The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1914.
Samuel G. Stone, PlaintiH, -vs.
Fredt-rith Fuchs. et at., Iefen dants.
To Frciierit h Fuohs. Mrs. Frederich
Fuchs. his wifV, ftrst and real name
unknown, the unknown heirs and de
visers of Frederit-h Fuchs, dec-eused;
, T. XV. Newman, first and real name
Ui.kunwn. the iinknown heirs and de
visees i-f T. V. .Newman, deceased;
11. F. Frioe. and tlie unknown heirs
and uevisres oi 11. F. 1'rice, deceased,
' defendants:
You and each of you are lierebv
notified that or. the 17th day of Feb
ruary. A. I. 1914, The jdaiml.T herein.
KaJiuit-l G. tftone. flied his ietitlon in
the nistrict Court of Cbm -Countv, Ne
braska, against you as defendants, the
ot-jeot and prayer of v.hiiSi are to quiet
and confirm in the piaintif the fee
pimple title in and to the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit: Lots seven
,7). ei.:lit Sj and nine 9. in block
Ffvcnty-nve (75 I. in the City of
l'lattsmoistli, Cass County, Nebraska,
cxt-ept a strip four and one-half feet
4 U i:i v. idtl". otV of tlie east side of
said lot nine O), to obtain a iudprment
tlec-reeijifr that the plaintiff is the
owner :n fee simple of all of said de
Fcrihed r-al estate, and to forever ex
clude and enjoin you and each of you
from claiming any rleht, title, claim,
)in or interest in or to the above de
si ril;ed real estate, ad to remove cer
tain clouds from plaintiff's title there
to, and for equitable relief. Plaintiff
nllefs that lie and las immediate
firantors have been in tlie aotual. con
tinvouK. open, notorious, exclusive and
rdverse josset sion and ownership of
n.11 said iescrjbed real estate, claiming
the same acsin.-t ail the world and
especially against the defendants here
in, since the year lvo.
You and each of you are required to
nns'-ver said petition on or before the
iTtli ("ay of April. A. L. 114. and if you
fail so to do your default will be
eiterd - tuerr-in and judgment entered
as praj e for in plaintiil's petition.
Inited tlii.- 1-lLt uay vt iLaxcli. i.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Alice M. Smith. Smith, her
husband, first teal name unknown,
the unknown heirs at law and devisees
of said Alice M. smith and
Smith, and their unknown spouses.
James Plummer and Nancy r. i'iam
r.:or. bis wife, the unknown heirs at
law and devisees of James Plummer
and Nancy 1. Plummer. and their un
known spouses. Selwyn 1. Plummer
and Sarah Hummer, las wife, the un
known heirs at law and devisees of
said Seiwyn 15. Plummer and Sarah
J'lumraor, "and their unknown spouses,
Fred .1. Plummer and Plum
mer. his wife. first real name un
known, the unknown heirs at law
ami devisees of said Fred J. Plummer
and Plununer, and their un
known spouses, Harriet M. Youn:; and
O. P. Youns, her husband, and the
unknown heirs at law and devisees of
raid Harriet M. Younir -and O. 1.
Yuun; and their unknown spouses,
and J!in loe (real name unknown)
and Kiel. aril Iloe (real name un
known t, lefendnts. will take nctiee
tiat on th 14th of February, 1914.
Lillian C. Wilson. plaintiff herein,
tiled hor petition in the listrict Ccurt
of Cass County, Nebraska, the object
and praver of which petition are to
juiet and confirm the title, ownership
and possession of said plaintiff in and
to the folicwinir described real estate,
to-wit: The w'est half ( w -. ) of the
southwest quarter (sw''t) of Section
fix (t. Township twelve (l-. North.
Kunse ten (10. east cf the 6th P. M-.
in Ca- Countv. Nebraska. and to
establish fee rimple titl thereto
and that
verse. v;
she nnd her immediate
have been In the open,
evilusive. continuous, ad
sib'e and actual possession
aid ownership
ri.'-ci ibed real
of ail of said above
estate. claiminir the, -as owners' tl.ererif auraltist nil
the world arid especially against ttie
defendants herein since the Si'.tti day
or October, J S T f. and flavins: that the
lef-ndanls nr.l each of them and all
persons i'!a!ruin? bv. through or under
them, or anv of them, may be enjoin
d from dalMiliis; or nrsertins any
lb;'', title, claim or of any
jctine or t.jt'jic o or to tl.e ate de
scribe. I real estate, or anv p.trt t here
of, and for fcn-!ul eiuttnb!e relief.
You and each of ou hetebv
reon'red to answer s.tbl petition on or
lnfic '!idav. the ttli day of April.
r. p. wiiiTi.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
(HI Ml, MillllAMvV.
kki:i ciiiasiiAN.
I'UintiS. . .
1'OC. '-."
lit. No,
I e fr'ldlt Sit.
NO I It i:.
Th'mai iVIUsis. Mrs. ( . ls. pjnie S'liKiiown, nit ef Tl'cin.i
ivll.t, am! iho uuKivwn heirs of
1 :uus vd;;n: Mis. -
Pl otter. tiil Home u!Wuin. x ixc
(.vi- i:. Pioneer; Mrs. - 1 ,
Mommi, ill natik i.ukuown. wile, of
tiieii. v Moiaii; MtN. Wa
non. tivt n.imo unknown. tie vt
At leu Wat Mis Snvaer.
fllf MMtllO uiikit.xvn. w tlw of A M.
Mo!.r, Mvs.
Iu.(lle t.;tkbcwn, i: Of Tl eo.loVV l,
1..,UI. .Vi, Msvdrr, ut-H name
t. it known, wlJe f .Vatttsia sivxl.r;
M.. luke. Col im Vn-
k:vwtl. Witt cf Jo'ilt UlvkcN,
.on ,:nd r-ct i u i bvvby
pololcl I!. at on I'd (lav of J a no,
. I . :t.'. Pre. I Criiiaa. a- p'.uinUft,
l i.l a pet.tto'i ' lt lillil vVdtt of
',t-t Vmt, .Nt '.t-K. a;U t
tivU'V(I..M' im.tpivad with other Ov-
I i . vl .4 I , al)t Hull U tev(Ue ( l .o
;i.d ...v of -Va.vb. V. lk i
pielMc.t I al o'..'l a vnlrled IV kitt.l
dl lev ,!-t'.,ivliU! irlMcv !pvi
voi I V I i u al i n co vc.'e :o
11.0I Ol ! pll: 1- tO OjUl
t no t
count itto oimntirt Hie ui" m
... t mrt 1 o; , i, ;i . , T N,
li e of XW 4. ti e StiVi of V,.
oh.I lot. lb 0v M of tU'MflO'
1'ietsl Lot '. l S.'t '.I " " "- 'tie
j oi ,i:it ond : e Mi, vt s'v
l, a , M t Ton: H , I? Villi.
' vf tie- ilh M.
om, .NeloK, ld b Mlot
pat! ! ( (-. a l' blti ;',V,i
In, i. ( tmlVfism ! t'o pUOtlttt, tied
I .l'a !, I v I'ttlltf l loo ''!
of id leal !fto bt( roi Is-ll
tiMtvof, ud l. love b-r an! v
n..o .mi nd M'it oi o t'loti v
bits. UloltL f tl
o ., i r.t rt-e I ol o t it be f vm o olo.
-(!-. to nt poll !teteM; pUHttt
(Uiminii in It M.i.t 'illt to lte
.-.;. v. I !i IH'o ttt fc.Hd ITI 0l0
d Vl ;t IbVVeol 111 h If ld
1 I ;((. 'o( by ntaO of p H.
lOtMl.Mi, . I !l.t t, t .t r I tovlo v
HI. t 1 1! ;om; poo,- T H'O
ii,l.-f la hi of .ta'l.ll lor or
I oi I v c ; ,
cn mo rrouln'il to wor Abt
Krltlion ot or Wlor Iho tAlll ' of
pill. A. IV l!M
i iaa oihusti vv.
1'y AUTlll li o PANI.S1
lit Allot iry.
It'll Till' ll H lF
ni;pi n ,
It iv l:tto vt Jo. ( M. Joh'ixcn.
I . Ci!V d
To Ml lNi-von Inieio-i.d:
o-i nio . t.-,( iivt-,lid llmt a poll
lb to been fi'.Mt In Ihls I'.iuil nvklliti
.ti Ibo in1 in i n (t I .It ln of the o'IhIo ol
.Inb II M. Johnson, ili'. nii'.l. and
I' 1 1 t.iiilnloti bi lei i lii'io I -i t o.l n
Hdiolttivt r.ilttr : lint ei bt-nilTiu will be
J- tl Ili'Oll Mild petition on t! e lni d
of April. A. IV tMtl. nt H o'clock K. in.
m mi otrb In the Court liioivo, in ti-c
,'it " of IM.lltMIIOUlll, V'flsK (VlliUy,
' Jdt-bri. l.!i.
AM obl.etor.i t' ful.l pe'llloti tn ii k I
. bo f'.led before ;iid hour on raid thi w
ItMted II. Is :bl av of March, A. IV
1011 'He tl C Coif .
' Countv .ttuiff
Notice Is hereby Riven that The Jean
1-a.nd and Cattle Com pan v, a corpora
tion, was orKanized on the 7th day of
inarch. A. I. lsn. The name of the
corporation i Tiie Jean Land and Cat
tle Company: the principal place
vnere said corporation will transact
business is at Piattsmouth. Cass Coun
ivel'raska; tlie general nature of
the business to lie transacted by said
corporation is the opeiation of a ranch
for raising stock of all kinds, the pur
chase and sale of stock. planting,
cultivating and purchase of crops for
feeding stock, and purchase and sale
of real estate necessary for the con
ducting of a preneral ranching busi
ness, and Including the erection and
repair of buildings and other improve
ments necessary therefor, and to ac
quire, by purchase or otherwise, all
properties necessary to carrv Into
effect the purposes herein named. The
authorized capital stock of said cor
poration is $CO,000.00. Said corpora
tion commenced to do business on the
7tli day of March. 1914. and continue
durinp a period of twenty years. The
hipnest amount of Indebtedness or
liability to which the corporation snail
at any time subject itself shall not
be more than two-thirds of the agr
prerate of its capital stock. The
auairs of the company will be trans
acted and managed bv a Hoard of
Plreetors. composed of not less than
three. nor more than live members.
To all of which you will take duo
notice. WILLIAM J KAN.
I. Kit (lit L1CF.NSE.
Notice Is hereby piven to all persons
interested and to the public that the
undersicrned. Ed Keenberjrer, has filed
his petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the City of Platts
mouth. County of Cass, and' State of
Nebraska, as required by law, sipned
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
prayinjr that a license may be issued
to the said F-d Efrcnberger for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearinsr of said application
in a building situated on the east half
tei;l of lot twelve (12). in block twenty-eight
(JS. in the First ward of the
said City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
March 16. 1914. Applicant.
Notice is hereby piven to all persons
Interested and to the public that the
undersigned. J. E. Mcraniel, has filed
his petition and application In the office
of the city clerk of the City of Platts
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law. siemed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, settlnc
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing anil
a resident of tlie state of Nebraska and
pravinp that a license mav be Issued
to the said J. E. Mcl'aniel for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vtnous lb;uors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearinsr of said application
in a buildina: situated on lot six (6), in
block thirty-three :?). In the Fourth
ward of the said City of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. J. E. McDANIEU
March 16, 1914. Applicant.
Not!ce is hereby piven to all persons
Interested and to the public that the
undersigned. Peter Goos, has filed
his petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, siirned
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, settinp
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character an standinsr and
a resivlent of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said Peter (loos for the sale of
malt, spirituous anil vinous liquors for
ti e period of one year from the date
of the bearintr of said application in a
huil.tinu situated on lot twelve lit). In
block thirty i".0. in the First ward of
the said CUy of Plattsmouth. NcbrakA.
March 18. 1914. Applicant.
MdlOlt Lit I.N si;.
Notice Is hereby ciifii to all persons
Interested and to the public that the
undersigned. Adolph C.iese. lias fUed
t is pctiibMi and application in the. otU
of the citv cicrk of the City of Platts
mouil!. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by tho required number of resident
fiee-ho'ders of the city, selling
torth I hut the applicant is a man of
rcspoetable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
pravlntf Uat a Iteetiso mav lie issued
to Ih.o said Adolph llieso for tho
of mall, spirituous and vinous liquor
for the vci lod of one year from lite of the hortnc of said application
In a buHdinii situated ou tho west halt
iw , i of lot sU (. in block thirty
lour 154 . in tie Found ward of itio
said City of Plattsmotitli. Nebi-nik.
AlOLPll vilPSK.
Mrch 16. 1!14. Applicant,
Lit) I ou i it i:ni
Notice la b ivby kivvii to ull persona
inlelested ttlid to lite public that the
undc;s:;ned, J, l Kurll, ha filed
hi- peiition and Mpplb'alion in Iho olflce
of t! o citv (Ink ot the Citv of Piatt
iiotittn. County of Cw-s. and Stuto of
Ncl.rioKa, a roqulied ty lw, iikncl
bv t n loqulievl number of roldelit
lleo-lutMel ot th anl city, KvtlUK
i'tith I'utt Fie appMcaat la a nun of
respov-taloo i ltaiav ter n.t .(.ndiit.; un.l
k resident of I bo tto or NvbraW and
'U f: C lI'At a Itcenno may bo lSUtd
l. i bo abl J. I. liiiiM'il lor iho kal
of inall, pll UUvtll- Wltvl Vlliotlt llquoia
.r iho oevtttd f on -ar ii'tun t!i
late of the lifullnn' vl xabl applicut loti
in a ttvitblsnir ltuied bt oVvou and
bvv :w ill and lit. tu lock iivrun
neifli Ijil, 'i tbo Viist Wd of lb
sid City vt PUUnouth, Ni-i-iiok.
j, u hi ssia.u
Mivt 1. AppUcawt.
i mi ou i in
NtUo I l. tvt'.v wixrii t i aU pcton
litter tod ud t Ibo putOlo II at lie
mtdei sirvl, Pd lo.iAt, b HHsl
b: oriuton and ttii')i.'u.'n In ibo ottnv
of llio tin lk oi 11 I'ltv of PIaU
riotilli, iml it IVvi, lul Mulo f
obiWA. a ivnutied bv law, t;nd
by ll-o requited ivlll)er f --oid'li
t ie-bitldel t iVo .ul iltV, MittlllK
fvvilb. Ibo tti'i'lU'ttitl ! itvmt of
.lev tatilo I bVv'ltx ftd slrtlt.ll:itt and
A It'M.lrKl of loo Of Ntblk tld
pt'40tu t- ttt h llifit.'d mav l ltivd
to tho nwI.I IM loi.l tor !i wl of
limit, npimnoua aittl ltiou fo
io peiod ol ono rr tiom ltt dat of
Co Ititmiil of Ud ApbUcalloti t
bistiiiumr jitutcl oi llto vi bait
o of lot Iwolxo (l,", lt block lt'K
Ivniitf c? in (he Fn wid of llo?
aid Cily rt PUttiuoni b,,
Ul tHN XT,
Mrvli 1 l?ll Appucnl.
Mil ll li OF irri.H'lTHlX FtU
I ll OU I l KI4
Notloo lit biTtv Rl to at) pevnoiK
Inti i eolod Ultd tvi thp JMibllo lhal tb
undi iil! nod. Win, Hriildlni-ti, I i tiled
I i pettlbtn wltil applii-atbui III IVo oittco
of II o citv cloik t lb Citv Ot PUu
ptoiiih, iniiitv f Cn. and Sm'o f
Nebiika. lonullrd bv low, vlmiod
by b lqlll'd ItVlllltr lif l.leil
I , ee-1 ol.lem itf Ibo mbl cllv, m'lllni:
loillv.tlttt Iho applicant t a man '
iCKiocinbi iIhiiki lof and lbiUiti; hikI
a Mldonl of tl-o xtalo ot Nebrnnka aiol
plHvina Ihut n llccn rtv te lnuod
to ihe nld Win. Henrlchsen for lb
rro of malt. rplrlt iioua and lion
Ibniorn for lb Period of one vrar from
Ibo lal of Ibo beaiinsr of ha Id applica
tion In a buildina Mlualnt on the wet
half (w of lo on lt. In t lock
liiiitv-tonr t4. Fourth ward of the
i;id City of PUttsmioiih. Nebraska.
Miiith 16. 1?1. Applicant.
1Cw Mcr of Land.
Will trade 1G0 acres of !ar.l ii.
Porkins county for lMattsnioutti
prorerty. W. R. Uryan.
Episode In the Life of an
Opera Manager. -
The manager had made rapid strides
in his profession. He -was only thirty,
yet he was sole proprietor of a success
ful comic opera troupe. He "was very
businesslike vrith the members of his
company, but they all liked him.
One morning he was receiving appli
cations of candidates for the chorus.
A girl with brown eyes and comely
face and figure was admitted.
"You are" he asked.
"Leonaretta Traver."
"You sing"
After a trial of her voice she was
Leonaretta sang so well that she was
soon cast for one of the Inferior parts.
At the first rehearsal after the assign
ment jshe astonished the manager by
singing a deep contralto. Few women
could reach the notes she struck.
"What's the matter with your voice?"
asked the manager astonished.
"Don't know, sir."
"You have been singing soprano for
two weeks and now you have bloomed
into a contralto."
"Sometimes my voice Is much lower
than at others."
"Your part Isn't written for a con
tralto. I'll have to change it or change
you. I don't want to do either.
"I may be able to sing soprano when
I go on in costume."
The manager studied the matter,
looking the while at the girl curiously.
It was a very strange case.
Leonaretta sang contralto till the
evening of the first performance, when
she came to the theater looking pale
and thin.
"By Jove," said the manager, "you
look as it you'd been keelhauled! I hope
there's no new voice to rrovide for."
"I've had a sick spell," replied the
girl. "I think my natural voice has
come back."
"I shall sing soprano tonight"
The manager hurried off to attend to
another matter, but his mind was on
the girl and this remarkable change of
voice. When Leonaretta went on she
sang soprano like n bird and so delight
ed the audience that the manager was
delighted also and cast her for a high
er part at the next performance.
One morning Leonaretta was in the
manager's private otflce drawing her
salary, when he looked up at her and
"I'm going to put on a piece next
week with a man's part in it that
would just suit thr.t contralto voice
you took; on not very long ago. Now, if
you could oiiJy call it up nt will. I'd
cast you for the part and pay you $o0
a week."
"When is tho first rehearsal?''
"On the loth.
"I may slug coutralto by that time.
"What makes you thiuk so?"
"Well. I'm liable to a relapse at any
tliuo and haven't had on for a long
whiK It's due now."
He engaged a liarltono for the part,
win deserted throe- hours before- the
IHTfoniKUKV. lAvuatvtta was with the
manager when he rewired the uu wel
come news.
"I'll tnko the part." she said.
You? Ha your wkv relapsed?'
"Not yet, but 1 thiuX it will bvfore 8
o'clock this evening."
"Well. wjMn my word! 1 you wean
to. say that"
"I'll Ih lit rx ready for the iart.
At S:-4i o'clock shv went on with on
of tho flnot Ktrltvnie voice that Imd
tnvu heard tu that hou durlus th
Msison, Sho had Kvu attnouuevd ver
bally as Klgiun" IfculHl to take th part
of the man who- nam v;p on th
prosvani. At th vml ot tsieh act Si
Kuor l'artt!l va caUvnl Kfoiv th cur
tain and ut th vnd of th isr r
evivl a ijvrfecr, ovation.
"Now, so heiN" aK th r.butnser
after th irformaiu "Vu'r a won
der. Vou'tv worth much moiv th I
am paying jotu A slrl who cnu alwa
soprano or KtrUoii at wlU I worth
fortttn. W tart on th road, nest
wwk, aud If yvu'U with m and
Ul guaranty t n th dWctvut
vrt l i;iiy tvo,utr 1 11 ilvv yon a
hundred a wwk and all riHn. Yon
I y th nalary and travrllnn
evjvnt of on prlnoljvil rl. I'll
tnak yon munhor ptAHHlon. 1U
dtvppvd U bliwKUV ton and
loW fervently, "Von know vvy well
Unit you huv Unvjs leeu ixty fiivoilt
in th nn,viuy, ludiwl, I inny My
that ever tlnw trt aw yon Tv
Khmi dsid gMtt on you. Will yvn
many me?"
Th Kh t lurt into a hutch.
"Win hotn with mm" h Mid,
"and talk tt owr.
Th iuminKtr consented, and when
they reached l.vna :tttaa lvtetn8sh
vxoue herwlf for a few Momenta.
Sit tvon relnrnetl hand In hand with a
young fellow, ih very cMiutvrpit of
herelf. her twin brother.
"I am Leonard I'm wr," ;tl. the Uy,
"and tht U my ulster, l.oonarotta.
WHien she fell til some tlnw sj; 1 tvk
her part, though I couldn't sing o
prsnrt. Tonight I satig the baritone
jvut and rooelwd your ptpoUlon of
rnatThige. My slater M'ould nttuwrr tt.
but now that you know tliotv would b
two salArlCH and expense to pity In
stead ot one I preMinM It is with
drawn." "You bet It ln't." said the manager,
clasping Leouaretta in hit wrua.
X-I-Z 'H-I-I-!' 'H-j-j'
"4 4 t A" A 4
A 4 4 "4 4 4
Mr. and Mrs. John Habel are
movini? to IMatlsmouth this week
to make their future home.
Otto Puis is putting' up a new
concrete supply tank this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Renner
moved in one of the Charles
Boedeker houses this week.
Miss Laura Puis spent Sunday
with home folks.
Emma Engelkemeier spent
Sunday with home folks, return
ing to Plattsmouth Sunday even
ing. Joe Messenie has a very sick
horse at this writing.
P. A. Hild made a business trip
to Plattsmouth Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hild, Mr.
and Mrs. Louie Puis and Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Puis spent Sunday at
t lie home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Puis.
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Noel and Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Williams were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harmond
Beck Sunday.
W. H. Puis was a Lincoln visit
or Friday to attend the Legis
lature League banquet.
R. C. Bailey, our village black
smith, is now agent for all kinds
of machine oil.
Louie Puis delivered hogs to
the Murray market Tuesday.
Mrs. I. R. Hill has been on the
sick list this week.
William Troop and family
spent Sunday with R. C. Bailey
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. L I. Nole and
Mrs. Parr Young were in Weep
ing Water Monday doing some
Uncle Charley Troop was in
the country this week looking af
ter some business.
Parr Young was somewhat ev
cited this week while hunting
when he found he had killed two
Mrs. T. L. Shafer has rented
her house and will ' make her
home with her son, 11. C. Bailey.
Jacob Smith butchered last
CSeorgo Fitzpatriek delivered
cats to L. II. Young this week.
Miss Eva Bailey returned Sun
day evening from Omaha, where
she had been visiting Mrs. H. L.
Miss Eva Bailey left Friday for
Omaha, where she will jpend a
few days with Iter stepsister, Mrs.
II. L. Oliver.
John Fphing moved to William
Troop's place this week, vest of
Elsie Puis, who has been suf
fering for some time from run
ning a pitchfork in her limb, is
ttble to be out again.
William Troop and wiTo made
u flying trip to Omaha lat Mon
day ii I heir car,
Mts Bratin postponed her
-polling contest at the ChriswU
ser school lasl Wednesday o cit
ing on account of the weather.
She will try it again next Wed
nesday evening, K cry body como
and children don't let your par
ents beat you spelling,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Oilmoro and
Vixian Fitpahick attended the
Massie-lloback xxedding last
U, (',. Bailey and. son, Floyd.
vvro in this city Saturday.
U. C. Bailey and William Troop
xx ere in the city Wednesday look
ing after some butness,
Fred SellrtcX ranie- from
Weeping Water Sunday to
spend tho cxeninjr at the homo of
tioorfco Enxds,
U, Bailey made a business
trip to Omaha lat Monday
Miss Hachel Tanner is visit ing
her sUicrs, Mrs, William Ttoi p
and Mrs, It, I, Nolo, this week,
she xx ill Marl for Yttna, Colo,,
where ho has a hotneMead. We
xxih her a pleasant journey and
Mice-os in her new home.
Mr, and Mrs, William Troop
entertained soxeral of their
friends Sunday, as folloxx: U,
C, Bitey and family, Mrs, T. 1.,
Shafer, Oalo Uhodon and fantilx,
Mis 1 1 roe it and Miss Tanner
from Omaha, A delioiou dinner
xxas enjoyed, Mich as Mrs. Troop
is able to prepare. The after
noon xxas pcnl In social eon
xrration. All xxenl home feel
ing I hul the day had been xxell
ITT ,vf ulil. tllf ,f "tVliss t " IVlllltt.
ln J. hir miv" ,n ht h I
IHtrtni-r nt i tjrttt ,f 4. I'txnwjr A IV... li
lf hnln In Ox. Illy it Yiilhv I iwniy an.l
Fiitt rmvvaiil nl -tint l.l tli-m mill t
mm r ock iirnnn innx.AK fi
mi ti nit rTtry i-. rt ilrrtt Ihm ttmit t
rutril lijr D un vt 4Ult' Ontarrh l'n
t FRANK i ritCN'CY.
frwvw ti Kfivri tii mvtltvc. In my
rrn.', IbU lii lAT vt Dwniln-f, A. IV, !!.
ol. . A. XX'. CUCASON.
' N'oUtjr ruMl
Ctrth Cu l iHVfi lotiTtiitr anfl
rl UlrrtlF iu"n tb lKl mill munu iir
ri- of IU KTtrui. fruit tor ImtimnnUla,
m l 3. VHKNCV i',C0., Tola.. O.
by t?l rni?jM. 7.V. tt
! aall'a raaaUr tlU lor cvtMUpattoak
Tl I I I 4 i
Fred Wagner was in town Fri
day. Yirgel Kitrell xvas in Louisville
Monday night.
Sterling MeOonald spent Tues
day in Fremont.
Samuel Long xvas a pass'-ner
to Omaha Tuesday.
John Kitrell spent Tuesday
evening in Louisville.
Mrs. Nannie Streiaht spent
Tuesday in Sarpy county.
William and John Wagner
spent Tuesday in Lnui-xiMo.
There will be preachinc at the
church next Sunday exening.
John Kitrell and Clyde Bts
spent Sundav eveninc at Loui--ville.
Mrs. Bert Bill of near Pprimr
neld, is visiting at the B. F. lull
Sterling McD-mald and Yirgel
Kitrell were passengers to Oma
ha Friday.
Mrs. Fred Wagner xvas calling
on her mother, Mrs. Nannie
Streight, Monday.
A number of the yoimtr poople
spent Sunday afternoon at the O.
T. McDonald home.
A number of the youmr people
xvent to Murdck Tuesday exen
ing to attend an R. N. A. mas
querade. (llenn Weaver is at xvork arain
in Sturzenegger's -lore, haCinr
been kept home a few days on ac
count of mumps.
Mrs. Charles Campbell xvas a
passenger to Omaha Tue-day
evening, going as a delegate to
the R. NA. lo.lse.
William Leddy, sr., died at his
home xvest of town Sunday,
March '22. The rer:iai:i- were
taken to Ilinois for burial.
Yera Oliver of Ashland came
down Thursday morning to spend
the day with Mrs. Oeorge Yocrle,
also to attend the R. N. A. 1 d-'e.
Mr. l)ick Cook, xvife anii son.
Toddy, were passengers on No. 1 i
Sunday for their old home in In
diana. Mr. Arnold takes hi place
as niaht semaphore man.
Wanted, Cattle to Pasture.
Encage your pasture early.
'Phone -"J0? for particulars. Dan
Kiser, ! miles north of M. P.
depot. 3-"3-tfw
T.. Ci. Dovey A; Son. cotnpb-i"
line of carpets, rugs matting
and linoleum.
Items ol lnrt tm Our Wraon
ulrncJ Ir.un tti Ncparcr
I Uo ul Many ear Au.
And now conies one F. M. Mc
Douauti and xxalks into the
schools and ttenioutrates he
knoxvs it belter than anyone e!e.
It strikes us that Mo has come to
tho funeral after the corpse is
The hoi semen are more than
coming out xxith tine xxeather ami
.uod road-. Dick Streivitit ends
"Joe" up and down the trcet
lixely. Doe Jones handles the
bay and black loam lixely, nr.d
Charlo Holmes js promenading a
lino span, one of xvhtch has tho
louget, handioutot ilxcr tail
xxo exer saw. Wo shan't tell you
xvhat Charley ;iu about that
tail, but it i" a nice one.
The frimds of onr new void
mayor, Dr, It, It, l.ix iniiton, pre
sented him witt a hand-oino ring
last Saturday exening. Mr. Mae
Douagh mado tho p;veulation
speech. The doctor xas taken
completely hx surprise, although,
a ho informed u. bo does not a
a habit, spoil much jcwelrx, he
accepted litis etubteui of eternal
oxo m a xery happy and cordial
xxay. In fact, the doctor is a
happy man, and cordial; xo nl
xxays knexx that-if you keep oti
tho xxiudward snle of bun.
IMatlsinonlti Is really doing
more in the xxay of improxenienN
and building ibis spring than any
town xr haxe xisited lately. Mr,
Fttfgeritld hit" spent a good deal
of linn' and Money ttnnroxtng,
cleaning- and beautifying his
forty-acre park on the uxeuuc:
Judge F.llison has a new Iiiuim;
the Herald u new olbce; the
Catholic church and Md llulfner's
ietdenco are under xxay. beanies
a great many smaller buildings,
addition, nexx- fencing and gen
eral Hxtng up. We ate doiv
splendidly tho Herald thinks this
Public Auction
The i:r.derirnd will s.II at't
Public Atietio;, at In- h .lie, Ui r ';
and nn'-;uarltT iiiiis e,i-t .',!
M....o.. I ..;,.!. ..iL.j B..,,lh..i.l i f
.'1111 1 i iin r-1 ill i:iil ...i i t
..... .. v.
or iiatt-:noulti. .-n i:ie -a:..i,
' ,
old Mo.e Hia Ida-. c,m-;,.:,-
ing at lit o'clock a. ni. on
f.1 UIIUi. iMn tn 1
the foilowinc de-cribed rr.T-rtJ
One blaek hore. r.vnln: ruhtiU . . . ., , A
.... .
vears old. weiKlit almut
One M.rrel lo-r-e, r ,
,ele years oi l. weight !.-'0. :
One brown h'-r-e, c'ii!!,- i-;-!i? j-
year oi.i. w-'.sriu aicui i
inule drixcr i.::d snd lle I.or-e.
me urown i:i.irc, eo::..:. icii'i!'-"
. . . , i i f
years old, weignt a:"t:l I .'.".
One blark mare, smo.dh w. u'.!..
weight ab"i;t 1. '''.
One black col, com ire hn year
One sorrel Colt, centre r.e
year old.
Two gof'd you:".? mii. icas,;
ci in milk.
One yearlir.e heifer.
Txo calxes.
Some babd oat -Iraw.
Some extra Ii:.e t uriy a::
S nie cane tiny.
Two farm wa-"ti-.
One J. I. Ca-e ridinc li-ter, n-w.
One toi-u" truck d;-e.
One tIir '-s- ! i' 'it barrow.
One one-row sla'.li r.
One t. J. e w;i!lv;::e l;-t-T.
One Jc hn Deere I i-ii.rh stir
ring plow.
I ne eorn drill.
Two Avery cult i at--rs.
Three -et- ,.f w.-rk barn ---.
One Beatrice separator.
One fi)-gai:. n oil tank nr..! ;!.
One big heatinr st.e.
One six-ho'4. M :.ari h rn:.-1''.
One threeh..Ie t..i -t..e ar.i
One 12-fi
!in ifir t abb.
One kitchen eai inet.
t )ne dre--er.
One New Ib-va! cabin-! seu in
machine. Six dinir.c ro::i chair-.
Two be.i-t.-a !- and -j rir.r-.
One sanitary ct.
One sir-'!e cot.
One White Cedar cylir.i-r
Cider vir.f-ar ard b-trr'!.
Cooking and ki'do-n ;S-r:-:N
and other articles to., r.urr-rou-to
Terrr.3 of Sate.
All suT'is oT s o and i:.:.!--r, ca-h
in hr.nd. All m::o o, r sio a
eerdit of six f. tw ' 'n.-rIi- xil
be uixvn. purch.i- -img n
..:........... I ...... I... . - . - w !
I ( ii i. - . - -. - 1
j'll IT.t, lu.' I k A."':.. .,.-. ..
(property n.u-t be -etc. I f-r be-
before being rent -.!.
Lunch Wilt Be Served at Naon by
Dee Stride!.
This property i:!red f r -ale i
nntly all r.-w. and in U' d con
dition. I bae --! ! : y b a-e .
tho farm I ani li r-.g :. and in
ter d to v,ut far: :!!-g. a- I i- rj
article or.'ered in t i sa'e will L
sold to the bi-'ic-t t: i I t an, t
their will n-'t be a by-1 bier - n
the ground.
VM. II. of.r.. Audi .. -..( -r.
W. O. lUH'.Dl Ki ll. C! : k.
For Sale.
A--orted for -ittr.g.
i;Jltl i..r ll'.l!! l;e.. A'- I!'...'
itttd gee-e r;:. 'XIr. t " r t
Spangler. 'Phone '.MO i.
nidenc5 for Sate-
The Mr. McVu kcr r-b-t.c
property en North Sit!i street i
o'Vcred for s tie. l r parttcular
call xn Mrs. J. F !.er!cy.
l'nb p K'-'.U.irl of tb l . od
Btvthreti church xx p-e... h at
Liberty cbur-'h. onili of tt ;- e i,
Sunday exenv.g. Xta'x h at s
o'clook. V.xery b.lx cord'.';'y i -xitvt
to coiiie and bet. tin-
Do you kt;ox tbt iv.x.y
x. Son haxe a full lo'o of ptin.t.d
and inlaid linoleum'
You may r.ctxl r.a
and wc ant to inform vou
that dates can be r.nJe
nt this ofiloe for
gql. wra. sum
the Wtx-piriii Water Auctioneer
Careful AU cnttori to PuMic Sales!
Rates ere Reasonabie j
v.r- -S'r
im im' mm v i
mm ' m W n B mmm
1 WHickrv I
i U;J jnn .-3 r, i
v v.. t--
s; t x E3 SGEM3LHCLn
r:'V J!
J 9 n
Local Hews
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r'.it '.' lay .: t,, i
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. g x. : . t: M ! i-
. .: . a I x : . . i ,.- a - -'. x -
at t !:.- h f ' 'i-r.
Mr-, it. U . f . - i.
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r.x. ! :.i t i - cy :..
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I Men's
i Counh Balsam S
nil eicrttcnl rensett tor n
j. Ccccll- Ooun. Axtb-ir.
Uroarteii. !
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r!3ttr.!n t-rx h
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