THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1914. PAGE 8. I THE STANDING OF THE CONTESTANTS IS PUBLISHED IN THIS ISSUE H ir ir 'H'MIII taA in iir'ii'M losing &fj 0 IZSESHE PLATTSIYIOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. En Our Dry Goods Department will offer you regular 35c turkish towels at 23c only two towels to each purchaser and strictly cash. In addition we will offer you regular S1.25 and $1.50 house dresses at SI. 09 and $1.2i. We have left a few chil dren's dresses that we do not wish to carry through the winter, and will ofler you $1.25 values at 98c; 75c values at 59c and 50c values at 39c. Also a few ladies' dresses sacques, regular 50c value for 39c. There are but two more Saturdays before the final close of our Piano Contest which will take place on Wed nesday, Sept. 30th. To give you an opportunity of assist ing your friend in the contest, we are offering on this com ing Saturday, Sept. 19, a few rare bargains that will be money savers for you. With every $10.00 cash purchase, we will give you a guaranteed Aluminum lipped sauce pan, samples of which may be seen on display in our window Our Grocery Department t? In addition to everything to be had in the market in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables, our grocery department will have a special discount on canned and bottled goods. These are the very best of goods and Avell worth your consideration. a Do not forget that on Saturday you will receive double your money's worth in coupons with every cash puschase, payment made on account, or produce brought in. Phone 53 or 54 q ev- miJ zsza j ii - - .g i I 3 5 is r-.?"'.'"-7E The Daylight Store LJ A. S. WILL RETURNS HOME FROM A TRIP TO OLD MEXICO Goes to Attend Conference. Last evening A. S. Will return ed li m- fniii a trip nf .-f t;i1 week int Mexico w I j if In bik- l alter Jiis business interests there. Mr. Will was in tin stale .f Sciii.ia principally and found that lli' wars of the past Vv -ars in which this slab' has n in the Indbed. lias had a nio-t i-tr'ssimr eiTect upon the business of lh' rmiiilry, as Hut' l- always an uncei i a inly as to what lli' n't nio' will 1' anions th' inhabitants of the country ami until a stable government is established there, this condi ti.n will continue to exist. Mr. Will was interested in mines in that .-tat i', hut for tin' past two ':r- it has been inipossilil' to io lilt I work, i hi t if th' pr's'iit gov ernment is alii to pacify tin' Mexicans it will allow t li country to 1 p-n-l up for foreign in- .--ttis who will develop the great i e-oii i . Swop' Will, a brother of A. S., j-; In-re to pay him a visit i-oiiiimr from his home at Enid, iiklahonia. and -lopped here en- loiile to his old home in Virginia.! ami after a short slay in this t-it v will continue on his way t-:i4. Rev. V. M. Dniliner. pastor of the First Methodist church of this city, departed yesterday for Lincoln t attend the annual con ference of the church and stopped off in Omaha for a few hours to iii his sou Tracy at the Methodist hospital. where the oiinu man is i:i'l I injr along nicely. The conference al its session will assign Hie pastors of the dilVerciil churches fop the ensuing year, and I he residents of this city are all ery anxious to see that llev. lU-nUme is returned here as he lias made himself very popular not only with his church meni-1-ership. hut with the citizens in general and his return would re sult greatly in strengthening his chinch. EARLY MORNING WED DING AT ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHORCH Corrugated Roofing. I my prices on Corrn-raed Hoofing and Steel Tanks before living el-ew here or seinlinir aw ay from home. W. T. Richardson. Myiiard. Neb. -! l-wsdvV.w Accid-nts will happen, but the be-I regulated families keep ;. 'I homas' F.cleclic oil for such emergencies. Two sizes, 2 and rc at all sloies. This morning al SI. John's Roman Catholic chui'ch occured the marriage of Mr. William Leddy of South Hen.l and Miss Sophia Sieczkowski, f this city. The nuptial mass of the church was performed by Rev. Father M. A. shim-, rccior of the church who pronounced the solomn and im pressive ceremony that made the two loving hearts as one. and with the beautiful service of the church made Hi -casiou one of the greatest in iinpressivness. There were a large number of the friends and relatives present at the church to witness the liup lials of these Iwo young people. The bride and gToom were at tended by Mr. Frank Sieczkowski brother of the bride as best man and .Miss Julia Conway as brides maid. The bride was most. Ceivfiely Oj? Oar -r mm m a d Did vou ever miss a train? Ci Or Have vou ever missed an engagement? CJ Because your watch or clock was not keeping correct time. Bring the watch or clock to us. We make sick timepieces well. Miss Augusta Mengedoht VIOLINIST and SOLOIST SATURDAY Woodman Hall charmingly frowned in pure white silk ami wore the buifr Mowing bridal xeil which was held in place with a wreath of myrtle and ordanjre blossoms. Following the ceremony the weddiiifr parly drove to the home of the bride's parents in the south part of lb? city where a reception was held. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sieczkowski of this citv and has resided here for the irreater part of her lifetime, and has made a host of warm friends who will join in wishing her suc cess ami happiness. The frroom is a prosperous younir farmer of near South Ilend. and is a ynuiii: man of the highest character and standing and Nho in his home is known and esteemed by a lari:e circle of friends. THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE GERMAN-AUSTRIA RELIEF FOND JOHTO W. CJRABIJLL The list of those eont ribut intr to the i iernian-Aust rian relief fund for the widows and orphans created bv the European war as can be seen from the list below is frradually frrowinfr and the re latives and friends here of those in the unfortunate warring countries across the sea are re sponding liberally to I he cause; Plaits mouth Turn -Verei n, s l ()(. hi Henry Kaufmaiin 10.00 Carl i. Fricke William PohJmann lo.oo R. Ramsel r.00 William Hudif? r.oo II. M. Soeiinichen 5.00 Henry R. (ieriiifr H.OO (leru-fre Schanz H.oo J. II. Tains 5.00 Hen IJeckinann 5.00 M. Ilausladen 5.00 Hans Seivers .1.00 A. Roessler 2.50 Karl Roessler 2.50 Unknown L'.oo Frank Schukinier 2.00 S. Peter Madsen 1.00 Louie Dose l.oo Mrs. Ploefrer 1.00 Herman Weis 1.00 John Kopp . l .oo Louis Kisslinf? 1.00 Mrs. Paul lierinfr 1.00 Mrs. Kda Ilerold 1.00 Miss Mia deriiifr 1.00 Miss Harbara (ieriiifr .... 1.00 r.udwifr Miller 1.00 Adam Heil 50 Joseph F. Tubbs 50 John M. Kaffenberfrer .... 50 Fred Ramge 50 J. G. Delzell, Denver .... 50 Paper Bound Directories. The Journal has about fifty of the recently published city directories, bound in paper, that we offer, as long as they last, al 50 cents each. This is a very reasonable price, and they will no doubt sell quite rapidly. MARSHAL SEYBERT OF LOUISVILLE BRINGS MAN CHARGED WITH ROBERY Marshal ('.. M. Sebei l of Louis ville was in the city today for a few-hours coming down to look after some matters in connection with the rohhinir of one John Stickler, an obi gentleman livin;-: in that place. The trouble occur red last nilil and the marshal in company with the man assaulted, made a tour of the town and Stickler finally picked mi a man whom he thought was the parly, but all circumstances point In his beiiifr mistaken, as the man whom he had arrested was seen in a different place at the time the robbery was supposed to hae been committed. The man who was identified by Stickler is an un fortunate one as he has been in troubble before, but has apparent ly straiuhtned up ami is quite in dustrious citizen now, ami the general sentiment there .seems to be that he js the victim of either mistaken idenity or a '"frame up" on the part of some persons who hail it in for him. The case will be heard tomorrow' before Jmlfre Archer. THE PIANO CONTEST AT H. M. SOENNICHSEN'S WILL SOON END lielow is the list of Iho con testants now runniirr in the piano contest conducted by II. M. Soi-li-ichseii. All thos- 1 1 I I i 1 1 lt coupons will pb-ase see that they are re gistered oj- L:i'l to the proper person before September lioth. o coupons will accepted after thai date, I In contest expires al p. in. Wednesday, September ,'JOth. Isabel Richey's Writings. We have a number nf books of the writings of the lale Mrs. Isa bel Richey, and friends desiriiifr a copy of these lale wrilinirs can procure them at the Journal for $1.00 each. Try the Journal for stationery. i 'hrist iau '.hurch . . . (retchen Pein Very ie I '.ampbell . . . Mable Ledyeway . . . H.-ssie Wiles l'.i'a Xidtinir Josie Shebal ka . . . . iladys Cot hit . . . . F.lla Xeumaii ir::-a Shera Anna WairmT l!.i'-dil Croskary . . . .Mrs. n. i:. Waiiidci Presb;. I erian church r.ertha Jackson Cosmopolitan C.lult . Mrs. i:. Moreland . . l ied KalVenberyer . . Lm ile Kiser Caroline Lahoiia . . Virginia Tm-y Aunes Ki'ecek Mrs. Jno. McCee . . . Mrs. Wm. Cira itt, . . Hei l ha Schubich . . . Alfretl Cret'n Mrs. Jus Keil F.lhel Lewis (irace Hunter Mrs. Philip lliiz Mrs. Wm. Simons . . . 1 . 1 I . o r. jr. t-". '7o x j L'l'O 7T iUi.-. T i C',.5 id OSO ::s .or, o::r 2T -'75 2f ('f.o 25 2.;:. 2:: o - - 20 1 0 1 -.) 1 5 o 2 or, 075 710 ir,o inn H K00 S 015 550 i:,o idii i.'r 250 0S5 055 0(1(1 GARNET COREY ENTER TAIN QUEEN ESTHERS The Olieen Fsl he;1 society of tin- Methodist church were enter tained in a ino( charmiiiLT man ner nil Tuesday exeiiinir by Miss ses (iariiet and Florence Cory al the parlors of the Perkins house. It i unnecessary In stale Dial the jolly crowd e'ljoM iI themselves as is alwas a rare treat to be en icrtainc by the Misses Cory and on Ibis occasion they proved to he most delightful llo-lesSi'S. The eveiiiuu was spent in pleasant coiiM-rsat ion and in ilisciissintr lh' plans of th- society for the coininir year. At a suitable hour a niot leniptiny and delicious re freshments were served by the hostesses that sered to further ald to the pleasures of the mem bers of the society. It was a late hour when the parly departed homeward wishinir thai they miyh! be present n many more such happy event-;. The Oueen Fslln-rs i. a missionary society of th- Methodist church under the ilireclion of Mrs. . c. 1 1 j 1 1 and their social yalhcriniis aid yreatly in I heir church work. Will preach at Cedar Creek. Rev. Swart, of Omaha, will preach in Cedar ('reek Sunday, September 2oth, both morning and eveniiifr. He will preach in the Cernian lanyuape at the uiorniiifr service at lo:;;o, and in Fnyli-h at the eveniiifr service at 7 ::;o. Itch. Itch! Itch Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch, the worse the itch. Try I loan's (liniment. For eczema, any kiu ilchiiiir. 5n- a bov. Have Located at Des Moines. iTiends here have received word from Mr. nod Mrs. J. L Richey jiiformiiiir them thai the Richey family have located at lies Moines, where Mr. Richey is ein jdoyed ami that they expect to start hoiisekeepintr in a short time there. This will be pleasimr ii'-ws to the friends of the yoiuifr people who trust thai they may enji y unbounded jirospei'ily in their new home. Sell your property through the Journal Want Ads. A healthy man is a kiiifr in his own riuhl; an unhealthy man an unhappy slave. For impure blood and slufi'fiish liver use JIurock ltlood Hitlers. On tin; market 37, vears. $ 1 .00 a bottle. Try the Journal for stationery. verlisin;? in tho Journal. Cftrolax. Users say that it is. the ideal, perfect laxitive drink. M. J. Per kins, Creen T.av. Wis., says: "I have used pills, oils, salt?, etc., but were all disagreeable and un sal isfacloi y. In Cilrolax I have found the ideal laxative drink." For sick headache, sour stomach, lazy liver, eonuesled bowels, Cit rolax is ideal. For sale by oil druggists. k ( ( ( ( ( i i ( ( i ( ( d i i ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 1 -Fanger's Big Dissolution Sale- Continues and Still Contains the Biggest Bargains of the Season! The opening day of our big sale last Saturday was sure a hummer, and while the rainy weather kept many of the farmers at home, our store was crowded all day long, and many of the bargains were snapped up by the careful buyers. The lines are yet comparatively unbroken, and the sale will continue from day to day with the same great cut prices prevailing, until the entire stock is reduced sufficiently to meet the de mands for which this sale was placed on. We want the week-end purchaser to call next Saturday and ex amine this excellent line of goods, and you will be convinced that we are offering the bargains of the year. t Calicos, worth 7c, during this sale at, per yard 4c Misses and Children's Dresses, worth up to a S1.00, for 40 and 58c 10 yards of Un bleached Muslin for 59c and so on all through this great stock you will find just such bargains in air Departments. -Everything is marked in plain figures. Call NOW, while the line is at its best. Fanger's Department Store, V. ZUCKER Manager - - - - - Plattsmouth, Neb. ) ) 1 i I A