J I " S '-'1;'VV-5v,,.tJj" - f-' - P LATTS M O UTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. M O ND AY, " Mi R C H "9. '141: PAGE 2. the spring season of 1914 is here. - Only twenty nine more buying days until Easter. we have endeavored for thirty five successive spring seasons, to assemble for your attention, at tractive displays of Right Appakel. the results of our efforts this season justify us in soliciting your insiection and hoping to receive your approval. A beautiful band-tailored silk-lined Spring. Overcoat is on display In our vest window i at $17.00 have vou seen it G. E. IVSSGOTT'S SONS EVERYBODY'S STORE J DIPTHERIA CAUSES DEATH OF VOOIIG LADY Kiss Gladys Peterson Is III but a Very Short Time When Death Overtakes Her. Lat Ciladys, evening about 9 o'clock the 13-y?ar-dd daughter f Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 1'clef xni, passed away, after a short ill ness from a very severe rare if diphtheria at the residence of her parent?, who have charge of the bunk cars for the Iturlinlon extra ?an;r in thi city. The lit tb pirl was not ill foe any length of time, having be-i at school Friday, and returned home that evening complaining of nt feeling-well, and on Saturday nnirn iiiff was quite sick so as to alarm the parents, and a physicnwros suiniiif-'ned t her bedside, but it was not thought that the case wai dangerous, but the child -rrevv worse, and yesterday j-Tadually -ank into death, de-pite all that could be diil to relieve her and tae her life. Iesids the mother and father, two older sisters are left to mourn the "death of the little cirl. The school authorities as soon as they received information of the nature of the illness, prompt ly look steps to prevent further spread of the disease, and as a safeguard ordered the dismissal of the scholars in the Calumbian school, which the little girl at tended, and will have it thor oughly fumigated atid leave noth ing; undone to safeguard in every way the health of the other pupils attending- the school, and although there are no other cases reported, it was thought best to take" no chances in the matter and Superintendent Brooks at once took the mailer in hand and ordered the dismis sal of Hie school until tfie rooms should be properly disinfected and cleaned up. The family have resided . here only a short time, but everyone in the city will ex tend to them the most sincere sympathy in the Io.; of the little one. Wins the First Prize. Quite an honor has been con ferred upon Mrs. J. II. Kuhns of this city, who has just been in lormed that she has captured the first prize blue ribbon at the fourth annual national orange show at San Uernadino, Cal., for I he 'finest candied grape fruit peel. Those who hae ever tasted this delicious delicacy prepared by the skillful hands of Mr Kuhns can well appreciate the good judgment shown by the judges at the oransre show, as there is nothing- that, can equal it and the honor is eure well deserved. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT RETURNS FROM TRIP Miss Mary F. Foster, county superintendent of schools, re lumed yesterday from her east ern trip, which included the na tional Hie-tinur of tlwv-Associal hn of Superintendents at Jackson ville, Florida. The meeting; of the association was one of the best that has been held so far by this organization and was tilled with many good features that as sisted those attending in their school work, and will lead to im proved conditions in the schools. After the adjournment of the meeting Miss Foster took ad vantage of the occasion to make a short trip to the different cities along the route home, stopping at Richmond, the historic and beautiful capital of the Old Dom inion, as well as a visit at Wash ington, where she took in the dif ferent points of interest and view of the national lawmakers at their work, as well as to greet the great democratic president. Wood row Wilson. The trip was one that was enjoyed to the utmost by Miss Foster and the sights of the different cities will be long- re membered most pleasantly. Miss Foster arrived at Union on Sun day morninir and visited there with her parents before taking up her duties here. Will Again' Do Home Portraits. The enterprisiuij kodak " deal ers, AVeyrich & Hadraba, report the sale of a Grail ex camera tp Mrs. W. G. Brooks, which in strument will be used ' in home portrait work. Lovers of homo pictures, child portraits, etc., have in the past learned to ap preciate her splendid f work and she is now better than ever equipped for making- ' such pic tures. The new camera will en able her to work under almost any condition of light. A THRILLING AUTO RAGE WITH BURLINGTON TRAIN T. H. Pollock Attempts to Beat Train From Waverly to Havelock. NEW BUSINESS EHTERPflIZE FOB PLATTSIilOUTU - . G. Dovey and C. H. Fuller to Engage in Automobilo busi ness, With Ford Agency. gine, a couple of mail and ;e cars, a chair car and Plain Truth That's Worth Money. Using Foley's Honey and Tar for a cough or cold may save you both sickness and money. F. F. Monahan, Menomonie, Wis., says: "I am exposed to all kinds of weather and I find Foley's Honey and Tar Compound always fixes me up in good shape when I catch cold or have a bad cough. I recommend it-gladly." Refuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists. You may need an AUCTIONEER and we want to inform you that dates can be made at this office for ool. vri en the Weeping Water Auctioneer Careful Attention to Public Sales Rates are Reasonable Old-Fashioned Dance Enjoyed. The old-fashioned dance given Saturday evening at the Redman hall attracted quite a large sized crowd and several hours were most pleasantly spent in tripping the light fantastic to the bewitch ing strains of the music of the dance, and it was with extreme regret that the dancers saw the hour of home-going draw near. Foley Cathartic Tablets are entirely effective, thoroughly cleansing and always pleasant in action. They contain blue flag, are a remedy for constipation and sluggish liver, and a tonic to the bowels, which are improved by their use. Try them. They do not fail to give relief and satisfaction. For sale by all druggists. Yale Motorcycle for Sate. Fully equipped and good a new. Inquire at the Journal oilier. Resfdencs for Sale. The Mrs. McVicker residence properly on -North e"ixth street is offered for sale. For particulars call on Mrs. J. E. Leesley. .Hedge posts for sale. L. A. Meisinger. Telephone 2513. The following exciting auto mobile story, in which our fellow townsman, T. H. Pollock, is the chief ligure, appears in the aiilo- mible department of the Omaha lire of yesterday, and the ex nerience related by Mr. Pollock will be found of interest to his friends here: . 1 T. 11. Pollock was once upon time wont to drive his motor car at a merry little dip whenever he could lind a good stretch of road Hut he has mended Ins ways now and no more does he shove the accelerator clear down. Speak ing of his last racing experience Mr. Pollock aid: "I drove a Henderson roadster from Plattsmouth to Lincoln la fall, ami in going through Waverlv passed Hurlington pas senger train No. 5 just pullin into Waverly. "The wagon road parallels th Hurlington nearly the enire dis tance from Waverly to Lincoln and at that time the road was in excellent condition and I just thought I would try and beat tlx train to Havelock. a distance f five milts. I got a pretty goo lead on the train, but about tvv luiles.oul ! Wayerjy it overtook me and as me" engine came along-side, a few sharp blasts o the engine whittle did li"t tend to cause me to slacken my speed any, so we ran along together i"r about a mile, and in that distance the en bagga few dav coaches and two or three Pullmans had gradually slipped by. "Up to that time I had looked neither to the right nor to the left, but as the rear end of the last Pullman came alongside, I could see there was a crowd on the back platform, and I glanced over at thein just as I came to a slight turn in the road that I had not seen and before I knew it my Henderson was out of the center of the road and at the extreme right side of the road with the right wheels running in the grass. "At this point there was a line or telephone poles leaning over to the road at an angle of about 30 degrees and before I could get back into the road the car had gone so close to the telephone pole that I had to duck to miss it, but the brass post supporting; the winshield struck the pole and snapped off. "Luckily the top was down, and I got back on the road without further damage to the car, but believe me, right there I said ioo4i night to that passenger train ami to any further attempt on my part to beat it. "I went on into Lincoln, and on the way discovered that there was a hole torn in the leg of my trousers just below the knee that I could run my arm through. Evidently a piece of the shatter ed windshield had missed my leg just that close." The Best Flour on the Market i tr-.- i - WAHOO MILL C04 .. WAHOO. EB. FOREST rcse; Krora Friday DaUt.- Another new business enter prise is to bo launched in this city within a. short time in the shape of the lirm of lovey & Co., composed of. L O. Dovey and C. H. Full, who will take up the agency - in this city and eunty for the celebrated Ford auto mobiles. The firm will occupy the JJauer garage on Pearl street wiin meir machines ami le in a position in a very short time to display and demonstrate tli'dr machim's for the benefit of all those who may desire to inspect them. -Messrs. Dovey and Fuller have placed a large order with the manufacturers 'of the Ford ma chines and will have several ear loads on hand in a very short time and be aide t,. get out and secure the summer business, Th l ord machines, which are very satisfactory,' are sold at such juices a Jo be within the reach of 'almost every farmer in the country, and; there has ben a great many of them sold in thi county during the pasf few years, and th new a-enls will give the public an opportunity seldom enjojed to sec ure a ma chine which will, suit them in evecy way 'rt 'a price that will simply open their eyes. Jioth of the members of the new firm are. well and favorably known throughout this s. rliou of the county as being level headed business men and the public can feel safe in i-elyinir upon their statements as to the automobiles that may be turned out from their agency. Mr. Hauer will continue to run the repair department, at the garage, as he has for the past few years, and also handle the supplies for different repairs -and oil. As soon as Jhoev. machines arrive. which"M-ilP""tfe' in' a very short time, thi' new oempany will start out to annex some of the auto mobile business, and -beinir hustlers will have little trouble in securing their thare of the trade. ROBERT REBAL IS NOW FOLL FLEDGED PHARMACIST From Fridav's Daily. Robert Hcbal f Uiis city last evening received ins mpioma from the state board of phar macy that makes him a full Hedged druggist, as the result of his very careful study of this profession at the Creighton School of Pharmacy, from which he has just graduated with high honors, and his examination be fore the board was one that re flects great credit upon the young man and shows me ueep studv he has devoted to the pro fession he has chosen as a life calling-. Mr. Rebal has accepted a million wn.'i me nrm oi en rich .S: Hadraba in this city and will be employed by them in tin future as a clerk in their store, and with his splendid education in the profession of pharmaey will make them a most valuable addition to their sl're. 28 Cents for Butter Fat. The undersigned manager of the Lincoln pure Duller Co., at this station, is at this lime pay ing- -'Se for butter fat, a de termined by the government Bab- cock test. We are also pay in? the highest market, price at all lime or all kinds o produce and ooultrv. Call and see me. before disposing of your produce. Fred Dawson, Lincoln Pure Duller Co., Plattsmoulh, Neb. AVOID STUFFY WHEEZY BREATHING. Take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for an mllamed and congested conuiliou oi me air passages and bronchial tubes. A old develops quickly if pot checked and bronchitis, layrippi; and pneumonia are dangerous posibilities. Harsh, racking coughs- wenkep the system, - but Foley's Honey and Tar -is sab', pure and certain, in results. Con tains no opiates. For sale by all druggists. O. Sandin. D. V. M., J graduate of the Kansas City J Veterinary College, is per- - I- manently located in Piatt - J l mouth. Calls answered n day or night. 'Phone 255. Oilice GOG Main. A woman customer said to us the other day, ".'Say, you ouuht to t-il everyone in I own about lb x all Dyspepsia Tablets. I would myself if 1 could." That set us to thinking. S many people have used them and have so en thusiastically sounded their praises, both to us and their friends. I hat we had an idea ymi all knew about them. Di:t. in the chance that some of you who suffer from indi-e-lion. heart burn, dyspepsia, oj- some other si unach complaint, don't know about them we are writing ti;i-. They contain Diniuth and Pep sin, two ..f the great. digesii ;;ids known to medical science. They soothe and comfort the slomaeh. pro.Mjoie the s-cietion oi j';irine JUH e. Iieip ,o 'Jllirj.j jj .li l'i.. T I -..i.l ....-,x..-t it ; . II. i i.n- iuii t. ' : i i i. li- a no impro e ; ,., ,,,,,, b Y'e!s. e ,; ,. , 4 I , iliollo'J: ESCORTED TO GiTY LIMITS Special 'Health Warning March. th V e i depot AND INVITED TO "GEFP. jl-e fe ll' i From Friday's JDany. Yesterday aftern"n a teb- p. lone me-sa-'e v a ree. iv i i y i t.hlel ,.I 'o!ee Ken liUlUeV l. f. forming .him that three ik'-u v. ei at the Hurlington pa--'-:-: e:-ti'-n and had evidently mi-iak. it for a lod-'ing house, a- th were sleeping there. The chi at once made ; j-it b t!. ai:d ai-ou-e,i the men from the.:--lumbers, which wn ev id eau-e.j from their ove:-j-an. ' - i nee in li.juid i f;ehi..en t a:el he informed them Cm ii be nee ary fo them to .lee. p.'my him to the lh.l !. Man speaker, where i.eTe sniiai.'e surrou!:!n-.-s CoUf.l ! J J -1 , V ; . ; t!: -;ii. a :d they l..f ro tin e follow'!- tl;e rri;i" , of f chief. al'.h 'i:-!i ..i.- of th- i.'.tli I ! p:. I II e i ;-. I o n ! - e i . i . j bnt he v. ;.s - eo- 1 1 i the e!;ief n r .t and t!:e trio n ade ii'!;.- ouiily bi-ts'e. At !.. ja'i men gave their na.;:e, a Kar.e. Ci Ke!! and l": . d N'. ai:d the !;- name. J pa;! -!lie,J .y the -f.errn' MarcM i- a trj irir r j .i' ' Cr-iip. I-.-or' :i : a m l J ;:;. i d at. I r.vo:d-d. t. I Tar i- a -- it that vki'.'i .h.-. k th- i - 1 r- ie e .:... d a,: i - a i a y bv f INTERESTING SERVICES AT THE ST. LUKE'S CHURCH CONDUCTED Bi BEV. Bi?.!iES Tii W : . , f -eejlie.l a-nii!-! the jail ll-ilter.. ! ' I - i i ' e ."! -to - ! We-!, y M u '- ct- L w. :i a r.- a - I 1 cci:p ! tl to rich, red blood Ho- action of the , . i r r i: j: if ej Mlil.it' oj- I'loiue-.f ;i a:ti;j(. j, dysjtejisia. We certainly wouldn't j , ,.,.. oifer. litem to JnlJ eiltl!ely at olITl risk unle-s we fell -nre iloyj Would do vuli a b-t of good. Ifi IteX llI Dspe.-i Tablets d lid relieve vmip indigestiiMi. cheek th e heartburn, and make i! at in: as i v.a- iio;li;t:j w.e-l.J i-'.;ea a - a ! it of jad a p-a It va- Hi j n. ei. iMi!;t !ia e ! in the bat -la: at .in-" store in ! . - r I i jat ai;e- , i of th- p:l- - t!.. n fr tlo . i-c,i r. I b 1 I a I. i -: b ti silde for you t cat what : when-v ;! ou !ik f 'Die a- d -: your money. Sold only at the more than 7.- 000 Hexall Store-, and ir: thi lown oniy at our -lore. Three sies. -JTn', oiV anl sj.oo. i". ;. 1 r i'ke ,; Co.. I'nioji Dbck, Plallsm-Mith. Nib. ii; Jo, Ih !a -e. Tii- is the J.abil ab-ohol and ! (his -.er- u- !ii to 1 he jail. I Ii ! W ere I"t 1 1 IM'-lloi t V v, , in that j be(,. J. .-trai'-ht I. O O r th- jail a: wh y bad f dri W ! e l-e i:i- !, - ! . t . f y thai d ee tl: Harness Repaired and Oiled. 15 years experience in b-dh harness and shoes; j i- to your interest c- well as mine to get acquainted. Main St. J. F. Frank. i'5 3-G-:;td-itw . d to in Si cily i I! ee -beat and 1 rt in- ea-1 w ird. f their pfe-ej'ee f-'I- -eer; pe;i -e. f hab ll to ;t no 1 id.:. ai d . feed nib t. . h ' - - .21- I": Cc ycu knew that the Journal office carries the finest line of stationery in the city? Fcr Sale. The Journal als pay. AT TMEilHT FSIOS JUST AT the rmm you n Wl Tliis! is wJiat the farmer is looking for at this season of tlie ynar. ai;'l re want to tell you that we believe we are prepared to fill your every want with the -ry best machinery to be found on the market. We want to call your ::nen:;.:i to the following high grade lines that will be found in our tock at this ti::.e GRAND DETOUR PLOWS AND GANG PLOWS, ALSO JOHN DEERE, CASE AND PACEMAKER GANG PLOWS. STALK CUTTERS Such at the Sterling, Hock Island and Aerv from $36.00 to $42.00 DISC HARROWS The Grand l)e Tour, Osborne and Ihid li.-. WALKING CULTIVATORS Avery. Jenny Lin le and Genuine New De parture. Also a few John Deere Walking Cultivators at $12 each. RIDING CULTIVATORS New Century, IJadger. Grand De Tour, and number of John Deere Hiding Cultivators at $23.00 each. RIDING LISTERS the -.--wheel disc cover. Grand De Tour. WALKING LISTERS the John Deere at $23.00. a CORN PLANTER! -Mack Hawk, Case, John Deere and Gale. FARM WAGONS Xewion, Webber and Columbus; also a complete line : steel and wood wheel truck wagons. Kxtra beds from -ii.7 up , CREAM SEPARATORS DeLaval, lUue Kell and .Simplex. THE DEERING AND McCORMICK GENERAL LINES. I. H. C. ENGINES with magneto built in and needs no batteries. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Ilenny. Kmerson. D. M. Sechler. Mo.n Bros, and Ilock Island. A number of Velie buggies at $93.50. HARNESS A complete line of home made harness made from bark tanned leather. BLANKETS AND ROBINS This is the line we are offering you a .-j iji! inducement in, and every robe and blanket in the hou.e sold at a 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT. will be MANURE SPREADERS I. II. C. Low Lift and Clover Leaf. HARNESS OILED AT $1.00 PER SET. "43 Li Q THE IMPLEMENT MAN (A DISCOUNT OF 2 co ON ALL CASH PURCHASES PLATTSMOUTH :: NEBRASKA for t - -t.