The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 19, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAQK e.
TV IX . . . . IPX . i i i
iviurray ijeptirimenc
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the realtor of the
Journal know o( any social
fvom or iw-ni of imert'st. in
t his vW-inliy. and will mall
same to t his otliee. It will ai
IM'ar under Mils ljeudiiisr. We
want all news items Kkjtok
a CJil Sffli It
W My g$svZ-' A
y l -J&M is
A CHANCE OF A LIFETIilE presents itself
All that is needed is
a little cash. It is the man who has BANKID HIS SAVINGS
-who can take the immediate advantage.
If you already have an account add to it and he jreparcd for the business
opportunities that are often offered you.
laiin-s l'itch was sawing wood
Mi Melealf of near I'nion is
reported sick.
Miss Wrsa Alhin is reported on
the .-ick lit this week.
A. l. I'.runk made a business
trip tn Maple roo Tuesuav.
.Miss 5ertha Nickels was eallinir
ui friends in Platt.-mouth Friday.
Walter Hoed was calling on
friends in Plattsmouth Sunday.
Mrs. A. Ioo A-rh w:s trnns
:n t i u ir bu-ines. in I'liion Thurs
day. Allison, who ha been
serion-ly ill, is up ami around
Mr-. A. Hove Ach was eallii:?:
on friends in Murray Saturday
W illiam Van Inivn f Nehavvka
visited with Prof. Asch and wife
ileorce Nickels was look in-; af
ter husine-s matters in plilts
nioulh .Mondav.
. U. Nickeis and V. I.. IUkmU'ii
wore husine-s visitors in Plaits-iii-Mitli
Mrs. A. lovo A-ch was looking
after husine-s in Plat Kni-uil h
I'riday inorn inif.
I. 1). Lewis anl wife were
quests of James rili'li and family
and Mrs. it. H. Kitch Sunday.
Lewis Mirrill, the new paint
ers and paper hangers, are n tin'
jump. See Hi. mm for guaranteed
Creed Harris was meandering
in this man's town Wednesday,
hut. then, Creed lives within a
stone's throw.
Word was received from (!. W.
Shrader, who lias been vi-itin-r
relative- in Mi--outi, that he was
homeward hound,
W, II. Adams oT near Plalls
moiith wax in the city Wednes
day, rinnhinini; buine-s with
iitin-' his daughters.
Miss Pearl lu?.ay spent Sunday
with home folks.
It. O. Ycii'iu' was visiting with
friends in Omaha Sal unlay ev n
inr. t'. W. Tc-ner was tranvai'lin
husines in the eouutv eat Satur
day. Charles Creamer- an 1 wife pen!
Sunday with lto!erl Shrader and
See the new Hue of Spirella
models, 'phone or write, F.tta M.
P- t r Catuphell is huildini; a
new ham on his plaee, east of
M in ford vS; 1'reamer had a ear
of hois on I he Omaha market
W. I Moore and wife were
quests of Mrs. Mira MeOonald
Ci. S. Hay and Uohert 5ood were
ainon;- those vi-iiinv in Plalts
liioulh W ednesday.
William Niekels and son,,
were transaetiiiur luiiue in Ihe
eounly er,l Tuexlay.
Miss Isahelle Shratlep has heen
ill several ilays this week, heinir
a fllieted with tho neuralgia.
Searle S. Davis of l.iueoln was
lookin.u- afler his fanning in
terests at Murray this week.
llan Minford and Henry ('ream
er went to Kansas City Wednes
day uiiiht on a husiness trip.
Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Country
man and I'hildien spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mis. William Oliver.
11. W. (iood ami wife were Oma
ha visitors Monday, where Mrs.
Hood consulted Mr. Oi:Vord in re
yard to her eye.
Mr. Holu-rt Filch went to
Plattsmouth Saturday to spend
Sunday with her parents, Jacoh
Mason and wife.
Mrs. Oeore Hay, who has been
at Fnion assisting in the care of
Miss Clenkenbcard. relurned
home Tueday,
FOH SALK A yood cow that
will soon he fresh. K. H. Oueen,
Plallsmoulh H. F. O.
Wyalt lluleheson, from Old
Hock Hluf!, was transacting busi
ness in Murray Wednesday.
Mrs. W. O. Hoedeker spent sev
ei"al days at Ihe home of her
mother. Mrs. J. Sans, relurniii'i
hmnc Sunday 'veniuir.
The .lealh of Ihe infant child oT
John llohack and wile, near
Fnion, from diphtheria, was re
ceived in this community.
Some people may not. like the
snow that fell Wednesday, but the
farmers wear a very contented
smile on their counteannces.
Mrs. Stephen I.amphere ami her
son. IJerl I.amphere ami family,
of Peoria, Illinois, were visiting
at the home T. It. Smith last
S. O. Pitman returned from
Omaha Sunday niuht, where his
wife underwent an operation at
St. Joseph's hopital. He reports
Mrs. Pitman yetlinir alonvr nicely.
Hobeit Shrader had the mis
fortune to yet hooked by a cow
Saturady morniny. While the in
juries were not serious, Holu rl
doon't care to have her repeat
(he performance.
W. F. Moore tveeivd a tele
phono messaye Sunday inorniuy
statins that his daughter, Mis
Marv Mooie. was .veriouslv ill at
Cedar Creek. Mr. Moore left for
Cedar Creek Sunday eveniny.
Or. O. II. Ciihnore and Mrs. Oil-
more attended the weddiny if
their niece. Miss Massi, at th
home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mr, Frank Masste, Wednes
day e eniuir.
Tin' old Pitman home is beiny
remodeled and thorou:-hl rno
vated. preparatory to ils occup
auc by Mr. and Mrs. Vance Pit
man. W". W. Hamilton and his
assistants are doiny the work.
Hev. Ililchman returned from
Washington county. Pennsyl
vania, Friday, where he oihciated
at the weddinu of his sister. Mr.
Hitehman enjoyed his trip, his
only reuret biunpr his lime was
V.. O. Powers, one of the best
follows in the universe, is back on
his job at the Missouri Pacific
station, after an absence of sev
eral weeks in rharire of the ortiee
at Plattsmouth. Fvervbody likes
Powers, and hope h. will be with
I hem always.
Fncle Ceo rye shrader' l'elnrned
from his e:p to various points in
Missouri, Wednesday eveuiny,
feeliuy and lookiny as thouuh his
trip had been a yreat benellt to
him. We hop( this trrand old
man may live Ion-;- to enjoy Ihe
pleasures of this life. .
Miss Fva I.allue was taken to
-Mrs. w Hiiam Siiorer is num
bered with the sick this week.
There are a few cases of Dutch
measels in the country around
Dr. (lilmoro's two children have
been out of school this week on
account of sickness.
Mrs. Marv Vircin was the dele
gate to Omaha to attend the
Itovni Aei-iiJiors lodue in session
in that city Wednesday.
Ihe inanv friends of Mrs. S. ().
Pilmau will be pleased to learn
that this estimable lady is yeltin-;
along nicely at the hospital in
W illiam Troop and wife and
Mrs. D. C. Hhoden autoed to Oma.
were not the best,
yood horsemanhii
Miscellaneous Shower.
Mrs. Fee Hrown and Mrs. Will
Oil more very pleasantly enter
tained a number of friends Satur
day afternoon at a miscellaneous
shower in honor of Miss Oeoryia
Massie, aL her home, seven miles
southwest of town. -Mrs. (iilmore
entertained the yuests the tirsl
part of the afternoon in a number
of yuessinu- yames, aniony them
beiny "Tin- Value of a .penny" and
"The Weddiny of the Flowers."
hater the yuests, preceded by Ihe
bride-to-be and Miss Fern Shrad
er, with Marie Davis at the piano,
marched to Ihe front porch,
when- Miss .Massie was requested
to unwrap her presents and read
the verses attached to them. Some
excellent music was furnished
duriny the afternoon by the Mis
ses Ceoryia Massie. Marie Davis
and Hhoda Wunderlich. At the
usual hour a dainty luncheon was
served, after which the niock
ceremony was performed, which
caused much merriment for all.
.s me aiiernoon wore away tne
yuests took their departure,
wishiny Miss (leoryia the greatest
in her new home.
ha Monday. While Ihe roads of liai.nine-
- c i
lolly dispiay Those who erijoyisl the event
in handliny were: Misses Fern Shrader.
1 "id. Fliabeth Oliver. Lena Philpot
Farl Lancaster, liviny four Hhoda Wunderlich, M rtle Itrow n
nines southwest of .Muri'av. is -tarie Davis, Irene iMiilpo!, t.sitiet
coniined to his bed with an attack Murdoek. Fdna Stoll, Lottie Wun
of appendicitis. Karl is one oflderlich. Klva Philpot, Pearl Mur-
our hustliny vouny farmers, andldock, Ida Hrovvn, Ceoryia Massif
we icyret to hear of his mis- Mrs. Oilmore. Mrs. Thiele,
fortune just al the openiny of the Troy Shrader, Mrs. Drown
busy season. I Mrs. John Fitch. Mrs. Will Coun-
Misses c!nra Younu and YilInH,v,a li,lh- daughter. Mat
;t. Josepir
lospjtal in Omaha
They just cairt help hut fit hecauso they are
made that way. They not only lit, hut they aro
so neat high waist line, bright, attractive pat
terns in Percales and Ginghams. In fact, they aro
the prettiest line of House Dresses to he bought
anywhere you'll say so when you see them, and
we want you to come in and try them. Remem
ber we're trying hard to keep just what you
want. That's why we have added this new line
to our stock.
Sunday eveniny by Or, It. F.
It-'endel, where she underwent an
operation three hours after she
entered the hospital. Her rather.
William LaHue, was in Omaha
Tuesday, ami says she entertained
the hope I hat she would soon re
cover. C. C. Pil.sbury, a uenuine har
nessinaker, has located in Mur
i ay, a'd asks the patronage of
everybody needing harness and
repairing done. Mr. piUbury has
the lepulalion of a tlrst-class
workman, ami a hartess shop is
a branch of business that Murray
uas tony needed, and the wav to
.... 4 1.. k . . .
emoMivie iiic nusmess is lo
patronise it, Mr, PiUbury also
carries in stock harness, saddles.
collars and everything in th
harness Hue, Call aiul ee him.
Mr, and Mrs, Jot n i Porter
and family departed Wednesday
eveniny on Hie Mi--ouri Paoitle
liver for their new home near
Itorup, Minnesota, The tlyer
stopped here Tor this family by
"peeial request, as I hey go
straight through to st, Paufwilh.
out change. Notwithstanding the
uebMueney of the weather quite a
number of friends were at the
depot to bid them farewell, with
many regrets of their toss.
some weeks auo a statement
was made in these columns that Kniss liad missed two days
romy out on his rounds. The
first day was a holiday on account
or Washington's birthday an
niversary, and the follovviny the
roads were ,s0 tilled with snow
drifts that it was almost impos
sible to make Ihe end of Ihe route
while his brother took ttie other,
but in this way they Kol throusrh
all ' right. Leo is one of
Ihe most faithful carriers in Cass
county, and he never shirks his
iuty, and we make this, correction
ecausc it is justice.
Moore entertained the Sunshine
Hand and a number of outsiders
Saturday afternoon at a kensiny-
ton. It was an unusually tine day
yaret, and Mrs. Frank Mash
1 ne
Farewell Party.
numerous friend
and most all of the members were I neighbors
T. Porter
of Mr. and Mrs.
gathered at their
present. , uainiy iwo-eourse
innciieon vas serveii. on luursuav. .iarcn iin. io
W e understand that Fuller niauitest the esteem in which this
D'Vov. Ford agents, of Platts-1 excellent family vas held bv them
month, intend to onload e:n of and to demonstrate the deep r
automobiles here one time in "''1 uy a "' '-'eat 1
I i I . ! k ' l
the near future. They will llnd n" ui nn tn nieir ut
t he heartv co-ooei al ion of Hie pamire lor Uieic new Home m
village and communitv in the Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. porter
business, and I hev are assnn-.d Mad resided 111 the neighborhood
of success.
i ne people or .Murray ami sur
rounding country feel themselves
very fortunate in the location of
Mr. Kikendall at tin's place, lie i
an experienced lumberman, and
proposes to sell buildiny material
as cheap riuht here in Murray as
the. same yiades can bo secured
in Omahn, or other towns, freight
and hauling considered. He fore
you even think of going else
where, give Mr. Kikendall a call
for what you want and let him
give you an estimate.
It. C. Ha i ley, the Maple drove
blacksmith and boss horseshoer
of them diggin's", was a Plalls
moulh visitor last Salurdav look
iny after some business matter
H. C. has added another line to hi
husiness. that of the Fiber Ceal
Kole rooting, that, he has been
placing on a number of roofs in
1. 1 I . k m .
mis locality, and lias been giving
Ihe very hot of .satisfaction, k js
certainly line stulV for both old
and new roofs. It patches the old
ones and makes the new ones last
forever. See him about it
Miss Day, assistant deputy
stale superintendent of school
came down from Lincoln Tuesday
afternoon and met the school
board and patrons of the school
i t
aim explained an me pmnis on
bond issuing for a school build
mg. Miss Day is a very interest
ing speaker ami is thoroughly
posted on such matter
Cooks for All Classes.
"the Young Forester," bv Kane
Crey, a dashing story of Forest
Hangers, by one who has worked
among them, -'The Sea Wolf," bv
Jac.v Loudon one of the most
original stories that has ever
came from this invincible author.
strongly scaoned narrative ao-
quite a number of years, and
have the confidence, love and re
spect of the entire neighborhood.
The time was pent very sociably,
ami while all felt that their los
Would be great. I hey desired lo
make their last meeting in this
vicinity one that all could look
ack lo as one of great enjoy
ment. Al the proper hour re
freshments were served in the
shape of oysters, cake and many
1 1. 1 . A 1 k
omer ueiioacies uiai were iomn-
some. When tin4 tinti- of de
parture arrived the guests bid Mr.
and Mrs. porter good-bye. with
Ihe wish that they would reside in
their new home in contentment
and supreme happiness.
Those present were as follows:
Messrs. and Mesdames e'eorgo
Lloyd, James Hrown, I. M. Davis,
Charles Cole. Frank Marler. sr..
Karl Lancaster, Hert Lloyd. I. D.
Hover, Anderson Lloyd, Karl Mar
ler, Harney Smith, Frank Marler
jr.. 'iiven piggell. oress Hoilen
Pery. v Hiiam Hire. l. J. Porter
Misses Lizzie Hollenbery, Myrll
Hire, Kster Lloyd, Kibe Smith
Nellie Hrown. Leona Davis, "oldie
Smith, Charlotte porter, Agnes
Porter, Hertha Lancaster, Lena
Lancaster, Neva Lancaster, Cath
erine itrown. Masters Stephen
I.amphere, Alvie Smith, Ause
Porter, l.oienze I.amphere, How
aril Porter, Forest porter, Floyi
Porter and Dav id Lancaster.
There is a possibility some o
those present are omitted in tin
a novo, hut we endeavored to get a
full list of all those who were in
attendance, and we know that Mr
and Mrs. Porter would like to pre.
serve the names of their near am
dear friends back in Nebraska,
TH8 li
n Imlmmm
is here for business and also to
please his patrons
In Prices and Quality of Lumber and
Building Material
Call and get estimates and prices on just what
you want and see if I do not treat ycu right.
The Building Season is On
and if the best quality of lumber is what you
want, remember we are here with the
goods at the RIGHT PRICES.
Gome and See Us Before Going Elsewhere.
What Murray Has Needed j
A First Class Harness Shop
And it is here and ready for business located oj
losite the Livery Uani
C. C. Pilsbury
desires to inform farmers and everybody else want
ing new harness, collars, bridles, etc.t or
repairing done that he i-s here,
ready for business.
Opposite the Rhoden Livery Barn
Wurray Property for Sale.
brand new house-, two acres
Mull ing a fascination which he r fcrmul ,'ood barn; well local
' I . k i .:o .... k
readers cannot very well ecape.
ine Lonesome rrail, Ouoe
again jou meet the happy family
or the Flving F ranctu "The
Cdunstians," y Hall Cain, the
author of "Ttie Woman Thou
Caves' M," and "The Cost " bv
ed, in Murray, Will sell or trad-
tor good eastern Nebraska land
For further particulars apply at
this otbee.
Creamery Station.
The 1 lav id Cole Creamery eonu
Plullins. author of "The Soe.m.i M"V oteam station at
Ceueralion," These can be ba,Dmnam s and is paving . cems
at itte iiikkkx- win. .,n.-..,.. I lor muter iai.
lher thie and inlercslimr books.
seed roiaioes.
Missionary Society omcers. h;vo rt ,0ox ' m,
The MMMety met Fridav after. P00'' potatoes lor sale, ,n r
n,.,muiii. will l address, vv illiam Morer, uau
11 1llk "ll'l 1 . k k B
was the date for the election of MU" nolM ol A,ur,;,
oincers tor the ensuing Nr, .fMf--...TMx.--'..T
which resulled in the election of a rr
me toiiowing: Mrs. Smith, Pivsi-K. nEX YOUNQ. v
icni; .virs. ouny, v ice president ; I Auctioneer,
.homo-, seeiciary; ,uss j. Murray. PiCD. 1'
walker, treasurer. The devo-1 .t- nendv lo rrv vour sales.
nonat exercises were conducted nml irtiaranteo satisfaction. -4'
l -Mrs. Young. Delicious re- .T- n.nia ran he made at tho -4
trcsliinenls were served, and the .?. Hank of Cass County, in
. .-. . . . - . ml - . -
meeung was dciiyiitrui inrouyn
Whist Club Meets.
The whid club, c-'inp-'-cd f
nuiui'i'ous married peopb -a-t ot
Murrav, coiigrcgati'd at the home
of Mr. ami Mrs. D- e Shrader here
in town Friday night and enjoyed
a tine time for several hour-. This
club is composed of a c!a of
middle-aged people who believe in
the enjoyment of life, and one
who will attend one of their social
events will soon find out that they
nfea.n it. loo. itefre-hmenls was
one of the features of the oc
casion, and the ladies of the club
were instrumental in furnishing
plenty of good things to satisfy
the hunger of man. At a late hour
they wended their way homeward,
feeling that they knew right
where to go when they want a
good time, and Mr. and Mrs.
Shrader are ever ready to welcome
D. J. Pitmin Improving.
D.J. Pitm; n is -t-e.vly ir-spr-v-i
a ir. Ou:ng lo the rs.itu:. .f hi
iujury it will take -otu- h;,r f.-r
him to fully reov-r. Th:- i-
pretty -etTe oil our .-id friend, a-
ne is i:.i;urailv an -v.
citi.-u, and is a!wa- in
t .'o-
Farm for Sale.
Farm of lit acres. 5-j miles
northeast of Fnion; t i acres hay
land, -'0 acres pasture timber,
rest in cultivation: well improv
ed. lMice right if taken soon.
Address Miss F.tta Nickels, Mur
ray, Neb,
ii;-. And a man of ifii- fi.ira.vcr
is pretty hard to keep i.- i..-d. if
there is any p--.bJ. va of
tin- t ut. The writer intended
when he left Plait-mouth t.. rail
on Mr. Pitmat:, hut the --nov
-form oniing on. and feelm- that
under the eircuut-tat:f es it vn:M
be better for the ladies who do the
housework for u- to defer
visit for a more propitious time,
when the footprints would not
leave an. impr---ion upon the car
pets. Fvervbody is rejoiced that
Mr. Pitman will reeoer. although
it vvill take time for htm t" do -..
Residence Property for Sale.
The I. S. White residence
property in Murray is offered, for
sale. This is an excellent piece
of property and vvill be sobl
right. For particulars call at the
Murray Stato Bank, or Mark
Children Ilk--. Pr. MUrs Laxati
Tablet- tircauMo tlr?y taut !lk candy.
Try them next lime. AJvcrllsenicnt.
l Plattsmouth, Neb., or the
4 Murray State Bank, Murray.
Baker & Nichols
The New Hardware Men
lesidos a jonoral lino of Ilarvhvar- and Stoves,
carry a full line of the
John Deere Farm Implement
as well as sotno othor linos of Farm Impleronts.
We aro hero to please our patrons, an pro
jkso to lo so, if kiml treatment ami the rigb prices
will tlo the work. Come and see us.
Baker & WichoJs
Murray :: lebraska