The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 26, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Ladies' Silk Underskirts
In new spring shades in Kelly Green, Mahogany,
Russian Blue, Alice Blue, Wisteria, American Beauty
and Brown.
Prices $1.50, $2.50, $2.75
and $3.00
Popular Cass County Young Peo
ple Wedded in This City Yes
terday Afternoon at 1 :30.
MliMi mm
IT ilfiiL&rj
Playwright Taken for Real Crook
1 In Quest for "Atmosphere"
Poor Markmanship of Cop
per Saved Author.
Paul Armstrong", author of the
""Deep Purple," which comes to
the Parniele on Saturday ni?ht,
February 28, is a rreat stickler
for realism. In seeking his
"types'" and "atmosphere" for
the play, Armstrong managed to
fret in the pood graces of the
chief of a New York "mob" of
"dips." Armstrong played the
part so well that he was allowed
to attend a secret meeting: of the
clan held in a Hat in Upper New
Hut Paul didn't know that the
police were "wise." During the
progress of the meeting; the blue
eoals appeared and proceeded to
raid the place. The crooks lost
no time in making their getaway
through the windows. Arm
strong followed the crowd, but
was unfortunate enough to re
ceive a bullet in his left leg".
Captured and taken to the hos
pital, Armstrong- had some
trouble in convincing the author
ities that he was not a dyed-in-the-wool
crook. The flat in which
the episode occurred was the
original for that in which the
main scenes in "The Deep Pur
ple" take place.
Mrs. Britt Much Better.
After an illness of severa
weeks Mrs. Annie Dritt was able
to be down town today, and her
large circle of friends were very
much pleased to see that she was
feeling" so much improved in
health. She has been suffering
from an attack of lumbago, ami
this malady has been a most
painful one, but Mrs. Britt is
greatly improved and her friends
are trusting that she will not ex
perience another attack of this
The King of All Laxatives.
For constipation use Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka,
of Buffalo, N. Y., says they are
the "king of all laxatives. They
are a blessing to all my family
and I always keep a box at home."
Get a box and get well again.
Price 25c. At Druggists or by
mail. II. E. Bucklen & Co., Phila
delphia or St. Louis.
from Tuesday's Dally
The interest in the--Plaits-
mouth Business college is - still
growing and the enrollment of
the scholars still continues.
Four more students have ar
rived from Kansas to attend the
school here, and their coming
here is proof of the fact that the
school is all that has been claim
ed for it, as these students know
the college and the instructors,
and so well satisfied are they
with the work of the college that
they have come all this distance
in order to complete their work
in the school. Claude Coackley
of Mayetta, Elean Stanley, James
Doyle and John Wilkensori of
Ilorton, Kansas, are among" the
new students, and their coming
here is a very high compliment
to the college and the able in
structors who preside over the
work of the school. Plattsmouth
has long needed ?.n institution of
(his kind, and the new college
fills a long-felt want in the
educational line that in time the
citizens will realize will be one of
the biggest things that has been
brought to the city, as it alTords
the young men and women a
most excellent place to study and
qualify themselves for a career
in the business world and pre
pare them to All any position to
which they may be called in the
future. The Plattsmouth Busi
ness college is a big" thing; and
should be fully appreciated.
ilk I
pip I
(112' i
NEXT Saturday
night, February
28th, will wind up
our Clearance Sale of heavy
suits and overcoats. We're
going to make this last week
the most interesting special
price event ever offered to
the men of this community.
Disregarding former
values entirely, we
will offer you the
choice of any overcoat in the
store garments that are
worth from $15 to $30 will
clear this week 1 A
at, each b HJ
Any novelty winter
weight suit, former
values $15 to S30
this week, each
Beginning next week
the first week in March,
our attention will be de
voted to spring and sum
mer goods.
Shirts :.
Yesterday afternoon at 1:30
o'clock, at St. Paul's church, in
this city, was performed the
ceremony mat united tne lives
anil hearts of two of the popular
young" people of the county, Mr.
Clarence K. Meisinirer and .Miss
Luella L. KalTenberger.
The wedding was a very simple
yet impressive one, performed by
Rev. J. II. Steger, pastor of the
church, and the bridal couple
were attended by Miss Edna Mei-
singer, sister of the groom, and
Messrs. Mike and Fred Kaffen-
berger, brothers or tne bride.
Miss Kaffenberger was gowned
very handsomely in pale blue
chiffon over silk and carried a
very handsome bouquet of bride
.osps, wnue tne groom was
clothed in the conventional black.
The wedding party, after the
ceremony, departed for the home
f the bride's parents, near Cellar
Creek, where a very elaborate
o'clock dinner was served to the
party and a number of the close
relatives of the newly wedded
pair, ihey will in the future
make their home on a farm near
Cedar Creek.
The bride is the charming and
accomplished daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Adam KalTenberger, two
of the worthy residents of this
part of the county, and she has
been brought up among the
cenes where she will make her
future home and where her
riends are without limit.
The groom is a very fine young
lan of splendid character and is
he son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C.
eisinger, and like, all of his
amily, he is among the most re-
iable young farmers in the
county and well liked by all who
ave the pleasure of his ac
uaintance. To the newly wed
ed couple the best wishes of
hundreds of friends will be ex-
ended and that they may have
11 the happiness they so well
eserve is the wish of the Juor-
For Everybody.
Mr. John S. Holly of McAdoo,
'a., judged right our specialty
which for many years is so well
nown to our families. He
writes as follows: "I received
our handsome calendars, for
which please accept my sincere
thanks. I wish to add that Trin-
r's American Elixir of Bitter
Wine is very good for all kinds
f diseases and that it gives a
good appetite. This remedy
hould be in every household. It
hould be recommended to every
ufferer, because it is good for
verybody. Yours truly, John S.
oily." It is an undeniable fact
lat this remedy is good for
everybody, because it creates a
eallhy appetite, regulates the
igestion and keeps the bowels
lean. At drug stores. Jos.
riner, Manufacturing Chemist,
333-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chi-
ago. . lor rheumatic and
euralgic pains use Triner's
When baby suffers with croup,
apply and give Dr. Thomas' Ec-
ectic Oil at once. Safe for chil-
ren. A little goes a long way.
5c and 50c. At all drug stores.
We offer the following
goods at 20 per cent discount:
Furniture of all kinds.
New and second-hand
goods. - - .j.
In the new goods line we
offer all our
Furniture, Ranges and
Oil Heaters, Perfection 4
Cookers and Ovens.
Mattresses, Beds, Springs
an Cots. .3.
Sanitary Couches and J
Pads. - -
Rugs df all kinds.
Suit Cases and Trunks.
Also a :. good second,
.hand piano at a bargain if
taken soon. . '
Call and see our lino be
fore buying elsewhere.
Yow Friend
Ip You ef Vi
W Give Oorif icdcs with every cash purcnase made at ur wiji haye
many thousand dollars worth of these certificates in its possession. It will be easy
for you and your friends to secure a large percentage of these certificates if you get busy at once.
Line Up Your Friends
and collect a greater amount than anyone else and so secure for your very own,
this expensive instrument.
Here is a short description of this magnificent Segerstrom piano: It is a large size instrument, measuring 4 ft. 9 in. in height. 5
ft. 2 in. in length and weighs, boxed ready for shipment, over 800 lbs. The finest materials and most experienced workmanship have
produced in the Segerstrom an instrument execellent in tone, power and appearance. The case design is very beautiful. It is adorn
ed with rich carvings, standing out in bold relief, indicating artistic elegance. The surface of the instrument attracts at once with its
deep mellow color, polish and resplendent as a mirror. The keyboard is a wealth of genuine ivory keys. The action is easy, elastic
and responsive. The piano has a fine, full singing tone, at once deep and tender, capable alike of producing spectacular musical effects
and of yielding the softest, dreamiest melodies.
This elegant piano compels admiration for its massive showy qualities, and likewise proves itself friendly to the deepest, tenderest
feelings of the heart. It will win its princely way in any home. .
It is installed in thousands of the best homes, conservatories, educational and religious institutions in the land and is well and
favorably recommended by leading public men, women and institutions; by musicians, teachers and ctLer excellent judges of musical
instruments. Ask to see the portfolio containing these recommendations.
it For
Your Home
This piano will make your home more
attractive for yourself, for the rest of
the family, and for your friends. It will
beautify the parlor, keep the children at
home; teach the daughter a fine accom
plishmentj make home life pleasant to
the son, entertain your friends, brighten
the lonely hours, and promote sociability
and good fellowship.
Your Society
If not for yourself, then you will want
this piano for your lodge, liteiary society,
school room, church or Sunday schooL
A piano will secure a larger membership.
bring out the members every meeting.
make the program more impressive, aad
to the beauty of the room, and promote
the friendship of all members.
Hiow fo
Cu out the coupon at the bottom of this advertisement, fili it in properly, mail or bring
it to our store. Then buy your goods at our store, get your friends to buy, and have your
friends get their friends to buy. Collect all their certificates and place them to your own
credit in our store ballot box. With your friends' help you can secure several hundred dol
lars' worth of certificates every week. The piano will be given to the one securing the
greatest number of certificates. Contest will start Monday, March 2, close Oct. 1, 1913
Our Prices Will Remain as Low as Ever!
REMEMBER: It will not cost you one penny more to trade with us.
Our prices stay just as low besides, we oiler many special bargains.
Our goods will still be of thoroughly reliable quality, and our styles
and patterns all modern and at the height of fashion. There is
every reason why you should do all your trading at our store.
Play on ittest it, then enter your name in the contest
" and commence saving certificates.
lyjl ..lyjM-HBS?-
Soger) Msinni
Bring to the Store Today
EI. M. SOENNICUSEN, I'lattsraouth, Nebr.
I wish to nominate as a candidate in your Piano Contest
I understand this is merely a nominatton not a vote and
does not obligate me in any way.
Date Address