The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 22, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    "X 'i iYt' T2 '-".T. nr p vo.v-"
- "
wizara Floor ana
I i M '
I ' : i : ' . - - i . ' . j
, i ; - - -
Throw away those awkward, clum
sy, ordinary round or square mops;
and get. a, new Wizard Polish Mopthat ,
is Built like a Triangle. '.x ...
The Mop that gets into the corners
and picks up every particle of dust,
wool and lint without you ever stoop
ing. Treated with Wizard Polish it
polishes and cleans so that your floors
are beautiful, bright and glossy.
Price Mop and 1 qt. of Liquid $1.50.
Keep the carpets clean and get a
Cocofiber door mat, the kind that
never wears out, $1 and $1.25.
Watch for our
Febr., Annual
Clearance Sale
This morning
a suit to qniet
iu the district
title, was filed
clerk's office entitled William E.
Straub vs. Robert 11. Latla and
the unknown heirs and devisees
of Robert R. Latla, and Nath
aniel II. Barnes and the unknown
heirs and devisees of Nathaniel
II. Uarnes. The property : in
question consists of the south
east quarter of section 21,
township Hi north of range 13,
which the plaintiff and his fam
ily; 'has 'had', -possession of for
more than forty years, and it is
desired to have' the ' title to the
property cleared up.- William V:
Moran of Nebraska City ap
pears ' "as the attorney for the
pjaintiff. V "
Mrs. Murray Improving Rapidly.
J- The" friends oQIVs; J". "A" Mur
ray .will be pleaded, to learn that
this lady has so far recovered
from the operation . which she
underwent a few weeks ago that
she was 'able to be removed from
the1 Omaha; General hospital,
where' she was operated upon, to
the '..home of .her- sister,... Mrs.
Eck, and after a few days' visit
there she hope? to be' able to re
turn to her, home in this city.
She 'is feeling much impi'oved in
health and it is believed she is
on the highway to complete re
covery. .
-Free with every 50c purchase, a
25c package of tooth powder. Ask
for it. Gering & Co., the spot
cash family druggists. 'Phone 36.
i ' .. . . . .
J .... II I : . I I
! Dress Goods
j Napkins .
!. Outing Flannels
: Silkalines
lpKMdOLLHKv cfx.LOJT I Our $2.50 Rugs at gl.98 are Bargains I j
Furniture Polish
Furs Are Still
Selling at 25
Likes New Situation.
Edward Donat has just re
ceived a leller from Hugh Nor
ton, the former agent for, the
Missouri Pacific in this city, in
which that gentleman states that
he likes his new location at. Burr,
Nebraska, very much, and desired
to be remembered ' to his many
friends here. Mr. 'Norton hopes
to be able to pay a visit to the
old town in a few weeks.
Last evening Ernest Tuey was
taken to Omaha on the Missouri
Pacific, .-.-where he .will undergo
an operation for appendicitis at!
SI. Joseph's, hospital this "morn
ing. ' Mr. Tuey has been' suffer
ing from this complaint for the
past ten days and his family and
friends were hopeful that it
might be possible to avoid an
operation,' but as his condition
grew worse it. was thought best
to have. the operation performed
while the patient was. "in condi
tion to stand it. His family was
present this morning at Ihe time
t lie operation was performed.
Elected to Board of Agriculture.
lion'. W. .' Banning of Union,
who has- served on the restate
board of agriculture for some
years, has been honored by a re
election to the board as a rep
resentative of the First congres
sional district... . and the election
conies as a ' well deserved
recognition of . the splendid serv
ice he has given the state in this
capacity. . . '
Cotton Challeys
Remnants, all kinds
Gloves and Mittens
i Yesterday afternoon the Ken
sington club was entertained in
a most delightful manner at the
home of Mrs. J. E. McDaniel, and
a most enjoyable time had
by, the - ladies who were present
to take 'part in the jolly gather
ing. The hours were ' passed
very, plfiasxtnlly in making of
dainty, articles of, .needlework,
such as only the hands of, the
ladies can fashion, and this, with
the "pleasant ; social conyersa
tion, served to pass the; time
most delightfully..; A very tempt
ing three-course luncheon was
served by the hostess, assisted
by her daughter, Miss Ellen
Belle, and this "feature served to
further heighten the pleasures of
the event. The guests of the
club for the afternoon were Mes
dames W. 1. Smith, G..F. Val
lery and E. T. Hughes of Gretna,
who is visiting in Ihe city at the
home of her. sister, Mrs. W. E.
Last evening Home Chapter of
the Eastern Star of this city re
ceived an olllcial visit from
Grand Worthy Patron W. F.
Rowe of Omaha, and the event
was one of the most delightful
meetings that the lodge has held
for some time, and there was a
large membership of the lodge
present to take part in the meet
ing: Mrs. Elizabeth Gamble of
Omaha," past grand worthy
matron, accompanied the grand
patron on Ihe visit to Home
Chapter and took part in the
meeting. At the close of the ses
sion of the lodge the members of
the order adjourned to the' ban
quet hall, where a sumptuous
repast had been arranged, and
the Test, presided over by Ihe
worthy matron of Home Chapter,
Mrs. G. W. Thomas, was one of
rarest enjoyment, both in the
delicious viands and also in the
remarks offered by the different
speakers called on by the toast
mistress. Toasts were respond
ed to by Attorney A. G. Cole,
Grand Patron Rowe, Mrs. Gam
ble, Miss Alexander, Mrs. Hen
nings and Mrs. Roy Dodge of
Omaha. Those who were in at
tendance from out of town at the
meeting of this splendid order
were: Mrs. W. 11. Banning: and
Miss Elsie Taylor of Union, Mrs.
Dodge, Mrs. Hennings,' "Mrs.
Mexander, Mrs. Harnish and
Miss Rosa of Omaha.
For Sale.
Home farm of 170 acres, six
miles south of Plattsmouth,. two
and one-half miles northeast of
Murray. Might consider good 80
acres as part payment. For par
ticulars write or call.
Mrs. C. L. Creamer,
Route 1, Plattsmouth, Neb. :
' l-22-2wks-d&v
State of Ohio.- City of Toledo, Lnran Connty. a.
frank J. ( tiencj maKtu oatD tuat be la avnioc
artntr of tli Arm of K. J. Cheney & Co.. do-
Ing business 'In the City of Toledo. County and
State aforenald. and that raid firm will pay
the anm-of ON HUNDRKI lMTLLAKS for
each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by tho use of Uall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and aubscrlbed In my
prenence, thla Uth Uay of IMweuiber, A. V., ISbtiw
Seal. A. W. GLEASON.
Notary Public.
Tlall'e Catarrh Cue Is taken internally and
art directly upon the MimmI and mueouit sur
faces of the system. Send for testimonials.
' F. J. CHENET & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all DrugglntH. 75c.
Take Uall's Family Pills for constlpaUoa.
I Hon R. B. Windham Honored.
'vAt the meeting-of the Ter
tilorial Piopeers' association
Lincoln yesterday Hon. R. B
Windham of this city was se
lected as the Jflrst 'vice -.president
of the organization. ' Mr." Wind
ham is one of the early settlers
Of: the state and has at different
times been honored by the citi
zens of this county with posi
t fon s 4 i n I h e 's t a t e ; go vp rn m en t
and has"always displayed. a keen
interest in the welfare of th
statd and in keeping alive the in
terest in the organizations of "the
old settlers of the state.
The .executive committee -of
the Cass County Sunday Schoo
association meeting was nelu m
Weeping Water on Tuesday, and
a very enthusiastic meeting was
enjoyed by the different workers
who were present, and there were
only three members absent and
these were detained at their
homes by sickness. The meeting
was presided over by J. D. Cross
of Union, the president, and the
following members were pres
ent: W. L. Hashford, Avoca: L.
W. Meyer, Elmwood; Mrs. Fred
Zink, Murdockr" Miss Nora Eve-
land, Murdock;' Miss Emma Jor
dan, AIvo; Rev. H. Hutchman,
Murray; W. A. Rose, Mrs. J. li
Hungate, J. H. Eledge, Mrs.
Wesley Davis, Weeping Wafer,
and C. C. Wescott, Plattsmouth.
It. was decided definitely at the
meeting to hold three district
conventions throughout the
county tin May 0, 7 and 8, and
other plans made for the suc
cessful carrying out of the work
of the association in the county.
This morning the coxirt room
of Judge M. Archer was tilled
with . a motley collection of
human derlicts, who were
rounded up by the police last
evening, all ot whom evidently
were victims or tne uriuk nana,
and the men, who gave their
names as John Russell, Pete
Mulligan and Deri Bertrussel,
were given a severe lecture ny
the judge'and a line of J?2 and
costs was-also given them; which
they were unable to pay,' and the
judge then suspended the sen
tence, if he - men would agree to
leave the city, which they prom
ised to do, and they made pre
parations at once to shake the
dust of the citv from their feet.
William Hrantrier, whose face
has become familiar to the judge
by his appearance in the court
on the charge of over-indulgence
in the flowing bowl, was on hand
also this morning and he prom
ised the court in the future that
he would try and resist the
temptation to fall for drink and
he was allowed to go on his way.
Out-of-Town Elks Here.
At the meeting of Ihe Elks'
lodge Tuesdaj- evening there
were a large numDer ot me
members from out in the county
present at the meeting, and who
made their headquarters with
their friend, Mont Robb, at the
Riley hotel: F. P. Sheldon and
A. F. Sturm of Nehawka, W. G.
Boedeker and G. H. Gilmore of
Murray and C. E. Metzger of My
nard were among those taking in
the corner-stone laying.
i me meennsr oi ine icr-
l7o Offer From Our
Immonso Stock
fJumbors to Close
Out at a Big Bargain
Items of Interest to Our Readers
Uleaned from the Newspaper
Files of Many Years Ago.
Hon. H. I. Hathaway, of Lin
coln was In town this week.
Silas E. Greenslale of Klinwund
remembers the Herald, and has
our most sincere thanks.
, Mrs. Win. liartsell of Lincoln
has . been in town for several
days, visiting her friends and ac
quaintances. The report came in on Wed
nesday that Hon. John Hrnwn
was very low and not expected to
live many days.
Hon. John Barnes left Wednes
day for Greeley, Colo., d take
uch steps for his comfort as
may be found necessary.
L. F. Reed of Weeping: Water
and of Reed Brothers, called to
see the Herald Tuesday. lh is
ooking much better and has the
same old nusli ami snao about
Hon. A.
lelped us
ast week,
L. Sprague called and
out of a tight pim-li
for which we are un
obligations. der many
Sam Rector of Weeping Wafer,
one of the best of Cass citizens.
called on the Herald Tuesdav
We were very much pleased to
see him.
t.namnion v naiMtingion. iwo
1 . n -sr- 11- a a
of our best carpenters, have re
ceived the contract lor doing the
arpenler work on Fitzgerald'
new larm nouse. u is to lie a
ery large and handsome dwell
ing. 1 1 ley also nave the wooil
work of P. E. Ruffner's residenci
Julius iepperberg, cigar man
and one of the cutest, cleverest.
handsomest little fellows in thi
own or any other, goes east this
week for a new stock f tobacco,
ami other things. Mav he return
fresh, good-natured and full of
im, for new works and more of
Dick Streight nearly lost his
holt" last Monday morning. As
he was coming in from the train
ing ground with "Sorrel Bird,"
she made a misstep and threw
Hick out of the sulky, breaking a
shaft. By very great good luck
and the naturally good disposi
tion of the mare, no further dam
age occurred.
Wishing to have' the people all
see our modest improvement on
Vine street (the new Herald
oflice), we asked Marshal Murphy
to move his billboard around a
little, and the marshal did; and
now comes in Jno. Shannon and
says that Mr. Fitzgerald will
move his big brick block out of
the way, if the Herald only says
so, so that, our new office may
loom up more distinctly. We
feel grateful to Fitz, but lack Ihe
cheek John has to ask such a
great favor. Shannon, you ask
him to move it. Eh?
Visit Here Over Night.
Last evening Mrs. G. H. Hen
nings of Omaha, supreme
guardian of the Woodman Circle
for the state of Nebraska, and
Miss Dora Alexander, supreme
clerk of the Woodman Circle,
were in the city attending the
banquet of the Eastern Star, ami
while here they were the guests
of Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker, who
is a prominent member of tin
Wood man Circle.
Odd lots Underwear
in wool and cotton
Woolen and fleeced
Red Seal Zephyr Ginghams
Just Arrived
, Many pretty new pattern awl rlinrniiiitf plain
Fhatlea, in the famo.iH KKI SKAL ZKIMIVK (JINd
IIAMS. Von will be Jelihtel with thes famous
plain shades and striking efjerts in rherks, plaid and
stripes. The Ked Seal Zephyr (linhams are famous
for their fastness of rolor and jrvat durability. W
are anxious for you to see our line of (linhams.
27 Inches Wide 12c per yard
New Institution Will Be Started
Here as Soon as Arrange
ments Can Be Mads.
Krom WtMlnostluy's I'aily.
Another new institution i
about to be established in llii
city in the s!
tape Ml a mi-ineo-
' ... ,
college, which
to leach all tin
Will le I'l cm. u e. i .
course Ilia)
be found in any of Hie e;,.jiii
busiiiess colleges of the coii'itrx.
and iu the interest" oT this
proposition S. I. I(anl.i!l of
lon, Kansas, was in the city to
day making arrangements r.T
the opening f Ihe college. wllieSi
will occur as soon as thiil
pupils are secured for 1 1 1 - 1 1
ment in Ihe institution.
The college, which is connect
I with the famous IMuhuIihii
chain of colleges operal iutr in a
large, number of Ihe len.liiu
cities ami towns in the countr.
will give a tie month course in
the Inisiness course that em
braces bookkeeping, commercial
law and other studies; the short
hand course that embrace-
shorthand and typewriting, ami
a cninluneil course ni siiiiiy. i lie
school w ill conduct cl.i-e J 1 1 1
day and niht ami will til. the
young men ami women anemniii:
as well as any college in the
country, and anyone taKitcr up
the work at this college ran ie-1
assurred of haximr an oppor
tunity ti acquire a tliioui:h un
derstanding nf the illtreleut
There are several location in
view, ami as soon a inose wm
are interested are enrolled tin
work of gelling the college into
workinsr shape will be started.
nyone who is interest, -, in Ihe
work would do well to notify I-..
H. Wescott. secretary of tfie
nninercia! club. i;i regard
their wishes in the matter.
M. Tritsch, refracting optician.
at Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and
Saturday evenings. Examination
Try .1 sack of Forest Rose flour.
Your money refunded if not satis
Fop Rent.
Ei::hty-M nr-. two
ii. r 1 li
pa t ore.
Si rt i -lit
if Plal I -in. -ill li.
kiiown a- t f - S!r'i-h'.
l'.if I r r 1 1 - W. J.
;tt Slr. ilil A. SI r.-j-lil"s
. M. S!rer'hf.
JHl Cas St.. Omaha. .Wb.
The r ! 1 in:r i a o-fu-r fr'-m
M r I M. .. .r .. li I. i. l. i ! I I...
... .... , ,
.("f iiiM-rcl In lh'-ir in. in fii.n.l-i
in thi c if :
Meliipei". I la.. Ja;i. S. '.
l'la-e liii, ecc!-d "l..".i f"P
rem-wal of SeinjVe... Journal.
We like to -el lit.. it.-A- ffolii III-
ld town and Ihe o'd fre-nd. W'
ale perfectly ileji-fited l)fl fi.
I'loi ida climale ar: I fiuil ami
lake ami ti-h. My health i
-teadily jiowing belter ami I
lliink I will ii .- to
' burn stumps" w il fi
se that is th-
time o'iiWII here. l
charm:-' land, and
any of them.
e-iilar pa
e i'n i ne i
lione stand
back f.-r
they are
'nil ran.
st ! in i r v. hi!
able lo in- i I. .
I ! ! o - I e i r .
iii roie f n I ;ii
band if
. I -
in. I
v. . . r i
r !a ; :n
meiil. Our fattier is out
"birl I- iM"", I r i 1 1 r
IllloU-b the 1 1 1 r ; 1 1 . I li.if
I lie pi" l llei-'e of "Il r III
sas he Inn f.-n'iil lb., f
of " punee-de. . in" a'ld !
iii'.r to i. n . fr, xears i.i.l.
But for my husband's ..." f
tlicioi our liltb home ;-.noi!ir
Ilie pine and palmeJios w..ii!.
1"' quile happy. The recent
operation on i.u. ce ha- I. .en
partly -mce-sfiit. in that h.. r;,u
ce enough I.. i;,. ;(l...tit aloii. th"
la-t we.-k. after bemir ii total
daiknes fr pa I w.e'.s. ,.
had no turkey mi m,r la !. on
Chi ilni:i. but we mi-fit Invn
had if w.. had walked aliouf three
miles an. I n able .. ha idle a
gun. Game i ij;:jt.. pb-ntiful
around us. did ti ie ..M ihe
table. howeer. frorn my own
patch. SWeet potatoes. s,et
pepper. cucumber, okra. ra
sa fa good substitute f..r Iri-li
polaloe- :u,. t raw berries nn.
a beautiful bunch' of roses. f
my liubam hi -i.-tif
We expect to do ef here, ai d if
the Lord Will it otherwise, we
will do the l.e,f y,. ran ami f. j
that we are ir, a -.-niil dimo a-:d
anions sreuial people.
Blankets, comforts
Auto Caps & hoods
Ladies' Coats
I !