I PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 1G, 1914. PAGE C. wHg .m j ti USE 'jj'SfM .'-- -ifcf?-. V-.'.'i.ri.l i n-i ii in- in tail1 iirtai.Ti i I Mlllltl Be 3 Us v I O ....THE BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER GIVEN IIW CASS COUNTY... tt Lf Sail LI 1 In Our Dry Goods Department Ve will offer you reg ular 50c and 2;1c dres sing sacques at 39c and 1 9c Wo have Purchased 4,000 Pieces of English China, which will be put on Sale Its IBfli, at id Osimts on the I AND AT THE FOLLOWING RARE BARGAINS : Also bungalow sets, consisting of all-over apron, skirt and cap, for 88 cents The usual price being $1.25. These garments can not be purchased ordinarily at these prices. $1.20 Set Cups and Saucers, at 60c 1.20 Set Plates, at 6Qc .75 Set Sauce Dishes, at 40c .75 Set Pie Plates, at 40c 1.00 Large Covered Dishes, at only 25c $1.25 Large Covered Turene, at only 25c .40 Large Round Dishes, at 25c .35 Medium Round Dishes, at 20c h .20 Round Dishes, at 10c These dishes are the Celebrated JOHNSON ENGLISH CHINA, and every piece is absolutely guaranteed. We will also have a big lot of Dishes in Novelties on sale at 5c each. These pieces are worth from 10c to 2fjc, but ve are bound to close them out at these low prices to make room for new stock. With every dollar's Worth Purchased We are giving away, on this day only, two Dollars Worth of Coupons, to apply on our Piano Contest This is your chance to help out your favorite in the contest. Sale begins at 10 o'clock a. m., on Saturday. This hour is fixed in order to give the people living in the country an opportunity to come to town and take advantage of this extraordinary offer. Phone Ho. 80 or 54 The Daylight Store. SPECIAL OFFER MAKING THINGS n mm mm fan w 7 TUIC WTOF i ill ml; vvM-ii 5,000 Offer Closes Saturday Night Be Sure You Get Your Full Share of Extra Votes. .In-! I :!(-' Ill-' -;i 1 1 1 1 i-' n .Vanagrr wnnlfd In lxf-p th- i;il! rolling lil l!it'x Iwii 'fk. In n:ab- (In- f'llif uf ."i.tino extra vo'rs villi :nh s ! 5 w.iflli siilisiTip i i . . i ! 1 1 1-1 1 ! in during thai thin-. Tlii- lln' Inn.' wlii'n things I..-U. IM ii. i ';iliy ini im '-I ina in l'if ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 . Caud idal nr : i i tr all-r nb-cnpl imis ami ni--. in i!'.i. ;i i i l I . Ilii-v ;iii n-;'imiii:a In 1 anximis ahuiit winiii iu' 4 of flu 1 1 1 : t n i t i i- 1 1 1 prir-. "Ill i is tli' linif for uallif in' snh-rriptiuns. if (hey 1. 1 in;i i;i tin- -pfi'ial r . u c i iVi r, llii o!V'i- will rlu-c Sat urda infill. Tin' close of tli' i-aiupaiuM i than lliicc weeks away ami lln- prizes are wailinu f i llieir owners ! eoaie ami i-iaiin liietn. What inoii' ciuild yiu .anl l eeiie ymir inlere-. ? Your prize is juiii'-i i -1 ci ! 1 1 imw if ymi will luil t-.el in the race r.ml win il. Vn imist reiiienil.er thai lliis etia hIc pei i. n will nil last fir- eer. lull will cliise at tile ellil of Mills week. While I II i s- s ple ii j. I'UVr i- in fiiiee it will he pnssihle fur yon lii pih up uiir reserve i'le n hiiili thai inir oppunenls Will m l he ;tile In overtake Voil. If Ni'll tin this oi will feel so !ooi ;er your wmk that you will not want to slop hut will keep i-i ti 1 1 1 on workinir just (o see how far alieail you will he al the elose of Ihe eatiiain, Auiusl 1. The satisfaction that you will feel when you a re announced a winm r will he one of the happiest moments T our life. Ami one of the saddest will he when ou learn that you have lost Ihmuvli no) taking advantage of this special otVer. It will make it. all the more disapnint inir to think that von ahme are to hlatnc for your losintr nut in (his campaign. It is not Hie lack of time, hut the lack of energy Id use your spare lime that will make you a looser in this race for prizes. So you had hettep et ri'hl lo work he forel he rest have gained a heaw lead. Mis Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Iaisy LanK"ort draco II. Nollins Mildred I.e .Tosie Ki.ser Marie Prouty . . . I'ula Weaver . . . Miss Edith Peterson. . . Miss Elsie Opp Miss Jenelle Younij .. Mr. Martin Nelson . . . Miss Trudie rong1 . . . Miss Etta Nickels .... Miss Pearl Mclteynohl, Mi-. Inviirht Propst ... Paul riohrev if) ir58.- la 175 3330 3300 2520 2280 1800 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 MRS. HATTIE CUMMINS' SUNDAY SCHOOL ENJOY AN OUTING IN THE WOODS s TBie Piatfsmoufh Journal Big Booster Circulation Campaign VOTE COUPON VOID AFTER JULY 29th. Series F Good for 5 Votes For M TUIM XEATfiY rtTiWIM District No. At ISTRiOT WO- 1 City of Plattsmouth Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. r.hailes E. Mar tin Miss Adelia Sayles .... Mrs. Syhel Head Mrs. Joseph Droepe . . . Miss Doiolliy IJi itt . . . Rev. V. M. Irulinor . Miss Anna Heisel . . . Miss Marie Donnelly . Miss Madeline Miner .. Miss Ferris York 1 10080 81200 77730 07050 10835 11025 3780 20 SO . 1810 15 ; TRSGT WO. 2. Outside The City of Plattsmouth. At Least Three of the Prizes will be Awarded to this District. Miss Alma Wiedeman 119010. Mr. Henry Hirz, jr 07815 Miss Vivian I itzpatrick U3()5 Has Your Child Worms? Most children do. A (loated, Mnrred Tongue; Strong Ureal Ii; Stomach Pains; Circles under Eyes; Pale, Sallow Complexion; Nervous, Fretful; (irindintf of Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; peculiar Dreams any one nf these indi cate Child has Worms. f!et a box of Kickapoo Worm Killer at once. It. kills the Worms Ihe cause of your child's condition. Is Laxa tive and aids Nature to expel the Worms. Supplied in candy form. Easy for children to lake. 25c, at your Dru'ist. Above All. A Good Investment. W. D. Masli, a well known merchant of Whitemound. Wis., bought a stock oT Chamberlain's medicine so as lo be able to sup ply them to his customers. After receiving them be was himself taken sick and says that one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of bis entire stock of these medicines. For sale by all dealers. Mrs. fireenwabl and daughter. Miss Carrie, departed for Faith. S. D., last evening for. a few weeks' visit, with the former's son and family, who reside on a ranch near that city. We fully aree with Mr. Wuk omanich, 22 Washington street, Oshkosh, Wis., who wrote us the following letter: "Triner's Amer ican Elixir of lliller Wine suits me. It certainly helped me more than all other remedies I have been using- before." We agree with him, because in diseases of the digestive organs this remedy always gives perfect satisfaction, in fact, better than other reme dies. II cleans out and strength ens the intestines, and if the pa tient afterwards lives according to common sense, he will remain healthy. Tn diarrhoea, caused by eating improper food, Triner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine should be used first, as it drives out of the body Ihe irritating par ticles of food. In constipation and troubles caused by the same this remedy should be recom mended. At drugstores. Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, 1333-1339 S. Ashland Avenue, Chicago. Ev ery household needs from lime to lime a good medicine for rubbing the botfy. Try Triner's Liniment. The .juniors in Ihe Methodist Sunday school class of Mrs. Nettie Cummins, at an early hour yester day morning wended their way to the banks, of the Old Muddy ami to the ferry, where they enjoyed themselves to their heart's con tent until the noon hour, when a most tempting basket dinner was served, which all partook of wilh an appetite whetted by the fresh air and the outdoor exercise, and Ihe good things to eat were soon disposed of. In the afternoon Misses Erma and Ithena Covert joined the party. with their kodaks, and several very pleasing pictures were taken of the jolly party. At a late hour all depart ed for their homes, feeling that the occasion had been one of the greatest of pleasure lo the class, but tired and happy and they are awaiting the coming of another event of this kind. Those who were present, were : Yelma Elliott, Nellie Cowels, Cecil Ki.ser, Yiola Paiker, Ella Ilawkenberry, Ethel nabbilt, Elizabeth Wynn. Tillie Renner, (loldie and (iladys KaU'en berger, Hertha Seivers, Jerline McCarthy, Hazel Covert and Erma and Rhena Covert and Ihe teacher of Ihe class, Mrs. Cuminings. Basket Meeting. Enlarges Dressing Rooms. Manager Shlaes has been nun pelled to build additimial dressing rooms at Ihe Air Dome for I lie use of tin' members of the Deiev Musical eoinetly company that is to appear ' I here lO'Xl w eek. The company carries fourteen people and this necessitates additional rooms for the ladies with Ihe company. This is one of the be.-. I attractions making the open air theater s throughout Ihe country. THE WEATHER DON'T SEEM TO EFFECT THE MATRIMONII MARKET FUNERAL OF THE LATE WILLIAM FOXWELL WENDESDAY AFTERNOON Gcniune Fletcher's Castorla, this week only at 19c. Gerlng & Co., the Spot Cash Family Drug gists. 'Phone 38. There'll be a basket meeling in the grove of W. T. Adams, one half mile north of Liberty U. D. church and one and one-half miles south of Plattsmouth, Sun day, July 19th, 1911. District Supt. J. R. Mouer of Lincoln, Dr. M. (). McLaughlin of York col lege, Dr. W. O. Jones of Omaha will be present. All are strong men and deserve a splendid hear ing. Hible school at 10 a. in. Preaching and communion at 11 a. m. Preaching and baptismal service at 2:30 p. m. Everybody invited. J. M. Ead, Pastor. Ye.-lerday afternoon was quite a busy day in the marriage license department of the county judge's otlice. as there were several ap plications for permits to wed is sued lo parlies desiring to become united in the bonds of wedlock. The first to be issued was that of Ernest Onicr Porter, aged 3tf. and Mrs Jennie Sullivan, aged 3d. both or this city. These parties were marired later in Ihe after noon hv Justice M. Archer, at his otlice in the city hall, as the coun ty judge was ah.-enl from the eily yesterday. A license was also issued to William If. Orafe, aged -'3, of Avoea, and Miss Dora L. Riecliers, aged -0, of Berlin. Otoe county. 1'hese young- people will he mar ried today at Avoea. Dance on July 18. The K. S. society will give a social dance at their hall on West Locust street on Saturday even ing, July 18th, to which the public is cordially invited to be present. Good music will be furnished. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yea Have Always Bought Signatvr of CS The funeral of (he late William Eoxwell was held yesterday after noon from the Ibirlmgioii station, the body arriving front Lincoln n No. '1 at 1:30. and was taken di rect from the depot to nak Hill cemetery, where the interment was made. The funeral serice were held al the late home in Lin coln yesterday morning, and the body brought back here, wheie the family had for so many years made their home, to be laid lo its linal rest. The services at the. grave were conducted by Rev. I'. M. Druliner of the First Methodist church, as the body was consigned to its last resting place. The pall hearers were .-.elected from the old friends and associates of Mr. Eox well as follows: T. S. :. Dabh. It. 15. Windham, Rasmus Peterson, T. W. Glenn. John W. Grahill and Robert Gibson. The family of the departed gentleman accompanied the body from Lincoln to this city. C. E. POOL, OF MURDOCH FILES FOR REPRESENTATIVE ON REPUBLICAN TICKET This morning saw three more candidates pass umler Ihe wire with their announcements of their desire to enter the rare for office al the coming primary election. C. E. Pool, of near Murdock, bled as the republican candidate for representative from the Seventh representative district; Coroner JL I. Clements filed as a candidate on the republican ticket for re election, and Police Judge Barnes of Weeping Waler will again ask the voters to re-elect him to the ofliee he has held for the past few years. This about winds up the different filings as the time is quite short now for the filing of names. M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at Gerihg & Co.'s Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Examination free. Taken to Omaha for Treatment. This afternoon Hillard Grass man, accompanied by his mother, .Mrs. lielle (irassinan, departed for Omaha, where he will he placed in Immanucl hospital to undergo an examination, as it is feared that he is sutVering from an attack of appendicitis and that, an operation may he necessary. The friends of the young man w ill anxiously await to learn the re sult of the examination ami rut that it may not be necessary to operate upon him. Next Sunday Morning. Peter cut ntr the ear of Ihe servant of the high priest in the garden, as an earnest testimonial of his desire to serve Ihe Master. Hear about him at the Brother hood Sunday morning at the Presbyterian church. Eor baby's croup, Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mamma's sore throat, grandma's lameness Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the house hold remedy. 25c and 50c. If you are in the market for a sewing machine, see Jesse perry. Singer machines from $5.00 up. CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIU DIAMOND BRAND. yv. Ladle! Ault jomr I!nrrlt for , C'lil-ehea-ter Diamond Brand fills la Ited n4 Void fiictllic boxes, sealed with feiue Kibbon. Take no other. Itur mt ! lrri(rBl.t. Ask foct IfKH-TEIJ 8 VUUU.ND IIKA.M) flLLM, for lib years known as Best. Safest. Always KeliaMa SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE