The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 21, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1914.
Cass County, us.
la County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of William
Ieddy. Deceased.
Notice Is hereby siren to the credit
3rs of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims tiled against said
estate, before me. County Judpe of
Cavs County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth. In Raid
County, on the 22rd day of May 1914.
and on the 24th day of November, 1914,
at 10 o'clock a. m.. each day for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance;
-Ml claims must be filed in said Court
on or before raid last hour of hearing1.
Witness my hand and peal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, " Ne
braska, this 23th day of April, A. 1.
191 4.
County Judge.
In the County Court of (.' County,
You will take notice that on the 9th
Oav of Mav, 1914. Jacob H. Benpen,
sole surviving executor of the estate
of Cornelius Benpen, deceased, and
Administrator of the estate of Orietje
Benjren. deceased, filed reports of his
accounts, acts and doinjf in each of
naid estates and his petitions for final
t-ttlenent thereof. praying for an
order discharging him from his said
A hearing on said reports and peti
tions will he had on the 1st day of
June, 1914. at 9 o'clock in the fore
noon, or as soon thereafter as the
:ime can be heard. at the County
Court Room in the Court House in the
City of I'lattftnouth. Cass County, Ne
braska, at which time and place all
objections, if any filed to said reports
and accounts, will be heard and con
sidered. If no objections are filed to said re
ports and accounts on or before said
last hour set for hearing, the prayer
of said petitions may be granted and
said estates settled and the Executor
ami Administrator thereof, discharged
' from his trusts as prayed.
Date: Mav th. 1914.
County Judge.
Attorney for Estates.
To Alfred D. Jones. A. D. Jones, I. V.
Hardy. J. V. Hardy. John J. Abel,
.lotin I. Abell. Eben S. Wheeler. E. S.
Wheeler, and the unknown heirs and
devisees of Ithamar I'illsbury, de
ceased :
You and eacli of vou will take notice
that on the 7th day of May, 1914. Maud
H. Fuller tiled her petition in the Dis
trict Court of Cass County. Nebraska.
ajrainst you and each of you, the
object and prayer or wnicn are mat
phe may be adjudcred the owner in fee
simple of lots four 4, hve ( ana
six 6). of block fifty-four (54), in the
City of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, freed
from all claims of an estate or interest
therein of said defendants, and each of
them and all persons claiming by,
Ihroujrh. or under them be perpetually
enjoined from claiming or assorting
any right, title, interest, or right of
possession in and to said . premises
adverse to the rierht, title, interest, or
rieht of possession of tins plaintiff,
her heirs or assigns, andvfrom Inter
fering in any manner with the quiet
and peaceful enjoyment of said prem
ises bv said plaintiff: and that a cer
tain real estate mortgage for said lands.
recorded in book 10. at page 4:t4, of the
mortcajre records of Cass County, Ne
brnska. from Sam'l. SI. Chapman and
wife. Agnes D.. to Ithamar I'illsbury,
be canceled and satisfied of record
and the clouds thereby cast upon the
plaintiff's title removed, and for such
other relief as equity may require.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or .before
Monday, the 22nd day of June. 1914.
and in failinsr . so to do- your , iefauU
will le entered therein and the allega
tions of the said petition taken to be
By A. G. COLE.
Her Attorney.
To Henrv A. Pearsons, trustee. The
Norttiwestern Bond and Trust Com
pany, a corporation, Martin Cain, the
unknown heirs or devisees of Mar
tin Cain, deceased. Letitia M. Young,
the unknown heirs or devisees of
Letitia M. Young, deceased, Letitia
M. I'ottenger. the unknown heirs or
devisees of Letitia M. I'ottenger, de
ceased. Letitia M. Potenger, the un
known heirs or devisees of Letitia
M. Poteneer, deceased. Sanford I'ot
tencer, the unknown heirs or de
visees of Sanford Pottenger, de
ceased. Sanford I'otenger, the un
known heirs or devisees of Sanford
I'otenger, deceased, James McMahon,
the unknown heirs or devisees of
James McMahon. deceased, James W.
McMahan, the unknown heirs or de
visees of James W. McMahan, de
ceased :
You are hereby notified that, upon
the I'Oth dav of March. 1914. August
Wcndt. as plaintiff, filed a petition in
the District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quieting
the title to the west half of the south
west quarter (W of SW4 of Sec
tion twenty-four f24), also the rorth
west quarter (NWVi) f Section twen-tv-five
(2.", all in Township eleven
11), North. Range ten (10). East of
the Sixth Principal Meridian, in the
County of Cass. State of Nebraska, as
against you. and each of you, and as
ntrain any and all persons claiming, or
to claim, by, through or under you. or
any of you, and for such other relief
as may be just and equitable.
You are further notified that you are
renuired to answer said petition on or
before the Sth day of June. 1914.
Dated this 20th dv of April. 1914.
AUGUST WENDT, Plaintiff.
His Attorney.
In th Matter of the Estate of Henry
Stull, Defeased.
This cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of C. Lawrence Stuil. ad
ministrator of the estate of Henry
Stull. deceased, praying for a license
to sell an undivided one-sixth, subject
to the dower and homestead ritrht of
.Acrntha Stull therein of the following
re:'l estate to-wit:
The east half of the northwest quar
ter of section two, township twelve,
rHnm thirteen, containing 74 and
S7-l0 acres: the east half of the
southwest quarter of section two,
township twelve, range thirteen, con
taining 80 acres; lot four in the north
west quarter of section thirty-six,
township twelve, range tnirteen. con
taining 26 acres, and lot three in the
roriliweFt quarter of section six, town
ship twelve, rancre fourteen, containing
22 and 75-100 acres, sll in Cass County,
Nebraska; or a sufficient amount of the
same to bring tne sum or '.iyi.3i, wiin
ntercst. for the payments of debts al
lowed against said estate and costs of
administration, there not being suf
ficient personal property to pay said
debts ajirt expenses.
it is tiierefore ordered that all tier-
sons interested in said estate appear
lofore me on tne -zzrn nay or June,
1914. at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., at
the office of the Clerk of said Court, at
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, to show cause
whr a license should not be granted to
said administrator to sell so mueh of
the above oescrioea real estate or saio
V...ned as may be necessary to pay
said debts and expenses. It is further
ordered that this order to show caue
be published lor iour successive wceas
prior to said day of hearing in the
I'lattsmouth Semi-Weekly Journal,
published at riausmuum. -eii ish..
Dated this 7th dav of Mav. 1914.
Judsre of the District Court.
- - 5-7-4wks
TTZ lbe Journal for etationery.
Alvo Hofco
' Mrs. Lizzie Lewis, was trading
in Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. TimbYia'-a'rid lioys
were in Lincoln Saturday.
Thomas Stout was in Lincoln
Monday for auto repairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kitzel were
in Lincoln trading last Saturday.
Dell Tyson had business at the
state farm Saturday of last week.
Mr. Daily of Neligh was trans
acting business ; in.' Alvo Monday
morning. 8 ;'. '.
,. Art l'r.ou,ty is home, from Atchi
son, Kas":," visiting his mother and
family for a few days.
County Commissioner Jordan
started, for Plattsmouth Monday
to meet with , the commissioners.
Uncle Will Lewis of Neligh is
looking after business and visit
ing, among his friends here this
Miss Gladys Anpleman return
ed home on No. 86 Saturday from
Lincoln, where she attends High
Ike Wolfe and brother, John,
went to Lincoln Monday and from
there to Ashland to visit their
Harvey Rasp returned from
Omalia Monday morning, where
he visited his brother and wife
over Sunday.
G. P. Foreman, sr., shipped a
car of" cattle to South Omaha
Tuesday. Mr. Foreman accom
panied the shipment. .
Sidney Sanborn came in Sun
day from Tpmico, Mexico, visit
ing his sister, Mrs. Herbert
Moore until Wednesday.
Fred Dreamer and family and
three young lady friends of Uni
versity place spent Saturday' and
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. A."
Mrs. Frank Proulj and her
sister, Mrs. Joe Armstrong, were
in Lincoln Monday visiting their
niece, Miss Lola Sheffert, who is
critically ill at a hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rogge
and daughter, Grace, f KImwood,
and Miss Auderey Ilmwn of Wa
bash spent Sunday afternoon at
the home of J. II. Stromer and
family. . , ...
Memorial day will, bo observed
at the M. E. church Sunday morn
ing, May 2i. You ave invited to
this service and to jpjri us. in our
regular .worship.. -William . C
Tn .... ..11 .. 1
Mrs. Carrie Stotlar: and Miss
Addie Wiesenbrg .of Lincoln
spent a few hours Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parselh Mrs.
Stotler was looking after her
farm interests north of ? town. .
Mr; and Mrs. W. O. Boyle and
Mrs. Uadley of Lincoln autoed
down from Lincoln Saturday,
visiting over Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Applenian. Grandma
Boyles also spent Sunday with
them. . -
;L. H. Applenian and . family
autoed to Lincoln Sunday, taking
their daughter, Gladys, to her
school duties. Miss Nina Tucker
of University Place returned with
them for a brief visit with Mrs.
Appleman and her cousin, Mrs.
Harry Parsell. --
The crowd that was in the
capital city Tuesday Roy Ben
nett. Charles Hard nock, Charles
Jordan, Scott Jordan, Harry Par
sell and J. A. Shatter ali an
swered at roll call when No. 1-4
landed in Alvobut Jake, who
came in on the freight.
Mr. and Mrs. JVM: Stomv enter
tained at dih'tteK.SuiVdayTih'ij.
lowing guest s : -Mr. and Mrs.-Sarvi
Cashner of University Place, and
Mrs. S. Coler, - ?m aunt ' of Mrs.
Cashner, - and her niece,;' "'.Miss
Alice Taylor, of Pennsylvania",
Mrs. M. P. Stone, Mrs.' Bina Kitz4
el and son, Bert Kitzel.; - -
Mrs. J. A ShafTer went "'to Liv
coln Friday evening lo attend the
commercemeiit xercisea'.'of ilie.
Lincoln Dental'-' college;.?; fWm
which her opsins, JihjC.' Oigf;
jr., and Robert M. Ho) ingsworth
graduated with high honors. Mr.
Trumble, a cousin of the Casey
brothers, received a demonstrat
or's certificate. ' -
s- GOTO ""4.
s for Ice Cream, Soft Drinks,
J- Fine Candies and' .Fruits. -
Always fresh; Everybody ,4.
J come ' and see us when in J
s town. - .4.
K S. J. REAMES, Prop.
' Cedar Creek, Neb. . .
4-30 4wks-w 4.
When baby ; ."sulTers with
eczema or sonie jt.chiug.s'kiij
trouble, use DoanV Ointment?" A
little of it goes a long way and it
fs safe for Tcbildren, 50c a bos
at all stores. ""
.'Alexander Dumas said doty 13
something that vrexaet from others. Your
duty to yourself .is to take Allen's Coagh
Balsam when you haTc a deep-seated cough
or cold. Kothihg will give you quicker
nod more permanent, relief. Try it. D
not contain anything harmful. 25c, 50c.
and $1.00 bottles at nil dealers. '
Colic- and ntomach
ache usually relieved
; ' -, with
This famons remedy seldom fails to
relieve pain, both external and in
ternal. ZS, 35 and 50c. Bottles.
'"' i
M-H- 'I"K-
A large crowd from this local
ity attended' the carnival at
Plattsmouth Saturday.
Miss Lizzie Kastel spent last
week with relatives in Platts
mouth. '
-Louie Friedrich had a fine mare
kicked by a horse and broke its
left leg, Saturday.
O.uile.a number of friends and
relatives wer' the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Engelkemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Parkening
and family and Mr.' and Mrs.
Philip Meisinger and family spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Augusl ."Engelkenu-ier.
Mr. and" Mrs. Frank Itoedeker
of Nehawka-. spent' Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Iloedeker.
W'ill Philpot 'shipped hocrs to
South Omaha Monday.
Charles Engelkemeier is pul
ling up a new foundation for an
addition to his houe.
Mr. .and Mrs. . Otto Puis were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Puis Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles -Herren
made a business trip to Murray
Monday. -. -
Mr. and Mrs. Heorge Engelke
meier spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. i H. luls. .
. R. C. Bailey is filling in the new
concrete bridge in the northern
part of this Jocality this week.
Has Some Wait.
.Fred Mendenhall ; drove ..his
automobile. Jn.J'lnttsmoulh,. Sjiin
dayi He- was accompanied
Miss Anna Corcoran and Mrs. R.
J. Sellers. - Unfortunately while
the . trio tarried in that city rr.
Livingston journeyed to the other
side on a professional call.- The
ferry boat waited on the Iowa
side for the doctor's return. The
Mendenhall auto on the Nebraska
side waited, and waited Tor that
ferry boat.- Fred shouted, "Come,
boatman, do. not tarry.' .and I'll
give thee a silver frown to carry
us over thoierry.'' The boatman
heard : him -not., and at 11 p. m.
returned, with Ir. Livingston and
then took the. auto load across.
('lenwood Tribune.
Special fop the Next Few days.
For, the next; few. days the Lin
coln Pure Butter Co. will pay ISc
for spring . chickens, 12J,c for
hens and 5c for cocks. Highest
market, price in cash paid for all
produce, cream and butler. They
are located on .the.eorner of Sixth
and I 'earl streets.
The Lincoln Pure. Butler Co.,
Cream and Pivdw.c Station,
.Fred Dawson, Manager.
wsEh USifiM. Burlesque
Clean, CUcej EntertcHimanL Evsnfbod Goes: Ask
WW The star act on "every Bill
lot tare; is an 1
fcichball. If you want the8t.arder t?lJ
VUts-emnd old iicatocky brand.
s -J '
test' a
- 5
' dm.
From Tuesday's Daily.
For some time past there has
been several brass castings and
other articles' missing from the
Western Foundry cS: Machine
Works plant on Third street, and
they were at a loss to' know what
had become of them, and yester
day it was found that an auto
mobile which bad been, stored
there had been carefully robbed
of everything that could be sold
as junk. It was thought to keep
a watchout to locate Ihe robbers,
if possible, and last evening the
watchmen were rewarded by lo
cating the parties who had taken
the stuff, when three small boys
appeared to carry off the spoils
of their raids, which they had
concealed near the premises un
til a time when they could make
way with them. The boys, who
are none of them over 10 years
old, were taken in hand and
questioned by the deputy sheriff
and this afternoon they will be
brought before the county at
torney to see what should be
done in their cases. A lock on
the tool box of J. H. McMaken at
the new ice plant building was
also forced open, but there was
nothing taken from the box, as
the tools evidently did not look
good to the young robbers.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The three boys. F.rnest Ver
hule, Frank March and Arthur
Harness, who were charged with
taking brass and other articles
from the plant of th Western
Machinery and Foundry company,
in this city, will be given a hear
ing tomorrow on a complaint that
will be filed against them. The
boys w:ere by
County Attorney Taylor and gave
over the statement that they had
disposed of articles amounting
to some 25 to a junk dealer of
this city, at different times in the
past few weeks. The boys are
quite young, but are onto the
ropes of the business, and if the
statements of the boy's in regard
to the disposal of the stolen
properly are true it may go hard
with the man 'who purchased it if
he cannot prove his innocence in
the matter .of knowing how the
stulT was obtained . (The lads
should be placed where they can
he kept in the straight, narrow
path and become useful citizens,
but at their present gait, they are
fast acquiring habits that will in
time result most serious for
Spring Wagons Exchanged.
On last Saturday evening .there
was a. mistake made in the spring
wagon line at the Parmele barn.
The mistake was made during the
rush at the barn in pitching the
wrong team to one of our patron's
wagons, and the error was not
discovered until the second team
was called for. The parties hav
ing the wrong wagon will kindly
notify Mr. Parmele, so the same
may be "adjusted by Mr. Parmele
calling for the wagon or the
parties returning same lu the
barn at an early date.
From the Sunny South.
From Tuesday's Daily.
J. II. Coughlin, better known to
everybody in this locality as the
happy and jovial Jack Coughlin,
arrived in - the city this morning
from Shelbwille, Tennessee,
where he has been for the past
year, engaged in the building of a
railroad line. He also just made
a trip up north, where he will be
engaged in a similar line of work
dyring the summer months, to
which point he wil lreturn within
a short time. Mr. Coughlin has a
great, many friends in Platts
mouth who are always mighty
glad to see him, and are more
pleased t() know ' that he is at
present enjoying the. very best of
health. Mr. Coughlin is a guest
at the home of H. M. Soennich
sen and family during his stay in
this city. . ,
Wall Paper. Gering & Co.
Buy, Sell' or Exchange Platls
rrioulh' property. Worth J the
money. Clyde If. Fuller. Phone
440 J. 5-ll-tfd&w
'" i iTi i i '
' O. Sandin, D. V. M.,
graduate of the Kansas Cily
Veterinary College, is per
manently located rn Platts
mouth. " ' Calls'' answered
day or 'night. 'Phone 255."
O nice. 606 Main. ' ' "
Motors to Union.
fYorn "Wednesday's Dally.
There was quite a part of the
legal talent of the city today that
decided to spend the day close to
the heart of nature and accord
ingly Judge Beeson, Judge
Douglass, County Attorney C. H.
Taylor, J. M. Leyda and A. O.
Moore motored to Union with the
intentions, so they staled, of
hunting truffles. The other mem
bers of the bar have been greatly
excited over the large supply of
the toothsome truffles that the
county judge recently secured
while out on a trip, and will en
deavor to beat bis record.' Mr.
Moore will act as an arbitrator in
case any disputes arise between
the legal gentlemen over the di
vision of the spoils.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon the mem
bers of the primary department
of the Junior League of the
Methodist church enjoyed a very
delightful time, at (iariicld park
in a picnic and general good
time. The event was in charge
of Frank Frank fiobelman, su
perintendent of the Junior
League, and Miss Herinie Wind
ham, teacher of the class, and
these ladies saw that the little
folks enjoyed- themselves to the
utmost in the hours they spent at
the park. (James, that are so
much enjoyed by the little hearts
were played f'r a time and then
the invitation was given to gather
round and take part in the dainty
lunch prepared for the occasion,
and it is needless to say that this
was most thoroughly enjoyed by
all of the twenty-eight members
of the class present, and when
the home-going hour, arrived
they departed feeling that their
teacher and superintendent had
certainly provided them with a
royal time.
Keep Bowel Movement Regular.
Dr. King's IS'ew Life Pills keep
stomach, liver and kidneys in
healthy condition. Rid the body
of poisons and waste. Improve
your complexion by flushing the
liver ami 'kidneys." "t got "more
relief from one box of Dr. King's
New Life Pills than any medicine
I ever tried," says C. E. Hatfield,
of Chicago, HI. 23c at your
From Tuesday's Daily.
The opening of the fine new air
dome just erected by II. M.
Shlaes, which was held last even
ing, attracted a very large crowd
and the capacity' of the open air
theater, which is 800 to 1,000,
was tilled with a well pleased
audience to enjoy the excellent
program which was offered by
the management. The Hawaiian
Five, a sinking and dancing
vaudeville company, was secured
for the opening attraction, and
they will appear again this even
ing, and this company is one of
the best vaudeville attractions
that has appeared here"' for some
time, and their splendid enter
tainment was one that 'was. thor
oughly enjoyed by everyone, and
Manager Shlaes certainly provid
ed a treat for his patrons in the
Hawaiians. They are excellent
musicians and both in playing on
the different instruments and in
their vocal selections they were
very pleasing. Four reels of
pictures were shown in addition
to the vaudeville, which were -of
more thnn usual merit. Tonight
there will be a complete change
of pictures and the Hawaiians
appear in a new program. On
Wednesday night the talking
movies will be shown.
Health a Factor in Success.
The largest factor Vonlributinp?
to, a man's' success is uwlouMe'IIy
health. ' It has been observed that
a man is seldom sick h:n his
bowels are regular ho is never
well when they are constipated.
For constipation you will find
nothing quite so good as Cham
berlain's Tablets. They not only
move' the bowels, toil improve the
appetite and slren?!h'ii . the di
gestion. They arc sold" by all
dealers." ' ' ". .
Buy your stationery ,.at the
Journal office.
Children Cry
The Kind You Jlaro Always
in use lor over SO years,
Ly . y-'- sonal
T&ccU&C; Allow
All fTountcrfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-sood arc but
Experiments that triilo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, lrops and Soothing; Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Xarrotie
Substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fev .-rishness. l'or more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for tho -relief of Constixation,
Flatulency, AVind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. -It regulates the Stomach and 15owels
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural bleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
) Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
!n Use For Over 30 Years
From Tuesday's Dally.
During the past few days there
has been considerable discussion
among the citizens over the ques
tion of having a man or supply
pipe placed from tho hydrant on
L'ocust street, which is the one
nearest to Oak Hill cemetery, in
order that the proper supply of
water may be had to take care of
the cemetery in proper shape. .At
present, the only water supply
available at t ho cemetery is from
a large well, and this is not only
inconvenient to get the water, but
at times is dry, and thereby the
grass and flowers planted at the
cemetery cannot receive the
proper nourishment that they
should. The cost of putting in
the supply pipe from J.ocust
street on out lo the cemetery
would not amount to a great
deal, and already quite a number
have signified their'' willingness
to take what steps may ! neces
sary to make the burden as light
as possible by personal dona
tions to the cause. One gentle
man has offered to contribute
$100 in order that the water
service may be extended. and
there are a number of others who
are willing to contribute sums to
see that the work is carried out.
In a few days a petition will be
circulated lo secure contributions
for the extension of the water
service out to the cemetery, and
there should be no one who owns
a lot in the cemetery hang back
ill signing and contributing to the
good cause. For years it has been
n source of much trouble to the
lot owners at the cemetery to se
cure the .proper water -supply,
and now is the time to get busy,
while there are persons interest
ed enough to add their financial
aid to tho proposition. It will
not be necessary to place a-main
If you want to
1 x r KVTtr eradicate Skin Blemishes,
KIlOW HOW To bring the glow of Health to
Your Cheeks, don't fail to talk with
Mrs. E. LEI VES, Boston's Noted Beauty Specialist
Mrs. Leives will give free personal advice and a few free
facial massujres in J'our own home. Telephone us. This
is Your Opportunity Take advantage of it. Uear in
mind Mrs. Lc-ives wil)' be ut our store, a whole wejk, com
mencing May 23th. Don't fail lo hear her
Free Daily Beauty Lecture.
To follow her advice ireuns a better tompltxicn f j on.
5? EES 3
Sole Distributors for Harmony Toilet Requisites,
Plalismcuth,' 77t Storm Nebraska.
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has been
ha3 homo the signature of
lias been made under ina per
gupervision since its infancy.
no one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
the distance necessary, as a sup
ply line would be amply su llieient
ami it would save the city the
cost of several additional tire
hydrants, which would have to be
placed in case the mains were
oxfemb-d. Think the question
over and aid in the good work.
Rheumatism Quickly Cured.
"My sister's hu.-band had an
attack of rheumatism in hN
arm," writes a well known resi
dent of Newton, Iowa. "I gave
him a bottle of Chamberlain's
Liniment which he applied to his
arm and on the next morning the
rheumatism was gone." For
chronic muscular rheumatim
you will find nothing better than
Chamberlain's "L'inifnehV. Sold "by'
all dealers.
Residence for Sale.
Two-story brick on Main and
8lh streets, contains 8 rooms,
not including bath room and
closets. Beautifully located and
modern fixtures. Two and a half
lots, with trees, barn and out
houses. For further particulars
address Silas Long, G48 N. 2Clh
St., Lincoln, Neb.
4-8-1 mo-d&w
The Journal advertisers are do
ing the business.
y Floney
Oar low price, easy selling
accident policy oHVrs pleas
ant and profitable employ
ment. Write as for terms,
giving references.
Fremont, Nebr.
-To Beauty Your Complexion,
To Rid yourself of Wrinkles,
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