The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 11, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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i i
The ladies of St. Luke's Guild
'! ' entertained niosl delihtful
J i--I-! i!:i aflr! iiM'u at the rec
tory by Mis. V. S. !.' ! ami
Madame l.i'fie. at a porch parly,
and tht .Mt a-i"ii was n:i'
with iiUH'li cli j'V- meat for the
ladies who were present ti par
ticipate in the delightful hs
pitality which is alway- in ei
(J'TICC at th' L"efe h" The
aficni.ii.ii was spent by the ladies
in th-' making .f dainty articles
of j: .-t-.J i vs. . ! k and in social con
versation, and in thi- manner
several ph-a-ant hours were
whii.-.l away. At an appr. .priat e
liMi-;- the m-sts vnii- summoned
t.) th- !""!!!, wh"if a ery
tempting !;n!ie..n v;i serxed by
t li host. -"-. a-sit.d by Mi-s
Violet I.d-e. wlii'-h piox.-d a
Most pVa-in- climax I" 1 1 1 aft
ernoon's pleasures. The tables
wl!T" I !) i:uels Wffi' seated
wore r 1 1 . -1 charmiir-rly arranged
nn.l the beautiful mahogany
tabb-s. ie,-,. ate,) wil li th" dainty
liriefie, ,,, ,.f li anil lace
arid h autiful china, made a must
charminir scene. At each plale a
i ! . i i : j " place card was placed ami
tin- arran'-ment of the tables
was such a- t. p-"e most ph-a-Af
"ne tab!'' th" d'erai ions
were i.f .Japan. I rambler roses
inakip- a p
easinir centerpiece of
n-:. while the china
the dec, .rati,
wa- of lb" il
1 1 y .Ta pane-e w are:
;t this table Were seated M''s
da?-" J. II. Kiihn-. I. T. llaiiitv.
A. W. Whit.' and 1". M. B-..lh.
Anoihei- t ible was arranii.'d in a
ta-ty cheme of elbv and white.
white d;ii-i's and yellow cob-M-bir.e-
ro!-!!iii:cr the floral d'-cra-fi.e-
an.l el low and white china
beinir u-eiJ: here wee .ated
Mo,!;i - II. U. H'i'-lon. .T. W.
I?a-wi, k. W". J. While. V. V. Leon
ard. ;core Io(!i;e. (leof-e 1'.
Io.-y nnd llaiiy .Jo!ms..n. The
third l:tb'e wa- v.-rv beaulifully
U'TiMIUr.l in him1, with blue delft
china and decorations of blue
corn (lowers for-min" the cenler-pie-e;
at Ibis table Mesdames .
W. Haw-on. Wiltiam Jleiobl. .Jane
Kirkli.-nu. Wil'iaui P.allance and
T. I. Liin--ton wc-e seated. The
event was mm of the Hi"-! jdeas
ant in th- Jii-lory of the Guild.
La-t e .-a iur I he n. ;id"-!-s of
tin- (?'i!. i- of I'.a-I' i'.i lar In bl a
nio-t li.dihtful r-' i-"i al their
joi!i:e M'.im- in the Masonir ieiu
j.le. the occasion bei"ir the in
t :i 1 'at e of the newly eb-cied
i.jli.-.u's of th" order. There were
r-oine f..'t of tin- in.-iiiber- pres
.ut io tak- p;ut in the impressive
ritualistic s. r i. of the m-der.
Mrs. i;...,:-,. W. Thomas, the re
tiring woitliy matron., acted as
the j n-d a! !i :.-: ...l-cer of (lie rvni-jn-
and inducted lb dilTerent
idbce:-s j.)!o the s;it joS wipe h
i a
I b
ed. Follow
ers in slalbd:
-.Mr-. Alice
incr ar e t he
'. r i.-h.
in w" ot.a
Mat roil
Mat rou Mi-
patron .1. C. p.ter-
son .
'.. induct r
!' 'II.
Miss Edna Pet-
CoTiduclress Mrs.
Val liurkb-.
S"ereta.r Mi- V.-rna Cole.
Ti'iM-ni'i'r Mr-. Sam G. Smi'h.
Slar Points. Mrs. j;Va Re.-ce.
Mr-. Mary Allison. Mrs. Inez
ltab'r. !!rs. (;.-ori.e Thomas.
Mrs. r.eoi-ne A. K.aH nb.-ruer.
Warden Mrs. .M. E. Man-
ir.L'iiii is-Marshal-Sent
-Mrs. .1. C. Peterson.
-Mrs. L'Mia Tipp.-ns.
-Mrs. V. V. Leonard.
-T. S. C. Ial.b.
I'oliow in;
Hie o.bceT-s
installation of
members enjoyed
ssion and in par
a sh.;t social
taking of s .me ery templiux arid
delicious refreshments.
Men Arc Found Guiltly.
The two men, Charles Ander
son and C. P.. Ashhy, v.lm w. re
captured at Nd.ra-!,a City on
Tuesday hi-ouuht lore by
Sb'-rifT O u i : : I ' 1 1 - w.-re a-rai'-im-d
est. r-day in county curt l.ef..!-e
ji:d-e li. esou. Th..- men were
'charged with pelly larceny, and
receded a sentence of thirty days
in the county jail.
A new lot of Fancy
Ribbons for Girdles
and Sashes in all the
newest patterns and
"We have placed on
the bargain counter
a special lot, at per
Local News
From Tues.lay"s Taily.
Will Kummell and J. I. Mei
singer were anions the busines
isitiu-s in the metropolis today.
:roi:ijr to that cily on the after
noon P.urlintrlou train.
Mrs. Luke Wiles and daughter.
Miss Marparite. were passengers
tliis morning for omatia. wh.-r.
Ih. v isite for the dav looKinp:
after business nial lers.
T..e -tit 1 1 i f (Imaha came dow n
this afternoon to look after mhih
tiuiiiess matters here for a .ew
Attorney r.. I-:. TelTt of Weeping
Wat. r was in the city today look
!n" after some letral matters in
I he pp .bate court.
II. E. Lb-yd and wife were pas
se:!L.'ers this morning fr Omaha
where thev will isit for the day
V!r 1 1 1 .lean aL Hie Hos
I'.an IbMim.lin and G. I. Kun
of the icinitv of Klmw 1 were
isjtors in this city yesterday am
were ideasanf callers at this
... j
. dhre.
Mrs. Wade Windham and chil
dren returned this in-'rnin'-' i
their home a Lmco ii. alter a
short isit herewith relatives am
I ra ik Jin?-?- returned to Lincoln
tills morning for a few hours, but
will return l attend the fun. ia
of his "i andmotlier. Mrs. J. dm
Geor-e Ilai shman. jr.. and fam
ily, from th.- xieinilv of Aoea
we;e in th" city yesterday lookiru
after some business matters an.
visit ir.r w ilh friends.
C.nuntv Ci'iiiiiii-.-iitiHT C. It. Jor
dan ar r ived this morning from hi
borne at Alvo t attend the niee
imr of the board f equalization
that is bein'-r hebl here this week
Mis Helen 1'dair of Wavne. Ne-
lluaska who lias t.een tiere lor a
few davs a iriiesf of Miss esia
hoiiL'lass. departed this niornin
4iii the arlv Itur Hilton tram for
her ht line.
V.. T. Hiiirlies. wife and dauuh-
'e-t Gretna,
for a short
who have
visit at
been her.
the W. E
home, departed ye
(rday for
their home at Gretna
Calin l!niibli;iv of Earnam
Iaws..n county. Nebraska, wh
has been here a truest af, the hoiii.
f Mr-, and Mrs. lb herd Troop. de
nart.-d this iniiniiinr fr his home
in I lie w est.
Jam.-s Itobertsiin departed this
mornim: fur Omaha, where he w il
attend a banquet triven by the Vet.
eran Masons' association, and a-s.
attend the prand b'du'e of the Ma-
sonic iran r-niiv now in sesiu m
that city.
:M !. . ;. AP.ri-ow of G eve-
iaiu, iiiim, w no na pee'i visiiinsr
in Lincoln for a short time, ha-
....... 1 J At' - .-
returned n mis -ny and is a
truest r.i .Mrs. i . i;. I ). iey am
far nly. She w;ll remain here fur
;i visit until afl.-r the first o
July. ,
W. S. Askwilh, superintendent
of the Masonic Home, deparlei
this mornimr for fnnahii, where he
accompanied John I. Momlv (.
mat cu, wnere ne win consult a
specialist. Mr. Askwith will a Is.
att.-nd the Masonic prami Iodpe
in ftial city.
Henry Ost. Misses (jede am
Mai irai ile Ilei f-'er and Ilaymom
Merger wer-e a parly of resident
of the vicinity of Nehawka who
motored to this citv this mornintr
and were passengers on t!ie early
Burlin-'ton train for Omaha
where they will spend the day
John Tarns, who has been here
visiting hi.s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ci. II. Tarns, departed this morn-
incr for his home at Alliance, Ne-i
Herman Streitxveiser departed
this morning for Council Bluffs,
wliere he will look after some
nisiness matters and incidentally
icar the address of Eugene V.
)ebs in that citv this evening.
Mrs. L O. Sleihin and little
auchter, of Lincoln, who have
r i . : i : .
e.-n nere lor a icw uays mmuh;;
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Douglass, departed this morn-
r for her home in the state
Prom Wednesrtav's Dal! v.
Miss Elizabeth Kerr departed
it eveninir for Peru, wliere she
will attend school for a short
John G. Hermann arrived last
. . k i.
eenmjr on -o. tnnn iener 10
attend the funeral of his mother,
Mrs. Sophia Hermann.
II. K. Piatt came over yesler-
lav from his home at Malvern,
owa, to visit for a few days here
with his brother, Jiert Piatt.
Miss Mary E. Poster, county
superintendent, departed this after-noon
for Lincoln, where she
will attend a school meeting.
Mrs. Claude Smith departed
yesterday aiiernoon ior w ano.
wliere she will visit for a short
ime with relatives and friends.
J. W. Holmes, wife and son.
talph, and Mr. and Mrs. C. A
law Is motored oirt to South Bend
w hen
V 1:
died for a
Geortre poisall and P. E. ItutT-
ner departed tins aiiernoon on
i r
outh Omaha, where they will in-
pect some pradin?- that is heinp
one there.
Misses Marie Kaufmann and
Alpha Peterson were passenger
this m orninir for Omaha, where
thev will Msit the schools lor a
ew hours.
Pan O'Hrb'n and cousin. Miss
Prances Money. departed tins
mornincr for O'Neill. Neb. where
thev will visit with relatives for
a snori rime.
Mrs Davis P.erth.df and Miss
Edna Prat I. of Winter-set, Iowa
arrived in the city tins mornintr
and will be truest s of their aunt
Mrs. Kinker, for a few days.
Will Jean was a passentrer thi:
mornimr for Omaha, wliere tie
will visit for the day with his wife
it the hospital, where she was
operated on vesier.iav inr up
pendicit is.
Mrs I,, rtusterholtz and dautrh-
er. Mr s. William Patterson, from
wet ..f Murray, were IMatts-
niouui visiiors nisi aiurua
Thev were accompanied by Mr
. i t r-, - t f
Patterson. While in Plat tsinoul h
hev pan the Journal otlice a
deasiint call, renewincr for their
taper for another year.
11. E
Patterson was a busines-
in the metropolis today
troimr to
that city on th.
Hurliiitrtori train.
Mike price was anions the pas
sengers this afternoon for Oma
ha, where he was called to look
after some matters of busine.
for a short time.
Miss erna Cole was a pas
senger this niornin?: for Omaha
where she will spend a few hour.-
Iookintr after some matters o
Geortre Becker was a passeng
er this mornimr for Omaha
wliere he wa? called to spend the
dav lookintr after some matters
of business.
J. M. Roberts and wife wen
anion:." th passencrers thi
mornintr for Omaha, where they
were calbd on some matters o
business for the day.
Mrs. L. L. Porter and daugh
ter. Miss Marpuarite, were pas
sengers this mornintr for Omaha
where thev will visit for the day
looking after business matters
A. W. Smith departed this aft
ernoon for Missouri Valley, Iowa
where he will visit with his son
Lied, in that place for a shoi
Mrs. Elizabeth Travis departed
this morning for Omaha, where
she will make a short visit at the
home of Mrs. James Mitchell and
Clnier J ra ns, K. 15. Hull ant
Miss Marparet Hull departed Ia
eeninir for Peru, where they wil
attend summer school at the nor
mal and lit themselves for the
fall work.
John and wife and Utile
trrauddantihtcr, Bernice Horn
were passengers this rnorninsr for
Omaha, wliere they will visit for
the day with Mr. and Mrs. Thom
as Sullivan.
A Great Deal of Curbing Planned
and Considerable Permanent
Sidewalk Will Be Put In.
From Tuesday's Dailr.
Last evening the faithful mem-
ers of the city council, despite
the hot and stifling atmosphere
f the council chamber, assembled
or their regular semi-monthly
meeting, and there was not an
absentee when the mayor rapped
for order.
The council received a com
munication from Atorney W. A.
Robertson in which he asked per
mission of the city council to
urh the south side of Courtland
treet to connect with the curbing
- . i i j .
in district yn. me euro to ex
tend along lots No. 1 and 2, in
dock 9. White's addition to
Plattsmoulh city. The permission
praved for was granted and the
petitioner authorized to go ahead
ind have his work done.
In regard to the matter of the
new pool hall which ha been pro
posed to open in Hie Hotel Riley
block. W. W. Rouse of Clarinda,
Jnwa. presented a renuest to the
council that he he allowed to open
such a place at once, and as the
customarv fee of s5() was included
with his application the desired
permission was granted.
The Monarch Engineering Co.,
through their foreman, O. K. Ree
informed the eonncil that the
wor k on the county s concrete
culvert at the foot of Winter-
em Hill had been completed
and that it was desired to rermne
the old steel bridge by June 17
and thev desired verv much to
have the cily make the till at that
place. The matter will be looker
after at once, as the mayor in
formed the council they were en
gaged in negotiations with the
Hurlimrton to secure material to
fill with.
The final estimate on the North
Sixth street curbing was submit
ted bv the citv engineers, Itruce &
Standeven, and showed the cost o
the work to be ?30i.-J'i, and they
recommended the payment of the
sum due the contractor-, with the
exception of the usual per cent
held to protect the city.
Chief of Police Hen Rainey, for
the month of May. reported to the
council eleven arrests.
City Clerk Neinetz, durinir the
month iusl closed collected the
sum of .:?l.r0 from variou
sources, which he has added t
the citv treasury to aid in running
the city government.
The report of City Treasurer
Soennichsen showed that the city
had a balance of sir.yu. , on
hand at present in the different
funds of the city. It was decide.
by the finance committee of the
council that it would he well to
transfer some of the funds in tin
business lax fund to the genera
fund, as the license monev was
all in the business fund, and
resolution to this effect was ac
cordingly passed unanimously by
the eouncilmen.
Councilman Lushinsky desired
to know what had been done in
regard to the examination of the
hooks of the park commissioners
and Councilman Patterson in
formed the council that while they
had been notified that the hook?
were readv to be transferred over
to the finance committee for ex
amination, it had been impossible
to find the custodian in his otlice
so that they could he worked on
The ordinance re-locating and
establishing the curb line on
North Third street and on Vine
street from the east side of Fourth
street to the west side of Vim
street, was placed on its fma
reading, and on motion of Patter
son the rules were suspended am
the ordinance placed on its sec
ond and third reading and passed
and will take effect at once afte
its publication. This was done in
order to hurry the work in the
curbing and guttering in this dis
trict, which will he pollen under
way as soon as possible.
The streets, alleys and bridge
committee reported hack to the
council that they had examined
the bids for the curbing and gut
tering in district No. G and fount:
that James Hurnie was Hie Unve
bidder and recommended thai the
contract he let to him, as he ha
presented a bond to protect the
city from loss in the work. The
recommendation of the committee
was accepted.
Councilman llallstrom inform
ed the council that 1he water
mains on Rock street were not of
sufficient depth in the ground, as
a heavy rain would expose them,
and he desired the. water company
he notified to look after this dur
ing the coming summer, when the
work could be done. Tin? other
eouncilmen seemed to think thai it
was the risk of the water company
to attend to this, as it was to their
interest to see that the mains
were lowered, and no action, was
taken in the matter.
A petition was presented from
13. Hayes and Mrs. Augusta
Martens asking that the curb line
e established and. grading done
at lots 1 and 2 and 11 and 12, in
block 52, in order that the prop-
rty owners could place in per
manent walks at once. On motion
of Councilman Lushinsky the
petition was granted and the work
ordered done at once.
The finance committee, after
onsideration of the following
claims against the city recom
mended that they he paid: Hen
tainey. salary, $75: Frank New-
-r- 1 1 : I 1
man, salary. wo; joun riizpai
rick, salary, .20; M. Archer,
salary, 30; Weyrich & Ila.lraba.
supplies, M.8S; Lincoln Tele
phone Co.. rent and tolls, .2.f5;
Nebraska Lighting Co.. light at
city hall 50 cents, street lights.
:129: Albert Jones, street work.
SI 8.80; Alvin Jones, same, s 18.80;
Jahn Swanson, same, sis.t.o;
Mural Parmele. street sprinkling,
S38.10; Mike Lutz, street eommis.
ioner, 33; Walter Trumphon
treet work; D. H. Eber-
sole, rons ior sureor, -s-.i"
. i j. . . 1 1 1
Hruce & Standeven. extra work
0c: A. L. Tidd. filing answer.
Water Co. vs. City, 2.75; West
ern Namp .v stencil ... ;n io
lilt's. S2: William Gravitf, extra
police, sf; I. N. Cuminings, bury
ing five dogs, s2.50; Warca &
Schuldiee, three bubbling drinking
cups and labor. 12.75; Edward
Svoboda, work at cemetery.
20.20; Kalasek. same. Sf.0;
William Hiner. same, 2.00; Dr
O. Sandin. nozzk-man. -sl.;o Gus
Konn. same, sl.50; Gus Carlson.
sa?u. -Si. 50; William Grebe
same, ft 1.50: C IL & O. R. R-, two
steel plates. .25.f0; Mike Mauzy
inspecting curbintr. 30; Charier
McHride. street work. $10: S. G
Stone, same. $27.50; W. A. Tomp
kins, same. $28.
Councilman Patterson call.'.
the attention of the council to th.
fact that several parties in Hit
north part of the city desired fo
place in permanent walks and they
would like to have gradintr done
on the street so that the work
could be done. The council was
of Hie opinion that the parties
should present a petition in writ
ing before the grading could be
The claims committee reported
hack the following lulls, and on
motion warrr.nts were ordered
drawn for them: Nebraska Light
ing Co.. light for April, $127;
Fred Palterson, surveying, $22:
Hruce & Standeven, two extra
plans and specifications. $3.00.
After ordering considerable
street work the council adjourned.
Ice Cream Social and Concert.
The K. society of this city
will give another of their de
lightful ice cream socials at their
hall on 'next Sunday afternoon
and evening. A concert will be
given by the ""Weary Willies" in
connection with the social. The
public is cordially invited fo he
present and join in the pleasures
of the occasion.
The dance given Saturday night
at the German Home will be a
splendid success in every way and
every dancer in the city should be
Subscribe for the Journal.
Date 1914
I Nominate. .
Town or R. F. D Contest District No
As a Candidate in The Journal Prize Contest.
Signed Address
This Nomination Counts 500
contestant. The nominator's
their request.
Mm c
Drug Store Monies:
This little sketch is amusing. But it would not be
very funny if you bought bichloride of mercury
tablets from us and took them by mistake. Mis
takes don't mix with our way of doing business.
Play safe. Let us put up your medicine.
ElfJauzy Drug Company
From Tuesday's Tiaiiy.
Yesterday afternoon Fred W.
Mann departed for Omaha, where
he goes to have an examination
made of his leg, which was injur
ed lasf year playing ball, and
which kepi him out of the game
the greater part of the season.
The leg was sore for quite a
period of time and apparently
seeral musc les were torn in bail
shape, which have not grown to
gether as they should, as he finds
great difficulty at limes in using
the member as he would like to.
It is to be hoped that Mr. Mann
will be able to secure relief for
the injury and hae the member
fixed up in proper shape, so that
he will be able to use it as well as
Entertains Ladies' Auxiliary.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the
Presbyterian church were de-
lisrhtfullv entertained yesterday
afteronon al the home of Mr
Henrv Zuckweiler by Mes. lames
Z. T. Brown and Zuckweiler, thi-
being their regular meeting
There was a large number of the
ladies in attendance, who. after
the short business session, whiled
away a few hours in social con
versation, on their fancy work.
interspersed with other amust
ments, which made this occasion
a verv pleasant one. At the proper-
time the hostesses served sonn
dainty refreshments, which wer.
likewise most thoroughly enjoy
ed, and at the usual hour th
ladies dispersed, greatly indebted
lo the hostesses for the splendid
afternoon's entertainment afford
ed them and declaring them ex
cellenl entertainers.
All Members I. O. O. F.
The committee will so to Hie
cemetery on Sunday mornimr
June lith. to decorate the grave?
of departed brothers. please
leave flowers at M. L. Johnson'
meat market on Saturday evening
op Snndnv moi'iinur before 7:00
By Order of the Lodare.
Decoration Day A. O. U. W. No. S
The annual memorial day d
the Ancient Order of Unite.:
Workmen will be held on Sunday
next, June 11. All members of
flie order are requested to bring
flowers to the hall -by 8 o'clock
for the t'ommitee that will b'C
orate th. graves of the departed
Votes. Not over three nomination blanks will be credited to each
name will not be divulged until after the contest and only then at
Installs New Exhaust Fan.
From Tuesday's Patty.
The drug store of Wevrich A:
lladraba has just added to their
equipment one of the most im
proved models of the F.uieiisou
exhaust fans, which they hae
purchased of the linn of Warya
iv Schuldiee. the auenfs for th.s
line of goods in this city. The
fan has been installed oep 11..-
. . ell 1 -lt' .
door- in the noni o me i nieirn.
and when it is in operation clears cubic feet of air a minute.
remoi:ig the pu! aw ami draw
ing in a fresh supply from the
outside to purifv and k' p clear
the atmosphere of the -t. re. The
fan is a ureal, improvement in the
store and one that will be found
of untold value, both summer and
W filler.
Fred Morgan. R. W. Cb-ment.
and H. S. Johnson were passeng
ers lat evening for Omaha.
where thev were called to look af-
er some business for the Bur
Mrs. F. II. Ileilhausen arrixe.l
las evening on No. -J from Port
land. Oregon, and w ill isi h re
for a short time with relatixes
and attend the Pat lerson-Fctyer
Mrs. Harry Ciiinniiii of Sew
ard, Neb., and Miss'.lulie Orebe'of
Omaha. xho have been here fo- a
few days visiting at the 11. N.
I lovev home, returned to their
home this niornini
Burlington train.
Miss Janett (".lenient, xxho for
the past year has b'-eii al poll
land, Oregon, attending college,
arrived homo last eeaing on No.
J and will spend her sunn ier
vacation here with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Clement.
A. O. I'ggenberger. wife and
family departed Hiis mornimr for
Omaha, where they xxill ine.f
relatives and accompany them to
ioux City fr a short v i i t there
xvith relatives, making the trip
from Omaha io Sioux City in an
Special Meeting A. O. U. W. Lodge
No. S.
The members of Plattsmoulh
A. O. I. W. lodges No. !. No. i".7
and No. 8 are requested to at
tend a special meeting Saturday
eveninir. June i:fh. al 8 o'clock,
at their hall to obligate a class of
new member's. We nr. clad t"
announce that Orand Master A.
M. Walling and Oram! Iieputi.-s
J. H. Barton and Parriott will b
present, also that refreshments
xxill be served after the initiation.
II. Daxison. M. W.
C. Carlson, Recorder.