The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 27, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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MONDAY, APRIL 27. 1914.
Cbc plattsmouth jfournal
Published Soml-Woekly at Plattsmouth, N o b r.
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prices S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
The war with Mexico is on, and
Vera Cruz has fallen.
Huerta will nt feel that he is
bippor than the United Stales
many weeks longer.
The whole country is standing
by President Wilson, like every
American patriot ought to.
The -honk" is the sign of
sprinjr. It used to he the wild
...(., now it is the automobile.
There seems to be a tendency
to make hair-splitting distinc
tions as to what we are to do to
The limit of alienation suits is
reached when a father sues his
mmi for alienating his mother's
We don't understand, my dear
girl, why yu insist that marriage
is a failure. It is not.. It is an
In addition to spring hats,
colored wigs are another item
that must now be entered as
"overhead charges."
The best way to settle the re
gional bank controversy is to
give every large city a bank and
every small city a branch.
A gooil politician has to saw
wood and say nothimr, and this
is why women will make a failure
in politics. They can do neither.
Remembering England's glori
ous treatment, of the Ilocrs, some
of 'tlie 'London papers are greatly
indignant at Wilson's policy to
ward Mexico.
The snubbing of the duke of
Troy fr marrying an American
girl appears to have caused him
to decide tu make a man of him
self, (loud!
"The right woman can make a
fool of any man," says an ex
change. We contend that the
right -woman if she really is
right won't make
a fool of any
The Tennessee republicans
aoide(l all reference to national
questions in their new platform.
This is done to preserve the
coalition in state politics with
democrats, who, n doubt, will
leturn the compliment in kind.
The republicans who are so
cock sure that they are guing tu
whip the democrats at the next
national election had better
spend their time in gelling their
own camp ready for a fray before
making claims of whipping anything-.
A brick church down east is to
be sent tu a new location by par
rel post, and on lite installment
plan. Thus is the government
made u serve the ends of Chris
tianity. The church and the
stale can never be wholly
Ogden Armor says that meat
is not going to bo any cheaper.
While crop conditions are splen
did, there will be no reduction in
prices of fresh meat until there
are more cattle in the country,
and there will be no more cattle
in the country, we can tell him,
until the Chicago packers stop
their little game, which consists
in offering1 a big1 price for cattle
and then stealing it all back in
the way of commissions and
Agricultural papers are devot
ing more and more attention to
the matter of saving the heifer
calves, with a view to increasin
the dairy product. Against the
life of the calf the money value
of the milk it will consume has
usually been set up and the prob
lem so worked out as to send the
calf to the shambles. ow the
lignt is being- turned on from a
different angle. The effort is to
make it clear that it pays to raise
the calves. Prof. Wilbur J. Fras-
er, chief of the department in the
University of Illinois, is con
tributing his share to set right
the wasteful view too long held
mi this subject. He says "the
Illinois experiment station
bought a cow that produced on
an average 11, 31)0 pounds of but
ter fat a year," and instead of
perpetuating- her great qualities
by rearing her calves, sold them
to a butcher, an operation which
he says amounts to a dairy-race
A prominent Illinois dairy
man says "the heifers we raise
from our best cows are belter
producers with their first calves
than the average mature cows we
buy. Others say the same
thing, and no doubt it is almost
universally true. The agri
cultural experiment station is
raising calves at the expense for
milk of 3.3i per calf 150
pounds of whole milk, worth
-'5; and 100 pounds of skim
milk, worth .$1.20. "These prices
are liberal," says Fraser, "as
they are paid at the farm and no
money or labor is expected in
hauling." The advancement of
such arguments as these will
turn the minds of the heifer
slayer in the right direction. In
time increased growth in the
number of dairy cows will be
noted from this source alone, and
we shall see a change in the
statistics which now show that
the slaughter of calves in this
country runs far into the mil
lions every year.
Town men believe that when a
farmer raises a colt, it is all
profit; but according to reports
from 10,000 correspondents of
the bureau of statistic of the de
partment of agriculture, Wash
ington, D. C, upon the cost of
raising: colts on farms tu the
age of three years, the average
for the United States is found t'o
be ftiOi.OO. Or if we deduct the
value of the work done by the
horse before he has passed his
third year, namely, $7.52, the net
cost is JG.5i. This is 70.1) per
cent of the selling value of such
horses, $130.17.
A wisely conducted news
paper is like a banquet. Fvery
Ihing is served with a view to
variety. Help yourself to what
you want, and do not condemn
the entire spread because pickles
and onions are included. If you
do not relish them, someone else
may find them palatable. lie
generous and broad enough to
select gracefully such reading
matter from the newspapers as
will be agreeable to your mental
taste. You, as an individual, are
nWt compelled to swallow every
thing. We do not all think alike
on eery subject, and it is a good
thing, as it makes more variety,
and variety is the spice of ex
istence. :o:
There need be no alarm about
the Mexican situation. There' are
enough senatorial and float rep
resentative candidates in Otoe
county to sweep the greaser na
tion into the briny deep.
Oh, yes, my dear girl, we have
great confidence m cnristian
Science, but we have noticed that
it has no
material, enect on
"financial cramps.
It is strongly suspected that
it.. i .. - ; i i I I
nueiui, seeing ins meviianiu
finish, decided he would rather
be whipped by Uncle Sam than
wait to be whipped by Villa.
And now comes the report that
our friend, Sweet, of the Xc-
braska City Press is being boom-
ed for senator. Well, that's all
right. He is able to ill 1 the bill,
You know what war is, accord-
ing to (Jeneral Sherman, and books are laden with laws direct
they are very liable to have more ed at the relief of this or that
of it than they can stand down in
the greaser country. Hut it is
just what Huerta has been work-
ing for. ,ow, let the old huteh-
er get paid in his own coin.
This season the federal law for
the protection of migratory
birds has been a failure in every
sense of the term. There seems
to have been no effort to enforce
it. I he appropriation to carry
the full intent of the law was in
sufficient only ? 10,000. The
law should be repealed, as there
is not a stale m the union hut is
able to pass and enforce their
iwii game laws, and they do it to
a great extent.
The United Stales troops
thould march right on to Mexico
City as soon as possible, and if
thev can canture Huerta they
should take him out and hang
lini, the same as they would any
oilier cnf tiruat. Me has no
lonor, or he would not allow hi?
lirelings to insult and murdei
Americans who have been unabb
to get away. Hut he will get all
that is coming to him for his in
fernal cussedness.
The man. whose name is too
dastasteful to us to mention,
criticised the national ad
at the meeting of
the democratic editors in Lincoln
the first of the week, was entire
y out of oitler. He declared "the
administration was to blame for
the bloodshed. It had sent war-
hips into Mexican waters and
iad permitted troops to roam on
bore, drunk or sober." He is
indeed u pretty specimen
lumanity to criticise a man like
Wood row Wilson and the gentle
men who compose his cabinet,
and had we been present when he
made such remarks we certainly
would have hissed him down and
gotten some "heavy-weight"
nmspni fo throw liim ov.i ih.. I
transom and out of the conven-
ion hall. The audacitv anil
heek of this fellow is simolv
- - - - - - 1
without comparison.
Hold on there! What's this
we hear about wool prices ad
ancing? Is it possible, when
I he republicans told us after
Woodrow Wilson was iuaugurat-
d that the wool market was
uined, and that man Penrose
was the greatest howler among
the whole outfit. Wool prices
are advancing in all markets, at
home and abroad, yet wool is on
the free list, and it was put there
nit a little while ago by the
lemocrats in the face of the
most gloomy forebodings on Hie
part of all the organs and orat
ors of stand-patdom. Wool
growers were being murdered in
old blood. lluin of the most
frightful description was to fol-
ow fast iiiiDii the heels of this
monstrous assault on the honest
merican farmer. Calamity of
the direst sort was freely pre-
icted by vociferous prophets f
isaster, yet, lo and behold, the
market reports say: "Wool
riees are advancing in all mar-1
ets and contracting is still go-
ing on at prices away above last
year's quotations!" And all un-
der a democratic administration
and a tariff that suits the com-
mon people.
It ,nay seem presumptuous to wilh an cxperl especially
lho deaa Qf an affPicultural col
lege, but sometimes experts ge
an entirely lopsided view of a
i matter from bavins--their alien
tioii too much fixed upon that
phase of it to which their ex
pertness is confined. They ar
too apt to mistake mere symp
toms for a disease. In this they
have plenty of company. When
we have a headache we lake some
sort of pain deadener, without
inquiring closelv into the cause
of the ache. It is the same wav
in our efforts to cure social aiu
industrial ills. Our stalutt1
local industrial pain, without any
effort at all being made to cure
the disease from which the pain
results. Mnee it is human na
ture to hit at the beads it sees
and to seek a remedy for every
thing by an effort to remove thai
which is easily visible which
looks bad, even an expert may be
permitted to follow the custom
and that is surely what the dean
of the Illinoiis College of Agri
culture docs, when he ascribe?
the high cost of living to tlu
rapidly changing styles of mil
linery and clothing-.
It is useless to look to bettei
farming for
relief, he declare
because the
farmer is already
I behind in the matter of produc
turn increase as compared with
consumption increase, and there
is no prospect f his catching up
That closes one door of relief.
and, sad to relate, the door which
Ibe vast majority of people have
accusHuned themselves to con
sider the chief, if not the only
one. In our tendency to he
uperllcial in these matters, as
i i ..i. , 1 ..... . : l i
siaieu anoe, wo nae asciiueu
the high cost of living fo the ir
creased price ot looq, ami nave
Iwktft. irit'iii4i I ll f't 1' II 1 I fill fill"
'.111 pit lUp 1. 1 l"i mt-I t.ll im.v-
blame. Now' comes the agri
cultural expert in defense of the
farmer, and lays the blame up-
I 41... ... ; 1 1 ; ,1 i i L- .r
and the tailor, and with no more
scientific analysis than is given
the subject by those who hold
the farmer responsible. He
wants all clothing standardized
and changes in styles stopped
That is just what is done in
China and the Philippines. Of
course, we can all move to China
or other Oriental countries where
styles never change, but if we
could check progress by in
troducmg their ideas and cus
toms, perhaps we might live
I 1. 1- -" 1 .
II1UIU icapiy, n not mum pitas-
Hie farmer having been re-
Heved of responsibility, we may
I'onlidiMilly look for a champion
to enter the lists for the millin
er and the tailor. Perhaps we
shall in the end find an expert
not so confined in his expert
knowledge to a single ' field of
endeavor, who will tell us that
the high cost of living is due en
tirely to our high ideas of what
we must have to live. When we
finally realize this we shall cease
to lay the blame upon those who
merely cater to this high stand
ard we set for ourselves, but do
not create it. So long as we re
fuse to do things for ourselves,
but hire them done, and so long
a.- iiy iu imi. u il uuu
. . . i ... it ..i ....i
front" whether we are able to do
so or not, the high cost of living
will remain with us.
Candidates are a little slow in
announcing. J. here are several
candidates mentioned for differ-
ont uositions. but lm'115 doesn't
seem to be anything Positive un-
1,1 aspirants come oui anu an-
nounce the fact themselves.
That's the way to do tho busi-
The friends of William Doud
of Greenwood are booming- that
gentleman for the democratic
nomination for sheriff. Mr. Doud
is a mishtv sood man for the
office. , , fc
Pastor Russell's Drama Opens
In Empire City of South.
Touching Film of Abraham's Sacrifice
Furnished Text For Famou3 New
Yorker's Discourse Hearts Swelled
and Eyes Moistened Under the Mes
sage From tho Book What Has
Been Regarded as a Cruel Fanaticism
Shown to Be a Divinely Beautiful
Lesson on Things to Come.
Atlanta, Ga., April
2(5. Pastor Kussoll
presented his fa
mous I'lioto-Dra-ma
of Creation to
a highly appreci
ative audieuce in
the Atlanta The
atre today.
of Abraham's great
sacritiee. furnished
the basis of the
Pastor's discourse.
Hearts tilled and
eyes became moist as the instructive
message was delivered.
"What has been regarded by many as
a cruel fanaticism was pointed out by
the famous New Yorker as Divinely ar
ranged and as teaching a most beauti
ful and significant lesson respecting
the sacrifice of the anti-typical Isaac
namely, Christ and "the Church, which
is His Body."
Pastor Ilussell's text was, "If ye be
Christ's, then are ye Abraham's Seed
and heirs according to the Promise"
(Galatlans 3:20).
The Pastor began by demonstrating
from Scripture hat God calls our pres
ent condlUon a cursed one, that man
kind are under the curse of death, and
that the only way by which the world
can come under God's blessing is by
the bringing in of a new condition.
nd so when God said to Abraham,
'In thy Seed shall all the families of
the earth be blessed," He meant that
this Seed would roll away the curse of
death and roll iu the blessing of life in
the full sense upon humanity.
Then the Pastor pointed out that the
Logos left tho Heavenly courts and
became a human being taking a low- j
er nature than He had before and was j
born of the stock of Abraham, in order
to become the promised Seed which
was to roll away the curse of death.
He next showed why Jesus, accord
ing to the flesh, could not be Messiah,
the promised Seed. Even in His per
fection the Man Jesus could have done
nothing more for the world than to
guide many Into happier conditions. He
could not have been the great Deliver
er who was to bless all the families of
earth the dead as well ns the living.
How Jesus Became the Messiah.
The Pastor explained how Jesus be
came the Messiah when He was bap
tized of John at Jordan. He showed
that the water baptism was only the
symbol of the real baptism which took
place there; and to support his claim
he quoted the prophetic statement re
specting Jesus, "Lo, I come to do Thy
will, O My God" everything written
ia the IJook. (Hebrews 10:3-9.) This
statement means that our Lord, by
becoming our Sacrifice, fulfilled the
types and shadows of the Iiw Cove
nant various thinjrs that were not
commandments at all, but that were
foreshadowed by the Jewish sacrifices.
For instance, the type showed that
before there could be an atonement for
sin. the bullock of the sin-offering
must first be offered. Our Iiord came
to be the antitypical Sin-offering, to
present His perfect human nature all
that He had to give Himself in God's
service as a sacrifice. The speaker
threw a new light on the Apostle's
somewhat ambiguous statement, "He
taketh away the first, that He may es
tablish the second," declaring that the
correct thought Is, He removes the type,
that He may establish the anti-type.
Our Lord came to set aside the type.
This He did when He presented Him
self a living Sacrifice at Jordan to do
unreservedly tho Father's will. This
meant, primarily, our Lord's death, for
mankind were under the deatli sen
tence pronounced upon their Father,
Adam. Therefore, it was necessary
that their Kedeemer should taste death
for mankind before He could have
wherewith to satisfy the claims of
Justice on Adam's behalf and ask for
the release of Adam and his race.
Next the Pastor explained that when
our Lord cried on the cross, "It is fin
ished!" He merely meant that His own
personal work of the sacrifice of Iliin
elf was ended. Then came His resur
rection and Ills manifestation to His
disciples, that they might know that
Ie had risen from the dead, no ap
peared and showed Himself under dif
ferent conditions to prove iwo tuiugs:
(U That He was no longer dead; (2)
That He was changed from what He
had been before. The speaker dwelt
at length upon our Lord's several mani
festations after His resurrection, lie
nointed out that during the forty days
before our Lord's ascension He showed
Himself only a few minutes at a time.
or perhaps an hour in all. and He ap
peared and disappeared in a way tnat
no one but a spirit being could do. As
St. Peter declared, "He was put to
dentil in 'flesh, but quickened in "spirit''
made alive a spirit being.
Why Jesus Ascended on High.
Our Lord's ascension, the Pastor af
firmed, was another step in the Divine
Plan for the salvation of the word.
It was necessary, as St. Paul declared,
that Jesus should appear in the pres
ence of God and make presentation of
His blood, the merit of His sacrifice,
the value of His sacrificial death, that
the Church might be justified through
His merit, and that tho Father might
give the Church the benefit of the
cleansing which our Lord had accom
plished for that class. Many have not
noticed that the Scriptures limit our
Lord's work during the Gospel Age to
the Church class which is being select
ed, or elected, from amongst mankind.
By faith this class are reconciled to
God through the blood of Christ. These
have an Advocate with the Father,
Jesus Christ the Uighteous, and may
draw near to God with good courage,
having their hearts sprinkled from any
consciousness of evil.
The Pastor then showed that after
Jesus had ascended on High He was
the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, who is
to bless all the families of the earth.
Primarily, He became the Seed of
Abraham at Jordan, when He received
the anointing and to a certain extent
began the work of blessing. But when
He had risen from the dead and bad
ascended to the Father He was the
Perfected One, the complete Seed, so
far as He Himself was concerned.
The speaker went on to demonstrate
from Scripture, however, that from the
beginning God had purposed, not only
that Jesus should be the great Savior
and Blesser of the world, but that He
should have a company of associates,
who are to Imj sharers with Him in the
great work of human uplift. These are
the Gospel Church, and are to be given
glory, honor and immortality In the
First Pesurrection. Thus they also will
become members of Abraham's Spirit
ual Seed and share with Christ In His
Millennial Kingdom. The speaker re
peatedly quoted from Galatlans 3,
which ho claimed makes the matter
very clear.
The Development of the Church.
Primarily, the Seed of Abraham, as
God meant it, was the Spiritual Seed
Christ and the Church on the Divine
plane. But there is another Seed of
Abraham, according to the flesh the
Jews. These also will have a part in
the work of blessing. This fact, the
Pastor declared, is set forth in Genesis
22:10-13, where God told Abraham that
his seed would le as the stars of heaven
and as the sand of the seashore.
The Pastor then explained how some
from both Jews and Gentiles have con
stituted this Spiritual Seed of Abra
ham. He showed that Jesus, the per
fect Man, gave Himself a Sacrifice,
laying down His earthly rights; and
that God begot Him to a higher nature.
Being perfect. He needed no one to
make good for Him. But with the
Church It is different Every member
must come to Him as the Sin-offering,
the One who would cover their blem
ishes and imperfections, and represent
them as their Advocate. The early
Church were in tho main of Jewish
origin. These had found that they
could not get everlasting life by keep
ing the Law. Therefore, as St. Paul
declared, they must become dead to
it and accept Christ as their Sin-offering,
and consecrate themselves, that
through His merit they might become
members of the Anointed.
The Gentiles never were under the
Law Covenant, and therefore they
came- into Christ merely by the sur
render of earthly things presenting
themselves living sacrifices, as did the
Jews. In return for this complete con
secration, those who thus present
themselves by faith whether Jew or
Gentile are begotten of the Holy
Spirit to Heavenly hopes, aims and am
bitions. Those who continue faithful
to their covenant of sacrifice until
death will receive a place in that Body
of Christ, which is the Church in glory,
These walk by faith and not by sight
They develop the spirit of loyalty and
obedience loyalty to God, to righteous
ness and the brethren, and obedience
to God and the Golden Rule. Of this
Christ comaany Jesus was the Head
the Apostles were the first members
of the Body, and the faithful in Christ
Jesus throughout the Gospel Age are
members in particular.
The Natural Seed of Abraham.
The Pastor next discussed the de
scendants of Abraham through Isaac
the Jews. Briefly reviewing the his
tory of that remarkable people, the
speaker showed how God had blessed
them in the past Their trying expert
ences in Egypt, their journey through
the wilderness en route to Canaan, and
the signs and wonders which accom
pnnied them, taught the people valu
able lessons and strengthened their
faith. For centuries they dwelt in the
Promised Land under God's special
care, sometimes chastised and some
times blessed. But they never got the
blessing sought under the terms of the
Law Covenaut everlasting life. Their
experiences, he pointed out, helped to
develop in Israel a special class posses
sing the faith of Abraham, Isaac, Ja
cob and all the Prophets, and others
not so prominent
As yet, the speaker claimed, this
class have received nothing but God'e
promise that they shall have "a better
resurrection." This they will get. he
asserted, after the entire Church of
Christ shall have been completed: for
God has ordained that in all things
Christ shall have 1 the pre-eminence.
After the Spiritual Seed of Abraham
shall have been glorified, then some
thing will begin to be done for the Mat
ural seed.
The Pastor then showed that this
class of Ancient Worthies will have
much advantage over the rest of the
world. The Bible teaches that tay
will come up to human perfection to
the resu rrection; instead of 'coming up
imperfect human beings, like the re
mainder of mankind. This constitutes
their "better resurrection." The rest
of the world will require centuries In
which to attain human perfection.
This Ancient Worthy class, the speak
er stated, will be associated with the
coming Kingdom of God, as our Lord
declared, saying, "Ye shall see Abra
ham, Isaac, Jacob and all the Prophets
in the Kingdom of God." (Lnke 13:28.)
Jesus will be on the Throne and the
Church will be with Him; but they will
bo invisible to men. The world will see
these Ancient Worthies, who will be
perfect men grand examples of the
image of God In the flesh. They will
constitute the earthly phase of the
Kingdom, In that they will represent
the invisible neavenly Kingdom.
How the Blessing Will Come.
The Tastor then gave an outline of
arrangements in the Kingdom of Mes
siah. The Spiritual Seed of Abraham
will be in the glory of the Kingdom
spirit beings, invisible to men. The nat
ural seed of Abraham will be "Princes
In all the earth," as Psalm 45 sets
forth. When the Kingdom ia set up,
God's blessings will first go to all "Is
raelites Indeed." The first representa
tives will be the Ancient Worthies,
with whom the speaker thinks all the
promised earthly blessings will rest as
representatives of Messiah on earth.
Only by coming into relationship with
this company will any get the full
blessing of the Millennial Kingdom.
The Pastor Illustrated in the case of
the United States. There are certain
privileges and blessings to be secured
by getting citizenship here; and as a
result people flock here from every
where and become citizens, In order
that they may enjoy these blessings
and privileges. This, he declared, is ex
actly the picture given In the Scrip
tures. In the future all the world will
press for citizenship in the nation of
Israel. The terms of citizenship there
will be full surrender abandonment of
sin, consecration to God, faith and
trust in nim, and loyalty and obedi
ence to the great Messianic Kingdom.
The Pastor thinks that the Jews will
be the first people to come into tho
Kingdom, for the reason that the offer
to mankind will be more in line with
what that people have been expecting
for many centuries. The Promise was
made to their ancestor Abraham about
four thousand years ago that In his
Seed all the families of the earth
should be blessed. The Jew still has It
In mind, the Pastor believes, that
somehow Messiah and His Kingdom
are coming, and that the blessing of
Abraham is yet to come.
The Jew does not know what to
make of all that has been going on for
the past eighteen hundred years, the
speaker declared. He has been greatly
puzzled to know why Lazarus should
have been taken Into Abraham's bos
om as Abraham's child, and why he
himself should seemingly be rejected,
outcast and in trouble; but soon his
eyes will be opened. At the proper
moment God will pour upon Israel the
spirit of prayer and supplication, and
they shall look upon Hlin whom they
pierced, as the Prophet Zecharlah fore
told. (Zechariah 12:10.) Then they
will begin to see something of God's
great Mystery that it was necessary
that mankind be redeemed before they
could be restored. They will begin to
get the key to the Divine Plan, which
rests upon the Cross of Christ
The next class to come into line with
the Kingdom, the Tastor thinks, will
be a class of Christian people that
have been considerably misled and
confused. As soon as these begin to
get their eyes open a little, they will
perceive that others have understood
the Scriptures better than they have,
and then they will begin to study. The
Bible intimates that this will be their
course that the ' foolish virgins will
get the oil and will Anally come into
harmony with God. Gradually the
Message will spread until all nations
will realize that the Kingdom of God
has been established, and that by be
coming Israelites they will get the
blessings. To support this somewhat
remarkable statement the Tastor quot
ed several prophecies, among which
was Zechariah 14:10-21.
The speaker believes that by the end
of the Millennial Age all evil-doers will
have been destroyed and all the re
mainder of mankind will hare become
Abraham's seed a great number,
which no man can estimate. Then will
come a trial to determine who are loyal
at heart Having demonstrated that
they could be loyal during the favorable
conditions of Christ's Messianic King
dom, when every wrong act was pun
ished and every good deed blessed,
mankind will then be tried to see
whether they will do right wThen left
to themselves and the Kingdom with
drawn. Satan will be loosed for a little
while. Then there will be opportunity
for sin to prevail. The race of Adam,
then perfect human beings, will be
tested In order to determine whether
they really love God and whether they
are loyal to the principles of righteous
ness. Those who are found to be dis
loyal to truth and righteousness and
God will be destroyed from amongst
the people. Acts 3:23; 2 Peter 2:12.
In concluding his discourse, the Pas
tor declared that as the test at the end
of the Millennial Age will be lojalty,
even so this is the test -upon Christian
people today. The Lord desires not
those who merely fear to do wrong.
but those who love to do right and hate
to do wrong. He claimed that there i
only a little more time in which Chris
tians will have the opportunity to de
velop character and to stand the test
All of those fpund worthy to walk with
our Lord will be accepted as worthy
of the best beyond the veil, and th?
door to the High Calling will be shut.
Then will come the great tribulation
mentioned in Revelation 7, out of which
will gradually come the Great Com-
pany all overcomers. Indeed, but not
more than conqueror."