i 4 7. PLATTer-IOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 6. M s ,11 M .,,11, ,flVJ.I 1 ' 3 11 53 E3 n NO man or woman can af ford to miss this golden opportunity. The cleanest, choicest good stock in Platts mouth to be sold at such quoted prices some goods go ing at less than one-half of its value. To save dollars upon dollarsjead this advertisement carefully and remember no matter ho at ridiculously low the prices look they are not exaggerated. Come in and see for yourself. Remember the prices in this advertise ment go into effect Saturday, September 12th. 1! an BIG DISSOLUTION SALE AT s OeoartoiLefiLt 3 COMMENCING AT 9 O'CLOCK A. M., tore ssss -Clothing and Gents' The mammouth stock off Fanger's Department Store, of Plattsmouth, Neb., to be sold, regardless of cost and value remember that there will be nothing reserved- Sale starts at 9 o'clock Saturday Morning, September 12th. TT is a duty you owe toyour--- self to investigate the val ues of this sale before making your selections. It is easy enough for anyone to spend their money, the real problem is to spend it wisely, judici ously and make every dollar buy the biggest and best val uee it can possible secure. In this Dissolution Sale you have a rnoney-saving opportunity, Such as is seldom offered. So come in and let us make these assertions good. Remember the date the sale commences Saturday, September 12th SMC urmsiimgs f Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats Men's and Young Men's Suits duriDg this sale are going at $4.50 SI 5.00 and $10.50 men's and young men's suits (ft 0 $10.00 men's and young men's Overcoats during this sale. . . J-$5.75 SI 2.50 men's and young men's Over coats during this sale S3.00 boys' s during this sale S I boys' Suits, dur ing this sale $7 boy 3' S ing this sale SI. 50 men's pants during this sale. . . S3 men's Pants dur ing this sale S 1 and $5 Pants $8.95 $1.95 $2.49 ,""$4.45 1 98c $1.95 $2.85 Remarkable Bargains in Boys Clothing! Boys' Clothing in the finest of fabrics; strong and durable, and in the neatest of styles at sur prisingly low prices: Boys' Wool Cashmere Suits. with Knickerbocker pants, all sizes, worth to $5.50 at $2.45 Boys' navy blue Serge Suits, with Knickerbocker pants, (all sizes) worth SG.50, at $3.78 The business partnership that has existed in the Department of M. Fanner, between M. Fanger and V. Zucker, has by mutual consent been dissolved, and by such an agree ment we are compelled to offer our entire line of new Fall and Winter merchandise at a sacrifice. This sale will be one of the largest ever offered in the history of Cass coun ty. This dissolution of partnership compells us to turn our large stock of goods into cash, and we want you to read every price offered in this advertisement, and you will be convinced that we are speaking the truth when we tell you that we are going to close out the line regardless of price. We want the money now and you want the goods. So there is no reason why we cannot do business during this sale. These prices will prevail until our immense stock is reduced until we can meet the demands of this dis solution of partnership. Men's Sweater Coats! ,ic Men's Sweater Coats, in jlain and colors $1.25 men's part wool Sweat ers, in jjray and brown $1.50 regular sellers, in part wool, during this sale 48c 69c 95c Men's hemstitched large white Handkerchiefs, during this sale 3c men s 1 Men's white half inch, hem- stithed handkerchief, at 5C Men's Hose, black and tan, one half, dozen, sells every-where for GOc, during this sale, per pair 7c The best grade President Sus penders, sells all over A Q for 50c, at TC3C Heavy Out in Flannel, li-rht anil dark colors, worth 12c, at Col ton Voile, in fancy stripe, per yard IJest Crake per yard Dress Cinjrham, Unbleached Muslin, per yard, at 9c 15c 10c 5&c Men's Underwear! $1.50 lleeced line Underwear, durinir t his sale 90c $2.00 Wool Underwer, during J 10 this sale pi.1 lileeced and heavy ribbed two piec Underwear, each 43c Ladies' black Hose, well worth and ready Q sellers at 10c, at. . Toadies' heavy white out ing Mlannel inntIO flo.vns, at IOC 25c Men's Carters roinir at 19c Children's Underwear! Children's two-piece wear, 33c and 25c values, during this sale at Under- 15c Heavy 12,'jc grade Outing s p e c ial purchase, during this sale, 3 Sjf yards for ( 'oal es spool cc t ton Th read durinir this sale 4c $1.C ladies' kid gloves. . 7 5c Children's dresses, sizes 2 to 14 years," $1.09 1 esses, 39c Samples of heavy Dalh Towels each 19c, ft and . -fr. the Dest rrade of Calico- bolt, per yard Boys' heavy fleece lined Union Suits at Ladies' Slip-on Raincoats ro injr at C'oates' machine thread silk spool Dest rrade of Apron Gingham going now at 5c 39c 98c '4c 6?Tc Paper Safety l'ins. bur.chhair pins, paper needles 05c Ladie large sie aprons, used as house di esses, at ... . Outing Flannel nightgowns and petticoats, worth 75c, at.. Table Oilcloth, going at per yard $1.25 Ladies' tlecce. lined un ion suits ... 3c 39c 39c 15c 69c 35c Curtain Goods, 30 inches wide, per yard Children's Flannel Sleeping Gowns Girl'sMuslin Night Gowns go ing at..., Ladies' fast color hose, blaek and t an, while they la.t Children's Gingham Honipers 19c 39c 37c 9c 38c Men's Derby Hats, black and brown, during this salet at DC Young men's heavyweight Pants, during this sale h.is$1.85 Men's Dress Pants in light and dark mixtures, dur ing this sale Men's Stetson Hats, during this sale. . . Boys fleeced Union Suits, at $1.19 $2.98 48c $1.50 men's fine Dress Shirts' very good madras AC and excellent make OC Men's and boy '3 fall and win ter Caps, worth 35c, Men's black Sateen Shirts, good we'ght . 43c Men's Flannel Dress Shirts, all colors, heavy weight, Qf from $1.50 to S2, at.. VXlC Men's turkey red Handker chiefs: they sell every where for 10c, at Men's Rockford work Sox at 7c 4c 10c 11c Men's high grade 20c Sox, per pair Men's black and white feet Sox a big bargain, at per pair Boys Knickerbocker odd Pants in brown mixtures, go- A'J ing at xOC Men's Dress Pants in light and 95c dark mixtures, going at $1.45 and Lisle dress Suspender, new webs, at Overa lis, the dollar kind, at per pair 18c 85c Plain blue bib Overalls, double sewed, swing pocket, at 47c Boys' plain blue bib Overalls, small sizes only, go at ing 21c Men's fancy striped Shirts, with collars attached, at Boys' Suspenders, dur ing thi3 sale Men's F o u r-in-IIand Silk Ties, 35c grade. . 29c 8c 20c Boys' Blouses, all colors and sizes, worth to 35c, go ing at 20c Men's Silk hose, extra good value, worth 35c, go ing at Heavyweight Knicker bocker pants Work Shirts, fcr men, at Leather and Corduroy Caps, for men, at ... . 18c 39c 40c 43c Men's Lambsdown Underwear, a extra fine 75c gar- Cfi ment, going at JUC Corduroy knee Pants for boys, at ... 69 and 39c Something About Our Millinery Department! Every lady in this locality has un doubtedly been thinking about her new Fall Hat for the past few weeks, but at the same time have been waiting until such time as you felt that the latest and best styles were on display! There is no need for delay any longer. Call and Make Your Selection Early While the Bargains arc Good. Ladies' Kimonas, well worth 82.00, sale price only Silk TalTata llibbon, worth 15 and l!0c per yard, sale price .'...5 and Boys' Hear Skin Coats, worth $1.00, during this sale Hooks and Eyes, per dozen, during this sale, at ITair Nets, with elastic, worth 10c, during this sale at Ladies' Messaline Waists, worth $(J.OO, sale price Ladies' Messaline Silk Waists, worth $4.00, sale price 95c 10c $2.25 3c 5c $3.79 $2.79 45c 1 Ladies7 Cloak and Suit Department ! In this department we are showing one of the greatest variety of Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Gar ments ever shown in this city, and we believe we are selling them right: We are offering Ladies' $12.50 Coats, handsomely tailored, in all the new and very latest J 7E? styles, at )D.0 $8.85 $9.85 $14.00 black Novelty Coats, during this sale, at $18.00 Novelty and Fancy Coats, going at H price Men's fine Dress Shirts, worth $1.50, during this sale, at 90c NOTIONS Ladies' shopping bags, chil dren's bags, bar pins, belt pins, side combs, back combs, hair rolls and fancy hat pins and a good many other things that we cannot mention in this space all of these will be sold at a very low price. Ladies' Fascinators, well knit from high quality yarn, worth G.c, sale price Ladies' Aprons, made of Ainoskeag Ginghams and Per cales, large kimono styles, worth to $1.00, in o-i three lots 85, 49 and llC Pretty new washable Waists, in the new broad shoulder effects, low neck, long sleeves; also shirt style, pn including tlannel shirt, at OiC 8 $21.00 Novelty Cloth, Silk Plush and fine imported black broadcloth. Skinner satin lining, gj $29.00 Novelty and Cape Coats, on sale at $17.75 $1.95 Children's and Misses' Coats, worth $3, sale price Ladies' Rain Coats, worth $9.00, sale dA 7 tp-fr, f J Ladies' Sample Fall Coats in Plaids and Mix tures in Cape Styles at a Very Low Price. Men's and Ladies' Shoes! JteTJust received a few leading brands which go be low cost Sorosis Quality, Queen Quality, yi r Kirkendall. American Lady worth from LjLftf $3 to 5i, going ac . $1.95, 95c 78c and Calico Worth 7c, Poring this Sale, Only 4c per yard Pmf if Nn OKiPrf fn ITc for we have cut the price below any possibility of Ulll 110 Inject IO US profit This sae wU1 ecipse anything everbefore attempted at a bargain sale. With the greatest cutting, slashing, crashing prices ever known on such high-grade merchandise. Big sale commences Saturday morning at 9. Plattsmouth, MANAGER Nebraska Dry oods an 1 9 ,aoies Furnishings! Baby and Children's Dresses and Coats! Baby bear skin Coats, a good value at $3, that we are offering at ".we$1.75 Children's Plush Coats, worth $7.50, that will be sold at $4.45 Children's extra fine Plush Coats, nicely trimmed, worth $6.00, that we are now offering for Ladies' Waists! Ladies' new Fall style Waists that we are seling QQ at.. ..40, 79 and O&C Ladies' and Missss' KIRT e$2.29 Ladies' and Misses' DRESSES Blue Serge Dresses, in both Ladies' and Misses' sizes, worth and regularly sold for $850, that we are of fering duting this sale at . . . Ladies' House Dresses, worth $1.50 to $2.50 Cfk during this H sale, at H nr Deis Ladies' black silk Underskirts at ... . $1.98 We are offering one lot of black Skirts, nicely trimmed, latest style and are well worth $3.00, that we are offering d 1 A C in this sale at tpOQD All Wool Serge Skirts that are worth $6.00. that will be sold at. $3.95 Black and Gray Wolf Fur Sets worth $7.50. During this sale Black and Brown French Co ney Sets worth $10.00, at Red Fox, Black Lynx, Brook Mink, Marmot; etc., worth up to $30, dur ing sale at $15.00 and Muslin, Sheeting and Linen Ladies' Wool Crepe Skirts in all colors, latest style, and well made, that are good at $8.00, that we are offering frj during this sale atv"" t-5"0ther higher priced skirts marked accordingly, and at prices that will suit you. CORSET In this line we have placed many bargains, and are mak ing a general reduction in all the leading brands m as follows: $2.65, Z $1.38,98, 79 and C Unbleached and bleached muslin, yd. . 2c Muslin, bleach ed, per yard 15c fine Muslin and Cambric, per yard 9-4 Unbleached Sheet ing, per yard 9-4 best grade bleach ed Sheeting, at 12JJc Toweling, bleached, per yd 95c bleached Table Cloth, per yd $1.00 pure linen Table Cloth, per yd 6c 9c 9c 25c 28c 9c 65c 75c Suit Cases and Trunks! We have a large line of Suit Cases and Trunks that have been bought right and will be sold right for quick sale: $1.50 Suit Cases, at $ .95 G.00 3.95 8.00 ' .... 5.75 fr-irWe are offering a fine line of Trunks from $2.75 up. Staple Dry Goods! 12Jic fine French Dress Ging hams; pretty new pat terns, per yard Ladies' House Dresses, Apron style, button all the way downt made of good percale light and dark colors ft r worth $1.00, 'going 2)lc Flannelette, at per yard 7c dark colors. Outing Flannel, per yd 10c Outing Flannel, per yard 12Jc heavy Outing Flannel, dark and light colors, per yard 9c 9c 4c 8c 10c Yard -wide Percale, in short lengths, worth 15c per yard, at 10c Rubbers and Overshoes! You will buy them cheaper here than any place else. Ml M ,- 9 , l : 11: V v