1 - V. PAGE 12. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, FEERUARY 12, 1914 Men! If you are in need of a pant, suit, overcoat, hat, shoe, shirt, collar, necktie, overall, etc.. look over the items below and come down to this sale and save money. All Overshoes must go during this sale and the prices will make them go. Any pair of overshoes, whether men's, women's l7Qr, or childien's, during this sale I C u ' II ... n i..-gwwi wwg'.w ji. .jm. awaw -iw - - Our Sale has now been on for over a week and business so far done was merely an introduction to the real sale that starts Thursday, morning, February 12th. During this sale we intend to clean out clear every dollar's worth of heavy goods that may be in the store to MAKE ROOM for a brand new stock of Spring Goods that we expect in most any day. We are satisfied that the GREAT BARGAIN OFFERINGS will help to gain our achievement. 1 Men's good heavy sweater coats a dollar seller 4c per yard For standard make calicos 4c per yard For Apron Ginghams 7c per yard For fancy dress Ginhams 6c per yard For 12c Outing Flannel 6c per yard For good bleached toweling 8c per yard For wide unble'ch'd tow'ling 12c per yard For good sateen 10c per yard For fine dimities 19c per yard For silk waistings 29c per yard For 50c silk 59c peryard For good dollar messaline 69c per yard For 36-inch silk A few lots of Moire ribbons all colors, regular 15c seller 2c yd 2c For ladies handkerchiefs 4c For men's handkerchiefs 7c For fine infant hose 9c For Ladies fleeced hose 10 c for child's wool mittens 11c for men's fancy hose 13c for 20c ladies stockings 15c for boy's mittens 19c for Men's all wool sox 23c for ladies wool mittens 39c for women's overgaiter 45c for men's heavy leggins Men's dress shirts, soft col lars, small sizes READ EVERY ITEM OF THIS BILL CAREFULLY, AND compare it with any bargain you were ever offered and when you do that it is a ten to one bet that YOU WILL COME STRAIGHT TO THE SAMPLE STORE and take advantage of this extraordinary event that starts Thursday, February 12th, and will continue till we have cleaned out all heavy goods. All Men's Suits and Overcoats At Less than Cost of Raw Material $4.45 $9.75 12.45 $3.95 $9.75 All-Wool Suits, worth to $7.50 Made in Splendid Wool fancy Serges, Worsteds, etc . . . AH Wool Suits, worth to $22.50 Splendid Serges, Cassimeres, Worsteds, Mixtures, etc . All-Wool Suits, worth to $32.50 j Here you find the cream of the stock t High-grade Overcoats, worth $10.00 Well made, heavy, long, good serge linings High-grade Overcoats, worth $25.00 Some reversible military collars others plain, Boys' Knickerbockers Suits worth to $7.50 $2.00 Just 25 Suits in lot All-wool worsteds. . Men's "Headlight Overalls Sold all over for $1.00 sale price : 89c Ai w omen's Skirts & Waists At Remarkable Values Samples of Skirts, worth up to $2.00 In whipcords, panamas. and checks 95c Dress Skirts, worth up to $3.50 $1 AC Made in Corduroys, Whipcords all colors piTJ Dress Skirts, worth up to $5.00 $9 Q1? These are handsomely made O 3.95 Black Silk Waists, worth to $6 $9 Long and short sleeves all sizes JfcirtJ Finest Dress Skirts, worth to $8. These are as fine garments as you get anywhere Ladies' and Misses' All Wool Sweaters Worth up to $3.00 during A C this sale DC Children's Knit Hoods Sold all over for 75c during Q Q this sale, only JOC SHOES 1 H tj I if r For Men 1 7f For Men's Heavy A.I AVork Shoes. for black or tan button or lace. $2.15 10 ft for men's good $2 solid work shoes. OC for real fine Dress Shoes. SHOES! Children's Shoes 50c Baby Shoes ..35c S1.00 Children's shoes .. 69c $1.25 Child's Shoes 89c $1.50 good, heavy child's shces $1.10 S1.75 boys' School shoes $1.35 $2.00 girls' shoes real solid $1.45 $2.25 Misses' school shoes $1.65 $2.50 young ladies' shoes $1.95 $3.00 Real fine misses shoes $2.15 SHOES! For Women $1.59 i $2.15 $2.65 Good heavy calfshin 2.50 value, now . . . A line lot of lace or butjon shoes . d O I C for men's guar pj.li anteed black and tan work shoes Goodyear welt. Men's lG-inch high cut boots double sole all through, worth 7.00 $4.95 .V 1 All cloth rubbers for ladies and children of best quality rubber, in all sizes and widths, sold everywhere in the country for $1.00 and $1.25, to close out, only 39c Extra Special Six Ladies Coats left that were sold through the season up to $20, during this sale they go at $3.95 less than the cost or work manship About half a dozen sheep-lined Men's Coats. Not one worth less than $5.00 and some as high as $8.00 at $3.35 during this sale Look! Look! During this sale we intend to close out all of our Sample Waists in Silk Messalines and fine shadow lace every one worth $3.00 to $6.00 as a runner choice $1 .79 Ladies Tan Shoes 3.50, and 3 values Patent leather (J0 OC white kid top. . . . ?0J Ladies' white . dJO QC Nubucks tptfVO Extra fine tan and patent leater shoes "1 C no tips yO.kO A lot of Ladies' lilack and Brown Velvet Shoes 3.50 values V- - v $2.45 Extra Special A lot of Men's and Boys' Sam ple Hats in blacks, grays brown, in telescopes, fe doras and graecos best make Cheapest of the cheap. A lot of ladie3 muslin under wear of the finest swiss embroideries. Every garment worth a dollar bill You can't miss that. I Double thumb husking Mittens 10c rnittens 4c 9c For good turkish towel 15c For 35c neckwear 19c For children's Overalls 23c For heavy suspenders 29c For men's fleeced undYwear 33c For good work shirts 35c For 50c Suspenders 39c For Boys' Knee Pants 43c For good men's gloves 59c For Men's Union Suits 69c For good dollar shirts 79c For heavy flannel shirts 100 Ladies Kimono Aprons, made full all colors 39c For boys' knickerbockers 95c For Men's good pants $1.29 For men's heavy pants $1.48 For men's worsted pants $1.95 For good corduroys $2.15 For good tweed pants $2.23 For grey worsteds $2.85 jFor a $4 Boys' Suit $3.45 For a fine boy's serge suit $3.95 For a fine Cheviot suit $2.45 For fine corduroy pants $2.65 For the finest pants Ladies' one dollar Union Suits all sizes Ladies' Hemstitch ed Handkerchiefs 3c Men's 25c Sus-ders 16c Ladies fleece lined hose 9c Men's Boston and Paris Garter 10c Ladies' black, tan and fancy hose 11c Men's Work Shirts 33c Ladies' hose supporters 18c Men's heavy wool sox 19c Ladies' yarn gloves 13c Men's Arm Bands worth up to 25q Ladies' 25c hosiery 13c Women! If you are in need of a shoe, skirt waist, house-dress, underwear, site, flannel, calico, towels, etc., read the items above and come down and take advantage of this sale. STOKE (After Large Sales and Small Profits) Wetenkamp Building Lower MaJn Street - mil lliiir i A few ladies' hand-bags left and must be closed out during this sale. They are too few to carry in stock and will not " consider cost or valuer Tney range in value from 7f $1.25 to $4. They must all go for. .. . y C mm I 3B