reside in Lincoln. and they are 01 for a jolly good time having driven from Lincoln and are hunting on the way. They pla.i to they will be pleased to have the com pany of any who desire the coon hunting sport. Union Ledger. He sure and be on hand Saturady evening at the German Home dance and have one of the iimes of your lives. Everybody cordially invited. Potatoes 7."e Per Eushel. . Orders taken this week. Cabbage, Hie per lb. Ilankinson. Phone 454, Old Jail. 10-14-4td The Best Flour on the Market FDSESTvEDSc WAHOO MILL CO WA.'iOO, NEB POFesrr.csZ F LOUR ' 3 Let me send you booklets descriptive of this new country, or answer your specific inquirtesaboutoppor tunities for the farmer and businessman. L. W. WAKELEY, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Cost Kept Down-Quality Kept Up No Jielter medicine could be ma do for con ph., colds, croup, hoarseness, tickling Ihroat, bron chitis, etc., than Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. That's why (hey can't improve the quality, and war or no war, the price re mains the same. No opiates. Dnn't take, for Foley's Honey and Tar is the host. For sale hv all dm iggists. Well Boring. Any one wishing rny well boring done, leave order with E. J. Richey at Piattsmouth Lumber office at once as we are going back to Om aha in a few days. Bore 18 inch and put in 12 inch tile. John E. Sager & Son. 1 0-7-1 twkly. The Piattsmouth Turnverein will give another social dance at their hall on Saturday evening next. He sure and attend. The Piattsmouth orches tra will furnish the music. .... FISTULA Pay When CURED All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical oneration. No Chloroform. Ether or other een- 11 t eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFE-TIME, examination frek. WRITE FOR BOOK OU PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DR. E. R. TARRY. Omaha. Nebraska r L00D DUR0C JERSEY SALE 2 30-Spring Boars and GiSts-30 Will sell at my farm at Murray, Neb., 011 9th. 1914 BEGINNING AT ONE O'CLOCK. Thirty Spring Boars and Gilts; also herd boar, sired by Kruger Lad No 48581. Iii.'h llexli and in fine breeding conditien. Parties from a litame will Thyrsdey, October Our liors are in be entertained at our expense after their arrival in Murray. H- L. OLDHAMy Owner. Col. WM. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer. W. G. BOEDEKER, Clerk.