MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914. PLATTS MOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. IS88flr" Divine Power to Be Exercised by Christ's Kingdom. PASSING OF THE OLD ORDER Many of the Psalms Messianic Fig urative Descriptions of the Work of the Millennium Passing Away of Sin and Selfishness A New Order of Peace and Righteousness The Heav enly Over-Lord Master of the Situa tion Glorious Outcome of Joy and Blessing to All Mankind. Sept 20. raster Ilussell's discourse today dealt with the symbolic laa RuaKe of the I'salnis. His text v a s, "Therefore will we not fear, though tho nrlli PfS be removed, atul the mountains car ried into the ruiJ.-t of the sea" rsa!ru 40: 2). Those who have seen the beautifnl film. "Christ Walking on the Sea.' in THE PHOTO MtAMA OF CREATION, will all tho more readily appreciate the line of thouprht v.hkb the Iistor set forth. He said: I have chosen for my text a symbol ical prophecy which I believe to be rapidly neariug fulfilment. A'l Bible students recognize the fact that iu;;n; of the Psalms are Messianic; that is to say, they apply to the time of the inauguration of Messiah's Millennial Kingdom. Some of them detail the 3y peace and blessings which will then prevail amongst men. when the great leveling processes of that time will raise all the worthy por and de graded and will humble all the proud, sti-lishlng society under such condi tion that the new order of things is symbolically styled in Scripture "a nu'- heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.'' Others of the Psalms describe in highly figurative language the work of the Millennium. Iiy way of illustration the Pastor quoted at length from Psalm 4.": "Iird Thy Bword upon Thy thigh. O Most Mighty, with Thy glory and Thy nia-s-ty; and in Thy majesty ride prosper ously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and Thy right hand shall teach Thee terribie things. Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the King's enemies; whereby the ieople fall under Thee." Here, he declared, the great Redeemer is pictured as the glorious conquering King of the Mil lennial Age, and His victory over every opposing influence is emphasized. As the Prophet Isaiah sa3s, ' Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear" to the Klmr of earth. His right hand, which shall teach Him terrible things, is nu expression symlolic of the Divine Power which will be exercised at the inauguration of the Kingdom. The sharp arrows that will pierce the King's enemies to the heart and cause them symlolirally to fall before Him represent His messages of truth and grace, which will then conquer as they do not now, except in the case of a few. A sample of those now slain by the arrows of God's Word is furnished us in the account of St. Peter's sermon on the Iay of Pentecost. There the Apos tle preached the Truth plainly, thrust ing in the "Sword of the Spirit" up to the hilt He told the hearers that they and their rulers had cruciSed the Trince of Life. The record is that "they were cut to the heart"; and this was tho greatest blessing that could possibly have come to them (Acts 2:23). Similarly, during the Millennium, the arrows of Truth will smite down all opposition; and mankind, cut to the heart with proper appreciation of their own sinfulness and of Ciod's mercy, will fall before the great King, accept ing mercy upon His gracious terms of full surrender. The Day of Trouble Pictured. The Psalm, of which our text is part is a Messianic Psalm. Prophetically and symbolically it tells alout the tr"ub!e incident to the passing away of the present order of siu and selfish ness and the inauguration of the new order of righteousness and love unler the great Mediatorial Kingdom of Christ. Whether the events predicted in Scripture come to pass in our day or not. we hold that they will come and will be in full comportment with these prophetic pictures; for they were surely written for our instruction, as St. Paul declares. 2 Timothy 3:10. As IHble students we do well to take heed to every item of the Divine reve lation, in order to keep ourselves in touch with the Infinite One and in sympathy with all the features of nis great and wonderful Program. Let us nte the particulars of the Psalm in detail. The Psalm begins with the beautiful assurance, "God is our Itefuge and Strength, a very present Help In trou ble." How comforting! now strength ening! Those who have entered Into covenant relationship with God through Christ, through faith and consecration, and who are abiding In nis love, may feel serene in every trouble. Not merely In the final trouble, with which sin and sorrow will be brought to an end, not merely when Satan shall be bound. will God be the Refuge of His saints, but in all times an! under all circum stances, will "the peace of God which passeth all understanding" keep the hearts of His faithful people. "Therefore will we not fear, though the earth te removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea." Fear is the great torment of the majority of our race. It is the lash which the Adversary uses to drive away from God those who need His sympathy, love and succor. To such the Lord speaks, tenderly saying. "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and nre heavy laden, and I will give you rest." God declares Ills name to be Love. Through the Prophet Isaiah He says. "This people's fear toward Me is taught by the precepts of men" not by His Word. He would have us trust Him as a great. loving Father; for He says, "Like ns a father pit loth his chil dren, so the Lord com pa ssi. moth those who reverence Him." (Psalm 103:1:?.) As love, more love, perfect love, cuiues into our hearts, it more and more casts out the fear which the Adversary would iuculcate and which has burned into men's minds and consciences the "doctrines of demons." to which the Aiostle Paul refers. 1 Timothy 4:1. Biblical Symbology Explained. To His people the Lord says, "Fear not their fear, neither be afraid." "Let the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, rule i:i your hearts. lie faithful; be trustful! Accept the assurance that "all things shall work together for good to those who love God. to those who are the called ac cording to His purpose." This class will not fear when the earth shall be removed and when the mountains shall be carried into the midst of the sen. They ndght indeed be astonished and in trepidation If the reference were to literal mountains ; but the language i3 figurative. The people of the Lord, un der His instruction, will not be in dark ness. that the D:y of the Lord shall overtake them as a thief, although i' will come ns a snare upon the whole wr!d Luke 21:3r.. In the symbology of the P.iMe the term earth is used to represent the so cial structure; for the mountains, which constitute the backbones of the conti nents, symbolize the kingdoms of the world, supported by the social struc ture. As the earth represents the fix ity of the sx ial order, the sea repre sents the restiess. turbulent, dissatis fied classes v.hi-h lash against the "earth" and continually seek to swal low it up. The removal of the "earth" symbolizes the disturbancefof the social order. Tho swallowing up of the "mountains" by the seas represents the overwhelming of some of the great kingdoms of the earth by the uprising of the people in anarchistic rebellion against social order. The fact that the Scriptures prophet ically describe the overwhelming of the social order and the great governments of the earth must net be understood to signify that the llible counsels revolu tion or anarchy. On the contrary. God's people nre counseled throughout the Scriptures to live peaceably with all men. so far as possible. They are instructed not to use carnal weapons, not to take to trie sword for the s?ttle ment of disputes, but rather to sutler injury. They are counseled that God t is tlie groat Her-Konl. and that al though lie Is not now ruling directly amongst men He is fully the Master of the situation In that at any time He could overthrow all of His opponents. God does not acknowledge that Ills will Is now done in the earth, hut He tells us that by and by it will lie done here, and He encourages us to pray for it. to hope for it and to wait for it. He tells us that Satan is now the "Prince of this world" by virtue of the f ict that he deceives the minds and the hearts of the majority. God would have nis people understand something of His great Program, but He would keep this hidden from all others. Hence arises the impossibility of ex plaining spiritual things to a carnal mind (1 Cor. 2:14). "None of the wick ed shall understand." Daniel 12:10. Divine Supervision of Human Affairs. The great Creator has contented Himself with such a supervision of this world as leaves much responsibility for human affairs in human hands. He merely interferes to raise up or to cast v.ii when the interests of Ills Pro gram may demand. For instance, take . K .... - . . I . . T 1 . . . t . mtr ui niv i lull. ton was rais ed to the throne of Egypt in Moses' day. There God raised to the throne a man of groat determination, and hin dered from reaching the throne other men not so favorable to the carrying out of the Divine Purposes. Thus, without interfering with the free mora; agency of the king of Egypt, God used the wrath of man to praise Hire, and the remainder He restrained. Similar ly, He had previously raised Joseph to the governorship of Egypt for His own purposes. The PsalniUt describes the tumult ot that day of overwhelming trouble, when God's Kingdom will be estab lished, saying of the sea that will swallow up the mountains, "The wa ters thereof roar and bo troubled; the mountains shake with the swelling thereof." It is probably true that such socialistic and anarchistic roarings have many times in the past caused the kingdoms of earth and their rulers to tremble. Put, according to the Scriptures, some day the final catastro phe will occur. Who can tell how near that day may be! Quite a large number of earnest lii ble students concur iu the thought that such a climax is indicated in the prophecies, and that It will be reach ed In the year 1015. But be the date as it may, the fact remains. The prophecy which we are examining is nearly three thousand years old, but it is as good, as sure and as meaningful today as ever It was. We are net of those who would harass the. minds of our fellows with fear. Kather would we point them to the fact that behind this cloud of trouble there is a glorious "silver lin ing" of Millennial joy and blessing for all the families of the earth. Pather would we encourage all who have the hearing ear to zeal and faithfulness in their consecration, that they may "make their calling and election sure" to a share in the Kingdom glories and "escape those things coming upon the earth." In a word, the Gospel of Christ is not a message of damnation, fear and torture, but "Good Tidings of great joy which shall be unto all peo ple," as the angel declared. Deliverance of the Church Pictured. In the fourth and fifth verses of Psalm 40 the Church of Christ is sym bolically pictured as tho City of God, His dwelling-place; and the Truth is represented as a river, making the City clean, fresh, glad. The proclamation is made, "God Is in the midst of her; she shall not le moved! God shall help her early in the morning" early in the Millennial morning. The Church is to be "a First-fruits unto God." Her salvation as the liride of Ciirist will be accomplished early in this Millen nial morning. Oh, how lad will be all those ac counted worthy of a place in that elect Church -the Chrn-h of the First-borns, whose mimes are written In Heaven! The promise, "She shall not be moved," is in agreement with the first verse in assuring us that the people of God will be preserved from fear, d .ibt and misunderstanding of the events of that Time of Trouble, and that their faith will enable them to triumph at a time when others will be in great distress and perplexity, ns our Lord foretold. Luke 21:25. "The Gentiles Raged." Beginning with the Oth verse, the Prophet gives a brief synoptical pic ture of the Time of Tronbie and its consummation and of the inaugura tion of universal peace. "The heathen Genti'e peoples raged." These words describe the tumult which will prevail Miiongst humanity before tho climax of the great Time of Trouble is reach ed. Angry voi es arise from public meetings, and in the more private meetings of the lodges of Labor and Capital, as well as through the col umns of the Press to the extent per mitted. In the various nations there is a fear of tumult through the raging of the public Press, and everything possible is leing done to restrain it. In some countries the Press has been "muzzled" for some time past. Whoever sees that anarchy is the most dreadful terror confronting civ ilization must realize the wisdom of reasonable restraints upon his own tongue and upon the tongues of oth ers. Nevertheless, the Scriptures show us that all effort to suppress the tu mult and the angry voices of men selfishly raging against each other will fail. The prophetic picture continues "God uttered His voice, the earth melted."' The unfaithfulness of hu manity, the clamor of greed, both in rich and in poor, will be answered by the Almighty, "Giver of every good and perfect gift." He will "utter His voi( r, as nnotber I'rophet de- l dares, "lie will speak to the iee- le iu His niisrer," for their correttion, for their reprovnl. The result will bo that the syr.d(olic earth (society) will melt the S'x-lal structure will disintegrate. Another Scrlj-ture declares that so great will be the disintegration tliat "every man's hand will be against Lis neighbor." Hut the Prophet hastens to assure us that in the midst of all this tumult the Ijird will be with His consecrated peo I Io. We read. "The Ixrd of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our IJef tijje. This promise applies primarily to the consecrated c'liurch of Christ Spiritual Israel; but it also applies sec oadurily to Natural Israel, the Jewish nation. These will participate in this Time of Trouble, but will be saved out f it. As another Prophet declares, "It is even the time of Jacob's trouble ; but he shall be saved out of it." Jer. 30:7. In this Time of Trouble the Lord's jewels. His saints, will be tralnered to their Heavenly home. After this has taken place. Divine favor will bein to return to Israel, as pointed out by the Apostle in Komans 11:1 "0. The Psalm closes with a picture of the devastation which will prevail throughout the world as a result of hu man selfishness and blindness. Capital and Labor will rise to a terrible cata clysm of anarchy, awful for rich and poor alike. Only Iod's saints will then have peace; and it will be the result of their knowledge of the jrraiTd outcome, of their faith in God and of their will ingness to accept whatever His provi dence may send. All this trouble, however, will but prepare the world to realize that al though men may plan and arrange ever ro wisely and well, all their plans will Itovo futile as Ions as selfishness and ignorance are in control. It will con vince all that the only feasible way ef correcting the diiliculty is by the set tins up of a strong and righteous gov ernment, which will enforce the prin ciples of righteousness, until gradnal Jy the stony-heartcdncss of men will, under favorable Influences, give place to tender-heartedness the image of God. in which Adam was created and which was lost through disobedience. Mark the grand symbolic apostrophe tvith which the Psalm closes. Mny its lessons draw us near the Fountain of Orace and give ws rest, peace and joy! "lie Immanuel maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; He breaketh the bow. and cutteth the spear in -winder: He burnetii the char iot In tire. P.e stiil. and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen Gentiles; I will be exalted ia the earth." DR. G. IL DAVIS LOCATES If! PUTISMDUTH My lm-inos is I., heal the sick and make the laioo walk. I have beell ill practice buii: ei!u;li fo well .know thai all yield alike l my some ea-es relief a oiy short lime, oac- it takes j,, cases i ii jjut i oaf m, Mil . In is a IT. 'i iN-il in while in other !-!. 1 have proven to :ny o m i -! act i. n that my me!ho( , l na! mi-at is far in aii;i!'ce of any ! !:. My t real ii i"! I is ma directed lo S III. to;; s. b;;i. o II;. o ' (he di-.-is.-. j make m preieiw o! k;iii:ig germs, j,.it (,,. ! ; ( i i - ? t a'e-1 I'acf ii-at rich, I-e. blo.i.l is the itesf i:.-!-;; i ! : ! ' i . , i . . n ' t ; , drugs to kill .lisi-treat- f i'iiii.I ti;t ami make it stt- it - I ! M g ills. .u( ;m.! f:--i!o an.! aide jo h" tii::e and a "':; e on liir. iv of ' ! i ij'ec ; - , s V . I iia ; space foe a Icr-Mr. o.-feop ; by, and I.oi-t e, l.o,!v well knows .in--? v want to -date J. rid gi'iaiu i'e f Hie A; of -!c"na'!iy. of F hae bad a littb . NjierioiH e in ac' i Ion a. and f ! i ie . 1 1 ia -r ioe ..ii r ra c !ial ii i iy Mia! I . mi! am a l'tMU School .-i!!". Mo. r r two . ;-. praojjc,-. in 'hat I 'an a- -licces, fully a any o.e. Fxuminatio consultation i free, and I - and nl. I be glad f examine your ca-e be fore villi ':o to Ouai'ia. Fbica-n, or er in tile ""oaf Specialisfc for an operalmu. I may be able to make the trip u.'i ".-. ary. I have but rcoenHc located in I!i!N t'O ulh ami uoul.J be n:n to see ou at my oi'ace al any time of dav thai would 1 1 i t your i'nnfi;i"riv. '!"' i ej dion e is; for appointment. Oi'.ice and te-id.-nce in the Mc Yi.-ker property, sixlh and Flm Si i I. Dr. i. 15. 1 a i.. TO ORGANIZE A LITEM SOCIETY AT CEDAR CHEER Illiefot Seems o 1m (Icil.sf Freex where awaken in.' P. m-'Ve- !!';;! is on b'oi to n,;r;i p. je a I.itcrarv Shi tv for th. ColiM!!- ny ii cr. If e!io:!:Il interest taken -ori"lv Will meet o"V two t! v.- .-ks. Tiie iirs meeting is sebeiliib d fop Saturday evoning'. Sept. -J.oli. at H:Ti p. m.? at i lie Faioii chm-cli. F erybody invited. Tin's meeting; will .bo in charge of Ihe opgani.'!' but oiiieers will lie chosen ami plans (Jj( uss, d for': promo) j.g t he work. Fi a;!" prepar ed to discuss: '"Resolved: Thai 'h-.e !;,,:;!,! j,,. a literary socio'y in Fclar Creek." This fit's t pro gram will be givii by the Cedar Creek school as follows: Welcome ;ieu!i Meisiager. A Little lijrl's Speed! Lorci:;- Ault Son ir Wile; Tho Shell I Went Out to Tea Merna Wolff Guess What's In My pocket. . . C.leono Ibc k b. Grandpa's John Keil The Li! lb- Angel. . . .Frieda Gnuer Time To Hise. . . I'.vi !ya Flos nut tin .lu-f Ho for.- Tim Hatile Molher Somebody's bil ling Yerna "-'dim-id America . . F or body Stamiing Violin Solo . . . .Fhosfoe Fb'smaan Tabbai: The l-'joep Fit is... Frances !U l- lop. -ace ( riiier he : ock Sung. ' Junta I ions . A. Liiiedn Hif 1'orkkiiis '1'oiiiio-raii Slide. . . Miss Hendricks An O! iginul. I'oeti . . . Hornico Ault. Vankkoe hoodie The Story of Fpimo?na:idus I. id t-ary paper S. J. Ifeaius editor; Miss Fva Sayles, Mr. Ilu.'olidi Meisinircr, assistants. lela(e. Judges Will Sohneidop. Miss T'atfio Motzgef. Ir. Meisiii'-'er. I'loction of ofbccrs atid ad journment. Jacob Tritsch and wife were among- Hie assoiigeps (his morn ing for Omaha, where they go to visit for the day in that t'itv with friends ami to look after business mal tors. Bed Clover Seed Wanted. Wo are in the market for red clover seed, prices .VK.OU to slO.UO per bushel, submit samples, an.J fato quanity ymi have to soli. Fdward Thirl ling- Soe.l Co., Nebr aska City, Neb. U-IM-L'twly Make Your Wants Known Advertisements umler ttiis hca-iing five cents pr line a h insertion. s:;x: words will be counted as a line an:l no advertisement taken for less than ten cents. I'OIl SALF. Scotch Collie pups. Inquire ,,f A. O. ilamge, Route 1, IMai sua.. alb, iNeb. i.-10: I.I YANTi:i Girl tor work. o wasbia; .'iieral house I in family. Inquire Mrs. ie.age Falter I nt fwkly. T call I'boiie FAR M FHl SAI.F. I (' i1 llll- prove. i larai ii tn.n 1 locaii miles Ji oai '!a' I moii tb. two sp: :i!':s, no va-ie iami. s !, ."ion. Fasy tonus. 1 70 acre it.iprov. .) fa: m. -l I tf ed ' "J1.- miles lriua g.ic.. lnwn. ." m s from '.I'lv, of! y term a.M.t!:. r. if. p..! -I7--.M wklv I'olt SAI.F Fioiough brt ad . I. F. with pedigree. .G I. !le-s, Wah.i-il. A'ej)., l'il- e i- 1 7-Jw -wkiv I. A! i! .S ( a i.I ) 'A ! CM. Will t:a.!e lor bay o: iiaakiu-on. obi jail coia:. F'd-. -Jikiy U!Ol,e V SAi.F. A !e. !!. ( : l-s F.oi i'! Alo. Nebraska. ciioa e lai'tus .T..h;i I.e,l.. .- 1 -1 fwkv ix Tin: hist" ict cm iiT or tim: cm mi in-' c. m;i:h 07:u:i; to si:w "ai"s;:. I;i lie INtat.- of Jellia!- Soil V-c.-.-is.-ii. A ppMc.'.ti-.ei of .'Iiitrlos li. executor i" T li' to .s-.dl i ;i c-t.i re. "I is f ;!;- .-a n.e ojj for lcnrijiir upon the p"titi'!) et" ( "i".;-. r!--s ;. Svl.v. !. e::ecut'r of t!e will .nnd t'-.-l;!:i;--n: a:;d e.-ta:e of Iio!:'t1i Sii.V iii.. dee, jo-ii . ."!- i..;- . i:.-,-!ise t -e'.l the fediow '..scribed I',-;:! estate, .s'i'ej-e-t to t I. t !... ti t . .l.o!.s M. W'li.ihnl !'..;r. 1, 1 l 1 ;., 1: 1, ll-i.",, t o - -. i t : I.-'ts th.Irtten f l " t i. 1 f.-ert-.-n 1 ) in t!.- e;ist ia;f (i: i.ii.-i..i !f i t.f tlie to ooarter t ov .!-f. -u rt ii i ' s.' t en t y-eiu I t Cm, town i::' e'ceii (III too:!.. riKii,'" fieir-t-.n ill) east of the .;t!t .-. in. in tiie t'.cin'y t.f Cas, Nebraska. To eari y nt the i roviions of th last v ill aril t.-st:i!:u-T.t of I'eiilah Sch'itb iti rcspeit to the shares iiven. To the e.ii n i--.1:i'iirhtei s of said I'n.-as- d, the children oi." one Andre'.v Schwab, le.-eas. l. IT IS TUKTilOFnp.i: Oi;r!:i:i:i) that al persons inter. 'st". 1 : said estate appeal- before me :.t the office of the ";i!c of i 1 m- t r i.-t Court !!1 t o.irt Iiou.-o in r!a ; t smo'it It. ( as ('oi.ntv, X. ! luskii. t.n the ritli day October, A. I. :!!, at o"ch.'k A. M t' si .uv c:i:!se wl:y a tie. slioiild no: he tit.'.nted to s;i,J PXI' to Sell tl a hove iicserihed real estate to t.trrv or! tie provisions of the last will an testiii.-ient t.f sne! deceased i ;i respect t the shares of said trrs'.n.l-.T.iusrliters of sa ci -ceasei lildr a of one Andrew !. wa! .I". (-::i-.-'l, Oatf-d this Mil dav of A :j 1. .Seal) J Wi:s T. iihCI.KV, Judpe of ti;t- liistrict ('otirt It is liefciiv or.'. .-red that t i : - ali ivf or. to show .a:--' l-e piildishe.l 111 the I t t.-ei-:it h J.i'irnal, a r.ewspaiier P'.il-i ;sl..; a aii.i of tr.-nci-al t- i reu hi t e:i ir tie- C.uiv.'.y of C-riss, Nebraska, for Koui sin ,-(! -- v.-!: s tinted tiie Stii dav of Auirest. 1014. '.s.-ai .1 amp: st. i:K(;i.p:y. Jud.Tf of the I'istricr Curt Iwks.vkv. I Ol TV ('(It !!T IV I KOIt (ASS oil ri, m:mi: isk v. I:i tiie Matter of the Plstate of Jacob TI riric'i. ! 'eceast d. N ti -e ef ilea rinc om peiitioe. for 1;s 1 1 i !'i t n : -;i of residue t.f estate. Notice is ;. bv ixiv-n that Marv Tten- ri. h. eeer.ttn-ix t'f the estat" of J:,co' Ilfiiri- h, dceeased. file t her petition i!i sai l oi.-rt. too o'ciect aii'l tr:;-.-er t Which are liat c. .eeiee ,,; . -1 1 ; ! t .0:1 r:'::v be made of the-!... ef said st;.t Stow in h-T ) -s. .-s e a 1 .. the "arties entt' J.--1 to re f-ivc ti-.- same lv l!5v- ilti.1 '..!;.;.! the hi -I W ' 1 1 al.ii iiste :l!'-rt f't I.'-e ettseu allow .1 imi. TH c- batcd let. 1, 1 a 1 g. om and e;:cli of you roe hereby tiotitieii that said petition will be he.-rd by the County .Indire at the Cenntv c..;:vt room in tiie city -.f Mat t snion t ii in s.ud t'oiitity n tie-. r.eth day tif September 1!'14, at tho liocr of !t .Vi l.i.-k .. ?f. IT IS OKI !:?! i:i that a copy of notice 1 e pn I d is I-ed. I once i-.-ioli ve-k for three siu-.-essive weeks in the I 'iat t snioui ii .lournal. :v newsjiatier pri-ited an! pn ' -u ;s:ie.l m snift coo tit.'. I ated this Itli day of Stf nt ' ni her, l:ill 1-5 tlie oo'irt. .Soal AU.K.V .). I',t:i:sON. t'lvuity JiiiIkp Cass iV.untv, N'ebr. 9 -7- awky NOTfCE OF FifcAL SETTLErriCriT fii the County Court of Cass County, FicLraska. !ii the ii'ialfor of the estate of ilonr Slull, doceasod. All persons i-iteiosteil in said esi ai e will lake i a a ice that ! he ad iuinisl ralor has tiled his final rc i":t ,-oid petilii-ii for final seille iron! of the same ami lliat a hearing- will be had upon said report r id petilion in said court on tho r,;h day of ( )dob, r, i-)i ',, at 10 o'clock a. in. Dab', this iMsf day or Sojiteni bor. liUi. S.,al Alb n J. le-eson. !. O. O-.vycr, County Judgo. Altornov. D-Jl-'Jwl.s Host results are secured by ad ir.g the business. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury ' as merrsirr rrVl Fnre!j- th'stror the wns of iinip!l ail.l ceKlpI.-tei v- (l-TUlKP tllO 'nhi'lf SVsll'lU W bell fiiirriii it llir.j-!i the mucous t.ariac.-s. Sucli ci-.ici -s i.nnii.i never lie use.i oifei-t on pre.- ra' th us I'r.-ui r (.ntaole liT.-i.-ians. i-.s the ilamus tht r w 11 U. is t-!i fold l. tt:? -.x.d y..:i t-au juib. s-i!ilr d. rive from tluui. IIull'H Catirrti fur. r.jn:fj. ti:.-e.l i.y F. J. ' tienoy ,v ('.. a. t ei taii.:-. t.rt ivicrcnr.v. and i-i taken internal; v ri te.:; dire.-t'v u:...n th I I -o.l nii i tnu.-oii snr-f-ires tit tin- .ThT.eai. Fn huvins Uali's Catarrh t'i:-e !e .si.r- v.-u K.-t t'j- trenuine. It Is taken J-'t-r-'. pr aid m ! hi T-le-l-i. liio, 1-7 I. J. v. 1 i- I'd Tt ;il imnl:i 1 freo. e I I.y Prv-r;:-1.-.. rrl.-e. TC-j. rer iK.t'.to. Tic Hull's Vu.ta.llj Villi far Ct)Us;Ipatiuo. PKOrrt'ED rOVSTITrTIONAI, AMENDMENT SO. ONE. The following proi osed ani-nlmnt t the eontititaeu of tl.f state f Nebraska as hereinafter set forh In full, is sut.tnlt tfd to tin electors of the Sure of Neoras ka. to be votPft upon at the .'"'"l !e,tur to te linl-i Tuesdav, November iird, A. 1) 1014. 'I-iiR a Joint resolution to emend srtior 1 of r'i' !e U of tiie Const U atloa of tin st-itp of Nebraska, re'.atm.i: to revenue Be it i:. -solved atel Knac'd ty the lVoU of tlif State of Nebraska: smion l. That v. tion 1 of Article $ of t',.' .'oieait uticn of the st:if of Xe tr - a be aruvinifl to rfad as follows: .-i-r. 1. Tl;' rnies of taxation shall bf nr.:: .i-m as t- any giv.n class and taxs be b'viod upon sn.-h property as tut L'-isltt'ire s!iail prescribe. Tnxe may a! su be i:i);ioscd on Incomes. rriviipe ar.c o.'t ii;.atioiis. which taxes may be srraJtiat c! sn.l tiro.'rcssivo and reasonable oxeaipticirt ivay te j.rovide.l. la addition to those here i::afar hj.eriti.-any mentioned la section 1 of this article. Src 2. That at the por.rnl election ir November, l'.14. there sliriil be submitted to Hi" dn tor of the state for their ap proval or rejection t lie ferefroinjr proposed am-'ndui'Tit I., the ( '(.institution in the f l bnviicr form: "I'or amendment to thf Cns; ittitton providing for uniform ati' pro-rf s.-ive taxation" and " s:.10 prii-'se-l amendment to the (.'on;tu!ior providing for uniform and progressivi ' taxation." i Approved. Mirch 27. 1013. 1. Addison Waif. Secretary of State, oi ...t.-L v, V....oL-.i .In l.rtT-.-l.. -Oft that t!ie forero'ms pri poe 1 aineTidne-ia to the Constitution of tiio t.f Ne braska is a tf i' and corr-. t c...y of th. origin il enroMed and engrossed bill, a? ptss.-d by the T!iirt v-thinl ses,i,.n of th Legislature of the State of Nebraska, ut appears from Paid orfsinnl bill n riie ir tnis oliice. ar.d that j-uid Iiroposed amend i - s:bi;:it ted to the qi:a!:!icd vrt-rs of th" State of Xebrkii for tle-ir adopti'T or rej"-tloii at the perioral election to Lt heel on 'i'c.esjay, the Crd day of November. A. D. li'14. In Testimony Whereof, I hr.vo hereiintr f-H my band nnd n Hived the (ireat Seal oi the State of Nebraska. D.-ne at, tnis 2"rd day of March In the year of our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred and I"oi::teen. and of tht Independence cf the I'nited States tlx tint Hundred ::nd Thirty-seventh, ulJ of thil State the Forty-seventh. APIISON WAIT. Seal Scrtrtary of -iUte. rnoroKD roxsTiTrTiox.-ti, AMEXDMK.NT NO. TWO. TLa; propopoj anieudnipnt to th ooiistitntion cf the Stte of Nehraska. a li.-ri in :i'ier set f'.rtli in full. Is submit ted to the cecrors t'f th.? State of Nebras ka, to ! yo'ed tiniti nt the peneral election to be held Tuesjer Noveniber 3rd, A. D. J''U. "A Joint Reoli;tlon to arrsnd Section li (6) of Arti '-le one (1) of the Constitution Cf tiie State of Nebrnskn. Be it Kii:c :ed by the People cf the State of Xcbra.-k.i : Settion l- That Pcefjon six (K) of Arft.-1 one lit of the Con; i; ution of the Statt of Nebruskii be amended to read as fol lows s section 6. Tho ri'ht of trhil bv 1nrv shall remain inviohite; tiiit in all civil cases arid 1:1 crcpcid cases less tlian felonies re-sit!is of tho jurr rear render a ver ;!;-t n,-.d tie l,e;siat tiro may authorize tilal by a j;iry of a less number than v.un courts Inferior to the dis trh t oiirt. See. 2. Th::f at the general election for "tate an. I i. iv ohi.ers to be held in the State of Nebraska t.n the first Tuesday at. ;- tie- hrst .!.,::.; ;v in November in V..14 '. h re siial! printcl upon the ballot t.f "a.-.'i !e. tor r ! his approval t.r r-je ti.3 mi- :.t..." and f..r -:r..;ii- ariiendtiient in tie . e.o-Aioe; p.rtn: J"..r i-r' t...s,-j amcidm.-nt o ra . "T. -t a -.! i.n jirovid: -iv? that in a ivi. cases i:n i in -rim!na! is-s Jess than ''''cs. !:s ef the J'jrv may rendei i ver. and "Ai-'::itisf il.a r.r..t...s.-.. i- lidr-.i-i t t'. the Co:;st;tntion i.r..v:,b-.1 .it i:i eiva js.-s and in i i mi I n.-i 1 i-as.-f s ! r--ioiites. itvo-hixtus of tlie Jurj -h! ed. t! i! t, V.1 i. a.... is. in it. S-.-retnry of State, ei ;" r.isKa. do hereby ecrtifv ...ii in..'t!)r prop.xo.l a men d incut i.i- -;.FIM . ,,r t(:i. t.f Nebraska s -i trie i.e.; . . rr-.t . ,.f tlt. ..ri-ai:, rc -i at.. I L-ross,.,i as p;,s-ed bv . . .ars.v-tiiir d .-.;,: ,f tl;e I.-.i.-hsbaure f the State t f N. Tasks, as appears from or;-.....-! I ar j;, this otli e. and a. i p--. .1 r-ier: , : ;:ier, j ls siih!":tt. 'l ' a,:r:. .1 vol. -i s of th" St-te of N - -' '- ir au.,iu:,.ii ,r r.-Je.-tion ai eie.u inn to In' held on Tacs.lay, . "L c'vci;::...- A. 1). '.i14 i.i lej-n iof.v tr-reof. I i,.,v l.ereuntr. '.' '"f .,l:,r,I SIV "'V-1 tho Great Seal of i"tie at l.incoii,. this LTtr.l d ir of Mr.., th- year of our l...r.l to... ti . in. II: Ir-d ind leiirtetn nn.l .f tl.o i r s-epeiid -ii. e of t:lf.. Tnife, St:.te Cm o Irtti.i, : ta !,,. .. 111! . fii:t l.i.r T-.'.'VOifh .. .... l AMIUSOX WAIT isi-.u Secretary ef Stats, PBOrOSEn CONSTITITIOXAE AMENDMENT NO. THISEE. The following rjrono.sed amendment to the constitution, of the State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in ful. Is sitbsnst tfd to the electors of the State of Nebras ka, to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday, November ril, A. D. 11.14. "I-'oR a Joint resolution proposing amend ments to section l, or Arth-fcr , and Section L'l. of Article , of the Constitn tion of Nebraska, relating lo term of cClce and salary of (Joveruor and othei executive officers. Be it Resolved and Knaefed by the Feoplf of the State t.f Nebraska: Section 1. That at the proneral election for state and legislative offices, to be held on ttie Tuesday succeeding the tirst Mon day in November, Ihll. tlie followinz ht nbmitted .is amendments to Sections 1 and i. or Articie , of the Constitution ol XNoDrafcka: !Sec. l. The executive denjirtment xhal consist of a Oovernor. who shall hold his nth.-e for a term t.f two years from the erst Ihursday after the lirst Tuesday in January, iicxf after his election, nnd until his successor is eie-tcd and iuaU!ier. In addition to tlie Governor, the executive de partment shall include the following olli cers : Lieutenant trovernor. Secretary of Mate, Auililor of I'ublic Accounts, Treas urer, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Attorney (j.-noral. and Commissioner of Public I... rids anrl Buildings, each of whom shall hold his office for the term of two years from the lirst Thursday after the first Tuesday in Jtintiarv. next after hii election, and until his s:ioeos.-.or Is elected and tptalHied ; Provided, however, that the first ele, tion of said t.tiicers shall be held oa the Tuesday snceciini? the first Monday in November, l'jlti. ami each succeeding election shall bo lit Id at the same relative time iu each rvi si year thereafter. The Governor, Secretary of State. Auditor of Public Accounts, and Treasurer shall re side at the seat of povrrnment during their terms of office, and keen the mil.M.- twnnii books and papers there, and shall perform u. ii unties as iii3y ee required by law. Sep, 2 1 - The s .-. I . -v t.f M. i:.,-irnA. .. e n be fire thousand (Jo.bee.Pei dollars per an num. The salaries of An. titer f n..i.u Accounts and Secretary of State. Superin tendent f Public Instruction un.l "...m;a. eioner of Public Lands and Ruildltiffs shalj be two thousand live bundrpd (iJ.ZtWMO) uuiidis cai-n per annum, aiid of the Attor- ititwolV. ral Ifur thousand dollars (fUW.W) jier annum, tlie salary of the State Ireasnrer shall bo tlir.. 'n,An,i uouars per annum, and the Lieu tenant Governor shall roc. ire one and one I fil II A1 t -a . . , ' ....v. ,ne compensation of a senator, and after the ado;. tion of this constitution they si. a II Hot receive to their own nso ,.r,v t.. costs, interests upon public moneys In their Hands, or under their control, perquisites or otjiee or other rouipetisatlon. and all f e . . J- uereaiter tie payable by law for services performed by an othCr provided ror In this articl of tr.o Ivrt. .1 I I , - ""'111 '4 1 t' 11 All.Ui ie paid in advance Into the state treasury, l tit-re shall be no tnr .t..v i?t e e TOLjces of tue SuiKTintendent of Public Instruction nnd Attorney GeneraL eec. 2. That at said election on the Tuea flay sneceedias the first Slonday in Noretn- n.tViJl1' on. tn? baHot of eacn elector LrVttP hTeilt' n-e "hall be printed or written the words: "For proposed amend or"'o ,L1 th,e c? usItIon, fixing the terra of office and salary for oyernor? and other execuur. .Jlrfc". ana "AssjWt jopod nnriJmens f.'. the contttuTton, fixing t t.-rui tf othee and a!ary fyr KOTeraor. aud Approved. April 21, the ILirty-thinl it &gMtr9 .h J or,i;inal CI- in this effi.e. nn.J t nat said j amendment I nubtnUf.-.l to the .niahht-d voters of the State of Xe tuH? . 'i1'1', :"!":''i"n or rej.-tion at ! ' rTTV1 .'" -'1 t.. be hel l ou" Ti.. s.lar, uo! day v .v.-mbr. A. I. J!.H. ' In Jestimonr Where,,, I bare hereunto AM'JSOV W.!T. c ret.iry of State, Seal A KTK l.liS OT l( OKPMIt 7 0. of tUf PL TTiMlU Til IIOIT t 1.1 II. Know All Men by These J'res nts: That v,-c, the undersiTit-d. tn i Hir.sei v.-s ii.uM'.r for th I '-.i j o of foi niiii' a ! p. .i n t i.ot ui.. r the laws . f ti. Male of N-braska. and f r tfiat joirpose no .'t.h.i.t the follow ing CI alter: ap.ticm: I. The nasr! of this Corporation fhnll be the Ph-ittsinoutli Iloat .'iub. AU'iTCLi: II. Tlie principal plaio of business fh.ill be in the City of Pin 1 1 sm.ui t h. Nc-bca-ka. nnd vicinity, :u:d th- ..lilr.- of this . orporation iiall be in PJutts tiiouth. aitici.i: III. The amount of the capital ptock t.f th.-;...i at lei sbal be fl.oihMM. liv: Ud into sbas-es ot the par value f $J.ei t-nch. and said capital tock shall ie -.aid i: p nt tiie dat of is.-, ua nee. or tn.o tlesiirnrile, isi money, ii ..pi-i t . , iaav desitrnat.., in money, property,, or nnv other valuable, riubt or thinir. and the j. element of the lbiard of li-i'-tors or masia -:i nir otficer as to the value thereof shall l. conclusive. ai:tici.i: IV. The general nature of the business in which this corporation shall i ni:aire is ns follows: Tlie tnifanizatinn continues and mantaini'S at l'iattsmoiit h. of a social el ub to promote sociability. In structive, entertainment, and amuse ment of the members thereof and sn.-li persons as the rules and by-iaws pro vide entitled to receive the b.-n.-tits of this Corporation' and this Corporal bin shall have the rifsbt to acquire p-rsnal I'lopcrty and real estate, rent, own ..r construct buildintrs, wharfs, .1... ks or In nd i t! trs as may be deetm-d proper by the stockholders and for providing a club room tor such club. akticli: v. Th.e affairs of tills Ion J'ball be conducted by a Hoard "f I i i '-i tm s. who shall be t-leeteil on the ;tb l..y of of each year as the Pi laws provide. AIITICI.K VI. The htfrhest atuoutit t.f intedbte.lness Incurred by this Corporation shall not exceed two-thirds of its paid-up capital stock. AP.TICI.K VII. This Corporation is formed to en dure for ten years after its articles are- duly executed, but its chatter riiihts may be renewed I before the charter expires) from time to time, for a period not exceeding ten years at a time, perpet tin 1 1 v. A I1THT.K VIII. The capital stock of this Corpora tion shall be and I lie :ame is hereby made tioii-assessa ble by this Corpota tin for any purpose. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our bands this lillth day tif Novem ber, A. I. 1!)13. J. K. Mason. J. I. Kite. II. Crocker. 11. L. P.ilstein. K. ' Pinker. W. II. .Mason. STATE OF NnPHASKA, County, of Cass, t.s. P.efore me. Chas. 11. Martin, a Notiry Public in ami for said unity, on this .lav persona II v appeared .1. ih Mason. J. I. Kice. H. Cro. h.-r. I:. I., p.ilstein, ; C. Itinker and Win. Mason, known to me to be the persons- who subscribed the fdi-psnins Instrument nn.l ac knowledge to me that they executed the same for the purposes and con sideration therein epi e.s.-c.l. (liven under my band and Notarial seal this ii'th day of November, A. It. 1013. Chas. K. Martin. (Seal) Notary Public. Mv commission expires Autrust is. 1917. IN COUNTY COURT. state or m:wiaska, County of Cass, In the Mailer of tlie Estate- of r.eorire M. I'altoii, Deeeaseil. To AH i'.-rsons Interested: You are hereby notifieil that tliere will ho a hearincf upon tlie p'-tilion lild in this court for the appointment of an administrator in ahove estate before this court, at. T'lattsniouth, in said county, on !he 2ist day of Seplemher, i, at o'clock a. in. All objections, if any, must be filed before said time. ALLEN J. UEESOX. County Judj-'e. IV tiii: lITHI T CHI IIT UV TIIK Tin: mi m i uv c.s. i-:nii . nutii-i: p spit to ji'i i;t titli:. Henry Inl-.elder, Plait. tiff. vs. Henry 1 1. Tozier, Abide F. Tozi.-r, the unknown heirs and devisees .f lletny H. Tozier, deceased, and tie unknown heirs and devisees of Abbie V. Tozier, deceased. I ef ndants. 'i'o the defendants. Henry II. Tozier. Abide F. Tozier. the unknown I eirs ar.d levisees t.f Henrv H. Tozier. tie. ;i.-.l. and the unknown heirs and devisees of Abide F. Tzicr, deceased. Votl ate hereby notified that on tie .'1st day of May A. I . 1!H, plaintiT filed bis suit in the lestrlot 'oiirt of Cass 'ounty. Nebraska, to quiet bis title to the following ib-scribetl land in the County of Cass, Nebraska, to wit: The West half one-half) tif the Northeast Quarter (NH one-fourth) f the Northeast Quarter INK one-fourth) of Section seven 17) Township twelve I 12) North Kanpre twelve (1 ) Kast of the t;th P. M. because of bis adverse possesion bv himself and bis crrantors for more than ten years prior to the commencement of said suit, and to enjoin eat h and all of you from bavfnjr or claiming nnv riirht. title, claim, lien or interest therein, if any. either le'al or equitable in or to nv part thereof, and to have the same adjudged inferior to the title of plaintiff, an.l for general equitable rel ief. This notice is made pursuant to the order of the court. Vo'i are requited to answer sabl petition on or before Monday the I'n.l lay of November A. 1 . 1H14. or your default will be duly entered therein. Henry lnhebler. Plaintiff. Pawls & Kobertson, Attorneys. 9-21-4 wlcswky llenry Becker of Union was here yesterday for a few hours coming- up to attend the Avoca Plattsinoutli base ball rame held here. Tyewriter ribbons at the Jour nal office. I. A.liliMin "ait. Se.r.-tarr of State, of stiite if Nebr.iska. ib. .rKy "rfifr l. J!'-K' t".ry: ' proposed amendui to the Const, tution of t!ie Statn of .NVbratka Lt,n,rVe "'J.'1 orr"'r "'y 't the oriy.nul Done at Lincoln, this a?rd day cf March. Mr,e n.rndred and Tourtee,,. nr)(1 f,V Independence ef the I nited State th- o 2 Hundred and Thirty-s.ventL. and cf lh J State the 1 erty-sev.-nf h.