FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1914. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, PAGE 3. Five Passenger Touring Car 32 H. P. Long Stroke Motor Detroiier Retnv Self Starting and Lighting System Enclosed Valves, Three Point Sus pension, I'nit Power Plant, Platform Kear Springs, Full Floating Rear Axle, Left Hand Drive. Center Control, Drop Frame, 1-arge Tires, Complete Ball Bearing Car. Also Roadster and Speedsrer models, and a wide variety of equipment. $850 to $1050 T. H. POLLOCK, Office Coates Blk PLATTSMOUTH. - - - NEBR. PlleS VISTULA Pay After You Are Cured A mild system of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently cured. 'v DR. TARRY Bee Building Omaha. Make Your Wants Known .Advertisements un'ler .this heading' fi rents pt-r lint each insertion. Six words will le eountetl as a line ami no advertisement taken for less t liii n ten cents. J'oft SALK Silver- cornet, splen did instrument, J.onsr model. In.juire of Dirk Avard. F.lec hric Shoe- Slur1. (iZAKKS acres. hand-'iiiely improved, p,,,,, orchard. ;rood water, rlii.-i to town. :.'i acre-: limber: a tine' dairy, poultry, truck, fruit, ;rrain or jzrass tarni: 1 '.." mile-; south of Kan sas taly. on Kansas Ciiy South ern Railway. Price, s.'l.rinu.nn ; terms. R. H. l'.ales. Ander-oii. Mo. FOP. SALE The Mrs. McVicker residence on North Sixth street. r;r particulars call on Mrs. .t. E. leesley. FOP SALE The O. F. Switzer quarter, three miles southwest of Nehawka. For particulars see or write Iienry M. Pollard. Nehawka, Nebraska. Con SALE Farm ef 121 acres, 5ii mile northeast of Union. 14 acres hay land. 20 acres pasture timber. rest in cultivation: well improved. Price right if taken soon. Address Miss Etta Nickels, Murray. Nebr. FOR SALE Beautiful Shetland jk nies at all times, for the next 100 years, unless I die in the meantime. I have now an extra line stallion, the best in the state, for sale Well broke for loth harness and saddle. Vm. (iilmour, Plattsmouth. Nebr., II. F. D. No. 1. Mrs. A. L. Tidd was a passeng er this iiioi ninir for Omaha, where -tie will visit for a few days with relat ives and friends. Dr. Ounn and wife of Nebraska City were here for a few hours la-t e en i mi; v iit inr w it Ii friends, having" motored up from their llolile. Insure your automobile. Relia ble insurance, reasonable rates. T. H. Pollock, office Coates Block, Plattsmouth. Spend Your Vacation in Colorado This Summer. You will find there a climate unexcelled, scenic attrac tions on every hand which are within easy access of the tour ist centers of this State. ESTES PARK and CHEROKEE PARK deserve partic ular mention as mountain resorts. Each is reached via the Union Pacific and a pleasant automobile trip. UNION PACIFIC Standard Road of tbe West is the only double tracked and electric block safety signal protected railroad to Colorado. Three splendidly equipped, electric lighted trains operate to Denver daily. FRECKLE FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots How to Remove Easily. Ik-re's a chance, Miss Freckle face, to try a remedy for freckles with the jruarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it Joes jrive you a clear complexion the expense is trillinir. Simply ret an ounce of othine double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it js in rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beautiful com plexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription sold un der guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. Now Out of Hospital. For the past few days Mrs. Roy Dodge has been in one of the Omaha hospitals taking treatment for stomach trouble, from which she has been a great su!Verer. and her friends will be pleased to learn thai she was able to return to her home yesterday afternoon feeling much improved in health. Mrs. Dodge has not been in the besf of health for the past few months and her family have been quite worried over hep condition, but now ape feeling more assurred. Money to loan on Cass county farm land at 5 per cent. T. H. Pollock, office Coates' Block, Plattsmouth. Rev. V. s. I.etle was a visitor in the metropolis today for a few hours, going to that city on the early I'urlinL'ton train this morn ing. L. W. Lorenz was among the business visitors in the metropolis this afternoon, going up on No. 2'. For further information relative to re duced summer tourist rates, sleeping car reservations, eta, apply to W. S. BfiSINGER, G. P. Omaha, Nebraska. i Tim roi TV roirtT oi cv m.T. KiiniK. In th Matter of the Kstate of Peter Jlarirahan. Catherine llanrahan ami ivtr .1. Manialiati, .lr.. 1 ecea.-f tl. I'rurreilliKcn to I:ImIUIi Title. I'.ti'. The heirs anil other i-rson.s interrst ea in the estates of the above natnt-a persons are h-rehy cited to take notice that a petition lias heeri filed statir.t; anions other things that more than two vears have elapsed sine the death of ivter llanrahan and Ivter J. llanra han. jr., and that lot 1, in P.lock 4, Thompson's Addition, and Lot of Wise's (Hit Lot Addition to the City of I'lattsmont li. Nebraska, be assigned to .Mary C. Whelan and John llanrahan as children and sole heirs at law to said property. Also that .Mary 5. Whelan be specially appointed to collect the pen sion due and payable by V. S. govern ment to said Catherine lianrahan at I he lime of her death. Said petition will he heard in the County Court at Plattsmouth. Neb., on the :!rd day of August. Ptlt. at Pi clock a. in., and it is hereby ordered that this notice be served by beinu published in the Plattsmouth Journal for three weeKs prior to said day of hearintr. I:.ted this 11th .lav of mil. (Seal, AI.I.KX .1. HKKSOX. County Jiu'tce. . IWYKP. Attornev. 7-i::-::wks noth i: r s i.r.. Jn the Mutter of tie- Kslate of Henry St ii 1 1. I it-era sed. Notice is hereby Riven that in pur suance to an order of lfon. James T. P.e-ley, judire of the PNtrict Court of I'ass Coiintv. Nebraska, made on the IMtli day of" June, 1!14. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the south door of the court house in the City of Pialts tnouth, in said Countv, on the Stu day of August. P.HI. at ten o'clock :. m., at public Vendue to the b's!let bidder for cash. 1 per c-i,t of the h,d to be paid at eloe of sale and the balance on or before continuation of sale, li e fuliow-im;- described real esiai e t .-w: t : An iin-livbled o!ie-sit!i. .;: h.iev to ti. dower and homestead" l ifilit of Airatha StuU thu-ein. ef tie east half f-f tin-n-irlliwest inarter of Section tw.i 1) . Townshii twelve (ll'. Parr-re thirteen i:;. i ontainin sevent y-i'oiir an I T-l(.il u' res iikhv or l. ss: the east hall rf the southwest .(uarler of Section two Township twelve i 1 Z. Kanire thirteen -ontaininif eil'ty acres more or less: lot tour '. I in lb- north west tptarter id" Section thirty-six c:'. Township thirieeu (Pit. P.inue tlMrteen ii:!l, coutainintr twenty-six acres more r,r ht three c: in I he northwest .piarter of Section six :. Township twelve (l.', ltansre fourteen (14i, nm taininir twenty-two and 7T.-P' acres mote or less, it 1 1 in Cass Count:.-. Ne braska. Said sale to remain open one hot: r. Pated this dsy of July. P1 I c. i.avi:i:nci; stppp. Administrator of t!'.- Instate of Penry Stull. I iee..:i .!!. I i. PWYKP. Attorney. T-C-lwk5 xtTic i: Tt rm-:iiT!ti. STATK (P NKP.TIASKA, ("ass County, ss. In Coiintv ( ut.rt. In the Matter of the Kt;ue of Georjce V.'. Vflss. deceased. Notice is hereby Riven to the credit ors of said deceased that hearings will Of had upon claims tile. I against said estate, before me. County Ju.l're of Cass County, Nebiaska, at the Countv Court room in Plattsmouth. in said Countv. on the 27lh day of July. P'li. a?:d on the 1Mb day ,( Januaiy, PUT., at 10 oVIor-k a. m . r.T-li dav for ex amination, adjustment and allowance. All claims must be tiled in said Court on or l.Hi'orc said last hour of hearlnjr. Witness mv band and seal of srtid Countv Court. at Pla 1 1 snmut t'. Ne braska, this dav of June, l !H P (S-aK AI.I.KX J HIIKSi N". Countv Judtre. JOHN M. I.KYIH. Attorney for Kstate. SHKItll lS MI.!-:. State of Nebiaska. County of Cass, fly virtue of an order of sab- issued by James llobertson. clerk of the Idstriot Court, will. in ;uol for Cass count;.'. Ne braska, ar.d to m. directed. I will o:i the Tt! r.ny of J u ! y. A. 1 . P1J, at 1" o'clock a. in. of said dav at the south door of the court house in said countv. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the followire' property, Practionr.I lot No. One Hun dred Twelve itti in Section Nineteen '19i. in Township Twelve (ljt north, in Panire Fourteen (141. Past of the t'.tbl P. M. The same leinir levied ttnon and tpken as the vropeity of W". S. Prittain. whoe real name is Walter S. Prittain: W". AV. Wi'olham, whose real name is Wade W. Windham; Minnie Windham. William P. Pnrke. Julia P.urke and Kol.ert P. Windham. Jr.. defendants, to nt's-f- a ji'dj.tnent of said rnrt recov ered by tbe Plattsmouth Poan and Pui'dinir Associa ; ion. a corporation, plaintiff, asfainst said defendants. Plattsmouth. Neb., June -j. it. irti-S. C I. QPTN'TO.V. Pheriff Cnss Countv, Nebraska. in thi: nisTincT n iit op this rtUM V in- M:nitsK. In Pe-Istate of Pelilah S hwab, le ceased. XtlTlfK III- SAI.ll. Notice is h-rebv givt-n that in pur suance of an onler of Hun. James T. Peg-ley, Judge of the Pistrict Court of Cass County, Nebraska, made on the first day of June, A. I . 1914. lor the sale of the real estate hereinafter de scribed, there will be sold at the south front door of the Court House, at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, on the 1st day of August. A. P. Pt 1 4. at ten o'clock a. in., at public vendue to the hisrhest bidder for cash, the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Pot eiuht S, in the Northeast imr ter (NIC1) of tie Northwest cotarler (XWUi: lot fifteen Pr. 1, in the South east quarter SKU) of the Northwest quarter (XW'4): let twelve (li't. in th.e Northwest quarter (NW'i) of tlie Southwest quarter ISW, ); lot eleven (111 in the Southwest .jtiarter (SWi of the Southwest quarter (SW'i and the Past half (E'i) of the Southwest quarter (SW'i). till of Section twentv eitrht (2S. in Township eleven (111 North, Ilanse fourteen 14, Past P. M.. in the Courdy of Cass. Nebraska. Said sale to remain open one hour. Pated this 20th dav of June, A. I. 1914. CHAPPPS P. SCI1WAP. executor of the last will and testament of Pelilah Schwab, deceased. KAWLS & POPKP.TSON. Attorneys. fi-22-Hwk.s Mrs. Frank Ohm departed this afternuMii for Onialui. wliere she will visil in that city with rela tives and friends fur a few davs. Dan O'Urien, who is einployod in (iihsou as a switcliman. eaine down this morning to look after Hie pnrcliasini; of some supplies of the merchants. Mrs. Sybel Head was anionic the passengers tliis afternoon for Omaha, where she will a i s i t for a few hours o k i n i;" after some matters of business. Mrs. Henry Klinger was a pas sencrer this afternoon for Omaha, where she accompanied her mother and brother, Hilliard Orassnian. to be present at his operation at Immannel hospital. Knit BY TWO N1GCERS AT SOUTH BEND At an early hour this morning' a .start linir holdup occurred ; 1 1 South Hend. in this county, when I wo negroes held np two young men who were passju-r thi'ouith that place ami relieved them of si.(iri. The holdup ofeurred at the J'.oek Island depot in South Pe'ini, and by their lo.Idm'-s the robbers were abb In make their getaway and are thmhl to be in ( m:iha or on I heir way t here. The Iv.'o VoUII-'" llieil robbed were s I a I ! - !'s who were bound lit the north to work in the wheat fields and had slopped oil" in South :end until they could catch a train to lake Ihoni their way. As as possible alter the rob bery Shei iiV (Jui'iloi; was uolilied and started in pursuit of tin- rob bers, followim. theui into Omaha, where it i- hoped to iir:ilr them at one of the n li ' U e!' 1 ! ; s :i, o,-,, re s , . ; ! j the n tei ropol ; s. IKTERESTIHG PROGRAM AT THE PARK NEXT . SUNDAY EVENING A very inleiestiiu program has l.'een arranged for !!: Sunday eeilillg oilll-:' i n -1 1 : I meeting th.-i! is to be held in Carth-hl park on next Sunday i-ve-iin- at ("::;o. Til' s., meetings hae Im.m-h very sucfessflll ill the p-- and tiie program as prepared will be up to the usual high -.tandanl of excel lence. The subject will be "faith ful in Small I iiinu-." under the leadership of Mrs. A. I . Illb.wel!. The program is as t.;ii": So; ; u s(-V ice . . I Inn C. o;k i i I'eC t o r i ir.i .cai ion W. !. 1 5ryan "liny of Small Thin:: s". , a. 1.. Tidd ; .Mos,.s. the Failiiful " I. I!. Don-lass "I'a it h t'u i in i 'i n-nilsh ip" !.('.. Morgan "True W'orkim: Faith" C. A. Kawls 'Faillil'iii in Mone Mailers".. II. II. Cotton "The Faithful" M. S. Itriu-gs T!ie Iwenty-third psalm by tlie '.on-: renal ion. P.enedict io'l. YOUNG LADIES ENJOY i H IMP llitb NEAR THE fillSSOURI A most del igjif t'ul picnic party and supper was enjoyed List eeniipr alone; the cool and sbady bluil's of the o!l Missouri rier b a nipuber of the ouiig ladies of the city. who. seeking' to forget the ho .sliding atiuosphere of the city, banded together and hiked to the Ihirlinglon bridge, near where they cnjoed their picnic. The parly left the city aboiil ( o'clock, and after spending several hours in the inos( pbasing games and amusement s. spread out their sumptuous repast, which they had brought with them, and proceed ed to do ample justice Lo all the good things to r;i! that were con tained in the well tilled baskets. It was a Iale hour when the party wended their way homeward. Those taking part in the delight ful exeill were: Misses Marie Hitter, Lillian ami Mary Novolnay, Tony and Clara .la ml a, Anna Warga, Marie .esladek. Anna .lirousek. I'essie. Alma ami I'li.a belli Holly ami -Mrs. Frank K. I.orenz of Sheldon, Iowa. Big Picnic at Avoca. One of (he big events in the amusement line in the county this year will be the Odd Fellows' pic nic, which will be held at Avora on Thursday, July o. This picnic has grown to lie cue of the estab lished events of the county and the residents of this thriving lit tle city see that their guests are entertained in a royal manner while there. In years gone by this event has attracted large crowds and proved to bo most delightful in every way and the prospects this year are for a record-breaking crowd on the day of the picnic. To feel strong, have good ap petite and digestion, sleep sound ly and enjoy life, use Burdock Blood Hitlers, the family system tonic. Price 91. 00. Alvo Motes Mrs. Charles Sutton is on the sick list. Mrs. Lydia llowewas in Lincoln Wednesday. V. . lioylesof Lincoln is here during threshing. It. A. Stone was Tuesday on bu.-im s llarrv Parseli wa in Lincoln in Lincoln Sat unlay on bu.siness. V. F. Casey was in South Oma ha on busim-ss Friday. Miss Hodrirk returned to Lin coln Sunday evening. Fred Snacker of llallam spent Sunday with friends here. l;ile I'.oyles was transacting business in F.agle Tuesday. Mrs. Ia!e iSoyb's returned fn-m Lincoln Tuesday on .No. II. Mrs. F. M. Stone and son were visiting in Lincoln Salunlav. Mrs. Charb-s Itosenow was shopping in l.inocln Saturday. Oavid Campbell of South IJend uns in town on business Momla. (i. P. J'oiem:in. sr.. shipped two cars of catlb- I.. South Omaha Tuesday. Miss Vera liar ley of Fniversiiy Place is i s i t i 1 1 u Mrs. .. F. Casey (his Week. Mr. and Mrs. .Joe Armstrong vi-iied relatives in Jtokeby Satur dav and Sunday. J. . st i mer and J. A. ShalTer autoed to Lincoln Tuesday morn ing on business. Mrs. Herbert Mm. re and daugh ter. Ulam he, visited with friends in Lincoln Friday. Mr. and Mrs. -Orion Baldwin re turned Monday from an extended visii at Weeping Water. Ben Weaver of South Bend visited his cousin, Mrs. J. A. Shaf fer. Saturday and Sunday. Fd Casey returned from South Omaha Sunday evening where tie had bee;, visiiing his parents. (Irandma Bird. son. Koscoe. and Mr. and Mrs. I'.dwin Taylor visited with A. 1. Bird ami family Sunday. Mrs. Annie Austin and Ftta Mower of Lincoln were guests of Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Shatter Sunday. P.ev. F. P. Musselman returned Wednesday morning from Min nesota, where he has been for several days. Mrs. l.ou Kamm and sons of Lineoln returned home Tuesday after visiting relatives here for several adys. Mire.) St roomer. Bert Kitel and; 'old Appiemnu autoed to Oret ua and Millard Sunday, returning Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Manners and children of llavelock spent Sun day wiih Mis. Manners" moTHer, Mis. Knott and family. John Tusker oT Kansas city came in Saturday evening, visiiing hi- sister, Mrs. Harry Parseli and family unt il Tuesday. Mis. Alfred Swale and daugh tern. Fern, of Lincoln, came down Wednesday to visil her sisler. Mrs. A. I. Bird and Tamily. Mr. and Mrs. Oale Boyles. Mr. and Mrs. Fd Fvans, Mrs. Pringle and Miss Fb Bovb-s were tishing near Ashland Monday evening. Miss Hazel Foreman, who hns been visiting her grandma, Mrs. O. P. Foreman, sr.. returned to her home in Lincoln Sunday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tolland left Tuesday for Colorado to spend the summer, and from there (hey think of going to California to spend the winter. Miss Oeorgia Snoke, who spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. Sain Cashner. returned to her home near J'ngle Saturday. Mrs. Cashner accompanied her for a day's visit. Fzra Fishburn. jewelery. of Lincoln, Neb., will be in Alvo every Wedeusday at, the drug store to repair watches,, (docks and other jewelry. Leave work at the drug store. Work guarantee. I. Mrs. R. A. Stone, who visited several days in Ashland, Pleasant Dale ami Lincoln, returned home Sunday evening. Miss Ruby Stone, who has been visiiing with Loiz Keefer at Litchfield, Neb., also returned Sunday evening, af ter a few days' visit in University Place on her return trip. Mrs. Oeorge Casey and children of Seattle. Wash., came in Wed nesday morning to visit her sister, Mrs. W. E. Casey, for a Tew day. Mrs. Casey has spent some time in Nashville, Tenn., with her mother and other relatives, and visited a sister in Chicago. 111., and is now on her way home. Wedding stationery at the Journal office. 7 " -- - mtm (tel? Sharply Out in Price. If you haven't looked at them you don't realize what bargains v are offering in our higli-tfradu suits at $lo $14 and SlS. The weaves are fancy patterns and blue; the best of fabrics made: the suits are tailored in the most perfect manner pos sible. Better than money's worth prices: Any light-weight l''.r), now Any light-weight $J 2.50, now Any light-weight :)r,AH), now Panama Hats, worth from $3.50 to $8.50, in telescope and optimo shapes, now for $2, 3 and $4 Stetson Sfnf&Z rctiCttci Manhattan ft 4 5- . MURDOCK. Will Ib-eller v:is Imnie Suliir day. W. (). (iillespie was ;i Lincoln visitor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Itnsh were Omaha visitors Tuesday. E. V. Everelt s:enl Sunday with a friend in Lincoln. I. L Hornle'ck was a Lincoln visitor Saturday anil Sunday. Kathryn Anigwerl is here visit ing friends and relatives for a few weeks. Mrs. James Hritlian is visiting rdatives ajid friends here for a few weeks. Sam and ..Teriishn Whethi-rferd were visiiing their imele. I. ;. Hornbeck, Sunday. I.iiwc lli'iill of nmnhn was visit ing his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank lieall one last week. ;. I. Williamson and family is: WILL'S-VJX In order to Clear Out a lot of Odds and Ends, we quote these Tempting Prices. We offer: 45 Pieces of Wash Goods Figured Nub Crape Embroidered Crape Satin Stripe Crape Corded Crape Jipson Tissue French ginghams All the above 25c merchandise at, per yard 17c Dress Ginghams and Chambrays 25 pieces 27-in. wide Gingham, at per yard; 8J.'C 20 pieces 32-in. wide Chambray, at per yard, 2ic 10 pieces good bleached Muslin, at per yard, 7! c 10 pieces better bleached muslin, at per yard, ic 50 pieces Gingham, 5 yards to the piece, at per piece, 35c Muslin Underwear at Clearance Sale Prices. Ladies' Muslin Pants at 15c, 19c, 29c, 35c and 45c Ladies' Muslin U Skirts, at 49c, 59c. 79c and 93c Children's Muslin Pants, at per pair. 8c, 10c and 12c Children's Muslin Waists,, at each, 8c and 10c Children's Muslin U Skirts, each 10c, 19c and 35c Knit Underwear Gentlemen's separate garments, a good lot, at per garm., 25c Our Gentlemen's Union Suits at $1 each is a $1.25 item. Our Ladies' Union Suits at 25c each is a bargain. Our Ladies' Vests at 25c is also a bargain. Ribbons of all Descriptions We give you 60 pieces to select from, many 0 inches wide, at per yard, 25c 50 pair of Ladies' Oxfords and Low Shoes, we offer them to close out at, per pair 79c Our 5c Lace and 10c Embroideries are on display. xuIlr LtiSi an Sink - WW, B El B suit worth up to suit worth up to suit worth up to $10 $14 18 Shirts J were in town a few hones mie d;r last week and returned : Piekreil again. Tbe Miss.-s Soj.bia a"d Martha Wieshiet of were visiting- friends and relatives 1 1 - j -Tuesday. The farmers in tbi- viejnity have been busy this Week tllies ing and Ihidr wheal has made from 'u to ;( bushels per aeie. Mrs. Lou Langhoi-st and dau-h-ler. hais.v. ami Mr. Harry Wii lianison and Sam Ilee, were m town a few hours Tuesday. The Best Medicine in the World. "My little girl had dysentery very bad. I thought she would die. Chamberlain's Colic. Chol era and Diarrhoea IP-Medy cured her, and I can tiutbl'ully ;i that T think it is the be-d medicine m the world." writes Mrs. William Orvis. Clare. Mich, l-'or sale bv all dealers. Evening Journal. 10c per -week. rSm j ll'A jilt no