page: 2. PLATTSWIOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, KARCH 12, 1314. SEE2S3EB5Z 3sraB,B! ST. GARY'S GUILD pi TO SELL CARNATIONS Remember this date MY il A I p v 14th CIAL! nuts SPECIAL! eac 36-inc. c. Quality S at.iuc ALL TEAM HOLDS HI MEETING Officers Are All Re-elected for the Ensuing Year and Much Enthusiasm Displayed. i'rom tVelncsJay'8 Daily. The I'laltsmouth IJase Hall as sociation held their meetinir last evening at the store of Wara & Srhuld'h-M, and there were quite, a number of fans, as well as pros pective members of the. team, present to take part in the pro ceedings of the meeting. The matters of chief import ance, of the evening was the elec tion of the o Hirers for the ensu ing year, and the present etlieient ollicers Were all re-elected for the coin in jr season to uido. the destinies of the club, as follows: Thomas W'allinir, president; II. X. Dovey, secretary and treasurer, ami Ed Weaver as cashier at the park. Manauer S. Johnson, who rendered such splendid serv ices in the handling of the team, was unanimously re-elected to the position of manager for the ensuing year, and will be on Ihe job in arrantrin;.? the difl'erent sanies thai the boys will take on dtiriupr Ihe season. The. question of elect injr the captain of Uie leani' was deferred until later, as this is a matter in which thf players themselves will bo called upon lo decide, and it was thought best to wait until the team was lined up in better shape before making lho choice, as there are a number of very able men on the team who could lill the position with much suc cess. There will be another meeting of tin; cliil) held on Friday even ing, at which lime the oranua iion of the players will be taken up and discussed and plans for the piayirtt'' .season ; more 'fully outlined. There ii a gvvnl ileal of intere-t manifested throuuh otif tho.clfy over the. orsr-mizalion of tlie. iiase ball team an.. J every one is anxiously . awaiting : -the. time for itto'sprinff- practice. to Standard 5c bed Muslin B ; : ! I ;-Ef3 W &5atf ; ; . Mi BflsFB 11 Summer designs. The very latest Butterick styles. Descriptions of all the newest materials! The special April number of THE DELINEATOR is the most important Fashion announcement of the year. ; 0 15 CENTS AT THE Pattern COUNTER The Newest and Latest Styles in Dress Ma terials Are Nov Ready for Your Inspection. We also offer 3 dozen $1 Justrite AC Corsets at, each .... lieC Vra rtou r a r-cTVet i h sh a p'e' fn r i he srand opening- of the season. There are quite a number of recruits to be tried out this y?ur, in addition to the veterans of the team, and a strong aresalion should be gotten together. Stubborn, Annoying Coughs Cured. "My husband had a coujrh for fifteen years and my son for 'islit years. Dr. King's .New Discoery completely cured them, for which I am most thankful," writes Mrs. David Moor, of Sairiuaw, Ala. What Dr. Kind's New Discovery did for these men, it will do for you. .Dr. King's New Discuvery s'houhl be in every home. Stops hacking coughs, relieves lagrippe ami all Ihroal and lung ailments. Money back if it fails. AH druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. II. K. Huck len & Co., l'hiladelphia or St. Louis. m. ORULINER TO REATE SERMON The graduating class of iyii of the IMaltsmoulh High school met last evening and made a por tion of the arrangements for their graduating exercises, hav ing seelcled Rev. F. M. Drnliuer of the First 'Methodist church to deliver the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday evening, May 2 5. The services will be in the nature of a union meeting' of all churches and will be held in the Presby terian church, which is the best equipped church in the city for exercises of this nature. The graduation exercises will be held at the Parmele theater on Thurs day, May 28. FOIl SALF 8-rooin houe, modern except furnace. Price, $3,250.00. Will take some live slock as part payment. Windham Investment & Loan Co. CASTOR! A Tor Infants and CMl&rea. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought . Bears tlie Signature of XT This is one of the y - - Hundred Smart, : Practical Styles in the Special April Fashion Number ":' of THE DELINEATOR Important changes of style are taking place right now. Every woman must have reliable information on these changes. The April number of THE DELINEATOR shows you every thing and tells you everything about them. It contains over 1 00 beautiful Spring and early STOCKHOLDERS PROVE Ml CLOCK Vote to Support Policy of Their Managers Meeting Largely Attended. From 'WeunesfiaVs Dally. Nearly every one of Platls mouth's fifty stockholders in the A. W. South Manufacturing Com pany assembled at the Holei- Uiley Tuesday evening and fully dem onstrated their faith in the suc cossfu If u lure of the Vertical Dial Adertising Clock, by pledging immediate and substantial sup port to the newly perfected plans for putting in operation several hundred new clocks like-' the one exhibited lo crowds of interested observers and investigators dur ing the past week! His audience listened at tentively to an optimistic ad dress y Manager K. M. Stone who made clear to the meeting not only the value of their pat ents and property, but described the splendid opportunities now open to the South company ami the great money-making pos sibilities or the clock itstdf. As presented" by the speaker the re sponsibilities of the stockholders were brought home lo them with great seriousness and as loyally approved and accepted by them. II is believed that the stock hollers have never hat such e. thorough understanding of their duties and 'advantages, as since the managers have instructed then in all the details of the promising business they control. Dy a rising vole proposed by Hon C. York, Ihe full coulidcnee of all those present was extended to lh managers, Messrs. F. M. Stone and Geo. F. Uoweii, for their successful efforts in reor ganizing the A. W. South M f g. Company, and every assurance given them that their com prehensive plans for lho rapid extension of the business would be encouraged and upheld by the members of the Plattsmouth group-of stockholders; To' this whole-hearted tcsli- UNANIMOUSLY AP ECIAL! 36-inch rercaies Light and Dark patterns 3 ams ' i 9 1 G s7 moniai in jaiuuui appreciation -i - . - . . ... Mr. Stone made graceful at knowletlgenient and won stil r....n. ... i iiniuer approval ior uie new policies by declaring that til managers would never relinquisi meir euoris wniie sustained am inspired by Ihe spirt t hon this meeting. ii , i . ... .reM-r-. smne ana liowen an; Secretary . A. J. Neilel hae con eluded the important business which has kept them in Platts mouth for a week and are now in llavelock, where some cleen stockholders of their company will heroine better acquaint with Uie 2Sew- Vertical Dial Ad vertising Clock ami the wt calculated plans for placing it in operation in all the large cities of the United Slates. Iroin the showing made by the managers ..while here, in th great improvement brought about by them m the Vertical. Dial Ad vertising Clock, and in the ar raugenienls made for esiabli.-di lug it permanently as a popular institution, il is reasonable It b'Mieve that the' stockholders w il i .. . i nue no. occasion lo regret any .sacrifices they may have made to hold Ihe organization together ami rebuild il on a belter ami tinner basis. REV. J. il ESIBBEE DELIVERED A SPLENDID SERM0?J LAST SUNDAY llev. J. , M. :Fmbrer, :dislrict superintendent of (he M. K. church delivered u splendid ser mon last Sunday afternoon al the M. F. church in Myiuird. Ami it was the1 expression ofmaiij- that thoro 'wiv much gii ijv it and that I h 9 y-.would he glad, to' hear him again. We, ato also' glad to aek-viwledge Hint Hrotin-r FdJs. pastor' of the?. Liberty IK IV. htirc.Ji, and ?t good numhrr'if hi: pei.pbj vvilh ; u-, and .hope that we,. nwy Ji. -.'ibli to intact often in the 'fufur'e.; ' . ' .-.; ..Tho pothers' Favorite. ' 1 A 'cough 'iriedicir'te for children shoihl be harmless.-' It should Do pleasant to take. If. should h? CiTectual.: 'Chamberlain's' Couh lomedy is all of this and is Hi? A mothers' favorite everywhere For salevby.aUjalers.' -y U:l Standard. Apron Ladies of St. Mary's Guild Will Hold Sale Saturday, May 9, for Mothers' Day. The ladies of SI. Mary's ilmhl held a very pleasant and proiil able session yesterday afternoon at the handsome home of Mrs. V. A. Ilobertson, on North Sixlli street, who was assisted in enter taining by Miss Mable While. The IaJi's engaged as usual jn tin niakinir of dainty articles of needlework for several hours and in delight fnl social conversation kt t3l Fjjfhat served to pass I In Mm n! pleasant ly for all who a I line IIP ittcmlf d the meetinu" One of the chief mailers t have the attention of the ladies was that of the annual carnation sale, which is held by the ladies of this church each year on the Saturday preceding Mid hers' Day, and the arrangement s were com pleted for holdinir this event on Saturday, May Dili, at which lime they will have on sale some of the best and tinet carnation possible to secure and will nttVr them for sale in order that everyone may have one of these emblems of honor lo man's best, friend his mother. The ladies will doubt less meet will! much success in K 1 1 Ii is line, as during the past sev- leral years I hey have held their 'sale ami everyone looks forward to it with interest. Gpring Elocd and System Cleanser. During the winter months im purities accumulate, your blood becomes impure? and thick, your kidneys, liver and bowels fail to work, causing' so-called "Spring Fever." You feel tired, weak and la.y. j'.iecirie .imtcr.- the spring tonic and system cleans er is wnai you neeti; lliey stimulate the kidneys, liver and bowels to healthy action, oxnel blood impurities ami lesion your health, strength ami am bit ion. Fleetrie Hitters makes von ieei HKe new. Mart a lour weeks' treatment it will put you an fine shape for your spring work. Cuaranleed. All Dm gists. 5!c ami 81.00. H. H Jiuciilen oc Co., iMiiiaiielplua or S(. Ftui. WIFE OF VICTORIA, TEXAS A F! VISITING IN TOWN From Tucsiliiv'o T'r.llv. Halph White and wife of Vic toria, Texas, arrived here last evening over the Missouri Pa cilie ami will isil for a short time at the home of Mr. W'hil parents, Mr. ami Mrs. A. White, in this city. Ralph is at present, tlisiricl manager or me Hell Telephone company in tin territory surrounding Victoria. and has ben most, successful in ins Handling ot uie business lor his company, having reeeiei several deserved promotion? since He leir lliis cay several years ago to lake up Hie tele phone work in Ihe southern liehl The many friends here of Mr While were pleased to meet him, as well as ins manning wile. -n ami Mrs. J. C. Thygeson of 'e- traska (Mtv and their lit lie son art also nere visiung at me White home. JOE HiBER HAS HIS WRIST BROKEN . BY AUTOMOBILE From "Weilnestlay's iJally. This morning wliib? the force f plumbers einiiloyetl by Jtdm lauer were en rnule to the eoun- Iv farm, where thev are enaAfl in linishintr up Ihe work on the new nuiliJinr-.", uieir auio watron. n which I hey w ere i iJ i nir stopped iml lo siari uie macnine aoe lliher .'.jr., pot nut ami essayed to rank it up, ami with Ihe .result that the crank Hew back ami laid oe ui) with a broken wrist of his i'ht arm. The fracture was a ery severe. one and will lay him n for some weexs. as soon an ilm : accident occurretl Mr. lliher elurned and had the injured member set and pressed will pernl a sliojl time en.joyinsr iv-off frtmi his duties at the Bauer plumbing establishment. Saturday Evening Post with the full-page ad of our famous Chicago Tailors ED. V, PRICE & CO. who solve the question of your EASTER c. I - s- t 4 fcr4M:;-: .'.if Manhattan Shirts BAD ACCIDENT TO LITTLE OLIVER HALLAM ST From Tucstlay's Iai!' Fat eveniiiy 7Iis Oliver returned frm where she has been for few t!as vi.-iti'i'-r with h- I I.irrie iioali.t. the pa-t r i-ter- in that city. .Mis Oliver lemleil returning home had in be f' re. but owing to a very unfortunate accident llial befell little Oliver llailam she was compelled t re main there. On la -I lhurday while the little lev was plaviog around lie fell am fractured hrs left arm in a rry eere ii;a;i- ner. whicfi neeessiiated a great tleai tr IfoUlt e e! Iil'oltel V. m m - - The HI lie man suffered a great tie::l of pain from the iniurv and tiesire.l ins aunt to remain ami eomlort inni in ins ar!!ie!iii. FIDE ALARM CAUSES MUCH EXCITEMENT There was considerable ecile- ment created Ibis moinimr when the tire alarm was .xoumled ftr the I'tuirth wartl and a larre number of the citizens ha.-dem-d to the residence of It. V. Clt menl, where il was reported the lire was rainir. but il deeiipe thai it. was the re-ile:ice of I'red lt'ideipt r, adjoining lh i'.!e nn'iit idace, where a defective Mm had caused the roof o catch Mi ami quite a plac" vas burn I here before I lie blaze was dis covered iv ;irs. wim re- itles tliere, and as soon as fh lire was liseoerel she yave th alarm am some men tlrixin pa tln house lia.xlened in and with l bucket briuaile succeeded in rrellitiu' the lire out in a very few minutes before the lite depart ment arrived on the scene. There was rousnic raulc couiu-i n caused in the Kivin' f the lire arm, as the report was tele phoned to the shops-that it wa in the Ka.-l I'ourlh ward, wlw-u it hould have been the e-l .-itb of Ihe ward, and as a consequence it was tiilticult for the fire de barment to uef start-! riixlil. I'his is a matter that"' should re ceive ; atieniioii sum Hie exact location of the tire ascertained before the alarm is turm-d i: as ii causes a ureal deal of delay that niiyhl result' mihu: lime. ' . Hives, eczema, itch or sr.It iheuin sets you 'crazy. Can't bear Ihe touch of your elolhin-'. Hoan's Miritment is One for skin itching. All druggislo sell it, 50c a box. ' --TjffT-"'' of the CLOTHES Easterday is not very far away. Step in and see our 500 handsome Spring woolens and be measured TODAY. Prices you can afford to pay. Stetson Hats ANOTHER DEATH 111 THE PETERSON FttllLy TODAY This Afnictcd Family Ar - Having ' Their Share or Troutlo Since Coming Home. This nii ri;n' al I I OYI-M- I,.- '''"i'l '"Id of Mr. and l'eler-on at the Ihirhiii:!..!! U.;ird ii cars ii. ar the tl.-j.., ..4.-,-d away as ;l re-ult ,,f dipfith.-na. I fie ill-ease !,;i, rails, d the .b-.iHi 'f a :oi;ii'-.-r :-t.-r ,.M Sioi iM-lit. The trirl w;i take,, -j, ;; last Saturday moiuni-- a! Ilo-.-ame lime a- h-r y..(ii:- r j-(.,-r, i'lld steadily LTi'tt' Wi'-e d'-plle all that m. d-.-al aid c ul I , and it was i .-toiii.d lhat h.-r d.-.itii was almost certain, as the di--ea-e h id i;ait- .l lti'hI l.. .' .r- wlien lake., in h;.::d. Th- was about IC, years ,.f ae. TI !,;,.p ?i-lei tlie st,riin- rhild -f the family, is al-., down with the malady, but it i- Ihou-'ht that s,,. Will leeoe,". ;is the dl-ei. w.l- not so f;,r advance, wJo-u slie was fcieu I real mti! . Tf;e p.n.nfs Will hae Ihe deeii..,f ni;i;itliv ..f !eeroie in tfie Coii.!iMinif i,, II,.. 1-tnb!.' bereavement ttiat f;a be fall, i! tli. in j., .., Ili.'.ii a ami which ha- lake,, w. of their children fr..i., Jhe,r mid-t. r1,. funeral of the lit 1 1.- w,H 1. strictly private account ..f U,,. di-ea-c. ;.:.,J will be In Id ;n Ms possible, owimr In ttie danger tf other ratchiuc the li-. Yalo IVTotorcycIo for Sale. I'lllly e.piq.p.-d ;,nd m, as new. ollic. Impure at the Jo.irnat Red Clever Seed. to .s M .r,u r.r i,,,sf,.. r-iaile.i free. r.iA,ir,l st Samples Uarllinu- eej :;., .Nebra-ka Citv. O-J-.'IIW .. b. You may nee I aa AUCTBOIMEER and we want to inform vtu that dates caa be made at this office for eoi. vH. ounrj the Weeriaj Water Auctioneer Carefur Attrction to- Public Sales Rates are Reasonable