The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 09, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1914.
r. it j k r . Tti till ri i l .1
PRICES, 25c, 35c, 50c
A bat lie of wits tliat is viewed
with intense interest as waged
by a sleuth and a cracksman in
'OHIcfr MO" has made that play
tin most interesting production
given to the American stage in
many years, and easily the most
talked ahoul. It succeeded in
treating a veritable sensation
alien presented in New York and
Chicago last season, where the
interest aroused kept thr? box
office busy and the theaters
crowded during its record run in
the eastern and western me
tropolis. '-Officer GOO" will be
seen for I lie first time in this city
at the Parmt'Ie theater, Wednes
day night, February 11. It is a
jolly good farce, and the secret of
its wonderful appeal may be at
tributed to the riddle that its plot
presents, the solving of which is
accomplished in a perfect maze
of merriment and heightened by
the unfijldinir of a charming love
story that threads' the thr ee acts
of August in MacIIugh's thrilling
detective story.
Smoke "Keno" cigars.
How Is Your Boiler?
It has been stated that a man's
stomach is his boiler, his body is
his engine and his mouth the fire
box. Is your boiler (stomach) in
good working order or is it so
weak that it will not stand a ful
load and not able to supply the
needed energy to your engine
(body) ? If you have any trouble
with your stomach Chamberlain's
Tablets will do you good. They
strengthen and invigorate the
stomach and enable it to do its
work naturally. Many very re
markable cures of stomach trou
ble have been effected by them
For sale by all dealers.
Colds, constipation and head
ache are three common afflictions
and relieving the constipation
helps the cold and stops the
headache. Use Foley Cathartic
Tablets because they are very
prompt and thoroughly cleansing,
with absolutely no unpleasant ef
fects. A whole bottle full for 25
cents. For sale by all druggists.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
The Season's Comedy Hit
A Web of Mystery and Laughter
A Laugh Romanes of Quick-Fire Action
With Plenty of Breathless Suspense
Seals al Veyrich & Hadraba's Sloro NOW
25c, 50c, 75c, SI, 00 and SI, 50
of the country, which was model
ed upon that of the United
States, had been practically sus
pended and he had ruled the land
with a rod of iron. The last two
revolutions which had swept over
that country it had been intimat
ed had been inspired ami financed
by the large oil interests of thisl
country and England, and both of
Continued From First PacrfO these outbreaks had a decided
" M l
The only feature of the lmnquet ,or of kerosene about them and
that occasioned regret was the ll,iU 11,0 companion mm sougm io
fact that Judge liegley of Papil- secure advantages inrougn con-
lion and Hon. Lew Genung cf cp8S,,M,s ironi w e Koerui.ieiii
r.Ienwood were unable, on ac- u" "l i'w'
count of being detained by im- Tm'r len no disposition on
portant legal matters, to be pres. ,no I,art f t"? United States the
ent to add their offerings to the sM'aKt'r assencci, in secure it-r-ni.n.ii.i
list ,,f sneakers ami the ritory by conquest, in Mexico and
auditors, while feeling keenly the ho "V1 .l,uM,vn fho ,an(K
inability of the distinguished UK ricn m weanu, was worm
IF YOU COULD BUY an article that you use every day
for just one-half of the original price, don't you think it would
be a good idea to get one or two for future use even though
you do not need it right away?
speakers to be present, were
treated to a great flow of elo
quence and wit from the speak
ers who were present.
the toastmasier made a very
pleasing introduction on the
speaker assigned to the toast of
The Man Across the Street,
the life of a single American
soldier boy, of which there would
be many sacrificed if armed
intervention was undertaken by
this country, and lie warmly com
mended thea ttiludo of both the
Taft ami Wilson administrations
in keeping their hands olT the
l2 t l 1 I ll il niinilKli1 ortil 111 flllIWlrlCM
T... V 11 Tli.. . I .'. .in mi. I III,-, o.l I .-"'Uim 11 1 1 I'1""" Mint
IlL . J -11. 1'IUIU 11, UllU I 111- tut I ., . , . . ii i ,
. , .. , , . - them to light out their own des-
dress delivered by this eloquent
entleman was one filled with
lofty sentiment and the banquet
ers were given tne benefit of a
speech the hearing of which is
certain to bear fruit in a more
friendlv nnH cordial feelintr he-
- CI I M 1 1 . I 1 I I
tween the business men of the 01 u,e Promem in aipmco ny iei-
I 1.' 11 . 1 . 1 . i 1 1 1. A :
citv nnH the cif irons in cpnpral. "K People ngiit uui men-
nev niniinee mnH n nien for fiiA vn rights in the matter, and he
tinies, and he believed it a wise
and just policy.
The speaker said he believed
the policy as pursued bv the
American government would
eventually result in the solution
IVo Are Going to Offer for 3 Days Only
our stock of COAL HODS for just one-half of the regular price.
These articles are bulky and take up too much room to store
them away, and this prompts us to offer them at these prices:
5 dozen No. 6 Japaned Goal Hods, 30c Values, at 1 5c Each
4 dozen No. 8 Japaned Goal Hods, 35c Vziuos, at 20c Each
7 dozen Ho. 17 Galvanized Goal Hods, 45c Values, 25c Each
La Grippe Leaves Its Victims
Some victims of la grippe
never fully recover the health of
... .. ... ... - . I I Vl 111 crli t I Ii o I in llffinrv I ll ft Otll
cultivation or tne spirit or iei- T 'V"" 'T..: J" the lungs, and persistent cough-
fhrt ,nn f Im uuifcjo on ciriii iiiu ouiieu oiair.i i -, . ,
iiii.ii . ...
in fairness to both !? Is eakening.
The quick ac
and Tar
severe la
Foley's Honey and Tar cured, and
I am back to my normal weight,
For sale by all druggists.
lowshin am oner
. vv ;i r i irnr
city ana a more Keen apprecia- V T "-.S"r Z" tion of Foley's Honey
tion of the needs of others and lacuons, tne icaaers 01 wuom, ne valuable in
.... . .. ea il worn ol.iuit Ilia c a in o I 1,1 aC3 " 'dluaulc 111
now tne cultivation oi mis spirit r "7' ' , T.,7:" grippe coughs. F. G. Prevo. Bed
. a - i i"i i i our ii iiriii a i ut i 11 ir ti ii 111111:111 1 - -
tne lives 01 tne business men lu v...,, . writes "la crinne left
cou.J be broadened and made in- -.h all he ?nod an, tad tra, I, , bSS' m
to nni of 10 rhn cps bless nirs " l,,ai tan-, auu wfiicii uwnu.
fhnt. it U nnssihlA in fakft info lne rebels being of the same race
the human life that of good fcl- so that on ihis score there was
owship. The speaker expressed llllle difference. He did not be
n ,ii.inro nt living in thi cifv licve that it was the best thing
1 1 . 1 T 1 11
and naid it the comnlimpnt of aL i"e nine 10 senu joiiu i.inu 10
Cn-;,i ihn) nnn-iia ho hn.i Dvop Mexico, as he was not familiar
been had he been received so with the language or conditions
cordiallv as here in Plattsmouth, ine country anu unusuea to
hnr h nnH family hari oiio diplomatic usages, but in its
manv friends, and that he an- Policy the administration was
predated to the fullest the kindly deserving of the support of the
feeling shown by the worthy peo- entire country.
pie of the city. His speech was The remainder of the program From Saturday's Danr.
filb-d throughout with a most was occupied with short five- the Presbyterian church of
eloquent appeal for the business minute addresses by different this city, at t heir meeting on
. ... 1 ... . . . I ,...,. ...1. IL.
men 10 cultivate mis spirit oiiu-i 01 aim.-, uo ae m Wednesday evenin" took the
good lellowsnip between tnem-Miori nine auoiea to mem some
selves and with their neighbors very able sentiments
At . 1 M . r I 1
ana ienow townsmen wun wnom Attorney l). U. imTer gave a
they had come in contact. He short appeal for the greater ef
also asked the business men and fort of the individuals in the
citizens to take a greater pride communitv in their lines of busi-
in the institutions of our little ness and in political life and in
city, the schools, the libraries and the getting away from the in
thee hurches that furnished the fluenees of great wealth that has
backbone of the spiritual and in- for yi?ars dominated the country
elleetual life of the city. His re- Attorney A. L. Tidd, in his re
marks ere right to the point and marks, spoke of the work of the
clear-cut in every way and show- club and the need of every man
ed a broad minded view of mat- in the city to enlist in the cause
fers that are of vital importance of the Commercial club and the
matter of the purchasing of a
manse for the use of the pastor
of the church, and finally made
their selection on the recom
mendation of the committee ap
pointed to view the different
pieces of property offered for
sale. The committee, after view
ing a numuer 01 suitable resi
dences, recommended the pur
chase of the residence of the late
Judge H. 1). Travis on Marble
street as a home for the pastor of
What One of Our Lady Residents
Who Had Seen the Play
Says of It.
the First Presbyterian church,
to the life of the city and its upbuilding of the city and great nd the meting, after adopting
people. good could be accomplished in
The nrosrram of speeches wns thn lifn f h rn,- liv iho i.niiarl
' 1 ' 1 . . inv ' ' 1 i m v. ' j biii uiimu 1 it a rrl
enlivened by the giving of a most efforts of all the citizens. There XT P.u.ui.u m n.e p. o,,c. x
pleasing humorous reading by had been much complaint about
ion Windham, one of the talent- taxes, but if the individual citi-
ed vrnincr man nf Ihp niiv tnf itloH I wn a ,,-..1.1 nfUv r ; nrnn
v y - . r ? U A ' I I ' - ' f I !
Tlrttr- Will A nmo Wr H r DofM I i : 4 i luuu'inu im irij iMiMjriu
I V L 1 UllU IMUlU 4 V 111 'OUI'V i
of aterloo," and the manner of so that it could be an object of
he delivery of this most delight- beauty to the city, and he also
ul number made its humor most pleaded for the getting away
effective and was heartily ap- from discontent and to be har
plauded by the large crowd of monious in action.
banqueters. The address of Rev. J. S.
The Commercial club can cer- Steger certainly proved a sur-
tainly count itself fortunate in prise to the friends of this gen-
Travis home is one of the nicest
in the city and has been built
with a view to comfort and is
convenience that can be found in
any home in the city and the
members of the church are very
fortunate in securing this resi
dence as a manse for their min
Try a sack of Forest Rose flour
having secured for one of the tleman, as it was sparkling wilh Jour money refunded tf not satis
peakers at the banquet Dr. Ed- humor, and the different "take-
win Maxey of Lincoln, one of the offs" which he had on the differ-
most eminent authorities on ent prominent reisdents of the
international law in the west and city were thoroughly enjoyed by
also one of the brightest and his auditors.'Tfs stories, told in
wittiest speakers that has ever his own peculiar way, were
been the pleasure of a Platts- laugh-provoking and he kept
mouth audience to hear, and even j everyone in an uproar of laugh
to those who have heard this able her and there was long and con-
peaker before his remarks last tinued applause as the speaker
evening were a revelation and a closed his remarks.
treat much enjoyed, not only by County Attorney C. H. Taylor
his able discussion of the Mexi- was the last speaker on the pro-
can situation that is in the pub- gram of the evening and made a
ic eye as prominently at present, few well chosen remarks in re
but also in the clever and pleas- gard to the Commercial club and
ing numerous remarks with the good work it had accomplish-
which he opened his address, and in th communitv in the dif-
le certainly proved his ability as ferent lines they had taken, and
an after dinner speaker in the by united efforts they had se-
manner in which he touched up cured many improvements in the
the preceding speaker's stories city and in the future greater
and remarks. Dr. Maxey reviewed good could be accomplished by
in brief the causes of the present the club and citizens and by in
unrest in Mexico as that of the dividual effort of the different
temperment of the people and the members great results could be
ack of institutions, such as foreseen. The citizens of the
schools, which would fit the peo- town, Mr. Taylor asserted, could
e for popular self-government, secure any reform they desired if
and the inability of the people they made a united effort, and
through the envirements and race! this they should do.
lemperameni to apply themselves This address brought to a I
to industry and labor, and they close one of the most successful
were prone to takeu p the agita-1 banquets that has ever been held
tions that lead into the revolu-1 in the city and everyone departed
tions that for the past few years to await for the next big time
have dominated that country. I to be stasred bv the Commercial
lghty per cent of the people of club of the city.
exico, the speaker stated, are il-
iterate, and this, combined with! Charles Peacock came in Sat-
the conditions in that country, urday from his farm home and
makes popular government a dif- spent a few hours here looking
ficult matter. Under the regime after some trading with the mer-
of General Diaz the constitution! chants in this city.
That William A. TJradyV pro
duction of "Little WiMiiPii" is i
of the finest plays that she has
witnessed is the nthu.-iat ic
statement of Mrs. CJeorge Dovey.
This expression of opinion by
one of Plattsmoutirs leading
residents, is both infereM ir::r and
timely, for the reason that the
play is booked for the Parmcle
theater and will be presented
there on Wednesday, February
i8, just as Mrs. Dovey saw it last
winter at Mr. Brady's playhous".
one of the most palatial of rs'ew
York's theaters.
"Little Women" is Louisa M.
Alcott's story of forty ears ago.
fold in a clean, fresh drama of
today. The fact that it ran all
last season in New York has been
taken as an indication that a
great portion of I he public si ill
appreciates a wholesome piny, in
spite of the. so-called "crook
dramas" and while slave plays
that have been epidemic for the
last year. The stage equipment
and costuming are delightfully
yld-fashioned. depict intr New
England home life in the early
"f wish every man. woman and
child in Plattsmouth could see
this splendid play," said Mrs.
Dovey in conversation with a
Journal reporb-r today. "It i-
clean and refreshing and there is
not a line or situation in it that a
careful mother would wish to
withhold from her youngest son
or dau-'hl -r. 'I io
of Hlli -oil -!(!
roiii aireij ;m.l I l- 11. i! t r r i .i:! tl
will show it .':(; ;. ii.--.
high-c!.'!s theatrical or.V:;n-- by
patropiinir 'Little Women.'"
Local Kews
Frrm Frii!iy'n Ia!!jr.
Henry k- o "
vo in the city e.?..
with f fie r: rd
pin- Wni -r
l ! .1 s W ! 1
as at S-n. J in ' I.
(ii'orrc and Mi-" L
j-ke retujlie.l tli. n:of
;e!o,(,l. where tl,y
i.-it in-' willi friend .
lit 1
I.e. .
Henry and l.o:iis L.tuten-cti.
Ia-er of St. Pan!. N- l.. are i:i llf
city vi-ilin-' a:ii..i t!,e ...j ac
quaintances ar;! frier T.'ie
Lauteri-c'i.iigep farnil n-.i.i".! is
thi-. county 1 1 i . ; - rear
nir i.
.John It. C. ;! ;. ry. one ..f tn
enf erpri.-iny f.innT f'-onj (If
central part of the county, was
here this rnorr in' !. after
some matters i.f b';-'M . a:d
while lore called at Hi" ."itaal
ofiice for a few i.-iinulc..
Bjy your
Journal oface.
stationery at the
You may neetl an
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this ofTxe for
the Weeping Water Auctioneer
Careful Attention to Public Sales
Rates are Reasonable
a Var fey
During the past few months there has been a great many of our
semi-seekly readers expressed their willingness and desire to be
come readers of the Evening Journal provided we could make the
price $3.00 per year. If we could double our daily list, we can
place the subcription at this price per year, and during the next
30 days we are going to make an effort to more than double
our mailing list by placing the price at $3.00. Remember this
price is only good for 30 days so send in your subscription at once.
f '
i i