The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 16, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    5 W.S,
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of t he People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
U h , I' '
A MATT cf family has a big responsibility. He net only must con- j
tiL serve the morals and education ot his wife and loved ones, but he
must see to it that THEY SHALL NOT WANT. Is there a bet
ter way of helping his dear ones than by adding to his BANK ACCOUNT T .
It will provide against sickness and misfortune. Every man of family
I .ew j S: !) mi
petti Sunday in
i". I.. I!!im!.mi is reported mi the
- ! 1 1-1 I tl i- W i rk.
Mi-- I. !. I . i . 1 has Im-.'ii 1 1 in n -1
!. I with flie -ifi, ! lli'
'1' -. H. II. Fit. h is spending the
Week Woll M'-. F. II. Ollee:l and
-. Campbell.
II. II. Ir:ii!- and tamily. Charles
.t;ii-"i and family attended !he
.iinii'-i- a; l.' i-!'n Sun-
... .
Nim ii-. li'Mii near I 1 ; t f
t !s. w a - mi Murrav
ei ! e-.
I itiii wilh h'w - i t f.
Mr-. 1". S. 'I "nit.
I". II. ;i! aiitl .1. A.
Wall,-!- were h'iir- after some
.ii-i!u--- na'i.T- j;i the c'unt
-a; !"i:- -li f.-r a Jew h.nii'-.
.! i'..'1-A l- making prenara-
I I - -1 j.i hae hi- dwe'iing raised
". a hi-do : t i 1 1 ia t in . The eon
i ' .ii-! ha , I i u i i ( i 1 1 1 .1. h ;i
I:-. ; and .. . Hiall
".! Itt t'iai t -Him: t h Wf.lnt'-ii.iy
in., w lii'iv I hey t k the
)''(! : i".!'1:: i;ai! f r- Omaha. ut
i ". t h. tla hx'kinu all"- -n'li"
i. ii i :ii i us l!i it e ! .
l'.til rn.. k a i,ciruii!,. with
!!; ln-al la-: etim -.!a whii
i' the whal l:e!(- im hi-?t'l:''-
piaee i:t hw '-! tf Ii;r
' a . Ii.' i- ah!e t.. he ah.. ut at he
--A I r'.'. i ? s f r-'fi- hailly
k " k-i i 1 1 .
Mi-- l.nia I i'7a! ;nk. wln ha
I"'' n -iitVe; i'li: fioiu a !; a!n'f--
t.-t l ;o k t.f th t ar f.'i- III.- a-t
ft ,- rrj. ill tit snme hi
: a: in- lime. Meiiej" was .urain-
tl ly Hie aid t f J!ie ph -iM,in
laner. the -at u- ami lite i:alher
i 'i. !!! t il. ;(i:d all in. iie.-it iT.-
l"'it!' t Iter -pet'd !et'fe:.
lusy Tien
We know the whole family's busy,
and the neighbors too. Plan those
Threshers' dinners ahead and phone
us your order. We'll try and have
everything you need.
For the men, you will need coof shirts
and overalls and tough gloves. We've
the most complete stock of work clothes
we have ever carried.
If it's good it comes from this store.
Murray, - -
lit.. :
.Itdm Van llotn i- am.'nu the
-i''k lhi week.
Mrs. .lane Tdlen was a n'-t t.f
Miss h rlha Niekels Satur.lav and
Mi-s Htilh Niektls was Itan--aidintr
lusines jp IMal I snniil h
I ue-da .
Mr-, tl.lie Stokes xv;s a IMalfs.
1 1 1 1 1 1 : i i-i!.T for a few hours
Tue-dav t eniit'-:.
Miss .Jeanetle Itill herf.nd of
(IiiimIi.i i- in .Murray Ihis week
niakinu a i-it al the home of her
au-'l. Mr-. ". I'., hull.
Mi-s Helen Nimnis. who ha-
I n in Murray for tlie pa-l three
week, returned to Inn- hoaie near
I'ialt-mouth la-t week.
I he Murray eeal s at'e kept
preity hu- the-e da s lo..kinu
ati. r the new wheat en. p. and
farmers are e!ierin'r from the
man nia.'hiues in tin- lorality.
The erop is hein; d. lit-ied tjuilt
i a i'. v.
Mi-s Clara C.opetihaver of
I'.oras. Mmne-.tta. has atried in
Murray and will make a with
M friend ami neiuhhors. Sheear. where Mr. Pittnan will liai
is a ".ue-1 al the hotne of her
hrolher. Mr. and Mrs. Arlhur
'.. '.eulia ". .
Mr-. ip. H. 1'. Iliv:i. hi and
.Ian-liter. Mr-. W ill S.yl.oll. re
turned home from their Indiana
Tuesday eenin-:. They made
brief i.-its in that -eelion of In
diana where Hie d.ielor Mini wife
reside.) fop many years, and report
a nio-i pit-aan: t ime.
C..;tu:iis-i,tp pit wn in Mur
ra a few 1i.mii- Wednesday ntorn
itii;. umnt; .m out west nf here to
look after s.nne Lridire wmk that
is lei;ir tioite - in that l.eality.
Mr. Pi!. i alwa on the ah-rt o
tlie ltesj interest-: ,-, all I'lHiitty
work l.einu d-uie in his di-friet.
- Nebraska
ili'n, . Alwine id Omaha spent
Sunday with W. !. IJoedeker.
Tlie tir.-t ear nf new wheal was
shi.pei out of Murray last Salur-
C I'. Wiley and Charles Tinner
w ere I'lal I siiiitut h isito s l 'i i
Miss l-'fetla l!ei-k spent the
I'otirlh of July wilh hep" parents
in I'.liuuood.
Mr. and Mrs. I'rank iohelinan
-p. ml Sunday with Mr. and Mr-.
I.. I. Iliafl in Murray.
Mr. and Mr-T W. W. Hamilton
spent last Sunday visiting- wilh
lrieuds jn .ehraska City.
M. i. Chiiiehill was lookinir a f
tep siime Inisienss inallei-s in the
roiinly ea W ednesday afternoon.
A card from Mrs. James l.nuli
ritlve. in Canada, says the weather
Up there that of .ehra-ka.
Prof. .ehe was aide ! )M ahoiit
Ihi- week, and was isitimr with
a few of his friends in Murray
il'-v. II. . Hulehman deparfeI
last evening fop 'il.lvo.d. Pa.,
his dd home, where he will i-i!
for a few Weeks.
Mi--es I.oia and Catherine
Prown will :n to l.ineoln I lie fore
pari ,.f (he week, where I hey will
spend a few days j-it their- aunt.
Mrs. siemier and family.
Mi-s Pauline oMhani has li.-en
stitVeriui; considerahly fur the pa-t
few day wilh an atln. k of neuri
tis. mi i- intieh Itettep al this
t mie an. I i:ainini:" rapidly.
Arlhur Yoiitiir arrived jp Mur
ray la-t 1'riday from hi- home in
Canada ami will make a few days'
i-it at the home uf his mother.
Mrs. i. y . Yoimr. sr.. and daugh
ters. M!o Puis, nur ounu and pp..-
I'ei.Mis farmer in .Ml. Plea-ant
prei inet. has heeome tile owner f
a Madison ear. As oil,, is a new
ear man he should he properly in
il ia i ed h the oldep hret hi'en.
Mrs. Philip T.amhert has l.e.-n
Muite ill for the past few months,
and w ho has he. u in Mnaha nl the
home ,,f her daughter, returned
la-l week. Hit eon. HI i.i;i ha 1 1 1 1
improed In an extent, and the
daughter i-eluriied lionie with her
:ind will remain with liep mother
for a t ime.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pifman de
parted .ei land. ia the aulo
route, luesday niornin-r for Ita
i"ine. W'i-.. the home of the Case
his auto reiiaired from tin. i n
juries jt received in the accj. lent
with which Mr. Pitman met a few
davs ago. The damage. I fenders
will be replace. I with new ones, a
new top and all injured parts
placet! jn new condition. ineluM-ing-.a
nevv coat of paint. They ex
pect to be gone several weeks.
Waiter Jenkins met with a
slighl accident last Sunday that
has proven ipiite serious al this
lime. He was thrown from his
mototcvcle and injured his arm.
which al Ihe time did not appear
io be of a serious nature, but
since that time blood poisoning
has set in an. I the young man has
been suffering considerable with
it. but his many friends hope that
recovery may bo speedy and com
plete. The basket dinner at I.ewiston
Sunday was attended hv a large
crowd: a very pleasant time vv a
eti.ioyed. Itev . W. I". Tavlop of
Fnion delivered two very inspiring
sermons. .Mrs. F. . Oueen sang
"Life and Light Forever" at the
morning .service. The mass,
meeting was eon.iuctcd by Miss
l'.lta Niekels at - p. m. Hy the ma
jority of voles ihe Hapfist de
nomination was elected to Lake
charge of church mailers at
-Mr. L. Ib-rg. who lias been in
this locality fop the past few
weeks, but returned home last
week, returned to Murray again
Monday. Mr. lie pgr is not only the
manufacturer of the line llepg
auto, but is one of the best buggy
makers in Ihe land. This fact will
be demonsl rated within the next
few days, when a shipment of his
buggies will bo found at the hard
ware and implement store of
llaker Nickels in Murray.
Mrs. A. L. llaker returned home
from an Indiana visit Sunday
evening, after spending about four
weeks in numerous towns ami at
her old hotne in the "Hoosier"
slate. She reports a most pleas
ant time.
I f any of the it-a tiers if tlie
Join iuiI know i)f any social
event or iiem of 1 merest in
this vii-inity. ami will mail
same to I liis otlire. it will n
IH'ur utiiier i liis lieudlntr. We
want all news items Kditok
Mrs. Oerlrude deeknep was an
Omaha isjup Wednesday, re
turning Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker and
Dr. ami Mr. oilmore autoed In
Plat I sun ml Ii Tuesday.
.Mrs. daumeister ,,f Plalts-
l.toulh spent the lilsl of the Week
wilh .M.s. J. A. Walker.
Hubert Hurr. who was injured
some I line a.i by a horse kiekinir
him. is able t. resume work smaiu.
Miss Isaie-lle Shrader is jn
Omaha, where -he went Tuesday
nf Ihis week In spend a few days
wilh her friend.. Miss (b-rdtide
hiek ( '.hn'sw is.ser. from soiilh of
Murr;iv. is another one of the
happy owners nf a Maxwell ear
thai was purchased from Philpol's
!-ara.e at We. pin'- Water the pa-t
W eek.
Hans Chi isi iansen is porlin. a
line new Appeison "Jaek Habhil"
aulo that he purchased this week
from Vilas Sheldon of X.-liawka,
ai-ent I'm- tlti- p.opular car for
Ca .s con n I .
Mis. J. W. Ite'-er r.-ltirn.'il
home fmni Lincoln last Saturday,
where she had beep spendiit',:- a
few days wilh hep dau'-ihler. Mv.
Sii'imer and family. Siie r.-pm-ls
a i-ry pleasant i-il .
Mr. and Mrs. J. I . ShraJ.-r and
daughters spent la- Sunday at
Ihe home nf Mr. and Mrs. Ted
darrorts. ea of .Mui'ray. They
r. poit a eiy idetisaut .lav. Iln
main feature nf which was the ex
cellent ilium-;- i:ie:i at the ;in..n
sieve Wiles and family an- now
riiliim in one of those tine new
dei- cars that they purchased
from our local ai-enl. J. W.
Holmes, and turned oer to him
this week. Tile lleru" is tile r;V
that no one may be ashamed to
rid.- i i, d js -nr.- a damly.
Talk aboiji, ymii' poor bi idues.
accidents, dt-alii and desi met ion.
atl old WontJe:i l.rid-e should
h;it the death lu-ad with t'.arinu
red ees hull-" Ins-ii aboe each
mn' in Cass county. llare Mnn
ners. die irar;r-;e m:in at Platls
uioutli, went dirotr-th the bridge al
die f"'d of the hill at Ihe ;icn
Perry farm a few days a. He
member there is trouble alieal
unless we hae better bridges.
Wheat Crop Fair.
All th farmers of this b.-'alily
are urr mighty busy these days
look inn a ft er I hei r w heat crop. No
less than a dti.-u threshing ma
chines are running" within a few
miles of Murray, and of course il
requires the wrk of all harvest
hands available. The crop is
turning- out pretty well, although
ttoi so good as last year. Il seems
to be the g.n. ial iolief that the
average yield will be about twenty
bushels per acres, or a Iritle less.
A Pleasant Meeting.
The Mis-ionar society met last
Friday afternoon at the pleasant
farm home of Mr. and Fliner
Iloedt'ker, south "f Murray. There
were about thirty ladies present
; :n. a most pleasing and profit
able m. 'cling was held. At the
usual hour refreshments were
sei vi d. which was one of the most
enjoyable features of Ihe after
noon. Manv of the ladies are
very thankful to Lncle Sam Latta
for being p. rmide.l to attend the
meeting" by him pressing his big
new llerg car into service in con
veyirg them l and from the
lloedeker home.
Very Unfortunate Accident.
We certainly regret very much
to learn that our excellent young
friend. Al Hencger. met with quite
a serious accident est erday while
engaged in threshing. In sonn
manner he slipped and fell and the
heavy waler wagon being driven
by passed over his leg. While no
bones were broken the limb was
tpiite badly bruised and will com
pel him to be laid up for some
lime. The inosi unfortunate part
of the accident was Ihe fact that
the i l.juicl limb was the one that
he has been having such a serious
lime with for Ihe past few years.
sutTering- from necrosis of the
bone. The accident may have a
tendency to vause him more
trouble with the old disease.
The Journal advertisers are do
ing the business.
Too Much Visiting Over the Line.
The .Murray telephone exchange
has been experiencing cou.-ider-abb'
I rouble during: Ihe past few
days by entirely too many nf the
pal runs usin Ihe lines fop .social
find visiting conversation. This
season beine; a bu-v one on the
farm, nct'diny." the lines for busi
ness purposes, ami the manager
is compelled In call their patrons'
adeiilion to the following' rule,
which intisi be complied wilh in
the future: Conversation on party
lines must be limited to live min
utes al a lime. The company re
serves the rihl to interrupt con
versation and connect up others
al Ihe end of tie minutes. The
rule will be lived up to in the
future, so pah-mis will please re
member Ihis and md blame the
exchange managers.
l'llll SAI.K Two-cylinder Au
burn auto, in line running" order,
flood cap fop die money. Will
consider some trade. J. M.
Holmes. Mu.'-'-av, Neb.
Mjrray, Neb.
Proposals for tin erection of :i
frame school btiibliii'-;. according
In plans and specifications ,y ,j.
P. foith. achilecl. of Omaha. Neb.,
will In' received by Ihe i I 1 1 . 1 ' I' - i - . 1 -ed
until Wednesday, the -j-jd day
of Jtil . I '. 1 L al 1 "J o'clock p. m.
Plans can 1 btaiued at the
ollice of the Murray State dank.
Murray N b.. and ai the office of
J. P. fluth. architect, rooms r 1 ".
IT. Paxloi I ',!. .ck. ( imaha. Neb.
A ci-rtili.-.i check fop ,' pep cent
of ihe proposal must accompany
the bid.
The Hoard of .l'.luca! ion re
serves the riulit In reject any or
;'.!! bids.
Plop..-;,:- Tllll-t be addressed to
doar.I of l-'.hicalii -it , a mi mu-1 lie
ma"ke.I "did !': Slied llou-e"
OH t lie oill sjile.
i.-::ied :
;. If. iilm-'i e. I i: .-c!.-p.
Strayed, June 13th.
He niuley cow. Has large front
t.-at. Anyone knowing anvtlmv- as
to its whereabout- nb-a-e notify
Arthur Kellogir, Smith dend. Neb..
and receive reward. 7-C-tfw.
Nebraska Signal.
'(ii;c-s that's goi:t" some." is an
oitl worn expression, bui il proved
ail right the oilier day. Johnny
drum's who lives in Madison town
ship, was cutting- wheat, and a
casting on h's hinder broke. Mr.
James went to the home and called
bis implement d.-aicr in Geneva
by telephone and told him what
was broke, etc. Tlie dealer had
no casting in stock, so telephoned
bis house itt Lincoln, who told him
they would send it out on the first
train. Mr. James went to Fair
mont in an auto and met the train,
got his casting, took it home. 501!
it on his binder and commenced
cutting wheat in less lhan three
Tyewriter ribbons at the Jour
nal office.
s:ht o'.v is iang Plow Season
And we want to tell you that we
are handling
The J. 1
Also the John Deere and Iron Clad Wagons
We will soon have a line of the high
grade BERG BUGGIES that we
wish you to call and see when they
Murray, - -
51.00 rsK AlKc 5rSn
OJlUUUiiCrcS Urn and w.U land. Hmvt wiH. clay mbwuL Nr R.K.. School and
W iL T I . t Churches- Ciirap fuel. Price $15 to'iCo pel cr 10 annual fwTneas
HOrtn or i crop each year. Ejumonj rotry 7oMT. Tree area to purchaaen.
slope countryOCIU Wrfte or see The A. H. JtlAS CO., 215 AaiLus Kfis-.KiMKpolis, Mina.
iiiDi,ii .in mil am i
A kin? once said to a minister, "Do
you believe in luck?"
"I do," saitl the minister.
"Can you prove it':" asked the kintj.
"Yes, I can."
So one nij;ht lie tied up to tlie ceit-in-T
of a roo.n a bair containing peas
mixed with diamonds and let ia two
men, one of whom believed ia luck
and the other in human effort alone.
The one who believed in lin k quietly
la itl himself down on the ground on
his blanket; the other after a time
found the baj,' and, feeling iu Hie dark
tl;. peas and stones, ate the peas ami
threw the diamonds to his companion,
t-ayin.i-, "There are the stones for your
The man below received them in his
In tlie iuornini? the kins and the
minister" came and told each man to
keep what lie had found. The man who
believed in trying fc'ot the peas whkh
Le had eaten; the other got the dia
monds. The minister then said, "Sire, there
may, yuu see, be luck, but it is as rare
as peas mixed with diamonds, so let
none hope to live by luek." Eastern
Concerning Two Sounds.
When .Joseph Henry Lumpkin was
chief justice nf Ceorjria a case was
brought up from Columbus in which a
wealthy citizen asked for an injunc
tion to prevent tlie construction of a
planing mill across the street very near
his palatial res'idem e. His grounds for
complaint consisted chiefly in the propo
sition that the noise of the mill would
wake him too early in the morning.
"Let the mill be built." said the chief
justice in rendering his decision. "Let
its wheels be put in motion. The prog
ress cf machinery must not be stopped
to suit the whims or the fears of any
man. Complainant's fears are imagi
nary. The sound of the machinery will
not be a nuisance. On the contrary, it
will prove a lullaby. Indeed. I know
of but two sounds in ail nature that a
man cannot become recon. iltd to. and
thev are the brayimr nf an ass ami th
ten-rue of a scolding woman." Atlanta
Cucklen's Arnica Salve for Cuts,
Burns, Sores.
Mr. F. S. Lopep. Mai-ilia. N. Y..
writes: -"I have never had a Cut
dr.i n. Wound "r Sore it would not
lieal." Oct a box' of dueklen's
Arnica Salve today. Keep handy
at all times for Burns. Sores. CuL-
Wonnds. prevents Lockjaw. -Joe.
a! xotir Druggist.
Well Digging and Ctump Pulling.
I am prepared In do slump
pulling on contract and also to
dig wells, and solicit work in this
line. Satisfaction guaranteed in
every instance. T. II. Smith.
I OR SALF Nice pair of 2-year-obl
bay mare cits; they are
good. Come and see them. J. M
lb dines. Murrav Neb.
j Dewarc of Ointments lor Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
as ir.prrnry v:'M w.Trt? dtror the of smell
Liiti O'.ai; i -t. Iy i2i'i'a:;ce ti. wlmlt' pystetu when
f.i'-iT it t':rn;-ti tlif iir.ifou surt-evs. Surlt
. ti .f .-:-."uUl '... r Ih' bsi'd xcfit on rnworij.
C'it.s fi' ui i ut:ibl i hyM'-Uins. a tlie tlamaRk
C i-y a .11 ti.t is ten f .Itl U Tlie ioil j-tui oau puc t:t rl tivm thrai. H:.Jl's Cat.-irrli Curv
::s!!::f..cturt'J by F. J. Jc Co.. Tt-lcdo. ..
t:.:;;i:s n n.ircr.ry . r.n-l i lalfu lnteruahy.
r..-t!rs iHrt-.-tly u; "n M.M.-.1 r.n-l nun-ont sur
t;..s .f tl.f Tstftn. ! biiyinir Hall's Catarru
. !-. 1 ..(.., j-ct t!:c p.-nuitif . It i taken
!.: rn:.::v ; inl :n-.i. I i T.itt-.V.. OL!i, tr F. J.
y vm-. '! tiii":.i::ls trt-t.
?:.! 1 y Itl"--i-t r.-'i-. pr t'Ottte.
Tko IIr.'s l'i. Vl'.l fvr cuu:lnstljn.
- CAi
- Nebraska
uKUr miMfcHl
iiniftJiMaMi "
Local News
W. C. Hamsey of Omaha came
down last evening; on No. 'J to at
lend die funeral of his uncle, the
late William I'oxwell..
Mrs. Oscar Wilson was a visitor
in the mclpopolis today fop a few
hours, returning- home on the
1:1 diirlington train.
Frank Konfrsl and Ludwig Ha
cek departed this morning on No.
(') lor Paeitic Junction to look af
ter som. work in that place.
Miss Ellen Caplson departed
this morning" for Phillips, Neb.,
where she will visit, for a week in
that place wilh relatives and
Misses Cecil Sell jappacass,. and
Mary McOuire were passengers
tin- morning lor Omaha, where
they -o to visit fop Ihe day with
friend s.
Dr. F. L. Cummins and wife
weie passengeps this mopniiig for
Omaha, where they will visit for
the day in that city with relatives
and fri":uls.
Hon. Jesse L. Hoot of Omaha
came down this morning on the
early diirlington train and spent
(he day here looking after some
matleps in district court.
F. It. Mullen, division superin
tendent of the diirlington. was in
the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters for
the company at the shops.
.Mrs. P. F. KufVner returned this
morning on No. ', from Cedar
Creek, where she has been for Ihe
past few day viiting at the
home of Mi s. Mary Metger, near
that place.
If you want to buy or sell a
farm or borrow money on Cass
county farm land, see T. H. Pol
lock, office Coates' Block, Platts
mouth. Mrs. J. A. Murray and son.
Heorge, were passengers this
morning fop Omaha, where th-
go to consult a specialist in re
gard to some trouble Oeorge ha
been having with his hearing.
S. Ilaynie of Lincoln county,
who has been here fop a few days
visiting his sister. Mrs. j. Chris
wis.ser and family, departed this
morning for his hotne in the west
ern part of the slate.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Ost.
Cle.le. Marguerite and Raymond
Ilergep, of the vicinity of N'e
hawka, motored to this city yes
terday afternoon to attend to im
port ant business matters. They
were pleasant callers at this ollice.
Charles Fischer and wife and
Mrs. E. Witke of Cresfon. I..w a.
who were here to attend the
Fischer-Jackson wedding at the
home of William lludig Tuesday
evening, departed last evening on
No. - for their home.
W. S. Putney of Western, Neb..
who has been here for a short
time with his wife and daughter.
Vera, visiting at tlie home of Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Smith, departed
yesterday afternoon for his home.
Mrs. Putney and daughter will re
main here for a more extended
Albert Pendl returned home
tin s noon from Omaha, where he
has been for the past two weeks
faking treatment in one of the
hospitals in that city. He returns
home feeling greatly improved in
health and thinks that, he will be
as pood as new in a short time.
O. M. Streight and J. II. Mc
Maken departed this noon over the
Missouri Pacific for Nebraska
City, where they go to try and se
cure a new work horse, as Mr.
McMaken has just suffered the
loss of one of his fine grey work
Ralph Mullis an.i Harry Kruger
departed last evening on an ex
tended trip to the south, where
they will visit at Tampa and other
points in Florida to look after
some land in that section.
Mrs. Olive Lawrence of Tyron.
Iowa, who has heen here for a
short time as a guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Olson, de
parted this morning on the early
Burlington train for her home. -
Itch! Itach! Itch! scratch!
Scratch! Scratch! The more you
scratch, the worso Ihe itch Trv
J Doan's Ointment. For eczema,
'any skin itching. 50c a box.