The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 16, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 31.
A Large Number Present Them
selves for Purpose of Proving
Allegence to United States.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Ye.-terday was one of the
busiest davs lhat the naturaliza-
t ii til department of the district
il-rk"s office has had for some
time, and there were a large
number from all sections of the
county present to secure their
final citizenship papers, which
would make them full fledged
citizens of the United States of
America. There were quite a
number rejected owing to the in
romnetencv of the witnesses to
prove the richt of the petitioners
for their final papers.
Anion?: those granted citizen
ship were: Fritz O. Siemoneit, a
natie of dermany, residing on a
farm near this city; Henry A.
Neumann, a native of Germany;
Carl Richert of Wabash, a native
of Germany; Henry Vogt of Elm
w'ood, a native of Germany; Jos
eph Dietl of Plattsmouth, a
native of Germany; Herman
Weiss, a native of Germany, re
siding: in Plattsmouth; Rasmus
Peterson of Plattsmouth, a native
of Denmark; Andrew Barry of
Plattsmouth, a native of Canada;
C. A. Johnson of Plattsmouth, a
native of Sweden; John Johnson
of Nehawka, a native of Sweden;
John Schewer, a former German
citizen, residing at Cedar Creek;
William Schich of Elmwood, a
native of Germany; James K.
Hunter of Plattsmouth, a former
subject of the kins? of England
and a native of Scotland; John
Maurer, George Maurer, August
Lau, Gottlieb Rockenbush, Ernest
Handnoch, George Althouse, Her
man Beenot, Christ Hofman,
Wilhelm Hofman, .all of Eagle
and former residents of Ger
many; George Sudmann of Avoca,
a native of Germany; J. J. Chris
tenson, a native of Denmark, re-j
siding at Elmwood; Miss Marie
Kaufmann of Plattsmouth, a
native of Switzerland; S. J.I
Swingholm, a native of Denmark,
residing at Plattsmouth; Martin
L. Johnson of Plattsmouth, a
native of Denmark; Walter Green
of Murray, a native of England;
John Ledgway of Plattsmouth, a
native of England; John W.
Sheai-d of Nehawka. a native of
England: Henry Rieckman of
Murdock, a native of Germany;
Henrich A. Bisanz, a native of
Austria, residing in Plattsmouth;
Henry Hirz, a native of Germany,
residing in Plattsmouth.
A great many of those who
failed through technical errors to
secure their final papers at once
made application for their first
papers under the new law and
will lose no time in getting into
the fold as citizens of this re
From Tuesday's Daily.
Fred G. Egenberger, who for
the past few weeks has been con
fined to his home in this city,
was yesterday down town, and his
appearance on the street was the
source of a great deal of pleasure
to his friends, who have been
preatly worried by his illness. Mr.
Egenberger has been suffering
greatly in the past year or two
with rheumatism and stomach
trouble, and has been unable to
be as active as formerly in his
business affairs, but is now feel
ing greatly improved in health
and it is to be hoped that he may
continue to show improvement.
Motorcycle for Sale.
In excellent condition, good as
new. Bis, ' powerful -cylinder,
developing 7-10 HVP. Need-In
money. Must sell at once." See
Ed Steinhauer at Journal office.
"Yes, Honey!"
From Tuesday's Dally,
Our dear old friend, Jap Young,
the old Teliable mail route man
out through Mynard. has placec
the editor, the publisher and the
linotype operator under many
obligations to him for presenting
each one with two pounds o
"sweetness." It is the fines
honey we ever laid eyes on. am
Jap has the reputation of having
the finest in the land. He alwav
remembers the Journal in this
line, and we think a great deal o
our old friend, and trust that he
may live to earry the mail ant
raise fine honey for many years,
lie is one of the best fellows in
the world and we hope his shadow-
may never grow less.
lllnllLCI ILL'
Si it to Recover for Loss of Qrain
Shipped Over the Missouri
Pacific Railroad.
lrom Wednesday's Dally.
The case of the Manley Co
operative Grain company vs. the
Missouri Pacific Railroad com
pany occupied the attention of
the district court all day yester
day and today, there being a
great many records offered in
evidence by both the plaintiffs
and defendants. The jury was
selected yesterday morning, con
sisting of H. P. Smith, John II.
fall, Paul J. Marshall, A. L. Jar-
dine, George Klinger, jr., W. M.
Cook, Frank Laughlin, G. G. Mei
singer, Frank Sivey, Henry Shoe
maker, Gust Johnson and James
W. Holmes, and the submitting of
he evidence commenced at once.
There was quite a number of wit
nesses placed on the stand by
he plaintiff to testify as to the
oss of the grain shipped from the
elevator to the Omaha market
ver the defendant railroad, and
n cars furnished by the railroad
company and which allowed the
grain to waste, with the result
hat the elevator company seeks
o recover damages for the loss
of the grain. Matthew Gering of
this city appears for the plaintiff
and J. A. C. Kennedy of Omaha is
the attorney for the railroad
According to custom Governor
Morehead has issued the annual
Arbor day proclamation setting
forth Wednesday, April 22, as the
proper day to set out trees. The
day is fixed by statute, but is an
nually called to the attention of
he people by the executive officer
of the state. The erovernor savs:
On Wednesday, the 22d inst,
which is fixed by statute as Arbor
day, I suggest that we devote a
portion of the day to the planting
of trees, shrubs and vines, and
that the teachers of the state put
forth a special effort to develop
in the minds of their pupils a love
Tor flowers, plants and birds. The
great life of usefulness before
the child calls for more than
mere book instruction. Let them
be taught to deal with real things
and help them develop a love for
beautiful surroundings.
I earnestly urge that this day
be observed in a loyal and public
spirited manner, that we may
show ourselves worthy to be
known as "The Tree Planters
Eggs for hatching from S. C.
Rhode Island Reds, $1.00 per 15;
$5.00 per 100. Extra choice mat
ings, $2.00 and $3.00 per 15.
- - :: - A; O. Ramge. 1
For Sale. -
" First-class alfalfa seed, at my
farrrr,5 miles north of Nehawka;
Z. W: Shrader. ' 4 3-30-6wks-w
Tennis Players of the City Getting
Well Under Way With
Tennis Courts.
- The tennis
i, fmi d
ted bv the Platts-
been proinc
mouth tennis club on the crounds
known as tin "Fitztrerald Fortv"
on Chicago avenue, are getting
Mtoncr nieeU- mxi will nnn he
readv for the hova n start, in
playing their games. Two splen-
did courts will be arranged that
will be ample to allow all the ten
nis fans in the city to play that
desire to enter the club, and some
very fine sets are looked forward
to by the enthusiastic members of
the organization. A structure
will be built to be used as a
dressing room, and a shower
bath installed for the use of the
players, where they can clean up
after the contests, and this will
be a most pleasing feature of the
new grounds.
For years there has been a lit
o handful of tennis fans here
who have been keeping alive the
interest in the game, and they
will now be given an opportunity
o fully enjoy the pleasures of
the game to their heart's content
and without the inconveniences
hat formerly beset them at the
courts where they played. With
the large number interested in
he game this should be a red musical comedy production, in
etler season for tennis in this asmuch as it embodies all of the
Wrestling fans in Louisville,
South Bend, Alvo, Murdock and
the west end of Cass county can't
figure how Frank Schmarder, the
ouisville fuarryman-grappler,
can lose in his coming fray with
George Nelson, the Salt Lake
athlete. They decline to under
estimate Nelson, but they have
een Schmarder give away weight
on so many other occasions that
hey consider the Louisville at ti
de invincible at 175 to 185
pounds. Confident that Schmar
der will be the victor in the con-
est at the Oliver next Thursday
night, the Cass county followers
of the Louisville athlete are com-
ng in force to Lincoln to see the
contest. A phone message, re-
eived last night from Louisville,
drdered a block of fifty seats for
Schmarder supporters. The word
va. uiaif ucLiat tuui-iir iiau iicrni
hartered and, that
iu nnrxt-ri i
ikely would number over a hun
dred. Nelson has posted $100 to
guarantee that he will make 185
pounds at noon Thursday and
Schmarder will come to town
arly in the day to be present at
lit: t-lblllllf,. ovw.w.Ui I
ire to clash for a sidelluI laugnuig puipus, mr-i,, wsi
inL-a f etnn
lUKe til I
At the same hour George Mc-
I eod and Johnnv Billiter whn are
to mix the same ni-ht for a stake
r or, ih -ri.r- l'irrhf
wpifrrtt title are to weitrh in at
..i n,n jok irn
cj - ..--c--- - I
lll'L HUM 111CX11 1 UU UUUllU. ITU- 1
.eod declared last night that he
ntended to make the weight
without trouble and have plenty
of the "pepp" to give Billiter, the
hampion, the battle of his life.
.incoln Journal.
New Postmistress.
Miss Esther Olson, daughter of
--- - ' . i
Mayor John Olson of Pacific
Junction, has received her com-
mieir.n o c nnclmiclraca nt Tn
cific Junction Miss Olson has
been a student at the Peru, Neb.,
Normal college and was the sue-
cessful applicant at the civil
service examination" last Decenr-
ber. This is the -first appoint-
ment of fourth class postmasters
n the county. She will assume
her-duties- in the near future-
Glenwood Tribune.'--" -
The Journal does job work. 1
Rex Young Improving.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
Albert Young, Sam Pitman and
Bert Root, from Murray, were in
the city a few hours yesterday
levelling looking after some busi
ness matters. Mr. Young informs
us that his brother. Rex, who was
so seriously injured last Satur
day, at which time his team ran
away with him while engaged at
w-ork with a stalk cutter, is get-j
ting along1 nicely, and from pres.
Lnt indications will entirely re-
I cover from his injuries. The
escape was a very narrow one for
Mr. Young, and while he was
thrown from the rear of the cut
ter, he was tangled up in the lines!
in such a manner as to be thrown
against the blades of the cutter,
receiving many wounds in various
portions of the body, several of
wincn were quite deep ana
serious. His many friends will
be pleased to learn that he is
resting easily and permanent re
covery is not far distant.
At the Parmele Theater in Platts
mouth on Tuesday Night,
April 21. 7
The new "Mult
ana Jen is
called "In Panama." In it Bud
Fisher's fwn romie rhnraefers
o,.: i.,u
mal opening of the big canal
This play represents a new era of
elements of good entertainment,
including farce comedy, ex
travaganza and drama, all siiaped
into a musical comedy of the ap-
nroveri sort. Gns Hill ha ffivpn
the new book a magnificent pro-
C -
duction from, every point of view.
The musical score is ent.irelv
' I
new, from the fertile brain of Leo
l?jl'nirl fi . -1 1 . .- n mimKdn I
1 " , J A I "
ereHif Owen n.nvi nnH w.wH
dip: sucoesses aireauy 10 wis
Fishep wrote the story, and, of Ihe 1 tine- antics I
of his brain people are of his own
i rrv, : I
uruiiu. j. lit- Mfiuc piuuutnuu
eveela nnvthinrr aver offered in aiunilf ill WSlllliS uiciu a pifasatii
play of this character, spec-
tacular mechanical effects are
shown which produce genuine
thrills. The music is fully up to
the standard of grand opera,
costuming and dance numbers
savor of the best Broadway ever
known, a chorus of girls who are
really pretty and who know how
to sing, dance and look bewitch
ing give zest to the entetainment.
"Mutt and Jeff" has proven to
be the most remarkable success
of a decade, and, contrary to
dictions, its second season was
J . . , i
" eil JI1UI W LU OSPf I I U? llld.ll 11? I
first, and the present year bids j Tuesday, failed to carry on its
fair to excel either of the otherlface the names of all the county
two. Even though there is a well
defined and interesting plot, it is
at times hardly evident, so great
is the laughter that follows every
scene, however, it was designed
r , u; r.ct loo
nuu an me nine, emu wen bum.
. 4,nr. .J
eRa 1S accompusiieu ;uuu auu
Jni uf luniuru men UUij.
The new "Mutl and JelT comes
to the Parmele theater on Tues-
dar night, April 21. seats win i
1. l l IV. w
ue on bait au iue u
. I
lu,1,a oms ur, ,u,uut,s u, '""
9ecure lhem ear,y' 16 admJr,ng P.Uv!C Ca",?"! ?
From Wednesday's Dally.
Countryman Brothers
purchased tne oia Fleming iarm, i
southwest of Murray, irom tne
iaio owner, tt. nawis. xe
r n rnr trtt in mc Dienrr n prpa nnni.
I -. I XV s-A t-W I 'l IIAIt I
was receuuy x -
ieV wno ,Ilovea . .m'-"1Ht"' Aue
YV1CQ paiU was fll.OJU. 11,
one of the. best small farms in
Cass county, and tne price a
preuy Iair lo-
8 Per Cent Loans. .
Obtainable to buy, build or im-
prove farm, ranch and city prop-
erty pr remove incumbrance
therefrom: special privileges
afad reasonable terms. For-pro-
positioTl, address: . Finance Dept.,
1527 Busch Bide., Dallas, Texas.
W,ss Esther Scott and Mr. Lee
Converse United, in Marriage
at Paonia, Colorado.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Tjnf fHwinp account of the
-uuiiifjr i u udiiHT 1'iuiisiiiuui ii
girl, taken from the Paonia
(Colo.) Paonian will be o;
mucti interest to the many
friends of the young lady in this
city. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Scott, who
removed from here about three
years ago to Colorado, where they
have since made their home:
A pretty wedding was solem
nized by RevE. Burns Martin on
Wednesday evening, March 25, at
8 o'clock, when Mr. Lee Converse
and Miss Esther Scott were unit
ed in holy matrimony.
The bride wore a beautiful
changeable silk gown which wa:
her Grandmother Scott's wedding
dress in England fifty-three years
apro. The couple were attended
by Misses Dorothy Bennett and
Susie and Irene Parker and the
Messrs. Bee Converse and Louis
and Robert Butler. Very pretty
I decorations jn white, with many
beautiful plants, adorned the
home. After the ceremony the
company partook of a delicious
three-course supper, each guest
beincr remembered bv a piece of
the bride's cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Converse were the
recipients of many tokens of love
and esteem from friends and
relatives, both at home ; and
abroad. Among others,, the
f groom's grandparents and aunt
I ,1 ! tt I
m -orwaiK, unm, m si.-iei, iui.ito strengthen the hands f the
Ira Lewis, of Meadville, Penn-
siauia, unu m uuuu- in ra
1 : i l.:, l
dna. California, were represent-
The happy couple will make
their home in Paonia, the groom
beinp nPWd in the coal usi-
v .- ..w.., . -
splendid mine north of town,
Thev have many friends who
-. -
voyage over life's sea
Cass county's
handsome new
jail is about to enjoy the distinc-1
pre-ltion of having two corner stones
in trie building, as the first stone
. . . , ... .11.
nuilll " - fiuvTTU m lvoivjll '"' I
otticiais, having only that of the
three commissioners, clerk and
sheriff on the face of it, and now
it is proposed to place one m the
second story of the building that
-ill nnnloin Ihn f hp
vwnn. "'muchi ii.
i-"" v"i1 '"
,.(r,n-. ; 41, .,r. K-.,,oo I
uuuij v-wuiw U"u.
-v- i.n
to he hrougnt can naruiy he satis-
factonly explained, as in most
Duiiuings it is not tnougni neces-1
. , . . . . .
c7enT to accommoYate al.
,v, c- nH
,aced in position wiihoufde.
frf,rfin, fpn7T1 thft beautv of the
building. me
.... . . - - -
hands of the contractor and ne
will endeavor to what can be
Annft f0 SPfi that the. Ofl CialS all
&et into the - corner stone, even
though it be necessary to place
several of them in the building.
Farm for Sale.
Farm of 121 acres, 5 mile?
northeast of Union; 14 acres hay
land, 20 acres . pasture timber,and on 14-inch cutter disc
rest in cultivation; well amprov -
ed. Price right if taken soon.
Address. Miss Etta .Nickels, .Mur-
ray, Neb; 1
Suffering From Blood Poison.
From Wednesday's Dally.
W. H. Parsons of this city is
nursing a verv sore hand as the
result of an attack of blood
poison which come on him quit
suddenly. He had the hand in
jured two weeks ago Sunday a
Albia, Iowa, by striking it against
the 'side of a wagon, and at that
time he thought, nothing of the
injury, as it appeared to be only a
slight abrasion of the skin. A
few days ago he noticed a pimple
appearing on the hand, and con
sulting a physician discovered
that he was suffering from blood
poison. The hand lias given the
gentleman a great deal of pain,
but he hopes that it will soon
heal up and allow him the use of
it again.
The Meeting Calls Many Ministers
Here and They Enjoy an
Interesting Conference,
The meeting of the minister's
conference at the Methodist
church has attracted a goodly
number of the different pastors
of this section of the Tecumseh
district. The meeting last even
ing at the church was presided
over by Rev. A. Allan Randall of
Nebraska City, formerly pastor
here, and in his remarks he al-
hnded feelinc-lv to his services in
thp rhurch here and the nleasant
feelinp. he ha(1 fop thp members
of th rhrch. and tmid a elow-
in? lrimite n the choir of the
t church, which has done so much
pastor by their hard work for the
upbuilding of the church.
At the meeting last evening the
conference was afforded an un
expected and very pleasant treat
in having with them Rev. I. B
Schrengost, vice chancellor of the
Weslyan university at University
Place, who delivered a most able
address on the subject of "Wis
doms," and in his address he fol
lowed the development of the
human race and the wonderful
improvements that had been
made in machinery and inven
tions, and he then took up the
development of the human heart
and asked the audience if the
culture of the heart had kept
pace through the years with the
other advances of mankind, and
took for an example the story of
Ruth, pVinting out the rude
scythe with which she gleaned the
grain, with the modern reapers
and binders and showed how the
. . , , , .
Ut'tll 15 111 IIIC IlUIIld.ll IttlC anil l 1
Womankind had not advanced as
J much as they showed. The ad-
dress was one of the finest thai
has been heard in this city for
many a day, and it was to be re-
gretted that more of the church
membership was not present to
1 Zt
i nere was auiie a iaree crowu
...... .
present today at me conierence
and a great goou can ce aiTum-
plished bv the interchange of
ideas among the different mem-
hers of the conference.
Residence for Sale.
Two-story brick on Main and
8th streets, contains 8 rooms,
.. BeautifuUy localed and
modern fixtures. Five and a half
nu e , win -uu uui-
houses. For further particulars
address Silas Long, 648 N. 26th
St., Lincoln, ieD.
16o Acres of Land.
Will trade 160 acres of land iu
Perkins county for Plattsmouth
property. . , W. R. Bryan.
. l-16-d&w
FOR SALE 0ue . riding lister
H. Bunch, 'phone i08-W.
- --r - . , 4-13-3td-itw
The Want Ada get results.
Sunday Sees the Opening of the
Season Here, When the
Alamitos Play.
The base ball season in Platts
mouth will open on Sunday next
at the Booster ball park, when
our sterling athletes will do bat
tle with the Alamito team of
Omaha, one of the fastest of the
amateur organizations of the me
tropolis, but the boys here feel
that they have got some ball team
themselves and are willing to
take on any of the teams from the
metropolis. The line-up this year
looks mighty good to the lovers
of the great national sport, and
the fans can rest assurred that
the season of 1914 will be one
long to be remembered for the
strong team representing this
city on the diamond.
In Carle and Neitzel the team
?as two excellent catchers, and
Connors on the slab is all that
can possibly be asked. McCauley,
he old veteran, will start the sea
son for the team at first base, but
Smith will be on hand later in
he season to assist in this job.
At the second sack Salsburg will
again slop the lightninsr-like
drives of the catchers, and with
he strong catching staff and Jeff
on the job it will go hard Willi
the man who tries to steal bases.
arriott, the fast little man from
eru, will be on the job at short
this season, and the dope has him
igured out even better than last
season, wnen lie made sucn a
good showing with the locals. At
the third sack Pete Herold will
again make his appearance in a
J Booster uniform, and is filled
with enthusiasm for the game
and promises to makes the fans
sit up and take notice of the
quality of base ball furnished
them this year. In the outer gar
den Carle, Mason and Beal will
appear, as well as Mann, one of
the old reliable men on the team,
and with this line-up in view
there is every reason for the fans
of Plattsmouth looking forward
with pleasure to the coming sea
son. The grounds have been fixed up
in fine shape and are now as
smooth and level as it is possible
to get them, and the boys were
out last evening getting warmed
up for the active work of the sea
son, and when it is started out
you want to keep your eyes on
this city and her fast bunch of
ball players. Be sure to be on
hand Sunday and see the opening
game and get the boys started off
This morning Henry Snoke, one
of the most substantial farmers
of Tipton precinct, visited the
city, and calling at the county
clerk's office filed his name for
the democratic nomination for
the office of county commissioner
from the third district. Mr.
Snoke is one of the most popular
men in the west part of the coun
ty and his name is almost a
household word in the locality
where he has made his home for
so many years, and his candidacy
will find warm support wherever
he is known, as there are no more
whole-souled or better men on
earth than Henry Snoke. There
are a number of other candidates
filed for the some office in the
Farm for Sale.
90 acres, one-half miles
n'orth of M. P. depot. For par-
ticulars see J. W. Elliott. .
Wedding stationery at ' the
Journal office.