The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 17, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1914.
The Board of Control Scorns to Bo
Afraid to Visit Cass County
Tin state board of font rol that
ha- f..r Mm past ear been
meditating cariymi; ml the plan
for the ri-ct in .f a statt' reform
atory at in point in tin stale
under the appropriation of ir0.-
ft made by tli last statf legi--ialure.
has again gotten busy, as
Ihe .li-patt h's in tin- stall' pap'-rs
indicate, an. I ha started out to
visit tin- dilferent towns niakint-'
applirat ion for the institution
which they misled on their lirst
trip, llnmboH and Table Itoek re
eeivcd a visit from Ihem on Tues
day, which leaves Louisville and
I'lal Isniouth as the- only ones lo
I.- i.-itil. If tin board desires a
location that has every advanta'-e
the should not hesitate to mine
here in their swin-" around tin
is every po
si'nie advantage that can he claim
ed hy any of t! I her towns in
Hie state all in ..m and land an
he secured here that can he used
f.-r secral purposes, haviiur a
suiialde place tor farming, for
triot raisinLT. or. if so desired, for
llu- est ah! ish inu of a brick ard or
po!!c:. and here Hie water sup
ply i- unexcelled by any place in
Hie state. Hearhed by two lines
of railw ay. Piatt sinouth is of easy
acre-s from any part of the slate
and here Hie l'u-t-lerni prisoner
Would be able to e free from all
contact with Hie hardened crim
inals Uial would be found around
the penitentiary if it were located
at Lincoln. The board of control
-eerns to have been somewhat
partial against ("ass county in this
work, r.otne down and view our
oilerini: there is nothing here
t ha: will hit e or hurl you.
On I "ue-da evening, at or near
the supper leuir, there occurred at
Hie h. )!!,. of Mr. and Mrs. Rey
nolds I eie-1 eru ier what iniht
h:ie proven lo e a ery serious
ciitlarat ion. .Mrs. 1 !".-i Vrn icr
had started her gasoline stoe
preparatory to cooking the eveii
ineal for some of the li-n
bricklayer?- on the M. . church,
whom she i- l.oardinur. She neur-
Ite.. ho'el to stall one of
Hie juirneis which sin, had turned
on, and as a consequence gasoline
-on spread oer the Hoop and
presently a furious hla.e issued
from the icjnity of the stoe.
Here Mr. Stub ilassman entered
the house ami with gunnysaeks
smother the (lames, carried the
s(oe out in the yard while the
oiln-r men extinguished Ihe llano's
iiisi.le. We undeislaiHl thai a
oi al committee has written for a
medal which will be purchased
from appropriations from th
r.aineijie Hero fund. This would
le a lilting Iribule to the courage
of a young man who saw his duty
at a critical moment ami acted
unflinchingly. Mrs. leeslcriiiei
had one of her hands hadlv hurii-
. Kim wood Leader-l-'cho.
Home From Chicago.
Herf Larupher, who for ihe past
tew eais has been in the employ
to the Hut Iin'-loji Railroad com-
pau, arrived in Hie city yesterday
for Hie day's i-i wilh his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge Lam-
pliear. iu South Park, lici t is now
located in r.hicago, where he is
emplosed iii the Hnrliu-ttin
freighl department, under James
.ewe, an old Plallsmouth boy,
who is making good iu the rail
road business. Bert is an excel
lent young man. and his many
friends in iMatlsiiioiit h are pleased
lo know that he has a good posi
I ion and is doing well.
How the Trouble Starts.
Constipation is. the cause of
many ailments and disorders
that make life miserable. Take
Chamberlains Tablets, keep the
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. For sale by all
Pays Visit to Plattsmouth.
From s-atuiJay's Daily.
William Dowd. one of I he
democratic candidates for sheriff,
accompanied by Walter K. fail
ing, came down this morning from
Hreenwood to visit here for the
day looking after the candidacy of
.Mr. lowd. "Hill," as he is known
to his many friends throughout
the county, is getting over the
yround in frond shape, visiting the
voters in the good-natured and
gentlemanly rivalry for the ollice,
and feels quite encouraged. Mr.
Pailing is a former resident of
this city and spent several hours
very pleasantly in visiting his
inanv old friends here.
Miss Marie Kaufmann, in
structor in penmanship in the
IMatlsniout li city schools, whose
work has attracted the attention
of evervone at the Teachers' In
stitute in this cily, goes to .Ne
braska City the first of the week
lo ad as penmanship instructor
at Ihe county institute to be held
there by Superintendent Spcedic
of Otoe county. This does not
give her a great deal of res!, as
sin' has had a very strenuous
week, but the demand was so in
sistent that she assist in Hie Otoe
county institute that she finally
consented to take up the work.
There are few schools (hat are
so fortunate as to have so able an
instructor as Miss Kaufmann, and
her work here in the IMaltsinouth
schools has been something won
derful and has resulted in de
veloping this line of the school
work nearly 100 per cent and has
produced some splendid results in
Ihe work of all the grades where
formerly Ihe pupils were very in
efficient in this line of work. She
is a beautiful penman herself
and her own work cannot he
equalled, and in laboring with the
pupils she has succeeded in de
veloping them into good lirst
class artists with the pen. and in
this line she is undoubtedly one
of the best in this section of the
slate. The Otoe county superin
tendent, and teachers will tind
they have secured a splendid feat
ure for their institute in Miss
Kaufmann, and her instruction
will result in great advantage to
the schools and teachers of that
count v.
i'rom Saturday's lJaily.
Yesterday afternoon (here was
a large delegation of the members
of the Plattsmouth Conlmcrrial
club ami business men of this
citv who drove out through 'tin
county in lour automobiles in be
half of Plat t snioulb's candidate
for congress, lion. Matthew Ocr
ing. who is a candidate for thai
oliice on Ihe rep ub I ican I ickcl . The
cars were all decorated with large
pictures of the candidate and at
each of ihe different towns short
slops were made. where the
members of the parly made an
appeal for the support of the able
attorney. It has been some years
since Cass county had a candidate
for congress and Ihe citizens are
all greatly interested in seeing
Mr. Oering secure the nomination
for the ollice of congressman, and
ir nominated he will receive a
huge vote from the members of
all parties. (,, Monday evening
there will he a closing rally held
here, at which Mr. Cering will
present his candidacy to the resi
dents of his home town, where he
should receive an almost united
support. There were some twenty
persons in Ihe touring parly
through Ihe county ami all were
greatly pleased with Ihe indica
tions of support shown by tlu.
residents of the county.
Visiting in Colorado.
Friends in Ibis cily of Mrs. M.
A. Dickosn have received cards
from her at Cripple Creek, Colo
ratio, where she is taking treat
ment for hay fever. Mrs. Dickson
is feeling much heller and enjoy
ing the climate, which has proven
beneficial to her malady. Cripple
Creek is whero Mr. and Mrs. Dick
son spent their honeymoon years
ago and the visit there is one till
ed with pleasant memories to Mrs.
Everyone Present Enjoyed the
Pleasant Event, Nothing Oc
curing to Mar the Occasion.
'The picnic given vcslerday at
Koukal grove, two miles north-
wesl of this city, by IMatLsmouth
Aerie X. :n;r, 1. O. E., was one of
the most delightful events of its
kind that has ever been given here
and the attendance was quite
large, numbering several hundred
people. The location was an ideal
one, as there was an abundance of
shade and the large crowd spent
the flying hours most en.joyably in
resting iu the cool shade on the
grass and visiting, and fur those
inclined that way the dance plat
form proved a pleasing: attrac
tion and all afternoon and even
ing the jolly crowd enjoyed them
selves in dancing lo their heart's
content. The music was furnish
ed by Ihe Plattsmouth orchestra
and its pleasing strains proved a
drawing card for everyone, as the
older members of the picnic party
sat around listening to the strains
of the music.
There were ample provision
made for the large number in at
tendance and many came with
lunches and proceeded to enjoy
dinner and supper on the grounds
and remained until the cool of the
eening before wending their way
homeward. The affair was one
that reflected great credit upon the
committee, as everyone was there
for a good time and proceeded to
have it. and there was nothing to
detract from the enjoyment of
the day. For those who did not
bring their lunches and desired
to remain for the supper hour
there were booths where all man
ner of good 'things to eat could
be purchased, and this aided
greatly in making the affair a
success, as most of the crowd re
mained on the ground until evening.-leaving
with regret Ihe scene
of pleasure. There were many
aulos running: to and from the
grounds all day ami load after
load of picnickers were hauled out
lo the scene of Ihe jolly gathering.
The drive is one that is very pleas
ant and the road was lined all day
with vehicles going- out to join
i.i the pleasures of the picnic.
Taken as a whole the picnic was
certainly a treat and everyone
present felt Ilia! the committee
and bdge members were right on
Ihe job in looking after the com
fort of Ibeir gijests ami friends.
It has been the general under
standing I hat the small towns and
small stores lake I heir lessons on
styles and business methods from
those of the larger cities, but this
is not always Ihe case, as has de
veloped in this cily. 'The firm of
C. K. WescoU's Sons for the past
year have been using the motto,
"Everybody's Store" in their advertising-,
and Ibis evidently look
ed good (o one of the leading
stores of Omaha, which now car
ries that, same mollo in their ad
vertisements. It is one that, at
tracts ami it is not surprising
thai Ihe Omaha concern saw the
apiuess of il and decided lo add
it lo their own advantage. We do
not have- to lake a back seat for
anyone when i comes lo being up
to date iu JMallsnioulh, and if the
Omaha stores desire to pattern
after Plat I sinou! h methods they
surely will make no mistake in
any way.
Attends Postmasters' Convention.
Post master D. C. Morgan de
parted yesterday Tor St. Paul,
Minnesota, where he will attend
the convention of Hie first and
second-class postmasters that is
being held this week in Ihe Min
nesota city. After the adjourn
ment of the convent ion Mr. Mor
gan expects to spend the remaind
er of his vacation al the lakes
there enjoying a rest from his
duties here in I he poslolllce.
MONEY TO LOAN on Cass county
Farms. T. H. Pollock, Platts
mouth. Tel 215.
Visits the Epworth Assembly.
From Saturday's Daily.
J. E. Wiles and wife returned
yesterday afternoon in their fine
large touring car from Lincoln,
where they have been for several
days attending the Epworth
League assembly in that city.
'They report a splendid time and
an excellent program, which was
much enjoyed by the large num
ber in attendance. Olen Perry
and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Hapen were among Ihe residents
from this section of the county
who also were in attendance at the
assembly. 'They all returned
home yesterday.
Superintendent W. J. 0Mi ien
and his men arrested four young
men from South Omaha for illegal
fishing iu the Platte river Thurs
day. They were located at the
mouth of Ihe Buffalo creek on Ihe
north side of the river and had a
trammel net stretched across the
mouth of Ihe creek when the
ollieers came along and gathered
them iu.
'The boys had in their posses
sion a few spoon-bill cattish, carp
and buffalo, had csl aid isln-d a
camp and were enjoying- an out
ing. The fish they had in their
possession were for their own us
and not for market, yet the N
braska fish and game law makt
the manner in which they wen
caught illegal ami Ihe young men
must atone to the offended law.
While Hie Courier commends
Superintendent O'Hrieu and his
men for doing their duly seeini
that the law is enforced, it is con
vinced I hat a law (hat will pre
vent a farmer, laborer or any
other citizen from taking lish
from a stream like (he Platte rivei
for their own personal use, in any
manner I hey see fit is unju:
Doubtless the intention of the law
was to prevent market lishmg
which should be prohibited, but
citizens should be permitted t
calcli lisli for then- own (aides in
any manner -they desire, so long
as (hey do not deslrov small fish
unfit for use. Until the law is s
amended as o permit, the peoph
to reap some benefit from tin
things which nature and a kim
providence intended them t
enjoy, they must not censure tin
game warden it lie enforces tin
law. Louisville Courier.
Last evening Sheriff Ouinlon
was called out lo the farm of
Jacob Trilsch, jr., west of this
city, where it was reported I hen
was a man who seemed decidedly
oil menially. On the arrival I hen
of (he sherifT he look in rharg
'Tom Zurker, a young man win
has been employed (here for som
lime as a farm hand. 'The man
greatly frightened I he jnemhers o
Ihe family yesterday when he an
iiouuced thai he had become a
member of a gang of murderers
and (his statement had a d'fide
elfecl of creating" a panic among
lliem, and Mrs. Trilsch notiliei
tin; sheriff of the apparently men
tal unbalance of (he man. lf
was brought here for safekeeping
arid will be brought up before tin
insanity board for examination, as
lie is clearly in need of being kept
where he will not do any harm.
Married at Methodist Church.
Saturday at Ihe Method is
church occurred Ihe wedding ol
Frank L. Forinslall of Carson.
Iowa, anil Miss Charlotte .New
man of La Platte, IS'eb., who came
In this cily in Hie morning and
securing (he necessary license,
inquired for Ihe residence of Ihe
Methodist minister and secured
the services of Itev . F. M. Druliner,
who performed the ceremony at
the church in Ihe presence of sev
eral friends of the contracting
parlies. After the wedding cere
mony the bridal couple returned
to La Platle. going from there lo
Carson, their future home.
A. M. Wardell and wife of
Omaha were in the city over Sun
day, being guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Eastwood and
family, returning this morning lo
their home in the metropolis.
e re saying isooa-Dye
Men's Suits
Here is a clean-up
price that talk s
suits worth up to $20
about 25 of them
left. (let 'em while
they're going at $7.5U.
See west window.
This store is bidding for your business on the basis of having what you want, when you want
it and at a reasonable price. You'll find here the newest things as fast as they come out. This
week we show the new Pongeplay shirts, with short sleeves and a semi-sailor collar. They
come in white pongee and cost just $1.
New ties
every week
From Saturday's Uaily.
Thursday ning al the resi
dence i Klder Tlmmas Wiles, in
(lie r part of Ihe cily. there
was tendered a imt pleasant
farewell reception l Mrs. Inez
Sleiinep and daughter. Mis Myra.
and while the event, was mie that
meant the losing of a faithful
worker and loyal friend from Ihe
niid.-t nf the Christian church, the
crowd that tilled the Wiles home
joined in wishing Mrs. Slenner
ami daughter a josnus future in
their new home in Lincoln, for
which cily they expect lo leae to
day. There were aiious game
and musical numbers given dur
ing the evening that aided greatly
in entertaining the visitors for
several hours, and at a suitable
hour Ihe departing friends were
presented with handsome tokens
of Ihe high esteem wit li wheh they
were held by their friends here.
Mrs. Slenner being presented with
a cut glass slierberl set, whih
Miss Myra receive a lint? music
roll from Ihe members of the
Sunday school, in whieh she has
been a faithful worker for some
years past. Inning Ihe course of
Ihe evening some very delicious
refreshments were served by the
members of the Helpers' society
of Ihe church, which were greatly
enjoyed, and at a lale hour the
members of the party departed lor
Ibeir homes, wishing I heir friends
much happiness in heir new
Letter files at thn Journal office.
LL O 11
to some mighty good merchandise at some mighty low prices dur
ing our Final Clearance:
Boy's Blouse
or 5 for $1.00
Here's an item you
better stock up on
save time and trouble
making them. Neat
patterns. See 5th
street window.
Boy's Suits
$2 and $3
A few sizes left in
K n ickerboker suits
to close at $2. Aside
from these a. few ex
tra high grade boy's
suits that we offer you
at $.' cash.
C. E. Wescott's
Everybody's Store
Team Runs Away, Striking Down
- Little Girl and Runs Over Her,
With Serious Injury.
There was intense excitement
created on (he street Saturday
evening- about 8 o'clock, when
lone, -. Ihe little 1 0-year-ohi
.laughter of Mr. and Mrs. (J. II.
Towei", was run over by a runaway
team belonging- to Joseph Diltle.
The owner of the team had left
Ihem standing on the street and
gone into the store to make a
purchase, and while he was there
the horses became frightened in
some manner and started out,
running west on Main street until
they reached fourth street, where
they headed south Inward the Air
Dome, and on the crossing ran
over the little girl, who was
crossing the street al the time.
The horses struck the child down
and ran over her, and at lirst,
when the parents reached her
side, it was thought that she was
dead, and the injured little one
was conveyed to the ollice of Dr.
K. D. Cummins for treatment. An
examination of tin? child failed lo
show any broken bones, hut there
were several large bruises on the
body, caused by the hoofs of the
animals, and it is thought she may
have sustained serious internal
We have on sale this week be
tween 75 and 100 boy's Knickerbocker suits,
all new patterns and styles, all wool ma
terials, made by Ederheimer, Stein & Co.,
in Chicago, aiid guaranteed by the manu
facturer and this store to give perfect satis
faction. Good assortments in all sizes up
to 17.
This is an opportunity econo
mical parents should not miss instead of
spending $1.50 for a pair of Knicker pants,
add $1 or $2 more and get a full suit.
Economy prices on boy's suits:
Suits selling regularly for
$4.00, now
Suits selling regularly for
$5.00 and 8G.00, now
Suits selling regularly for
$7.50, now
Men's Dress
Last week we sold
a pile of these shirts.
There are a few left
and we offer them
again this week at
way below war prices
50c cash.
Every size
overall made
injuries. 1 he child remained un
conscious until about 5 o'clock
Sunday morning, when, to the de
light of the parents and relatives,
she was able to recognize Ihem.
At last reports she was resting
easier and will probably recover
without serious injury from the
There is always great danger in
b-aving teams unhitched on Ihe
streets and the accident Salurda
evening should be an object les
son to those who have been in tin?
habit of doing Ibis, and in the
future anyone having to leave
their learns on the streets would
do well to see that they are se
curely tied up, as there is always
danger of something frightening
horses and causing a dangerous
Constipation Causes Sickness.
Don't permit yourself to be
come constipated, as your sys
tem immediately begins to ab
sorb poison from Ihe backed-np
waste inatler. Use Dr. King's
New Life Pills and keep well.
There is no belter safeguard
against illness. Just take one
dose tonight. i'5c at our drug
gist. Mrs. Fred Kunsinann and Mr.
James ptacek and little daughter
were passengers this morning for
Omaha, where they will visit for
the day in that city looking after
some matters of business.
Tor Infants and Children.
Tfi3 Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
$3.80 and $4.01