The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 30, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAQE 4.
MOHDAY, , -MAKCH" SO, 1914.
Che plattsmoutb journal
Published Semi-Weekly at P I at t mo uth. Nabr.
Entered at the Postofflce t Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-clas mail matter.
R . A. BATES, Publisher
8ubsorlptlon Prloej S1.50 Per Year In Advenoe
A PLEA FOR THE BIRDS. 1 Can Jsebraska raise $100,000
for an exhibit at the Panama ex-
Spring will soon be here. The position by private subscription?
robins will come, and the blue- That's what a committee for that
birds, and the swallows, and the purpose are going to try to do.
little house martens all the
feathered tribes of the field and
I -
There are few wild beasts
more to be dreaded than the
taJking man who has noth- $
s ing to say. Selected.
Forest Cunningham of Nc
hawka is talked of for sheriff.
Very good man.
Every man an the democratic
the woods We want to make a ticket was put there on account
plea for them. They are the 0f his excellence of his nualifi-
farmer's best friends. Barring cations. . That should suflice that
the English sparrow, which has he is the right man for the right
at least one thing to commend place.
wniie we arc strong for the ,""u "c ia :o: .
parcel post, no enthusiastic ana wnose mai ia"lls n tnat y. H. Thompson, according to
patriot should send his bombs ne wm chase away song birds reports from Lincoln, will be a
that way, thus endangering the and cat the farmer's grain before candidate for governor on the
mail carriers, who have troubles il is riPe and barring an oc- democratic ticket. As between
enough of their own. casionai snarp-sninned hawK, Thompson and Berge, we are for
:o: , I we have not any bird of the field merge.
Christian Must Develop Char
'. acter-Llkeness to Christ.
There is a time when a man
or of the woods that is not a
With a tombstone dealer run
ning for mayor of Kansas City on
the republican ticket, the grave
of the g. o. p. in that city may be
properly marked after the elec
If free government was born in
England, as Mr. Page says, the
nigrims must nave been very
cranky to leave there and go to
The man who curses the farm
er, damns the town, bawls at the
wealthy, exhibits a case of wind
colic every time you meet him
ought to drown himself and make
room for some good man.'
Fashionable women in Paris,
we gather from the dispatches,
are now wearing painted bugs on
their cheeks. To complete the
secnario, they might also litho
graph walnuts on their foreheads
or bats on their bulging brows.
The resignation of British
officers ordered to proceed to
Ulster is not unprecedented.
Barr, Effingham and other offi
cers resigned their commissions
rather than fight the American
The supreme court has decided
that where a man gets injured in
a dog , light that he cannot re
cover for any damages received.
That is, the fellow who needless
ly runs into other people's
trouble and gets bumped, the
debt is paid.
:o :
Following the submission of
evidence of "extenuation cir
cumstances" the president has
commuted to fifteen years the
sentence of life imprisonment on
a man who killed his wife in the
Indian Territory. This should
be a warning to wives.
Service in Huerta's aviny is a
severe tax upon his followers,
but it does not compare in hard
ship to the task imposed upon
the Mexican minister of finance;
Raising money on a forlorn
hope requires not only great
strength, but great skill and
prodigious ingenuity.
If one reads the editorials in
the Omaha Bee to find out the
views of Victor Rosewater, they
could hardly find out where the
former republican boss is at. lie
has evidently gotten a hard jolt
from some quarter, that has
made Victor quite "mum." His
editorials are not written in that
same vicious spirit as in forruei
"All democrats in Nebraska
are interested in knowing what
President Wilson will do with
Chris Greunther," says the Hast
ings Republican (democratic.)
"And a very large number of the
republican newspaper boys who
know Chris will hope that he
lands the plum and believe that
it would make President Wilson
even stronger in Nebraska than
he is today," adds the Grand Is
land Independent.
who cannot get credit and the Iriena lo 1,10 larmer. lhis is You know where John P. Sat-
man who pays cash are on an
equally true of the migatory tier stands on every Question of
equal footing. Neither are com- ,,lrds lnat Pass over us on their vital interest to the city. He has
pelled to dodge the bill collector wa from winter quarters and made a most excellent official
the first of the month. from summer quarters. You know this as well as we do.
:o: One of the best friends is little Don't let any little personal mat-
There is considerable work "Bob White," a cheery little ter deter you from voting for him.
ahead for the leaders of both the chap, a born optimist, who in the We here put a flea in the ear of
republican and democratic party I summertime sends out glad some who are opposing him on
to get their parties lined up in tidings from the fence post or purely personal matters.
Nebraska. And the one that! fence rail, apparently feeling
comes the nearest doing it will tnat he is safe. The thrush sings The Tecumseh Journal-Trib-
"sweep tne piauer." nis song 10 us irom tne nedge, une, the democratic organ of
:o: and the meadow lark from the Johnson counlv. contains five nn- ffCACTru? cnkipiiSi
" -. . . - - tl-U.-IVIV rV--f tLLLJI
I v
The Desire For Harmony With God a
Part of Man's Original Perfection.
8ome Naturally Drawn to God Faith
the First Step Consecration the
Seoond Step Then Growth In Graoe
j and Knowledge Lessons In the
' School of ChristJustice the Foun
dation of Character Love the 8u
' perstructure The Great .Test ef
privileged to tacrine their all of earth- Jfot only will God -do foil Justice to
ly time, talent, wealth, etc When they everybody, but He win do a Uttie more
hare so done, our Lord Imputes to them I He will do something of love. This
individually His merit, aid thos toalwa jHe shows us in His dealings -with
them holy and acceptable unto God, mankind. . God was only Just wnenne
who immediately accepts them and be- J condemned the race of Adam as unfit
gets them of His Holy Spirit. I for everlasting life; end woaia enu
Thenceforth thev are New f?refltns I have been Just If Ue naa never pru-
"old thinzs have nassed awav and vided redemption or any other oppor-
all things become new." They are now I tunity for the world whatever.
counted as members of His glorious 1 ls more lQan J st " Z r
Church. Their sins that are past are so an oue ume xie prvyiw
all cleansedj.and the New Creature This was Grace aW"
has no defilement of Itself. But at- Mercy, this was hove. Aiid Levehas
taching to the flesh are eertain imper- rking all through Hte great
Savior, then making provision for the
Church, that through His mercy '.we;
might come from the ranks of sinners
pp to the ranks of glory. To accom
plish this, He has forgiven the sins of
the Church, nas encouraged them by
assurances of His love and favor all
cue way ana nas maue an uuub wui
together for their good.
"Bo Ye Perfect."
This, then, Is the Love of God; and .
rVtirma txrhtlni "wim f1mi 41mA rrt
CREATED III IMAGE OF GOD. out Tne New Creature is to be prompt
to nonce tnese; zor tne new ureature
rri, if i m ii
j. ne uu.sungs iriDuno cans
upon the bar association of Ad-
lield. They are all our friends, jnouncements of democrats for
is the new will, which henceforth reg
ulates the mortal body.
Apparently some of God's dear peo
ple have not realized what a contract
they have on hand. Some are inclined
to be careless about watching the very
things which they have been told to
watch. It Is for all the consecrated
tr romATnhar that ihaif flraf iKH fnMnn
is in respect to their own flesh, not the New Creatures In Christ must
that of others. We may give each have tnis cnaracxer-uneness iu
other valuable suggestions, but the re- We must have love, sympathy, and not
snonslhllitv for th hodv rst with merely Justice. There is nothing of
March 29. Psb- Lnrh vw rh,r And hProwo I ifrace in the giving of Justice; any-
tor Russell Breach- hnv th tAsk of nnr Hvm- fnr in nnr thing less than Justice is wrong. But
ed a very Interest- flesh, as the Apostle says, dwells no the Lord's people must be more than v
lng discourse to- perfection. Some have one degree of Jast; they are to be kindly a Sectioned
day on Holiness, imperfection and some another; some ne to another, tender-hearted, forglr-
Hls text was: "As are more Imperfect and blemished in lug one another, even as God for
He which hath one way and others in another. But as CbrisFs sake has forgiven them. Our
called you is holy, the Scriptures continually assure ue, Heavenly Father wishes His children
so be ye holy in there is none righteous, none perfect, to see that quality in His character
all manner of con- no, not one. We all come short and and to copy it. This is what Jesus
versatlon." (1 Pe- need to recognize our shortcomings; meant when He said, "Be ye perfect
ter 1:13.) He said and we are to fight the good fight even as your Father in Heaveu is per-
in part: against them. feet" We cannot bring our mortal
The Scriptures M - ., . cui body to that degree or. perrecuon.
explicitly declare .7 ' .. " . where very act would be perfect, ev-
Our plea is that every boy who sheriff and on, w f.rnnror u that our great Creator made man lnl " T ery word perfect, but the mind must
I w tt. , i ill. W1UCU VrOU Xiao CUUCU
us must of De- K . M, s-mnflthT and accord with
cesslty be developed; therefore who- MrrnTlffpments. and each
sit in Hastings and clean up the of these birds be remonstrated ing- their intentions in Cass coun- when sin entered the world, through ver Go b"8 c1fd'irr?fted afd Jf" must strive to the best of his ability
ams oiintv fn hva o or,.r,nl inrv ii nrlprf nkoc In inVn ti.n iifn r,r ;u ins own image ana nseness, ana pro-
crooKed lawyers, the same as m witii at once; and then if he per- ty. It costs no more to announce
Omaha. Good Lord, is the dis- sists, that he be taken out behind now than it will within two weeks
ease g-oing- to become prevalent? the barn and dealt with sum- of the primary
Wonder if it will afflict Platts- inarily in a way that he will re-J ;o:-
moutii? niember. Instead of makincr war Hon. Tl. n. Snf hnrinn.i r.f
I ' 1 M.a.Mvj V.A
:o: upon these friends who are doing son, is really too modest for a
This is the opening inning of j their best to protect us from the successful politician. He is onj
the swat-lhe-fly campaign. One insect pests which have become of the ablest men in Nebraska
professor has figured it out that the bone of the farmer's life, give and the reason why he is not bel-
a timely swat right now means them encouragement. Fix up ter known throughout the state is
millions and auadmillions oflboxes for Ibo marlons- sot. f.homlfhnt lu ti.i
' I " IU j'UCWIll
swats by the first of July. But on a pole in the yard or on the himself to the front like many
iei me proiessor cnase iiimseir. lawn, iiuie boxes in a quiet place other public men. The Journal
sn one but Rockefeller can count for the little house sparrows, thinks that Mr: Sutherland would
in such figures, and there are no They will come if you give them prove just the man for the demo
tlies on John D. a place to live. Thev are not crats fo nl.-ipn to thn fm-n fmnf rc
I - I --v--ww.VivJ
:o: particular about the paint or the a candidate for governor. Beinc
One rarely hears of the In- shape of the box. What they a clean, able gentleman.
the disobedience, of Father Adam, he f ?olKSpIlIle?1 to bring the body Into harmony with
roiihin with hi School of Christ. Then begin the les- .
Creator-as a part of the penalty of sons w,Mcn ihe? fuf must -As the Bible teaches, the Church
sin. This alienation from God must row la crace. in knowledge and in claBS ore Jn tbe gchooi 0f Christ, being
have been one of man's most grievous tove- the Apostle explains, they taugnt of God His workmanship. By
trials. He must have hungered and urmeu--w nis provi(3enCe and Hl8 Word He has
thirsted to draw near to God once , m1u"' " " . been working In us, by our experiences,
more, to have the Divine protecUon, 1 not be r-ady for the Kingdom to wn,cn He hfl8 snaped for and by
which they are called. Tills trans- h,Ph tta rfs ns.
not have been created in the perfect forming is not a work in the flesh, al- thege are 6eslgne1 by the
image of God. luvuu Lord to bless us and to develop us in
But as centuries rolled on Adam's TT tl , 7ZJ1JZ m own charactei-likeness, so that, as
posterity became more and more de- ZL hIh utJX Jeam 8ald- We "ko unto our
, .-, i Thereafter matters are to be decided, . TTn D m7 h
i,. vmI, not according to their preferences, but . . nm TTa ,rt,vht n,ir in.
blurred, faint, indistinct. So white "S
tbo desire for God still remains, In
and love. The New Creatures in
Christ have a set of new rules, alto-
actly tbe same kind as His own.
dustrial Workers of the World want is comfort, and in this they talker, and would make a great
i 4 1 1 .m . I
exct-pb in connecuon wnn some are wiser tnan most people, run fir arnvernoi Tin i nnn rr
some it is more pronounced than in "?1 "wrZ ZZa tw hnd If therefore, any one who professes
others. In some it is so feeble that J ?er,?iffet fr0m LL to a New Creature in Christ has In
they care little for their Creator and bere they became ' is heart a feeling of bitterness, envy
are easily satisfied by the pleasures of or strife, let him beware! Such a con-
the world or by the sensualities of life. ?a"ons " .S 5? &ltion ot heart 18 danerou8: 14 18 not
r r.A to the Sew Creatures in Christ. Ev- Af tyxa Ho1 Rnlrlf. fit n Tho who
a line thm inmnrp. snnerstltlon . and y " have such elements or character are
I -CD- . I oK-vl r,rat- fwi uinnnd WW I ... .. v n . . .
disturbance, frequently violent. Every one of our readers who lias
And in times of peace and plenty I a flock of quail on his premises I
not much good, but harm may and has thrown out grain to them
come from violence. From which near the house, has been reward-
: i , iv.i i 11 i ii. t r I i i 1 1 . .
il must ue mierreu iiiui me i. u. i'u ny ineir cneerfui company.
W. serves no useful purpose. Its This is a Christian act. We can-
nnriln i o m i rm nr nnrl nrnnnf f tint rw . Tw i ; -iknf t i
the best campaigners in the state.
v ,1 - n ac , fhn Ttwo ov-uwi ui u'v j not hn t as tne iieaveniv iratner is
declares. Misunderstanding our gra- Rule of Justice. They dare not do holy. On the contrary, as the Apostle
clous Creator, they are thus driven anything that would be unjust to a plains, these qualities of character
away from Him. Whatever of natural neighbor, to a brother or to anybody. are works of the flesh and of the Devil;
inclmation they have had the Adver- 1U" taLC1J'- Vl ana to wnatever extent one possesses
sary seeks to thwart. As St. Paul de- New Creatures must Tender Justice. ey are the result of the spirit
Clares "The god of this world hath Many of the Lord's people apparently 0f the flesh end of the Devil at work
In the good old days of our
fathers liver was given away by blinded the minds of them that believe have not fully realized this fact that m the heart.
the butchers as a thins- of no not, lest the light of the glorious Gos- obetuence to tne ruies earning
But if. on the contrary, one has holl-
ro- i. ,. imnm rt-f cinA new nature means absolutely the Gold- nni a fninR of dP!ro tn know
alue. It w as a great favorite RhonM Khinft nnto them" (2 Corinthians en Rule on their part toward all oth- and to do God's will as an lncreasine
with keepers of boarding houses. 4:4), should scatter the darkness and ers. They must not do to others what power in. his heart, then he Is Indeed
that its leaders work their fol- with any pleasure on the boy or I Finally liver nnd bieon hoenmp make known to them the true charac- they would not have others do to them. I being sealed of the Holy Spirit of God.
lowers, who nmvi.lA I ma., hn - r-,...- n.n r: i , . , ter or ooa; ana tnus tney snouia oe
" " -- f.j... -1 " wo iHioc intiiua ui a aiauuctiu uisii, a ueucacy, ana
drawn to Him.
Because of failure on the part of The character-likeness of our Father
some to recoenlze this principle, the I in Heaven is belnz Imnressed unon
for the police and the coroner, it his father and himself, who, ac- the wholesalers charged 25 cents But with some of the race desire for way of the Lord Is spoken evil of him. He Is more and more coming to
has little enough to do with work, cording in Jesus, nro nmlor !.. I !!,. on,i i ; r ni., ,i.J God and righteousness has prevailed sometimes. If a Christian fans to pay I see things from God's viewpoint to.
On the rnntnrv if, n,m eem fn mm of fl.n in r n i " " b .' ljaiLtl,-y above the stupefying influence of the his debts, or if he Is careless an to see as God sees, to sympathize with
Un the contrary its aim seems to cai e of the great 1 ather of us all. packers put the price up to 15 0rld, the flesh and the Devil. This how he involves himself in debt, it is the things with which God sympa-
iu UK-.COUI age inose wno mifriu ny snouiu anvone make war I eenf s a nmmrl Thic hoH i.. i o fin nre drawn hv th nntnnil Inrllnft- hpfliisft this nrinclDle of ausuce noes tmzes. to De ODDOsea to tne tnlnira to
uiutiMs uo wen ny ineir own upon inemr ir we nave not the riot in San Francisco. The retail
efforts, and to encourage those finer feelings of a gentleman, we butchers of the association met
disposed to sit around the poor should at least listen to the plea and swore they would not pay it.
mans celebrated club, and tell of our pocketbooks, which, if they It was an extortion, and so liver
tlon of their minds Godward desiring not stand out prominently enough be- which God is opposed.
to be in harmony with their Creator, fore his mind. As an old creature he The Qpand Cimmx of character.
While those who were not born of re- j has perhaps been in tie habit or lg- nf T . . ....
ligious parents have had a large expe- norlng the lines of Justice and of slid- MTnQU k)Vest righteousness, and hatest
nence witu biu uuu. aueuatiuu iiviu Jng aiong as uuij uC iniquity; therefore God, Thy God.
their troubles and try to drown could speak intelligibly, would anrt h.Mn t ,n, :e"' rnAn " m!I!
them. There must nKvnva he tell n thai U,n,. n , 1, , , , . .... I i.vt oio - mAt. 1 r ii. I alwv lu xeiiows (rsaim 45.7)
. o.l nmiu ji itss eu irom me lames 01 an nouse- ,uomi' nuu vrvrv " vm.un- UH wme uuuei a wi -" "TO,iabove tne aneels. above the r!hnrti
shiftlessness and viciousness, swindled because of the brutal holds and restaurants in the me- Pf b!leVeF.TWf C.la8 ar J5" and no matter how much the old ea- maklng nim to nead ovcr
but the organized efforts of such warfare upon the birds. tmnnli- of ir. n.,n Tne J I", r" Church and decreeing
, .. . . - - - Iure 8 uuljr w uw" tnatalltneangelsshall worship Him
v..v.vo iC uuiiy iu uci uuiiit-r ining: jjon t let any the iron heel of extort on invade i ana pomuag iuu jwus suWection ana to see tnat jusnce ruies Hebrews 1:0-9. Tn nrd, n
ful. not-hunter ot- anv rtcman Ln uu vik v. 1 1 Christ as the Way, the Truth, the Life. I jn every act and word, and so far as J jzixa we must see to what- xtoi- tta
ivi .jiiiurii i iiii. IQUIC. 1M Llir 1 ii I I . . I - " m-m
murder your friends, the birds, the poor. When the packing
"Lord, Show Us the Father!
TfenneeL-eil nmn nf hn n ndnrn I Ac j , I i . . .. I lu auyreciuiw UUl
1 '" w.v.,. mi; now uuuur lfUfiai UUSineSS DCCame a monopoly tlie M'a hennHfnl rhnmeter nnd His
loyalty to the Father, and to under
stand that ne came into the world to
die for Adam's sin. their - hearts re-
posslble In every thought. loved righteousness and hated lnlaultv.
"They Shall All Be Taught of God." He so bated wickedness that In every
To whatever extent the principles of WY He avoided injustice, Iniquity, un-
justice control our minds, to that ex- righteousness sin; and He so loved
tent we have character-likeness to righteousness that He preferred to die
God. The cultivation of these princi- " 1 , ss ratner ttaa
spond with increasing gratitude to the ples In all 0UT actions and dealings, In toJslst ne 7"1 GoL
Redeemer and to the Heavenly Father, nll nilP -a. nnA thouchts. must be . ms' 18 the S1
mi our words and thoughts, must be I " t r char-
whose Plan our Lord was carrying out dal, COncern. It may be compar- acxfr Bomg on witn the Ixrd's people.
t,v uicou lUls VtOd 19
-v.l.l ...111 t 1 1 1 1 4 . 1 I i 1 . .
"ullu u "am io nt-uee pioiecuon, no man lias a right to price of meats went un. Tt is
that the British, authorities in shoot ducks or geese or brant out likely to stay up as long as the
India Have labored for a century their way northward in the present system continues.
to suppress the rite of "sati," or spring. They arc going there to . :o:
seu-irnmoiation or uraiiman andl rear tneip vonnc fnr th mniinl Tim r.ut , n c?..i
1 " " "iiuirj life o asouiai, HUnU OUi- I r i j i 1. " ' ' . . I 1CU aCCOraine Trt thu Uno. a ..
other high caste widows at the instinct has overtaken them. jUSt livan seem., to be neterin. o,,t. Ttn hi reeniz of ntively easLr-?l,T"Z dealing with thein. It is Tot mereiv
cremation of their deceased hus- as it overtook you, old man, long, The other nmht the German- HIm 83 members of His family. thft VM last Dennv. knd would live on rfJ-? figbtln5 .tne ood fight
bands. Hereabouts the average long ago, and as it is overtaking American club save Roser a din- "LJSSFJZ the plainest of food rather than be in 7fZtSt
man has a notion that his life in- you, young man, just now. Have ner at the Hotel Sherman in I -in Ills eVentua lv Ooa deb5i , JL? never succeed in getting Ts eT
surancc is likely to be invested in a fellow feeling for these mating Chicago. At the close of it Roger ln'h.? 'ulnfss of heavenly glory. creature is to sit m judg- LrriJ18 Bat
another man, if be is first to ko birds, and let them nas north mm. -vv. hm I . tm lurtner stuay or tne benpeures ment every WOrd which his mouth thn, "Zu. PeoP,e
....... ' ur",u- " " mrorms tms class that the nrst step ... z ta A -rtTwOT. m- "7 : " v"wl " ""' ueana are set for
lo that undiscovered country. If fulfill their mission. one year with Woodrow Wilson to be taken is one of faith. "Believe "J iJvnVn sin not riht1fOU8nfss' ttat they love the right
she'll take care of the rhiMren Vvm-v f, i. 4 , L , . , nn the T.ord Jen ChHsf und thnn Jme 7S tn" and hate the Wrong, and that thev .A
. . . j "iu uuhin iu iitto as uiL'siufiir. ni unii.eii's. - i n-ith tnnvna me some is a Deneci m4 v , ... . " " ij uuoc ttuv uuo IPI,. rimafnm fa Tio nn I . .. ""'"LI HI
uiau. j.uc x- T Put own tne wrong end to tohoM ti,
guard that he may be developed along SpecIaljy ln themselves-5n hS?
this line, and must thoroughly show. Wn characters and In their owS ,
the Lord that he has no sympathy with words and thoughts."
Injustice. So shall they be the children of th
One must be Just In bis thdughta be- Highest; and when our great Tf2
fore he can be properly just in his er. shall examine them for crflo?7"
iinaiiniK! . The man . who thinks un- from thA Krhvti nf ei ouaauon
i l: m .1
, umu uvcr a, posiea up on a fence post, "No and he has made good. No per- musreTcnize that they are sin
.. i wtui 10 iei ii go at mat. nunung allowed on these prem- son can point to one single act of ners, under the Adamlc sentence, from
Which is probably a safe and Uses" Thnn inn't ! r. l.r. I ;.i, .. l whteh nn one can he freed excenfc in
...a. uuii. u iu ;uui i o I uiouuuui lit 11 1 S UUIUldl ICUUIU O'- I '
ane system. Yet man is a con- hunt birds. Let them shoot rab- his character. His promises fia2IZtn
eeJtorl r0 1,... . u... ..... .. . . iuu lucj uiuoi. atvcyt ucoua as iaic
w. Uo0, uu uuau., luams mis an uiey line; me more tne nave been carried out and the Redeemer of Adam and his posterity,
ne is entitled to such wifely de
votion as prevails in vonder
ii t - , . grana outcome or tnisxtansom sac- W If therefore tbe.ifew Creature and faithful servant- thnn Z' Pa
th President W ll- HApa will he thnf the TCtnrfnm of find . ' , ,.V it, , . "ac, tDOU ha St been
at the same time that he wouldn't tack on your chickens, shoot him son at the helm Some are. hold will be established In the earth for the ;la tt m,iSt never think the ruler o. ITLlP' willniako
better; because they are not your people are content. All business h?y most perceive that His death on dealings. . The man who thinks un- from the School of ChriTf!011100
friendsbut spare the birds. If interests can sleen soundly and Calvary was a sacrlflcial one; and that ju8t,y wU1 act unjustly, -in spite of ready to say to each "Wen
sinning orient. Understanding an occasional hawk makes an a tl without fPnP
nf hia thnuehtx. - He must never think 1 thee ruler over m ' .7
get it if he asked it. and that if von ran? hut let Iho purpose of uplifting mankind out of of .nr.Dn. exceDt with an unDreludlc-1 "My life flow. i- rLrCT"
there U no for too Mi Z b I , , , , w 'Z,", 'm 16"?'1" " --& - ""S.!; 'x 53.?
a.,j :i r I . .. T I r. ,iuiuuiiii i Wuu iu mo uwu. give otners tne Deneuc ot tne qoudc. u i Th 7 v;s r-oit hymn
i.tcw... mlu it . sue iu assume unieeimg as to interfere with to go before the people as a plain o . a there is any doubt , whatever. : Addl- .ThrT,V; r.,7 tion.
I BIS 1 f 1 UI kllM mUBUBi mkub. I 1. 1111 TflMlil4 . m
It finds an'Mh i
should be run bv business men. know what is the second step; and If rr,'t..A. ' How caa i kefsn rr"l r.,l ' ' T
that the spread of woman's them
as to interfere with to go before the people as a plain ti, Call f th- r.o.n.i an. there is any doubt , whatever.
any way, and don't let business man. The rn.,nf i-v . m.. ,. c.. tionally, lie must neea xne ixra s coun-1 . t near th uic rm. '
T-.-rri,!., ;n i.u i t-.. ..... . ' ".M". " ..sel that should exercise
wev3 .. awuiuvusu in inma aujune eise uo H on your prem- shou d be run by business men. know what is the second step; ana ir w wWIh T-' How caa x keei7frn"rl.
u-lmt flio . . , , . onfflMonf faith tA tnto tWa v-"'""" -6ing f
... xi.o.e feutcuuneiu iscs. iei me n Know von arn nn . the id e rieh nn hon Hie iHIel ...v 1 orr in the nonsfi nf tielnc too lenient: "I Hf ..
failed to do: When women learn their frienrf i;r ;n k.J r , ' stePj their sins will be forgiven and t . . ere, , t . - I , tt f. cloud
ji "in uuuu i uau Iiopeu lO Close my thv will he fl-mnted n new nature. . . . . , -.
they are men's equals, they are happier and your, pocketbook career without having been a This second step is to accept God's in- L ga otrHhnt
fairly sure of outgrowing them on fuller next fall. When it comes candidate for office, hut now tht.h-itatlon to "Present their bodies a but He is Love. also, which Is
pyre or other final to birds, be a centleman. Wal-It am one t in..H Hftin. mV het .Lns, !!c!ifice' . ho,f V acce?Ule"nto higher. In ; the sense that it .Implies
" i w " i-"" - i i.nn. rnpir rensnnanie sprnp. j. nose i xi : . n
la.'. T7ot..v. . .. I . . ' . Bomewucft liauic uiu iucio jueuce.
"- '""wi, no win. i woo accent tms invitation are tnus
the funeral
th fcw w"? grow thin-
And day bVd7y thtoi. Ji '
Sine first r .:."U.wthy smooth--
Th. Peace
heart. cakes fresh y
- JT - .t1 sinetar J