PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTH 3EI3I-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY. APRIL 2d 1914, Che plattsmoutb journal Published 8 em l-W eekly at Plettomouth. Nebr. Entered it the PostoGQce at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subaorlpt Ion Prloe; S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe CANNED EGQS. The department of agriculture WEN CATTLE WERE CHEAP. 1 The Standard Oil company has TAPPING UNCLE SAW'S pURSE.I America's growth in a century! Talk about cheaD bpef but thev Hust s,iced a little bigger melon At the session of the Irriga- has been marvelous. In area the! enjoyed it in England once .and lhan common. Tehre seems to tion Conference in Denver the United States increased from declares that the egg question that anyone would return to the Pc no t0 nead off JPhn D-8 keynote struck was financial aid 892,135 square miles in 1800 to will be settled ny canning u.D same condition voluntarily is im- dLliU131uuu U1 luu except to Dy the federal government to the J,u.'o,y in rju, ana in popuiu-nnuuuu. xuciu ai. iv,iv 0 possible. The price of a steak B 4 u J farmers, who have settled upon on irom o.ouo.oo to y,j.o, iu i, mi;" tcxwwnfo vee today would have purchased a :o: " the dry lands under the large ir- exclusive of island territories. cornfed ox in 1314 and could vou w '- ii. uuuo u.u rigation ditches and are Having a :o: 'can be urged for the preservation t)f any other vegetable. In the k... u .....-,. r hear 1913. the United States did i. . . first Dlace canned eggs will be uui urup uuuiv to me euuj paii ui - r "fco"- o 1 .rosimaster uenerai jjuriesoiii THE TREE BUTCHER. At this time of the year the tree butcher appears upon the scene. As a rule he is paid by the day. The more he whacks out of the shade trees the more numey he makes, and he is a practical person whose artistic temperment does not interfere with his making a living. He is capable in a physical and moral sense of destroying in 100 min utes the growth of 100 years. In many instances he knows no more about how trees should be trim med than a pig knows about w i rw l . .. i i i i m . geomeu. uie muuiaieu trees he leaves bleeding in his wake silently attest his vandalism Persons who have shade trees should pause to think about how slowly limbs and trunks grow and how quickly they may be de stroyed, and how short human life is, and how hard it is to ac quire good shade trees, and how much, therefore, unmutilated trees are worth in the way of ad ded value when real estate is to be sold. Oftener than not it is better to let the shade trees alone If for any reason any cutting of branches is adviseable it is well to get an expert to do the work. As experts are rare, and pro claimed experts numerous and importunate, it is very well to sit nearby and look on when any cut ting is done. By halting the vandal and sparing a branch you may save more than the worth of your time. When the fever for rearrangement strikes you it is all right to swap the furniture about, putting the secretaire where the sofa was during the wrnTeffrflT-PVel'singrthe order of the grandfather clock and the whatnot, for there is nothing final in such arrangemcmcnts. But when the trees are mutilated the damage is done, and nothing can be done to repair it. :o: the twelfth century to do your yu.m ui uuueu ,dea seems to be that, since wants postmasters and their as- marketins- you could have four beef lo EnSld. This article of yncle Sam has furnished the Lisfanf- tn ,nt . their m,..,er- .. ... . I dvnnrl hnvj 1 sleek oxen "sent out to the house" - - vw.0 money lor building tne reservoirs OU3 conventions and excursions. much cheaper than eggs in the shell. They can be put up in the summer when the hens are lay- candidate who says he is glad for the same sum. Each advance ycar unU1 now 11 amounts to and canals, he should go still ue" says there is too much lime ine and wnen fresh esss are al he was defeated, is what? :o : When will the troubles in price doubtless has been ac companied by vigorous protests in against the usage and followed :o:- Mexico cease? easy. Ask us something -:o: by seemingly endless journeys through the maze of economics which consideration of the rela tive cost of things ever entails. An early revolt against the high cost of living was in 131 i, when, aroused by the prices charged for l . i : i . a i i ji f.: It is most humiliating to start "uiuc-s, at vjioru, u.e kmih and parliament legislated to establish a maximum scale of prices. Under its term a corn fed ox brought four shillings, about 96 cents in American money, and eggs were bartered legally at two dozen for a penny. The law, however, did not fully We do not know wno it was, but it was very necessary to the "go" in tango. :o : out to be a burglar and be charg ed with disturbing the peace. :o: Ti . . 11 i t-v - m . I it st-ems mat i-aui lapping oi redeemed to arability. It sounds . . V. - 1 SI ' l 1 Ml I luia9hd SUU insists on no- Well in the irrigation country, ing smewhat contrary, lie and and especially well in the ears of Uoos were the lowest in the com- the irrigation farmers. Uut there missioners' race last week nnd ma ., ..i.,4.. r ult. uiuir iai uit-i s nimiiij, iiuni they tied. Roos has offered sev further and sunolv ihe o.i .i most a drug jn tne mariiei --, iuji, unu mat ihcj muoi uu uiuii; i necessarv to farm the land thus ..,. i cans can be shipped . iruiiv muii iiiKy iiau jjccil uunia I to earn their salaries :o: From present indications the stand-patters will have to fall in lijie and support the state can- one ond of the country to the .... .. .... no I ,.t ....III:..,- 41. ii I . IUlllls Oil IIIU KUH iiiuuse iiini-u .uH.uiS im; iiiaiici, niner, who a so need capital o Tllft , , . . . . uhi.i, o.. i-.,;.. r ,u ... 1 . The nioosers are determined to ....... u jo cj inii iui us inu i iiiQi( their other. :o:- Treland, it seems, must wait a while longer for home rule. But Ireland is used to waiting, and should light cheerfully till the lime arrives. ro: : brintr Vni to lime fiiouid, and wno feel just as much right to tap the capacious The election in Springfield, U- and suiosedlv bottomless nocket linois, last week, doesn't prove of Uncle Sain and for whom u,us that the suffragists are all pro- far the KOO(1 uncle has built no irrigation ditches iwr any drain age ditches. And we will watch with considerable interest to see what such bulldozinf methods will bring forth. :o: hibitionists by a long shot. Of the 8,000 women who voted, 1,570 voted "wet" as against i, 300 "dry," and Springfield's 218 Nearly fourteen billion tele phone calls were made in the United States last year. And just consider how many more there'd have been if the line hadn't been busy. :o: No change of democratic alignment has occurred since the Baltimore convention except that the background furnished by Clark and Underwood has been re-enforced to a considerable ex- lent. :o: An apple diet is said to have and Other assisted Professor Win. H. Taft Last 600 Years." The book was in reducing his weight, which published in 1707 at London, will come as news to many who having been "Printed for Charles indicated by their ballots a belief Harper, at the Flower-de-luce, hat the professor was full of over against St. Dunstan's Prunes- Church in Fleetstreet" The I ...I ...:n ,...i: f .. ii accomplish its intent, as those continue open ioi me who on.,,!,! nff.w.l Ho n ,lext lWO yIS. withheld their products from market and no legislation was! devised lo compel them to sell. :o: And now Chicago threatens' to send husbands who don't support Five years prior a servicable pair U,eir wives lo a laboratory where of shoes could be bought for four pence, and wheat was considered dear at one shilling a bushel, while in a few of the years just prior it sold as low as one penny for a bushel measure. Much in teresting data of the cost of liv ing in olden times is available in an ancient volume, "Chronicon Perci'osum; or, An Account of English Money, the Price of Corn Commodities for the they will be treated for "mental disease." Fine, ain't it? Now they ought to have an X-ray ex amination for the female who runs her husband in debt by the installment plan route. . :o: Efforts lo exempt coastwise ships from the payment of Pana ma canal lolls are based entirely on the fact that they carry the American flag. Herein is a sug gestion for the railroads: Why not put an American flag on each locomotive and demand that they be exempt from taxation for patriotic reasons? :o: Personal liberty is beginning to :o: writer recites that in the early We are ready to stand by pait 0f uie twelfth century the taku on additional significance in President Wilson, even though he king made tributes optional with A man's fool friends are some times his worst enemies. :o: That swatter will come in good play now. Keep it handy. :o: Do your cleaning up now and a few days later you have more time to swat the fly. :o: Say, is your cyclone cellar in good condition? If not, get busy with the repairs. :o: The unemployed may decide to become Mexican refugees and have Uncle Sam feed them. :o: Villa may be heaping in dignities on British subjects to hasten senate action on the canal toll bill. :o: It is no doubt gratifying that Uncle Sam will not have to bother with that newly discovered tribe of Indians. :o: There is a persistent rumor in splitting circles that the Balkan war is to be renewed. A nation that gets whipped always wants a prize fighter's chance to come back. :o: Time passes and reports from Washington indicate that silver threads are changing J. Ham Lewis' pink whiskers, to a straw berry roan. Ham is great on the show, if not much in the senate. :o: Speaking of fat folks, a Boston doctor advises them to foreswear chairs and sit on the floor. But as long as chairs are made large enough and strong enough, no fat man will pay much attention lo this helpful, hint. carries us to war with Mexico. The president has been right all along the line, and he will prove so even to the declaration of war with Mexico. :o: his subjects to tenantry, the farmer might pay one shilling and the debt would be adjusted. In the same century hens are quoted at six pence a dozen. the public, miud. Men are begin ning to see that it is not merely a catchword, but that it is preg nant willi meaning. When it is realized that the prohibitionists propose, to enforce upon every man and woman in the land a Money was scarce in 1336 and When the people of Nebraska bears on the England crain mar- rulc of P'onal conduct, through find out whose fault it was that ket beat the price down to three 1,10 ,lu'uium of an amendment to one of the regional banks was not pence a bushel. Twelve years located in Omaha, there will be iater pestilence came and horses a general eye-opening time to the soja fOP s;x OP SCVon shilling's me lcuerai consiiiution, it is icadily appreciated that the per sonal liberty of the people is iact that all is not honor, even in while a good ox could be had for threatened. National Liberty political leaders. fmir shillincs. T.nW mi item Herald. O Inf Pnif. i-4 nnf nntoroil unfil Urn Life at Clarkswood, Texas, is The Some of the towns out in the fifteenth century. In 1125 it ap- state, not half as big as Plaits- pears that a man p!owin twelve Pne lonff dream of bliss. mouth, have raised as much as jays received a wac of one shil-J Pstmaster of that town was re- i,500 to support their ball lns for lne whole service. Stone- (IuireJ t() ive a new bond. He teams, which reminds the Jour- cutters were better paid, and in maae application for a duplicate, nal to ask: How much is Platts- foui. days a craftsman earned the mouth going to toss up for the moro magnificent sum of one support of our brave boys? shilling four pence. Of this O I rwr inl ihn mil Imp vr i f nc may, county commissioner on the eonHnrfP fh.ii nhm.t ihnt iimA .i democratic ticket. Max Straub isLinnr, tnnil niloilf -"Ci"'- iiiuii awjbai, Will J UUU 'You saying: "Just as one man was signing his name to my bond he had signed the first two initials another party shot and killed him M. M. Straub is a candidate fori and the grand jury kept the bond as evidence. I therefore ask you to send me another to fill out, as I want to take hold on April 1." The great irrigation projects in the west have been financed and constructed by the federal gov ernment on the broad principle that by doing so the country at large is being benefited by the development of agriculture. It is on the same general principle up on which river and harbor im provements are made, upon which the forestry service is main tained, and other activities of a similar nature, by the govern ment. A proper extension of the principle would include the drainage of the overflow lands in Missouri, Arkansas and other states. Strong pressure is being properly brought to bear upon congress to make this extension to overflow lands. Such work lies legitimately within the field of federal activity. But loaning cap ital to farmers to establish them selves in business for farming is just as much a business as making shoes or selling dry giAxls is .quite another matter. When it comes to borrowing money to equip farms and make them a profitable investment, we imagine the farmer in Maine feels that he has just as much right to a loan as the farmer in Colorado or Arizona. Nor would Nebraska farmer be backward in assert ing his equal rights with the Cali fornia rancher. Unless the gov ernment is going into the money lending business on equal terms to all citizens, and this means to merchants and manufacturers as well as to farmers, it would bet ter keep out of it entirely, and it n'o doubt will. Undeniably the farmers need to be able to borrow money to give their farms proper equipment, at low rales and on long time. Farm credit banks, by which such a loaning system might be established by private capital under government regula tion, are likely lo be provided for by congress soon. A number of If the law compelled a mem ber of congress to employ a private secretary by the year and pay him the full amount allowed for clerk hire, the $1,800 salary would not be criticised. The real ly effective members of congress owe much of their reputation to the tireless work of their private secretaries. :o:- Poslmasters at offices rural delivery The can be snipped m re frigerator cars and can be close ly packed, saving over the pres ent waste in cardboard packing and also the, loss and breakage. Before the department indorsed the canning of eggs its special ists made an exhaustive study of why eggs go bad. It was found that it was due to bacteria in the eggs and these could be kept down by absolute cleanliness and a lower temperature. Canned eggs have been tested after being kept in storage for years and their quality and flavor was found to be unimpaired. They come to the consumer frozen and when melted they look and smell like fresh broken into a bowl and f tirred until the whites and yolk are mixed except that they are a little thicker. An egg canning plant, which the department re gards as a standard, looks more like the modern operating room ire instructed to permit i., i 4i . mi a man a uoijiuu;i uiui road supervisors or commission- inslitulion. Xnc eggs on their ers having direct charge of the arrivaI at lhe p,ant flre gent lQ a highways over which rural de- chjlled roQm and kept -for 24 livery routes are in operation to ,miIT.a n. a 4m0,.olllt. t degrees above freezing. Then ride over the routes with rural carrier when such road officials are actually engaged in the per formance of their duties in con nection with the inspection of the roads. :o:- We feel sorry for Paul Top- they are candled and all sus picious ones are discarded. The graded eggs then go to a re frigerated room that is as septic and is as well lighted as it is pos sible to make it. No dust or flies can get in and the temperature It ping. It seems those Nebraska never rises above 65 degrees. City fellows "have it in" for Paul, hs waler tight aud sleam proof so as he seems to lose out all that it can be washed and steam around in his political aspira- ed throughout. The utensils for lions. He didn't even get to be breaking the eggs are all metal on the commission, let alone so they can be sterilized in live mayor, at the late city election, .steam. Before beginning' work Hut, cheer up, Paul, you are the operatives sterilize their i i -ii oung yet, aim pernaps mere win hands much as a surgeon does be a better day some time in the before beginning, an operation. future. :o:- one of the best men in Cass coun- The similarity also extends lo the donning of clean white caps and Dr. H. W. Wiley, the well gowns. Each egg is broken into known pure food advocate, is re-ja separate cup and inspected be- ported as saying that his little fore being put into the sterilized son, who is only 23 months' old, (cans. Every doubtful ess is dis- .vpeaks Latin as well as Eng- carded, the cup again sterilized lish." It might also be said with land the operatives' hands washed approproximate correctness that 1 before touching another egg. In most youngsters at that age I order to make certain fha nnii peak Hebrew and Greek nearly J egg gets sufficient attention the as-well as English. But can young egg breakers are not allowed to Wiley speak Spanish? He as-j exceed a definite number of eggs serts also that this boy has never per hour. The canning of eggs eaten meat, candy, sugar, ice is of immense benefit to the cream, sweet cookies or any other j farmer because it provides him food of that kind, or drank tea, with a steady market at a time coffee, chocolate, beer or whisky, when warm weather makes it To most people this will look like imperative that he dispose of his confining the child lo a narrow product in a hurry. It is also a range of nutriments; but it is market for small eggs, dark safe to presume that he is a I shelled eggs and other vnrief in decently, with good management, ty, and he will make a great run, With five pounds as he is very popular with all who know him. He is just the kind of a man for commissioner. :o: Reports from Lincoln are to the effect that the attorney gen- eral has drafted the form for the equal suffrage amendment to ap pear on the ballot, and it seems that the only question to be voted on is tlie elimination of the word male." This seems to be very misleading. The constitutional provision reads: "Every male person of the age of twenty-one per annum, The pbstmaster general has di- bills for that nurnose are in com mittee hands. That is all that failhful natron of the dairymen, that do not sell well in the shell. about 25. When we refer long ingly to "the good old times," wo merely air our ignorance. :o: The attacks of the Hearst syndicate of newspapers on President Wilson furnish cause for the whole people him all the more. admiring can be hoped for by the men who have taken up lands under federal irrigation projects and now find themselves without sufficient capital to work with. They will have to go to the same sources for money that are open, or are to be opened, lo farmers in other pany with Luke Wiles. Charley! reeled that a new bond be sent the postmaster at once. :o: jion. unaries uran oi cummins county was in the city a few moments yesterday, and paid his respects to the writer, in com- The man who wants work don't have to go out of town to get what he wants. :o:- and lhe writer served together in the notable legislature that pass-l ed the 8 o'elork closintr law. ' I "ll it'k i r nr nri-ilrt I ' av "" against which we both voted, and which worked such a great hard ship upon Governor Shallenberg- er, unjustly, too. Mr. Graff was :o: not know when to "leave well enough alone." And wait a few years for experience to teach Now and then a man claims he does not believe In advertising. But let a word or two get into the paper that he thinks "reflects" on him or his business, and im- the Quaker Oats company and the Fillin' Food association. :o: Word comes from Lower Cali fornia that that section of Mexico; has seceded, and started a little revolution of its own. This cloud on the Mexican horizon may seem no larger than a man's hat, com- .1 ...III. ll... 4t.. IwrlllitW pared wim im: iiiiic jie,"nio around Torreon. and Huerta's hold on the main job, but it shows the great trouble with thal hvilI he no lack of candidates at country. By the lime Villa has I "o primaries. And it may prove overthrown Huerta, if he does, "aid work to get the right man Looks somewhat like a skir mish with Mexico, .unless there is some backing down done by Mexico. From present indications there the western disturbance prob- I I I. fi . il a t . f I I ii l I years or upwards belonging to Ult1"' auer uie Desl l,ai'1 01 llie hero fn took over Mr. Wiles' fine mediately "is vision clears ana ,,.. .viM havc ffaincd enough momentum to keep going in for the right place. :o:- pifhci- nf ih. f(1 mv nrr oi-irw I as imsseu. i, , , x. . ,, , ... ... in; sees in ii a iar-reuciun;r cir- 4.. ;.. I ti. - i . r . . . . . . r.. .......... v,. ..-,i - iiiearu oi ilea joueu came wim u i momentum n. iyt uiu m- ic uuuiuima legislature fix- who shall have resided in the :o: viwnf numiineini? r.hnrinv i it. cumstance. Western Trader. HPnniielv. nnd. shoul.l it fail or ed the m ir.w.f :..,. , . " i i . ...i......r.. -- ... 7 - --- . -1 juiu nays maue uy siaic si.v moiiuis, anu in me paradise, if all the reports be the stock raising business in -oz succeed, Uie chance oi anoiner tne convict labor durinc- lhe mr Loumj, pieiiuci. or waia lor tne true, will certainly be a beauti- Cummins county, which demon- Despite reports to the contrary, one to lollow are excellent. It is rent year. Iut u,e nnk l r 4 1 I I I ' term provided by law, snail be an ful place lo anyone who has strates that he is a stockman as business activity in Nebraska has beginning to appear that bleeding jute bags undersell the urn it en . i.: .11 I 1 . ... . . I . I. . ... .. I ... ... .. .. I.. ei.-ciwi. - i'um, emails 01 me learned what beauty is. But sup- well as a statesman, and we were been greater this year man lor and dying is me lavorue outdoor nary, and the latter institution enneu maies. &econu, persons pose one has not learned to know pleased to converse with him a the corresponding period last amusement in that republic and I has a big slock on haul. The 01 foreign Dirm who shall have and love the flowers, and the sky short lime. Charley is an able year. And with the favorable it is a poor way lo develop the next legislature may forhi.i i, declared their intention to be- tints and the hue of the bird's man, and while looking around outlook for crops in the state, it great natural resources about statute any private concern sell- come citizens coniormamy to the wing, while he is here on earth, for candidates for governor, we is a safe prediction that lUl i will which so much has been said ing jute bags at less thin h 1 ll.. TI. -I.J f.1.1. ..I. . I I . ..I. ... .. I laws 01 tne uuiieu ciaics, on t nc I now will he be able to know would sininlv ask: "What's the far surpass last year when the from time to time. The idea that prison urines. v.i;r :.. . 1 - 1 - - 1 1 u.uiiui niii una subject of naturalization, at least heaven when he passes along to matter with Charley Graff?" total is struck at the end of the every chance is a fighting chance, much faith in the eflicienev nf n. thirty days prior lo an election."! the other world? There are no flies on him. year. has been overworked. statutes.