THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 0U. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. NOTICE OF DELIN QUENT TAXES 17 ?i - fount, 1013 liud Ae- On Hrnl Kxlalr in i nnn branka, fr the Inir I Prior Yearn. Notice is hereby pi von tliat T. V.", Kellv Fox. Treasurer of Cass County, In the State of Nebraska, will on the first Monday, beinp tlic second (lay of November, 1911. as required by law. (minifiicp soil in? at the office of the County Treasurer of said County, in the Citv of l'lattsmouth. at public auction, so much of the following tracts of lands and town lots as shall be necessary to pay the taxes, together with interest ami costs that may have j-cruel thereon that day, beiiifr the de linquent taxes for the year 1913 and prior years, as appears from the tax lists of said years. Said sale will be held between the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and four o'clock p. in. of said date, and con tinue from day to day between said hours until all of said property, upon which delinquent taxes remain unpaid, fhall be sold or offered for sale. W. KI'IXV FOX. Treasurer Cass County. Nebraska, l'lattsmouth. Nebraska. October 1, 1911. LA MIS. TomiMliip 10, Kause !. Sec. A nit. i. nw''. 2 S 12.tti . ' IS lis 42 11 27.53 . 2S P.N. 57 2S 39.89 Tom iiMhiii II. KnuKr !. Sec. I .fit Kl- so' S' ne1, sw '. se'.i ne" S'. S1- l...t 1 .1 1 1 s i:- AV i .. F.'a" AV '.. 15 n :. ii 12 and SW 4 tie1 4 n w 1 1 ne' . 1 1 W 3 SW N se, N 10.) ft. Lot 9 so'. S 50 ft. 1 lot , se' it N 'l' iilii Nw'i Sw 1 1 Se', Ne', Sw ' , Nw ,, i:C Lot s pt Lt N '-AV lie tie' n w 1 11 w 1 s w se'4 se 4 tie 1 1 1 sw', b.ts 2-S 10 sw', n w '4 . . s w ' . . . S'2 se', Lt : se'i 11 Lot se', Lot N sw'i se', Sub. 1 and 2 of 17 sw'., se Lot 7 se U nw, Lot 13 se'i nw'.i A '.2 se', Tow unhip se -4 se n e . .. "9 :i2 'I ......... 33 :::t , se ' , . . 13 p. i , se 1 , . . . P. 1 12, ItniiKf i. Sec. 11 11 II 14 11 14 11 17 20 1, sU . . 20 20 Amt. .NO 2 P. 1 4f, 34 4 2 34 N3 41 SS 91 41 N7 13.3 I 12. Or. 10.90 Amt. 20.07 2 1 21. is. 90 11 34. 4 3 2'i 1 o . NS ,7S .4 it .t7 :.67 5 . N 2 5.1S 2.14 3 4.S9 51.61 42.33 2 . 99 5.61 107. ST. 17 N7 If. 103 3 .91 .95 .14 UN Se ' i Lot 7 Lot 1 s w ' , n w ' 1 11 w ' , nw', tie', . Ton nsliip II, 9 w'-' ne Lot Np', F.'2 lie', Lot 7 sw 1 4 nw ', . Tom iihliip Itauxr IO. Sec. 7 15 If. IIiuikp Sec. ...... 25 2; 12. It a 11 lie S ' Ne"' N'i AV ' .. Lots I.0TN Lot Lot Lot Lot N w ' N'i N'i Sw lot : , sw lot r, , and se se', n w ' , ne'i 1'im n hip w i n w 1 n w 1 1 . ' : n. Sec. 7 !l If. 17 IS IIhiiko II. Sec. 19 and I, ne', 15-9-17-20 nw', 12 se'i se ' , I sw 1 , se'i 1 I sw'i se', P. ne '. i ne ', . . . . ion usliip II, ' ; SO 12 1 4 2t It nil i;e II. Sec. lie ! , N. N w 1 , ... K. lie', Nw', sw', S'- sw ' 1 Ne, sw', l ots N and NwU se', Tomi!iliip , lot n w ' 12 sw i ... 11 se sw 1 Lot Sw', ne'. Lot 1 nw', L'2 lot 12 Lof p, ne', se'. s e ' , 20 s n 15 lie', sw', .- w ' , AV ' .. 1: '3 LU Lot Lot 11 w , Lot 25 Lot I K iJ9', Lot 11 ... l.'Us I and Sw ', sw ', 1,11 1 11 s w ' Lot l:: sw' Lot P..1 sw- Ne', ne', se', Tim UMhlp , nw'., sw', . s v ' , s w w ' , e', lot 2 ft. of' lot 13 . . X s w 1 , P. 5 P.f, :: li ... itnuur II. Sec. 1 12 12 12 12 . 12 IP. 11 14 Amt. 3.40 .92 25.63 Amt. . f3 S1.K7 1 1.69 1.S0 Amt. 7.54 1S.P.3 27 37 P. 3. 71 46. SS Amt. LSI 1 1.25 11.01 53.1 I 6.03 1 .00 S5.55 39 15 4 7.50 Amt. f.3.01 72.02 IS. 75 ;o.o.-, S 33 52 . 66 IS. 3S. 15. 36. lot 19 11 w 1 1 ii)'.'. ,-1 , 11 w II w 14 1 4 15 15 15 20 20 36 10, sw ': N 1 4 11 lie ' , II w ' , S' nw', Ne'i se', Se'," se', Lot Sw ' Lot. N'i S ' , Nw ' Lot Ne'', .. Nw'i . Sw'4 l-'li ve' SW1, 1 IIW1, :: n w , 11 w i se'i nw', . II s Z se'i Tottnxhip II, AV ' -'. sw'i .. Ne', Nw", and lot Lot 1 nw'i . ne 'Ion unlllp 1- S'i s I . "t s : Lot 6 S11 b. in and P. w ', nw'.i sw1, lot 1 of lots i sw'i Tot no hip I sw '., Lot Lot ; 1: IS Sf'i AV . s w se'i Ton nit hip JO, sw 'i llnuRr 12. Sec 6 6 7 7 7 10 10 21 . . . . . .. 2 3 27 KniiKC 12. Sec. 3 10 sw',4 2 4 25 2 S Itnuiir 12. Sec. 7 . is . 31 and 2 31 JtauKr 12. Sec. 25 2S 3 4 34 34 Kiugr t'.U Sec. So pt. lot 10 se'.i Lot 17 sw nw, AV'i sw'i AV'i se'.i Se', Nw'i sw'i P2 a of se'.i Lot 25 sw'i Sub. lot 2S of lot 19 ne'. se', Lot 19 ne'.', se1', Pt. lot 6 tie i tie i Ne'i NVi se', NVi . Lot 4 ne'.i nw',', lits 3 and 4 w U. se'.i ... S' AV V w ' N V- II e ', SW 4 lie 11 W '. 7 13 1 I 15 16 17 IS IS IS 19 21 21 21 2 1 24 A lilt. 17.42 7.65 13.42 7 .76 4.22 2 1 . S 1 65.17 .4S 16.14 2N. sr. 5.06 7 . 37 .3 1 1 .06 7 .N8 15.21 .67 4 .97 N.20 21 . 22 42.38 Amt. IS. 92 21.4 2 27.7 I 2.90 15.55 15.55 2.36 97.53 .47 6.S4 72.54 P.O. 90 30.00 90.76 61 .70 S4.74 35.25 Amt. 47.1S N6 . 1 7 79.91 .66 44.15 Amt. 30.02 4 .S 3.28 4 .03 Amt. 1 9 . 6 1 C1 .57 4.24 5. 97 17.52 Amt. 3.58 13.ST, 39.84 :i 32 185.. 27. 39. 21. nw'i nw'i 14 8.74 Lot 28 ne'i sw4 26 2.30 Tonnhli 12, ltnne 14. Sec. Amt. Lot 5 nw'i sw'i 7 15.34 Lot 108 nw'i se'.i 19 2.74 Lot 7 20 2.37 Lot 8 20 2.00 Lot 23 20 8.56 Lot 25 20 2.93 Lot 2S .' 20 - .92 Lfit 40 20 1.00 Lot 42 20 12.61 Lot 43 20 1.01 Lot S ne'i 29 2.39 Lot 16 ne'i ne'i 32 1.29 Lot 7 nw', ne'i 32 S',2 sw'.i 32 25.55 Lot 14 33 1.29 Lots 22 and 23 33 7.24 Yii.LAtii: 01 i:ik ( iii:i:k. Lots. Blk. Amt. 1 2 $ 5.88 2 2 .84 6 2 2.71 7 2 5.08 5 2 4.19 9- 10 2 23.13 4 to 7 3 4. OS 10- 11 3 5.41 1 4 14.26 2 4 .47 4 to 4 4.67 10 4 2.06 11 and 12 4 .74 3 5 3.S2 5-6 5 9.89 7 to 12 5 3.92 6 6 3.18 7 .84 5 .29 VIM.A(d: OF MA.M.KV. Lots. 111k. Ami .83 .9 Sw Lot , SWU se . . . . 1J Se -.4 S W V4 Township IO, 26 27 31 Hauler 11. Sec. Lot 3 ne'i ne'i C SV lot 5 nw', ne',i 6 Lots 4 to 9 sW4 ne . 6 Ji'i ne'4 19 21 9 15 119. 57.02 77.6 4 9.24 14 1V.62 45.21 46.88 22 44 41 20 14 Amt 7.14 4. 15.47 38.58 W's Tieli 19 Nw'4 ne4 19 Ne'i se'i 19 N'i nw'i 20 H'i ne ', 20 $Ys nw',4 20 Lot 1 ne'i nw'4 28 Sw'i se'i 28 Lot 7 neVi se'i -9 K i neli ne',4 32 Lot 2 sw!i se',i 32 Lot 4 nw'4 nw'i 33 Lot 1 34 Townaliip 11, ItauK 13. Sec. SeU 8 Nw'4 sw'4 13 Lots 4-22 and 28 ne'4 nw'i 23 Lot 27 nw'4 nw'.i 23 Lots 23 and 29 sU nw'i .. 23 Lot 7 ne'i nw'i 24 Lot 9 ne'.i nw'4 2 4 Towuxhip 11, Kaogr II. Sec. Lots 12 and 14 14 Lot 5 se'i sw'4 16 Se'i se'.i I8 Lot 10 ne'4 neli 19 W'i ne'i 20 Lot 2 se'i nw'4 20 Lot 28 nw'i ne'4 -1 AV'i lots 25 and 27 sw'4 ne'4 21 Lot 22 se'4 ne'i 21 Lot 10 ne'i nw'i 21 Lot is ne'i nw',4 21 Lots 19 and 24 se'i nw'4 ..21 Lots 5 and 7 sw'4 29 M'j swU 31 Lot 7 sw 'i se'i 31 Townaliip 12, ItuiiKe 13. Sec. 89.89 24.05 25.54 32.77 32.77 39.88 89.34 262.36 3.92 9.89 5.48 8.61 96.90 Amt 77.06 14.97 12.2; 2.66 82 95 27 13 14 Amt. 6.53 7.90 11.45 8.25 S5.37 2.16 4.42 4 2 i.S2 K'i.lot Sub. lots 12 and :2 of lot 9 1 . o 3.36 2.14 16.86 21 .26 4.84 Amt. 21.82 to 4 2 0 to 21 4 VIM.Atii: OK 31 1 It H A V. Hlk. Lots. to 1-2 13 20-: -4 I.nttn' First 1 0 10 11-12-13 ... two-thirds 17 and all IS. 4 4 4 6 Addition. 7 7 12 13 15 16 16 .16 6.06 5.36 Amt. 2.56 6. 1 . 21. 4. 12. Lots. 5 . . . 6 to : 1S-13 ... Lots. All. LACK OK M Y.NAKI). Ulk. Loiik'i l''lr Addition. 21 17 21 .48 72 71 06 , 53 i'F. 12 .33 Amt. .26 20.3 4 3. IS VII. LACK OC NKIIAWKA. Ulk. Amt. So. 120 ft. 5 to 8 1 ll.oo 1 to S 4 is.r.s S'i lots 1-2 5 7.77 6 " 5 4.4 2 1-2-3 2.36 I e 38 ft. 5 6 8.75 19 9 1.72 23-24 9 21.83 1-2 11 6 4.10 3-4 11 11.01 1 13 8.75 12-13 13 5.60 4 11 '. 5 14 9.93 f. 14 4.52 1 16 34.70 VII.LAliK Ol" WAIIASIf. Lots. Blk. V A 1 to 5 C 3 10 1 1 l: 3 and 2 8 to 9 8 S s 8 9 9 9 9 , ! '. 9 10 10 Morton Addition. r, 1 7 YILLAtiK OK HOCK JIM K Blk. 1 10 Amt. 2.95 .34 91 10 19 S6 4 2 15 9 13 O 11 to 1 4 to 20 . . ine-half f.f C One-llalf-6 . 9 10 ii, 2 2 ; and 2 1 to 6 13 to 15 1 to Lots All .74 21.64 31.10 1 .99 6.61 .15 3.55 3.42 .31 ) 2.41 .19 Aint. 2.77 1 to 12 2 10 .34 I to 12 3 AV 10.30 1 to 12 6 AV I to 12 7 AV 13 to 16 1 N 1.S7 10 IS .56 5-G 13 S 5.50 1 to 10 IN 1 10 .52 1 to 10 IN 2 10 .21 1 to 10 IN 3 10 1-2 IN 4 10 .96 1 to 8 2 N 2 10 1.01 1 2 N 3 10 .71 2 to 7 3 N 8 AV 1.60 3 to 5 IS 5 AV .20 6 IS 5 AV .32 7 to 9 IS 5 AV .35 10 to 12 IS 5 AV .6 1 to 3 2 S 5 AV 1.17 1 to 0 4 S 2 AV 2.45 1 5 S 1 AV .15 3 5 S 1 AV .15 1 to 12 5 S 2 AV .67 1-2 5 S 3 AV .17 3 and 4 5 S 3 AV .17 5 to 12 5 S 3 AV .27 1 to 12 5 S 4 W .26 1 to 12 IS 2 10 .63 I- -' K '' 10 17 I t. ................... 1 ' . 1 . a 4 . 3 2 S 2 10 .15 4 and 6 2 S 2 10 .17 7 to 9 2 S 2 10 .17 10 2 S 2 10 .15 6 to 10 8 S 2 10 .17 II- 12 2 S 2 10 .17 1 to 3 4 S 2 10 .32 Lot 101 pt; lots 27 and 28 Lots 27 and 28 s'i sw H Lot 53 S'i sw U Lot 54 sVt sw'i . Lots 60 and 61 s'A Lot b3 S'a sw '4, Lot 23 s',i sw'4 . . , Lot 69 H sw'4 . Lot 77 s'4 sw'4 -Lot 78 sH sw'4 Lot 79 s'i sw' . . Lot 80 si sw'i . . , Lot 83 s sw'4 . Lot 84 s'i sw'4 . . , Lot 93 sw'i . . , Lot 94 sVi sw'4 ., Lot 86 se'i sw'i . Lot 19 seli sw'4 , Lot 7 ne'4 sw'i . Lot 10 ne'i nw'4 So. 68 ft. lot 11 wVi (Lot 142) 22.20Sli of lot 11 Lot 136 sw'4 nwli Lot 9 sw'4 nw'4 . Lot 111 sw'i nw'i Lot 12 sw'4 nw'i Lot 117 swli nw'4 , IT TV OK Lots. 5 and 6 10 12 3 , AV'i 4 and all 5 7 to 9 1 and 2 8 , 9 and wVi 10 9 and 10 SVi 11 and 12 4 to 6 2-3 46 3 9 10 to 12 No. of AVash. Ave No. of AVasli. ave. 6 . 7 , 8 4 , 5 6 So. 4 5-6 AV 21 YV 23 AV 23 16-31 AV 21 2 7 and S 10 'i 2 w 10 ' , 5 ... 10 ' i 6 ... 10-11-12 . 4 6 10 sii lot 11 width-off 6 1 and 2 . . 3-4 AV 11 4 7 sw 1 .18 18 .18 18 18 ' 18 18 18 . .IS IS 18 IS IS IS IS 18 IS , 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 I'LATTSMOl'TII. Blk. n w li . . ft. so. 9 and 10, 11 and 12 JO t. 1-: ft. 10 ., ft. sub ft. sub. 100 ft. 3 ft. 4 6 of lot 6 12 .. 13 Of a rid No. 6 7 7 8 9 9 1 1 11 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 23 23 23 27 27 27 28 II 2.22 120!64 14.38 475.47 15.40 13.39 61.61 5.76 1.21 14.22 14.21 9.13 1.73 9.13 12.92 9.09 .52 6.27 24.51 18.96 14.03 5.11 28.57 12.35 19.01 12.86 5.26 Amt. 46.79 22.68 12.35 12.89 53.60 20.4 6 IS. 43 49, 45. 24. NT . 36. -o 48 51 06 67 a . it -32.62 36.67 70.23 193.08 4 ft. 1 except e side 1 ft. 11 ft. So. 60 ft. N 40 ft. S 100 ft. 11 , IT. 1 4 and 5 rt. 9 and l't. 9 ... 12 of 4 . 4 . w 2 1 ft. 10 all 11 33 t 1 34 31 34 35 36 36 36 36 3S 42 4 2 44 44 4 4 46 46 4 6 46 47 48 48 4S 49 49 50 26 8 14 1 1 13 13. VI 11.16 156.52 263.80 178.65 91.31 40.73 50.86 7.11 SI. 26 Nl .26 32.62 18.13 36.67 34 .65 112.26 96. - 4o! 8. 5-6 . 7-S . 7 to 9 SVi 1 7 and 9 6 7 ... s 8 ... 10' am 8 . WVi 1-2 12 4 to l't. 1 4 to 1 to 4 to 7 to 10 to All . 7 . . 1 -2 . 3 to ' 9 10 11-12 9 to 1 9 1 9 10 11 12 I- 2 . . 9 ,.. 10 II- 12 4 S'i s to 6 all 6 11-12 11 . 7-S . 12 7 . . s 4 . . 7 . . 10 i 3-4 12 . s to 7-ls" 11-12 . . 7 . . Lnd. Lots. Lots. 1 . . 2- s' " 1 . . . 1-2 1-2 3- 4 5-6 . 7-S 5-6 7 to 8 . . 1 to Lots. 1-2 1-2 N 70 S 70 1-2 12 , . . ilJ 53 . . . . 56 57 58 61 61 61 . 62 f.5 65 . . . . 65 , . . . 75 S5 , . . . 85 NS . . . . SS SS . . . . NS 90 94 95 95 . 95 . . . . 95 . . . . 95 96 97 98 111 lit 111 111 122 122 1 22 122 123 119 15 4 16 4 165 165 166 166 171 171 172 172 172 173 221 221 221 22 4 224 S 224 .tliekrlnnil'f Addition. Blk. 1 Addition. Blk. 1 1 6 6 6 7 12 12 13 14 Blk. 1 .21 .73 Towunend While Addition. OLTLOTS TO PI.VI'TSMOI.TII. TownMhip 12, itauKr J 4. Sec. Ixit 68 So. f.3 ft. lot 11. . , Lot 16 Lot 12 w Vi sw'4 Lot 17 wVi sw'4 . Ton u-thip Lots 63-61-77 seVi Iot 96 sw'4 11 w Vi Lot 38 nw'4 se'4 Lot 57 w',i se'4 . . Sub. lot 58 of lot se 'i rt. 38 2 4 73 60 56 46 sw'4 se'i Lo t Lot Lot Lot Not Lot Lot AVVi lot 13 Iot 22 nw'4 ne'. Lot 46 se'4 ne'i Totvaithlp G'sVi sw'4 . 13 sV- Lot Lot KVi Lot sub. of 28-29 sw'4 se'i .. sw'.i se'4 .. se'4 se'4 .. 7 ne'4 sw'4 30 ne'i ne'i .. 12, 7 7 7 7 7 ItauKP I a. Sec. sw'4 .. 12 12 13 13 nw '4 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 24 1 . . '4 24 24 It ft a pre 14. IS 18 Amt. 14.27 8.20 1.41 2. S3 8.81 Amt. 13.86 29.27 6.27 18.43 f. . 27 15.40 23.03 1 .21 2.22 83.28 1.21 8.30 4.53 9.22 15 .40 lot 17 sVi sw'4 18 24 sVi sw'4 18 10 263 8.30 142.39 .54 .26 ots. t. 1 to 4 ft. P. 4 ft. 3 4 Ioiiiik A. Jlfljn Addition. Blk. 2-4-5 all 6 10 4 20 21 to 6 26 8 28 '. 1-:! V9 30 ....................... iis 4 5 47 48 49 Orchard Hill Addition. Blk. 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 ( 7 7 7 8 1-2 . Lois. . ... 4 . . . i ... 6-7 . 8-9 . 10 .. 11 to 21-22 23 . . 2 4-25 25-27 28 . . 29 . . 30 . . 31 .. 32 . . 1-2 . 6 to ! 9 10-11 3 Lots. . 1 to 7 8 Ha Additlou. to 28 to 14 1 1 1 to 14 15 to 20 15 to 20 Blk. 16 19 95 41 73 30 .90 17.43 20.4 6 1 .00 . 6 2 6.21 9.31 18.33 13.20 80.35 38.70 63.74 26.44 8.20 18.43 32.62 36.6 4 2.75 30.59 16.31 4 2.89 14.46 13.76 5.06 ii)! 4 6 16.40 13 1 1 12 74.27 43.14 15. 43 8.30 44 .86 30.57 9.32 16. P.0 10.84 56.94 52 . SS 2.90 2.12 23.90 11.1S 1 .20 1 6 . P, 1 105. SS 8.20 9.04 100.27 6.62 16.41 IS. 43 13. ON 2 2.49 16.39 4 10.49 16.96 1 .10 IS. 33 11 1.26 2 4.51 20.26 40. IP. 26.94 25 SO 6.27 .91 6.01 1.29 Amt. 3.64 Amt. 11.51 11.49 4 . 96 .61 6 . 9 1 6.91 24 . 40 6.91 13.58 1.73 18.43 18.43 4.24 Amt. 7.81 1.10 1.29 2.35 Amt. 50.86 4.25 18.43 S.30 3.74 20.40 16.41 12.35 20.4 6 14. 28 11.25 6 4.02 18.43 12.25 20.46 Amt. 4.26 1.40 1 .40 9.51 1.41 2 . 58 3.83 1.41 5.75 1.40 14.39 5.71 .7 .70 11.82 1.39 1 .40 12.01 5.20 2 .05 6.81 Amt. 6.18 16.21 1.64 13.75 11 .75 1.62 Lots. 1-2 .. l't. 10 21 1 to 17 18 19 1 to 26 17 Illebey Place Addition. Blk. 16 2 3 3 3 3 4 13 SS 4 24 17-1S 11 16 la llrowu Subdivision. Blk. Lots. 11 to 14 1 to 4 . Lots 9 to 1 to Lot 4 10 to 1 Jiuke Addition. 11 ... . . and 12 se 2-3 6 3-4 1 to 4 1 7 to 10 ... l't. 19-20-21 Se U 12 ... 4 to 6 1 to 4 3-1 14 5 to 6 and 1-2 Lots. 14 . 8 to So. 4 5-6 Sw'i 8 to 6-7 8-9 . TlionipNou Blk. 1 7 7 7 8 S 8 9 11 11 12 13 IS 19 20 20 1 26 32 Addition. Blk. 1 10 . ft. -7 lot 4 and neVi 10 3-6-7 11 6 and 26 . . S to 13-14 10-13 3 to 21 to 1 to 6 9 One-half )ne-third IS Lots. 1 , 5 sU N'i "1 Lots. 2-3 . 11 1 to 6 it . 6 6 6 6 li 7 10 18 11 , 11 12 12 13 12 13 12 12 Mile Addition. Blk. 1 1 1 1 Hour In 11 Addition. Blk. 1 lit 17 Mndelmnuu Addition. Lots. Blk. S-9 1 10-11 lit 12 1 S-9 13 to IS C 4 2 ft. 10'i 15 w'i 16 Ksceii beri&er or IMensnnt Hill Lots. Blk. 1-2 2 3-4 19-20-21 Amt. 40.01 1.31 6.06 .50 6.67 5.82 .67 .94 .51 .71 1.59 .71 Amt. 1.61 1.61 Amt. 25.90 3.24 3.28 18.74 5.66 18.57 . 7.84 4 .25 10.87 7.02 S.09 2.53 8.30 ' 32.62 16.63 4.77 10.33 1.61 16.63 Amt. 8.71 24.51 70.45 11.29 8.36 11.90 1.10 21.97 12.25 14.28 12.25 .1 1L72 10.59 136.35 55S.25 2.62 4.82 5.51, 5.53 5.73 Aint. 7.18 10. SS 24.51 2.12 Amt. 3.23 15.30 16.41 12.35 Amt. 3.2 4 10.23 19.44 10.23 10.5S 13.37 5.27 Addition. I'almer Lots. s'i 11-12 . 6 10 1 to 6 4 to 11 Lots. 1 llurri Lots. 1 2 to t Addition. Blk. 1 Mri'ilwfiMT 4 S 10 Addition. Blk. II lid it loion of . JO 4-l'- Lot 13. ::o, Blk. Amt. 1.20 1.20 Amt. 8.20 14.61 55.01 3 . 1 3 6.21 12.81 Amt. 12.25 m:1, Amt. 1.10 5.23 South 1'iirk Addition Lots. Blk. Amt. 1 to 3 3 3.53 3 to 5 7 14.38 I to 4 S 9.60 12-13 8 7.96 II S 1.33 15 8 1.21 16 " N 31.04 I- 2 9 13. P.N 3-4 9 13.36 .-, 9 13.27 9-10 9 13.38 II- 12 9 12.35 7-S 10 13.37 9-10 10 1.10 11 10 .60 ::-4 19 0.05 5 19 4.3 5 6 19 4.4S 1 21 .59 1 22 13.77 6 22 6.17 7 22 2.25 1 to 4 23 9.93 10 23 4.50 1 to 2 24 15.08 1 to 3 25 13.19 7-S 25 9.13 10 to 12 25 13.17 7 27 4.4S 10 27 4.45 I- 2 28 9.13 : 2S 4.4S 4 to 6 2S 13.15 10 to 12 28 13.14 II- 12 33 9.15 Wise Addiliou. Lots. Blk. Amt. 6 7 N 22 ft. 2 N pt. S n pt. 9 ... Carter Lots. N'i 1 Addition. 7 7 8 11 Blk. 1 7 Blk. Iteed Addition. Lots. All 3 All 6 All 9 1- 2 10 2- 3 13 Hill verMlnd t SiiImII vlxlon lllork Itced Addition. Lots. Blk. 1 to 7 1 JtivcrMide Addition. Blk. 1 Lots. 1 to 4-5 6 . . . 3 to 7 . . 12-13 Lots. 1 . . Lots. 4 5 to I I to : W pt. Lots. 1 5 to II to 18 . . . 1 to ! "1 ... S-9 . . 14 Lots. 10-11 Lots. 6 . ii 6.33 4.65 112.66 55.49 Amt. 10.70 10.21 2.45 Amt. .51 1.58 1.5S 12.32 3.66 15 of Amt. 10.56 Amt. 393.20 3.56 67.52 14.1 101 .65 .50 .32 l itihie Addition. I'nrk IMnee H 11 to :;s . . Hector Blk. Addition. Blk. 6 6 Blk. 1 1 1 1 Addition. Clark Addition. Blk. 3 Trent Addiliou. Blk. 5 HeiiihtH Addition. Blk. 6 6 7 8 8 Hill Addili Blk. 4 ,4 OL LOl ISVIIM0. Aolile Lots. 1 1 and 12 S'.', 13 N'i; 13 all 14 14 10 pt. f.f ei.. 12 10 pt. of w'A 12 AVnimit Lots. 1 5 ' to S VILLAtaO Lots. 27-U0 31 to 10 ' S'i .".6 all 57-58 59-00 64 76-77 16 1 177-17N So. 1 ftxtiO ft of ISO and all 181 29 1 Amt. 4 .09 4.09 4 .09 35 . 55 Amt. 7.03 15.53 5.0G Amt. - .45 1 .94 2.97 8.41 14.06 10.21 7.13 10.21 Amt. 16.43 Amt. .44 Amt. 5.62 .14 .21 .16 .39 Amt. .37 .73 Amt. 2.95 7.07 2.26 13.95 6.97 22.90 16.89 16.70 182 2 17 No. 37 ft. 1 300 to 302 309 310 324 325 ........ 326 00.I 340 341 3 51 to 353 . l't. 354 to 3S9 to 390 10 pt. 452 ai 455 467-168 57 1 to 576 601-601 ... 610 to 612 616 : 4 S to 6 5 1 718 to 723 . 729 730 to 732 . 760 761 766 to 769 770 to 775 . all 454. . 4 19 6 11 10 13 58 54 09 07 60 08 65 65 25 76 76 76 61 10 07 39 5.60 1.57 5.02 7.07 5.00 4.22 26 32 78 4S 79 97 20 52 34 . 14. 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 52 29 7 17 Ol T LOTS TO SOI Til IIKMJ. Township JO, JtnuKe J 2. Lots Sec. Amt. 20 13 1.20 I I.LAtaK OI, XII Til IIDM), Lots. S li 3 4 to 6 7-S ... 1 3 an. I 10 1-3 Lots. Firxt Addition. Blk. 10 10 12 15 16 IS Amt. .18 .84 . 55 . S5 .50 .58 Lot.' A I I.I. At. IO Ol Blk;.vooi). l i 26 29 39 6 2 to Lots. Sub. lot Sub. lot Sub. lot 39 Porter IMnee Addition. Blk. 1 of 12 1 of 11 7 fif 14 Onril Addition. 14. 3S Amt. 13.27 3.29 17 .33 6 . IS. Lots. 1-2 7 to 12 1 to 9 , 1 to 6 7 to 12 1-2 3 to 6 7 to 12 1 1 to 4 5-6 7 to 11 KKeiibcrKcr Lots. 4 5-6 Blk. 1 Amt. 3.74 3.24 16.90 3.24 3.24 Troop . 9 . 10 . 10 . 10 Addition Blk. 24 11 13 to 14 A mt. . 5 5 1.55 l.'i'o Lots. I to 16 Cl'l Lots. 4 7-S ... 1 1-2 1 . 4 . 1-2 4 N Vi SI. S IA 1-2 . S 62 N 62 1 . . 2 e'.A 30x40 N 106 N 106 26x12 2 .. C 1-3. 7 . N 67 ft of 10 23 ft. of 5 a n d 5 Vi SVi of Vi N 1-3 of e 1 10 1-3 2 . . Jaabclle Terrace Addition. 1 11 'i 10 v- 7 s " ft.' "3 ft. 6 11 w 1 pt. 44 65 ft. 8. ft. 8 Of 10 'i H t to 7-S . . S',4- 7 7 3-4 . Lots. 3-4 5 6 . . 7 . . sVi 8 KlemiuK Blk. Amt. 10.03 t'ATIOIt. Blk. Amt. 34 4.54 34 6.71 36 22.69 36 3.5 1 26.50 45 1.58 4 5 8.76 4 6 5.61 . 46 , 7.08 46 13.20 , 47 2.99 , 48 93.86 , 4S 100.86 49 53.00 , 49 .44 49 13.96 . 50 15 4.J8 50 1.83 , 50 .78 . 62 10.92 . 62 7.76 . 64 y26.01 , 65 , C3 , 65 4S.71 , 65 7.00 . 65 19.16 . 65 16.77 .66 68.11 . 67 336.0 1 .67 5 4.79 . 69 76.33 . 69 87.72 . 75 17.42 . 75 .78 .75 8.41 . 77 17.52 . XI 2.57 . 83 15.78 . SS 88.90 . S9 1.54 .100 16.83 lilltiou. Blk. Amt. . 1 3 . 80 . 2 30.00 . 2 32.10 . 2 18.15 . 7 .79 to to to to 74-75 9N to 102 ... 156 to 163 to 199-200 201-202 203 . . . 10 18 to 3 4 to 342-343 o o 4 ... 66 to 7 4 to 37S to 387-388 to to 15 .'8 . :s . 50 101 162 17S 282 o 2 3 336 .. 1 377 3S6 Amt. 4.24 Amt. 4.01 51.77 7.24 6. 15 8.02 7.06 12.71 3.94 .20 .57 .16 199 4 03 4 23 436 443 ;..i... 7 6 I 673 68S to 4 12 to 4 29 to 411 to 4 56 ool ... 10. .12. 4 . 4. 8. 40. 12. 51. 7. 8. 9. 19. to to to Lots. 6 10 14-15 Lot 2: of 2 24 . . Lots. N Pt. 9 0 . . . 2 'I o i;.s 571 677 690 . . . KST (KI010. WOOll. and sub. and 26 . lots Joucm Addition. Jtyder Vdditlou. Lots. uik. 1-2 li 3-1 9 12 9 01 ti.ots to i:;m:. Towiihip IO, Itnncr 11. Sec. Sub. lot 1 of sw'i se'i. ."...20 ili.a;k ok i:t;i.i:. Lots. Lik. 7 to 12 3 rt. 1 16 C 20 ft. 1 18 13-Hi 18 1 20 13 23 Ol TI.OTS TO lOI.HHIIOU. 4 to 6 25 13 to 15 27 Towuitbip IO, Ilange IO. Sec. Lot 6 ne 'i se'4 9 Lot 26 nw'4 sw', 10 VII.LAliK OK liLMWOOO. 1 4 10 3 7.92 25 71 89 89 81 99 87 71 66 32 60 24 81 94 20 24 10 3.22 11.49 8.85 15.84 Amt. 9.4S 4 .01 15.84 Zfl .it.i Amt i p; :: . r: 31.01 J 2 3 . o 3 Amt 10.20 19.24 1.18 Amt. 12.64 Amt. 2 . 93 9 13 S 6 .78 ,28 .10 .8 .43 Lots. 11 to II 12-13 All 12 21 AV'i 3 12 S'i 4 SVi 3 14 V 35 ft. 2 all P. and 4 and II , 7 N'i 13. All 14 1-2 : Blk. 4 9 12 13 15 15 16 16 21 O ' Ys Amt. 30.65 20.76 Amt. 16.94 is 38 10 29 3 5 27 6-7 9 Lot Lot Lot 1-Vririmou 33 Addition. 3 Ol TI.OTS TO AVOCA. Tovranhlp 10, Itansre 12. Sec. 17 sw'i nw'i . . ; 31 4 sw'i nw'4 31 16 se'4 nw'4 31 47 .16 .00 .02 .11 .50 .17 5 .28 30.78 61.00 16.94 9. 11.81 29.42 1.62 Amt. 43.8 12.8 ..25 VILLAGE OF AVOCA. Lots. Blk. Amt. 3-4 7 11.12 5-6 7 21.35 7- S 7 6 96 2 8 .5.86 3 8 3.85 3-4 12 2.59 C 1-3 5 12 .43 V 1-3 5 12 .43 W 1-3 6 12 8.09 10 2-3-7 12 1.81 AV 2-3 5 13 14.53 3-4 14 1.21 AV 1-3 2 18 8.97 A' 1-3 3 3 4.19 10 2-3 4 18 6.58 AV 1-3 3 19 62.76 AV 2-3 4 19 2. S3 8- 9 21 .89 Carter Addition. Lots. Blk. Amt. 1 to 4 2 1.21 16 7 2.49 1 11 2.40 2 to 4 11 4.08 11-12 16 7.36 Ol TI.OTS TO I XIOV. TownMhip IO, JtauKe 13. Sec. Pt lot 4 ne'i nw'4 23 VILLA ( 10 OK U.MOV. .ots. Blk. 1 1 1 2-13 5 .. -4 . iOtS. 14-15 Vi . :-i4 1 ml. Und. ,ots. 10-11 -7 . 5-16 Lots. !-4 4 4 4. Lots 19 10 to 10 to 6 . 9 to S . Lynn Addition. Blk. 5 6 S 9 10 11 . 11 SOI Til I MO.. Blk. 1 HanuiuK Addition. Blk. VIM. AGIO OK ML It DOCK, Blk. 13 IS 20 20 17 OK ALVO. Blk. 1 1 1 VII.LAtiK Lots. 17-1S 19-20 21-22 So. 5 ft. 10 all 11 2 14 12 So. 1 ft. 3 all 4 4 N 24 ft. 5 4 So. 1 ft. 5 all 6 4 14 5 MuuKcr ITrxt Addition. Lots. Blk. 1-2 1 -6 4 to 3 " 4-5 1 Amt. 21.82 Amt. 17.36 3.49 31.72 18.11 12.21 Amt. 28.72 15. OS 18.77 13.71 1 .23 30.6 I 7.43 Amt. 18.21 7.70 16.71 Amt. 16.60 Amt. .37 .4S .98 1 .52 3.21 2.5C A nit. 25.72 3.75 14.43 22.6 4 9.00 10.2S 10.19 20.85 10.44 Amt. 2.57 15.02 3.19 9.69 Sell your property through the Journal Want Ads. PBOPOSKD CONSTITCTIOVAIi AMENDMENT NO. ONE. The followlnu prorosed amendment t the constitution of the State or .-NeDrassa, cot fVih in full. Is submit ted to the electors of the State of Nebras ka, to be voted upon at tne penerai ti to be held Tuesday, November 3rd, A. i "FOR ft Joint resolution to amend b'0" 1 of Article 9 of the constuuiwu 01 iu . . -u ,oitinr in revenue Male 01 iiruiflBM. ....... - - Be it Resolved and Knaeted by the 1 eopif of the State or xseDrasKa: . , rrh.. GoK.inn 1 rf Article 1 cf the Constitution of the State of Ne braska be amended to reaa as iouu. - ri-1. iAI, if tfi-raftnn shall t) nniform as to any given class and taxe? shall be levied upon sucu yiwp-i.j Legislature shall prescribe. Taxes may slso be imposed on Incomes, privileges and occupations, which taxes may be graduated nd progressive and reasonable exemption? mav be provided, in aaomou 10 iuwoc - Inaffer specifically mentioned In section s of this article. , Sec. 2. That at the general election iv November. 1914, there shall be submitted to the electors or tne siaie ir e nrnval or rejection the foregoing proposer amendment to the Constitution in the fol lowing form: "For amendment to tht Constitution providing for uniform anc progressive taxanon anu hkiiii ?. ...Arwlmnnt 1 1 thl 'Oil S 1 1 1 II t iOI providing for uniform and progressivi taxation. Approved. Mnren 27. i-.uj. i A.i.i;ctn Woif Speretnrv Of State. ' the' State of Nebraska, do 'hereby certif.' that the foregoing proposed ainendmen' to the uonsiituiion 01 me oiai- .- braska Is a true and correct copy of tin original enrolled and engrossed bill, a Legislature of the State of Nebraska, ai appears rrom saia original dim uu uk h this office, and that said proposed amend ment Is submitted to the Qualified voten of the State of Nebraska for their adoptior or rejection at tne general eiecuon i i held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November A. D. 1914. 1. Tnot I mnn v TC"hrinf T TinTP berpnntf set my hand and affixed the Great Seal ol the State or Nebraska. - Tit.. . T ln,.nln . n a ril AaV ftf fnrh LfVUT til 111 II' '.111, 1111 . - i i. ' .7 . - - - In the year of our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred ana f ourteen, ana oi iu TndananatiM rt IhA 1'nttorl Ktntea the Onf Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of tail state tne ronj-ievenin. ADDISON WAIT. Seal Secretary of State. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL. AMENDMENT NO. TWO. The following proposed amendment tt the constitution or the state or .eorasKa hereinafter set forth in full, is submit ted to the electors of the State of Nebras ka, to be voted upon at the general election to b held Tuesday, rsoveruDer ora, a. u-1914. "A Joint Resolution to amend Section six (6) of Article one (1) of the Constitution f the State of Nebraska. Be It Enacted by the People of the Stat of Nebraska : Section 1- That Section six (fl of ArtlrbJ one (1) of the Constitution of the Statf of Nebraska be amended to read as fol lows : Sertlon . The right of trial by Jury shall remain Inviolate; but la all civil caset ind in criminal cases less than felonies. five-sixths of the Jury may render a ver iiiot and the Legislature may authorlz trial by a Jury of a less number than twelre men in courts Inferior to the dls trlct court. Sec. S. at the general election for date and legislative officers to be held in the State of Nebraska on the first Tuesday ifter the first Monday in November In 1914. -here shall be printed upon the ballot ot ach elector for his approval or rejection h above and foregolnjr amendment in thr following form: "For proposed nnieudtuetil o the constitution providing tluit in al Ivil cases and in criminal eases less than 'elonles. five-sixths of the Jury -may reudet i verdict." and "Against the proposed imendment to the Constitution provided hat In all civil cases and in criminal cusei ess than felonies, fire-sixths of the Jury my rentier a veruict. Approved. April 1; 1913. I, Addition Wait. Secretarr of State, ol he State of Nebraska, do hereby certlfv har the foreproing proposed amendment o the Constitution f the State of Nebr.-iskn a true and correct copy of the original nrolled and engrossed bill, as passed bv he Thirty-third session of the legislature f the State f Nebraska, as appears from aid original bill oti tile in this office, aud hat said proposed amendment is submitted o the fiualilled voters of the State of Ne .raska for their adoption or rejeetion at he general election to be held on Tuesday, he 3rd day of November, A. D. 1914. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto ct my hand and affixed the Great Seal ol 'he state of Nebraska. . Done at Lincoln, this 23rd dav of March, n the year of our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the Independence of the United State the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of this ami iue r ony-seventn. ADDISON WAIT. ISe&lJ Secretary of state. PROPOSED CONSTITCTIONAC "Z AMENDMENT NO. THREE. The following proposed amendment ts the constitution of the Srate of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in fnl, is submit ted to the electors of the State of Nebras ka, to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday, November 3rd, A. V, 1914. "FOR a Joint resolution proposing amend tnents to Section 1, of Artll V, and Section 24, of Article A', of the Constitu tion of Nebraska, relating to term ol office and salary of Governor and oibel executive officers. Be it Ueselved and Enacted by the Peopls of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That at the general election for state and legislative offices, to be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Mon day In November, 1914, the following in Submitted as amendments to Sections 1 and 24. of Article V, of the Constitution ol Nebraska : Sec. 1. The executive department shall consist of a Governor, who nball hold his office for a term of two years from th first Thursday after the first Tufsday in January, next after his election, and until his successor is elected and (iialit)'d. In addition to the Governor, the executive d. partment shall Include the following offi cers: Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts. Treas urer, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Attorney General, and Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings, each newborn Shall hold his office for the term of inn years from the first Thursday after tha first Tuesday in January, next after his election, and until his successor Is elected and qualified; Provided, however, that thn first election of said officers Khali be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday In November, 1916. and each mi ''feeding election shall be held at the same relative time In each even year thereafter. Tim Governor, Secretary of State. Auditor of Public Accounts, and Treasurer shall re side at the seat of government during their terms of office, and keep the public records, books and papers there, and shall perform such duties as may lie required by law. Sec. 24- The salary of the Governor shall be five thousand $5,000.00 1 dollars p-r an num. The salaries of Auditor of Public Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin tendent of Public Instruction and Commis sioner of Public Lands and Buililiiur shall be two thousand five hundred (-"t.riofl.oo) dollars each per annum, and of the Attor ney General, four thousand dollars f$4.000.00i per annum, the salary of the .-State Treasurer shall be three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars per annum, and the Lieu tenant Governor shall receive one and one half the compensation of a senator, ami after the adoption of this constitution they shall not receive to their own use any fees, osts, interests upon public money in their haniN. or under their control, per'ilsiteit if office or other compensation, ami all f e s that may hereafter be payable by law for services performed by an officer provided for in this article of the constitution shall be paid In advance Into the state treasury. There shall be no allowance for clerk hire in the offices of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and Attornev General. Sec. 2. That at said election day succeeding the first Monday in Novem ber. 1914, on the ballot of each elector voting thereat, there shall be printed or written the words: "For proposed amend ments to the constitution, fixing the irn of office and salary for governor, and other executive officers." aud "Against proposed amendments to the constitution, fixing tnn term of office and salarv for governor and other executive officers." Approved. April 21, 1913. I, Addison Wait. Secretarv of State, of the State of Nchr.isL-.i. that the foregoins- proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebravka is a true and correct copv of the ori-inal enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by the Thirty-third session of the Lettislaturi 0t,,be f1? Nebraska, as appears fr-.rn c..., viiKinai mil on Ilie in tills otliee, an,j that said pronosed nmcmlmnnt i ..i to the qualified voters of the State of Ve braska for their adoption or rejeetion at the Peneral election to be held oU Tuesday, the urd day of November, A. I 1:14 " xe.sumony nereor, I har hereunto Hi .haD1 1n! "'"d the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this Crd day of March. 1?. tbeTI.Te:'r of our Lord. One Thousand rlne Hundred and Fourteen, and of t, Independence of the I nlted State th tine t"J?TXl 2"d. 1!'ir,r-,f,''entb and of this State the I orty-sevent h. re: -i ADDISON WATT. I&Pa'I Secretary of state. IN Till: IMTHICT COI II I' OF Ch COl.M'V, i:illt ASM, T. H. Pollock, Plaintirr, vs. Cassandra K. Stone, and the unknown Heirs and licvises of Cassandra K. Stone, Deceased. NOTICK: To Cassandra K. Stone, and tlie un known Heirs and Devisees of Cas sandra K. Stone, deceased. Defendant 4 in the above entitled action. You and each of you are liereby notified tlia Plaintiff lias commenced a suit aerftinst you in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, for the pur pose of fiuietintr thp title of tlio Plaintiff in anil to the following de scribed real estate in Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot R in ltloek In the city of I'l.ittsinoutli. am! for the purpose of establishing? adverse posses sion, and to exclude each of you and all persons claiming by, through or under you from having or clu imiri"; any interest, right, estate lien or title thereon, either leal or equitable in said premises and to forever enjoin you and each of you from in any man ner interfering with the title and pos session of this Plaintiff and those claiming or holding throueli or under him and for equitable relief. You are required to answer snld petition on or before the Hitli. day of November, A. D. 1911. and in failing so to do your default will be duly entered herein. T. II. Pollock, Plaintiff. I?v A. L. Tidd, His Attorney. 10-".-4wks IN Tllft IHSTHICT CO! HT OF Till: Tin-: coi vrv of m:iiii k . NOTICH OF SUIT TO iJl-'H-T T1TLU. Henry Inhelder, Plaintirr. vs. Henry If. Tozier, Abbie F. Tozier, the unknown heirs and ilevisei s of Henry H. Tozier, deceased, and tho unknown heirs and devisees of Abbio F. Tozier, deceased. Defendants. To the defendants. Henry II. Tozier, Abbie F. Tozier, the unknown heirs jun devisees of Henry H. Tozier. dc-c;fcd. and the unknown heirs and devisees of Abbie F. Tozier. deceased. You are berebv notified that on tl;o 21st dav of May A. D. 1911, plaintiff filed his suit in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, to quiet l is title to the following described land in the Coontv f.f Cass. Nebraska, to w it: The West half (W one-half f.f tho Northeast Quarter NK one-fonrthl of the Northeast Quarter i.'K one-fourthl of Section seven 7 Township twelve (12) North liunge twelve til Last of the 6th 1'. M. because of bis adverse possesion by himself nnd his grantors for more than ten vchi-b prior to the comiiiem-eiiicnt of said" suit, and to enjoin each and all of vou from having claiming anv right, title, claim, lien or interest therein, if any. either legal or equitably In or to anv part thereof, and to l ave the same adjudged inferior to the title of plaintiff, and for general equitable relief. This notice is made pursuant to tha order of the court. You are required to answer saM petition on or before Monday the 2nd dav of November A. D. 1914. or your default will be duly entered therein. Henry inhelder. Plaintiff. Kawls &. Robertson. Attoi nevs. J-21-4wkswky" BETTER THAN HOMESTEADS! Before 1ph'id j a frm for nex? ifmnn. writs; n for information regarding our "Half Earnings" p!an. and s'i farm hom of your own. Fiai J"a on first breaking wili make you a tot of mone ti firtt year. Ws have ahout'l.000 quarter lecox to select from, part under cultivation. NO CASH PAYMENT REQUIRED V Address: Hackney Land Credit Co. Hackney Building, St. Paul, Minsk. 5 ...