PAGE 8 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1914. Handsome Pictures FR For Pay-Day Special Friday and Sat urday of this week we are going to give each and every one of our customers a present of a handsome picture with each $5.00 and S10.00 purchase. With each $5 purchase we will give you a handsome picture valued at $1, and with each $10 purchase, a picture worth $2. These pictures are well framed, and worth the money. Secure your pre miam by purchasing your pay-day goods at this store. iilOU U V. ZUCKER, Manager. MISS FETZEB. THE BRIDE-TO-BE, ENTERTAINED AT THE FALTER HOME Yesterday afternoon Misses Lucille Gas.. Elizabeth Falter ami Kathryn Windham entertained most charmingly at the homo of Miss Falter in honor of Miss Charlotte Fetz, whoso wedding to Mr. J. M. Patterson is to occur this month. The affair was in tho nature of a four-course luncheon and the Falter home was very tastily arranged for the oc casion. The dining table was decorated with beautiful Rambler roses placed artistically in bas kets, and with the large number of young lady friends of the bride-to-be made a very hand some scene. During the after noon Miss Catherine Dovey gave two very line vocal numbers that added greatly to the pleasures of the ladies. The hostesses were assisted in serving by Misses Helen Cass and Janet Patterson. The occasion was one filled with Ihe most complete enjoyment for the guests and the guest of honor was showered with the good wishes of her friends on the approaching happy event. Those who were present to enjoy the pleasure of the day were: Misses Ellen Pollock, Charlotte Fetzor. Catherine Dovey. Helen Dovey, Stella Blake, of Racine, Wiscon sin; lone Dovey, Kathryn Wind ham, Lucille Gass, Madeline' Minor, Vesta Douglass, Marie Donnelly. Gretchen Donnelly, Emma Falter, Gertrud.- Morgan. Mesdames G. H. Falter, Nelson QTYI P" unJestricted S ' skirt which is ' ' figure, and at the same time is a most comfort able garment. The low bust leaves the upper part of the figure un corseted to be taken care of, if needed, with the brassiere. Special Offering of this Cor set Newest Goods, Latest Styles, $1.50 value, for ErG.' DOVEY. & SON 3352) EE The Home of Guaranteed Values. Jean. John Chapman. Robert Windham, R. G. Rawls and Wayne Dickson, and Miss F.lla Windham. PICNIC PARTY ENJOY OUTING ON THE BANKS OF THE MISSOURI Yesterday several of the young ladies of the city decided to spend a few hours in the heat of the day in the shade of tin mighty bluffs that forms the boundary of the turbulent Missouri river, and se curing well filled lunch baskets and armed with a camera to snap a few of tho pleasant scones along the river, the party wended their way toward the Burlington bridge where lunch was spread and a most delightful time enjoyed un til the afternoon was waning, when they came back home, feel- ing well pleased pleasure. Thosr wit h the day's in the party were: Misses Violet Freese, Fer ris and Kale York, Gertrude Hid and Alma Spook. Card of Thanks. I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness shown me during Ihe illness and death of my dear brother, also thank them for the Jieauliful (lowers. Mrs. Mattie Williams. Farmers, mechanics, railroad ers, laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas'' Eclectic Oil. Fine for outs, burns, briisos. Should be kepi, in every home. 25c and r0c. You Can Look Trim and Slender There are JUSTRITE corsets that do the very thing you are anxious and longing to accomplish with your figure. The Justrite system of corset design and construction has brought relief t o many women and you will be no exception. CORSETS MO O C 1 lw 1 i r waist lino and close fitting hip and gives a straight line effect to the $1.19 GOMM B PROCEEDIHGS Platfsmouth, .Juno 1, 101 i Board met pursuant, lo ad journment. Present, C. E. I Icon nor. Julius A. Pit, and C It. Jor- i i - .: ... Kin. i.ouniy i.oimuissiouers Frank J. Libershal, County Clerk : Minutes of previous session read and approved, when tho followin business was transacted in reg ular form: Claims were, allowed on tin (ienoral lund ot me county as follows : Mnrv E. I-osier, salary and expense SI Pi 1.8' E. Manspoaker, salary deputy sheriff. May ... io.On Julius A. Pilz, salary and mileage 2i.30 I'red Patterson, ollieo work and supplies .... .'.",. .." Hans Seivers, salary and laundry 78 . 00 Frank J. Libershal, salary and expense 207. 5.1 C. E. Weseoirs Sons, clothing to paupers at poo;- farm 10.00 John Bauer, auto livery to Commissioners 12.25 F. J. MeShano, jr.. serv ing two summons .... 1.7." Platlsmonth Water Co., water to new jail ami oonrt house . 12.52 I'nion I. dyer, publishing iiotiees. board of equ alization ' .Mrs. O. P. Monroe, mdse. to oounly jail W. I. Banning, eonl to Nora Harris I I I I n i .1 1 Ml sll.vim I inn dry. laundrv for jail .. .1.80 Keystone Supplv Co., one -of cushions 1.00 J. I., Burrows, guarding iail 2.00 KIopp-Barlbd t Co., sup plies to county i 15 . 0 1 Klopp Printing Co., jus tice docket 21 .2.1 V.. Mason, carpenter work at farm 8.00 John Cruin. assessing Louisville Precinct ... 1.11 .00 J. I). Bramble! . pssossinir Liberty Precinct 01.15 V. X. Minford. assessing Stove Creek Precinct.. 112.5(5 J. V. Urendel. assessing Avoea Precinct 117.00 V.. P. Belts, assessing Tipton Precini't 81 .25 Ceorge ". Snyder, as sessing Platlsmonth Precinct 1 51.00 I.. P. Appleman, asst'ss- inrr rireonv. ooil Precinct 12.1.00 J. V. lloncr. assessing Center Precinct 1 12.00 fl. S. Smith, assessing Rock BIufTs Precinct.. 17 5.50 W. A. Heneger, assessing Ml. Pleasant Precinct.. 150.88 J. T. Cmzior. assessing Weeping Water City.. 00.00 J. W. Ruhga, assessing Weeping Water Pre cinct 111.15 A. E. ailinpr. assessing: Salt Crook Precinct... 108.00 Dr. E. L. Jones, 1st quar ter Co. physician's sal ary. District No. 5 ... P. V. RufTnor, assessing part Platlsmonth City.. 18.75 105.00 A. I). Despain, assessing: part Platlsinoulh Cily.. 108.00 C. R. Jordan, salary and ill iloage -. J. If. Tunis, salary for May C. IT. Taylor, salary and OXpOllSf. J. W. Sago, service of horse at poor farm . . . John Hauer, second pay .12.00 85.00 12.1.0 5 15.00 250.00 7.00 10.00 00.00 0.50 .25 53.00 10.05 .10.11 48.00 .50 20.82 5.00 ment jail cont raet Nelson Jean & Co., coal to Will struck L. I. Egenherger, mdse. lo Ierisons and jail . . . J. L. Richey, work in tlie treasurer's office doo. W. Voss, coal to Mrs. Wincholl If. Leo Marshall, tele phono call to Heobner.. A. W. White, mdse. to farm and paupers .... I). C. Morgan, postal sup plies The Plallsmoulh Jour nal, printinpr and sup plies Michael Ilild, burial of Rebecca Watson Michael Ilild, casters and labor .". C. W. Baylor & Co., coal lo paupers and farm and ice book to court house C. S. Wort man, lease of lanrl for road, South Bend Precinct The following claims wore al lowed on the Bridge fund: J. W. Keil, bridpro work . . S 3 i . 20 A. F. Soybert, bridge work and material.... 25.7 (). W. Fisher, bridpro work 17.00 J. Adams, bridge material 18. 70 Troy L. Davis, bridge work 5.00 C. H. Spohn. same 12.50 Farmers Lumber, Coal & Implement Co., bridge lumber 82.80 Cioorpro W. Voss Co., bridge lumber 108, W. C. Boucher, bridge work 72.00 Alex Jones, same 21.05 llenkle ,v; Joyce Hard ware Co., bridge rods. . 10.20 Frank H. Nichols, bridge work. Louisville Pet.. 025.00 .Monarch Engineering Co., part payment bridge foot of Winlersteon Hill, in Plattsmoulh City 1000.00 C. V.. Heobner. freight on bridge rods 7. 50 The following claims were al lowed on Ihe Road Dragging fund: I. W. Keil. dragging roads, District No. 2.. 8 5.50 W. Nolling, same, pis- Iriet No. l 2.10 L C. Loinevor, same. Dis trict No. 5 5 . 50 Wm. Wulf. same. District N. 10 9.00 lonry Hirz, jr., same, I list riot No. 1 Pi . 75 The following claims were al- owei on the t.ommissionors toad fund: C. F. Vallery. road work. District No. 1 8 08. 50 lenrv llirz. jr., same. District No. 1 120.00 The following claims wore al- owe.l on the Road fund of the County: Walter Byers. road work, R. D. No. 27 8 00. August Kreeklow, same. R. D. No. x 180.78 F. Soybert, same, R. D. No. 2 70.80 W. Keil. No. 2 . . . C. Niday, No. 1 ! . . 15. Leflle! same, R. D. . 00 amo, R, D. same, R. D. 5.1.0 5 o U W. B. Banning. for- R. D. No. 1 (llanbilz Bros., 0.1.00 lumber road 1.15 work. R. D. No. 8 .10.00 L. R. Upton, hardware, elc.. for R. I). No. 11.. 50.00 R. C. Bailey, road work. R. D. No. V 88.00 Ben Bookman, same, R. D. No. 10 8.1.00 Nebraska and Iowa Steel . Dis- Sleol , Dis- Tank Co., culvert trie t No. 11 05 Nebraska and Iowa Tank Co.. culvert . I riot No. s , . . . . 8: F. W. Nolting, road work. R. D. No. 1 5 . 80 Math Sulser. same, R. D Julius A. Pitz. same, R. D. No. 1 17.50 Farmers Lumber. Coal & Implement Co., mdse. to District No. 5 5. .17 C. If. Spohn, road work. R. D. No. 1.1 10 5.00 J. C. Lorn oyer, same, R. D. No. 5 108.00 Wm. II. Rush, same, R. D. No. 7 .107.50 Charles Sutton, same, R. D. No. 0 8.00 J. F. Wehrbein, same, R. D. No. 1 .10.20 Alex Jones, same, R. D. No. 2 5.00 W. C. Boucher, same, R. D. No. 0 120. 50 W. J. Althouse, same, R. D. No. 0 101.00 Kd Slone, same, R. D. No. 0 8.00 Roy Bennett, same, R. D No. 0 30.00 Coo. V. Dehlerking, same, R. D. No. 15 28.80 A J. Tool, mdse lo R. D. No. 7 i.55 D. Buckman, road work, R. D. No. 15 ... 10.50 W. Leach, same, R. I). No. li 80.80 A. Wal linger, same, R. F C. A D. No. 15 1 10.55 Loo Arnelt Co., grader scrapers, R. D. No. 5.. 155.25 Cioorge F. Ohlerking, road work, R. D. No. 15 20.00 Motion made and carried that the Board of County Commission ers approve the action taken by County Attorney Taylor and Commissioner Julius Pitz, in fil ing restraining orders against C. L. Stull from interfering with bridge work on Platte river road. Bond of C. T. Richards, deputy road overseer, R. D. No. i, ap proved. The following resolution was adopted: "Whereas, The First National bank of Klmwood, Neb., was designated as a depository by the County Board of Cass County, Ne braska, and its bond as such de pository approved, and, Whereas, Said bank has gone out of business and the County funds held by it transferred to thfj Kim wood Slate bank of Kim wood. Nebraska. ami tne san Klmwood State bank assumed al liabilities on account of sab lumls. Now. tlieri'tore tie it re solved by the Board of County Commjssionors of Cass County Nebraska, that, Ihe bond given by Ihe said First, National Bank o Klmwood and executed by the Lin coln Bonding and Surely Com pany, be, and the same is hereby released from anv and all liabil ity. Dated at Plait snioutb, Ne braska, this 2d day of June, A. D 1015. itoaru adjourned to moot in regular session Monday, Juno 15, 101 i. FRANK J. LTBKRSHAL, Countv Clerk. MASONS TO ERECT STATE ORPHANAGE FOR WHICH $10,000 IS APPROPRIATED At the session of tile grand lodge of the Nebraska Masons which closed yesterday at Omaha it was decided bv the lodge lo build, in co-operation with tin Kastern Star a stale orphanage for the care of the orphans of the two Masonic orders and to aid in Ihe work the lodge appropriated a sum not to oxceed 8to,ooo. The Kastern Star- at present maintains an orphanage in this city, which occupies the Vallery homo on the grounds of the Nebraska Ma sonic Home, but the building is not large enough, nor is it equip ped' in the proper manner to carry on the work as the members of the order would wish for and a home where a lar:. r tract of land can be procured for the use of the children is desired. There are quile a number of towns throughout the slate thai are anxious to secure Ihe location of the orphanage and have offered sites. Platlsmonth should get busy at once ami fry to have the orphanage located here, whore the beautiful Masonic Homo j already located, and represent to the grand master and committee that has the work in charge (lie advantages of tin's cily for such an institution. There is plenty of doisrable land that could be secured for the purpose ,f plac ing tho orphanage upon and to furnish a place where the boys and girls could bo roared in the most lioaltlilul surroundings. Whatever is to bo done should not bo delayed until the orphan age is loaetod elsewhere. IHE SHAMROCKS GO IIP AGAINST IHE RED SOX HERE NEXT SUNDAY On next Sunday tho Plaits mouth base ball fans will have the pleasure of having with them their old friends, the Shamrocks, who anwoniing down to fry and add to the list of games that they have copped from Ihe Platts moulh boys in the past, but they will liud that they have a largo sized contract on their hands, as the new Red Sox are all to the good and determined to wipe out the record of previous defeats by trimming the mighty represent atives of the emblem of obi Ire land. Among the old-liniors win will bo with the team is Yost, tin catcher, whose slugging has often caused the hearts of tho Plaits- mouth pitchers to lluller, as ho is sure some hitter. This is one of the best, aggregations secure this season, and Manager John son fools sure the fans will re ceive their money's worth in th game put up. As soon as pos sible the K. & M.'s, Armours, Join Deere Plow Co. and A. (. 1). W . s will bo placed on for games, and all of those contests will be amply exciting enough for tho fans. Hand Bag Lost. Ladies' hand bag lost, between Vino street and the upper end of Chicago avenue, on last Sunday evening. Plain black hand bag, containing a little oyer $11.00 in cash, a pair of amethyst rosary beads, also numerous other ar ticles. Finder vvill be liberally re warded by returning same to the Journal office. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury ; oa moi-miT will purely destroy tho kens of pmoll ami coialrtely derange the vhoh nystpiu when entering it through tlie mucous surfaces. tjtu-il urticle tihoulil never be used except on prescript tiotiM from reputable physician, as the dunmgk they will di Is teu fold to the cood you can pos ibl'y derive lruui them. Hall's Catarrh Curt4 ji'uiiufacturi'd by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toh lc. C. cei'talns !' mercury, and i-i taken internally, letin direct!' upon the Id kmI and nuieons Mir faoM of the ry.xtem. I'l buying JIuM'm CatarrM Cure to ware veu rct the pcmiine. It H taken Internally ne,l i:md- in T"!e.!.. by I. J. v berer 4'i Cn. Test !m nlals free. f S.i!.l by Ptv:;-t t-i. I'rlec. 75c. bottle. Tkc llall'J ruaiKy V'.'Aj fur coastluatiuii. RULES A N D REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE JOURNAL'S BIG BOOSTER SUBSG PT 1 CI GN Rules of Any white man, woman, boy or girl of good reputation residing in the territory of the contest may become a candidate. Nominations may bo made and will be received up to the la-t day of the contest. Contestants may nominate themselves or be noininalod be friends, without cost. Then; will be two separate districts in which to enter, as de scribed on this page. The candidate who received Ihe largest vole of the entire contest will bo awarded the Overland Touring Car. The contestant receiving tho second largest, vole of the entire con test will receive the Schmoller A: Mueller piano. The three candi dates in each of the two districts receiving the throe largest number of votes after the two grand prizes are awarded will receive one nf the district prizes. All candidates who enter and work to Ihe end and fail to win one of the prizes will receive in per cejil cah com mission on all subscriptions turned in by Ihem. Kvery candidate in the contest, has an equal chance of winning r-ilhor the touring car or the piano. Candidates compete onlv again-! the candidates in their own district for the district prizes. In the event of a typographical error it is under-stood that, neither The Journal or the Contest Manager shall be held rennn-i- ble, except to make Ihe necessary Any district having less than clared off. Voting' will be bv two methods: Coupons clipped from TIIK DAILY AND SKMI-WFKKLY JOURNAL, which will count for live voles each: and by special coupons issued for payments made on subscriptions according' lo the published schedule. Those payments must be made in cash lo the homo ollieo of the paper during- the period covered by the contest, coupon will be issued, good for ment is entitled. Notes will not ner, special subscription coupons must bear the number- eor i esponding wit h the ledger number on record in the ollieo, ami must b" countersigned by the Contest Manager" or- his assistant. Contest ants are not limited to their own criptions. but mav obtain Ihem abb- from one contestant lo another. All remittances must be and address. All votes issued on subscriptions are good to the end of the con test and mav be polled al the discretion of the candidate or sub scriber-. ("ash must accompany all subscriptions when votes are issued. First publication of names will be made as soon as a suilable nuiiiln r nave pei-n nominated in nonce Thursday. June 11, and continue until Saturday, August 1, at 10 p. m.. at which time the contest No employe or close relative an enter the contest. A board of three responsible onfrol of the ballot box the last nouncement of tho result of that day's voting. The Contest Manager reserves the right to reject any nomina- Ifion and t pass final judgment not covered by these rules. No statement or promise made by any solicitor, canvasser or agent, varying from these rules, will bo recognized by TIIK JOURNAL t III-: JOURNAL reserves the r ight to change tho plan or to make onv additions or alterations to the above conditions that may be de cided necessary to the interest and welfare of the contest and its candidates. In accepting nomination and in casting voles, all candidates must accept and agree to abide by the aboxe rules and conditions. Old subscribers cannot transfer their subscription to other members of the family and be counted as new subscribers. How Prizes Will Be Awarded. The manner of awarding prizes is as follows: The Overland fivenas-e.ger touring car, with complete equip ment, will be awardod to the contestant who secures the largest number of voles during Ihe campaign. The s'iiio Schmoller & Mueller Piano will lie awarded lo the contestant receiving the second largest number of votes during the campaign. , , .,, t After these grand prizes have been awarded, there will be three prizes awarded in each of the districts as follows: ..... The contestant receiving the highest vole in each district.: re gardless of the vote in anv other district, ami after the grand prizes have been awarded, will receive a beautiful diamond ring, purchased from J. YV. Crabill of Plait -unout h. ami on display at his store The contestant receiving the second highest number rf votes in each district, regardless of the vole in any other district, and afler the grand prizes have been awarded, will receive an order on one oT Plattsmouth's largest stores for s.J0 worth of merchandise, as ttiey nM TheVimleslant receiving the third largest number of votes in each district, regardless of the vole in any other district, and afler the grand prizes have been awarded, will receive a gold walch. choice of Flgin or Waltham movement, purchased from J. . Crabill, Plattsmoulh. and on display at his store in this city. . SPFCf L To assure evorvone who enters tins campaign ol absolutely fair and impartial treatment, we will pay to every con testant who outers and who remains active until the close of tlie campaign ami who fails to win one of the splendid prizes offered, a casli commission of ten (10) per cent of the money which they have secured and turned into this office during the campaign. There necessities. In order to enjoy perrecl health we absolutely need absorption of food, assimilation and excretion, that is, wo must take in enough nutritious food, wo must digest it thoroughly, and we must get rid of waste matter. In any case Trinor's American Elixir of Hitler Wine is recommended, because: (l)it creates a natural appetite; ('2) aids digestion, ami (3) cleans out ttie body thoroughly, it gives the body ils equilbrium, which moans good health. In diseases of the stomach and of the bowels, when associated with a stubborn constipation and Us sequai. Trinor's American Elixir of Hit ter Wine is a most worthy medi cine. At drug stores. Jos. Trin er, Manufacturer, 1333-1331) So. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 111. To drive away pains in ihe muscles ami in the joints, in the chest and in the back, let everybody try Trinor's Liniment. It is very strong'. n Mi Vea3 aaa i I DR. E- R. TARRY - 240 the Contest. correction on discovery of same. two active eonleslants will be de whereupon a special subscription number' of voles to which each pay be sold or issued in any other man districts in secur ing voles and snb- anywhere. Votes are imt transfer- accompanied bv subscriber's name eacn district. voting win com- will close. of an employe of l ill. JOURNAL business men will have exclusive dav of the contest and make an upon any question that may arise, Big Basket Meeting June 21st. There will bo a basket mooting Sunday, June 21st, on the farm of Charles Hates, two miles north of Xeliawka and two miles soulli of the (')tterboin U. H. church. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and p. m.; also a baptismal service in the afternoon. Anyone wishing to bo baptised may do so. Rev. M. O. McLaughlin, president of York college, will be tho preacher. He is a speaker of power; hear him that day. Bring your dinner and spend the day with us. Rev. J. F. Hedges, Xehawka, Nob. Bilious? Feel heavv after din ner? Hitler taste? Complexion sallow? Liver perhaps needs waking up. Doan's Regulets for bilious attacks. ."ic, at all stores. Tho best music and order will be in evidence at the dance at the German Home on next Saturday night. The public Is cordially in vited to be present. No MoneyFill Cured Fistula and All Ractal Dlsaasaa cured with out tho knife. Pcrmanint curtt cuerantaed. Writ far Fraa Illustrated book on Rectal Diseases and testimonials off hundreds of cured patients In Nebraska and Iowa. Bee Bide, Omaha, Neb.