The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 16, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE , 2.
Here it is
We are now making a Final Clearance of
of our Boys Suits and Overcoats at
just two prices
$2 and $3
This is Worth While
TO ANY BOY who will show this ad to five
fathers of boys, get their signature to that
effect and bring them to our store we will
give such boy choice of an aviator cap, a neck
tie a ball bat or a pair of dumb bells FREE.
This offer is good to March 1st. Get busy.
From Saturday's Dally.
Tlio first man to get out into
Returns Homo Today. Files Suit to Quiet Title
From Saturday's Dany. Today in the district clerk's
Mr. and Mrs. David Wyckman office a suit was Hied entitled A-
ann son, jonn, who nave been rirCw OIso vs. Julia FIakin. M.irv
x iMi iiiH nere wan iriends ana i,. Fnote Jnmoo r.lnrk n.nvi.i n
... !.:. i . . - , i "
iciauxes ior me pasi u-w xveess, c ark. Charles O. Clark. AUin
rcltiriioii to their homo in Brain- i;iark and Mnrv Clark. The .nt
aid, Minn., today. Mr. Wyckman h lo nuiet tillo to n .,r
is u brother of John yckman nronertv which the Hamtur ha
ana airs. n. 31. fcoennictisen, and had possession of f..r the past
lesiueu nere u i in len years airo. i t .. . ,
M, ,. . i . .. ' jrw iiui.i u in im nun i. it' ir
t..u ii. .mm Mi pwien no moved to Minnesota, ami f.-ndants have a Maim wm r.
mo voters of Cass county can i course lias a great many niorfRape given in 1883 by th
strike him, is Colonel Andrew F. 1Ilt(i wm t-'rc mucn pioasca hon ownor f thn pmnerlr. Th
Hturm of Nehawka. who last ln se J family, all of rdaintifT is renresented in Mo mt
evening tiled his fee wilh County w,,(,m ery effort to by Attorney C. E. TeiTt of WV.p
Treasurer W. K. Fox to entitle m,lK0 UH' v,su ni ,u no,,ie a ling Water
1 . .. I .. 1 ......... 1 rfl . : 1 I I I CT
nini to appear on Hie primary i""""1"' ip h-
ballot as a candidate for the re- "leinoer tneir visit nacK. to tne old riles Complaint.
publican nomination for the oflico ,,miu? 1,1 i'lausinouin. ami are Tilis ,Mriiiiiir romrdnint xin
of state senator from Hip Second I ortainly very thankful to the nhd U1 n, 0fn,.,' of Jii-t jr.. M.
senatorial district, composed of ,Ma,,y niends for their excellent Archer by the county att,rn-v
flVr th f !!' inZ v
From Friday's Dnlly.
The Itainey Mad Kxrhange has
gheu the first public test of the
dex jee, the inxention of Floyd
Hainey, a former IMattsmouth
man, and a brother of W. II
Hainey and rdiief of police lien
Itainey of this place. The mail
catcher is lo be placed on mail
cars and catcher (he pom-he
from Hie stands at small stations
wtiero the mail trains do not
make flops. The tests that were
imtde in Chicago were, according
to the stories of eye witnesses at
the test, most successful, and
they were nil very enthusiastic
oxer the outcome of the tests
made and their statements were
that the mail catcher met fully
the demand for a device that
would exchange llrst-elass mail
baci from fast moving trains
without mishap, mutilation to the
mails or loss of time. Parties
from Iowa and Nebraska, amonp
them bankers and capitalists,
were prevent at the test, coins to
Chicago in a private car over the
Hurlinalon. The Hainey Mail
Kxehnmre is largely a Nebraska
company, and one in which n
number of Plaltsmonlh people
are interested. The oillcers are;
Thomas II. Pratt, Lincoln, presi
dent: Henry F. ?oos, Plalts
monlh. iee president; Henry It.
Serine. Omaha, treasuier and
freneral manaeer; Samuel Orloff,
Omaha, secretary.
Gets Thirty Days In Jail.
From Hattmlay's Dally.
Yesterday Jake, Plybon. tho
gentleman from Nehawka, who
was charged with drunkenness
and disturbing the peaco at that
place on last Sunday, will have an
opportunity to think over his
shorlcomiiiKs in the county jail,
as he drew a prize of thirty days
in jail. At n previous visit lure
on the jsarne charpre he was fined
and the court concluded it would
be a tfood thinsr to let him liriKer
in the bastile for a few days until
he could have on opportunity to
realize the evil of his ways.
1 . .. j. A-
i.ass ami utoe counties. Mr.
Sturm is one of the prominent
men of Nehawka and has been
quile active in politics for th
past few years and is very well
liked in his home, where he is
prominently identified in the
business life of the coiumunilv
This is the first sign f the ap
proaching campaign ami doubt
less other prospective seekers af
ter tin suffrages of the voters
will Met. busy and shie "their hats
into the ring," but as yet there
has been I idle said or done in
this direction, but it is a long
time before the skirmish of the
primary election and many will
have time lo think it over. Wilh
the tiling fee of Mr. Sturm was a
the names of
a large number of the voters of
the countv.
entertainment while here.
Sells Number of Incubators.
From Satur.l.ty'n Dally.
0car WiHon, the Sixth street
harber, who in addition to his
barber shop. js also the atrcnt fr
the Kayo incubator, has been very
successful in disposing of a
number of machines and brood
ers to thoe interested in this line
of work, and whocxer has used
the Kayo speaks in the highest
terms of ibis excellent machine.
Just a few days ajro he sold an
incubator and brooder to Mrs.
ilenry Horn of near Cedar Creek,
and one to Mrs. C. V. Vallery of
near this city, and these ladies
x ill try out the machines on the
spring crop of chickens. The
fachine is one of the mo4 simple
on the market and been
found xery successful by those in
this city xho haxe secured them.
Try the, Journal for slalionerx.
From Saturdays Dally.
lhe mad dog scare which for
the past few days has been at
tracting attention, is still on in
full blast and already sexeral of
the stray canines of the city have
paid the penalty for being found
running at lifrge and oil the
others which are found on the
streets xxill be executed without
warning. It is time that a large
percent of the useless animals
that have been accumulating in
the city be done awav with, as
they have become a nuisance on
the streets, it being impossible
to go up or down the street xvith
out seeing a large gathering of
these useless animals engaged in
flchting, and one place in par
ticular that seems to have been
selected for the animal to con
gregate is the court house lawn,
where in the summer they Hock
in droves, both day and night,
and it is not surprising that the
authorities have become tired of
this and started in on the
slaughter The danger from the
spread of lhe rabies among the
animals is one that cannot be
overlooked and if you value your
dog you would do xvell to keep
him tied up.
From Saturday's Dally.
The following from the World
Herald from Lincoln gives tin
substance of the opinion of the
state supreme court in the much Petition filed with
litigated case of i. O. W illiam
son of Murdock, who xvas granted
a license to operate a saloon in
that xillage after one attempt
had been overruled by the district
court and the last license xvas
sustained by the district court.
after the remonslralors had tiled
a petition alleging that ther
were not sunicient signers to the
"Count of resident freeholders
in the xillage of Murdock, Cass
county, had to be made before,
justice could be meted out in the
"5. S. S." MEMBERS
From Satunlay'a Dally.
The members of the
enjoyed a delightful
From Saturday's Dally.
In the county court a petition
has been filed by John Murray
asking for the appointment of a
guardian for his father, Leonard
C. W. Murray, who for the nasi
few years has been blind and un
able to transact matters as he
should, ami in xiew of his en
feebled condition the familv haxe
thought it necessary to take these
steps to protect the old gentle
man. The court has grunted the
prayer of the petition and named
Frank Spanpler as the guardian
of the aged gentleman, and the
court also in addition granted an
order giving permission to the
guardian to sell the personal
properiy oi .Mr. .xiurrax- in order
that the proceeds michl be ap
plied to his care and main
A petition nas also been bie-i
asking for the probating of trie
last xvill and testament of the
late Mrs. (Serlrude M. Wilev. of
near Murray, wbo was for xears
atrainst Sandy Andrew, charging
him xvilh druukenne and aNo
xvith havinir taken a t-am and
buggy helontrinsr to I"bd Me
Cart, and driven it around Sat
urday night xbil. the owner rxa
at a dance in the south part of
the city. The younir man will be
arraigned probably on Wedne..
day before the justice of th
good at I'D pr cent discount:
of all ki;id. -I
sec-nd-baiid v
!s we
J New and
J. g.Kd-.
J In the new
-I- ofTer all our
Z Furniture,
St oxen.
I- Oil Ib-ater-. perfection
Cookers and Oven.
I- Matt re,e-, I5.d-. Sprir.-s
an i'.r l.
5" Sanitary nurhe ar.d
J Itu-- of nil kin-!.
i Suit i;.T' i ar d Trunk.
v AN a v I """.'U
V Tiand pi ri- at : if
taken oMin.
Call and ir be
V f-re b'jjir: c!.i-,fii-r'.
MIts. n. p. MoNohk.
Deserved Success.
Paul Arm-tronu'- great f .I t-.
"The Deep Purple." richly .!
serves the great iipiv that ha
fidloweil it ever r-ince :ts initni
performance. No day m th- !r-t
fifty years ha et j pb- t.
thinking so deeply a ha- tI::-
Frank Cloidt Sick.
This morning Frank A. C!-'dt.
the accommodating nn.ii.-x- -rd-r
clerk at the pn-tort'ice. i reported
on the sick list and he seem- t-
be sutTerinc from the f..
grij'pe that has been aftlirtin -
many or in.- r-si:eut : ttie citx
in the pat few xxeek-. The many
frieml- of Mr. Cloidt are trufir:-
inai ne xu i s oii recoxer irom
his imlipoit inn antl 1 aide i
rcMime his duties at the p.--t
brought against O. J. William
son. The applicant contended;
that there were only fiftx--sex en :
case party in their club rooms on a prominent resident of that lo-
Remembp that the Cosmopoli
tan club will give another of their
pleasant social dances on on Sat
urday evening at Coates hall, and
as this will be the laet dance be
fore Lent, everyone should tako
advantage of the occasion to attend.
Hfc. 1 . . .
iiiursuax- exeinng. i ue rooms
xvere tastefully decorated m
hearts of numerous sizes in
the remonstrators said there! eommeration if the occasion
were sixlytwo. xxhi e the court W hen all the member arrive.!
found an even llfty-eight of them, the evening's feslixities xven
Under the law then requiring a (opened bv several vocal and in-
m.ijoinj hi me resi.ienis to sign sirumeniai selections. These
a petition for a saloon license, xvere followed bv games, one of
Thirty names were on William-Kxhieh xvas a large xvhite heart
son's petition, but the high bench xvith a small red one placed in tin
round one or these to be x illiam- center, and each person beimr
.-mi in- rtim ii un iiici inai sue iunnoiuei xvas given a pin xviin piano recital of the Fnixeritx
i" inn iUHiiuei io sign. nence wnicn to pierce the heart as near Reboot of Moie of I ine.dn Veb
the twenty-nine names is not a the center as possible. The win- bv Mr. Arx'id Samuelson. Those
majority or me llfty-eight resi- ner xvas awarded a large valen
. i i r.. . .i i . I . . . .. ..
'' iioiu.-rs ami me couri line. Anottier inieresimg amuse
reverses the lower tribunal's ment was xvhen each person was
judgment and says the Murdock I given a xvhite heart witli the
xillage board xvas not wilh power xxord valentine xvrilten across il
io issue a license to Hlianison." and told to derive as many words
as possible from it in ten min-
ays $5 for His Good Tlmo. jutes. When the time xvas up it
From Saturday' Paiiv. I was found one member had fifty
Thi morning Levi Kverelt, I "uds and he xvas aw arded n
claiming to be from the vicinity (valentine alo. At a late hour a
of South Hend. xvtts brought be- delicious luncheon xxas served.
fore Judge Archer to answer to (after xxhieh all departed for their
the charge of being in a stale of homes, hoping to have many
canty. l lie instrument names
Mrs. A. Ioxe Asch. William Van
Huren and F.mmett Purxinance
as the administrators of the
Faculty Piano Recital.
Miss Kittie Cummins an-
nounces for Ihursday. I ebruary
10, at S o'clock p. m. sharp, at
her residence studio. 02 First
avenue, the third annual faculty
music-lovers who were fortunate
enouuh to have heard Mr. Sam
uelson last season xvill rejoice to
FOR S.M.i: A pure l-nd boa
and pure bred Poland China w
out of Uordor's herd. wei'h
irom io ioo i:s. rrn-e rr
the two. ?75.on. See tb.-m at mv
Pen Iecker, Platfsmou'h
The last dance before Lent will
be given on Saturday evening at
Coates' hall by the Cosmopolitan
club and the public Is cordially
Invited to be present on this oc
intoxication, and xvas unable to
persuade the stern represent,
atixe of the law as to his in
nocence, and as a result, xvhen lie
left, the presence of the judge he
left xxilh him a $5 bank note to
cover the outraged feelings of
justice and went on his wax- re-
ia-vv-w. . Wa fc
j'mciiik inni ne nan iareo no
worse for bis shortcomings in
the line of overindulgence
more such enjoyable occasions.
1U- special arrangement the
know of his return engagements Ratekin Seed House of henan-
Ml matriculated pupils admitted J doah, Iowa, will mail a onv of
free. A cordial invitation is cx-Jtheir Hig 1P14 Illustrated Seed
tended to the general public. Ad- Hook, and a sample of their fam
ous "Diamond Joe's H,:g White"
seed corn that ha a rec rd of
over 0 bushels per acre, free to
ex cry reader of thi paper wh-
may be interested in the crop
they plant. This bo..k is a com
plete compendium of farming
and farm and garden see.J. it
tells how to grow bic crops and
f eetj
mission, 23 cents. C-12-7td-2tw
A Xery ;! n ir.t - .
-ix-n Mr, pfnl.p Tn'-!
thirty. i. .r.lh birth ! .y a :
ai.-. by a l.ire :.'i?ii-r
friend a: i itU- r -
x.-nt wi,i I - r r:
iiio.f p!e.i..-i!.!! by ail t!i
p:e.-nt ..-j ih.-
Th" .i Tir w.t a; r t -Full
I;.'. tr ard !:.
ni:i w.i- h r-ts.''.-'- -the
f Ij r b
Ca-l ll Xa- fie .f the
lhtful h-; i in ba:
ho..,J f..f .:(!. t;r;ie. "I
mw wa- -pent tii i:-.
appropriate b nr. w,
f l.'-r
i ' !
rj -i-.
; t:i-
'; :! erj
lii"iis Ii:r,e
ur- .f lh' ee-:iri--.
Were pIe-.-r;t a: thi- j
w.-re: M r- a:,l
H.irx.y H ir.-e;-. H.i.-ry
Will s-jirt .i:?d it
I-rn a:iI f.inniy. Fra
jr.. rrani ltd-r. -r
Au.'u-t Kei!. M . Aie.'re
brt. Mi-en Mflrie :
Marie ! r, it. N- ra i::.
M irar-t Tnt' h. Fr-i" t
Alio- T-fhirr:i. V
T-cfi.rr-ii. AI F r P..-bert J-r.;.-i
!Ia-.ilNI. lie.-r-- ott.. p. t.-r- .t.
M - i-i
e : i
'.:.!.: a;
l .1 !'
p - 1-
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:.v. I
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H K-r.
-v -'-
. 1 J
. . . lll 1. l 1. - . . :
ik iii.ti-iiiinr in lhe ..lllee ..fl' uoui ie-i UIinH'"
The Journal ads pay.
Buy your stationery at
Journal office.
ii f
Iron Glad Vagons
John Dccrc Iron Clad
wagons have back of
them the reputation
of John Deere goods
the best the market
iiVsa,;, anords.
waron ere
and thoroughly sea
soned stock not
John Doere Iron Clad Wagons are guaranteed to be made of best material that -can be ob
tamed and all work is lone by the best skilled workman. Now is the ideal time to look this wa
gon ox er thorojghly-see all the good points of merit, and allow us to explain to you the tfener.
al makeup of this wagon. " '
from Saturday rnv.
I he Past duels, of the Degree
of Honor xx ere entertained most
pleasantly yeslerdav afternoon at
the charming- home of Mrs. J (1.
Peterson on lower Main street,
and the hostess xxas assisted in
dispensing- the gracious hos
pitality of the day by Mesdames
lieorge Thomas, F. 3. Kgcnberg
er and James Donnelly, and the
afternoon xvas pronounced one of
the most odlightful that the
members of this orjranizal ion
haxe participated in for some
time and the tadies, xvith their
needlework and delightful social
conxersalion, 'whiled nxx-ax- the
passing- hours in a very pleasant
manner. A delicious and tempt
ing: t riree-course luncheon xvas
sei-xed at nn appropriate hour.
xxhieh iroughl to a close one of
the most, enjoyable afternoon
There xxas a larg-e number of the
members present and all entered
thoroughly into the delights of
the occasion and xvere entertain
ed in thai pleasing: manner that
is so characteristic of the gather
ings at the "Peterson home.
Clerk of the District Court James
Robertson a petition in eject
men! xvas filed entitled James
IngAverson xs. Richard H. Ingwer
son. et al. The plaintifT alleges
in his petition that he lias a legal
title in premises as tenant in
common xvith the defendants, of
the east one-half of the north
west one-quarter, and the north
half of the one-half of the north
east one-half of the southwest:
one-quarter of section 11. and
the south one-half of the north
east one-half of the northwest
one-quarler of section 14. all in
township 10. range 11. He also
rtsks that he be gixeu the sum of
!??0 for rents durine the year
1913, xxhieh the plaintiff claims
he is entitled to.
corn for your locality; a!-o Seed
Oats, Wheat. Parley. Sprltr.
(Irasses, CI oxers. Alfalfa. Pasture
and Lawn Mixtures. e, d Potatoes
and all other farm and car-den
seeds. This seed lk is worth
dollars to all in want of seeds of
any sort. It' free to ail our
readers. Write f,.r it and men
tion this paper. The d re-s ;
Shenandoah, Iowa. Box 227.
Farm i f 121 are. 51, r
northea-t of l ! a --re
and. " ar- pi!;re ;;.!..t.
ei in cult ;x 1! j. n - u!J irpr'-v-
ed. Pnee ri-ht if taer at or.C.
Inquire at thi lice.
C-2-tf--l v
Smoke "Ken" cigars.
$100 Reward. 5100
. It r
A reat Production.
From our many exchanges we
lind nothing- but praise for lhe
elegant production given by the
Cellitied Amusement Kilter-prises
in their presentation of Paul
Armstrong's great story play.
"The "Dm p purple." This city is
fort uncle in securing- this or-
For Infants and CMldren.
Tfcs Kind Yea Rare Always Zzzgll
Sears the
Sintwe of
You may need an
and we want to inform vou
that dates can be made
at this office for
gol. ivr.i. ounrj
the Weeping Water Auctioneer
Carefal Attention to Public Sales
VOU' VE had a good many
emphatic statements
from us during the past weeks, about
the very unusual values we're offering our friends.
Some of you have taken our word lor it; the mere
fact that the goods are in this store in enough fcr
lots of men; we're lad to say we have a ood deal
of that sort of trade.
But maybe some of you would like
to have us demonstrate the truth of
our statements, that never before were such values
offered to the men of Piattsmouth. We can do it
There's proof of it in the fine suits and overcoats we
are selling at 50.50. 513.50 and S17.50 at a savin of
from 30 to 50 per cent.
Manhattan !Zffs- Q?rf?lSZ&
Shirts ' " ' Jj
Rates are Reasonable