The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 05, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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True Bill Returned Against Presi
dent ot Sutton Bank.
False Entries and Misappropriation of
Funds Are Charged in Bill Returned
by Federal Grand Jury May Would
; Be Chaplain.
Lincoln, Feb. 5. An indictment with
tight separate counts v.'as returned by
the federal grand jury here against
M. I Luebben, president of the Sutton
National bank, in connection with tne
failure of that bank some time ago.
The first and second counts charge
false entries of certificates of deposit
and false entries in the journal.
The third count charges an indica
tion of deposits of $15,000 for the Sut
ton National bank through Thomas H.
Matters of Omaha in the Merchants'
National bank.
Fourth and fifth counts charge false
reports t: the national comptroller.
In the sixth court Luebben is
charged with the issuance of deposit
certificates to Thcmas H. Matters,
payable to James Rict.ardson, for $3,
(ao, when neither Richardson nor Mat
ters had money on deposit.
The seventh count charges misap
propriation of funds to the amount of
$150 to be used for the benefit of T.
H. Matters, who had no funds in the
bank and who was indebted to the
bank in the sum of $5,(00. .
Holmes Acquitted of Murder Charge.
Lester Holmes, a colored man of
Clay Center, Kan., was acquitted in
the district court at Lincoln of the
murder of George Wilmeth, a white
man. cf Lincoln, Nov. 15 last. The
testimony went to show that Wilmeth,
who is a member of a prominent fam
ily, insulted the wife of Holmes as
the was walking on the street with
her husband, and that the negro
knocked Wilmeth down, the fall re
sulting in a fracture of the skulL The
pica was self defense.
Going to Rate Hearing.
Railway Commissioner Clarke and
Kate Exrert Powell v ill go to Wash
ington. Feb. 17, to attend a meeting of
the interstate commerce commission,
which will take up the proposition of
rates. The Nebraska commission is
interested in the fourth and fifth class
rates, which govern shipments' from
western Iowa into Nebraska, Colorado
and Kansas, and hopes to get a modi
fication of the rule made which at the
present time discriminates against
these states.
Requisition for Davenport.
Deputy Warden Charles Sullivan of
the Iowa penitentiary appeared before
the governor in company with Warden
Fenton of the Nebraska penitentiary
to secure a requisition for the return
of George Davenport, an Omaha man,
who escaped from the Fort Madison
institution last August and was cap
tured and placed in the Nebraska pen
itentiary. May Would Be Chaplain.
John II. May, pastor of Mt. Zion
liartist church of Lincoln, a colored
preacher, has made application to the
board of control for the appointment
of chaplain of the state penitentiary.
Serum Firm Incorporates.
The Axtell Serum company of South
Omaha has filed articles of ineorpora
ticn with the secretary of state, show
ins a capital stock of $3,000.
Nebraska Federation of Churches
Elects Officers.
Lincoln, Feb. i. It stands every
person in Nebraska who has allowed
his religion to grow rusty to shine it
vr a bit and get it ready for inspec
tion, if the proposition adopted by the
Nebraska Federation of Churches is
carried out.
A survey is to be made of the state,
in fact is already under way, to dis
cover the religious status of every per-
ton in the state. This survey in three
months will show the religious leaning
cf every person.
The following officers were elected
President, J. W. Embree of University
Place; vice president, M. A. Bullock of
Lincoln; executive secretary, E. 1.
Wigton of Fairmont; recording secre
tary, Albert Gordon of IJr.coln; treas
urer, W. O. Jones of Omaha.
The main effort oi the organization
!s to bring about a consolidation of
thurches in places where it would
te?m that one heak.hy church would
Ie better than two or more weak con
Drys Active at Wymore.
' Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 5. The same
old fiqht between the "wets" and
drys" at Wymore has been started
m:d J. R- Spealman, who has .long been
identified with the prohibition move
incut at that place, is circulating a pe
tition for signers to submit the liquor
aucstion at the coming spring muaicl
jat campaign. .;?-. -?,-
' Felt's Property Attached.
" Sunerior. Neb., Feb. 5. Sherifl
Jones, with two appraisers, put an at
tachmcnt on a dozen lots in East Su
perior for the'TSai.k of ex-Governor
Bailer of Atchison, Kan., on notes A
C. Felt had sold lira. - Cashier Felt
may have gone t-i South, America,
where a friend has big ranch.
tXebraska Corporation Gets 3usy on
Loup River Cam.
Lincoln, Feb. 5. Indications point to
lively work in water power construc
tion on the Loup river as soon as
spring opens, according to information
received at Lincoln. -W. E. Doty, of
David City was in the city and said
that he already had a large contract
from the Nebraska Power company for
work In the spring and already has a
large force of men and teams grading
for the canal headquarters and intake
of the company.
The company is one which is backed
by the Doherty interests and its report
for January shows that it spent $1,500
for labor and material, when in pre
vious reports the amount has run
about one-fourth that amount. The re
port also shows that $500,000 in 6 per
cent gold bonds of the company were
delivered to the contractor to con
struct the dam across - the river at
Tre Commonwealth Power company,
which has been the lively rival of. the
Nebraska company, has as yet made
little move toward construction work,
if reports show the true condition, as
about the same amounts are given in
the January report for labor and ma
terial as formerly shown.
Failure to Enforce Female Labor
Lav Is Charged.' ;
Lincoln", Feb. H Governor More
head listened to complaints made by
Omaha peopis'against Labor Commis
sioner Pool, alleging failure of the lat
ter to enforce the law regarding the
employment uf female labor in certain
institutions in Omaha.
Those appearing against Mr. Pool
were W. A. Chrisman, John Tolian and
Attorney William Lynch. Mrs.' Jessa
mine Johnson, a former appointee ot
Mr. Pool as deputy, also appeared-in
tne controversy. '
The complainants said that frequent
complaints had been made to Ccmmis
sioner Pool of violations of the law
which had received little or no recog
nition. ......
Mr. Lynch produced a list of places
which he claimed had been tipped off
to the labor commissioner and asked
Mr. Pool if those places had not been
brought to his notice. Mr. Tool said
he wonld have to refer to his office
records before he could answer,
Mrs. Johnson, said that she had te-
t.orted plaeeH to Mr. Pol which were 4
v.olctins the law and he promised to
get after them, but did not seem to
get action. i
One of the witnesses said had
been report?d to him that Mr. Pool
had said that he desired to get through
his term without making any political
The governor expressed the opinion
that Mr. Pool had not been very dfli-"
gent and had not consulted him re
garding matters which he thought
fhould have been brought to. his no
tice. However, before taking "action,
he would look into the matter per
sonally, going to Omaha in a few tiays
to look up the places of which number
fifteen or twenty were left with him as
worthy of investigation. He hopes to
be able to take action on the com
plaint in about ten days.
J. F. Rourke Elected Director. ,
Baltimore, Feb. 5. J. F. Rourke ol
Grand Island, one of the Nebraska del
egates to the National Canners' asso
ciation, now in convention here, was
elected to the board of directors at an
executive session in the Fifth regi
ment armory.
Steals Milk; Shot and May Die.
Los Angeles. Feb. 5. Henry Linden,
an unemployed laborer, who was hun
gry, lies at a hospital with his life a
probable forfeit for theft of seven hot
ties of milk. Linden was seen by
Frank Dunne, a policeman, at a groc
ery and was shot through the breast.
Do you know that the Journal
off ce carries the finest line of
stationery in the city?
Local fews
From TufsCay's Dai-.y. ''
Mrs, 1. L. Philpot of Weeping
Water is in the city, for a few
days, being a guest of Miss Marie
C. L. Wiles was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where
he "will attend a sale of thorough
bred cattle on the stock market.
Mrs.' Lloyd Heardsley of Red
Oak, Iowa, arrived lust -evei?ing
on ,'u. and w ill be the gnest Of
Mrs. J. M. Johns for a few days:
John, llirz was a passenger this
morning for thy metropolis,
where ho was called to aftenj'l'o
some matters on 'the live stek
market. - ,-
F red ! na n 1 er de i ta f I ea 1
. - - . J- A V 1. 1.-.- - L I
mis morning or i imanar vwi rer
she to visit for the day with
her sifter, Mrs. Mason, , whoIs
lakimr 'treMmeiit Theie with an
Rev. Father "William Higgins
of Manley departed this-artery
noon for his home, after a visit
here with his friend, Rev. Father
M. A. Shine. - . - i
"County 'Commissioner - C." R.
Jordan arrived last evening from
his home at Alvo and will' attend
the meeting- of- the county eoni
missioness today. : - - ' ' "
H. F. Wiles and son were pas!
sengers this morning on No. 15
for'Oniaha, where they will look
after' some matters on the live
stock market!. !
W. T. Adams and TL W. Liv.
ingstun were among the farmers
who were" in 'attendance at the
live stock inarket in South Oma
ha this morning. ".
Roney Fred rich " of. Pekih, Il
linois, js expected', here today for
a short visit with relatives, while
en route to Pierce county for. a
visit with relatives. . ., !
A. M. Searle . came in, this
morning from Monticello, Arkan
sas, - whqre dm hag, been, for the
past two .weeks looking after
some land interests jn that city
. L. ,t Todd' and, family., of the
icinity of Union . departed for
Florida last Tuesday, .where they
will visit. at various points for the
next six weeks... j . ; . ;
Lee Kiiiss of Murray was in the,
city today for a f e w .hours., en
route from his home to Omaha,
where he w ill viit ,fyr; the day
and look after business matter?.
;, Louie, Thmnas departed this
morning, for JJrainard," Neb., to
look after some matters of busi
ness for a .short. time, and. he was
aecompajytd as far .as Omaha, by
- - , - -
his wife.
.Mr.s-.' V.' Smith '.of Murray
and Mif.S'Mablc, Randal! of Chil
Iieothe, Missouri, arrjved this
afternoon and vilj visit here for
a shor time, at.tlie, hoine of C. A.
Raw Is,. and wife.,
,-P. U. .Me' ajnl' wife !and
I... J. Mei;Vingc.'ri(aijd,w in
this, jnoriiiiig,,- frMn. ..-their -farm
hoipe and. worn paviCiLrers on the
early Iiurljngton;-train. .for, Oma
ha, where, they, .will viit for. the
day. m .-. , , . ;
... Miss Jemie ; TmM. .came up
from Union r Sunday, evening, to
attend the fumyral-of the Jato A.
li. Todd;-- Miss Todd was a pleas
ant' caller .at tliisdlice ,and while
to'i.e, ordered., the. Daily Journal
sent, to her address .for a year. ; -
Cj.mnly . Commissioner . Julius
litz departed this, afternoon .for
Central City, Neb,, where he will
attend a big hog. sale, thatj is, lo
take place there tomorrow. -He
will be joined in Omaha by Will
T. Adams, whowU'slso take a
the sale. . . , , , j ;
.A. V. .Penny, and. wife of lrairt
ard, Neb., .who .have, been .here for
a time, visiting .the l(ale
family in this city, departed this
inor!iing..fortheir-.hoine. . ..Thfy
were accompanied home by Lam
bert Lister,. ., who .will . visit- In
Urainard for a .saor.t time. . . . i ; .
. Miss Florence .0ry and little
niece, Alice Sehultz,-departed this
afternoon for. .Pender, .Neb., fori a
short visil.jiwjihf - the Brantner
family... -...They were . accompanied
as -far a,s . Omaha . by. -.Mrs.. Jidin
Cory and Mrs. N..I-ohuilz, yno
will visit there for the day.- ;
J. L. Smith and Mrs. Herman
Smith f the vicinity of Nehawka
motored to this city, yesterday
antl spent .the. day, with the.lal
ter's parents,, Mr, and Mrs. 'J, S.
Hall and friends. While here. Mr.
Smith ca.Hed att .his llice, and. re
newed hisallegianeewilh llie.Old
Reliable.. .. .,. .. -. .. a ',
... J 1:3-. I
F. J. Ilild of the vicinily of
Mynard- ws.jvisjij in this city
loday , ami was a pleasant , caller
a(, this ptiiee, . MrUjldj.was ac
coiupauied by. Messrs. Fd danVe
iner. and Ljmis Friedrich ofiMyr
nard, who deparletl for. .Mjncn,
()kla., where they will .visit .with
friends for a few days. .
From Monday's' I)aiiy '
C. F. Harris of 7near Fniofr was
i'i the city Saturday visiting his
friends and hioling -afUvr -iftftjller
of business.' '''''- -'"-' ,,v'
Miss Iel la FA;ertMV' vis rted 'over
Sunday-'at1 Fnt'in wit'fl 'Irer-' ieta-
tives and friend?', -"' ret urnfitg to
lab I-evening
a T
9 l i
f' - '
- -aurr
Todd- ,f- near MiM-ray
waV- a 'pn s sen ger t h i s n f t er my ;f
for Omaha-, where-he; will ktteiid
lo- s'me- iner"matifrsf-- for a
MiasMary Faalcx.was an
over Sunday visitor in Union with
her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. p. W.
Foster, -returning.' home last
evening on alie Missouri Pacific.
l A- JlQcnand, i:ife. came in
this morning from their home
near Mynard and werepasseng
"erscn"the"eai:ly lurTiiTgton frain
for Omaha, where they will spend
the day. - - . :
Fred Carruth of Fort Morgan,
a.:former plattsmouth man and a
nephew of Mrs. A. 1J. Todd,- ar
rived this morning with the fun
eral party and to attend the fuiu
eral of Jiis uncle, . "
Fred Nolting and wife came in
this morning, from their home,
south of this city, and were pas
sengers on No. .15 for .Omaha,
where, "they will spend the 'day
looking after business matters. .
.Mrs. Charles Creamer and sis
ter, Mrs. J. W. Yardley, from the
vicinity of .Murray, were pas
sengers tiis morning for. Omaha,
where they will visit for the day
and look after business matter?.
James T.Reynolds of Union
was in the city today for a fw
hours looking , after .matters at
the court house and departed on
No. 23 for Omaha, .where he will
visit his son,, who (is ill in that
Robert Shrader, George Nick
els, Miss Truda Long. I5ert Root,
L. I). Hiatt and .F. Jt. Queen, all
of .Murray,.' were, visitors in this
city Friday evening, some coin
ing up to altend'the play, '"Life's
Shop .Window", at the Parmele
theater. ." .. .,
t Mark White'. was ' a imssenger
this moriiiug.. fir (mialia. from
where he goes lo Kansas City to
take, treatment, for.' a short lime
at the, Tloi;nton & jMinor hospital
there.,.' .Mrs, fVhHe. accompanied
him as far as Oinaha.
From Wednestlay's Daily. ,
Judge' J.' K.' lKurgUss departed
this ! 'morning for Louisville,
wfu're he va Valle'd "to lok afler
some legal busines matters' for
a few houfss" l"'" 1 ; '
: " " t .-.)':
1 : Adaiii KafTenberger of the vi
cinity of Cedar Creek, was in the
city today.' for a 'fey hours 'look
ing after '.oijie business with Jhe
merchants; "
.-'.-. .' ' - h. : :: -
' . Henry llrVbner anil A. 'Se.oU
of Murray wew Jn the city hist
evening' .for. a ' few hours attend
ing to 1 matters' of ' business and
calling on their friends..
1 Mrs. II. l)'.',Travi.i,:and 'daugh
ter, Mrs.''A."i.. Cole- ' .were' pa-sengei-fi'
this nOon.'ifor.' 'Nebraska
City,' where ' (hey will 'be the
guest 'or Mr. ahd'Mrtf.' N. C Ab
bott for a few days.".'1"'
' County Commissioners C. R.
Jordan' and C. E'.,IIeelmer return
ed this morning :'from Omaha,
where they -were 'yesterday at
tending the' concrete vorkers
convention in that City.' . ' .
'A. F.' Seybort of'Cullom was in
the 'city yesterday1' ; looking after
shine matters of business - with
the commissioners, as Mr. Sey
beit is the rbad overseer of that
foad district.' -
' ' Loga n' : Coveri of Ilorton,Kan
,fea.,: who has'' becVr visiting his
mother,' Mrs: "'.'' Hot t ic Cnmrnings
and family,1 in fhfs city for the
past few ddys, returned' to" his
home this morning.1
II.' FJ -flecker aMl'' wire find
Philip Becker. and wife were pas
sengers this r morning on ' the
early Hurlinglcrn train for Oma
ha, where they will visit for a few
lioitrs taking inthe sights of the
metropolis ' ''! ' .' '"'" !
'Mr.; John Wiles 'and "daugli
ler, -'MisJ: liess'ie,' were -passengers
this afternoon1 for Ohiaha.
Where 1 hey wil i s i f for-the--day
ith Everett Wiles at the hos
pital, whert'::' he 'is recovering
from the etrects of - a' broken leg,'
'Hans aaseh ' 'iiihl 1 wife - of
Scribner; 'Nel.,: Avlft' have been
'nsillug with -!r relf.IMves at Iowa
City,' Towa. 'for a -fdrort'lime, ar
Hyed last ;!-'evening and visited
over night 'at Hi'hotue- of Mr;
and Mrs':- H. M. Soeiiichsen. de
parting this ;' morning for their
home. ! '
!-..; w bit-- r. -.-
- Tor Infants-: and Children. ?
M KinlYca Haf pfeays BocgM
-Bears thv";
Sifnatare of
I j-. v . - -.'- '- -i
inni '-' - -ii in t nm M 4 mm Hi ifc m m mm m mm m, n i -
During the past few months there has been z grest many cf our
semi-seekfy readers expressed their willingness and desire to be
come readers of the Evening Jcurna! provided we could make the
price $3.00 per year. !f wc could double our daily list, vvc czn
place the subcription at this price per year, and during the next
30 days we are going to make an effort to more than double
our mailing list by placing the price at 33.00. Remember this
price is only good for 30 days so send in your subscription at once.
Local News
Sherill" C". I), nuiuton ;t eall-
ed out to Mauley tins n:ol uiru' i
sei"c some pap. -is fop tli" counts
George F.ere!( and wife, fioni
southeast of I'ti"Ji, were in !
city today for a few hours attend
ing to sol!e matters of 4tU--ines.
having driven from their fai-tn
home. .
Mrs. W. S. Smilli .of Murray
and her guet, Miss Mable Ran
tlalL f Chillieothe, Mis-ouri. an i
Mrs. R. Raw Is wer e iitors in
the metropolis yesterday f"r a
few .hemrs . ...
Mis. F. J. McCIintie of Olym
pia, Wasliirigton, arrive, je-ter-day-afteri:oon
and will vi-it'here
for a shoit time with li'-r brotii
er, Wan I Clark ami family, before
relurninir home.
C. N. Powers or Silver Creek,
eb . was an oer niht visitor
in flii- city, being a guest ai I he
of Mr. and Mrs. War-I
Mrs. Fverett Wiles departed
this morning for Omaha, v. lo r -she
will visit for the day with h r
husband at the hospital in that
A. S. Will and Will Jean were
passengers this mommy for
Omaha, where they will look af
ter some matters on' the
inarket. -
,W. G. Toed ker of Murray was
in the city yesterday for a few
hours visiting with his friends
and looking after some business
Col. FranS. II. Young f Hvoien
How, ' one of the trustees of the
Masonic Home in this city, was
a passenger this morning for
Omaha to spend the day there.
Miss 'Gob la Noble of Gi "sham.
Neb., and Miss May Cornell ef
Alamosa, Colorado, are in lh
city, guots at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Kuhns for a
few days.
Mrs. Percy Fields of oeil.
Neb., who is here vi-iting fe:- a
few days with her mother, Mrs.
Maftie ' Rerold. was a pa-seni:r r
ttiis afternoon for Omaha to vi.-il
for a few hours.
Mrs. Carl Halter of Hetiver,
who is here visiling at the home
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. If.
Hartho'd, departed this after
noon for Council ItlutTs to vi-if
for a time with relatives and
Miss Lon-tta Howers of T"
kamah,' Neb., slate organizer for
riiissioti work nmoe.g the
churches, who has !een here
visiting at r the- lin'u:" of Mr. Mid
Mrs. ('.,'' II. Cobb, departed thi
uiorniiig for her' home:
: I nn CoiTey of Oma!ia ci'ue
down th"rs: afte'rTVM.n- f- -n th-;
firi rrtfiolis : hp.d'"- s'e:.t ' a" few
hotrrs here ing w ?1fi io's old
friends and in h-ok'niir afJer -otie
ffi-il mailer.-'. -Mr. C.r 'w : .i
forriir te-idfiit cf this city ---rn
yea rs pcq.
S3JI a ser
J. idiin d'i :ir !- i lb;- .sf'- ' :
lor hi- h- . ;.l l . t
j io-i " in al!'':p!nrf.-.'";tt !!
in,- f the c-i.:ily - ; . i : i - - 4 - :
(I-'nin the I'nioa I.-d--r . I w -
I-al.e!!e N.. Mfe ,.r ,;....r... N. La- v !' " ' ' ' ' 1 ' ! -Rue.
a b'.rn May s. in y -''' "
Mi!N eo.jnty, . wa. I a'
Il:5o a. m.. Friday. Jan uary
a-. ,5 yea:-,, a.d ; -:.! r: f i - f - ;
15 day-. 11 ,"" 1 ' : r " -' '
The ,.-at,i ..f tiii- e-ti:,;;,!.;.- ' '' ' -r h r . v. :, - ..,
lady v,a- a -u-i b-r! and .-t- -- r-
.i.-h.k t.. tin- entire ,..'.-I rii' ''' ' '
tiiunily, as t!i.-r w- i" lew w I;-. f ' ' ' ' :
were aware that h-r ilh.e-, vij'' 'Ir r-h. I !r. - .' . a
of ery r.-ri"U- nature. m f...-! "' ','''"' : ' v I - - a
J"' " '"ndil:.Mi wa- t ..
!:'' 1-'
mlit. Mu- t.a.J 1.. i n i.i - "r
heallh f'-r a inj.r,i"-r l .:;-. ,, ;
h-r la-t il'ne-s 'f : t ...(
week- il'iiaii-n. -!.!:' ; -it:- a
"!.l that .J. el ;... iut'i
pneii!iio,.ia. The a-t f. v l,. i,r-s
of lo-r life s?,e 7.;'. ! k r;.;.i.i!y
at the hour a...e -ta!,-! -!e'j
oi;ie!!v pa--ed aw:,v, ,i- if i i,
iuinli'T. Th" fuaer.i!
w re heJ.J at II or!r., k
u day
forenoon in the Mejh.
( Iiurcli. the
M-rn :o j,e:i-
Iierd by :'... W. A. '!..! !
w hi
p:eae;e,l a i i;
from the t,f. -I An,.
the Re-u: e, ii.,n ai d the I. if
and by re.pi,-! .f th
e i'ef .i
hu-ba!!d the oonj-t' r
faoilte -o!.,. There W;e ,:..;::
beaul fiul le-ial ofTt na-a.i.o
them ie-ii a ore "l-.en b :?ie Mo.l -
eri: Woodman old r. Intel ;
was i.:ade ia the r-"!i, . r j'.-'
v.e-f of town. r:ly a di"-l d: - -
tanee from the h. rue of tl,.- .!-
ceased and whre -he nerom -
pained tfo remains of . u-uny f
leT old-'ime friend-. The j il!l
bearers were: Frank Hauer. Ll.ii"
I'o.-fer, Chat I.-s N.d iy. -I - !a i .
P.aio r. Henry Si-tirap and Lu!r. if
Crawford. j ...,': - ... . .
Ttie niai-le-.i of the i . i-, iiiUnct'f fo- Ou-'t
eea-e.l was I-ai lie N. !'o!de-?.: Kidney Pills, th - - i t! ' -.
and he v a- on.. ,f the t;..u !! r-! ., a.; ... j..,.; . : ; . , , . ..
of lb. pioneer family of t ! ia'"! ,. , j,,,- ... ...'. .. x
James 1'oiden. wli-, ri!!i .;, r,., '...i(-. V, -t - .
ei:rie,l ninny yea-- a-.'-. Th-j p !: ". ! . . v. "
family t ame to II: i- r-untiy in , .i r ; . i- f... , U- .- r
early day aid re-i-e.j at whatii;.. ,,,,...
a I hen ! 'ae I ory i i !e a ad ;t j Roek i
P.IufTs. The ,!.!-a-e, I v i- r..:tr!
ri.d Au-u-t 17. IHV.'. to O.or...
N. LaRi;e? and --r -.;,. t',.'
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