WONDAY,. MARCH 23, 1014. PLATTSraOUTN SEWI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Winter's Chills 77 o m Q rr I 'EVerp Picture Tells a Stor" v , . . Soiine? , V ds Kidney Ills Chilly, damp changing weather is hard on the kid neys. Even more irritating are colds, grip, pneu monia, tonsilitis, quinsy and other infections. The kidneys get congested and inflamed, and this causes backache and disordered kidney action. Though ser ious in its latter stages, kidney disease is not hard to conquer if a good kidney remedy is used when the first signs of kidney trouble are noticed. Tli? best recommended kidney remedy in the world is Doaivs Kidney Pills. You hear it every where. Get a box. Plattsmouth People Testify s,v lv .A -.; .yv v.ev .y Backache is often the first sign of some form of kidney disease that has been coining on for months. Look for the other signs lame back, sharp pains when stooping or lifting, dizzy spells, nervousness or despondency, with irregular, painful or distressing ac tion of the kidney; if these signs exist, decide that the kidneys need attention, ere the trouble turns to gravel, dropsy or Bright s disease. Read this home testimony and then give Doans Kidney Pills a trial. Plattsinouth Cases Self- Told Ninth 5trcct Uov;;i;in TUkocUcr contractor, Ninth tVy S:., Blaltv.eouth. s;s: ,.M kUi:u v c;used r.io tr.ucu IivjMi' and I hud u du'U toed if r Jvi.tiN. If 1 st Hpovl or s'.raii'.OiiiVi, my 'naok l:urt n.c ;uki ii tln morning I a ull til out. I l.v-arvi so imioh aK a'vit IK'aaMCivltuy 1'iIU U..u 1 IliuUly rvt u K.. Tl-.ov lu-orr.t'tly rcHcvoJ cory ir.juo;n tf I ho corajihiim. Al th.rtt lino I juib'.uly i inlorHod I)o;us Kiv'uu'V Tills ar.il I n:u now lail lo confirm I then saul. Tho tw'.iMo hasnovcr iviurncil." Platts mouth Mrs. Ai'.am Kurt?., riaUmouth, a,vs: "I was ui'Vrin UUonoly from luy kUlnovs tnl baok, ami I eouM stoop or sUuixl vroot. 1 havl a ilull, iiaff injr rain tniwijrh my haok that roMvil mo of all onory. My sirht boouuio alVootovl atnl dai k sjnts apvoarvil boforo my oyts. 1 jrot Ian's Kivlnoy Tills ftm Hytictts l"ru Store and in a short time they relieved me. Since then I have jxcommercevl this rcmeily to anum of my friends." Main Street Tnnjamtn lttvok. Main Street. Tlattsmouth, pays: "A the result of a bad cold, I had a severe attack ot kidney complaint. At times the pain extended from my back and hips into my shoulders. I could not jret about and was laid np for two weeks. My head ached for hours at a time. I had duy spells, durinpr which my sipht blurred. After us Inc two boxes of Ioans Kidney Tills, procured at Kynott's Prujr Store, I refrained my health." Eleventh Street Mrs. T. S. Urinkmar.n, T.Ievrulli tvnd Tcarl Sts., Tlattsmouth. sas: "Tor several years I was lathered by my kidneys. My bark often pain ed intensely. I was inclined to think the trouble was diabetes. Headaches ami d'.7.y spells Kuhor ed me and my sihl became so bad ly affected that I could not ixad. Poan's Kidney Tills were so highly recommended that I decided to try them and po alnxat Kynott's Drujr Sten. In a short time they helped me in every way. I am never w ithout Doan's Kidney Tills on hand." 1 Rural Win. t;tn o;. f.unu-r. fv r ivii. -sou; h of I "attvmout l. v.i 4io m ta'nily t ad U rn v.-.: v'.r-.c teuoly (tv!;i l,t!i,i no i:i t!ie K k. She could no h;t'r ? '.t f she !ojr:ui uir.c Kat ' i;o: T.. . They .ul r.iorv t rr .i, tl,, - tr v. bles than an tldr.tr elo tr.at l.;ul bon pi-v inn' y laU. 5)m Street I.out ltn hler. prvp. h u;v. at e stire. Kim St.. Tlatt-tsioi.th. ?.,": "AUut ajura.'v) I h...i pains in : y back. I was so lame that I couldn't stoop. My kidneys oiv weak. I hud a tire-d. Lnuid foel.: a'.l the t'.v.e and headaches were common. I 1 Toan's Kidney Tills fn-m Kvtuut's True Store and tiicy iosi rli rd me. 1 am pleai-d to rtaiit.nn t.di '.Ik t:1.. Tenth Street ; s- . ... t- Us .t v ! '. o '.i' a :.;: t, :.! t !. ; t'.,l a I". I v. I V -. t 1 v . . '... tor v v. .:; r. i W a: . I . : 1 : 1 ,.- , f K.,;- , t 1 '..;.; cv :h y ir-. fx: '. :".. 'r. e" . .. " L.' L.xr.cn!n Avenue .'. MiiM !.l:..s:.j .Mf., T.uf.r. xaj ir.'s ivi it..- i .l . a : 1 1.,' . ; r vi I - .! 't r'vi . I ha' r.ad to r'kc : . v.. thf !a- .vn :i !s r :. .-.--s a I .".'llv- . : : .1 lKu:.' K'd::.-y IMS, ard' ! r.o Ud !t cuii r-u tut I a:d :! :.." i US Ml W9S M-sy- W Sold at all druggist and general stores, 50c a box, or mailed on receipt of price by FOSTER-MILBURN CO., Buffalo, N. Y 17 (xy n COIffiiOllEH'S PRQCEECiNGS IMnlUmotilli. M;ui h 17, l'.'l i. T.';ird mot ptir.-t'P.al l :'! jnurniit iil. Tro-ent. C. K. lleeh r.er, Julius A. Tilz and (!. Rl Jnr lnn, Cnunty i:iiimi-siMis : F rank J. l.iL -rslfn!, I'.i'tuHy Ch-rk. MmhiH-s uf T'l'vi'-us y.ostntis reitii n.ml itpfe (' ed, wl'i'li t'iM f. ii! iv'-i'V-r btt"-iness was Iriiif'acU-d fit i ciiulitr ("ir!. 1 : Telifi'Mi for itH'iu i'nratiiMi nf Viilao nf Noliaw'ka, nln a re inniist t'atiOe naai'.il the iuenr-Pifati-n nf said vi!!nue, cause mi . fnr hi ai inr. Frank 1. Sh Idnit and nlhcvs ai ieare,i ns reirinn-tl:'cil.'f.-j tiud. aNu iiJcd. aa ..addi- liniial prtnnnstrance, nnl mi ao cntint 'f hail enadiltnn nf mads. 't i t imu'is cniihl nd be prcsenl and ;; li'Mi was dcTiTred u;ilil April 7. 1 1 I 1. I'.'tinly Treasurer iiislrtic! ed to l'-fund taxos on lots ( and -1. Mnard Village for years 1 li0I. 11' It), li 11, 1D12. accntittt same 1'i'iny cluireh p!-opTly and tae hasinj; lieen paiil under pro test. Telilion of W'alU-r Cnnners lo fniidnct ami operate a poll and LilHard hall in Cedar Creek, Ne braska, was this day refused, ac count not havinjr the required r.oMiber of resident freeholders as signers n liis petition. MeKille I). Thomas cc Co. filed report of findings in ainlitin'-r arinus odlres as per (ntraet r.nd same was approved by the Hoard. The following claims were nl- The Celebrated Young Jack 1 n ' u J;";.-A-iv v.- fV'r'v 3? VL"i,'T : 1 8 s ' Sand ors Sandors is an excellent young Jack, coming 3 years old. weighing 9C0 pounds, plenty of extra heavy bone, black with mealy points. Sandors (5298) was foaled June 2, 1911; his sire was San Salvador, 2nd, by Salvador, im ported from Spain. San dors was bred and owned He has been inspected Fmntr RncoT, nf Villa RiiW Ma enrirrf hv th sfntp Tr;npctor and is sound in every way. Sandors will mate the season of 1914 at our home, six tuilcs west of Murray, and six miles east of Manley, every day in the week. .r.iv.- v. TERMS $15 to insme colt to stand up and suck. Parties disposing ''of -mares or remcving from the locality, service fee becomes dji and must be paid immediately. All care will be taken to - prevent accidents, but owners will not be responsible should .any occur. , : ' : ; ' - " ; . r 1 lowed on the (Jenera! fund vf the rounty : C. 1". llechner, salary and mileape (.IiO C. U. Jordan, same 31.00 Julius A. Pitz, same .... -0. 10 Warjra S: Scliuhliee. wmk and supplies at eourt iiotise 17.05 IM l'enherer. Adjust., coal to paupers 27.50 C. W. (Juile, indse. to Uauuh G.00 Waterman Lumber & Coal Co., coal to court house GG.70 Nebraska Lighting' oC, p-as lo jail, eourt bouse ami sheet lamp 23.32 Klopp & Bart let t Co., supplies to Co. Supt... 30. 20 Stal' Journal Co., road laws lo county 2. GO J. 11. Thrasher, bailiff's certificate 2.00 C. Ueisel, frrindinpr feed for farm 1 . 85 Chas. L. (Jraxes, printing: lo enunty .50 Midland Chemical C., in secticide to jail 25.00 II. 15. Jameson, wood to Mrs. Winchel 3.00 1. (iohlintr, nidse. to county farm 3.05 Lincoln Telephone and Teleirraph Co., rents ami tnlls i 1 .S5 lr. K.I). Cummins, in sane Martin Flanna.uen 8.00 J. M. Leyda, same 3.00 James Robertson, same.. 5.25 C. 1). (Juinton, same .... 3.55 Hen Ilainey, witness, same 2.00 lliatt & Tult. indse. to Mrs. Chambers i0.03 Melville 11. Thomas & Co., auditing county olllcers 182.00 "Hoard adjourned to meet Wed nesday, Marcli 18, 101 i. Frank J. Libershal, County Clerk. Plnttsmouth, March 18, 101 i. Toaril met pursuant lo ad journment with all members present. when the following business was transacted: Horn! of the Monarch Kngineer ing company of Kails City, Neb., approe.i by the Comity Hoard. A petition received from ii. W. Curyea arid 3S other lax-payers requesling the Hoard for an cl lowance of $35.00 to be paid Jos eph Armstrong to parliaily reim burse him for his outlay in con nection with the care and burial of Mrs. Oliver, deceased. A petition signed by 1). 1). Adams and others requesting the appointment of A. W. Plait a constable for Nehawka Precinct received ami appointment made by the Hoard. Horn! of A. W. Plait as special deputy sheriff for Cass county approved. The following claims were al lowed on the General fund of the county: Wheeler & Welplon Co., Owners' Indemnity and Defense policy ? 25.00 C. 1). Quinlon, boarding city prisoners and commitments 7.10 It. A. Hates, printing and supplies IS. 53 Mrs. A. L. Marshall, care of Max Barger first quarter 101 i 13.00 M. E. Manspeaker. livery to Cnunty Purveyor (refused) 1.50 Joseph Armstrong, outlay in connection with care and burial of Mrs. Oliver, deceased 35.00 The following1 claims were al lowed on the Road fund of the cnunty: A. I. Bird, road drag, Dis trict No. 7 S .50 L. J. Walradf, road work, District No. G 11.30 A. K. Seybert, same, Dis trict No. 2 10.20 A. K. Bird, road drags, District No. G .' 15 .00 A. I. Bird, road drags, District No. 1G 10.00 Lininger Implement Co., road drags. District No. 1 . . ii.25 Lininger Implement Co., road drags, District No. 2 4 ' .25 Lininger Implement Co.. road drags, District No. 3 li.75 Lininger Implement Co., road drags, District Nn. 0 1 i .75 Lininger Implement Co., road drags, District ' No. 12 . '. . . 1 i .75 Lininger Implement Co.. road drags. District No. 27 15.75 Pitman & Davis, oil and hardware, District No. 10 10.25 J. C. Lonseyer, mad work. It. D. No. 5 12. 10 Nick Opp. balance due fnr mad work. District No. 12, bill of December lo. 1013 337.70 o. II. Spohn, road work. It. D. No. 13 17 0. 10 The following claims were al lowed on the bridge fund of the county: J. C. Niday, bridge wmk.. 23.20 The Farmers Lumber, Coal and Implement Co., bridge lumber .... GS.07 The following claim was al lowed on the Road Dragging fund: F. M. Prouly, dragging roads, Dilriet No. G.. G.30 Board adjourned In meet Tues day, April 7, 101 i. Frank J. Libershal. County Clerk. '!l:!s Bear stm-v, An Anniversary S-rprise. Maled Orasniau. wa one of !!: jrreia Jrs.ur ia:tr. best Lked productions of ih V: I IV eening: -In Bur-nit f DM ; J M J.dia M. i . vh. -i-r-,:-.-l-'.ni: Ii-h." 1-y I;-i:i:i -ji. h-!;. ua r : u ,iS-;.i ; on h;- .ir : t--. i . some ."' d impel . .in! i .i of ct I ; x ; t . r hi- -r- a-... I fr.-r !- ! b-ge day eeties and aw ar-i- d : e ;.-:,! a--.-t !!;: : r: : si-c'!:d place in the !: ;i in- ; i: i: .:- t w , r. f v. 1 : j: u - c'a-. Mi- Tn;i Vi.-iil-i.-.-i'-'-!;u : . M;trch 11. A recital of "Cy PritiIe's D-tecte j j t,-.;.. s.-.i-..; .-.J w r- h - Experience" was eret !!"il. j:..;: ;ce ' :m. wa !,..! .i !. The aloe is a clipp;::- tak :t j Cm -.ituia! er: v. : e i a I from a paper pnbli-I.ed ;.t A!-, . .:; p: .-'(, r,. . ;v .. ... liai:"e. The Mi-ses Ma!e l a ,: 1 Janet Oras-?::.!!! m n'.i.med in IU' article r.re t'ie ,i.iu-hi. r- ..f c. w.; You may need aa Ihm'ty' :HHra-'d.l.!.'Jh!e:!: ! i . A U OT I O K HER Mr. and Mrs. II. T. l!::tieK ,.f t i i i - DAUGHTERS OF A city. They have i-ii-d tlo-ir gran Ipurent- jn thi- ej'y a num ber of times anil hae n; ide ttimv frienil- here, who will ! p!ea-e,f and we want to iaf rm vou that dates caa be made ct this of.ice for t. barn of their -ucee-s ii th.-ir fl 1 lf fl n!!f!n High school wnrk. iiUlmm Wljll UUilU FOR SALE A number of ,,. the Wceria Water Auctioccjr sirabie cdf aires and s er; I pr -lentinus Immes, at l-arcain figures. Al. s,,:n.. ncaut ! !-. Windham Inveslm-mt A: L-.ari C Careful Att.at;on to Public Sales 3-13-tfd COUPLE IH CONTEST From Friday's raIT.v. Tdiss Mary Jiaker will represent Alliance High schmd in ora'ory. Miss Janet Orassman in the dramatic class and Miss Mabel (Srassinan in the humorous class at the contest to be held in Sidney March 20, these young ladies be ing the winners in the annual de clamatory contest that took place here last Friday evening. The judges were President Sparks nf Chadron Normal, Supt. Bosl Jer of Lodgcpole and Supt. Chambers of Minalare. The High school or chestra added several enjoyable musical numbers to the program. Miss Baker's oration was "Tous siant rOuvture" and she showed remarkable ability in rising to the strong climaxes of this select ion, and splendid oratorical form. David Beach's oralion on "Thei New South" was excellent iy gien.j The pretty story oT "The OS her j Wise Man" was skiUfullv and' tlraniat ically handled by Mis Janet (irasmau: MN- Neva Ifowe gae a very realistic reading of j "The Legend of King Nilus." Rates are FcnnaL!e Where Will You Go i his Gcmlng Summer? AVill you make that grand tour of the I:i iric C'oatJ There will be social Summer rates, and California ho' el rates in Summer are generally less than in "wintr-r. Or vrill you make a less exj ensive tour of the KoJy Mountain country, including Scenic Colorado. YIIo.:o::e Park, or the newest scenic wonder CJlacier Tark.' It is not too early to be thinking over a vacation tour for n-xt i.rr. mer. Tlien ti?ere is next door I yon. Colorado, with its camping place and resorts, including beautiful Ivtr Park just north of Denver. You will have to arrange -ar!y for accomdations in Kstes Park. Send for !wok!et. AVill vou make use of our information .-ervio.' I ), ri ! r . r-t I and let us akvhe yo;j ;4s early new rates will ermit us. u mm i W. C. CLEMEMT. rke! fi::a. L. W. WUELEY. Sissnl Tizznw lr3t. Csjij. I jr.