The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 11, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE 13, Image 13

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    MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1914.
PAGE 13.
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
JACOB TRITSCH, Vice-President
T. M, PATTERSON, Cashier
R. F. PATTERSON, Assistant Cashier
Bank of Cass County
CAPITAL, : : $50,000.00
SURPLUS, : : $30,000.00
Deposits in this Bank are Protected by the Depositors Guar
antee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
W e Would Appreciate Your Business
During his incumbency of the
county attorneyship In has per
formed the duties f the oilice in a
iuil t 1 1 1 a b 1 ' manner ami it
w mill be iliHii'iill. ( 11 i t I au per
son wiUmu" to iVi-r any criticism
upon hi- !'k. Mr. Tayl.'i- is
sifted wilh or. analytical mind
capable .f h !(-( discrimina
tion. '!'h" result has i lh"
county has saved n i ; i - in the
I it r'at ion which usually conies to
the nullity af I tim y's offee on
ni-i'oiini .f Mr. Taylor'- ability to
t rivial
ca -e
Great Benefits Will Accrue to
Farmers and Others.
r -
The Voters of Cass County
Should Bear in Mind that the Primary Election
In Next August Will Bring Out Many Candidates.
Select the Best for Every Office.
A . J . S N V D E IX , Born in Cass County,
AVitli a Kecord Clean as a Hound's Tooth
Is a Candidate for Register of Deeds.
Vote for HIM if You are for the BEST MAN.
County Treasurer W. K. Fox
Is a Candidate for re-Election Next Fall.
Who Not Vote for a Man You Can Trust ?
Forty-three Years a Resident of Cass County
Not a Blemish ou Him.
"The best Soda Crackers Made"
For Sale by H. M. SOENNICHSEN, Plattsmouth, Nebr.
In other communities what are
known as Trade r.ciian- s have
hci'ii established ; i ; ! . i proven very
successful. There ha been a
wish expressed ill if ' :n"t!iiiiLr of
th- kind h" inaugurated for C.a--
county people at Plat ! - mouth. The
Commercial cinb could very well
put such an cut i-j i-i - in action.
The plan is simple and effective.
(!!: a Wf k r twice a month, for
in-tance, there could he held ln-re
a Trading I'xcham:" day. W hat a
-i-niticaut sussest i m; to the aver
age American, horn with an in
herent passion for exchange,
nurtured on the pap 'if acquisi
tion ami edueated I., the hiuhe-d
-tandard of wal h ! , : ! m--.- fo l.eL
(ernienf of personal conditio;:.
What an opporlunl'y for the ".hint
intell.-ci of a sin-'e bailiwick. iie-
loped within a siiiidl eiiiroii
iiient and encoura-eil hy the
shrewd "drives"' in the exchange
market, of his lmme locality, to
meet he Javid of anoihe;- town
ship and carry awav tin- laurels
of a well earned vicPr in the
hattl" of wits.
I'.xchane flay w-'-uld 1"' '')e :f
!ar-e preparation on the ja;- of
those who wish to -ell. while it
would ah'ord an pp,-rtuni!y fr
the man on the maikei to '-et well
selected stu'T. John I)oC. livil!'-'
in the north part of th county,
has a spotted niuie he wishes to
sell, hut his nei-hiiors all
stocked up and lie iiii-i- no mar
ket ioi- the muie. Hill Jenks.
down in Kck lihill - wants a spot
ted mule, hut there are mete in
his pari of the county. They
hoth want ne t sell and tie
otehr u leiy. il to et to-iietln-r?
n r.xchane ,a- in
Plattsmouth lull .Tei-ks -oii;es to
town and upon iookinu oer the
r. iste'- kepi for !he purpose lnnls
that John I e h.-i- tiie M-vy mule
lie has ,ee:i waniinLr. and tie- sale
is made. I'.oth luipi-y! What has
he.-u said f th" mule can 1"' said
of an.vHiinir piodueed on the farm.
l.esides. a medium of exchange
and trade for farmers' product- it
also a!T' the people a chance
fo secure from inerclmnt s thincr
Ihat arc wanted. l'.u-iness men
w ill all make a specialty of hrim---in--
to ih" front arlieles nn-st
n led l.y the co!!dry ueiahhois.
and in a di-piay arrangement flu y
facilitate matters m m imu-
hoili i.uircha-e and sale much
easier than on th" -eneral run of
business days, prizes arc often
offered for the lari-'o-t number of
tickets representing poods pur
chased hy the farmers. This feat
ure lias 1-een adopted in many
places to th" very heifer
nient of the whole people. The
Kxchance day in a town can he
made a period to look forward to
and quite different from "circus
day." the money remains at home.
Tt is a well known fact thai any
article you may have f sell is pos
sibly wanted by hundred-, if you
can only llnd who the-e parties
are and where tiny live.
A Trade F.xchantre would be the
proper means whereby the seller
can find a buyer, or a prospective
purchaser Il,a" a,'!'
parties desiring to sell such ar
ticles as he wants to buy.
mertorious ones, and to try only
th" latter cla-s.
Mr. Taylor has a constantly
pTowinp irivate ,raci;ce which
he cares for wi'h aldli'v and
febdilv. Tl every r e-;ect he is a
capal I" oilicial am! an able lawyer
whos,. ability is increasing with
added years.
Prominent Candidate fop Office of
County Recorder.
Mr. Robb was born at Muncy.
I'a.. on Au-ust IS. 1 s 5 J . 1!" came
to Nebraska wilh his parents on
June ;., ls.jt'.. and th" family
seiiled at "oniiu-. ii- county.
s;ho?-fiv aftei-wards the senior
U'-bl. boit-ht :'hh acres of inairie
land and o"i aerc- of timber. Af
ter living in (lie village of W'yorii ivi- two ears the family
moved on the farm and stayed
there until the ib-alh of th" senior
Robb. M'Uit Robb continued to
iariii until IS'.KJ. when he removed
to Murray, ir. "a-s county. There
he ens aire. I n tiie ireijerai mor-chtandi-e
li'.-im-s fop a .-Hort
time, and selling out. went into
th" ra i a buying on an extensive
scale. In l'.Mi? he was appointed
steward of the i!'-ane a-luni at
Nor folk. N'eli. II" remained there
for mouths, when a change of
admini-l ratioii anothe;- ir:u
in the position. Mr. Robb then
went into the -rain husmes,. this
time at Mn:.rd. ".;:s county, ami
continued thereuntil anp'd'ded
steward at the state penitentiary
by (iovei-nor Abirich. Tlein? re
!i"ed at the end of A'.drich'?
term. Mr. IP- ,b went into the hotel
j.ow-ss at Mittoii. N'eii.. where lie
l-'-mained fou months. He then
sold out and wen' wilh hi- wife
and dauuht"r to Hillings. Mont.,
where he remained until l'.'le.
visiting with his s,,n. Mr. Hobb
uis been in charge of the Hotel
Itib-v in lla!!-mou!h durin-jr the
pa-t f -w in"-its and has built up
that ho-te!ry until at the present
it -lands cry hili in the regard
of he t ra li'iir pub! i".
lmrinir his iie thus far Mr.
Itobb has stood the lest froir,
every standpoint, and his record
as a man and in business js with
out fault. II" has announced him
self as a candidate for the office
of rei-liu" of deeds !P ('ass
cnuiity fo- the comin- fall elec
tion. Many idd-t irne f:"iee, i-e
vailed upon him to make the race
and Mr. Robb consented to do so
after a pood bit of solicitation on
the part of prominent taxpayers
in the county who ha e known him
so many years.
Mr. Robb i- admirably qualified
from every standpoint to accept
ably til! the office, as he is a fir-t-
clas oihce man and familiar with
ev.-ry appertaining fo such
work. An acquaintance oj over
fifty years' duration amoncr the
residents of oloe and Cass coun
ties has endeared Mr. Robb to
numerous person-, and families in
the different communities of the
two countie-'.
(M W ' W- fn) fcT
Be Comfortable in
Mentor Comfort
Union Suits
rPHE Mentor Band Top won't twist
or wrinkle around the neck
Mentor Kantslip Shoulder Straps stay where they
belong over the Shoulders neat, cut to fit the
form and can't slip.
These exclusive features, together
with fine materials, fine knitting and fine fitting,
ma'-ie Mentor the underwear for comfort, durability
and steady satisfaction.
Mentor is made for men, women and
children all sizes, all prices, many fabrics and
colors, any sleeve or leg length. Men like the Men
tor closed crotch (patented Oct. 18, 1910), always
closed, always comfortable.
I la is
df&f&Z ytC$- Manhattan
County Attorney.
Cnliu If. Taylor, county at
torney of Cass county, was born
on a farm in-ar Union. Ca-s cmu
tv. February 11, 1H80. Tie va
educated at the slate university,
praduatinir from that institution
in 100 i. He afterw ards look a
curse of study at the law school
connected with the state univer
sity and receivd hi. certificate of
nilmis-ion to the courts of Ne
braska in 1010. In August. l'.M"
he was appointed to fill out fhc
unexpired term of V. C. Raiu.-c-y
as county atb'i'iiey.
Mr. Taylor has hen twice eject
ed to I he office of county allorney.
and at I he requc-t of a larsre num
ber of voters, has consented to
ajrain become ,a candidate for the
same office. There will prohably
be no opposition to Mr. Taylor
and he will undoubtedly a?ain be
Mr. J. K. McDaniid. prominent
wholesale liquor dealer of Plaits-
mouth, was bor-j in Ies Moines,
Iowa, Sedember 11. lSoo. lie
lived in that city with his parents
until Ihe ,ilc of 17 years, in the
meantime attending" the schools
of his native city. I.earninp- 1 1 1 -bookbinders'
trade, he went to
Omaha aid worked there for a
lime. fe also followed this voca
tion in Kansas Cily. and in a num
ber of towns in the we-t, inelud-inp-
San l'ranci-co. Comin--' east
from the Pacific coa-t Mr. Mr
Daniel beim-r favoraldy imj.ressed
with the country. located af
Salina. Kansas, in 18S.. After a
per iod in the coal and wood busi
ness he enpraed in the wholesale
liquor business, accumulat inpr a
larpe fortune. In r.Hi7 he closed
out his liquor business, i-etainini.-a
larp" amount of property in the
town, and removed to Platis
moulh. where he has since been
en'aed., in the liquor business
maintaining a wholesale i:iinry
for the 'A iheuser-liuscli company
of St. Lmu's. : Mr. McDanieN is a
(ever qenlb-man and a ood busi
ness man. and makes a desirable
part of the business life of Plattsmouth.
- J
P. Pauts & Varnishes w.
Letter files at the Journal office.
if not, Why n&i I
A great opportuniey is now presented to help some friend win an
Auto or other valuable prize. Your Subscription may do it.