PAGE 4. PLATTSnOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUHMAL. THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. this daring young office has had. IT MUST HAVE POWER. Several new residences are con- Cht plattsmoutb journal Published 8eml-Wekly at Platttmouth, Nobr. Entered at the Poetofflce at PUttsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher templated. -:o:- 8ubaoriptlon Prloei SI. SO Per Year In Advanoe THOUGHT FOR TODAY. 5- ! Irresolution is a worse -l" ice than rashness. He that -I- shouts best may sometimes - miss the mark; but he that 4 J- liots not at all can never J lilt il. Feltham. m V 4 :o: It's all up with the candidates ii"v. If you didn't get in it's your own fault. :o: Sunday was certainly a very hot day, the thermometer registerin H3 in ttie shade. :o:- W.-ll. after all, the United Stales senate can guess pretty g I sometimes. It appears to hae taken Hilly Loriiner's exact siz when it boosted him out of the senate as a bad man. :o: t If Covernor Morehead is to be blamed for changing his mind, how- about It. H. Howell, who has aniintiiieoil ! .'for the republican nomination for governor, when he promised other candidates that he wouldn't run? :o:- lloss Hammond will have to do !-oin hard work if he expeets the republican nomination for gov ernor. It was thought when he first came out the nomination lay in tlo palm of his right hand. Hut not so since H. 11. Howell has tiled. :o: One thing wherein Gov. More head especially appeals to the people h. js plain and common, and his head has never swelled because of his successes. Few iim'ii bjar such honor's as meekly and as unassumingly as John H. Lincoln Herald. :o: . If one or two fellows who are randiadtes on the democratic ticket for stale ollices are nom inated, and a personal light is made on their records, it will make I he countenances of many democrats pale with shame. :o: And now Carranza comes to the front and says he will never ac cept any man for president whom II tier) a has even indirectly pre ferred. Somebody has got to serve, and we move that Villa be pu.-hed for the place. He has done more lighting and less bragging than any man in the whole outfit. : o : The Omaha judge seems to hae the correct system. The judue warns all auto and motor cycle speeders that "the higher the speed the greater the price." The 4pen cut-out" fiend is being taken care of as he deserves. Gus is not of our kind of politics, hut we realize the fact that he is a justice of the state supreme i: j i i : i I . a spieuuia man, u, vpieuuiu oiuuer, court has said that tliere IS CX- Platfsmouth is holdinc- her own and deserves a renomination and tremc danger in the delegation of pretty well this season. re-election. wide powers to the state railway :o:. . I . T 1 - it.i I "" commission. lie suyyesis uiat Judge Tibbets of Lincoln pre A .. .J I .. J , 1 .4 T....W, IL J i . 1- 1 J 1. . . I AClu,u,1,b lu oldUSUeci dUUl- u,e "'ws activity snoum uu Ujcls a hard political light in Ne- nal the business of this country bed because the legislature has h,raska. has increased at the rate of $2,- allotted to it many duties not con 000,000 a day for the lirst week templated in the constitution. The in June, in comparison with last justice finally denominates the year's figures. commission "as unlicensed auto- :o: cracy, possessive of powers that Some fellows should be think- people would hesitate to give to . I 1 1 I i ing oi some way or narmonizing Kings anu parnnieius Another candidate for governor I the democrats instead of how one a fundamental study of the has entered the lists as one who faction is going to control the learned justice's contentions is has changed his mind. It is R. 13. Columbus convention. Because worth while. It brings out many Howell of Omaha, who has just there must be harmony if the points which only a few people yielded to the importunities of democrats expect to carry the have understood and a few points dual ANOTHER THINK. It is the wise man that can change his mind, and tradition has it that the fool never does. many political admirers and state. altered his previously proclaimed determination to keep out of the race. The new altitude of Mr. Howell is going to relieve some of those :o: Col. Roosevelt's resignation from tne Outlook force nas a string to it in the shape of a promise lo write special arucies . T a : 4 S I f II.. . . . ... who persisieu in imagining mat for mo paper wnen ne snan leei the, commission under tins peo I !nvii'niii T ii'oli .1 (1 h'lil pnniinil I HI'iviiirr front mil i 1 ie;i 1 i .-. I ........ I ....... t :.. II... I.nninnni ted the unpardonable sin by al- duties. The colonel always has are greater than have been con- Iowing his friends to force him another cup of colfee in view. into a campaign for re-election. In all material respects their positions are identical of them wanted to be a candidate for governor. Each had said that he would not be. Each was im- :o: :o: The Commercial club does not seem as active as it was a year ago. wnat s tne mailer? :o : They are now expecting Hucrta to hand in his resignation almost any day then who'll be president of Mexico? :o: Then; has been no democrat appointed postmaster at Lincoln yet, and neither has Tommy Allen been made distirct attorney. :o: Hold the next band concert at the park is the sentiment of over .1.1 -1.1 selves. Aim me powers given i iWO-tIiirds of those who attend The band boys, many of them, don't like the Air Dome for eon- certs, and several of them refused to play last Thursday night. :o: which many people have mis understood. The commission was created by the people. Its basic duties were prescribed by the people them- To leave the trust bills in mid- Neither ajr between senate and house un til the short session next winter would mean their defeat ami an- ferred at any time since by the the legislature the representative of the people. So to halt Ihe com mission now in detail of service at legislative hands would be to draw the lines at the very ele menls that contribute to its What Sunday schools need, ac cording to speakers at Ihe re- igous conventions, is more and better advertising. What advertis ing needs, according to publicity experts, is more of the Sunday r mm- 'asm ALCOHOL 3 PER nmiT Acgetal)lerVcparalionfbrAs slrailating ilttFoodandltegula ting tlic Stomachs andBowelsof I I s BAST Promotes DigpstlonHf etfur ness and RestontaIns neither Ophmi Jlorphine norliamL Not Nab c otic JkMleSaltS" jlrjstStd Clanled SUgar WmttgnwtTanC. Aperfect Remedy forConsflp Hon , Sour Storoadi-DlaarhMJ Worms JCoitvulsionsJevensn- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. JiicSunfle 'signature of The Centaltu Qov&txx, NEv i OK iv. II For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW other two years of business im portuned by citizens who had at certainty. If congress will follow power 1. t si . ..I uean ine weuaie 01 ine siaie anu the suggestions of President U- The commission cannot accom- school spirit Of the party. son. all will end well. nlish its nnrn.ise if its field is lo I ' I ' . - t E - - 1 I I. I il... I I setnia 10 nave iiuuiue :0: be only administrative. It must No one with an ounce of brains same conception of the duty he Thc democratic county com- appropriate large judicial func- will contend thai President Wil owed lo his party and the state ,:.- .....Pt in Weenina- Water linns. Ami t r-"" u m m l 1 In Use For Over Thirty Years IS) 1A1 A Exact Copy of Wrapper. Tub :o:- Occasionally there is a woman who suffers from brain-fag. She's to further properly son has not the right to appoint im,llu i:,,,! 1 A II A 11" I I I I --V io icspcLo a can io puuut uui, next Saturday lo lix the date for perform its full task it must as- whom he sees lit to office, but they regardless of his own personal jK,ijinjr tne county convention to sume also a legislative function of will contend that it is not proper l . . : r . I I I Ut-Mits or prtltl lilt t S. Ic.TrirW lvtil v ilolntrnt e from Cnsslnn nuan nriuinrl ! i n llonce tole fiwlil In rtnnomf o iii:uiv from Governor Morehead would have L. .OUIlly lo t,e state convention at restrict it lo any single field would one family. The American peo 1 1 f - I I I pitieitiu io iun lor tongiess or c , . The date for the state be seriously to impair its useful- pie believe in a division of the convention is Tuesday, July 28. ness and perhaps destroy its ef- spoils of oftice, and they are just :o: Miciencv altogelher. It is better to as much due to one democrat as i i The primary election is but one have a commission of three-fold another, as long as I hey are mouth off. Let us wait and see power tnat will accompiisii wnai Honest, good and true democrats .... . who the grouches will be. Willi Ihe people want than to Have one and competent I . ... ...... I so many candidates it is certain of lesser power that will Je Help- :o: that -some will be disappointed, less lo aid the people in regulation They can't down The man who isn't ready to accept of utilities. The people want re- Morehead, no matter I .. .. . ..I! r.-l . 11-1 . defeat and be willing to support suits even from the courts, ir tney try. i ne oi ner ua wniie m his successful opponent should I hey do not get them they are en- were in Lincoln we niel a couple I .. I jt i .- 1 1 . I get out of Ihe race right now. Milled to prescribe relorms which oi uemoerais irom ine ei i -:o:- I'resident wilson will now have an opportunity to appoint a democrat as a successor to Jus tice Lurton of the United States Mipreine court, who passed away at Atlantic City, J., Sunday of heart failure. He was 70 years of age, and his home was in Ten nessee. He was appointed by President Taft. :o:- Joe Burr of Nebraska City lias withdrawn from the race as a cindidate for lloat representative from Otoe and Cass counties on the democratic ticket. Mr. Burr is a good man, but believes, as many others do, that according to past precedents, the candidate this year should come from Cass county, as the last candidate came from Otoe. retire to private life. Mr. Howell was very partial to continuance in the important public office he now Holds at the nead of the Omaha water system and the making of it a success as a public ownership project. When the call came to (Jover- nor Morehead, it came from an overwhelming majority of the members of the democratic stale connnillees and chairmen of democratic stale committees and chairman of democratic county coinmitees, who might be expect ed to express with fidelity the sentiment of democrats in their respective communities. Nine out of ten of these importuned Ihe governor to run again. It was as practically unanimous as sentiment ever is in regard lo a candidate. Much more so than usual. Undoubtedly a large element of the republican party entertained a sincere conviction that the candidacy of Mr. Howell was im perative, as a large element of the democracy' believed that Gov ernor Morehead owed it lo his party to submit lo its call. Lin coln Star. :o: Hon. W. B. Price was in Plalts- moulh this week shaking hands and becoming acquainted with Ihe democratic voters. Mr. Price is a candidate for the nomination for congress, and he made a good im pression upon all with whom he met, and went away greatly en couraged. :o: : o : There are so man heal record that a few are get broken everv summer. :o: Speaker Clark is in faor of i extending the presidential term lo six years. That's all right. :o: .N'ii town in Cass county is any It. i& . -1 A 1..T ii ivernor I ei ier pi eoai eu io iahH care oi .. . .. how hard M-he democratic convention man Ulmwood. There are a heap of people carrying I heir appendix around Thev are not lit to be voted for in will. h'f the slate, and in a lime taiK Hi,, i.rimnrv. The nir.ncv of t lie rnilwav com- w ith them, the conversation na- with them jusl because the doctor :o: mission law must stand or fall on turally drifted upon Ihe governor- duln t think they had the money I I .... . ... The Slate Journal, in reply to this so-called autocratic feature, ship, and tliey were, bom unanim- an editorial in the World-Herald, if the commission cannot go to us for (.overnor Moreiieao, anu Qhl Mother Netlicoal wanted a seems lo think there is a differ- the heart of any diseased system Ihey were free to declare that - t hey I peLt icf aL and went down town to ence in tne pledges or dovernor which it seeks to restore to nor- Morehead and II. B. Howell. Well.jmal health it cannot make diag yes, there is some difference, but nosis of a case. And compelled to the greatest mistake is made by I act without diagnosis it cannot Howell, because he pledged to two prescribe a treatment that, will re- of the leading republican candi- spond to the needs of the patient dates for governor that under no The commission to be responsive consideration would he become a t0 nublic needs must be supreme believed he was the only man that could be elected. This has been Ihe Journal's opinion all along. :o: The toll at grade crossings candidate, and upon this pledge they tiled for the office. Other wise they would not have done so. :o: Can't we get up some kind of . m continues, and news reports oi the past week have hardly missed i day without bringing to public I . . . i i . .i r but heincr suoreme must not "iieuuon unuu.n i Il 11 .. I I . .i sa. I . I rrioi Ja ft'iKCi f.n.rrl M.ol lw inlproiU ,.f sMIlHianu mumniui pi - creators, the farmers of the field "'p ...irtu jiii.i ,imci:il nf ten the causes occur by the aulo U-alll I'll V VHIJIIVJin .!' ---- ...... ,.....i i. driver trying to beat tne ranva on I isi'l 'i in in on of August? We have had nothing justly. World-Herald of this kind so far this season. Several have proposed a "Home Coining celebration." That will :o:- prove a drawing card, and bring in a large number of former resi dents, who would make it a pleas- I The tailors lake advantage this season when men don't want lo wear anything to announce that ure trip to this old lown. It would bring to the town those who have not seen one another for years boys and girls of twenty or more years ago, who graduated from Ihe High school. These home coming days have proved a pleas ant event in other towns, and why the coming fall clothes will be form lilting." :o: There should be a law in every stale compeliin; auto drivers to slop before pass- .. I i - . r.i.l if ing over rauroiia iniiA, cum u SUCH il law IS put 111 j-mi will not hear of any sucli ac cidents. :o: A strong delegation of demo- i a' ... 1 I ........... I (n i i n I crais irom r,iiun"u cu piMiip down lo Weeping aler next a store. But wnen sue got mere the girl said with a stare: They're not wearing them things any more. :o: Wisconsin's eugenic marriage law has been declared uncon stitutional by the courts. In other words, a person must have a pretty good constitution to live up to its provisions. :o: Colonel Uoosevelt, iL seems, is ministration because Ihe word "regret" appears in the Columbian treatv. Tsu't. it too bad that facts have come to light showing that that particular word was put in the treaty by former President Taft, who's already smashed? You can't shut down on all the knockers in Platlsmouth. Some of them are old -enough to know bet ter, but they won't down, so just as well let them keep on wasting their breath. ':o: The overskirt is coming back. There is a multiplicity of them, lirst is a long one, next a little shorter and so on until the ladies have three or four overykirts. Looks like rather a warm garb for this hot weather. But after all, is it not more modest Mian the transparent kind they have been wearing? :o : Domocratio Committee to Meet. The Democratic County Com mittee of Cass County is hereby called to meet at Weeping Water, Neb., on Saturday, July 18, 191 i, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the pur pose of calling Primaries and County Convention, at which ,rimaries and Convention dele gates will be selected to county and state convention, and such other matters as may come be fore the Committee. Yr. D. Wheeler, Chairman. :o : You're Bilious and Costive! Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Furred Tongue and Indigestion, Mean Liver and Bowels clogged. Clean up tonight. Get a 25c bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills today and empty the stomach and bowels of ferment ing, gassy foods and waste. A full bowel movement gives a satisfied, thankful feeling makes you feel fine. Effective, yet mild. Don't gripe. 25c, at your Drug gist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Burns. It. Beecher Howell tells what he . expects lo do if he is elected ?"V- U;alurduv to ask that the county ernor. Now, let's hear from Ross convi,(ion he held in that city Hammond and the other repub- t ,ias be(,u son)(1 linie since a con- lican candidal es. George Beige von,in n ,,,... i.,.id in Klm- teils what should be done, but tLVood, and the Iasl held there was would lake a good many years to OMe (,r the largest and most carry out his platform, while we harmonious ever held in the coun- Morehead Lancaster county has several candidates opposing Gus Hyers tor re-election lo the ollice of nol in Platlsmouth? sheriff. Of course this is a "free for-all" race and nnv nirsnn i-jhi I it i..i... ;.. ..r 1 1. - know what Governor Morehead ( Tn nt!0it. irrespective of j r . w i tioti. juiiii indiii: i win- " l i-- a - . get in who possesses the entrance Lddest Germans in Nebraska, and vvi11 d,, because lie always does par,y will extend the glad hand fee. But at this distance we can his nomination and election to ri,,t at lne rig,,L ti,,, They have a line large, airy hall see no cause for onnosition to Lk ui..i ,o..- ii,.i nf..n and no monkey business. in which to meet, and every ar- Gus. He has made, one of the and Cass counties will have a rep- :o: rangement will be made for all best sheriff's in the stale, attend- lesenlalive in the next legislature Some democrats and repub- who attend, and Charley Hart, the ed strictly to the duties of the that the voters of the district licans, too, seem lo think that an landlord of one of the best hotels office, always ready lo go at a will be nroud of. As the World- election can't occur unless they in the slate, will be abundantly moment's notice, no matter how Herald, the great organ of Ne- are on the ticket. This seems to prepared lo care for all who come, dark the night or what part of bruska democracy, has frequently be the case on the stale ticket. There is no doubt about the hos-j the county, Gus Hyers done his Laid there should be more men Some fellows delight to keep their pilable citizens of LImwood Keep- duty. He has been tried and not like John Malles in our legis- names before the people, whether ing up their reputation in caring found wanting, and we believe the Mature. Men who are always on they are ever elected or not. If for the convention in llrsl-class people of Lancaster county know Mho lookout for the welfare of this they can't get the governorship, shape. The trains run so that it Gus livers ti ill iinniiv .p.nwi down to an is easy to come and go. They IglCUIs VUlUlOUIlVVCrCUVM. JJIVI lill mil ,1 ... j-i rTNii Ti ii I i hi onien f roni f li a btiv- I Miinl the convn t ioii, anil 111 has never had the experience that I Mattes to a man. . ernor. Anything, so it is an ollice. Journal says give it to them. r Mr I. I J 1 ' THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FINISH FOR THE WALLS OF YOUR HOUSE A Paint-ready to use-easy to apply givtng beautiful tints and colors. Has all the soft, beautiful, useful effects that ar so popular today-with the latest colors in decorations. Mar be eed on oM or new walls, on plaster, concrete, burlap, metal, etc. Durable, - - WASHABLE- - easily cleaned not easily .marred. Ask us for Color. Cards !and for facts about all LOWE BROTHERS PAlNTS, and VARNISHES They are what you want WEYKISH &HADRABA, Exclusive Agents.