PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1914. EH 5 Department If You Contemplate Building a If any of the readers of the Journal know of any social event or item of interest in this vicinity, ami will mail same to t his office, it. will ap pear under this headintr. We want all news items Euitok H esidence, Barn Prepare! in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers oi: MORE FACTS CONCERNING THE REFORMATORY It Is a Question Whether the New Reformatory Will Be Built or Not. I Murray I iheekBmk A CHECK BOOK is a check on yourself. It's easy to run wild on the jL road paved with cash. Bank your money with us, like the busi ness nen and hundreds of others of this community are doing, and see if the financial going is not BETTER and SAFER. Give your wife a SEPARATE ACCOUNT to run the house. That's GOOD BUSINESS too. PLAY SAFE! OPEN AN ACCGUNT TODAY! MURRAY STATE BANK Th- M i-Mi'iiary s.ritty will willi Mi s. V. A. KMin'iy on Friday. William i-k'ls was Iransact iriLr hu-ine-s in Mattsiiiuth last Saturday. T. II. Ouft-ii and vif vw' IMat I .': ul li visitors Thursday a f I er?p . n. :i:ail' :arrd vmiI t IMalls umutli Tiif-day for a load of ice fT W'iil Smith. Y.w joy a i 1 venini: outdoors at tin' miiiral at ;aptn Satur day vf'iiimr. -Turn 1.'?. :iiarI.- TiL-ia-r, C. K. Wihy and lani"- TiMit'r nimle a hu.iiiss trip to Lincoln Thursday. Mrs. Ld Hiu-'s and Mrs. K. R. Oih-.mi -i-iit Sunday with John I'iirli niiil family near X'diawka. Mrs. Sadif tlnilith and children are i-itiuir at the home of Mi's. Irif!it h's nioiher, Mrs. Jenkins. Mis Anna Barton of I'nion si-nt a few days here the past week as the -nest of Mrs. stokes. Mi-s I'.irdie Fllinuton of Wor t hman. A-Vb.. is i-iliir ln-r aui:t. Mrs. V. A. Kennedy, this Week. The new sehool biiildinr is liroress j. steadily. The prog ress riot visahlc as yet, hut will he l) fii! lonir. The soeial ;, I.ewiston was well attended and a very pleasant and profitaMe evening was spent by those jM at lendaiiee. I.e sure to spend Saturday evening at the dapen home. You will hear a sph-ndid pruprain and enjoy a pleasant evening. Fie ears of cattle were ship ped from here to Kan-as City tin's week by Ad I'.oedeker, J. Y. I'hilpot and Ilmwn. The regular services at the T'niled I'leshylei-ian church next Sunday niorniiiir. Every man is welcome to mref with the Men's Tiible class Sahhalh morning at 11 o'clock. 0 ur motto: To Plea To facts that are true You will open your eyes; To the bargains you see At the store that tries To please all their Customers, both in quality and price of goods. When you come once you will come again HIATT Murray, - - Fd. Tutt, of the linn of lliatt Tutt. was on the sick list a few days this week. Henry I.img is huildinir a new concrete cave. (iarnett Hartley is doin-r the work, which is an insurance of pood work. Mrs. Fdward Lyman and little son came in from Montana to spend the summer with her par ents. Mr. ami Mrs. I). A. Yming. The new dray line, started by Lou Aleck, has petered out for the want of patronage. Town too small for opposition in this line. Mrs. A. F. Nickel and daugh ter. Alice, went to Omaha Tues day morninfr, where they visited Mr. Nickels, who is at St. Joseph's hospital. Hoy Hull and sister, Marfraret. will attend the Peru normal this summer. Roy has been employed as principal of the school here for next year. Miss Heck of F.Imwood is as sist ins: Mrs. stokes at the switch hoard. Miss Heck is making frond as an operator, and it is hoped she will like it here. Mrs. K. A. Hurton of Clay Cen ter. Neb.. Mrs. William Louprh ridcre and Mrs. A. L. Baker were entertained at dinner at the Ed mund's home Tuesday. The local freight train lhat was taken off some lime since has been restored, preatly to the sat isfaction of the business men and shippers of grain and stock. Mr. and Mrs. Capen have made every preparation for your comfort and pleasure Saturday evenintr. Ways will lie provided from Murray nut, if you make it known you wish to allend. The you up people of the Unit ed Presbyterian church are so. licitinp members for a Younp People's Christian Union. Please read the ple.lpe Ihouphtfully and sjpn your name prayerfully. 99 Svire Thing! & TUTT - Nebraska A. M. Holmes spent Tuesday in Plattsmouth. The farmers of this immediate vicinity have had plenty of rain. The new school buildinp will probably be in readiness for the full term of school. The David Cole Creamery Co. pays the highest market price for butter fat, and the station is lo cated at Oldham's. Miss Neva Latta went to Plalts moulh Tuesday to take her vocal lesson, under the tutorship of Miss Catherine Dovey. J. M. Holmes and wife and C. A. Bawls and wife of Plattsmouth made a trip to South Hend Tues day for a day's outing. Hilly Hamilton and force of carpenters will go to Mynard this week to make some necessary re pairs on the (Jillespie elevator. Hert Roof is building a four room cotlage in the east part of town. Albert Young is his chief assistant in the carpenter work. Miss Margaret Hull, of Hig Cabin. Oklahoma, and Mrs. Ar thur Leonard, of Fight Mile C.rove were guests of Mrs. Henry Long Wednesday. Mrs. G. II. Gilmore and daugh ter, Helen, spent Monday in Omaha. The doctor met them with the auto in Plattsmouth in the evening. Uncle George Shrader deliver ed his corn to P. J. Pitman Mon day and Tuesdaay. He was sav ing his crop to feed his hogs, but the cholera saved him this work. Pr. It. F. Hrende! accompanied Oliver Gapin to Omaha Wednes day morning to have his tonsils removed. Or. J. F. Hrendel, nf Zionsville, Ind. acompaniei them. Mesdames J. F. ami J. T. Hren del will entertain the Ladies Ah Society at the home of Dr. an Mrs. H. F. Hrendel Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. Jenkins will al assist in the entertaining. Uncle George Shrader has been having a hard time with his pig Out of over a hundred he has but one left. The cholera has playei sad havoc with Uncle George, an his loss is more than one man should have, to stand. Mrs. George Parks and mother Mrs. Mary Wiley, entertained at a picnic dinner last Thursday am an elegant dinner was served Those present can testify to the pleasant lime enjoyed and the good eats that were put on. Mrs. F. A. Hurton of Clav Cen ter, Neb., and her father, Mr. M C. Haker, of Michigan, who ha been making his home with his daughter the past few months are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. L. Haker this week. W. G. Hoedeker disposed of hi: auto to Herman Fieicke of Union last week, and Monday brought home from Omaha a new auto, which is some car. Has all the attachments that make it. go and stop and light it, and many other things. ; Mr. August Guth, an architect from Omaha, was in consultation wiiti llie building commiltee tor the High school Tuesday. Mi Guth is a capable man in his line, having been employed by Cass county on buildings and comes well recommended. The Christian Sunday School is in a most prosperous condition and has greatly increased in membership in the past few- weeks. An effort will be made to get out every member next Sun day as a collection vill be taken up for foreign missions. O. E. Powers, the operator for the M. P. at Union, was visiting friends here Wednesday. Mr. Powers is evidently greatly at tached to Muraj. He would like to come back, and "Scotty" would welcome his former faithful as sistant with open arms. Dr. J. F. Hrendel, of Zionsville, Ind., came in Tuesday for a visit with his brother, Dr. H. F. Hren del and family. The former for several years practiced his pro fesion at Avoca, and is therefore no stranger in Cass county, where he still conies frequently for a visit with relatives and friends. George Oldham was down from Plattsmouth Wednesday looking after his farm interests. He vis ited the old Oldham homestead now owned by Mrs. Dora Moore Oldham, and on this farm re mains the homesteader's cabin, which the Oldham family occu pied when coming to this country, and which was wrecked by the re cent storm. Miss Gurtha Long of Omaha came in Saturday from Cedar Creek, where she had been visit ing since Tuesday, and is the guest of Miss Isabel! Shrader for a few days. The Misses Margie and Marie, the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Shrader, will ac company her home for a week's visit. A crowd of picnickers was taken out in the country by Mrs. O. A. Davis last Friday in a lumber wagon. Everything went lovely until about 5 o'clock, when a storm appeared and a grand rush was made for home. Never theless it was a very pleasant day ami the members of the party are very grateful to Mrs. Davis for the day's outing. The Sidewalk Boom. The sidewalk boom which struck this town several months since continues very actively, and it seems as thouph the property owners of Murray have enlisted in the good cause. Glen Hoedecker, Chas Carroll, Dr. (iilmore and many others have built new con crete sidewalks in front of their residences. The worst eyesore in the town is the delapidated con dition of the walk from the Chris- nan cnurcn to me uepoi. im not exact lv believe in compulsory measures to any great extent, but we do believe that when the good people have taken such measures to beautifv the town those who will with impunity permit such an evesore to evisl i-iizlit in nhiin v iew .if e .-"v l 1 -mii tree who e.ijnes to lown there should be some wav of remedying this nuisance. Narrow Escape From Death, Sunday afternoon Walter Jen kins iiad a narrow escape irom being hit by a north-bound freight train at the M. P. crossing north of the depot Waller was taking a pleasure ride on hi motorcycle and was almost upon the crossing when the train came into the cut within thirtv feet of him. Walter gave his machine plenty of gas, ami at high speed crossed the rails south of the crossing. The engineer of th freight train stated that Walter was thrown about ten feet in the air. He lit. on the opposite side of the track unhurt, but his ma chine was badly crippled. A Fine Cave. .rnong me manv imorovemenis made in and around the IVrgcr hotel is one of the most up-to- date caves that we have ever seen and we do not believe that there is a better- or more complete on in Cass county. Mrs. Merger be t - i i neves in Having tilings con venient around her, and she has certainly succeeded in having her way. The cave is a concrete af fair and was built by fiarnett Ilarley, an expert in Ibis line, and if anything freezes in the cave in winter if, will be occasioned bv carelessness. Then, it keeps everything cool as ice in the sum mer. Kicked by a Horse. Mable, the daughter of Theo dore Amick, hut who makes her home with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Dave Amick, was kicked in the face by a horse last Wed- nesday, near the Win. home, and badlv hurt. .'joj, Thomason, who was passing, found her by the roadside uncoil- She w as taken to Mr. Fight's, h(. grandparents notified and medical aid summoned. From last accounts she is getting along remarkably well. Well Digging and Stump Pulling I am prepared to do stump pulling on contract and also to dig wells, and solicit work in this line. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. T. 33. Smith. !.7-.tmn.u-l'tvl for &aiO OP Hem. The Berger COttage, Consisting Ul ' - - . in Murray, IS for sale Or rent. For particulars call at the Berger hotel. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of From Wednesday's Daily. In response to a request from a committee representing the Stale Association of Charities and Correction to build a stale re formatory, the state board of control lias staled lhat it has some other building operations on its hands that must be attend ed to before a decision is made in regard to a reformatory. The legislature appropriated s !."), oihi for the purchase of a section of land and for reformatory buildings. At least sMO,hiO will probably he required for the pur chase of the land. Tiie board of control, comprising Jude Ibd eonib, Henry Geides and Judge Kenney, has not selected a site and several towns offering land are yet to be visited by the board. It is said the board is divided on the question of compliance with the expressed desire for a re formatory. If a reformatory is built, much of the labor will be furnished by convicts eligible to admission to the institution and thev mut be paid a fixed ;um for not the their work. Whether or hoard is required to build l re- formalory because the legislniun appropriated fluids is one of tin questions much discussed outside of the board. The old board of inibl ic lands and huihlircrs de dined to build a building at th Kearney industrial school for bovs after the legislature had ap propriated funds for thai pur pose. In that case the board found the number of inmates de creasing and decided that a new building was not necessary. The slate board of control ha nut as yet paid a visit to this city where a verv likelv snot lias bee secured that could be used for the purpose of a reformatory. am the board can find here all the im quiremenis neeueu. wneiuer n pc for farming, fruit growing or the establishing of a brick nianu- faclorv. such as it was thought would he one of the features o the new reformatory. JAMES M. TEEGARDEN REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR STATE TREASURER From Tuesday's Dally. Cass counly is to have a rep resentative on the ballot this summer at the primary election for one of the slate olliees, as to 1 r . 'I' wi ...!... (lay janies Jl. inanini o Weeping Water tiled his name as a candidate for the ollice of state treasurer on I he republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election Tuesday, August 18. Mr. Teegarden ha been a conspicuous figure in tlie republican circles of this county for a number of years and is one of the substantial men of the com munity, where he has made his home for years, and is a gentle man well liked by all who have the I .. : . I .1 nIrasl,n' OI ill ll"i"""im 'll " will niaKe a lormanie ramumue !,u'"- 1,0 SPI'U :,s. sossnr of ('as co" u 3"1 im" ,n ' m sauMaai,m " '.ino nml has been one of the lead- ing men ot me cenu ai pan m me county in every manner, lie will he found a good man for the office of treasurer if the voters see fit to select him for the position. IX tub corxTV cm ic r thh rorxTV of, xkhhaska. In the Matter of the Estate of Alvaro A fish. IWpnsert. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Alvaro A. I'lsli. neeeaseo: You are hereby notified that on me ofwii iinv nf M.iv. A. I. K'uh flind hi net ft ion in this court, al inmost j i. leering anioiiK "inn iuiui-- . ...n. . . . . .i i i . . i . m ... County on the 29th day of April. 1911. t'lfe Vl7e zed of no real estaYe: ml .1 iert nossessoil of personal prop Iert' not exceeding the sum of $3.671. IS; that he left Mm surviving as en II. Vish of Hebron. Nebraska, and askinfr that letters of administration be Issued to Fannie J:, uuiie. An order prantinif tne prayer or said petition, and timlinpr mat tne anove named are the only heirs at law of said deceased, and issuintr letters ot administration to Fannie 10. Guile will be entered on the loth (lav ot June. 1914. unless objections thereto are men on or before said date. By the Court. ALLEN .T. BKKSONT. County Judge. It AWLS & ROBERTSON. .Attorneys. 5-25-3wks Other Outbuildings Get an Estimate on Lumber and Building Material at THE MURRAY LUMBER YARD and see if we don't make it worth while to leave you money at home. We are here to Please our Patrons .... Both in Prices and Quality .... The M urray THE STORK MAKES TWO MORE CALLS IN THIS SECTION Yesterday was quite a busy day with the kindly old stork in this locality, as he was called here to deliver two additions to the com munity. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. peter llerold a line new son made his appearance al an early hour and will prove a most wel come gift to the parents, as well as the little brother. The new Mr. llerold will undoubtedly in a few years be able to take up base ball when his father ijuifs the game. August Keil .and wife r.f the vi cinity of Cedar Creek received a splendid addition to their fam ily circle in a bouncing baby girl, who arrived in fine shape and is one of the finest little ladies in the land. Returns From Meeting. F.d I'. Lutz. T. M. Patterson. Fred T. Ramge and N. F. Cioos. directors of the Piatt snioulh Loan and P.uilding association, were at Columbus yesterday at tending the annual convention of the Nebraska Stale League of I.ocal I.oan and Building associa tions. They report a very in structive meet ins- and they learn ed a great d'al thai will be of benefit to their association, which believes in keeping up with the times and guarding the interests of their stockholders. Returns Home From Conference. From Tuesdays Dally. Last evening Leonard Tlorn re turned home from Western. Neb.. where he had been attending the conference of the Lutheran church of the state thai was held in that place. Mr. Horn being a delegate from this city, lie spent everal days there with friends, and says lhat the crops in that locality are looking fine. The name Doan's inspires confidence Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney ills. Doan's Ointment for skin itching. Doan's Hegulels for a mild laxative. Sold at all Irug stores. W. S. SMITH ...TO THE FRONT... WITH EVEnVTlIIXO IN THE LINE OF Fruits, Fresh and Canned Meats, Canned Goods, and a genera line of such Goods i We are here for patronage, and our effort will be to please our patrons. A liberal share of patronage is solicited. Market Prices paid for Uutter, Eggs, Poultry and all kinds of produce. X i X x X X X Come in and Sec Us I W. S. SMITH, :: 3 Lumberman THE QUEEN ESTHERS GIVE A VERY INTEREST ING ENTERTAINMENT From Tuesday's Iially. The Oueen Ls! tier's, a young ladies' branch of tlie Woman's Missionary society of the Method ist ( birch, and which is under the leadership, of Mrs. F.. C. Hill, last evening gave a most ent "i tainiug and instructive social at the church auditorium. The event had been advertised as an aero plane flip, and the features of the entertainment were laid along the lines of a trip over the different, fields where the society lias spread its activities. The conductor of the expedition vvas Mrs. Allen J. Heeson. who, seated at a sleeping wheel on the platform announced the different slops where Ihe work of the Home Missionary society was conducted in the different schools, homes and hospitals maintained by the society. The trip started from Castle Oarden. New York, with the arrival of the foreigners in the I'nifed Stales, and thence tlie expedition took its course fiver the continent, with slops at all the centers of interest where the influence of the society has been felt. At the different slops members -of the Oueen Ksther's. garbed suit aide for I lie occasion, would enter the church and explain in detail Ihe work in thai particular place, such as caring for the needy, the training of the young and the work in the hospitals which has made he so ciety one of tlie greatest blessings in the world. During the I rip several very appropriate musical numbers were given anil a mixed quarlef, consisting of Miss Hazel Tuey. Mrs. E. II. Wcscrrdt. V. O. lirooks and Jennings Seivers, gave several enjoyable numbers. The entertainment was unique in its way and was given in a manner that will long be remembered for Ihe benefits of the work of the Woman's Nome Missionary so ciety. 16u Acres of Land. Will trade 1 CO acres of lat.d In Perkins county for Plattsmouth property. W. R. Bryan. 1-16-d&w x X I X X X r t X X Murray, Nebraska