FL&TTSMCUTH SCWf-WEEKLY JCUSWAL. PAGE 3. v "V "V ,aA. Would You I to tea BTir Tf (I ESN TJo Z' 5x 11 El 1 rive T X I Ik I 4 The Plattsmouth Journal Announce Hundrods of Dollars in Awards to Energetic Men , and Women of FSattssTsoyth and ass County for the Purpose of Securing Klew Subscribers aK 9 re-r vsar, MONDAY, JUNE S, 1914. rfow I 1 -4. aU A. A. I at A. A. A. 4V t Y On Thursday, June 11, The Journal will start a great circulation campaign to continue for a period of seven weeks, closing Saturday, August 1. Elegant awards, especially selected, have been purchased for this event and wtl be distributed among the men and women of Plattsmouth and vicinity. If you would appreciate the ownership of an Overland car or one of the other valuable awards, Here is Your Opportunity. Study the conditions carefully. Send in your own nomination or that of a friend. Call, write or phone the Campaign Manager for additional information. Tho outlay of prizes is the greatest ever offered in this part of Nebraska, cr.d includes a $1,000 1914 Model 79 Overland Touring Car, 5-passenger; a $400 SchmoSler & Mueller Piano and six other awards of merit. Cass county has be on divided into two districts, and in all, eight prizes will be awarded. !rs addition to the above a cash commission of 10 per cent, will be given to all contestants who do not win one of the eight prizes. The plans and rules will be found cn page 8. The division of territory and awards are given below. I3! r3 3 y 2 fiiS r tea. nci i 'tieu.ic Tho Famous OveHand $1,000 Touring Car, 1914 Model, Fully the Capital Prize and will bo awarded e. m m m m m M m m lLso; g';hUb::j;. vLc wiuyi o't.i la.ui vuicd uuriiig iiiv; wciiiiijciikii. cot n q Fia CI l3 4 2 -Karet Diamond Rings The contestant standir.q- the highest in each district after th-Lri"ui'l ju have l--n awarded will receive a beautiful diamond rin. The diamonds o tiered are indeed beautiful treir.s. perfect in color and in quality and are mounted in a 'old Tinany mounting, ladies' or cent's. Thev have been selected from the stock of one of the lead ing importers by J. W. t'rabill, for The .Tournal. Within a i few days they will be on display at J.W . Crabill s store t iiere he v ill be pleased to show them to any one interested. Merchandise Order STLo fi'r.t.tar.t stamlintr se- or.u aft':- t!. r.:i ! pri.f-s hav !)-.-:: ;r.va r.u l,:ri?-t in each district irde.d. will : -C'-ive an or- t.f !;;i-:v!.ur.ii -' fruin one of I 'iatt smout h s chaudis" u tl.e M..-r.t cf thlrrv dollars in value as mav -toe!:. This c.i y ier iui:;r -"i v. r. include v; ryriiinr in the llrm thirty doihtvs m ?.ui to m..:. In order tliat full credit may be given those in the country, as vrell as in xlw v ity of Piattsinowth itself. ve iiave divided the territory into two districts as outlined in another part of this announcement, and have arranged for separate prizes for these districts, vhi-jh v, iii be awarded to those, standing highest in the districts after the grand prizes have been awarded. r i I 2 Elgin or Waltham Gold Watches The contestant standing1 third highest in each district after the grand prizes have been awarded will receive the choice of an Elgin or Waltham gold watch, ladies' or gents'. The watches are too well known to need any introduction here. They are twenty year guaranteed cases of rare design. These watches were purchased for The Journal from J. W. Crabill. They will be on display there in a few days and all interested are invited to call and inspect them. A Tip on How to Win. Naturally, after reading all about THE JOURNAL'S Lrieat .Pr. vim desire to enter the rampaiiri! and win. The iir-t tiling to i!n is t; enter your name ;s a -;indidal' by sending in the nomination blank, which will lie found on amd hep' papo of (his paper-, and upon receipt ame yu w ill rcceie full int met ion-;, receipt book, etc., lor veciair.ir subscriptions. Next, let your friends know oii r.re in the race, and are in to win, ami roque-t them to save Ihir votes for- you ami help you in -. itinir subscriptions. Ki'.l'.I' THIS I I' AND Y(H' W ILL Hi: sniChssFIT.. If you tin.j that you cannot i titer yourself, senil in the name of some friends whom you would care to lie p. Get an Early Start. If yen i are interested in this prize canmaipn and want, to pet started rinlit, come up and pet acquainted with the Campaign Mau :.jer, or call ui by telephone and late wtiat yon desire to k'low. or write fo;- suuuetions. Any j:i(p;irie addressed to the Ouinpai.-ti Manager will receive prompt ath-nlioa. Special Opportunity Offer. In older that each candidate may iret a nice early start rn the campaign we will pive endi contestant, an extra vote coupon cood for r.uiin votes on the lirst new yearly sub-criid ion if turned in be fore Saturday, June L'O. (Cx iO rJ k rrk Prize r 1 ..:-4-fPt I -, v - ,'-f'-l . -. . ty --!-" Mi i'vf,5,i.' . -"V' j .J -JP- t' "Jf j'-.:ftVjjJivi-c," r -4tb:,f The Division of Territory. The. territory included in this campaign has been divided into two di-tricts, as follows: District No. One. Includes all oT the City of Plattsmouth. District Wo. Two. Include nn of Cnss County outside the. city limits of Plaits mouth, including Pacific .Tunctin. Candidates arc not restricted to their own districts in securing subscriptions, but may obtain them anywhere on earth. Rules and Regulation of Contest on Page 8 hmm,mfM- -m'T- ym Art Style "D," 5400 Schmoller S ftlueller Piano is tlie second Capital Prize and will go to the con testant wlio secures the second largest vote during the campaign. How to Secure Votes. A coupon will be printed in each issue of THE DAILY AND SF.MI-W T'.l'.KLY JOURNAL, which will entitle the holder to the num ber of votes printed on tin face. Cash payments on subscriptions to both Till: DAILY and SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL votes will be allow ed in I tie following proportions: JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION VOTE SCHEDULE. The Evening Journal by Carrier. Votes on Votes on Old Subs. New Subs. Months .$ 2.50 400 HliO One Year 4.50 1,000 2,000 two Years J.OO 2,500 5,000 Three Years L'i.50 4,500 i,000 l our Years 18.00 7,000 14,000 J ive Years 22.50 10,000 20,000 The Evening Journal by Mail. Votes on Votes on Old Subs. New Subs. Siv. Months $ 2.00 300 GOO One Year 4.00 750 1,500 Two Y-ars 8.00 1,875 3,750 Three Years 12.00 3,375 0,750 Tour Years 10.00 5,250 10,500 Fie Years 20.00 7,500 15,000 Tho Semi-Weekly Journal by Mail. Votes on Votes on Old Subs. New Subs. One Year . . . Two Years . Three Years J 'our Years . J ive Years . . .$ 1 .50 ... 3.00 .... 4.50 ... COO 7.50 150 400 750 1,000 1,800 300 800 1,500 2,000 3,000 Upon payment of arreages votes will be allowed at the scheduled rate on old subscriptions. Nominations can be made at once. A blank will be found below which will entitle the contestant to 500 votes. Not more than three nominating ballots will count for any one candidate. Rules and Regulations of Contest on Page 8 !t Call, Phone, or write The Campaign Manager, The Plattsmouth Journal, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. t T T X t I z z V z V Y I V Y Z Y t z T Y A I T V Y I Z z 4 4 4 t Y I Z Z Yi Z f 4 z z I'll r"'i i atn rt mlm