A ! TiiunSDAV, JULY 23. 131. FUATTSrilOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE Jl J. . JIB II 3. Y NAMES OF THE WIN NERS WILL BE KNOWN ON NIGHT OF AUG. 1 Contestants Warned Not to Lose By Over-Confidence Get Every Possi ble Subscription. The Last Coupon Published Saturday, and Must Be in by Wednesday. f j NOTICE TO CONTESTANTS. After car'lul cnnsiilra- I timi f a number of requests ,,f votes on 'ld Mibsorip I Ii-ns ami renewals, the J (".ampais'ii Manapcr has de- ciiU'd to allow five old sub-J- srriiitions to he eiuntel in J with each flub of ten in the I- double vote offer. Tin- mean-1 that you fan turn in lie old subscriptions witli -l-each club of ten ami '-ret double votes on all. llut each flub imist be made up of at least five nvv sub- 4 -i ript ions. -j The f anii,a.-ri manager of the Journal has been a-ked dozens of times this week. "Who is sr-ni-iif to win the automobile?"' The campaign manager doesn't know any more about who is fminjr to win than b the people akinir the question. He will not know who the winners are until the judges finish foutnin.tr the votes. If he did know he would semi I he name to John Iiauer. from whom the niaehine wa purchaseil. and have them deliver it. Everbody is :el tinr anxious, but everybody will have to wait until the votes are .". ". , . . . DISTRICT NO. 1 City of Plattsmouth At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. Charles E. Martin . Miss Adelia Sayles . . . Mrs. Sybel Head Mrs. Joseph Droepe . . Miss Dorothy Britt . , Rev. F. M. Druliner Miss Anna Hei?el . , Miss Madeline Miner Miss Ferris Y'ork . . . DISTRICT NO. 2. Outside The City of Plattsmouth. At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. Miss Alma Wiedeman . . Mr. Henry Hirz, jr Miss Vivian Fitzpatrick . . Miss Daisy Langhorst . . Miss Grace II. Nolting . Miss Mildred Lee Miss Josie Kiser Miss Eula Weaver Miss Edith Peterson Miss Elsie Opp Miss Jenette Young .... Mr. Martin Nelson Miss Trudie Long Miss Etta Nickels Miss Pearl McReynolds . Mr. Dwight Propst Paul Gohrey The Plattsmouth Journal Big Booster Circulation Campaign VOTE COUPON VOID AFTER JULY 29thl Good for For M District TRIM NEATLY. eounled on the nij-'ht of Au-uf 1. Anyway, we will all know one week from Saturday niuht who the winners are. The contestant who does not do ome "tine work" within the next 10 davs. tninkuiir ttiev have "enough to win." will regret it when the linal count is made by the judges. The reward for ef forts in securiir-r new subscrib ers for the Iaily and Semi-Weekly are such ma-rniticeut ones that contestants should exert them selves to the utmost. J)oni .-t il be said that you lost by one year ly subscription! If you do all you possibly can. and then fail to win. you can't blame yourself you will have "done your best." .You may THINK you have enough DON'T THINK IT. You know how many (U' have in re serve. Hiit what about the others? They. also, have a reserve. The daily votinp' coupon will be discontinued after Saturday niht. and all such niiiM be in the bal lot box for Wednesday niuht'. count, as nothing but subscrip tion ballots will be counted when the judges take the ballot box on the last niiiht of the contest. The ballot box will be locked and seal ed by Messrs. Fox and Slater af ter the regular county on next Wednesday. and will only be opened by the judges for the final count. 10 G 7 '..' ir.n. 10 lo- .sr, K'.rjr.o 11183 lo7or 1713 1810 1375 1 19030 7 7.M5 r!7o 10i',13 :;337o 1 rot;." 43803 3300 2520 2280 1800 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 5 Votes No.. Series F Alvo Notes A. I. T'.ii.l was in Lincoln ..i,i day on business. Miss Alfa l.ini h was sIi.i',tin.Lr in Lincoln Tuesday. I.im-'s Lire Killer, Fly .'baser Mr. ami Mrs. j. .. shatter is iled at South I.eii.l Sunday, and Jip at the drufr store. J. A. Shatter went to South Hend on business Wednesday. Mr. and .Mrs. Ed Evans ant I to Lincoln the iirt of the week. .Mrs. E. M. Stone and mmi, La-Verm-, were in Lincoln Satunlav. Fred .Manners of Exeter was in town !at week visiting relatives. Mrs. A. I. Uird and children were i.sjtiuj' in Lincoln Tuesday. Miss Marie Slroemer returned from Lincoln on No. 11 Tue-.la. Mrs. L. I. Api'leinan and niece. Ehri.sl ina. went to Omaha W ed nesday. Mrs. J inwns of Omaha spent t lie week end with Mi-- llad.s Apple m a , 1 . Harry l-at's.!l was in Lincoln Tue-day nipht. -jetting repairs f..; his engine. Mr-, li. Moore and daughter. i;!a'iche, were Lincoln vi-ilo;-.-Tm'sday. Ed Pari-iott ,.f leru is 1 -i t in'-' this week with his -isle;-. Mis. Ed w aid.-. Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Friend were Sunday jiu'-Is of Mr. and Mr-. A. I. Uird and faimly. Sam Jordan returned Momlay l'rolll i'.olorado. wlli'l'e lie iia- iieeii holding down a claim. Mr-. S. 1'.. I'.oyle.. and Mr. and Mrs. Oale !;oyes wore t.:i 1 -el's to Lincoln Saturday. Mr.-, (o-rtie I... vies oi Lincohi eame in Wediie-day to i 1 1 rela tives for .- few dav s. ieort;e p.iicknei! of Slerlinu -pent Sunday with lii pareiits. Mr. and Mrs. ('.. lun kneil. Mi-s ;ialys Apph'snan. who ha- leeii vi-itinu in Omaha, re turned the tiri of I l-l Week. Mr. and Mrs. A. House of Lin coln were quests la! Sunday at the home of Mr. and .Mr-. J. !. House. Horn July 1 ! i. to M". and Mrs. H. F. Johnson, a ten ami one-half-pound son. Or. Muir at tend in is. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Evans ami Mr. and Mrs. Elmer V.arrel! alien. led itiojuLT picture show at Elmvvood Monday vn i 11 ir. Featherweight arch supports makes walkiiiu a plea-ur.- for those people with tired fee'. A i tile dlUiT sl,,:e. Hi iiiLr in your watches, rl eks and jewelry for repair every Wed nesday. Mr. Fishburn :-niarantee-his work. At dnii: stoi e. Mi-s Orace MrEonnell of Lin coln has been hired as principal of the i schools. Mi-s Wilia Mumlt will leach the primary de part ment . J. V. Cochran returned Sunday from his vacation. and Mr. Mathi-. who has been relievin-.-him. left Sunday to take a similar posit ion at Ilofkeby. Mi-s Edith (-:ie of Heaver Ero.-.-inir came in la-l week, -pending si'veral days v.ith Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. House and olher friends. she returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Slulheil visited sev eral days with Mrs. if. M v la-l week. Mr. Stutheil came down Sunday, spending the day with them, both returning home on .'o. !7 Sunday evening. Hev. and Mrs. 15. L. Story, for merly :asor of the M. E. church at this place, came in from !:- ton. Mass., Monday, visit ip.ir w ith friends here until Tuesday, when they left for a visit with hi- par ents at Franklin. Neb. Mr. and Mrs. o. Baldwin re turned home a week airo Monday evenintr from a three weeks' vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Iiahlwm have located in Fniver-ily Place and will move about the first of Aug ust. Mr. Baldwin has accepted a rood position in Lincoln and left Thursday for his new field of la bor. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin left on No. 17 Sunday eveninp- for I'niversily Plare. They will be irreatly missed by their many f riends. Clarence Curyea came home to day from the Curyea farms in Kansas, uiiere he was looking af ter their interests. He reports wheat yieldinsr 10 to 30 bushels per acre. Mr. Curyea brought home some samples of prardeii products which were fine. He also broupht two samples of irrass that are new ami wilh-land the dry weather one Soudan crass which is about as tall as a man, and the other, we think the name is Hearsley prrass they sow about a peck to the acre. It slools to be a preat size. The Sunday State Journal of July t '. contained the following: 'Mr. and Mrs. L. E. P.obbitt. of Lincoln, livrori J. Foreman and Slater Hock of Niobrara. Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. C.iMcirr of Filivelsity Place Will leave the liist. of the week l'oj' an auto- middle trip to Colorado to be L:one four Weeks." II also. -tales; "Mr. ami Mrs. L. I-'. Bobbitt entertain e,i Friday in honor of the loth bii ihday of their daughter. Hazel, Iw nty-four friends of Mjs Bob bill. The house ami lawn were decoraied in red, while ;;m, (due. (lames were playi-d and refresb fneilis vvere -erved.' Mr. and Ml'-. Ca-hm-r and Mr. and .Mr-. Iloi bilt were formerly i-siden's of t his plaee. Blarfik books of all kinds at the Journal office. A Very Handsome Gift. . mos lea'tlifn! a id useful i j f ) was pre-cut. d to Mi-- (.lady-, the little dau-'hter of Mr. ;,,:d M ; -. Lee Coiner, bv - i';.! i:e-. . II. Ti iw of t !i - y. Tin j i I f coii-isleil of a inreau. '- bi! of which was hand-ma !e. (. ork all bei-i - d me i' and the vil'l i- Ioi:i.y i r. T 'V or. valued by Hi., little lady o i 'his acouid. The Wo;j OTl the bu:-' !!! i eeel lent and i-ipe ;H:d -li . iV"s kill. a I I.I I. MIT!U:. In ll.f litricl ( iiurt a . ii?-s :..;!:si :i 1". .. i!y.f, l'!a, , William Sir.'.., -t a!., Tu t V- :.jf.:i. Oils. : ! u n kri'..,A i 1 e i rs u t" .lei atJ.iali VV.i.i". t! ' U-i Ji-ram i.: !: VVa.'..-, ImtI.. ( ! . I. .' i .(' t i lit . , l.ti'.- of Sara1 1 . I'. -: :i !-..r-i io! k ; ;. :. oa v i f J i. i v, 1 i ; 1 l i . f i i t ' I 'is : 1. ' ( V.::r.t..-. X-'.I .i-ka, t::" mi: l ti;.- i in T'':.i i ! i . : i.;.--k live .".. X. l-ia - ka . f'lx i at i t !if ov I Ml i'i ; 1 1 . t ! -. mi ;-ri i wl .'"I he h '.!, i-ave ,-. . I.. 'to! "is. eollti! i-.l.ii a.lVei-.-e Jio-.-f i.Ml in.: .-f in ii f t ! ri ! t i .-st : ' l-at i! tV.a'i' l.f- -1 ;.i i T . ! . ' a. i. iiTMi i I a v ' t: - of ckiitu: re-, :i . tor t. or !. -i l.ii' 1 ' i a or To y;ii'l lot a :!!;' vnu i-iii-h. of ! ot i tif I to ; f o:t , an ii.'. i--t. o i in i"" i !.n: : :, : a n i r s ... ii . T . i - . ; .-f ;. s m; t j 'i i t '; : i.- ii- ; is tu; o! i -: t ' -;.-i- of t eu.u i :: t'.-l I a '..vv -a :1 :.. for.. t'i" Ttk oil-.' of : . . o u r tie fa i.i i I wili t fin. NAT! I N ii. U. WINI li AM. Aii I Vn-iii'i's. ."o;.;,::i Sti-'-t. '.V:lli;:::i Str-'-t. . ri'iv:i l.i-i of ' i :,a.; n iiii'i ' . u v i vin oii.. t!."casvi. I that or, tl.f . e'.ain' !!f t;i . ; ; 1.. t i I. u-f to a l i i a sa'.l I. ;. '."IS l-!i':er in act i la i. - 1 CI .-a i.l i i-i a . a -s 'a -1 - 1 1 t ' , i s 1 : i t ; .,r '. oi. frot! il. :t. t 't V. !M- - V ,-;;Mta! :-. a : t i i f : si I ;!;. i ,c ;.t. tai.. or in .- a i 1 1 I 1 . 1 f ;- ;t ral f i. M . : .-r rs; Vot : set to :.!- f"- . i : i ..I' r. U'M. .;! -roil -i-nrrz;: - . 7-:"- ;r.v!:lv V(IT1 i". In llu- Iiistrifl Conn nf nis injf:l.., Vcl rii..!:i. !i' i!ii aiol .Vnotr-v.- l;in;n. !-.a:i !..'.! I '. :?.! - n. ; ;; .i- i: (- of .I..;- ! T" J 1.. n ! . Knisr M in TU-iis ;o. l 1 . ! ! lvlai.vn )'. ? i l - ! i : ' . ; . i ' -I .!'.-!.;: i. I .1 ; I nVnuwn - ol Jo; a 1. Kiui.r. 1 '.( i.sc.l : Voii i'i..! -;e a of yon arc herehv l.'.taieil t!:a: o'l if..- i T : il i1...'.- of .!lM. A. i '. 1!'!. ('.. i.' U'i. ili-ini a:..l . !-. ;!-. -v. ..!uui. a-. ;.ai-ti'Ts. tii.-l a it i-.n i n I iif l-i.-tiit I'm::-; of :i.,s ' il'.'. N' i.i ..sk.-i. a;;:i.' t mi i. i'.f : a.i.i ii .s : t !'isl i ! ' o'.j-'. t a.-i'i t.ray.T !' sai'. If ti l'..:i i: tu i-iiiet ai. a coi-iiiri in tic : hi i;iti:.'. ' - !i-:ai. t!'c til'-' i1 i. oi-ihvvest i.:arl r t N. VV. '..i if the lo.r-tle. --I cal l.-'- . . VV. -i u!" tion tvi-tity-: V. O --. TeW :1. i ( t ."five ; .N'i it:,', Uar--- :--; i 1'" K-ist of ti,- t ! I'. M., Cass Co-.ntv. .-hiii.- ka. ai; ! ; a. Ii at;. I t-Vc'.'.- art th.-i-oof. alni ; :s t! ' I laintl'.ff. Niiii.-. i.iai-i. tie- tit! to till s'i'.l i ail i S. t;, of the no ft I 1 quaittT i N. VV. ' , i of .oviioii l'ft:l ' . o :). To-iisi-i !-i'"U'. il-i N'ui'h, I'atr.t' t-n (l'o. l-a.st of t!..- .In ! -. M.. in V";;-- I'o.int . N'rl : a.--'-a. : !ol . a. a:..! e . r i art t ..Mi o;. a.a.l lo i.l l.iia a j .:.;ui)..i.i .1... i...i''4 that ;!n- ihainiiifs, ( : :-... -...- IH-im it ii. 1 -' i'! i.-w lanm. are the .w iters ii h,,i.'j of sael .'Vt-; ;' ! t'.-at of tia! ;.::' e cry I-ait thtrcof. a ml tu '"eiever har ttinl :. i III.!., you a:;.! -. :; of you fr.-m any ii';!.t. :ii!o, im.-tv. ; ur -.iaini :n an.l t s. i 1 several tra.-t.-- T ffiil tstaie i . ie- ii. iit-fmv h. st i i! e.i. or any a.-t tl'.e;-.- ot: plain t t : a i I-; in their sae! aire. I the title tu f r. al estate ami thereof, in tlieill--t 1 e U ! I,'. OI s, 1 ... ri 'Hi s. at i ri' I, a I -: i nuous .is.-ess j, ri pet it ion in ha ye a sa el s. y. ral t r.u l ea.. I: a n i ; every a ; i selves a ml t heir re- : virtue of , en. o t V.-l't-e, l ost i'- ate! cot of the same urab-r e'aitti of u wilts i . P foi uv.'r thirty yeats. Vou are i-e.;ai:e,l to answer sahl mti li'.n ui or lefme Hie Ttii ea y of Sep tei.tb.r, A. I. 1 V 1 4 c::i i:':k iikim. AXIUHiW HI. I'M. Hv AI.THKl: C. 1 "A N'i "t 'A ST, Tla-ir -V t tirriif v. 7-:.-:'-wks. MITICK TO !i HIHTtHts. Ill the 'uiitv Ctmrl of lli- 'iUHty f Cuss. el.rii.-lsu In ih'-Kstati of A 1 vara A. Fish. I if -cease, 1. You are hereby m'tifie.l that iieaririss upon all claim.- a-aiast saul estate will be had at the ofn.-- of th- County Judf. Coiirt House, i'hitts-.nouth. Cass Counts. Nebraska, mi the 1-ttli day "f of February, A. I . H'la. at ten udoik of February. A. I) HH!. si t ten o'cloik a. in. eri eaeli of sai-i iias. All claims not filed by said hour "u .-aid last day of liea n r.K v-ill be forever hatred. Bv the I'mirt. allk.v j. i:ni:.-i .v. Cuinty Ja litre. i. awls Sc i:ohi:i:ts"N. .V 1 1 o r n e y s . 1 wks IX COIATV ClllltT. ST.VTK f)F NKHUASK.V, Coutitv ef Cass. ss. In the Matter of the Kstate of K. G. Iovev. lieceased. To AH'l'ersoiis Interested: Yon are hereby notitied that there lias been filed In this court the report of George K. I ovey, administrator of the estate of K. (k I'ovey, deeeased, pravintv therein that said report be approved bv this court and lie be dis-c-liars-eti as such administrator. to which report there is mrtv on lile in said court the reply of Frank K. Schlater as special administrator of the estate of Jane A. I ovev. deceased. You are further notified that a hear-ins-r will be had upon paid report and reply before the court in the county cojrt rooms at Plattsmouth. in said county, on the 10th day of August, at 9 o'clock a. m. .VII persons will therefore govern themselves accordingly. Witness my hand and the seal of the Countv Court of said county this 20th day of July, 1914. (S-al ALLEN -T. BEK-ONV Countv JudK- 7-20-3wks IV THK nisTRIf'T COIHT OF TIIH ( (MM V or 'ASS, MMlIt ASJvV. 'it!, ' Suit o t ui-t 'I II If. "William .It-nil, Mary 10. Tharl.onntai a tnl Kratr.u i'luirboi.iii'-aii, i n t i :'! .-. v-. llairit-t 1 'a 1 1 r.-'Hi. ft f I , I iel-il tin ii ! -. Tu tin- !efTTliilitK. .voirgii. H. l':it-tf-r-uii. Mr.". L i ;n ;i,s I.. I'm toi-sm.. fu-t real liaui- (iukinvn. .vi:f ." L;. cure us li. li 1 1 r -nii : f:ai,ni.'T. l:!ak, j;.ii--l:, l.I'st l-al fi;ir:le illikliniv i, 1 lisliaipil of I!:o:iiir T. );!:?k: l.i'lti'e il. il Ls. Virts, !ii-t i --a 1 iiaU'f un- Utk.w:.. 1 Tislana i,f !...ttif H. Virfs: HmwuiiI I'altfisiin, Mr.-. I luwa.nl 1'at-tt-rsuii. t:rst i.al i.ane- r, n kui-w n. v i ff of iliovanl 1 'a I t : l-;i!.el!;i Mor,-f Moi.re. lil-f a;il !:.!!)- 1 1 !l k n '.' tl , i v;!an.l of l.-al.e!!:i Moon-; l.iilie .Toy. rir-f nal nai'it- n n):i,o. !:. 1 i!sl.atel of I.illie .iov: lrriie j 'a t f f r.-on Mnrjifiy, Fi'f.l .V. VI-.ii i . f i Janes i 'a 1 1 i'i-s.h,, I'.u ; nui : i :i l':it lo-.-nn, J ; . i 1 1 1 I". KiiiH, Churl.-s II. Kiier. Sanutl I:. .1. !:: on. Ma i t ha !:. Junn-un. K.itrittti.l K. V,. 'ti, M. Woo' -ox-, nf-f Wuoilriitr. II- also knoun as Il.-h-n M. Wnmli uli ; j: i 1 I'lilVes. X- !t:e I'liives. l-.thel l'.!a!,rf aiol V'i!!iaiii II. Ih-iii.e. Kinily 1'atterson, .Viarv 1'att. r:i.n .storm. Jo'ui .-t nm, liiratn H. i'mvii-i-, M t-.J I i m m H. Io lor, h'-st real natn-" liiiklov. n, .v i l" e of ! Hrr. in 11. Fouler; .liistns 1. Coza!. Mis. liis'..-: I.. C r'a.!. ti-st re:-.! natae mi !iiiovn, wife of J 'sin.- k. c'-iya-l: V.'m. ii. 1'i.nio-, Mis. Win. i: I'oi.l.e. Iii- i-ai nam" iink'n-vii, v. i fi of W'r.i. t". I'oi-.;, : V"'a. ih i'ai.ie... Mrs. VV:i. l-l. i'ii:i!-e, u r-1 real iiatin imk:i". u, wis'f of W'rv lh i'at.hc; WiKia.'H Miir, Mr-. V:;:;a!ii Mi.ier, f-r.-t i-al hull. ii n k :i r v.- n. v.- i f h cf V,';:i:itn Mi'iei-; .!. e, has M-ii ton, Mrs. Joe;.n i Mot -ton. ;',r.-i !;:! natio- u r, !; . .... :. wife if .l..--..,-. Moi-!...:: i-ami-ie Hurst c..- Co.. the i. a k inov n I tii'-, :. ..-an. -. y.i.-ce---oi atnl :vsii!is of rn j.ie 'i ii - L 6. ' '.. Mi s. .i: ; ie, ... ;i; :-.at i.atile i. . n. viJ..v i f .1 a:i:es h'ia t-ii, rie-i-.-i-s.-il; . A. Ja. son. :i-st real mnie nakrov. ri : M's. A. A. .latnisuri. Iirst lea! t a?:if k. o-a-n. wify if A. A. Jamison: Jul. .;i kuit.l. .Vt-s. .l..!!!,s!ua l.:ir.l, irst i -!;) naiaf- nr.ktee.v:.. wife of .loini--oo kail !: Joss,..-. A. Ci.v. Mrs. .Ie--ee A. i'o. a t i -a! : aai.e it ..known, v.afe of .N-s-e A. C.; lia !win: M' -. Ha C. c,oo. ;..-:;.. i; st n-u! i.i, tie. tittkni.-u it. wife f !r.. K. ' lwin; John Ah-rh-art. alias .!.;, -t- ! art; Mrs. Joh:i A l.ei !,ea rt. alias 1"1...im 'art. I.rr r.-a ! na:;;-- t.akn i.vn: 1"! ra -a::-, willow of Jos-;.;, S.ms, lieteaseii; nilhari iliitsiin. M1 rs. William Uuts'Mi. ;i : 1 : . i !::i!iim utikiiov ri. 'vif of VV'il ! 1 !:it-ie ; Wi; . Til W. ('i.-nii-i', Mr-'. VV: l VV. i ':e!M ns. i:r.-t -f.i! name itiknu.yp, wife i f W ollaiii VV. C'-n.eris; l.e ai -.- lii.i'.-rt, liiiivv 111 !l..-! t. (Irs; iv. 1 nnkf inv-'i, wi.'.- of !itnry .'fnii-er:: Wrr. S. M. iC'iiht .'i- Co.. t!;f '!;!': ' '.v:i '-Tra ! e s m .-, a:ni assigns of Wi.i. M , Kr.;-!,t Co.; .1 -e .. Co-;. ;.' ) k-io.' n a-" J -X. Co-.: Mr-. Je--.-- .v. I ' a" , tirst r-al ti-ini- iin ke.ov. u, v.-ii'e of Jess-- A. " '. a-'-o kr;iovn as .; a. Co : Mae 1 'at t e:so-i '.i.hnn. Alhert lh t.o ir;:u James 1'ieii-e, Mrs. Jiiriie-- i'ieire. i; rs-t if it t nait.e cn k ro wn. v. if-- if Janes i .--. -. ; lh T. !hsl'. 1-rst real rtaan- ur.laiuu !,: !;.. i- h T. l-hsl;. :: r t rtU i.ani mt'inown. of l-l. T. Kish : A. V. Jain-sop., hirst r-a I naPi" ttt'V r. : Mr--. A. A. Jao. ' soj,. ticst nal i:;i:;.e taiknori, wife of 1. A. Ja ni.-s..:; : Sace-i- Mnrst. Mrs. -ii'Mile llia-st. t'r.-t real ! ar.it- tinknown. - if.- of Sawn". '.'list. .!! a VV. I'uv.vll, Mrs. .),-- M - Howe!!, Mrs lei! ti.i'ne ii,l:r.i"vt, v.-if- of John VV. Howell; M rs. Hiii-- Ham. first real nai:'" itn-l-:i--.' n. w I f of Iot:-.'-- Iho'i; I at -hael StitlTorii. v.-j.Ii.v,- of Hohei t VV. HTa ' or. I. -as.i!. a'so U-'i-e.-n as "lo-Tt Staf-fe;-.l an.l !;. Vh St a ff"'.1 : .e..vR,. A. Havis. Jir. Ceor:-- A. Ha. is. tirst leal r, .ink now.!, wife of Ci-..r-:e A. Haxis: ('aai-i.-s I'.-. 1 1 ;-rsi. S'isan liivs-e!;en!-. ro e I 'e, !: !; . . liMM.-iiiiai-, ii- .-i l i :i 1 rtiiitte a !-. la a. has! an-', of Sasan lirnar!; '.!!: ii.:-TiS i in-ker, Mr-. !:o.iot;.i, i...-K-... te-.-t ' v:i! name r. kr.o'A n. v i f ' i i ;. .1-,! ; h; 1'e-k, r: i'i.r.soa e-k r. .V! -s !:;::"! H-' ker. '.' . -: i.-a! ran" rnknown. wife of Kan 5o;i l-.-.-ker: .!.' ers.--, lota.:-. ,... t.-s I. Munirate. M-r. Ci.arles ti. Mi n-;ate. tirst re: i mini.' v tikri'iv.-n. v.- i of CI : rh C. l'u'i-rat.. liarrl.-iii 11 a n a t -, Mrs. Harrison H ma-ate. tii st real name nakrii'wn. wife of Harrison Hunate: Ju'i-n JIanu.-ae. ?,rs. John Ilnpate. first real name t.nkif .in, wife of John Ilnn ;;;:;; Mary S. Ho. .efts, n o ltuntf; 1 '.!. rt s. Jirt r,a! name i:n- ki.ev. t:. l.a.-'.a;..'! of M.. -.- S. UoLeras: 'yntiiia .!. I'.e.l. I ! a'ttita e: '.!. i:t r. a! ii-m- i: p.k'io wn. !'i;shani ot .' n'h'a .!. !: fi; aa-a.-s . ! I o ,, .;:: ... a'l's. James A. Ha' -rale, tiist leal taimo iinkiiowr,. wii'"- of Jaaies .V. 1 1 1. ti ira te : Nail. .- lh llohl'ison. !o-e Huns-rate: HohiT'.son 'irst r-. 1 nanv un- sn. l a-l jr.. ' of Xariv lh i: i . i.il'a i h 1 na.'i;i I a. in. I ee 1 1 ui"-fa! : I n.'.. ra! am. lir-t real naiia- iMiliii'i'.vn. ! a;;d of l.iUa I-:. 1 !:..r:-u ha m ; lhiit!; r'ah!-:-. Myrtle iahbr. Fie 1 !!i!T-'aU, i.ir'ii Huns-ate. H-ssie Hnnaati-. Iiua-eii-' liaaate. Mr, . Tlasnl'.rv 1 k-r.. first real toime tinl;:i"w n, . iii..w of Theodore i i..-r, e.-ai a; i-i : Svh'e;-t'-n I .-r. Mrs. S.-lyesfs-f, i ,,. k'-r-, tir st real name or. i. -v f.-- ef S-.-lVe.-ten l.-cker: Hcn'-i-t'a I .eekft. Jo! n M G-bh-. :irs. J' ri M. Ga!'!,-. first r.-al name un hnev.n. wife of John M. GabP; Ale:, an.ler C;.b!e. Mrs. Alexaad. r Giihle. first raai r;iri.e unknown, wift- ,,f Ab'Mitniei-Car!-.; John H. .';;: i--r, Mrs. John H. Craiir. first nal mini" unknown, wife of Jo' n II. Cra it; : James Giiler. Mrs. Jau.es CiNef, first real n.-me unknown, -.-if-, of .lam. s Cillet; .Vmlia-.v Hopkins, Hannah ah Hopkins. Joan TiM'ii'.s"H, wi.'.e.v of .iatnes H 'ri'-ora s, n. de-east-.!, a I - o known as J. I. '!homrison: il '.ward L. Thomnson. Mrs. Kdw.ud I.. Tli'irip-so-i. tiist teal tiame unh mm n. wife of IMvviir.I T.. T.!e:..p-'on: Frank Tho:ni son. William H. Spiatlen, also known as VV". H. Spra I b'li. William il. Sphttliii .and a';,, known os W. H Snratiin; Susari I-h Spratlen. Sn-aian Ik Splatliti, .Mii-ia.la i . Towr.er. widow of A, Latins (. T wr.er. deceased: James J. HojJiins, :. James il. Hopkins, first real i,ame Mr ; i n k no w :i. wife of Jar-ies II. Hopkins; John Ij. Land. Kva r.'asii. John Glass. M;s. Juh-i Glars. first real name un known, wife of John Glass; Leslie C. HakT. Mrs. Leslie C. l'.ak. r, first real name unknown, wife of Lcsli" ('. Halier; William Jh Havis, Mariiar.-t An lfavis, also known as il. .V. liavis; Mrs. San ford W. Spratliri, irst real nnm. un knowti. widow of San ford W. Spratlin, deceased : Mrs. Simon Lucas, first real iiun-.e uiiknuwn. widow of Simon Lucas, d.-cecsed ; KM sa h Cor.nors. Mrs. Kli-ali Connors, first real name unknown, wife of Klir-rah Connors: Klijah Conner, Mrs. I.li.uah Corner, first real name un known, wife of Elijah Conner: Hannah H. V"au-hn, Vauifhn. first real name unknuwn. Iiu?band of Hannah H. Vaushn: Georscr A. Hiss, Mrs. (Jeorfre A. Fer-ss. first real name unknown, wife of Georse A. His.iiTs; Mrs. .eoi sce AV. Lacy. Jr.. also known as Mrs. Georse W. Lacy, first real name unknown, widow of Georne W. Iacy, Jr., doc-eased, also known as Gc-orsre W. I-icy; Thomas I 'eninston. Thomas I'uninston, Sarah l-l. I'tninston. Sarah E. I'lininir ti.n. Mrs. Joshua Murray, tirst real name unknown, widow of Joshua Murray, deceased: John 1 1. Hb-rbee, Mrs. John IL liisbee, tirst real name unknown, wife of Joiia H. Hisbee: Georse -V. Cutler, Mrs. ib-orse A. Cutler, tirst real name unknown, wife of Georse A. Cutler: Henry C. Cutler. Mrs. Henry C. Cutler, first real name unknown, wife of Henry C. Cutler; Nancy Jane Spratlin. Spratlin, first real name unknown. husLand of Nancy Jane Spratlin: Sarah H. Yenncr. widow of Francis M. You n sr. Sr.. deceased, also known as V. M. Youns: Samuel !:. Johnson, Martha E. Johnson. Capitola Graves, nee lieod; J. I . Graves," first real r.am unknown: Jacob " Kee l, Mrs. Jacob Heed, lirst real name unknown, wife of Jacob Reed: James Lucas, Nancy J. Lucas, Mary C. Ewins. S. E. Ew-ins. first real name unknown: Marv- Connally. widow of Guilford r. Connally. deceased: Mrs. James G. Komine, first real name un known, widow of James G. Komine, deceased: William Gilmour, Mrs. Wil liam Gilmour. first real name unknown, wife of Willic.m Gilmour: Marsaret 13 vers, nee Gilmour: livers, first real name unknown, hushand of Mar caret Byers: Mary Archer, nee Shera; James Archer, James N, Shera. Mrs. James X. Shera. first real name un known, wife of James X. Shera: Ezra E. Kevnolds. alias Erasmus H. Reynolds and E. E. Kevnolds; Mary M. Reynolds, Olive rsaffer.baush, nee Graves Daffenhaush. first real name unknown. husband of Olive Ijaffenbatish : Haul Graves, Khoba Bates, widow of Isaac Bates, deeeased; Burton Parker, Mrs. T-iirton Parker, first r.-al tiainf nti k!io. i,. wife of iraitoii l'.uk i : Mai v .V!. Uai lielor, me HaU-s: J. It. I';e la lor, liist real nam- unknown: Lcinuii r.at. Mrs. i,.-n.'Otl Uatis. Iir.st l.-a! nam.- i:n kriown. wif.- of l.- m.,n l-ati s: .!. a l:.iU-.-. Mrs. Jul in Halt's, lit-.-: ral iia;n. leiknown. w iff of n l'.al : Mi -'. A.lani llacs. tii-t real l. i Hi v. i. ow of A. lam Hates. , . a t ! : .1 ; .1. Ha'.s. Mrs. Jatol- l.'i'.es. lir-t rial nam. i:!ik'iii.ii, wile of Jacob lhit'-s: .1 .i!iu H.c.es, Mrs. Julius Hates, fust real name lilikiinvii, v ile of Jiliias Hat.s; l,em ari Hates, .Mrs. I.eonar.i Hat.-s, liist ir.il name nnhnown. wife i f l.eo'iar.i Hates; Susan ShiimhUn, nee i:atf-: Shaml.hii, liist real nanu- n nkii" n. hnsnaiol of Sn.san Sa . rr: 1 ! i n : J-ir.e na.-!.. !or, neo Hates; ni!ii Ha, la ior, Wiliiain Cliaii'l!''!', Alice Cl.an.'il.-r, Jsa oeliu Haiin-v, llfW't: CI. : ri-!. i ! 1 , Mr.-'. ;-.. rif C!'i'.fi:i!l, lit-1 real nini" tni known, v.afe of hfun'H Chnr !ii! ! : James Watson, Mar' ha Watson. Joi n h Citar; i!ei. Mart . a lh Chntnller. Amos Case. Mrs. Amos Ci", lirst real nam--lit, r: i:o,vn, wife of Amos C-sv-; C!aTt !e--Ih Cam li, Mrs. Claries ih Carrel I. first rec I name nnknown. s ife of l'!i;irh" lh Carre 11 : the unknown ;firs ami ilevisees Of t'pe foliOWir..' liatneil lie,-e;ise. J:.-r- son.s. tu-wit: Hiram li. Kowl.-r, Mrs. Hiraro H. I'owh-r, t'.rst rea. ! name un known: .lii-tr.s I,. c.,7.!o!, Mrs. Justus- u "oz.-o!, first l.-al natne anknown; V.'m. lh I'onb-e, Mi --. VVm. lh i'onl, .-. first real : aine unknown: VVia. 11 HaMee, Mis. Win. lh t'aiiiee. tirst r.-a! iiumi-i-nknown: William .MiU.-i. Mrs. VVilMtntu Miiler, lii st leal name inkmiwn ; Josenh'is Morton. Mi--. -I"s.-;i!nis Morton. riot real i;it:ic uti kr.o'.ea; Jaui'-s laeeri, Mrs J;mu s c.m eer,, first, r. al iiar;i niik..o. n: A. .V. .1 an; iso.'i. fir--1 real r.an e i aiknow n: .I'-'. A. A. Jamison, first r.-a 1 name unknown; Johnston I.aiiJ. M.s. k,l n-tu:i l.ainl. tir-t na i name unknown: Jes.-e A. C i. Mr.-. J -si e A. Co:., tost ' : ! raartie u n k iio v.' n : Ira lh Co-e1.-v in. M rs. It.i 1:' Coo.lwln. tirst real !:irne I. known; John Al.erheart. alkis J..hr Kl tier!. art; Mis. John A l.er !i-a rt , :il a- Kliliei iiart. tiist real name un known: Jos. pa San.-. Whlia-n ll'ih"'i. Mrs. W'ihiani Hi'.-oo. tir-f i.al na mi ll' known: Will lata Vv. ci.ro. is. M.s. William VV. Cb-ni :. t!r-f i- ai name ntiknuv.-n: H'-nrv Hull.!'.. y Hulli'ft, hr.-t teiil ti.-:;ue unknown; Jf-...-.-V. Cox. a!-" krio.vn as J. A. Co., ; Mr-'. Jesse A. i'uv, Iirst rea! tiam- unknown: James- I'ier-ae, ?.!;-. JalaeS I'i- ! e, lir-t real ii.'iru' uri!:ta;wn: lh T. Fi-h, f rst ;; j; a .-- i ::Uni,v n : Mrs. Ih T. Ki.-'li, first real :..; .- ia.kn.iv. u : A. .V. Ja rue s'.. u hT-t i-ea! jitt me unknown; t-s. A. A. Jameson, tir-t in:! nam.- n 1: a -.'. n : Sample Hutst. Mrs. Sarnj!- Ii irst. fli'st real name unknowii: Joioi W. !iow, li. M rs. John VV. 1 1 w.-M, rir-t rea 1 nam ut;kn., w ii : Mr-. Ih::rv .'.m h--t l ";i 1 n; tri" -aukm-wr : Hoa-rt VV. Si"fi f'h ah-o known a.- Ho rt -taHor-.l ami n. W. Staffoni; fleoriio A. 1 jv!s. Mrs. rye A. I avis. tirst lea' na'v un known: to!;.!, re.t.,-r. Mrs. !:p,!o!;,!i l'tk r. first r-a.l ?atm- unknown; lian- son n-i k r, i . Ms- i: i-n I ' ': v. first. : b-re I 'ec k -r, f;r.-t rent na'a.e H-i k. r. Mrs. r-al tin rrin un real nam unknown: 'I Mrs. Theodore ! ., .-per. unknown; S v 1 v - i . a S: vvi-si.s-'i Jn-i ker, lirsl known: Ken-i'tt.l i.e-K.!-, .loill M. Cable, Mrs. John M. Cable. Hot r, a I nine' unknown: !.;-. n-bo- ikil.l--. Mrs. A!e"a ruler ;.- I.V, Iirst at nana- un known; Join II. ..,,;-. Mrs. .John If. mis. t-st r-a! more n rikri .vr. : ..am Gill, '. Mrs. Jan.es CU:et. first r-.i! nar.ie o r:kri.iv. n : .i:r.w Hopk'ns. lli'inali lh Hniikhi::, Williaei s I.a.t'.a. also kii'uvn a VY. S. Latta: Safiiii lh l.att-i. VS'illiam c. spmtlen. ch-o known as W. H. St-rat b-n : Susan E. Srir-ati-ri. Acbatias C. T'.wtier, Mi'-an.ia I-. Towner, Jaim-s if. H.-pkins. Mrs. James H. Ho'-ki'-.s. rir.-t real name, i.rikaov.n: John Glass, Mrs. .ii'hn class, first r-a.l nam" un known : Los lie C. 1 taker. Mrs. I.clic C Ha ker. first l--al name utiknown: Wiiiiam ih l'a--is, .'hu-a ret An I 'avis, aiso 'mown as M. A. I)a is: Sanford VV". ratlin. Simon l-'n-a.-', Elicrsk 'otiiiors. I'.ii.iiih Connor. Mi-a Elijah Connors, list real name u n k no v, a : Mrs. Elijah c. uiier-. tu -t teal nair-.e i;nkr;own; Ha i- iiali I:. Vail'shu. V'anahn, first r. a! name unknown: Isaac I ' . r. Ai res, tt S. Dyer. Geors'" A. Uis-s. Mrs. 'horse .V. IJiuss. first r.-al nana, un known: I'.ni; Iiohson, nh-o known a Hark G. Dobson: il.-orse W. La-y, Jr., also known ; s G.-orse W. Lacy: Mis. Ge.-rse W. 1 in y . Jr.. also known .-i.c M-s. 4 5eo rse W. La.---, first I -a '. nat.ie unknown: Thomas I 'en i n a t on. Thomas I'urinini'n. Saiah E. I'siiiimlnn. Sar;ili I". Hnnirstrton. J-e 'out Murray , John 1 1 Iri-Pte, Mrs. Jehri I ! . ilis-er-, first real name uiiKnowri; ;-.ncy Jar...- Spratlin. Spratlin. first real name un known, widower of Nancy Jane Sprat La; Franc.!:' M. Youns. irk'., James Limas:. X'aney J. Lucas, Mary C. Ewins, S. lh E '.v i n i.-. first iiai siam unKnown: ouiifortl l . c '. tiiilly. als known as h 1 . i'.mi niilly and C. I '. Connail v; James G. Koriiin Mrs. Frank Tiiompson. ioa. ( ' i 1 mm . 1-. hist real name unknown: Henry Shera James Wabfow, nlso known as .lann-i VVoh-t.iw; V.'elN Sas-r-, also known :;s V,".-ils Saser: Adam Hates. 11. S. Inn and. first real name unknown, and I.i: wren e 1 ;. l.ycrs. the u:;Kn.n own ers and occupants ,,f the f.i!n!.n: described Ius ami Ido- ks ir' the villa.', of Ku k r:ii:irs. ami North Rook Hi. ills c-ss County. Nehrn.ka. fo-v.ii: Lit- one tli and two ( l' m Hio-K three CI i West: Lots one 1i to f.i;!. .'I iminsiv in Block three ( :l . North one ill East: Lots seven 7 ami .-ishi ia in H'o. k three C North tun J Fast: Lo three i :; I and four Mi in lllm-k one i 1 i North one i 1 i East: East ore third !-:: of Lots snvcii 7 and eiL,ht ( in Block three i :: ) North f-ir Hi East: Lots two i i . three CI) and four () in I 'dock two cm North, one (It Ens'; ail Clock live i -" North, si- c '. I 'i.rst; ;, ; IMock six fill Xortli. five I -". East: all Block seven 7l North, five East: Lot two (2) in Block two i' North: till ot Block ten in i North, four tu East, and all of Block eleven 11i North, four (4) East, of (lie !'.;!. in S paare ill said Villas.' of Rock Blufts, NePraska. You are hereby notified that n Jirlv 1 i, -A. D. EH I, plaint iff' s h'.d their s;i.t in the District Court of the Cnuniv of Cass Nebraska, to ciui.t title to t! f'iMiiwinir descri ' ie,l land in said County of Cass, X, bra; kit. to-wit: Conrtr.encins at a point on the cpjarter section line lunnins east and west throush Se.fiori nine (in, Township eleven (.11 . North Ranse fourteen (Mi. in Cass Countv. Nebraska, L".7-t.' fe-t cast of the quarter section corner on the West side of said Section nine !l I thence runnins South .'T-rt.i feet: thence cast 41'..! feet: thence north -.'f.i; feet; thence cast 1 7 S feet; thence north Ic-et: thence c-itst to the hanks ol the Missouri River; thence alons the hanks of the Missouri River in a north erly direction where said hanks of the Missouri river intersects the quarter section "line runnins cast and west throutrh said Section nine CM: thence west alons said quarter seetiun line tu the ri I ace of hesmnins: together witl lands formed upon and asainst said described land bv accretion, alluvion. reliction an.l evulsion. Said land includins the follow-in described lots and blocks and the vacated streets siiiroundin the same In the village of Lock Bluffs, Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit: The East a.:.:! feet of the followins described lots, to-wit: Lots one (1) to four (41 inclusive in Block two ( .' North; Lots one (1) to four (4 inclu sive In Block thre CD North: Lots one 1 to four (D inclusive in Block four (4l North: Lots one (li to four 4 inclusive in Block five 5 North; Lots one (1) to four D inclusive in Block six (6 1 North: Lots one 1 to four i 4 i inclusive in Block seven 7 North; Lots one il) to four ft), in clusive in - Block eisht fS North: I-A'ts one l) to four 4) inclusive in Block nine !D North; Lots one 1 to four (4) inclusive in Block ten (I'D Xorth, and Lots one (1) to four (4) in clusive in Block eleven 11) North, all numbered from the I'ublic Square in the Yillace of Rock Bluffs. Nebraska. And all of Blocks two CM to eleven Cll) X'orth. Ranse one (1) East Inclu sive; all of Blocks Hire-? CD to eleven (13) North. Ransre two f 1M East, inclus ive: all of Blocks three C.1 to eleven 1 1 North. Ranse three (3) East inclusive; all of Blocks three (3 to nine CD Xorth. Ranse four (4) East inclusive; and all of tiie land lyins West of the West banks of the Missouri River and East of Blocks five 3 to nine CM Xortli, Range four (1) East inclusive; aml Hloi ks t.-n iim arel . le,,-n illi North, halil'i' I ! 1 ee i i l.a-t i t,. i II - I . ,-, ill nani!.eeil fioia tie- 1 'ii 1.1 1 S-Mu-ire in (he Villa.,, of l:..ik Hhi'T.-. . laa-I. a AL-O I .ot.-- one 111 to t A elve ,1J i.l- (!a-..- in lilo. i la -.- i V., st. a'al all o! Hio.h oae 111 ;-ia, i, l:.lli.o- oa- i J ih;- r of the ')':. a. ,-..,t:.! i- ia u Villa--.- ,.r r: .. k ihat..-. ..-- cm.'.. X.-.r-a-ka. v. it h t . .... ; ,.-n of i a v;i ea t e i --tio is s a i , . a ; mi .-,' the s , m-. l.f Ici'lit I lit. thereto. I.e. aa f Co' ailV.-l.se Hissess io'l l.y t liet, , s. 1 oS a ,el grantors for raoie than Ln a i - nr.- to i'ie eonino n. .-no n! of .-ai l suit, an I to enjoin . aeh ami all "f . "ii 'i..ai Iiaylnu or rh.iinim. any riai.t, title. 1 1 - - r t or interest, e.tl '!' le-al or- -. ; a 1 1 a I i e, in or to rant latiil. i'i" :m l-aii t m.-i .-of. an.l to reouiie '"i to -.-r I - r t ! i ...r i , ti , t . title, Ian or nt-r -st Ca-i.-ia, , any, eiiliei- l.yal or on .t.-t ''... ami to have lie sane a.hlml'-'iol infe'-ior to t -1 j e of i i.. i:;t i if, a'al f r a ra i a I able roliff. i'h:s n, lire Is n.a.le ja i .- 'i : i ;. : to . e .ilil'T of the lulll't. Von ase ie.jaii.il tu an-w.r s. II oetition o- or iief u-e M : i '. i . A ';". t ;;. A. J . l'.ili, in o(ir b f.i I It V. i . iiu'l enter a there. n. Wi I.I.I AM JH vx. KM .MA H.V!:!: -XX i: VI'. M a i : v i-h ciiAia:' iNi; c i ; .-1 n '. i ' . fhiwls & I-oherfsori. .M!- no- i 'inn km vrv mi iit r . t t.i n, MillU K . In the Matt.-r of th- Ih-t.-it.- of I'.-t-r JI;,!,ul;a'i, Catherine j ! a n i a I an ami I-et. r J. Hanr.ahuTi. Jr.. H.-ea.-e.l. I'r.M.fM'itliiui lislnl.lisli 'lillf. I-H. ii e heirs an.l ulh-i' I -r.-.-n in I . -' - eil in the estates of t '. ' nelsons an- helel'V I ite.l t t.oy lia lie '1 t a k l a that il petition I t - n fib-, i slat a.: i.tnontr; oti .-r unties n.ui moo- .....o . i-ais have iliips'.-.I sni... ;l.- il.atl, - f i't-t-r Haurai.an i.ml l- ter I. naoia- ban. Jr.. Taomp-i Wise's Mutism. aml tl at l. t 1. i i i-i' ' ; tl's Aihiiti'iii. arel l.ot M of : r l.ot Aih! :t ion to t - C.I.' '' at!. Ni l l-a-k.l. he : --:Hll--l Maiv C VVi.elan ai d John il. r.r;.',ar a-.-.'ii.lr.-ri and -''' at i.-w to .-a el .-.. eel i v- V I - o f ' r. t Ma v I he - .1 II ; eii liV il t. pointed tu o!i.t th" ,e!i- .1 .;,;. ji.-.l pa-.a! b- bv I. S. sv t l.- ...... -il . r st iti -1 . t I ' r-ai,i ' aiaciiue a. ...... ... 1 1... I ime of le-r ileal h. id petition will ie i.e. ii i -i - County Court a' i l a 1 1 - mo u t h , Nei,. id ,ia V of A us'isf . i : I I. at i k a. ia- and it is m-r. . -u-.b i ! o , that li .is j.-,. .e M l Vol li oei. ...1 in tie J '!: t ! srr-.o .th Jo-.i - 1 I f .u hi : - ii -, r v. ' eKs prior t saiu 0.11 ' a r i n a-. I ..ite.l t his 1 1 th ' ie of Jul--. I'd 1. :...,! . ALLEN J. PI II ISi -X. 'oa tit y J '.'!- '. D. O. D'vYVE!:. AMo: ; 7 -1 ?, -1; w k In the Matter of t h- L.-lat' f lb : ii 1 1. 1 ' ed. Niih.r h -l -iv."i that in ) ,1, r i f il,... James T. s-ya are fo an !'--aiev. .lad Cass .'..a.-.tv. L'ltil 'hi v- i f J the f .. ' - tat t! .-re Vi.ll ! - f t he I II- t I .' I I i ' t I r of e l.-a -ha. til -.1 t li- ii, 1'.' 1 1. f-'l' t I'.- -a I" "f hereinafter : s , i j , .. . I . sold at t he sout l or p, il.- Ci of I '! i ' I . - t he co'.i' t ! mouth, in ; ,f . u .-;.- f. i.l C.umt:-. on 1! Mil - h . V i I. at .. .-. io.-k a m . at rh. -t bid-b-r to. 1 : I to I " p.' d I- i 'a u, i- "U T ale. th-- folio,:- p ii i r;i s i at i aim tO th'- I-' e-.t of t ' . h- s.r..l th ;a!iri f 1." I of ,. r.o e , O'ltirl il,-- Peso, .he, 1 le.ll estate I'-IU'. Ml m.'iv iil.-d on-sjMh. sal!-, t t ' 'i " cover and :,-m -tea-l riiM,! ..f V -. t i.a Stall tl.-rein. of the ea-t half .r t ' ,ir,r!,ui-.-! uu-irter of Sei'.' .n two -'. 'i'oV.nsh.p tV.elye (l'JI, ll.ll -e l;.,lt .11 , .ntair. ia- s. .-it, -lour a ml s7-lii' a.r.-s more or h -- : the ea-t 1 ill j- (1... so.; ? ', Wi S '. Ol. Ill tC-r of Se. I lull t .'. ..('), To w i. lap t-c.-lM- 'IJ'. lh,r -tid.teen (CM. .onta ini-'S i a-'ht :o - more or b-s-: lot foar t ii i-i th.- n.urh-w,- t oi. ;irlt r of .-'. :o.-i i ' i-!-- '' 1 T..i. m-d thii teci ' c li-.i -'- ten t- il:;i, . onlaini'.'-r tw.-ntv-si n.-t.-s taon- 1, -s; lot three C.I 11! In- l,otlhe.-l uiia'it'i' 'f Se.'ieri - ! v I -. . If. . n . .: twel-e (IJ.. Kan-re f.e.rt.-.'i .14'. i"ti tainins t went -t w.. :.nd 7-'-l"" . moi.- ..r l-.-s. i-i' in c..-s Can'. htiiska. Said sab tu i.nm ii open ;.. ' "l"'.Vt"d this (ith dav of .1 ill". T'lh C. LAW UllVCii ST! I.L, Admin'-ti-ator of the l.iate oi lb ni v .-in'!. T ;'.!. 1 1. (.. d i a:, -v ttoi i -i-1 v ks "NOTICE TO CHEI'I'I Olt. STATE i NLBilASKA, Ca-3 Cojiity, ss. In county Court. In the Matt, r of the Estate of Oeurr.e VV. Yass, .-ceased. Notice is hei. l'V iriv.-n to t!:- credit ors - f sai l d.-cea.-.-.i that l. -alin-s will i-e had up"ii claims rih-d ai-aiii-t said estate, before li.e. Count',' Jl.'iSe 'f Cas Countv, Nebraska, at the Countv C-uirt room in I'hit t smout h. in .-ail Countv, "n tie 7tii dav -f Julv. T'l. and on the I'Mli day of Jann.it . 1 ' I '. at 10 o'clock a. tu.. each dav f ir ex amination, adiu-tmeiit arid a I b a a nee. All claims mast he !ih-,l in said Cent on or hefo.'e sai l last hoi', of laaiiia:. Witness 11. v hand and s. a! of s iid Co.ntv i.'ourt. at 1 "a. M - i " . :. I h . Ne braska, this -.,;(!, .hi' of Jar'... I'I I . l.seai, ALLEN' -I Bi:i:' . Cm n t c J iid ; e. Joh n m. i,m v i ' . Attorney for Estate. siir.iii!s xi.i:. Sfnf--' of Nebraska. I'.'iirtv ft Cass. Bv virtue cf an order of sa'. is-u.-d l.v James r.dertsi.n. .Pr k of tie- I :.-1 1 i - t Court, within and fur Ca-s .ointv. N'e-br.'isU-a. and tu me din-, ted. I will ei th" :'7th day of Jul'-. A. I . T'14. at 1 ' o'clock a. in. of said dav at the Sooth doo- of the cuutt I oos,. pi said i.t v. sell at public auction to tie 1 Prh.-st bidder for rash tie f u i 1 ow i n - proprtv. to-vit: Fra'.tiiiiial lot r;. m- I'un Ired Twelve ( 1 1 .' I pi S'-'lion Ni'i.f. e'i 'l'.M, in Township Twelve 1 : ) notih. in I .'an so T-'ourfe. n (ID. East of the r.i'i l'. M. The sam,- heins levied p'ihii and taken as the property of W. S. Crittain. whose real nam, is Walter S. Brittain; VV. AY. Windham, whose teal name i-i Wade W. Windham; Minnie Win II am. William L Burke. Julia Birk- and Rribert B. Windham. Jr.. defend. i n t . tu satisfv n jiidcment of said court recov ered by the I'lattsmoiitli Loan and Buildr'ns Asso. iat ion, a corporation, plaintiff, acainst said b-f.--rol.ints. l'lattsmmitli, Neb., June !'. D 1 " 1 L C D. lil'IVT" i.V. Sheriff Cass Countv. N'ebra h.i. IV THE 1HSTIIICT ( III IIT (II Till-: coi vrv oi -;.. m itu-ix. In Re-Estate of Dc-Iilah S.-l, w ah. De ceased. mitki: (ii' sai.i:. Notice is herebv siven tluit In pur suance of an order of Ibui. James T. lSley. Jiulse of the District Couit of I'assi ('oiintv, Nc-l.ru ku, made on the first clay of June, ,. I . T.m. fur the sale of tlie real estate hereinafter de scribed, there wii! be sold at the south front door of the Court House, at 1'iattsmouth, Cass County, Nebm-ha. on the 1st day of Aususr. A. D. l:ll, at ten o'clock a. m.. at public vendae to the hirhest bidder fur cash, the follow ins described rea! estate, t.i-v. it: Lot eiirht I'D, In the N'uitheast quar ter (NE'i) of the Northwest oiliilfer (NW,.): lot fifteen (!.'.), in the South east quarter SE'4 of the Northwest quarter hWV'i i: lot tw.lvo (l.', in the Northwest quarter I.VU'Vl ef t he Southwest quarter (SVY!i: lot ' l-ven (111 In the Southwest quirter (SVV1, l of th Suuthwc-t quarter (SW'4 Htul the East half ( E 1 - ) of the Southwest quarter LSW'i), all of Section twer.tv eleht C2. in Township eleven (11) North, Ranse fourteen (ID, East nth I. M.. In the Countv of C.-is. Nebraska. Said sale to remain open one hour. Dated this 20th dav of June, a. D. 114. CHARLES E. SCHWAB, executor of 1b last will and testament of Dflilah Schwab, dceencf-d. R.AWLH & i:obei:tson. Attorneys-. 6-22-5wka Wedding stationery at the Journal office. l i