PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL." IWOWDAY," OCTOBER 5, - 1914. SCHEME CALCU LATED TO BENE FIT! CITY If Carried Out Properly it is Bound to Result in Great Good to the Business Interests. W. II. dt "f rfpifM-nl ing ! ... From Fri'iay's Pally. I hi- morning O. Manhattan. Kansas th- il.'It l-Valuiv I iliu ut 1 1 ; uy of : I i i:. in-ie looking alter :t project f it handled pio- ly will !'(. into a splendid ,. iM l i -1 1 1 1 1 fM' 1 1 1 city ami its . . . .. .ii. MIl'CCs. Ml'. Iia II Willi i-at iK i-iii a i: ! i i S in hi pr--itnui T taking a fi'i'' of vina 1 1 n 1 1 1 of the different points oT interest in tin- cily that v.ili I..- shown, hi tin- different Mjovitia picture houses oT 1 1 1 - ..uiiir an. I spread tar ami w t!:.- beauties "f Plat Isnioul h. the u;u.l'n it "f tin- -late. II is e t.. airauae a ureal gala lar wli.ii Hie farmers ami ! i-i'-'iu .-I Hie oni Miry districts wiil .e invited here I.. lake pari 11 th.e 1 1 1 . . it ami liae their s . placed the lilni which will !" 1 1 I r i I i i 1 throiiah- ..!! fhe !ii-fure show houses f l'i.' e.nnitr. On this .lay there !l ! j I lie -.lal bundled in l lake part a- it i- ..--ire, t.. act a ma'iv a- possible here l he in i n !li- pictures. T -liiiuilate Ihe inf.-re-t in the . -1 1 1 if they will j.e int.-rwi.x .-ii int" a photo play that will !sae a -weet story as the anil in the diM'ereul -.-.tie- shown will he pictured the p- ir.t- "i interest m tile city m .! lh- Huilinalon .ihk ami the principal buildings of the city a- a- the prominent persons w I... will I..- i.inii.l iiere-ai'V lo have . I the c.l- to make tile picture a success. 5 til- t'eallire sel ire js wol lll .-r.'(i an. I the Him company will aive the Commercial club full allie rece,e. in Hie splendid p.ct fes 1 hat Will he presented sle'WUla the resources ,if the cily. TT'"i' a ' rare chance to secure a . I i ' ' u picture r.'pl-oilct ii'll i'f ilie . ilv ami -hoiil.l ,e laken ad- vantaae .if withou' fail bv Ihe Mi'inelcial interests of the city. Mr. II. .1! r.tnr I lo hi- ii. !!: i;i K u-a- this afternoon. !m? will return later In complete ;tie a r ra i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 s f..r staaina the pi. iiii.-- an. I when tin- bia ilay is amioiiuc. . eei per-on in the ii-iim!v of Plat t snioiit h should make it a point ! h oi ham ami tljov Hie oi-ea-ion. SON OF AUGUST RHEIfl AGKLE, FORMERLY OF THIS CITY, OROWflEO AT SEATTLE Ihe new- ha- been received lieri- of the drowning of Robert Hhein e kie. a nephew o Alh.-i l Jtlieii;.ii k!e .f thi cil which oc ciiiie.l iii a -mail lream not far !;.!M S. attl.-. a-hinuton. where o'inu i i. in was enuaueil in I ! hail e i.jeiil !y heell pii.-k-aml a. ill was un to e-cape i . In: nl tnu. . a : . 1 1 ; 1 1 , . al'le I" l;e . .i.owniiiu a i I !; ..f Hi. ni in linn 'i sliecil IliheiJ Iii (he ai!t ilrauuinu him iI"'a;i until ilealh inially -lille.l hi -iii.--1''-. Ilie .M.iniir man wa a -on ..f Ann-! ithemackie. fur ': ii of tin- cifv ami wa- ahoiil : i n . t -. -1 1 years o ae. an.l at lh time of Iii- ileatli was atlemlinu l!ei;c in Sealfie. He ! u-oiie oi:l on a -hor li'iiitiiiu trip with eera mm. i iiiion- a ni -cpara! inu li om thefii iii pur-nil of Lame, ami here m.-; his ih-ath. The friem)- f Hie Hhejnackle family will he u:eall urieei to learn of Ihe acciilelll to Ihe who has heen cut the tiawnicu of a in his outii; man- Funeral of W. B. Mayes. :; i' foi l u na! e -Hiii-' man i- w n ju-t in hriuht llltllle i"' .1. Caught a Bad Cold. "I.a-t winter my m rv hail i-ohl nmj -nu caught a I he way he conuhe.l was somel h iny ilreadful,' wrili.'s Mrs. farah 11. Duncan, of Tiptou, Iowa. '"We thou-hi nure he was soing; into fonsumption. buijuht just one bottle of "haiiil"?'. leHix" Ceu-li KeniHd hiu) I hat on" bottle loppe,j his cough ami cutM cohl completely." For sale by all dealers. From Kri.lay's Dailv. 'I he funeral of the lale Y. '.. Mayes was hehl this tiiorniuu; at I u o'clock at the home of .Tohn Jess, on South Sixth street, ami was entirely private. ouiv the memiiers iii me laiiiuy beine; in atlemlanci'. The services were comllicteil by He. M. J4 Mctlluskf, ami following Ihe shoi l hut iinpres.-ive service the body was conveyeil to Oak Hill, where the interment was made there in Ihe family ht. Three of the broth ers of Mr. Mayes were present to alien. 1 the funeral, but it was impossible for the mother, who resides in Virginia, to reach here in lime for I he service. SOUTHEAST NEBRASKA LADIES' AUXILIARY OF EPIS COPAL CHURCH MEET HERE From Friday's Dally. The district, convention of the sunt heastei n .Nebraska Ladies' Auxiliary of .Nebraska is holding their annual convention at SI. Luke's church in this city today takinu up the work for the forlh mmini; year in Ibis splendid branch of the church work. After Ihe niornin", -essjon this mornim.' Ihe ladies were entertained at luncheon at noon at the Hotel Hiley where Mr had prepared a for I he deletiale Hie local ladies . and Mrs. Rohb delicious llieli'l . and members of auxiliary, r.overs were laid for some lifly-two of Ihe members of the convention and the occasion was one of Ihe nio-t pleasant features of the enjovahle convention. Ilie dinin was lighted with soft shaded Mollis which ca-l a rosy hue over the room while Ihe table -e apart for the members of the convention were all very prettily decorated with bright colored dower-. The convention continued their se-sion this aflertiooa al the church, takimr up the closjnu features of fhe convention and Ihe ejection of oilicers of the organization. FRIENDS SURPRISE MRS. HENRY HORN ON HER FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY From aturtlays Dally. La-t evening .Mrs. Henry Ibu- rc-idiiitr west ()f (his city on tin Louisville road was most aureeblv surprised on the occasion of bet tiftieili birthday anniversary by ; larpe nuniher of her friend- am neighbors who had uotlen to. elhep and decided to liive theil .riemi a most iieiipiuiul reniimhM of the happy event. I lie euests nuniheriuir -oim sixty persons assembled al tin Horn Home Willi well lanen ba-kels of :oo. Unties to eat am proceeded to make the birthday anniversary a nio- delightful om I he older members of the parly spent toe evening in iiiavni"; earns while (he vouner folks plavei iranies in winte awav nie Hours m a mo-i agreeable manner. Th sumptions liiiiclieon was spread at a suitable hour ami to this h company did ample justice am ueparieii i.r im-ic home- late in ... nie evening, wisiuuy; .Mrs. Horn many happv returns of the div ami tru-linu thai they mihl hav Hie pleasure ol IlieelluU' Willi Her on a ureal many more happy hirl Inlay anuiv et saries. DISASTROUS FIRE IN EIGHT MILE K PRECINCT Complete Destruction of the Home and Barn of Sam Hackenbcrg, Together With Horses and Other Contents of Barn. New Postmaster on Duty. .vs siaieij in ia-i weeks is-ue a new pos master was appointed fm I his place. V. M. Sikes beinjr Hie new oilicial. His commission came a few das auo. and Wednesday niuh! he ami W. 11. iMilhus. the felirini: poslmasler. "checked up" the inventory and accounts and Mr. Sikes became postmaster. u-in--' on duly eslerday inoriiiny. wilh Alva .. Sikes as his depu'y. After several veats ellicieut ser vice Mi-, hultois Teids areatly re lieved at securiua his freedom from Hi,, oilicial dulh-s as iost master. L'n ion Ledger. Despondency. Is often caused by indiuestinn and constipation, ami ijuickly dis appears when t'.haiubeiiaiu's lab els are taken. For sale by all deal ers. II. R. Xeitzel departed this afternou for Omaha and Murdock where he will visit for a few days lookina after businesis matters. From Saturday's Pally. Last eveuiiia about S:;h o'clock lire was discovered at Ihe home of Sam llackenberir. in Kiaht Mile (Wove precinct, ami de-pile all that could be done by the family and neighbors every buildina on Ihe farm was -wepl away in the llaines. with a loss that will total several thousand dollars, al Ihoiiah at this time it is impos. sihle lo aive the exact liaurcs. Mr. Hackenhera ami son was in I'lal t -niout h durina Ihe after noon and returned home about S o'clock. and hastened lo the pasture unite a distance from the iioue lo drive up the cows, and while tin-re al;!.,,.,.,! back to see the blaze bnislina out on the barn roof. They ran to th.- -cene at uce and started in to attempt tn save the -lock that was in Ihe barn, and succeeded in a el I i na out two horses, Jiuf eiahl head of hor-es pcri-he.l in the barn's de struction loaether with -eeral hundred bushels of oats which were stored there. Mr. llackenhera had only the day before marketed hi- wheal which fact saved this from the aeueral de.-l rind ion. .s Ihe place mounted hiaher from Ilie barn which was situated southeast of the house. Ihe sparks carried by a -frona wind from that direction fell upon the resid ence and in a few minutes the house wa- wrapped in a aulf of Maine swept it away in a verv few minutes and it was with dif liculty thai any of Ihe household articles were saved from the Hist lloor of the hou.-e. Afier a few hours, the Mames completed the work of destruction and left he family homeless, without. a roof o cover their head.This v:! ow ned by Mr. .lame- Terry berry and it is slate.) thai he had no in surance whatever upon the hmi-e r barn. Mr. llackenhera ha- -oine insurance on his hor-es, hut ju-t vv hat could tiot be learned. Duck Hunting Now On. Degree of Honor to IVIeet. There is a arcat deal of intere manifested lu re in this cily ov Ihe convention of the lleai'ee Honor that meets in Fremont o October, l.t. 15 and lath as then will be several contests over th dill'ereiil oilicers ami the lara membership of the order here i vitally interested in as much a Miss Teresa Hempb. the forme ellicieut atand recorder is aaai a candidate for that oilice. and he friends are enthusiastic over he candidacy. There will be a lara number ut atlemlanre trom hen at the convention in all likehom Enters Plea of Not Guilty. Frm Fri.lny' Daily. litis iiioruina i onv ulctiiiiso i was arraianed in the conn court to answer o a charae of wile e-er'ion. and to this ciiara he enlereil a idea of not anil am) aske.j thai a continuance hi aiven t him in order that In ...... i i mum secure counsel ,r m- de fense. The bond was lived at no. which the defendant w ill at tempt to rai-e if po-sible. The ca.-e win come un on- nrei nninarv nearina on iictoiier vuii. ihe man did nol know of ihe death f his wife, until his arrival here wilh Ihe sherin" from 31arv -v ill iMis-ouri. Tlie duck hunlers of this vicinity have been idite busy in tin-, past we.-k or two in huntiiiK those fowls alona- the stale streams ami lowlands, but have carefully avoided aeltina' out on Ihe old .Muddy where Ihe Federal aame law has thrown up a aniard for the ducks there that has for Ihe past two years cut out all shootina- there. Accordinjr to dis patches yesterday from Washing ton, however the amendment to the agriculture hill carries with it a provision ar:mtina an open sea season of from October 1st lo January 1. 11115. ahuia- the upper Missouri as far north as Sioux City, whereas before the limit was just above the Kansas slate line. If this dispatch is true it certainly will be aml news lo the hunters in this locality. QUITE A LIVELY MIX UP ON MAIN STREET LAST EVENING Stop That First Fall Cough. Check your fall coiiah or cold at once don't wait it mav lead o serious luna trouble. Weaken your vitality and devvelop a chrojiic Inn. yr ailment. (Jet a boltle f Dr. Hell's I'iue-Tar-Ilonev to day: it is pure and harmless use it freely for that fall couli or cold. If Haby or Children are sick ive it to them, it will relieve piiekly ami permanently. It oolhes the irritated throat, lump's iml air passaaes. Loosens l'hleain s antiseptic and fortifies the sys em against colds. It surely pre vents cold perms from aeltina- a mid. Guaranteed. Only '2oC, at your Druggist. Office supplies at the Journal office. From Saturday's Daily. Ouite a lively mix-up occurred last evenina on .Main street when "Oueeu" Mill.-r became involved in a istruaah with Ollicer Neu mann that linally resulted in the youna man beina escorted lo the lockup by Chief of police Hainey who arrived 0,1 Ihe scene ju-l in time and subdued the spirits of the .vouna warrior. Miller had been drinkina ijuite heavily all day ami toward evening was noticeable on the street in his actions, and after supper was ad monished by. officer Neumann t' ao home ami m make an exhibi tion thai would act him into trouble, lie went as far as the lower end of Main street, but de cided that tie would md be ordered around ami accordingly came back up Ihe street, to celebrate further ami ran onto Mr. Neumann near the miner of Fourth and Main street, and here Miller slatted to araue with Ihe ollicer and aeiier ally make a nuis,ence of himself, ami finally laid violent hands on the ollicep of Ilie law ami attempt ed to choke him ami beat him up. and was makiua away with it pretty well when the chief arrived on the -cene. and in a few minutes Mr. Miller was on his way to the city prison in a much sadder and soberer condition to await the action of the court on his case. ''Oueen' this niorniua- was biouaht before Judae Archer who after hcarina the statement in the case charaina the defendant with 1 ejna drunk and disorderly decid ed s'T) and I ri in in i na s would aboul -nit the deeds of the yoiina man. and this -um was placed upon him and by failure to lupiadale it lie will lanauish in tail or lie com pelled to work it out on tin streets. GOOD GAM E BETWEEN AVOCA AND RED SOX 5 to 4 in Favor of the Red Sox, But the Avoca Boys Played Good Ball.' MRS. F. R. GOBELMAN EN TERTAINS IN HONOR ADAM AND MISS ANNIE BURKLE The base ball season closed here yesterday, when the Red Sox won what seemed for several inn inas a hopeless cause from the Avoca ball learn. The chilly damp weather had a tendency to keep the fans from attendina-, but those who braved the threalenina' weather were repaid with a most thrillina" aame staaed by the Sox who snatched the victory from the visitors in the last inn injr. The Avoca team opened up strong mi the locals who dis played poor judainent ami allow ed four tallies to be registered up aaainst Ihein by the boys from the southern pari of the county. The Avoca players rapped the ball hard and consilently in this itinina" and seemed to have the aame on ice. The Sox aaljiered in one lonely run in Ihe second which stood as Ihejr only score until the eiahth inniua when they were able to ael to (Svslinaer for two hits which netted them three runs and tied the aame. Meal. Arries and Vernon were on Ihe bases with one aone, when C Smith placed one over secom thai went throuah the auatdian o the ciiiter garden and allowed tin tnree men in race Home am Smith roosted at third after th visitors na.l seined ilown rroin their boodle, hut Smith was un able to advance fa rllier. and wa left there. i ne startling cnanae in nie ap pearance of the aame was thrill ina' and the fans were on I heir toes wiien the visitors came u in Hie nmitt ami aliliouali lliey succeeded in aetlina Pitman t' third they yere flanked. In tin ninth the He( Sox were able ti foreclose on the aame when with two aone Vernon hit safe l center, seonna" Mason and winn- ina the panic as the throw lo firs to catch Vernon was wild am (Jrubor was unable to hold it. am this aave the aame to Plaits, moulh by the score of r to Starlina" out very un inl eresl in jr. the p-anie became better as it pro pressed and linally resulted in victory aaainst heavy odds fot the Sox. In flu1 first of the ninth Olcn Parriolt. the fast little field er, who covered third was injure. while chasing a fowl ball to tin left liebl fence, and in so doinj. came in contact with the lata score board and coniina at ipiiti a lively speed tie was put down and out for a few minutes. Thi closes the season in this city a far as the lied Sox is couccrnci and they will be allowed to res until next season, while Ihe foot ball team will occupy the center of the sLajre. a From Saturday's Daily. I.ast evenina Mr. and Mrs. Frank It. Oobelmau eulertained in a most deliahtful manner al their home in honor of Mr. Adam Hurkle and Miss Annie Hurkle of Portsmouth. Ohio, who are here for a short visit at fhe home of their brother Val Hurkle ami family. The evenina' was one (hat will be very pleasantly remember ei by the auesfs as the event was lillcd with ansa! deliaht to all ami in the enjoyment, of the pracious hospitality of the Jobelmau's. Fach aatcsl was reipiested to con tribute to Ihe entertainment of the evenina with a slunl of some oil am) the rest was one of areal pleasure as all responded with-a speech. read in a- or a musical number ami these all ei ved to make the lime pass most pleasantly. A most PAST CHIEFS ENTERTAINED AT THE HOME OF MR. AND MRS. W. H. BUNCH From Saturday's Daily.. Vest erday a ft eriioon Ihe mem bers of the Past. Chief's of the liearee of Honor were eulertained in a most dliahtful manner al Ihe home ,,f Mr. ami Mrs. YV. II. Hunch in the north part of the city. After the auests had all been welcomed the business session of the lodae was called to order by Mrs. Homer McKay, ami the routine matters were taken up. INI l tilS3H-Wfc:KWl(tc-C0'i Clothm 15c The Double Breasted Style is worn again this season by many of the nobby dressers. We show them in a pleasing variety of weaves. Quality Line $20 to $35. Styleplu $17. How about a nice light coat for these brisk mornings. Ours $15 and Up October 8th to 15th is Styleplus week at the Styleplus stores watch for our special display. Have you seen the new moire collar? C. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE New ties Every Week Your suit Pressed Free Every size Overall Made 5 k jy7y which was taslifully decorated in areen. j-ed and yellow, while a larae boijuet of uasturt ions served as an ornament to the center of the. table. The luncheon served was mos delicious ami areatly appreciated by Ihe aalher ina' of Ihe ladies. This will be the last meetina with Mrs. McKay as both Mr. and Mrs. McKay will ac company their dauahler, Mrs. Maxon back to the Panama canal z"ne. leaving here the 17th. The invited y nests were: Mrs. v. . Maxon, Mis.s Annie Hurkle. p.u ls nioulh. Ohio. Mrs. I'd. Sides. Mrs. K. 1'. (Srybsky. )eparti:iy the past Chief's all wished Mrs. Maxon and Mr. and -Mrs. McKay a safe .journey to the canal zne. Monday for an infection his lower .jaw, caused by a a"ld plate which he had lilted about, ten years ay. The bridae was a piece of perfect, workmanship ami al lendina physicians are al a loss to account for the present trouble. l.ouisv ilie Courier. Rheumatism Pains Stopped. Suffers From Blood Poison. I. ate reports from Win Slohl- man, who is sud'erina from hi I- poisou at the Swedish Mission hospital in Miiaha.' is that his condition is slowly improving. Mr. Stohiman was operated on Try the Journal for stationery. The first application of Sloan's Liniment p'oes ripht to the pain ful part it penetrates without rubbina it stops the Rheumatic Pains around Ihe joints and aives relief and comfort, bmi't sutler! (Set a bottle today! It is a family medicine for all pains, hurls, cuts sore throat, neuralaia and chest pains. Prevents infection. Mr. Chas. II. Wenlwoith, California, writes: '"It did wonders for my Rheumatism, pain is pone as soon as I apply it. I recommended it to my friends as the best Liniment I evep vised." iuaranleed. l'5c at your Druggist. Blank books of all kinds at the Journal office. 1 ' ), ,i -iy I &0t ? m m ff 7 - fVhfT J I II Mrs. W. K. Maxon. . who has delicious I just recently returned home from Incheon was served al an appro- the canal .one was present ami priale hour thai added much to pave a most interesting paper u the pleasantness of the evening the different kind of wood thai is iml it was wilh rep-ret that the! native to the Panama canal zone. company wended their way home- which proved most interest mg and ward bidding the auesfs of honor instructive. At the dose of Ihe i pleasant trip on their .journey to business session. Mrs. Maxon pre- hio. and trusting thai Ihey alllsenled the past duels with a iavel made from .azerinii wood handle and Cora Delia wood head. which will be greatly appreciated by Ihe ladies in .their .meetings. After the presentation, Mrs. I.eesley responded in thanking her for the gift oil behalf of Ihe ladies in a very pleasing manner. At a suitable hour the guests were invited into the dining room might have the pleasure 'of ineet- iuglin the future L. D. Hiall, J. M. Holmes. rthur Baker and wife and Mr. and Mrs. M. !. Churchill and wife were amona the .Murray iuors in the cily yesterday to attend the nil game between I'lal tsinouth and Avoca. October brings the first tang of the fall season; the trees are putting on their garb of "green and gold" high time to think of heavier wearables. We're prepared for you with the largest stocks in our history. New Manhattan shirts, Stetson hats, Heid caps, neckwear, collars, sweaters, suits, overcoats everything for men's wear except shoes. Right now we're busy selling rope stitch sweaters, new cloth hats from Frank P. Heid in Philadelphia, the latest silks in the wide end 4-in-hand ties; new suits in Tartan plaids, regi mental stripes, Balmaccans and Stetson hats. Come in and see the new things. See our windows for style pointers.' Stetson aJ&CZ &&U&lcf Manhattan i-r4 mrnoryrrr--r t't Shirts mmt