The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 05, 1914, Image 1

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    !b Stale Historical So
NO. 15.
meeting Attended by Very Large
Representation of the Lodge
Show Windows Being Fixed Up.
I he show windows at tin
William Holly clothing sloiv art
being lived up in a verv neat an.l
attractive manner anil the back
ground of the windows used for
display of the different articles
are being decorated with a linish
of pure white, which will show
oil" to the best advantage the dif
ferent lines f goods shown in the
windows. The work is one that
will add greatly to the appear
ance of the store and is being
.done in a very artistic manner.
(LITTLE girl suffers
Last evening- the regular meet
ing of Plattsmouth lodge No. 7.JJ,
11. 1'. O. K., was attended by the
Iarjrest representation that ha-;
been present for some tune, and
the occasion was made of more
than usual interest by the elec
tion of oflicers for the ensuin
car, and the official visit of Dr.
J. S. Livingston, deputy, rep
resenting the grand exalted rul
er. The interest in the election
of officers was most keen and a
very friendly rivalry for the
honop of holding the different
chairs in the lodge created much
interest in the meeting. The
following were selected as the
officers to guide the destinie.
the club for the next vear:
From "Wednesday's Daily.
Ttie little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Mehering, who on
last Friday received a severe
fracture of her right arm, is do
ing nicely and in a few weeks will
be able to resume the Use of her
arm. lhe little girl, m company
with a number of other children,
were on ttieir way home from
school and were going down the
hill on South Ninth street, and
of when near the corner at Pearl
The Great Need of the Free Ferry
Should Impress Itself Upon
All Citizens.
S. S. S. Enjoy Pleasant Time.
From Tuesday's Dally
Ttie S. S. S. met lat Thursday
at their club rooms, and after a
brief business session, a social
time was enjoyed. The rooms
'were tastefully decorated with
remembrances of Washington.
Many games were played. At an
appropriate hour delicious re
freshments were served. The
members then enjoyed an im
promptu dance and then departed
for their homes, having had a
very enjoyable time.
11 0 BUILD
Eagle Editor in the City.
From Tuf joy' DaiiT.
I rank W. M.-Ma:ii-. e.i,;..r ..f
tile 1'elgle I ;-,if !!. W.!s II the i
la-t eiiin- and i.
street were set upon bv a crowd
Exalted Ruler James K. Pol- of boys who :ielt eil t hem v. it )i
V. Ilay-
Leading Knight C
Loyal Knight Nelson Jean.
Lecturing Knight Judge A
See re t a ry C, eo r pre V e id m a n
Treasurer Mae F. Patterson
Tyler C. K. IJestor.
Director for Three Years
William Ilassler.
Delegate to .rand Led ere E.
J. Itichey; alternate, V. J.
snowballs in a very brutal man
ner and the children started to
run to escape the volly of snow
balls and the little girl slipped
and fell to the brick ridewalk.
fracturing her arm in a v rv
severe manner. Medical attend
ance was summoned at once and
the injured member dressed, but
it will be some weeks before she
is able to use the arm. Th ac
tions of certain boys in carrying
on tins practice was noied bv
residents adjoining the school
Delegates to Stale Or and and some accident of this nature
Lodge H. A. Schneider. E. J. was evneeted ;is the resid' i.f "he
Richey, T. II. Pollock,. R. W. roughness in pelting the smalhv
Clement. J. II. Kuhns. children to frighten then., and
After the regular routine of should there be another opnor-
the lodsre was finished the mem-1 tunitv offered they should be at-
bers were treated to a most en- tended to bv the authorities be-
joyable "feed." and they enjoyed fore another accident of this
a genuine pood time amon? kin.i h.mnens ThP hive
warned, the boys and if there is
themselves until a late hour
The growth of the order here
lias been very: great during- the
past year and now it would be
hard to find a lodge in the state
that is more alive than the one
in this city, and the live wires of
the organization are eonstantl
striving for the advancement of
the order, and when they get
moved into the new club house
there will be no better equipped
lodge than the Plattsmouth
order. .
another snowfall anil any more
of this kind of business the boys
will be taught a severe lesson.
The nearness of the .ason for
the opening up of travel from the
Iowa side of the river to this city
tarts the query as to what ac
tion will be taken in regard to the
free ferry over the Missouri river
at. this place. Tin matter was
iscussed .at the recent Com
mercial club meeting and a com
mittee appointed to look after the
matter, and there should be no
let-up on the question until the
ferry is placed in operation under
the charge of competent men em
ployed ly the club to operate it
for the best interests of the city.
The ferrv should be operated
free for those coining to this city
from ttie Iowa side to trade, and
when they return home, and a
neat um could be realized in the
sumer months by charging the
transent trade and those going
from here to Iowa a small fee
suilicieiit to assist in the running
expenses of the ferrv boat
in this way the expense of opera
tion could be cut down to a small
figure, while the gains in in
creased business would more
than repay whatever ouJay that
would have to be made to put the
deal through. The free ferry
proposition would be as success
ful here as the free bridge davs
did in
Nebraska City, where ttie people
traveling into the city on free
days were greater than on all
Other days combined, and the
ferry would offer the same in
ducement to ttie Iowa farmer to
come here with his produce and
to exchange it for whatever he
might desire to purchase in the
way of necessities. Let every
business man and citizen get out
and boost for the success of the
free gateway f.r these strangers
into the citv.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The work on the liurlington
rip-rap on the east side of the
Missouri river is being carried
on at a very rapid gait and ttie
engineers in charge are pushing
the matter of construction of the
large l,Oo()fot mat that is to
aid in the stopping. of the ravages
of the Missouri river that have
in the past few years made a
great expense on both the rail
road and the residents on the
bnva sid of the river from above
FoNoni to Pacific Junction, and
which at, times threatened to
send the main current of the
river through the ia-t named
anj place, but the herio'e efforts of
the railroad succeeded m stem
ming the force of the river. The
government a few months ago
came to the relief of the situa
tion by appropiraling a sum of
s3u.0i0 for ttie work of trying to
stop the river in its efforts to
break through ttie banks along
that side of the river and an
i i ii. .
our neighboring town of P M . miuulJ lJ uu
Huriington, as wen as a large
amount from the residents ofi
that locality, who have suffered
greatly in the past through the
high waters that usually help the
river in its efforts to force a
stream through the Iowa side.
There is a force of some eight j
men employed at present, on the
east side of the river working- on
the mat.
A Splendid Showing of Business
Done by One of Plattsmouth's
Leading Institutions.
Funeral of J. E. Morrison.
The funeral of ex-Judge J. E. From Wednesday's Daily
Mnrrim, of Kenrnev Wh tool- A most delightful gathering of
place this afternoon at the home little folks occurred yesterday
of Mrs. Mary Mickelwait, con- afternoon at the home of Mr
ducted by Rev. Ihompson. Mr.anu .Mrs. w imam liaim. when
Morrison was ex-countv judge their son, Robert, celebrated his
of Ituffalo county. He was a ninth birthday anniversary by
brother of Mrs. Marv Mickelwait having a number oi his young
and an uncle of Mrs. William friends gather with him to mark
Skillicorn and of Mrs. Brown
Miller. CJ Ion wood Opinion.
the passing of the day. The lit
tle folks spent the time most en
joyably in games dear to their
hearts, and fun and frolic reign
ed supreme throughout the aft
ernoon and the occasion will be
remembered most delightfully by
all those who were present. At
an appropriate hour the company
were seated at the dining table
and very dainty and templing re
freshments served by Mrs. Uaird,
From Wednesday's Dally. d"plr"
Ttie freight car repair and which were thoroughly enjoyed
steel car shop departments of the and the chief feature of the oc-
Uurlingl on shops here started in casion was a large birthday cake
this morning on a new schedule J which contained the usual mystic
. .. , .. . . I 1 1 i i i ? : . i ii.
oi Working, Starting in ai 4 ring, immuie aim mine, um uu
o'clock in the morning and work- ring- fell to the lot of Helen Wurl,
ing-until 5 at night, which means while Xorris Smith was for-
quite a difference to the men em- tunate enough to receive the
ployed there, as lhe order for the thimble and Alice Louise A es
increase in hours also calls for cott received the dime in the cut-
a full Saturday, instead of the tin? oi me catve. mose who weir
half day, as was the former rac- present were: Misses Helen
tice. The work on the road is Wurl, Helen and Alice Louise
gradually picking up and the Wescott, Masters Charles and
need of the repairs to the freight John Egenberger, Norris Smith.
cars necessitates the increas in Robert Wurl, tdgar escou,
the working- hours in order to George Thomas, Johnnie Thomas
place the- rolling stock in good and the guest of honor, Robert
shape. The Havelock shops have Baird. As a souvenir of trie
been given an increase in work- happy event the guests were
ing hours also and started in on each presented with a tiny candy
a fifty-hour schedule last Mon- chicken decorated wiin me nag
dav . . : ' " of Old Ireland, which will remind
them of the auspicious occasion
Get your harness oiled, for $1 of the birthday of their tittle
at John Gorder's. - - -' ' friend.- '
Case Postponed in County Court.
From Wednesday's Dallj.
Yesterday in the county court
the matter of the guardianship of
the minor heirs of Simon Hansen
came up for hearing on the peti
tion of parlies interested, to
hae the guardian make a report
of the stale of affairs of the said
minor heirs. ' The matters was
laid over until next Tuesday.
From Tuesday's Daily.
This morning- the board of
county commissioners assembled
at the court house to begin their
regular semi-monthly meeting
to look over the business of the
county. One of ihe matters of
when, it will be brought up for inrportance brought to the atteii-
Iipi rin I KUl Oi lilt? uuiiru was mat tu uu-
incorporation of the village of
Nehawka, which was decided up
on at a recent meeting of the
Commercial club of that place, in
order to better look after the
business affairs of the village.
liefore the petition for the in
fJCP nnHinillV UCnr corporation was filed, a.notice of
lllrU. bUmrilll ntnL protest was received signed by
seven of the prominent residents
of ttie town and vicinity. The
Mr. A. J. Neitzel, of Chicago, petition, which was presented to
111., secretary and treasurer of the board for tiling by J. I. Long
ttie A. YV. South Manufacturing ,(f the Nehawka News, was signed
company, is stopping at the Htel by seventy-six of the taxpayers
Riley. The A. YV. South Co. has and freeholders of the town and
just undergone a complete re- vicinity. As both parties seem-
orgauization. which includes not ed desirous of having more time
only the officers and manage- to thoroughly discuss the
ment, but also the device on proposition, the board decided to
which ttieir business is based, lay the matter over until the next
namely, the Yertical Dial Ad- meeting', on Tuesday, March 17,
vertising Clock. Mr. Xeitzel's at 0 a. m., when both sides can
mission here is to familiarize the appear and present their case to
stockholders in his company with the board and a more satisfact
all the details of its reorganiza- ory settlement had. A number of
tion and policy and plans for the those signing the notice of pro
future. On Thursday the man- test reside on the outskirts of the
agers of the company, Messrs. E. town, or own property there and
M. Stone and George E. Howen, object to being taken in the cor-
will arrive in Plattsmouth, bring- porafion limits
in? with them one of the new
Vertical Dial Advertising- Clocks,
and will place it on exhibition at
Ihe Hotel Riley on Thursday
evening" and Friday. Messrs.
Stone and Bowen will be pleased
to meet all who may be interested
in the progress of this enter
prise, whether stockholders or
Try a sack of Forest Rose flour
Your moirey refunded if not satis
factory. '
- Entertains C. I. S.
From Tuesday's Pally.
Last evening the C. I. S. was
entertained by Miss Margaret
Moore at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Peterson on High School
Hill. Many interesting games
were played. At the proper hour
refreshments werv served, which
all did justice to. At a late hour
all departed for their homes, vot
ing. Miss Moore a delightful
From Tuesday's Paily.
J.asj. eeiiing me regular year
ly meeting ,,f the Pialis::ioi:ih
Loan and Ibiildiiig" a-oeiatioii
was held at the Mod-ill V 1-
inan hall, .and there were oer
l.TiOO shales of stock represent
ed at the meeting, which was f.r
ttie purpose of examining the re
ports of the year's buiue-. as
Well as the election of three di
rectors for the term of three
year-, and for these positions :.
E. YV. Cook, E. P. Lutz and R. A.
Hates were selected. T- till the
vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of William H illance as a di
rector. John M. Lejda was elect
ed for one year.
The condition of this safe,
conservative association i one
that gives the stockholders a
feeling of deep gratification oer
the splendid showing that the as
sociation has made in the past
few years and the steady, safe
and conservative growth whii h
has been the feature of the
Plattsmouth asMsciaiion gies a
guaranb'e (.f the stability of the
institution. In the 1; three
years there has been more busi
ness done by this company ttia i
in the seven years previous. a:id
each month sees the bu-iii"ss of
the association advance forward
wilh steady strides.
Th amounts of the loans
made by the company, which as
sures the stockholders a splen
did investment of thejr money.
have increase. 1 from something
oyer sjrj.OOO jn 1911 to sli'S.
002.80. as shown by the report
made to the stockholders last
evening, while the capital stock
of the company now amounts to
J0S.71KL00. The efficient work
cf the hustling' secretary of th-'
loan and building association.
Mr. T. M. Patterson, has been one
of the chief causes of the tine
showing mad" in the increase of
business, as he has always been
on the alert to secure the best
possible returns for his company,
and with the abb work of the
board of dierctors ha resulted in
the placing of some splendid
On the amount of capital stock
outstanding' at the present time
there has been declared ?20,
3S.-j.79 in dividends by the as
sociation for the benefit of the
stockholders, and the fact that
this i.- one of the best companies
of its kind in this part of ttie
state is being- realized by the
residents of the city who are
looking for a safe place to invest
their money where it will return
them a good per cent on their in
vestment and where they can be
sure of it being kept at home ;lnd
not sent away for investment.
I'jnily lo call mi ;' tie
f..rce for a fraternal i-i. M:
M Maui i a ne st -.-'.al
man and i giving Ihe jf:eiis ..f
La-Ie a nio-t r-e.i.l and r-'
tittle paper. We er- ef-v r -ra-n
pleased to Il.e.-t lllj- .;M',C:t
Voting edio.", arid W he;, ever he i -in
the city he will li': t a cordial
welcome at o ''';.-.
Piora Eatton ard W!r. Frd
rich KafTenfeerg-r United in
the Hcfy Bonds of Wedlock.
The handsome ;-ev
cottage .,f
.V III hards, on K!m -In-t.
they have jl!t I" ; i; , ,-, f .
"!1 oCCUpied by Id Ed-'efl-
and wife, who have ji.-f
Il'-W e .( ; ae a ' d
place arranged m
is lie .f
v :
d-s j
, r
M r.
o. f ( ; 3
w- d
i '
a a
Io.: ,.;
n 1 Mr-.
-. M -s
K i -
has Oe
moved into th.
are getting- t h-
line shape. .The , d t.
Ml. TW:lfet in I Ih ."if v 'iti.I li-k
been built by the ..vm-r wi'li a ?
view to ihe comfort of t f i 1 1- t'-n
ants. It is located in one of t r i
iiiie-t residence --c! i.r: of the j
city and is a pi that is .t i
d"siiable a- a iv-iderce. -ph
gentlemen wh" h;e built th
:e : g- a
me La!,.
i:i a er
H-v. I
p. I-!
f rr. - I
5 T. e - If
of Je
! tf
cottage have sj ared ii" pan: in
the construction, and as a re-;'.t
I hey have a hotie that wi!J Cid a
ready market for rental p-;ino .
It is to be Imped that olh.Ts of
the property owners of t;,e . jty
c;m sim lhir w;i cb-ar to ct
sin:ilar cotta-'es during' the coming-
-eas( ' th i! can 1 p!ac-i a!
ttie disposal of pets.,:;, .b--io,.
t l-e;! fe-m.-s that are .-ii t i".
mod'-rr- s!je and e.;u J
that the persons re-cl:ng ni theni
can enjoy every modern con
venience, ami su.'h houses wi'l
r : :
w i -. l
M .-. I r i-i
r I.i p
a v r
:d.i by .:
o.! ..f t!
. a: S n f
I'l I r"'- . V e
M. I-nl r r
1st i-'l .
. . a .
i i "
him :n tfo
d pari. -s.
thai u-
iri o r a. tin.
t.'e- To
. -A.
r- rr".v rx w
1 VTV f, .!-,...
.'r fo- happy .-v. t ;.: r,ir-l
1h- nr.,!; g of ti.--.- t . p. ...
; ;:i - e. p e. Th ' xl ;; '-
i;: a;:-r :!. ;i; d th- t
v -r ii,.ir'!:!".!y s-- ". rd i a
!-!,. I'av.I . g c f-t
hi-:. ; arrv in a !o ..f - ,f-
fose.. whl'e !h' ;T .1 g I ' I . -
e.J in tt:- ,.! : i-y t I !-
b w.rg th- wed li::; r-r - -v f!.
e a
vv .
ma i -
w f
I -e r . ! n t- i. .
1:"g !.htit a
find a very ieady n ark-t
gooil iate of re'.'al and pr-money-mat-
inr prp'-:ti.n
th persons rec'ir:g- them.
v e
-.d r-;rf th bt
ties of their r-'Iahv" f
(From the Union Led- r .
That's the manner in which a
sack of l"in'! Samuel's n..ul was
distributed at a very early Im'.r
, i .
;re hripp in n-d
bom- uf,
r.ea- La F-!
1 I e. ga.-.-.
W i-
tfo-.r r:w
re.:.!. m
the g Too:
Th- 1 ri ie IS
n,... .th'- r.o.!,
!adi- aid ai
city st ti ! a
f-ard o vv.
c I ! '.-. w h tier
Mi-- Hatto-j , a
Pia't- ..-.!!, -'!.!
for It- ; f-w vers
tfo p?ofe--ion ,.f :. -r.--h
marke (; .-. ar..J '
v , . h ! i ' g r e that the j ..
?. five lp ttl vv o-k
scho.d. there J.. r .J
1 1
I- i '
the f
: d w i
',. i:.!e..-
r t ?. - r
eV w ::
.r: far:-. -
t f I!
: i - of t :.
b r:i a- t
! ii !N
d at
iic'iiiing. and i an in-
novai'on ni:ii is iik-iv lo mriN. ai
bd of serioU trouble f tt;e i;oV
ernment otheia's -, t tloir claw
From Tuesday's Dally.
The stiow windows of II. M.
Soennichsen, on ttie west side of
the building, are geing rearrang
ed and enclosed to allow of their
being decorated wilh much more
effectiveness than formerly and
the enclosure will keep the dec
orations in the window from be
ing disturbed and from the frost
caused by the heat allowing ttie
moisture to form on Ihe win
dows. The work is being carried
on by Herman Tiekotter. the con
tractor, and when finished it will
e found a great improvement.
both in the appearance of the
window and in decorating the
window for displays. a an open
ack window is very difllcult to
The Want Ads get results.
on the fellow who introduced this
novel method of handling the
mails. The remianis of what i
cali.-d a "tie sack'" was found
near the traeks south of town
about K o'clock Tue-day morning
by X. Johnson, the Mi-oMri Pa
cific section foreman, and scat
tered about were numerous mws
papers and magaines, ttes.
things constituting' the rno-t. part
of the contents ,,f tfte sack. Mr.
Johnson gathe:- d up the "re
mains" and brought them ( tie
depot ami turned them over
the proper authority, ami i! i
probnble that a thorough in
vestigation will be made wi!!i a
view of locating- the blam. and
when the postal aith Titles
"start something" they u-ualiy
carry it to a tini-h.
It is evident thai non of the
depot employes are rep:: s,i.!e
for the affair. a- William III v in.,
who handles the mail and -ipr-s
at the depot, knows that the sick
was in its proper place ..n the
trucks at 2:'3 that morning. Th
indications are that somebody.
probably a baf-r or a tramp,
with a penchant f -r pure n.n.
ness. tied the -nek to the train
with nothing in view but to can
trouble, but if his ideality be
comes known he will undoubtedly
find it a very sorrowful j b of
mail juggling.
st s.
V. i-h,
! f ar ;
o:. of Mr.
f.u berg r of
and i s a v-m;
f r h-r
a- 1 Mr-.
r -a- i
f th
- -A !.'-
g W ' 'l
i' .-
.f t' -
b- irtv
A .
i-n K.if
r rv h;gh
charai ti
e J a:,! re
fti p!--a-u
Th r"!v
d by
We. Id-
J :n i-i!. i T'-.
r. -;;.! v .'.I
h ave la'er f.r a h- r,'- :. -v. t
to w.-t and w,i; b
h if" to tti-ir frond a", 'h r
home prepaid by the sT'or::.
La-l ve-iirg" th'T" ws .p;.!. .1
ur of pia::r '.:a p. j. ;n
ici.ila in a? ' : d i-;ce a; t- "
formam-t of I'.-n
I(ra;eb-!s h-;'-r
w :
: r wa Sfi. pi
d.ot.t eight
th pa-smg
i in aul rv r
- that the Mi-
For Sale.
One IGO-aere farm three and
one-half mile- .outha-t of
Greenwood. Neb. Call on or
write, A. D. Welton. or Farmers'
State Bank. Greenwood. Neb.
Hur" at th
arid -
ly that ther-
f th-m tht
A l.a e r.i
r.ute , f t!..
tram left the !.; '.lt -r., a-.J
a hurire. trip wis t . t5.-
dej.of JTsJ m ti'Te to -e tfiJ
light- on the of th t.-a: .
li-ap-;.eari'-,g m tli di-tj5 . Th
f-T th-
arc. -d r;!y
i;M i d it.
party dee:dd t
ui-'f.iir.z tra.a n
v.i!ed in th dep.-t
n thy ward-red
I th P.urlnstori t i?,..r.
turned h rn on No. C.
a "el r--
Smmtl Tract Top Sab.
A -mall tract of Ian I. 13 arr.
2i rr.; ?r.t;that of P'a'ti
rno'ith. f-r sa. Fcr crtiru:rf
2-12-tfwkIy in juire cf Nancy J. R.cbar Isoa.