PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, JANUARY 1?. PAGE e. American Lady Corsets It is a woman's privilege to look as well as she can, and every woman understands that in order to look well, her clothes must fit properly. The Amer ican Lady Corset gives the proper lines. We carry a complete line of this popular corset. There are models for medium and stout figures if you try one you will readily see the merits and good points of these splendid corsets. We are selling fancy dried peaches, 10c per pound for a limited time only. H. M. SOENNICHSEN "THE WAILING AND WASHING OF TEATH" OVER LIGHTING SYSTEM HANDICAPPED This Is the Case With Many Plattsmouth People. Too many Plattsmouth citizens From Saturdays Daiir. Iare nanuicappe-d with had hacks, The matter of the light service The increasing pain causes con- COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RE-ORGANIZE BY ELECTING C. E. HEEBNER CHAIRMAN in this city continues to be a question that is constantly agi tating the public, and especially 1. . ft m A I mose who are pairons 01 me and in local lierht eomoanv. and thev lame are becoming impatient as to what will be done in the matter of furnishing better current, or rather how long the long-suffer ing public will be, compelled to wait for the promised relief which was held out to the resi dents of this city several months ago. The company has met with delays in their lines, but they should have been able to have reached this city before this time with the Red Oak current,, which it is promised is to bring the much-sought-for improved serv ice, but the patrons still dwell in the hope that in the near future the deluge of electric current will slant misery, making work burden and stooping or lifting an impossibility. The back aches at night, prevent iner refreshing rest the morning is stiff ami Tk I 1 . i . Piasters and iiniuienis may give relief, but cannot reach the cause if the kidneys are weak, To eliminate the pains and aches of kidney backache you must cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys thousands testify !o their merit. Can you doubt Plattsmouth evidence? William Gilmour, farmer, four miles south of Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "One of my family had been suffering intensely from lameness in the back. She could get no lasting relief until tdie be gan using Doan's Ki.lnev Pills. rhey did more to relieve the. troubles '.ban anything tlse that From Friday's Daily. The board of county commis sioners at their session veslerdav re-organized for the year's wml and Commissioner C. E. Heohiicr of Xehawka became chairman of the board in succession tj Com missioner Jordan. I he board also viewed the plans submitted by Joseph Oulh of Omaha, the architect for the new jail, and will advertise for bids for the erection of the building at their eeting on the 13th. The com missioners have about given up the intention of putting a heating plant in the court house with the money appropriated for the pur pose of putting up the jail build ing. Every Woman Appreciates a Good Washing Machines LITTLE FOLKS ENJOY VERY PLEASANT TIME be brought here and the users of had previously been taken." VISITS OVER SUNDAY WITH ABBOTT FAMILY Yesterday C. V. Baylor and wife and two sons were in Ne braska City, where they were the guests of Superintendent and Mrs. Abbott at the Institute for the Blind in that city. They were met at the depot by the genial superintendent and taken direct to the institute, where they spent the day. They are loud in their praise of this splendid manner in which the place is kept up by Mr. Abbott, and one feature that impressed the visit ors was the cleanliness of the building, as everything was in spotless shape from the base ment to the roof and every room sparkling and clean in every way and the students there all present a neat and tidy appearance, and despite their misfortune have ac quired a remarkable education and their mental facilities are far brighter than most persons gifted with perfect sight. In the afternoon the students at the in stitute gave an imprompto pro gram hat was most thoroughly enjoyed by the visitors, and the different selections by the or chestra, as well as the violin and piano solos, were very pleasing and showed that the students have made remarkable progress in this line of work and their splendid talents have been brought out most effectually by the corps of excellent teachers employed at the institute, and Superintendent Abbott spares no pains to see that they- are given every opportunity for advancement. Best Cough Medicine for Children 'I am very glad to say a few- words in praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Lida Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis. "I have used it for years both for my electricity- be enabled to use the lights and power with some as surance of having them Keep from going out. Wonderful Cough Remedy. Dr. Kings .New Discovery is children and myself and it never known everywhere as the remedy fails to relieve and cure a which will surely stop a cough cough or cold. No family with or cold. I). P. Lawson of Eidson, children should be without it as Term., writes: "Dr. King's New- it gives almost immediate relief Discovery is the most wonderful in cases of croup." Chamber- cough, cold and throat and lung Iain's Cough Remedy is pleasant medicine I ever sold in my store. and safe to take, which is of lit can't be beat. It sells without great importance when a medi- any trouble at all. It needs no j-'or sale by all dealer-. Prir ao ccms. i- osier-.uiKHirn 1..0 Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Slates. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. GEORGE H. TAMS RE-ELECTED TO MANAGE COUNTY POOR FARM cine must be given to young chil dren. For sale by all dealers. FOR SALE DATES Reverse the Telephone Call to FRANK GRAHAM, Auctioneer, Springfield, Neb. Phone 91. ii,i-,i,i'i -4V Business Man Praises Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy Successful Merchant After Investigation Found a Remedy That Re stored His Health. "Th!s is Thanksgiving day In th tate of Pennsylvania, pt r want to d-vote a part of it in writing a letter to you. On the 20th day of November, '10, I was stricken with heart trouble. My family physician called It Angina I'ectoria. I had from one to live attacks in 24 hours, in the latter part of Eyjcember, 1910. I wrote to the for information con- K J. E. M'DANIEL ENTERTAINS THE PAST . CHIEFS OF HONOR guarantee." This is true, be cause Dr. King's New Discovery w ill relieve the most obstinate of couerhs and colds. Lung- trouble quickly helped by its use. You should keep a bottle in the house at all times for all the members of the family. 50c and $1.00 All Drusrsrists or by mail. II. E, Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia St. Louis. or From Saturday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon the mem bers of the Past Chiefs were entertained in a most charming manner at the palatial home of Mrs. J. E. McDaniel, on North Fourth street, and the ladies felt inai it was an occasion num. bered among the most delightful that the organization has held for some time. After the regular business of the organization was transacted the members pro. ceeueu to enjoy inemseives in a pleasant social manner among themselves and several hours were spent in social conversa lion, when the ladies were invited inio me tuning room, wiiere a very tempting and delicious four- course luncheon was served by I he hostess, assisted by her laughter, Miss Ellen Bell. The dining room was made a bower of beauty by very artistic decora tions of primroses in cream and green, which were added to bv the candies placed on the table, and which through their soft shadings of pink cast a soft glow oer the room and the jolly gathering of ladies present. FUNERAL OF A. C. SEIDLER AT SOUTH OMAHA FRIDAY Yesterday at South Omaha oc curred the funeral of A. C. Seid ler, a brother of Mrs. John Wey rich of this city, who, together with her son, Emil, and daughter, Miss Clara, were in attendance at the last sad riles, which were conducted by Rev. M. W. Lorimer, and the interment of all that was mortal of this gentleman was laid to rest in Laurel Hill ceme tery. Mr. Seidler died on Mon day, January 5th, at his home in Bentonville, Arkansas, where he has resided for the past year, going there from Hebron, Neb. where he removed to after leav ing South Omaha. Mr. Seidler was born August 23, 1857, at Metamora, Illinois, and after spending several years there moved west. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss, as well as the sister resid ing in this city. the hoard of county commis sioners have given recognition ot the services of one of the most efiicient men that the county has ever had in their emplov by re election to the position of super intendent of the county farm Mr George 11. Tains, who for the past few years has filled that position with credit to himself and has made the farm a self- supporting institution. The term of Mr. Tarns does not expire until next Maren, nut liie com missioners decided to elect hini at the first meeting in January to be assurred of the services of this level-headed business man and farmer, and he will in the coming year lie on the job in looking after the interests of the county and its taxpayers. A party of little folks gather ed at no' home of -Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tulene Saturday afternoon to help Master Hoy .lerold cele brate his seventh birthday an niverasy. The afternoon a- spent in playing games, such as always pleases the little folks. and at, an appropriate hour a de licious lunch was served, which aided greatly in the pleasures of the little folks who were present; the lunch was served by Mrs. Tulene assisted by Mrs Jones and Miss Ellen Doetel. The guests all departed late in f!ie after noon wishing Hoy many happy relurns of the day. Those who were present were: Til lie Wno dra, Ethel Warren. Gladys Tu lene, Ada Tulene, Leslie Hacek. Karl Warren. Charley Tavlor. Johnnie Kalasek, Warren Taylor. Marion Taylor, Roy Taylor and Miss Anna Kopia. o-.s - . . -A V. f - I r J f" - I 1 I - - - j i The Rkv-O-Noc Washing machine is built of ce dar, made exceptionally strong and is very -asy to operate. The operating lever is fo arranged that you may obtain two different positions of handle. Also has fly-wheel in such a position that it may be driven by belt power. For sale only by G. P. EASTV00D Plattsmouth :: Nebraska FOR J. D. Shrader of Murrav came up tins morning lroni ins iioiue and was a passenger on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where he will look after some matters of business for the day. . WN -WW!- A.Wy- WW. NOTICE! .J- KEEP ANOTHER EXCURSION TO SOUTHERN LOUISIANNA TUESDAY. JANUARY 20 YOUR MONEY AT HOME. Common Sense Counts as Much in Makina a Town as Anything Else. WESTERN MACHINE AND FOUNDRY CO. -I- of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Fourth and Pearl Streets. J- (Formerly Chopie Gasoline I- Engine Co.) V 4 On Tuesday, January 20, there will be another big excursion run from this city to southern At the solicitation of our friends we have taken oer the above works with a view DEPUTIES TO THE CONUTY OFFICIALS ARE RE-APPOINTED Worms the Causa of Your Child's Pains. Louisiana under the charge of A.k?, ()f expanding the business II. Bowdish, the land man. in party will probably leave over the .j. Burlington lor Kansas City and from there go ' direct to Kent- wood. Louisiana, and later to New Orelans, where a few days will be spent taking in the sights of that interesting and historical city of the south. There art quite a number, from this city and locality who will take ad H ' Miles Medical Co., cernlngr my case, and in reply I received a. very kind and instructive letter, which I handed to my family doctor, and he told me to use your Remedies In connection with the medicine he save me, so I did. I used five bottles of Ir. Miles Heart Remedy and seven bottles of Dr. Miles Nervine. I was confined to the house for about four months. The action of my heart Is now, and has been normal for the last six months. I can truly recommend Err. Miles' Nervine and Heart Remedy to do what they are intended for. If used according to directions. I thank ycu kindly for your advice in answer to xny monthly reports. I am now sixty seven years of ase, have been In th mercantile business for thirty-five years and lived retired for the last thirteen ysars." A. B. HOLLINGER. Lincoln, Penna. Dr. Mn Heart Remedy is sold and guaranteed. by nil druoalsts. im MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. From Friday's lally. ri- a. . mere win ie no clianges in the personnel of the force of clerks and deputies at the court house for the present year at least, as the commissioners, at their session yesterday, confirm ed the appointment of fhe follow ing officials: K. M. Manspeaker, A foul, disagreeable breath, vantage of the opportunity to go dark circles around the eyes, at on this excursion. times feverish, with great thirst; cheeks flushed and then pale, abdomen swollen with sharp, cramping pains, are all indica tions of worms. Don't let your child suffer Kickapoo Worm Killer will give sure relief It kills the worms while its laxa tive effect add greatly to the health of your child by remov ing the dangerous and disagree May Stewart Coming. The advance representative for the distinguished young artiste, May Stewart, is in the city today arranging for her possible ap pearance here soon perhaps Friday evening, January 10. It seems that in changing their route from the south back the northern nart of the country able effects of worms and para- tliev nave Ule lcl, and 17l open sites from the system. Kickapoo Worm Killer as a health produc er should be in every household to be deputy sheriff at a salary of Perfectly safe. Buy a box today. 55 per month; Mike Tritsch, to Price 25c. All druggists or by 1 . 1 1 . t a ue uepuiy county ireasurer at a salary of 81,000 per year, and Miss Gering as clerk in the treasurer's olhce at a salary of $1,000 per year; Miss Gertrude Ueeson was re-appointed as cieiK uy duuge .. j. jjeeson at a salary of 1,000 a year, and Frank J. Libershall as deputy- county clerk at the same salary. County Register of Deeds Snyder recommended to the commission ers the appointment of Miss Florence White as clerk in his office, which was also approved by the board. The county clerk also reported lo me commis sioners that the county treasurer reported on hand at the end of business at his office on Decem ber 31, a balance of $102,860.93. mail. Kickapoo Indian Med. Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. The Best Flour on the Market aw . ikMia FOREST EDSS The Journal for stationery. iWAHOOMILLCCd WAHOO, NEB. FOREST ROSE . .ripuw,... and if enough encouragement is offered for an attraction of this class theater-goers of Platts mouth will have the pleasure of seeing Miss Stewart in one of her favorite roles, Rosalind, in Shakespeare's delightful comedy, 'As You Like. It." Miss Stewart is one of our loremosi legiti mate actresses of the younger class and everywhere she ap pears her engagement is made one of the principal events of the season. She will be supported by a very capable company and the scenery and costumes used in the production will be very magnificent. ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior for coughs and colds. It is pleas ant to take. It contains no opium or other narcotic It al ways cures. For sale by all dealers. along conservative lines. We shall continue to manufacture the patent Gasoline Engine heretofore J made in these works, for the reason that in principle it is the best gasoline engine that we know of; the name -I of this engine will be .J. J" changed, also the name of the concern as per above. -I-J Our aim shall be to em- h ploy only competent men; - these we shall introduce as J fast as the business war- ; l- rants, and may from time to time draw on our Omaha shop for such special help l- as may be required until the J volume of work shall justify - their permanent resilience $ in Plattsmouth. ! into I .J. The foundry and machine -I- shop will be at the service J- and accommodation of the J J community and render any assistance in machinery re- J pairs or equipment that may be wanted. In addi- I tion to our regular work we J will undertake to overhaul J- f and rebuild automobiles, or attend lo repairs pertain- -sr ing to machinery in gen- i i -1 i . : j erai; duiiu special iiiuiuui- ery when required from 4 rl . 1 j customers own jueas auu -I plans, and, in general, fur- 4 nish such service as may be v ! expected from any first- -l- I class machine shop. J. We also act as purr has- J ing agents for any kind of J machinery and supplies, and can furnish same on short notice. . WESTERN MACHINE AND FOUNDRY CO. of Plattsmouth, Neb. r Platts. 'Phone 362. Omaha 'Phone D-5837. & j FROST BITES AND CHAP PED SKIN. For fi-.-t bill. -ii -nr. linT- and : chapp.-d h.-iruN and lips, chillblains, cd--"ies. red and ru-:!i kin. I here i- it It in-r to equal I'ljeklen's Allii'-;' vi!-. Stops III.' pain at one,, and h.-il- quickly. In eery hofu,. ih, should b" a boy hiinly all the time. Ue r.-iiieily f.r all disease-. ilchiilLT eei'in.l. fetter. piles, etc. 2."c. All driiL-ui-ts or by mail. II. !'.. Ihickb-u X Co.. Philadelphia or St. L.i:is. Getting Along Nicely. Mi" Dorothy Dritr. who i a?, the liMMianuel ho-pita! m lout!, I eeo erit from t f - r.iU- -n wlceh ! in di u. nt a fw .jiv a-- for a;-o. n le ;! i-. i - f r!- t a i:'!lm' alo;:' i,ie!y a:,. I . 'V-li'-r lo all .f nt i!''! '-i- 1 lio;:. In- aine !.. le'i.rn n ! r; a w.-ik t f .vo. -! aiert...;.; as ! l.e ho.j i'.i! , in fti. Journal a few !.( a- a- C! ir- mi ho-j-il.,!, wa- an err-r. a -lii- i at I mhi in M-1 hoopilal. Charles WeNIi and wife of Hamburg, b.wa. who for the pa-t few days li:;e beetl hwe jifii;-' at the home of C. A. Wh and wife, departed f,,r U,eir h .: Saturday eenin'. oi.jg on No. J. REX YOUNG, I- Auctioneer, ! Murray. .Wb. - Heady o cry nr- mi!-, and yuaranl'-e t f;i-f i. . ji . Dales can be made at the . l- Hank of Ca-s I'.oinily. in I- Plallsmoiif h. Neb., or l!:.- . Murray State M m!;. Murrav. givi-: mi: a trial. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. . N 1 1 r his city wen u . U- h recjpien! Si!urti of a con'ainiP fofly p.a;nd of beef and a ble'ket of b'. wliieli had J i -en? v l!oir !-IU-la A. J. K. ei!ie'n.:. fj. i-f.i,es lii a f;riM ipmt Hi!!j. eo. -k. S. I f i;;.v U--X f In- !fer. O. Sandin. - I a d ! ! 'I I i f be Velern ary t :-.' lii.inenMy oert nioul h. d.iv or D. V. M.. Kan. i- Cily -e. i- per I in Pl.itt-- I'.alls an--.ered r.i-lif. Plio;,,- 2:.T,. Oiliee ran-, Main. ''-'-". 'r.'.'mr.m. Deaf. Store V. ZUCKER, Manager The opening Day of our Great Pu!)- lie Sale last Saturday, was a grand success, and many bargains were picked up by the careful buyer, but still re- 4- 4- The Journal does job work. I thousands of dollars worth main, and the crowds of people are still coming. We wish to thank the people for their patronage Saturday and in doing so wish to call their at tention to the fact that all goods guaranteed, and should any goods not prove satisfactory, garments do not fit, we will gladly exchangejhem during this sale. fm ZUCEIEK, Mgr.