MattsimiOMtb 3 Neb Slate Hisloriral Soc VOL. XXXIII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1914. NO. 46. 6 BUD CONCERTS BEGIN JUNE 18 The Air Dome Has Been Secured for This Purpose, Where People Can Be Seated. The Burlington band will lo ready t i '1 m1 1 tile series of suin-iiu-v ncert s in this city on Thursday "V ninir. .Tinu ISth. ac erding lo tin' present program of t!ii- committee in charge of the prel iminary arrangement s. The location of the concerts in tho air loinf will give tli'-ni a mopo con tra 1 location anl ono that will bo thoroughly appreciated by tho pie who attend tho band con certs, as there they will bo ablo to sit down in comfortable seats to on.j..y tho excellent music fur-ni-he.l hy the band. These con certs arc perhaps tho most pleas ing amusement that can lie do ised for the sunimer month-:, and tho oomniittoe that has boon out solicit imr the funds for tho payment of tin- concerts during tht coming three months has met with much success in their n"orts. although they still lack a great deal of having the full amount desired f,,r the use of the con ceits. ,ut there is little doubt that they will soon pet the desired amount by the time the concerts are ready to start. The move ment should bo aided, as this is something' that is enjoyed by youmr and old alike, and many a pleasant flour can be spent in li-lepjns- to tho music of tho band. The opportunity of securing the air dome solves tho question of seating the crowd and will fur nish excellent lighting- facilities for the band, as well as tho audi ence to see where th.A- are going and in local inir their seats. SOLOMON KEGKLER ASKS 52.000 JUDGMENT FROM INSURANCE CO., From Friilny's Pailj. A suit was l i ltl this morning in the oiliee of the district clerk, in which Solomon C. Keckb'r of .Mauley is the plaint i IT and the Fidel it y-IMien ix Insurance Co. of New Yoik are defendants. The plaint ill" asks that judgment be gien him in the sum of siinii to coer balance on an insurance policy issue, by the defendant company, he claims, on the con tents of the elevator at Manley. which wa- later destroyed by lire. The defendant company has al ready paid the sum of 1,000. which the plaintiff claims js not a sullicienl sum for the loss sus tained, and lie should have the full value of the policy. FINE PRESENT FROM MAX PLOEHN, AN IN MATE OF STATE PRISON James Ilicrely of this city is tho proud possessor of a fine watch fob which lie values quite highly on account of its beauty, as well as the unique nature of it. The fob is constructed of heads and was woven into the form of a chain by Max Ploehn, one of tho convicts at tho Nebraska slate prison, and it is certainly a very line piece of work and shows great skill on the part of Max, who, since his confinement, in tho stato prison, has improved won derfully in his work and is con sidered ono of the most reliable men in the whole prison. FARM FOH RENT Inquire of S. O. Colo, Mynord, Neb. C-8-lmowklv Tuicklen's Arnica Salve for All Hurls. Returns From Idaho Home. From Friday's Dally. Charles F. Guthmann came in last evening- from his homo at Murphy. Idaho, where he has ox tensive business interests, and lie will remain hero for a time to visit his mother and other rela tives in this city ami vicinity. Mr Guthmann has been very success ful in his western homo and his appearance indicates that he ha found it very healthful in the mountain climate. JUNE WEBBING BELLS RING BUT NEAR NEHAWKA Miss Ula Fair Heebner, Daughter of Commissioner Heebner, United in Marriage to Mr. Jess Westlake. At the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heebner, June 3d. at S p. m., the second daughter, Tula Fair, was married to Mr. Jesse Westlake of Kaple. The potior and dining room were beautifully decorated in pink and while, with carnations and roses interminpled. Kipht ribbon bearers marched into the parlor, forming an aisle through which the bridal couple marched, takinp their positions under a larpe white wedding bell and canopy of garlands. Here Rev. J. F. Hedpes cpoko the words that united the happy couple. The bride was dressed in white mossaline trimmed with embroid ered Irish net and pearls, while the proom wore the conventional black. The bride carried a bou quet of bride's roses. Miss Matilda Heebner, sister of the bride. pan?, "I Love You Truly." The wedding march was played by Miss Imo Heebner. sis ter of the bride. Tho ribbon hearers wore: Florence Knabe, Sylvia Ciilmore. Matilda Heebner, Isabel Westlake, Lydia Clark, Rua and Juaniala Fleming. The ceremony was witnessed hy about thirty puests. relatives and friends. A two-oourr-o lunch eon was servoq. miss ViVia i i more presiding at the punch bowl. Tho bride is well and favor ably known, having grown to womanhood near Nehawka, while tho proom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Westlake, prosper ous farmers near Eaple. The young- couple will begin married life on a farm near Eagle. Nehawka News. S. J. REAMS' BARBER SHOP AT CEDAR CREEK STRUCK BY LIGHTNING From Friday's Daily. This morning at about i o'clock the frame buildinp at Cedar Creek which was occupied as a barber shop by S. J. Reams, was struck' by lightning during tho heavy electrical storm, and as a result it is a total ruin, as it was im possible to check the spread of the llanios after the buildinp was ipnited by the liphtninp1. The contents of the buildinp- were de stroyed, as nothing: of value could bo saved. The loss will be par tially covered by insurance, and will be in the neighborhood of 800. The storm was quite ex tensive throuph this section, and startinp about 12 o'clock made a preat electrical display, and the flashes of liphtninp- and the crash of the thunder made the storm more awe inspiring" than usual. Woodman Circle Meeting. The Woodman Circle will meet tomorrow eveninp at 8 o'clock at their lodpe rooms in the A. O. U. W. hall. All members are urped lo attend. Try the Journal for stationery. OPPORTUNITY WITHIN YOUR The Journal Invites You to Circulatiou Campaign in Which Hundreds of Dollars in Prizes Will be Given Away. Any Man or Woman, Married or Single is Eligible overland car A $400 Piano, Diamonds, Merchandise Orders, and Gold Watches are Also Offered. Rules of Campaign Most Fair and Every One to Have Equal Chance to Win You Get Paid for Your Time We Pay You 10 Per Cont.' Commission if You Don't Win. Head Page "Ad" for Particulars Plans and Rides on Pt?ge b. NOMINATIONS ARE NOW IN ORDER SEND IN NOMINATIONS. Do not hesitate, but enter at oueo and pet the benefit of an early start. Nominations are in order and are beinp roeeivod by the Campaipn Department. Run over the list of you friends, select the one whom youthink would be the must likely to be interested, and send in their nominal and by so doinp- you maybe the moans of wining for him or her ono of tho valuable rewards. The Campaipn Department will be pleaded to supply full information to all those who are in terested ami a representative will call and explain the plan of the enterprise to all whom are nominated. Tho ballot is appearing" in each issue of THE JOURNAL. Clip it out and save it, to bo voted when tho ballot box is in place, which will bo shortly. Enter your name. let your friends know that you are out to win one of those prizes, and you will be surprised and gratified to see hov cheerfully and enthusiastically they will rally to your support. Judging from present indica tions The Journal's splendid offer of eipht valuable awards to eight representative people from this section, seems destined to be a preat success. As the exceeding ly liberal nature of this most generous offer becomes more fully understood, more and more of the popular and prominent voung men and women of Platts- mouth ami tho entire community are becoming interesting in the enterprise and are entering the friendly contest with great en thusiasm. It is without doubt a rare opportunity for securing a high-class car. The fact that such a popular and worth-proven car as the 101 i Overland is offered as the Grand Prize in this cam paign has caused added attention to be drawn toward this big gift enterprise. The Overland tour ing car will be awarded without liscriminat ion or favor to the man or woman, married or singlot who receives the largest number of votes polled in the whole cam paign. It is a handsome beauty. fully equipped and ready for the road. The Overland is the king of the highway all over the United States and the reason is because it is the car that goes where you want it, when you want it and combines strength, beauty, and appearance with durability, speed and comfort. The Schmoller & Mueller Piano, purchased from the manufactur ers, will be awarded to the candi date who receives the second largest vote in the entire cam paign. Words fail to describe the beautiful tone of this in strument. It is variant, substle and charming-, showing- its un limited powers in its wonderful shadeing- and superb crecsendo. The case is of finest walnut, mas sive, yet graceful. It is beauti fully finished throughout. The unequalled and every increasing demand for the Schmoller & Mueller is the best proof of the complete satisfaction these VERY GRASP Participate in it's Big 1914 is first prize pianos have given and are now giving in thousands of homes that are adorned and refined by their beauty and excellent tone. The two diamond rings will be awarded to those who stand high est in their respective districts after the Grand Prizes have been awarded. They are large stones, sparkling- and beautiful. Mr. J. W. Crabill. from whom the dia monds were bought, is having them mounted in a solid gold mounting. They will indeed be worthy of your hardest efforts. The 30 merchandise order and the Elgin or .Waltham Gold Watches will go to those tand inp second and third highest in their respective districts after the Grand Prizes have been awarded. All those prizes are worth more than the effort required to win them. Hut this is not all. The Jour nal has further provided that there will bo no losers in this contest. For every candidate who enters this campaign and works to the end and fails to win one of the big- rewards or one of the prizes in his or her district, shall receive 10 per cent of all sub scription moneys that have been placed to their credit during- the contest. By this arrangement no one need work in vain. Contest Absolutely Fair. The campaign is to be con ducted along linos of scrupulous fairness to each and every candi date who participates. The rules are at once comprehensive and concise, and a guarantee of a "square deal" to all, for they will be adhered to rigidly. There are to le no favorites and no one is under a handicap. Candidates living- in the smaller towns and country will have exactly the same chance to win as those living- in the larger ones, as there is one outside district and one in Plattsmouth, and just which dis trict will win the car is at this time an unfolded secret of the future. New Daughter at Coolidge Home. Tho news has boon received hero of tho birth of a new daugh ter at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Will Coolidge at Rosalie, Neb., a few days ago. The mother and little daughter are gettinp- along nicely and tho father is rejoicing over tho addition to the family. Mrs. Coolidge was formerly Miss Mat lie Smith, daughter of tho late Washington Smith and wife of this city. YOUNG AUGUST ELECTROCUTED Found Dead in Yard Near Motor cycle Upon Which He Had Been Making Repairs. Saturady night about eleven o'clock the lifeless form of Aug ust Havir, a young man of some 2 years of age, was found in the yard at his home in the west part of the city, where he had ap parently met his death by elec trocution. August, who had re cently purchased a motorcycle, had boon working on it during- the day. painting it up and getting it in first-class shape, and ho had desisted from work shortly after o'clock and had gone out to the platform fiance, returning shortly after 10 o'clock and going to sleep. He remained asleep until about 11 o'clock, when he awoke and decided to make a few more repairs on the motorcycle, as he desired to use it Sunday, and ac cordingly secured an electric light extension, which he hooked on to ono of the lights in the house and ran it out into the yard, where the motorcycle was standing. It was not until some time afterwards that his sistor-in-law. Mrs. Josoph Havir. noticed that he had not returned o the house, and not hearing lim at work. wont, out into the vard to see what had become of lim, and here his lifeless body 1 1 - (1 1 was discovered lying hy nio siuo of the machine with the electric isrht wire lying on his breast. and from all signs life had been extinct for some time. A physi cian was nurroiiiv summoned, ut it was then too late to do any thing for the young man. as ho iad boon dead for some time. It is thought that ho was running the machine or attempting to. and in some wav received a shock from the engine, as well as tho 'octric light wire that caused his death. This makes the second tragedy in the family in a little over a year, as Joseph Havir, a brother, was killed about twelve months ago in tho bursting of a fly wheel m a gasoline engine. Tho real story, of the death of the young man will probably never be clearly known, as he. was evidently stricken with sud den death before he could utter a ry of distress. Mrs. Havir states that noticing the lights in the muse were out she started to in vestigate the cause, and found that. August was not in the house and went, out into tho yard, only lo find him dead ami clasped in lis hand the electric light globe attached to the extension. She attempted to rouse him and was sfartlod to find that all signs of ife was extinct, and as she touched tho light to remove it from his grasp, saw that the amp was apparently burned out, and she received a severe shock mm the current which was still flowing through the lamp and was thrown to the ground, drop-1 ping the lamp, which broke. As soon as she was able Mrs. Havir ran to the home of Joseph Hiber, across the street, to inform them of the tragedy and lo summon medical assistance for the young man. Mr. JJiner accompanied ier to her home and he, too, re ceived quite a shock from the electric current. The arm of August, which had received the electricity was rapidly assuming a purple hue, and at different a u places on the body there was found marks of the manner in which he met his death. The sheriff was summoned as soon as the death of the young man wa fully determined, ami at once visited the scene of the terrible accident, but tho case was so ap parent that of accidental death that there was no question raiset as to its cause. Tho funeral was held this morning from the Holy Rosary Catholic church and whs attend ed by a largo concourse of tho friends of the unfortunate young man, whoso life had been ter minated just when ho was bo- ginning to fully enjoy his man hood. The mass was performed by the Rev. Father John VIcek in the usual impressive manner of the Roman Catholic church. At the close of the services the pall bears, young friends of the de parted, tenderly bore the body to its last resting place in Oak Hill cemetery. August was a member of the Modern Woodmen of American, in which he carried an insurance policy. LOUISVILLE PARTIES ARE JOINED IN THE HOLY BONOS IN OMAHA The marriage of Miss Alice Twiss and Virgil M. Haldon oc curred at Omaha Sunday after noon, at the homo of Mrs. Lillian Nelson, Rev. Charles Savidge of ficiating. The wedding was a quiet alTair, a few relatives and intimate friends only being pres ent, among- them, Mrs. Leonard Haddon of Louisville, and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Richey of Omaha. Those two young people represent two of Louisville's oldest and most respoctoii families and they embark upon their new life fol lowed by the best wishes of a host of friends. For the present they will occupy the E. Palmer resi dence on Cherry street. Louis ville Courier. MARTIN FRIEDRICH AND CARL GORDER RETURN FROM CHICAGO From Saturday's Dailv. This morning Martin Friedrich and little Carl Gorder, who have been at Chicago taking treatment at the Pasteur institute in that city for the injuries they sustain ed by being bit by a dog suffering with the rabies, returned home to this city, after having taken the full treatment for the disease with which it was feared they might be afflicted. Both of the patients have gotten along fine and feel little or no effect from tho course of treatment, and the friends feel very grateful that they have escaped all danger of being- afflicted with the dread malady. That their cases were taken in hand at once is doubtless the reason that they escaped so easily from its results. FOR SALE Four five-room cottages on monthly payments. One seven-room house and five lots near the shops. A reven room residence close in. A few vacant lots. Windham Investment & Loan Co. G-5-tfd For Sale or Trade. Edison moving picture machine complete with model It. gas outfit and 6 big reels; all in first-class condition. Is equipped for travel ing purposes. E. C. Ripple, sr., Plattsmouth, Neb. Pure Bred Pigs for Sale. I have 30 or more Duroc-Jersey pigs about 8 weeks old that I will sell during1 June. Pedigrees fur nished. Prices range from $10 to 15 apiece. No male pigs sold after July 1st. Stock can be seen any day at my place at Mynard, Neb. W. It. Porter. 5-29-4td-4lw Buy your stationery at the Journal office. ELK'S WIND-UP DEDICATORY SERVICES The Elks Finish Their Celebra tion With Numerous Visitors Saturday Night. The Plattsmouth II. P. O. E. Saturday afternoon and evening completed their dedicatory exer cises with a grand stair party at the new club house, and the mem bers of the order certainly made it a red b'lter day in the history of the lodge and one that will long be remembered by tho pleasant time enjoyed. Invitations to the opening of the new home had beeir sent out to tho different lodges in the stato and quite a goodly number from the adjoining cities responded to the invitations by being- present to enjoy the good fellowship which the It. P. O. E. is famous for. The Omaha visitors arrived on No. 2 Saturday afternoon ami were in charge of Secretary Ike Miner of the Omaha lodge, one of the live wires of the Elks of the tate, while oilier visiting broth ers were present from different localities, especially large delega tions being present from Ne braska City and Lincoln, while from the county there were many in attendance who are members of the lodge here. Tho new home was tho scene of merriment until a late hour in the jubilation of the members of the order over the completion of the building. As a feature of the evening's entertainment several delightful musical numbers were furnished by tho members in the lodge room on the second floor, while on the first floor the members enjoyed themselves at cards and in listening to the strains of music from the Victrola. A very tempt ing luncheon had been prepared for the occasion in the dining room on tho second floor of tho building, which was enjoyed to the utmost by the members and the visiting brothers. The Elks are now fully at home in tho now building and each day finds more pleasures in the en joyment of tho deligHful quar ters that have been erected by them for their ue and which is a monument to tho energy and push of the live members of the order. THE EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATION EXERCISES From Saturdays Dally. The eighth grade graduating exercises of the Cass county schools was held yesterday at the First Congregational church of Weeping Water, and of the ir0 students to graduate from the ighth grade there were loO present to take part in the ex- rcises of the day. A most pleas ing- program had been arrange. 1 ty the county superintendent. Mary E. Foster, and it was car- iod out in a most pleasing man ner by the young people, and fv flects much credit upon the splendid training- they had re ceived in schools of the county. riie address of the esxorcises was lelivered by Robert R. Elliot I, deputy state superintendent, who took as his subject, "Education That EVlueafes," and his remarks were clear-cut and to the point and were thoroughly enjoyed by the students graduating. Session of District Court. This morning- District Judge James T. Ilegley came down from 'apillion to convene the June erm of court. The divorce cases of Fred Stoll vs. Chloey Stull and ferman C. Ross vs. Lydia Ross were brought up for hearing and decrees entered in favor of the plaintiffs.