The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 19, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 13-
i '
! '4
Red ' Seal Zephyr Ginghams
Just Arrived
Many pretty new patterns and charming plain
shades, in the famoiiRED SEAL ZEPHYR GING
v HAMS. You will be delighted, . with these famous
plain shades and striking effects in checks, plaids and
stripes. The Red Seal Zephyr Ginghams are famous
for their fastness of color and great durability. We
are anxious for you to see our line of Ginghams.
4 f ' ' '
1 '
27 Inches Wide 12jcper yard
From Friday s Dally.
This morning the court room
of Judge Archer was 1 1 1 gather
iiiK place of a trio of the genius
''hb," who were capture! last
evening while they were in a
very painful .stale of intoxication,
am! after spending the night in
tlie county hastily they were very
repentant over their spree and
acknowledged to the court their
shortcomings, and after con
sideration, the judge gave them
a line of 2 each and costs, and
then suspended the lines provid
ed that they would leave the city
and forever shun it in the future,
and this the men very readily
;.'!.. oil fo and left, at once for
greener fields to operate in, and
the last seen of them was their
forms fading into the landscape
toward the east.
"mischief Quartette" and
It's Work.
Each year the month of Janu
ary numbers its list of victims
from intluenza, la grippe, bron
chitis and pneumonia. The
prompt use of Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound will check the on
set of a cold and stop a cough,
preventing the development to
more serious condition. Keep it
on hand. For sale by all drug
gists. Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, for the next
100 years, unless I die in the
meantime. I have now an extra
fine stallion, the best in the state,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
Wm. Gilmour,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. F. D. No. 1.
The Journal ad 3 pay.
THIS mild weather is 'melt
ing' our piles of Over
coats and heavy-weight
Suits fast. The warm weather, all
through November, December and January has forced
us to make cuts on high class clothing that have
never before been known in Plattsmouth.
Men and young men are showing their appre
ciation more every day as the sale goes on.
AH Overcoats "sold regularly at
$15 and $16.50 CA
now v.
AH Overcoats sold regularly at
, $18. $20. $22.50 MQ CA
AH Overcoats sold regularly al
$25. $27.50 and $17 CA
$30 now. pi I tiU
" Boys' Overcoats, values up
to $12.50. now $2.50, $4.50
and $6.50.
.Manhattan j
" I
was badly done up with rheu-
matism and sent for Foley Kid-
nev Pills which was the only
thintr that would cure him. Geo.
Potter of Pontiac. Mo., was down
on his back with kidney and
bladder trouble and Foley Kidney
Pills made him well and able to
work. It is a splendid medicine
and always helps. Just try it.
For sale by all druggists.
wi.-i i- ihn matter with at-
:.. ... ...nil
..-lllJ'Ullb io v v u i im- i
l,.liv..Pv for 1... rilv of P a ts-
.,,-.,,11. - Tho.,. nro n number of
"j - I
u..,'niir. ..r fl.n Kintp
n,niim. 4,.- ..riviio".. nmi I
I Imp.. i no real reason w iv this
citv should not be added to the
..r i- ,.:,.,., that hn
nr,k PM.iiP,nf. free delivery I
. ..
int - . .. " i
vstem. The walks throughout
the citv are in good shape and
ih; I.5.J w. ilu. been one of
i. 1 asa " I
Hi., main reasons whv the city I
delivery was not established here
before now. as the government is I
verv insistent upon there being
good walks over which the car-
riers can travel on their routes
to distribute the mail. Many of
the sm aller towns of this section
of the state have been promised
the installation of a free carrier
vstem and there is little doubt
that if the proper effort was
made that such service could be
secured here if the service oi me
ongressmen and senators from
this state could be enlisted in the
matter, and the matter or geiun
up a petition to cover the work of
installing the carrier ssiem
should be agitated oy me uusi-
ness men and citizens in general.
The Journal does job work.
All Suits regularly sold at $15
and $1650 tfQ C A
now , pJll
AH Suits regularly sold at $18
$20 and $22.50 IO PA
now ...plJJU
All Suits regularly sold at $25
$27.50 and $30 yj JJQ
Boys' Suits, values up to
$12.50. now $2.50. $4.50 and
From Saturday's Dally
The case of C. Lawrence Stull
vg the C, B. & Q. railroad was
argued and.subitted to the jury
yesterday about noon, and the
jurymen were turned over to the
custody of the sheriff to deliber
ate over the matter as to the
rights in the case, which, as
stated yesterday, was a suit for
damages for the alleged burning
of several hay stacks and the
killing of a heifer calf. The
amount of damages asked was
$550. The jury was out on the
case until a little after 1) o'clock
last evening, when they returned
a verdict giving the plaintiff
damages in thes urn of $2 40. The
case was quite warmly contested
on both sides and a large number
of witnesses were examined . for
both, the plaintiff and defendant
Judge liegley lias set aside the
last two days of next week lor
holding court in this city, but if
the case scheduled, that of the
Manley Go-Operative Grain com
pany vs. the M. P. railroad, is
I .111. 1 . .-. v . a .... .Kl r It f
,as vl"a i'""" f
111 . 1 .... . I . . I li.v .nit ua rwi 1- fit
'"V" 7 , A
holding court at .Nebraska City,
as the docket hero has been well
worked over
In the case or l. ni. vv aia s
i - i i.
James McCartney, wnicn was ue-
cided in favor of the plaintiff a
few days ago, the motion lor
I 1 1 1 ...
new trial, raised ny me ueiense
was overruled by the court
In the matter of the Cosinia
Estates Development Co. vs. John
Tighe. the defendant was given
thirty days in which to answer
as was also the case of the Bos
ton Safe Deposit Co. vs. John
Tighe. This case is over a num
ber of notes which the plaintiff
land company has sold, it is al
teereil in their Petition. to the
trust company
The case of 1. 11. Pollock vs
John Sattler. et al.. a suit to have
. .:T .1.
certain lanus ui iue 1'i.i.m.i.
... . ..i -i.. ik. i:.;..
CUirCU OUISIUU OI me Uliy limns
of Plattsmouth, was decided by
Judge IJegley in
favor of tin
Planum .mo. iu .a.... i.oi.v
outside of the city limits. The
Minn or Hawls fc uouerison was
Ilk. n I . .......... r..n 111.. ii nm I T
"e """"" J" t"....i...
... . , a i . .
wnne tne cuy was represemeu iij
uy Auumrj xm
rz i a t fT' I.I.I
In the case of Amelia Sher-
wood vs. Robert V. Sherwood
sr., the clerk of the district cour
was ordered to pay to the plain
tiff personally, all monies in his
possession, less tier costs incur
red. Judge uegiey aiso grantee
a decree in the divorce case o
Mollie L. Viall vs. Robert H
Viall, allowing the plaintiff her
freedom on the grounds of ex
treme cruelty.
worms tne cause or your imia-
. f , disagreeable breath
Ha k rirPPS around the eves, a
times fcverish, with great thirst
cneeks flushed aild ti,cn pale
ab(iomen swollen with sharp
cra,nping pains, are all indica
tions of WOrms. Don't let your
chiI1 sufrer Kickapoo Worm
Killer will rive sure relief I
kills the worms while its laxa
tive effect add greatly to the
health of your child by remov
ing the dangerous and disagree
able effects of worms and para
sites from the system. Kickapoo
Worm Killer as a health produc
cr should be in every household
Perfectly safe. Buy a box today
Price 25c. All druggists or by
mail. Kickapoo Indian Med. Co
Philadelphia or St. Louis.
Public Sale
On account ot poor health, I
have decided to quit farming and
am going to sell my farm and all
personal property at public sale.
The sale will be held at my farm,
seven miles south of Olenwood,
la., on Tuesday, January 27, 1914.
My farm consists of a good 00
acres of land, 50 acres under
cultivation, 30 of which is in
first-cltss alfalfa, and 10 acres in
timber. In personal property I
will offer 3 head of horses, 10
head of cattle, hogs and farm im
plements. Sale will commence at
10 o'clock sharp, and farm will be
sold immediately after dinner.
Tor Infants and Children,
Th Kind Ycj Hare Always Bought
Bears the "
Signature of CSOTTwC
From Saturday's Dally.
The latest improvement to be
added at the Central building of
he Plattsmouth . schools is a
complete and modern toilet room
or the use of the pupils, which
will be located in the north side
of the basement of the school
building, near the office of the
superintendent, where the pupils
may be uitder the eye of the
school authorities much better
than at present.. These rooms
are fitted up one for the boys and
one for the girls, and are both
equipped in the latest devices to
make the lavatories sanitary and
modern in every respect. Drink-
fountains of the palest pattern
ire provided, here for the use of
the pupils, and a concrete lloor,
with sewer connections will make
the room perfectly sanitary in
every respect.
Wonderful Cough Remedy.
Dr. King's New Discovery, is
known everywhere as the remedy
which will surely stop a cough
or cold. D. P. Lawson of Kidsnu,
Tenn.,' writes: "Dr. King's New-
Discovery is the most yonderful
cough, cold and throat and lung
medicine I ever sold in my store.
It can't he heat. It sells without
any trouble at all. It needs no
guarantee." This is true, he
cause Dr. King's New Discovery
will relieve the most obstinate of
coughs and colds. Dung trouble
quickly helped by its use. You
should keep a bottle in the house
at all times for all the members
of the family. 50c and 91.00.
All Druggists or by mail. II. E.
Iiucklen & Co., Philadelphia or
St. Louis.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the members of
Missouri Tribe No. Gl, Improved
Drder of Hedmen, gathered at
their wigwam to witness the in
stallation of the new ollicers of
the tribe, and the chiefs were on
hand in full force attired in all
their war paint and feathers, and
a big time was enjoyed by the
members at the meeting. After
the regular session of the lodge
a big social time was enjoyed and
a sumptuous repast of baked fish
served by the chef was greatly
enjoyed and hit the right spot
with the pood Indians present.
A special effort was made to in
duce the different war chiefs of
the tribe to afford a number of
musical and dancing specialties,
but they all-declined, as they
have not fully recovered from
the last exhibition they gave a
few weeks ago.
Fred Wagner of Ibis city has
just received a draft for $iU.70
from the Fanners Insurance
company of Cedar Kapids, Iowa,
in settlement for the loss incur
red to his lunch room and bakery
a few weeks ago from water at
the Coates' block lire, and which
occasioned small damage to a
number of articles of furnilure
and the liuoliuin on the lloor of
the room. Mr. Wagner was
greatly pleased over the prompt
manner in which the loss was
settled by this company, which is
represented here by H. A. Hosen
crans, the local agent, and he
feels great confidence in this
His Stomach Troubles Over.
Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not
like to feel that your stomach
troubles were over, that you
could eat any kind of food you
desired without injury? That
may seem so unlikely to you that
you do not even hope for an end
ing of your trouble, but permit us
to assure you that it is not alto
gether impossible. If others can
he cured permanently, and thou
sands have been, why not you?
John H. Barker, Battle Creek,
Mich., is one of them. He says,
"I was troubled with hea.'lbuni,
indigestion and liver complaint
until I used Chamberlain's Tab
lets, then my trouble was over.
Sold by ull dealers.
Local PJews
from Friday's Daily.
Slieriir Quinloii
departed thi
to look after
the county in
noon for ljihoii
sjine matters fur
that place.
Dr. C5. II. (jilniore of Murray
was in trie citv today for a lew
hours attending to matters in
the county court.
Miss Op'ha Ilaker of Murray
came up today , from her home
and was a passenger on the aft
ernoon Iturlinglon train for
Omaha to visit for the day.
15. II. Taylor oT Weeping Water
is in the city looking after some
business matters at the district
eou rt.
John H. I'ierson f lTnion was
in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters at
the court house.
Charles I'.dminsleii of the vi
cinity of Union came up this
morning on the early Missouri
Pacific and spent a few boms
here looking after matters in the
court house.
From Saturday Dally.
Adam l-'ornoff of Cedar Creek
came in this morning t look af
ter some trading with the mer
chants. Mrs. A. 1'. Sevbert came in thi
morning from her home near
Cullom and spent the day here
visiting with relatives 'and in at
tending to some trading.
P. A. Horn of the vicinity of
Mynard was in the city today
looking after business mailers
with the. merchants.
They have appointed F.dward
(iilson of Plattsmouth as head
shoemaker at the institution, lie
is deaf and dumb, lie takes the
position made vacant by tl
tragic death of Mr. Alfred Davi
.!lcn wood Tribune.
A. (5. Reid of F.Smwood, who
has been in the city for the pa-d
few days serving on the jury,
was a pleasant caller al the Jour
nal oMice today. lie returned
home tills afternoon.
F. J. llennings, wife and
daughter were in the city today
from their home near tied n
Creek to attend to the week-end
From Monday's Daily.
Mike Warga of Uaveloek cann
down Saturday evening and visit
ed here over Sunday with rela
tives and friends in the old town.
J. M. Holmes or Murray came
up this morning from his li"iiu
to look after some matters of
business at the court house for
a short time.
Mrs. Harold H. Williams de
parted this morning for Fall?
City, where she will visit for :
few days with relatives and
Mrs. Ceorge Woods of Viola.
Iowa, who has been here visiting
at the home of her nephew, F. C.
Hill, departed this morning for
her home.
Jacob Vogel and wife of Clark
son. Neb., who were here attend
ing the funeral of the late Bein
lianl W'uil, ilepaile.l for their
home this morning.
Leo H. Tight of Mauley was an
over Sunday visitor in this city
with friends, and accompanied by
his cousin, Mr. Murphy, returned
home this morning.
Hugh Norton oT Burr. Neb.,
former M. P. station agent in this
city, was here yesterday visiting
with his friends for a few hours,
departing last evening' for his
. Joseph K. Wiles ami wife came
indhis morning from their coun
try home ami were passengers on
the early Burlington train for
Omaha, where they will visit for
the day.
Mrs. W. F. Filchmann ami
Miss Carolyn Schuldiee of South
Omaha cam! down' Saturday
evening on No. 2 and visited here
over Sunday at the home of their
father, Albert Schuldiee and
Mrs. H. B. Mcpherson departed
this morning for her home at
Beatrice, after a few days' viit
here with her daughter, Mrs. J.
M. Cunnir.ghotu. and to attend
the Braee-McPhersou wtd-liir
Rskirn of
The Whitney Opera Co. direction
of F. C, Whitney, presents
The Word's Greatest
Oomis Opera
with the celebrated
Whitney Opera
Comiquo Orchestra
and a special com
pany of
"r Ws
Seats How Selling atVVeyiich
C. F. lit iliart of l.oiiivi!!e v. a.
in the citv to.l.iy for a fi-w li .ti!.
looking after Mme matter.- of
Vernon T. Am "f Fnion wa in
I lie city for a few honr t !..
being call! lo-re to look ;.!t' r
e.!iie matters of bu-iiii .
Henry Mill.-;- i.f Ai-. N. l.r:i-k;i.
was a vi-ilor lo ie over !m!.iy al
tlx- Frank Biiiikiiiaii l.ou.e in tin
cily. France I'.allanee .f ;!. u.
wa- an over Sunday vi-it-u- I
at tin home of hi- par. lit-,
and Mrs. William B.illance.
e e
O. M. Hil.l .ii. l wife of n-ai
Mynard were m the citv lod-i.
having driven in to look after
some trading with the mei c'i:; n -.
Mr. If 1 1 1 reports the roads ;
ing in a vry sloppy condition
the way in. ijue t the wari.i
weather of the pa-t few day.-.
J. L. Pell and sou. Waller, .f
the vicinily oT Fnion. drove I
this city Saturday end spent i fi
day at tend im; So hu-iuess in. li
ters. Mr. pell had rotten s-m---thing
in hi eve. vvhieh vva rni
ing him more or less trouble. vu
while here he vent to a pl:-i-
eian s oniee and inol the lor - 'i -
substance reni"ed. Mr. Pel! a d
son were pleasant caller- al t!ti
ollice an I while here Mr. Pell ha 1
his sub-eriplioii extended an
other year.
Free with every purchase, a
25c package of tooth powder. Ask
for it. Gering & Co., the spot
cash family druggists. 'Phone 36.
Sealeii bids will be ecivd at
the ollice of the County Clerk, in
his ottiee at Pl.itt-moutli. C;'-s
County, Nebraska, up to i o"-! ''.,
p. m. tea Momlay, February It'.
llti, for the erection and com
pletion of a two-story brick jail
and .-lieri!"s residence, to be
located on the curt le"us
groumls in Plat t snnnil h. Ne'.
Plans and sp4-c ilical ions can be
seen at the ollice of the County
Clerk. Plattsmouth. Neb., or in
the oHiee of J. p. (iulli. Arciiitecl.
Omaha. Neb.
A cert ilied check f .roo.ot
must accompany acli bid.
County C.omiii is-ionei-s resi-ive
the right to reject any or all bid-.
I. C. Mono AN.
County Clerk.
Batd. Piatt.moiilh. Neb.. Januarv
l., i'Jl i.
I -I. '.- t
i.i:;i. vtiTirr.
In tbr Diolrlrl I'uirl t m9 Vuumlft
Frank A. Pa vis, I lairxUfT.
STnririo K. I;ivls. Iffomlant.
To M.-itrsf K. havin:
Your are li.-r.-l.v notifUil t!:t 1'r.irk
.. I'avis, on tli" tiflli tlay of .Vit-tusI. ,.
!.. cmnmiTiri'il nti :i i.n (r -
v.irt-o iiaaiiut you. y filiriir hi. Tril
lion In l!n 1 1 s t r i. t -o:irt t t-..iin-I
Ni'liraska. on tli. irriMiTxl ,.,f ,x-tn-mo
criiflly ami ilfnorrlini.
You arc re'eiir'A to ans.tcr -eaia poti
lloti on nr l-foru M-ndav. tl.e .t'cmid
day of FYlirtiary. A. I . C'll.
KK.VNK A. IAV1S, Plairiti.T.
J. H. LtJL'OL.ASS, Attorney
oTiri: iMiiviTiininv.
In the ( null) f mirl f 4 nun Unnl),
In tlio llltr of tt. i;-tatv of .laroh
VV . Vall.-ry. 1 ?-,nsr :
All lu-i.siiiiM int. r cvt, , vein t.iK.
f"'i"f tlif-ro l.jis ! n fi! i In f ,
olfit-o tf Ihf Cmiritv f.iml m t..jv
mo'ltl.. Xel.ra.-Kii. a j.- Titi..., ( ,
ITolnOo of tl '.tyt ,,r V." V-.'l.
lory. il A irir ...
)l"".S.1i'KV'XUl" ,;i ''rt on
o !( k p. m.. an. I tint a t to
"'"I" T t it i'M w-i'l l,or.l ji ' s-,ja
ttrn. iiti'I ii snital.lf t r...n i f -i m to pro. ni, l ..
f-cltl. ifl.-nt of ai.l o.xt.u...
f'itiirt at I'UI tsmoni Ii. Nlr j.-i.,i
31st r!- of L'ii "Uit' in'
D. O. DWTER. Attorney.0' J JU'
I 9
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